Resolution 1989-091 APRIL 4, 19a9 RESOWl'ION all - 91 RESOWl'ION 1IWl\RDIm A CERl'IFICATE OF PUBLIC caM2IIENCE l\ND mx:ESSIT'i TO THE Fm'I LISI'ED JJn.CM 'IllAT II1IS FIlED THE APPOOPRIATE PEmlTl'IOO APPLICATIOO ~.ND II1IS cx:MPLIED wrm AIL THE ~ OF ORIlIN1\NCE 86-4 AS lIMENDED. WIlEREl\S. 'Ihe Board or Coonty COmIissicnc>l:'8 or Collier Coonty, en J~T'DJl>rf . 21. 1986. ad~ county Otdi.nanoe 86-4. as llItleI'lded. nlatirq to licensinq an:i regulation or taxicabs an:i lOOtor vehicles ror hinl, an:i WIlEREl\S. the Public vehicle lIdviscty camU.t~, es':ablished by 0Idinanc:e 86-59. met in p.Jblio session on Febxuary 23. 1989 at 9:00 a.m. to review the awlication sul:Initted by JUan A. DeJ'esus D/B/A'l'.D.J. 'l".oo. an:i prcvi.de t......."..,rrlation to the Board of Coonty Ccmnissianers. also I<noWn as the Public Vehicle Board. for the issuance or a certificate or Public eonvenience an:i Necessity; am WIlEREl\S. the Public vehicle lIdvisoty camU.tta8 voted to ~...A.".'1lC1. that the Public vehicle Board awrcve the Bwlication or JUan A. DeJ'esus D/B/A T.D.J. TaXi. N:M. 'llII:;I<I:;I'Ul<E, BE rr RESOINED B'l THE 001\RIl OFaxJNI"{ CX>>lISSIOOEI1S OF COlLIER axJNI"{. FI!lRIIY\. that a certificate or Public convenience am Necessity be awarded to the rim listed. below for the categoty indicated: TaXi certificate JUan A. DeJ'esus D/B/A T.D.J. TaXi 2196 Jerrerson Ave. Naples, Florida 33962 'lbie ResclutiCl'l ~ after mtiCl'l, secord, an:i roll call vote as folla.'!! : CDmdssicner Goodnight Aye Camlissicner Has s e Aye Camlissicner Shanahan Aye Camlissicner Volpe Aye . ,,'," "..., :'\ 1 \ ,~ Camlissioner Saunders Aye ,. " " "", . '.. i, 001\RIl OFaxJNI"{cnrossIOOEI1S COTr~~:FI!lRIIY\" , ~,',:"',;, ';~,. ", "",. .' ,I",,' -J.- ' ,., ...... L. Baund8r8, Olaitman , ' ,DM'E: April 4, ,1.989 (".ATIEST: -':\ ~ J1'I""8 C. Giles, C!erlt ~'., ~ ~ ' A . - J'-~ ~"~:t: <; -, . 't.., ~ rl,"; \ lIpprOVed as to fom am le:.Jal suUiciency: ~D-~ ,~~ {'A., B. Olyler 1\ I:J. Collier Coonty AttorneY .' ", ~~' , f 'I .~l: .t9~rXd.-,I1. .3 __,"~".~_,,,"_",~'"___W."_...,.k.""W'" ~ ..a j:. , ;: