Resolution 1995-109 8 A 2 RESOLUTION 95 - 109 A RESOLUTION ESTABLISHING THE CITIZENS ADVISORY COMMITTEE TO THE COLLIER COUNTY PLANNING COMMISSION FOR THE PURPOSE OF PROVIDING PUBLIC PARTICIPATION IN THE PREPARATION OF THE EVALUATION AND APPRAISAL REPORT OF THE COLLIER COUNTY GROWTH I!AllAGEMENT PLAN, THE GOLDEN GATE MASTER PLAN, THE IMMOKALEE MASTER PLAN, AND REQUIRED MAPS; PROVIDING FOR COMPOSITION; PROVIDING FOR APPOINTMENT OF MEMBERS; PROVIDING FOR TERMS OF OFFICE; PROVIDING FOR REMOVAL FROM OFFICE AND FAILURE TO ATTEND MEETINGS; PROVIDING FOR ELECTION OF OFFICERS; PROVIDING FOR QUORUM AND REIMBURSEMENT OF EXPENSES; PROVIDING FOR LOCATION OF MEETINGS; PROVIDING FOR FUNCTIONS, POWERS AND DUTIES OF THE COMMITrEE. WHEREAS, Chapter 163.3191, F.S., requires that local planning agencies and governments, as part of its continuous and ongoing comprehensive planning process, shall periodically prepare an Evaluation and Appraisal Report, which ~ha11 be sent to the local governing body and to the state land planning agency, as the principal process for updating local, adopted comprehensive plans to reflect changes in local conditions and state policy on planning and growth management; and WHEREAS, Chapter 9J-33, F.A.C., has established the scheduled date of January 1, 1996, for submission of Collier County's Evaluation and Appraisal Report to the Department of community Affairs, pursuant to Section 163.3191, F.S.; and WHEREAS, the Board of County Commissioners has designated the Collier County Planning Commission as the local planning agency, pursuant to Chapter 163.3174, F.S., to conduct the evaluation and appraisal process of the Growth Management Plan and to prepare recommendations regarding the adoption of an Evaluation and Appraisal Report prior to the scheduled submittal date; and WHEREAS, the Local Government Comprehensive Planning and Land Development Regulation Act of 1985 provides for public participation in the comprehensive planninq process to the fullest extent possible; and Chapter 9J-5, F.A.C., the Minimum criteria for Review of Local Government Comprehensive Plans requires that the local planning agency adopt procedures to provide for and encourage public - 1 - 8 A 2 ~ participation in the planning process, including consideration of amendments to the comprehensive plan and evaluation and appraisal reports; and WHEREAS, Collier County adopted by Resolution (No. 86-139) procedures to provide effective public participation in the comprehensive planning process and to provide real property owners with notice of all official actions which will regulate the use of their property, pursuant to Chapter 9J-5, F.A.C. NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED BY THE BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF COLLIER COUNTY, FLORIDA THAT: SECTION ONE: Creation of an ad hoc citi~ens Advisorv Committee To The Collier County Plannlnfl Commission For The Evaluation and ADcraisal Recort Of The Collier County Growth Manaaement Plan. Th~ Golden Gate Master Plan. The Immokalee Master Plan. And Recuired Mansi Jurisdiction. In order to obtain participation by the public and encourage public comment, the Board of County commissioners hereby establishes and creates an ad hoc committee, The Citizens Advisory Committee To The Collier County Planning commission For The Evaluation and Appraisal Of The Collier County Growth Management Plan, The Golden Gate Master Plan, The Immokalee Master Plan, and Required Maps, (hereinafter referred to as the Citizens Advisory Committee). The citizens Advisory Committee shall have jurisdiction for the unincorporated area of Collier County, Florida. SECTION TWO: ComDosition Of The citizens Advisorv Committee. Members of the citizens Advisory Committee shall be permanent residents and electors of Collier County. Consideration shall be given to those persons who have shown an interest in public affairs. In establishing membership on the citizens Advisory Committee, representation of the full spectrum of the citizenship of Collier County shall be sought as well as balanced geographic representation. The citizens Advisory Committee shall consist of twenty-five (25) members. The composition of the Citizens Advisory committee shall be representative of various community interests to - 2 - 8 A 2 include individuals from the Business/Development Community; the Agricultural Community; the Environmental Groups; the Civic Groups; and the community at large. SECTION THREE: ADDointments. Terms of ottice. Failure To Attend Melltinas. Appointments to the citizens Advisory Committee shall be made by the Board of County commissioners based upon recommendation from the Collier County Planning commission, and in accordance with the policy and guidelines set forth in Resolution No. 94-136 regarding the recommendation process for membership on advisory committees. The formation of the citizens Advisory Committee will be publicized and prospective members sought through newspaper advertisement. The Chief of Growth Management shall submit to the Collier County Planning Commission names of those persons who have stated an interest in serving on the Committee. The Collier County Planning commission shall present a list of those interested persons and their recommendation of proposed members to serve on the Committee to the Board of County commissioners for approval. In addition to the members recommended by the Collier County Planning commission, the Board of County commissioners shall also appoint one (1) representative from each of the five (5) Commission Districts. Th. terms of office for members of the Citizens Advisory Committee shall be from March 1, 1995 and will expire upon the final adoption of the Evaluation and Appraisal Report, or not to exceed December 31, 1995. If any member of the citizens Advisory Committee is absent from two (2) or more meetings without a satisfactory excuse, that member's position shall be declared vacant. In such case, or in the event a vacancy occurs for any reason, such vacancy shall be filled by the Board of County commissioners in accordance with the procedures set forth above. SECTION FOUR: Officers: Ouorum: Comnensation. The officers of the citizens Advisory Committee shall be elected by the membership of the citizens Advisory Committe. and shall include a Chairman, vice-Chairman and Secretary. The presence - 3 - 8 A 2 of thirteen (13) or more members shall constitute a quorum. The citizens Advisory Committee shall, by majority vote of the entire membership, adopt rules of procedure for the transaction of businsss and shall keep a record of meetings, findings and determinations. The members of the citizens Advisory Committee shall serve without compensation, but may be reimbursed for such travel, mileage and/or per diem expenses as may receive prior authorization by the Board of County commissioners. SECTION FIVE: Location ot Meetinas. All meetings of the Citizens Advisory committee shall be public meetings. Meetings shall be held at the Collier County Government Center, Naples, Florida, unless another location is deemed appropriate by the Chairman of the citizens Advisory Committee, or his designee, and public notice is provided as to the location and time of the meetings. SECTION SIX: Functions. Powers And Duties Of The citizens Advisorv Committee. The functions, powers and duties of the citizens Advisory Committee shall be to provide public participation and community input in the development and preparation of the Evaluation and Appraisal Report of the Collier County Growth Management Plan, the Golden Gate Master Plan, the Immoka1ee Master Plan, and required Maps. The Committee shall assist staff in the identification of issues and problems and provide assistance in policy formulation through public workshops to receive citizen input. The Chief ot Growth Management, or his designee, shall act as staff liaison to the Committee. The Committee shall act as an advisory board to the Collier County Planning commission and review draft work elements and make recommendations during the preparation of the Report as "',.. r,~~i"i~:f. necessary. The Citizens Advisory Committee may organize and create subcommittees for elements or subelements of the Growth Management ", Plan as deemed necessari!;' The Collier County Planning Commission shall approve the creation of any SUbcommittee. - 4 - , " ~ "l'~"".""";':"~' 8 A 2 ~ This Resolution adopted after motion, second and majority vote. .," "" ./~">"~i'i;L:::~::<' .. . .').TTEST:.,:' /'" . ONERS :" .'DWIGHT:.E~. BROCK, CLERK . ,'."- " ,'. *~~,.;\n.,.;~ . _ : "'.By'.;::~~ '?'/1~' a. fl. .~:~;:i-.L:' ::'~~.:;~.:. -', .: .....,;,';..::,,',t?~ ' .," APPRO~.J;l..;AS"TO FORM AND LEGAL SUFFICIENCY: ~&IE' M?';}iu~~ b~ ASSISTANT COUNTY ATTORNEY - 5 -