CESM Minutes 01/04/2008 January 4, 2008 MINUTES OF THE HEARING OF THE COLLIER COUNTY SPECIAL MAGISTRATE Naples, Florida, January 4, 2008 LET IT BE REMEMBERED that the Collier County Special Magistrate, in and for the County of Collier having conducted business herein, met on this date at 9:00 AM in REGULAR SESSION in Building "F," 3rd floor, of the Government Complex, Naples, Florida, and the following persons were present: SPECIAL MAGISTRATE: Honorable Brenda Garretson Sue Chapin, Secretary to the Special Magistrate STAFF PRESENT: Gary Dantini, Code Enforcement Supervisor Carol Sykora, Code Enforcement Supervisor Bendisa Marku, Code Enforcement Operations Coordinator COLLIER COUNTY FLORIDA REQUEST FOR LEGAL ADVERTISING OF PUBLIC HEARINGS (i) To: Clerk to the Board: Plea.. place the following as a: l8:I Normal legal Advertisement (Display Adv., location, etc.) o Other: ...-..........-........*......-..................................-.-.............-.....-*................. Originatiog Dept/ Div: Code Enforcement/CDES Person: Travis Snoderly Date: 12/28/07 Petition No. (Ifnone, give brief description): Petitioner: (Name & Address): Name & Address ofany person(s) to be notified by Clerk's Office: (If more space is needed, attach separate sheet) Hearing before BCC BZA Other Requested Hearing date: (Based on advertisement appearing 10 days before hearing. Newspaper(s) to be used: (Complete only if important): l8:I Naples Daily News o Other o Legally Required Proposed Text: (Include legal description & common location & Size: Companion petition(s), ifany & proposed hearing date: Does Petition Fee include advertising cost? l8:I Ves 0 No IfVes, what account should be charged for advertising costs: II J 138911649100 led bY&-- cJ-.. lvision Administrator or Designee 1.2..2,f'. D7 Date List Attachments: DISTRIBUTION INSTRUCTIONS A. For hearings before BCC or BZA: Initiating person to complete one coy and obtain Division Head approval before submitting to County Manager. Note: If legal document is involved, be sure that any necessary legal review, or reqoest for same, is snbmitted to Connty Attorney before submitting to County Manager. The Manager's office will distribute copies: o County Manager agenda file: to Clerk's Offiee o Requesting Division o Original B. Other hearings: Initiating Division head to approve and submit original to Clerk's Office, retaining a copy for file. ..............._.*....__.._..*.__.........................w........_.........._........_...............*_._ FOR CLERK'S OFFICE USE,~1~~:/{';7 Date Received: ~ Date of Public hearing: Date Advertised: I 1"/0'& I ,,~I tJ"6 I I I /:iJ!o'i 1/2-7/01, Request for legal advertisment Page I of I Patricia L. Morgan From: GarciaShirley [ShirleyGarcia@colliergov.net] Sent: Friday, December 28,20079:02 AM To: Patricia L. Morgan Cc: TriminoEvelyn; SnoderiyTravis Subject: Request for legal advertisment Importance: High Attachments: Request for legal advertisment.doc; 2005-44 Annual Public Notice.doc <<Request for legal advertisment.doc>> <<2005-44 Annual Public Notice.doc>> Trish: this will have to run for 4 Sundays beginning on January 6, 2008. Thank you for all your assistance. Happy New Year. Shirley 12/28/2007 re: Legal Advertisement ammended* Page I of I Patricia L. Morgan From: GarciaShirley [ShirieyGarcia@colliergov.net] Sent: Friday, December 28,200710:56 AM To: Patricia L. Morgan Subject: re: Legal Advertisement ammended' Importance: High Attachments: yearly advertisement.pdf <<yearly advertisement.pdf>> Here are the changes and Michelle's signature with the GL Account. Thank you for all your assistance. Shirley 12/28/2007 December 28, 2007 Attn: Legals Naples Daily News 1075 Central Avenue Naples, Florida 34102 Re: The Collier County Code Enforcement Annual Public Notice . Dear Legals: Please advertise the above referenced notice on the following dates: Sunday, January 6t\ January 13t\ January 20t\ and January 27t\ 2008, kindly send the Affidavit of Publication, in duplicate, together with charges involved, to this office. Thank you. Sincerely, Martha Vergara, Deputy Clerk P.O.lAccount # 111-138911-649100 A PUBLIC NOTICE FROM THE CODE ENFORCEMENT DEPARTMENT OF COLLIER COUNTY, FLORIDA NOTICE ABOUT WEEDS OR GRASSES OVER 18 INCHES IN HEIGHT ORDINANCE 2005-44 Section Eleven requires that all owners of developed and undeveloped lots shall control all excessive growth of grasses or weeds over 18 inches by mowing. All lots with such vegetation over 18 inches in height will be identified by a Code Enforcement Investigator and a Notice of Violation and Order to Correct may, at the County's option be mailed to the property owner(s) or posted on the lot. If posted, a copy of this notice will also be posted at the Collier County Courthouse at 3301 Tamiami Trail E, Naples, FL or the lmmokalee Courthouse at 106 1st Street S, Immokalee, FL, as applicable. A posted notice may, at the option of the County, be used in lieu of mailing individual letters to property owners. After ten (10) days from the date of posting or mailing, if no action is taken, the County will abate the violation by contracting for the lot to be mowed by a mowing contractor. A bill will then be sent to the lot's owner of record for the mowing fees plus an administrative fee of $100.00. Additional charges can be assessed for oversized lots or extremely overgrown lots. Repeat violators may be subject to additional fees or charges, or after three violations may be included in a mandatory lot mowing program instituted by the County. The owner must remit payment for the amounts billed within twenty (20) days from the mailing of the County's invoice. If the invoiced bill is not paid within this twenty-day period a Determination Order assessing a lien will be imposed by the Special Magistrate. If certified and recorded, this order may constitute a lien on ALL of the violator's real and personal property in Collier County. This lien may be paid without further costs within twenty (20) days from the date of determination by the Special Magistrate for Collier County. If the lien remains unpaid after one (1) year from the date of the recording of the lien, Collier County may bring suit to foreclose the lien as set for in Chapter 173, Florida Statutes. All property owners are requested to make arrangements for the proper maintenance of their land as the practice of sending mailed Notices of Violation to owners, in particular absentee owners, will be at the option of the County. The cooperation of all affected property owners will assist in reducing the large number of complaints about such nuisances received each year by the Code Enforcement Department. Compliance with this requirement will also help to control vermin and improve the appearance of the affected areas of the unincorporated County. Any questions regarding these procedures can be addressed to the Code Enforcement Department. Phone number (239) 252-2440; located at 2800 North Horseshoe Drive, Naples, FL Martha S. Vergara From; Sent: To: Subject: postmaster@collierclerk.com Friday, December 28, 2007 3:57 PM Martha S. Vergara Delivery Status Nolification (Relay) Attachments: A TT 434268.txt; Code Enforcement Annual Public Notice D- i ,~:c ,.~ B ATT434268.txt (231 B) Code Enforcement Annual Public... This is an automatically generated Delivery Status Notification. Your message has been successfully relayed to the following recipients, but the requested delivery status notifications may not be generated by the destination. legals@naplesnews.com 1 Martha S. Vergara From: Perrell, Pam [PPerreli@Naplesnews.com] Sent: Friday, December 28, 2007 4:44 PM To: Martha S. Vergara Subject: RE: Code Enforcement Annual Public Notice OK From: Martha 5. Vergara [mailto:Martha.Vergara@coliiercierk.com] Posted At: Friday, December 28, 2007 3:57 PM Posted To: Legals - NON Conversation: Code Enforcement Annual Public Notice Subject: Code Enforcement Annual Public Notice Pam, Here is an ad for you.. Thanks, Martha Vergara Deputy Clerk II - BMR 252-7240 12/28/2007 Page] of] 01/30/2008 21:45 2392534854 NAF1...ESDAILY PAGE 02108 Naples Daily News Naples, FL 34102 Af:idavit of P'..1blication N~pl~s D~ily N.ws -~-~-------~----------------------------------.---~---.---- SOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS CH:;:RI LEl'AAA 1'0 BOX 413016 NAPLES FL 34101-3016 REFERENCE, 001:30 59463795 H113B9U649100 A PUBLIC NOTICE FROM State of Florida County of Collie~ Before the unde~Gi9ne~ authority, personally appeared 2. Lamb, who on oath says that she serves as ~sistant co~orate Secretary of the Naples Daily News, a da11y newspaper publiehed at Naples, in Collier county, Floriaa: that the atta~hed eopy of advertiei~g wae published in said newspaper on dates listed. Affiant further Gays th~t the said Naple5 Daily New~ is a newspaper ~ublished at Naplesj in said Collier County, ilorlda, ~nd that the said news~aper has heretofo~e been continuously publ~shed in said Collier CouneYI Florida, each day and has been entered as $eeond cla8S mail matter at the post office in Naples, in said Collier couney, Florida, for a period of 1 yea~ next preceding the first publication of the attaehed copy of adve~tisement; and affiant further say! that she has neieher paid nor promised any person, firm Dr eorporation any aisco"\':'nt, re:bate, commlsliion or refund for' the purpose of securing this advertisement for publication in the said newspaper. PUB~!SHED ON, 01/06 01/06 01/13 01/13 01/~0 01/20 01/27 01/27 134,000 INCH I 01/28/08 - __ _u __ _. - - - U _.. u__ - - - _._ - - - n_ ',_up _ __._ _ __n+_ _, _n_ Signature of Affis.nt 4. ,L./'\ AD SPACE, FILBD ON, 0118 1IlI111IAIICU 0110 0I\tlIlIAICIS oI/llI PEITIIlIIS AlUI PmI1I11S I. P1JBUC NOTICE mOM THE COOE [r.rFORCEMerr OEPARTMENTO' COLlI~ (::outln. flORID/iI NOJtCE "",ouT wEf.I)S OR GRASSES OVER 18 INCHES IN H!:IGtfl' OIllDINANCE 2005"" Smctlon E1n" en fRqulrtr. mitt all oWf'l!" Of devel~ 11M ~ ...eloped lot!! shaH con\rcl .all I~l~ growth Of gr.usI!S OJ weedS I)...er )8 Il'tehe!r. ~y moli./lng, ~ lots witt! sul:h vtpta.tlClfl om 18 Inches In helll'" will be! Idllnttfll!d !:IYl a Cod. &Mot'QrTlftnt IrI\It!It~4' tor ",,,d ~ Notlc. (1 YloIation and Drder 10 ColTCct m.3.Y. !.t tt1e County'S option b~ l'\'IaIlRd to 1M prOp- erty CMtMI"(s) Qf' Dofteti on the lot. If DOStki a 1:0OY of ~l'1Is tl~lc~ WWI al:o(l De OO$ted at h COI~or Count)' Courth<lUlil! at mt Tamli1l11l Trail!, "'lIpl!!$. l"L Or tI'K! Imrriokalee C(LIrthQl.de at 11l1O 15t st.-flct s.. Immok:alee. FL.ASIlpIJllcable. A postil:d notk:t may, ."t thr option of the CelJnty. Ile u5fll In IIIU of mnlllng Indl"'ldu81 ~ to "rop.: el'ty owtwrs, ....fter mn no) aal~ rrem tltP. dm Of !,ostlng or mailing. If no :l.ctlon I taMn, ~ County .,IU ;ti<lto t/UI 'v1Qluton In' oont/1ll:llrtll tor tfle lot to 1HI mcwt4 tly il mawlnt l:Llntr:lctOl', A 1)11 will t/W:!tI IN! !lEnt to tile IQt'$ owner of rfCOl'd for tflc mowl1'lll f~lI DIl.S lilf1 admll"llstTltlYfl fee Of $lOO.oo, "(Idrtlo~ ctwlQS can De &5stSleCl 10r OVll!rilVllQ lots 01' ertrtml! V OVmlrowrl 1ol1i, Hepeet ....lollUOl"3 . may 1M SUb!1 to ac;Jdltlonal fees or chiIrOtr.. or- a:ft~r th~_ 0 llI:lor'll mIJ", bel Included In a mt&l'lda. tory lot mow ng I'I'DQI1lI1I Instituted by the COunty, the" CWI"IeI' must ~It payment 10r thti amout;ls bl1ed WJl~ITl twtrltY (20) dar,s frQtTl the. m~lllntl ~f the COIlnty's In'o'Olce, . ttte nvQteecl bill II not P<Yd within tn!J; twf!n'ty-day period i\ Detenn)MI\t!on Or- der ~sesllnG :s. I~ will b@ Imposed by th~ Special ~I.tr..te, If C:lIlrttn~ and ~Mdeil. tI'lls o~dtr may ~!'I!ItlM. :l. lien on AU of the ll'lQjator'5 real atld pIlIl'$Onal pro:L:!lm' lit coin... COlln~, Thill I~ maar :: .,~ Wltl'l~ ~~Fr d=I~~ ::I~ SpKkLI Uatl'IItn.te tar coJller Courmt. If the tlen reo maIns unpaid il.ft~ one I1l Y4lilr 'fi'orn Ute date of tN! rac<lfdlni of the lien. Collier County.ma'l bring $tilt to for<<: olf tM Ilan iW ~ fOr- t", cnn;fer 173. Florida S~IUt!s,' "" ,lJI propt!rty. owner:s are r~l,le5t411:1 to nmko .;l,,.. t'!ngements "far th.fl proptr maIntenance of thtir 1~1l as tI'IC! priCtl~ of stndll'\Q mallfd NotlM (If Vlolatlon to OWMr5,. In pnf'tlIi:l.1\ir sbHfl~ own.r.. Will lJa .u the option af the C&unty. ~ cooptra. tll)n of i:l.ll artKtQd ~ft~ 0WMl'1i 'fII111 asslit ll"l teduclnlll ~e \1U9t' "umtlll!lr .ot oo~lalnts abOUt #uchnutNnC1!5 ",<<'\lad 4IIj&c:n )'hr by !;tie Cod~ En" 1'O'rcement Deaartntfl'lt, comllHante wtth tI'lls reo quil'lment will ~ISO helll to control "'lTI"lln and 1m- prl)ll'e tflt .~p~llrtl.!\eC of tn~ ,dfec:t.a &l"I!!as of trle unlncl?O'orated COUI'It)', ~~:S~~~li t'i:'~: ~~~,~\(lU=~e~ PMne number (239) 252-zoUl); loeatad at 2IlXI North ' IiOl'!'leshOQDrllJoll. N~le!I,fL' " : JaI'llllll)'6,13, 2<1.11 No, 16$2U::': Sworn to and Subscribed before 20rC\' ...., '" Personally known by me me this .3..~" day of --\P.Y) \~ lCl..\ Crt/M.O,". '..) ,- N~,.ilt:~ii;' JUOY JANES hi !') Co'~rlli..ion DD 675029 'ij> , El(pIl9S May 16,2011 ....:.~.., ~n.f'T"'I"_'_""IIlI!llOO-."''J-1Il!t ---.....",.., RECEIVED JAM 3 1 2008 FINANCE Th.Th, NAPLES DAILY NEWS Published Dmh Naples. FL 3.\ I 02 Sworn to and subscribed before me This 2ih. l)ay'Ofhnuary2om< 011t.t;Tr~ 011L"I~~:S "P~_C5._'HE_ ~FOIICIMINT OEPARTMENT OF COl.l,IEll CIOUNTY, FlORJOA NOTICE ,ABOUT ,WEEDS OR GRASSI!S oVER 18 INCHES IN HEIGHT ORDlNAH9E=. _. "ev. en ~lreJ that all owners or ,!d anduode- veloped lOts shan. control all e:.cc:ess grOwth' of p:~or -:"'5~=~~It.'l win bl!' I~d a Code En1orc~nt (nvestige- ::~~'~:;.onty;,v~......trr.~= erty' owntr<s) or posted on the lot. ,tt' POsted a copy QU1'illnotlce will alsO be DOSted ,at the Collier Cor.dY COUtthouse at DOl. Tamlaml Tr'atI, E. Naples, FLQr the 'Jmmo~ee: Courthouse at It)61stStreet S. InmIOkafee. n"uappUcable. " A patted notice may .t the ODtIono1' the COunty. btl, ~, kl ..Heu of malll". g Indlvfdual Iett8rs to prop. !'.!JI.,~ Aller.teI> (Ill) dav, ""'" lf1e _ of ~:3:~~'a:o~Qb~=~?o~c~ng be mowectbya mowlna comr.ctor.'" bUt wUl then be sent l1> Ille Jot's 0"'"''' .of record for the mowln. fees.. pJqs en admlnlstl'atlve fee of $laQ.OO: Addl_. c:h...... .... be _. for ove_d ,~ or .........,. ov""""'"" Iills; _et vlotetors !IllY be "Ject to additional' feel or ctw'ges. or a1ter1tveevlolatlons may be Included Ina Manda. toiyloUnoYilng program Irt5tltuted by the County, The 0_ must remk~' for the .amounts billed wlIf1In _ (~)., 1f1", meillllll of thO Co_.. ""'01". W'he bIltls not pold wJthln thll twenty.dayPlH1od'.' ~Inatlon or. ; d,,, ......In. e IIfn Will be I,""","". by the Spec;lal Maglstrlte.' r1' certified and recorded. thIS order may aonst\t:ute a "'" on ALL, of the violator'S real end _, ........ In CoIllar COu"",. Thls llen may be Pl,1d 'Wtthcutfurther~"wtthln twentY (10) da~' ~rt1 ttIe date of ' 'ln81:Jon bYthf' Sp<clal _ strete e I to r COllier ~ '. lit. the 1181\ ro- n\a!n,uno.ildaflerO/le(ll.e"," the_of the _rilln. of lf1e nen. ~olllar ..... bring $ult to fOreclose the lien as set fOi' " hapter l7:J, Florida Statutes. , ~t&-w~~~mgre~; Vlola'ro. It> ,.....~.~ '!fl1!!-'i"lJ=.~ .;.:~~. ,,~~ f~~~~~lrlS~~ ;qlllre~.. Wilt ~ help to c:<intrOl.;~ln Md 1m. ~;:II~:~.\ht ~_Irt,u of lf1e ~~~' ~~"FLi ;.'. . .,1 No, 1652933 . Affidavit of Publication State of Florida County of Collier Before the undersigned they serve as the authority, personally appeared !L1amb. who on oath says that they serve as the ASSIstant Corporate Secretary of the Naples Daily. a daily newspaper published at Naples. in Collier County, Florida: distributed in Collier and Lee counties of Florida; that the attached copy of the ad\'ertising. being a PUBLIC NOTICE 111 the matter of PUBLIC NOTICE was published in said newspaper 4 times in the issue On January c,"'. 13"'.20'". 2th200S Affiant ruther sa:"s that Ill.: said :-.Japles Daily News is a newspaper l'ublish.:d at ~aples. in collier county, Florida and that the said newspaper has hereto for.: bcen continuously published in said Collier Countv, Florida; distributed in Collier and Lee counties of Florida, each dav and has been entered as seclmd class mail matter at the post oHice i~ '\iapks. in said Collier County, Florida, for a period of I year nc:\'1 preceding the first publication of Ihe atta.:hed copy of advertisement and alliant lurthcr says that he has neither paid nor promiscd <lnv person. lirm or corporation any discount, rebate commission or refund for the purpose ofsceuring this advertisement for p"h!;,,";on;n ':g;d n~ (Signat;;;;; of aman!) ~.- - ,"jCV'I\Q <:\_ Iry public) .f:fF'J;~.~..,_ JUDY JANES ~ Commission DO 675029 ~~)i:o;7p\P~f Expires May 16, 2011 ance 36$-701S FEl 5~-257S327 HEARING OF THE COLLIER COUNTY SPECIAL MAGISTRATE AGENDA Date: Jannary 4, 2008 at 9:00 A.M. Location: 3301 E. Tamiami Trail, Naples, Florida, Collier County Government Center Administrative Building "F", 3rd Floor NOTE: ANY PERSON WHO DECIDES TO APPEAL A DECISION OF THE SPECIAL MAGISTRATE WILL NEED A RECORD OF THE PROCEEDINGS PERTAINING THERETO, AND THEREFORE MAY NEED TO ENSURE THAT A VERBATIM RECORD OF THE PROCEEDINGS IS MADE, WHICH RECORD INCLUDES THE TESTIMONY AND EVIDENCE UPON WHICH THE APPEAL IS TO BE BASED. NEITHER COLLIER COUNTY NOR THE SPECIAL MAGISTRATE SHALL BE RESPONSIBLE FOR PROVIDING THIS RECORD. I. CALL TO ORDER - Special Magistrate Brenda Garretson presiding A. Hearing rules and regulations II. APPROVAL OF AGENDA III. APPROVAL OF MINUTES - December 7, 2007 IV. MOTIONS A. Motion for Continuance V. PUBLIC HEARINGS A. Stipulations B. Hearings l. CASE NO: OWNER: OFFICER: VIOLATIONS: 2007080054 JOSE LUIS JAIMES & MARTINA JAIMES INV. CAROL SYKORA ORD. 04-58, SEC. 7 RENTAL REGISTRATION VIOLATION ADDRESS: 588 HOPE CIR 2. CASE NO: OWNER: OFFICER: VIOLATIONS: 2006081160 NOE GARCIA & ENEDINA LOPEZ INV. MICHELLE SCAVONE ORD. 04-41 AS AMENDED, SECS. 10.02.06(B)(I)(A), 10.02.06(B)(I)(D), 1O.02.06(B)(I)(D)(1) OF THE COLLIER COUNTY LAND DEVELOPMENT CODE, AND THE FLORIDA BUILDING CODE 2004 EDIT10N, SEC. 106. 1.2 BUILDING PERMITS VIOLA TION ADDRESS: 661 3RD ST NW 3. CASE NO: OWNER: OFFICER: VIOLATIONS: 2007100032 JASON BOTTIGLIA lNV. MARIO BONO FLORIDA BUILDING CODE 2004 EDIT10N, SECS. 424.2.17.1 TO 424.2.17.14, AND ARTICLE VI, PROPERTY MAlNTENANCE CODE, SEe. 22.228, PARAGRAPH 15 OF THE COLLER COUNTY CODE OF LAWS AND ORDINANCES UNSECURED POOL SCREEN AND POOL MAINTENANCE VIOLATION ADDRESS: 102 CEDAR CREST CT 4. CASE NO: OWNER: OFFICER: VIOLATIONS: 2007080854 JULIA E, PERKINS & GABRIEL JUAN MEJIA MEDINA INV. CRISTINA PEREZ ORD. 04-41 AS AMENDED, SECS. I 0.02.06(B)( I )(A), I 0.02.06(B)( 1 )(E), I 0.02.06(B)(1 )(E)(1) OF THE COLLIER COUNTY LAND DEVELOPMENT CODE, COLLIER COUNTY CODE OF LA WS AND ORDINANCES, SECTION 22, ARTICLE II, SUBSECS. & 106.1.2, FLORIDA BUILDING CODE 2004 EDITION SEC. 105.1 UNPERMITTED SHED-TYPE STRUCTURE ON ESTATES-ZONED PARCEL. VIOLA TION ADDRESS: 3945 27TH AVE NE (SHED) 5. CASE NO: OWNER: OFFICER: VIOLATIONS: 2006120105 ALBERT REX & ULLA M. REX INV. CHRISTOPHER AMBACH ORD. 04-41 AS AMENDED SEC. I 0.02.06(B)( I )(A), 1 0.02.06(B)( I )(D) & 10.02.06(B)(I)(D)(I); COLLIER COUNTY LAND DEVELOPMENT CODE, SECTION 22, ARTICLE II, SUBSECTIONS & 106.1.2; FLORIDA BUILDING CODE 2004 EDITION SECS. 105.1 & 105.7 BUILDING PERMITS VIOLATION ADDRESS: 40 ISLAND LAKE LN 6. CASE NO: OWNER: OFFICER: VIOLATIONS: 2007090519 PEDRO A. IBARBIA & ISABEL R. IBARB1A INV. STEPHEN ATHEY ORD. 04-41 AS AMENDED, SECS. 2.01.00(B)(3) COMMERCIAL VEHICLES/EQUIPMENT IN RESIDENTIAL DISTRICTS VIOLATION ADDRESS: 696 I 04TH AVE N 2 7 CASE NO: OWNER: OFFICER: VIOLATIONS: 2007040354 DESIGNERS' COLLECTABLES LLC, KEVIN G, COLEMAN, RIA INV. STEPHEN A THEY ORD. 04-4 I AS AMENDED SEe. I 0.02.06(B)( I )(A), I 0.02.06(B)(1 )(E) & 1 0.02.06(B)(1 )(E)(I); COLLIER COUNTY LAND DEVELOPMENT CODE, SECTION 22, ARTICLE II, SUBSECTIONS; FLORIDA BUILDING CODE 2004 EDITION SECS. 105.1 & 105.7 BUILDING PERMITS VIOLA TION ADDRESS: 792 II OTH AVE N 8. CASE NO: OWNER: OFFICER: VIOLA TIONS: 2007 I 00 102 YULA Y EXPOSITO & AIDE EXPOSITO INV. CARMELO GOMEZ ORD. 05-44, SECS. 6 & 7 UNLA WFUL TO LITTER, ACCUMULATION OF LITTER VIOLATION ADDRESS: 503 I 32ND AVE SW 9. CASE NO: OWNER: OFFICER: VIOLATIONS: 2007090337 GEORGE CIRABIS1 & VICKIE LEA CIRAB1SI INV. GLENN KARR ORD. 04-58, SEC. 6, SUB SEe. 15 POOL MAINTENANCE VIOLATION ADDRESS: 1935 EMPRESS CT 10. CASE NO: OWNER: OFFICER: VIOLATIONS: 2007090300 KERRY HYPPOLITE INV. JOHN SANTAFEMIA ORD. 04-58, SEC. 6, SUBSECS. 121 & 12L; ORD. 04-58, SEC. 7, SUBSEC. 2 MINIMUM HOUSING VIOLATION ADDRESS: 2640 SANTA BARBARA BLVD I!. CASE NO: OWNER: OFFICER: VIOLATIONS: 2007070801 MATEO F. AYALA INV. JONATHAN MUSSE ORD. 04-41 AS AMENDED, SECS. 1.04.01,2.02.03 & 2.0I.00(B) RECREATIONAL VEHICLE BEING UTILIZED FOR LIVING/SLEEPING PURPOSES ON RESIDENTIAL-ZONED PROPERTY VIOLATION ADDRESS: 219 N 6TH ST, IMMOKALEE 3 12. CASE NO: OWNER: OFFICER: VIOLATIONS: 2007070644 RODRIGUEZ RENTALS INe. INV. JONATHAN MUSSE ORD. 04-41 AS AMENDED, SECS. IO.02.06(B)(I)(A), 10.02.06(B)(I)(E) & 10.02.06(B)(I)(E)(I) BUILDING PERMITS VIOLATION ADDRESS: 1613 GROSS AVE, IMMOKALEE 13. CASE NO: OWNER: OFFICER: VIOLATIONS: 200707011 9 JULIUS BEMBRY INV. JONATHAN MUSSE ORD. 04-4 I AS AMENDED, SEe. 2.0 I.OO(A) MULTIPLE INOPERABLE/UNTAGGED VEHICLES VIOLATION ADDRESS: 1009 RINGO LN, IMMOKALEE 14. CASE NO: OWNER: OFFICER: VIOLATIONS: 2007060699 HURBERT JEAN BAPTISTE INV. JONATHAN MUSSE ORD. 04-41 AS AMENDED, SECS. 10.02.06(B)(I)(A), IO.02.06(B)(I)(E) & I 0.02.06(B)(1 )(E)(1) FENCE PERMITS VIOLATION ADDRESS: 626 N 10TH ST, IMMOKALEE 15. CASE NO: OWNER: OFFICER: VIOLATIONS: 2007090235 MARK W. MARKISEN & ESTELLA MARKISEN INV. AZURE SORRELS ORD. 04-41 AS AMENDED, SECS. I 0.02.06(B)(1 )(A), 1 0.02.06(B)(1 )(E) & 10.02.06(B)(I)(E)(1), FLORIDA BUILDING CODE 2004 EDITION, SEe. 105.1 BUILDING PERMITS VIOLATION ADDRESS: III SAN SALVADOR ST 16. CASE NO: OWNER: OFFICER: VIOLATIONS: 2007070244 MARY EDWARDS INV. AZURE SORRELS ORD. 04-41 AS AMENDED, SECS. I 0.02.06(B)( I )(A), I 0.02.06(B)(1 )(E) & I 0.02.06(B)(1 )(E)(1) BUILDING PERMITS VIOLATION ADDRESS: 47 MOON BAY ST 17. CASE NO: OWNER: OFFICER: VIOLATIONS: 2007070649 JAMES M. POTEET INV. AZURE SORRELS ORD. 04-41 AS AMENDED, SECS. 10.02.06(B)(I)(A), 10.02.06(B)(I)(E) & I 0.02.06(B)(1 )(E)(1), FLORIDA BUILDING CODE 2004 EDITION, SEC. 105. I BUILDING PERMITS VIOLATION ADDRESS: 71 ISLE OF ST THOMAS 4 18. CASE NO: OWNER: OFFICER: VIOLATIONS: 2007090903 ROBIN OKOLSKI INV. AZURE SORRELS ORD. 04-41 AS AMENDED, SEC. 10.02.06(B)(I)(A), FLORIDA BUILDING CODE 2004 EDITION, SEC. 105.1 BUILDING PERMITS VIOLA TION ADDRESS: 145 CAPRI BLVD 19. CASE NO: OWNER: OFFICER: VIOLATIONS: 2007100314 ANTHONY SIRACUSA INV. THOMAS KEEGAN ORD. 04-41 AS AMENDED, SEe. 2.01.00(A) INOPERABLEIUNTAGGED VEHICLE VIOLATION ADDRESS: 1755 BAY ST 20. CASE NO: OWNER: OFFICER: VIOLATIONS: VIOLATION ADDRESS: 21. CASE NO: OWNER: OFFICER: VIOLATIONS: VIOLA TION ADDRESS: 22. CASE NO: OWNER: OFFICER: VIOLATIONS: 2007110041 JOSE A, ORTEGA INV. THOMAS KEEGAN ORD. 04-41 AS AMENDED, SEC. 2.01.00(A) REPEAT VIOLATION OF INOPERABLE/UNT AGGED VEHICLE 3085 KAREN DR - FOLIO #61840440209 2007110023 JOSE A, ORTEGA INV. THOMAS KEEGAN ORD. 04-41 AS AMENDED, SEC. 2.01.00(A) REPEA T VIOLATION OF INOPERABLE/UNT AGGED VEHICLE 3069 KAREN DR - FOLIO #61840440 I 02 2007080520 GALE V. MCCAIN TR, GALE V, MCCAIN REV TRUST INV. THOMAS KEEGAN ORD. 04-41 AS AMENDED, SEC. 4.05.03(A) VEHICLES PARKED/STORED ON GRASS ON RESIDENTIAL-ZONED PROPERTY. VIOLATION ADDRESS: 22 CONSTITUTION DR 23. CASE NO: OWNER: OFFICER: VIOLATIONS: 2007100819 JILL J. WEAVER INV. THOMAS KEEGAN ORD. 04-41 AS AMENDED, SEe. 2.01.00(A) REPEA T VIOLA TION OF INOPERABLE/UNT AGGED VEHICLE VIOLATION ADDRESS: 4620 ACADIA LN - FOLIO #22624160003 5 24. CASE NO: OWNER: OFFICER: VIOLATIONS: 2007100131 ANN P, MOORE TR, ANN P. MOORE REV LIVING TRUST UTD 12/30/03 INV. THOMAS KEEGAN ORD. 04-41 AS AMENDED, SEC. 4.05.03(A) MULTIPLE VEHICFLES PARKED/STORED ON UNSTABILlZED SURFACE VIOLATION ADDRESS: 2837 VAN BUREN AVE C. Emergency Cases: VI. NEW BUSINESS A. Motion for Imposition of Fines: I. CASE NO: OWNER: OFFICER: VIOLATIONS: VIOLA TION ADDRESS: 2. CASE NO: OWNER: OFFICER: VIOLATIONS: 2007060653 RICHARD CARTER INV. REGGlE SMITH COLLIER COUNTY CODE OF LA WS & ORDINANCES, ARTICLE VI, SEe. 22- 231(15) PRIV A TE POOL MAINTENANCE 196 BRIARCLlFF LN 200505 I 11 8 JILL J. WEAVER & HENRY TESNO INV. THOMAS KEEGAN ORD. 99-51, SEC. 7 LITTER ON PROPERTY VIOLATION ADDRESS: 3203 WOODSIDE AVE 3. CASE NO: OWNER: OFFICER: VIOLATIONS: 2006100087 JILL J, WEAVER INV. THOMAS KEEGAN ORD. 05-44, SEC. II, PARA. WEED OVERGROWTH VIOLATION ADDRESS: 4620 ACADIA LN 6 4. CASE NO: OWNER: OFFICER: VIOLATIONS: 2006110409 CARMEN V ASALLO INV. THOMAS KEEGAN ORD. 05-44, SECS. 6, 7 & 8 ACCUMULATION OF LITTER VIOLA TION ADDRESS: 1013 NEWMARKET RD W, IMMOKALEE 5. CASE NO: OWNER: OFFICER: VIOLA TIONS: 2006100283 GEORGE G, SMITH JR TR, ANITA U. SMITH TR, SMITH TRUST UTD 5/9/07 INV. HEINZ BOX ORD. 05-44, SECS. 6, 7 & 8 ACCUMULATION OF LITTER VIOLATION ADDRESS: 1120 ST CLAIR SHORES RD 6. CASE NO: OWNER: OFFICER: VIOLA TIONS: 2006040453 RUSSELL J. LEEHAUG TR, LEEHAUG FAMILY TR INV. HEINZ BOX ORD. 04-58 SEC. 7(2) FAILURE TO REGlSTER RENTAL PROPERTY VIOLATION ADDRESS: 4221 GULFSTREAM DR 7. CASE NO: OWNER: OFFICER: VIOLA TIONS: 2004090245 CYNTHIA JEAN GUY INV. JOHN SANTAFEMIA ORD. 04-42, SECS. I 0.02.06(B)( I )(A) & I 0.02.06(B)( I )(D)(1) GARAGE BUILT ON PROPERTY WITHOUT PERMIT VIOLA TION ADDRESS: 3037 55TH TER SW 8. CASE NO: OWNER: OFFICER: VIOLATIONS: 2007030266 RICARDO MONTPELLER ACOSTA INV. RENALD PAUL ORD. 04-41 SEC. 5.03.02A(3) DAMAGED FENCE ON PREMISES VIOLATION ADDRESS: 1875 5 I ST ST SW 9. CASE NO: OWNER: OFFICER: VIOLATIONS: 2007030265 RICARDO MONTPELLER ACOSTA INV. RENALD PAUL ORD. 03-14 SEC. 7 SUBSEC. 2 F AILING TO AFFlX NUMBERS TO A RESIDENCE THAT CAN BE SEEN FROM THE STREET VIOLA TION ADDRESS: 1875 51 ST ST SW 7 VII. OLD BUSINESS VIII. CONSENT AGENDA IX, REPORTS A Public Forum will be held on January 31, 2008 at 9:00 A.M. located at the BCC Chambers, 3301 E. Tamiami Trail. X, NEXT MEETING DATE: January 18,2008 at 9:00 A,M. located at the BCC Chambers, 3301 E. Tamiami Trail. XI. ADJOURN 8 January 4, 2008 I. CALL TO ORDER The Meeting was called to order by the Honorable Special Magistrate Brenda Garretson at 9:00 AM. All those testifying at the proceeding did so under oath. A. Hearing Rules and Regulations were given by Special Magistrate Garretson. Special Magistrate Garretson noted that, prior to conducting the Hearing, the Respondents were given an opportunity to speak with their Investigating Officer for a Resolution by Stipulation; looking for compliance without being punitive. RECESS: 9:12 AM RECONVENED: 9:30 AM II. APPROVAL OF AGENDA Bendisa Marku, Code Enforcement Operations Coordinator, proposed the following changes: (a) Under Item VI (A.), "Motion for Imposition of Fines," Case # 2007030266 - BCC vs. Ricardo Montpelier Acosta, and Case # 2007030265 - BCC vs. Ricardo Montpelier Acosta were withdrawn by the County due to foreclosure. The Special Magistrate approved the Agenda as amended, subject to changes made during the course of the Hearing at the discretion of the Special Magistrate. III. APPROVAL OF MINUTES The Minutes of the Hearing held on December 7,2007 were reviewed by the Special Magistrate and approved as submitted. IV. MOTIONS A. Motions for Continuance: (under "Motion for Imposition of Fines") 5. Case # 2006100283 - Geon!e G. Smith Jr. Tr.. Anita U. Smith Tr.. Smith Trust UTD 05/09/07 The Hearing was requested by the Respondent who was not present. Collier County Code Enforcement Investigator Heinz Box was present. Violation(s): Ord. 05-44, Secs. 6, 7 & 8 Accumulation of litter Violation address: 1120 St. Clair Shores Rd. The Special Magistrate noted the Respondent had submitted a written Request for a Continuance which stated he would be out of town at the time of the Hearing. The Investigator stated the County would not oppose the granting of a Continuance. The Special Magistrate APPROVED the Respondent's Requestfor a Continuance. 2 January 4, 2008 (under "Hearings") 16. Case # 2007070244 - BCC vs. Marv Edwards The Hearing was requested by the Respondent who was not present. Collier County Code Enforcement Investigator Azure Sorrels was present Violation(s): Ord. 04-41 as amended, Secs. 10.02.06(B)(I)(A), 10.02.06(B)(I)(E) and 1O.02.06(B)(I)(E)(I) Building permits Violation Address: 47 Moon Bay St. The Special Magistrate noted the Respondent had submitted a written Request for a Continuance on December 17, 2007 due to hospitalization and medical treatment. The Investigator stated the County would not oppose the granting of a Continuance. The Special Magistrate APPROVED the Respondent's Requestfor a Continuance. V. PUBLIC HEARINGS A. Stipulations: 7. Case # 2007040354 - BCC vs. Desi!!ners' Collectables LLC. Kevin G. Coleman. RIA The Hearing was requested Collier County Code Enforcement Investigator Stephen Athey who was present. The Respondent was not present. Violation(s): Ord. 04-41 as amended, Sec. 1O.02.06(B)(1)(A), 1O.02.06(B)(I)(E) & I 0.02.06(B )(1 )(E){I); Collier County Land Development Code, Section 22, Article II, Subsections; Florida Building Code 2004 Edition, Secs. 105.1 & 105.7 Building permits Violation address: 792 1l01h Ave. N. A Stipulation had been agreed to by Evelyn Waldron as owner and manager of Designers' Collectables, LLC, on November 14, 2007. Finding the Notice of Hearing had been properly served, the Respondent was found GUILTY of the alleged violation(s) and was ordered to obtain all required permits and a Certificate of Completion on or before March 4, 2008, or afine of $100. 00 per day will be imposed for each day the violation remains thereafter, unless altered by a subsequent Stipulation or Order of the Special Magistrate. The Respondent paid the Operational Costs incurred by Code Enforcement during the prosecution of this case in the amount of $235. 83. The Respondent is to notifY the Investigator within 24 hours of a workday to concur the violation(s) had been abated. 3 January 4,2008 5. Case # 2006120105 - BCC vs. Albert Rex and UlIa M. Rex The Hearing was requested Collier County Code Enforcement Investigator Christopher Ambach who was present. The Respondents were not present. Violation(s): Ord. 04-41 as amended, Sec. 10.02.06(B)(1)(A), 1O.02.06(B)(1)(D) & 1O.02.06(B)(l)(D)(I); Collier County Land Development Code, Section 22, Article II, Subsections & 106.1.2; Florida Building Code 2004 Edition, Secs. 105.1 & 105.7 Building permits Violation address: 40 Island Lake Lane A Stipulation had been agreed to by the Respondent, Albert Rex. on January 2, 2008. on behalf of his wife, Ulla M. Rex, and himself The Investigator stated the violation had been abated. Finding the Notice of Hearing had been properly served, and finding the violation(s) did exist but was CORRECTED prior to the Hearing, the Respondents were found GUILTY of the alleged violation(s) and were ordered to pay Operational Costs incurred by Code Enforcement during the prosecution of this case in the amount of $288. 61 on or before January 18, 2008. 15. Case # 2007090235 - BCC vs. Mark W. Markisen & Estella Markisen The Hearing was requested by Collier County Code Enforcement Investigator Azure Sorrels who was present. The Respondent, Mark W. Markisen, was present and also represented his wife, Estella Markisen. Violation(s): Ord. 04-41 as amended, Sec. 1O.02.06(B)(1)(A), 1O.02.06(B)(1)(E) & IO.02.06(B)(1)(E)(I); Florida Building Code 2004 Edition, Sec. 105.1 Building permits Violation address: 111 San Salvador St. A Stipulation had been agreed to by the Respondent, Mark W. Markisen, on behalf of his wife, Estella Markisen, and himself The Investigator stated the violation had been abated. Finding the Notice of Hearing had been properly served, and finding the violation(s) did exist but was CORRECTED prior to the Hearing, the Respondents were found GUILTY of the alleged violation(s) and were ordered to pay Operational Costs incurred by Code Enforcement during the prosecution of this case in the amount of $224. 81 on or before February 4,2008. 4 January 4, 2008 1. Case # 2007080054 - BCC vs. Jose Luis Jaimes & Martina Jaimes The Hearing was requested by Collier County Code Enforcement Supervisor Carol Sykora who was present. The Respondents were also present. Violation(s): Ord. 04-58, Sec. 7 Rental registration Violation address: 588 Hope Cir. A Stipulation had been agreed to by the Respondent. The Investigator stated the violation had not been abated. Finding the Notice of Hearing had been properly served, the Respondents were found GUILTY of the alleged violation(s) and were ordered to obtain a Collier County Rental Registration on or before January 11, 2008, or a fine of $25. 00 per day will be imposed for each day the violation remains thereafter, unless altered by a subsequent Stipulation or Order of the Special Magistrate. The Respondents were ordered to pay the Operational Costs incurred by Code Enforcement during the prosecution of this case in the amount of $231.50 on or before February 4, 2008. The Respondents are to notifY the Investigator within 24 hours of a workday to concur the violation(s) had been abated. 4. Case # 2007080854 - BCC vs. Julia E. Perkins & Gabriel Juan Mejia Medina The Hearing was requested by Collier County Code Enforcement Investigator Cristina Perez who was present. The Respondents were also present. Violation(s): Ord. 04-41 as amended, Sec. 10.02.06(B)(1)(A), 1O.02.06(B)(I)(E) & 1O.02.06(B)(1 )(E)(I); Collier County Land Development Code, Section 22, Article II, Subsections & 106.1.2; Florida Building Code 2004 Edition, Sec. 105.1 Unpermitted shed-type structure on estates-zones parcel Violation address: 3945 27th Ave. NE, Naples, FL 34120 A Stipulation had been agreed to by the Respondents on January 3, 2008 and January 4. 2008. The Investigator stated the violation had been abated. Finding the Notice of Hearing had been properly served, and finding the violation(s) did exist but was CORRECTED prior to the Hearing, the Respondents were found GUILTY of the alleged violation(s) and were ordered to pay the Operational Costs incurred by Code Enforcement during the prosecution of this case in the amount of $244.23 on or before February 4, 2008. 5 January 4, 2008 18. Case # 2007090903 - BCC vs. Robin Okolski The Hearing was requested by Collier County Code Enforcement Investigator Azure Sorrels who was present. The Respondent was also present. Violatioo(s): Ord. 04-41 as amended, Sec. 1O.02.06(B)(1)(A); Florida Building Code 2004 Edition, Secs. 105.1 Building permits Violation address: 145 Capri Blvd., Naples, FL 34113 A Stipulation had been agreed to by the Respondent. The Investigator stated there is a possibility that a permit does exist. She will conduct further research. Finding the Notice of Hearing had been properly served, the Respondent was found GUILTY of the alleged violation(s) and was ordered to obtain a Collier County Building Permit or a Collier County Demolition Permit, all necessary inspections, and a Certificate of Completion on or before February 15, 2008, or afine of $1 00. 00 per day will be imposed for each day the violation remains thereafter, unless altered by a subsequent Stipulation or Order of the Special Magistrate. The Respondent was ordered to pay the Operational Costs incurred by Code Enforcement during the prosecution of this case in the amount of $212.44 on or before March 4, 2008. The Respondent is to notifY the Investigator within 24 hours of a workday to concur the violation(s) had been abated. The Special Magistrate ruled that, due to the unusual circumstances in this case, the Order would not take effect until Wednesday, January 9, 2008, to allow the Investigator some time to research the possibility of an existing permit. The Investigator is to contact the Special Magistrate's office with the results of her research. If the permit does exist, the case will be dismissed and Operational Costs will not be assessed. 19. Case # 2007100314 - BCC vs. Anthonv Siracusa The Hearing was requested by Collier County Code Enforcement Investigator Thomas Keegan who was present. The Respondent was not present. Violation(s): Ord. 04-41 as amended, Sec. 2.01.00(A) Inoperable/untagged vehicles Violation address: 1755 Bay St., Naples, FL 34112 A Stipulation had been agreed to by the Respondent on January 2, 2008. The Investigator stated the violation had been abated. 6 January 4, 2008 Finding the Notice of Hearing had been properly served, and finding the violation(s) did exist but was CORRECTED prior to the Hearing, the Respondent was found GUILTY of the alleged violation(s) and was ordered to pay the Operational Costs incurred by Code Enforcement during the prosecution of this case in the amount of $222, 14 on or before February 4, 2008. 24. Case # 2007100131 - BCC vs. Ann P. Moore Tr.. Ann P. Moore Rev Livinl! Trust UTD 12/30/03 The Hearing was requested by Collier County Code Enforcement Investigator Thomas Keegan who was present. The Respondent was not present. Violation(s): Ord. 04-41 as amended, Sec. 4.05.03(A) Multiple vehicles parked/stored on unstablilized surface Violation address: 2837 Van Buren Ave. A Stipulation had been agreed to by the Katherine Ferrari, the Respondent's daughter, on behalf of the Respondent. Ms. Ferrari provided a copy of Letters of Plenary Guardianship of the Person and Property, attesting to her authority to act on behalf of the Respondent. The Investigator stated the violation had been abated. Finding the Notice of Hearing had been properly served, and finding the violation(s) did exist but was CORRECTED prior to the Hearing, the Respondent was found GUILTY of the alleged violation(s) and was ordered to pay the Operational Costs incurred by Code Enforcement during the prosecution of this case in the amount of $20932 on or before February 4,2008. 22. Case # 2007080520 - BCC vs. Gale V. McCain Tr.. Gale V. McCain Rev. Trust The Hearing was requested by Collier County Code Enforcement Investigator Thomas Keegan who was present. The Respondent was not present. Violation(s): Ord. 04-41 as amended, Sec. 4.05.03(A) Vehicles parked/stored on grass on residential-zoned property Violation address: 22 Constitution Dr. A Stipulation had been agreed to by the Respondent who signed as Gail McCain-Brooks. The Investigator stated the violation had been abated. Finding the Notice of Hearing had been properly served, and finding the violation(s) did exist but was CORRECTED prior to the Hearing, the Respondent was found GUILTY of the alleged violation(s) and was ordered to pay the Operational Costs incurred by Code Enforcement during the prosecution of this case in the amount of $215.01 on or before February 4,2008. 7 January 4, 2008 VI. NEW BUSINESS A. Motion for Imposition of Fines: 4. Case # 2006110409 - BCC vs. Carmen Vasallo The County was represented by Collier County Code Enforcement Supervisor Gary Dantini and Collier County Code Enforcement Investigator Thomas Keegan; The Respondent was also present. Collier County Code Enforcement Investigator Carmelo Gomez served as translator. Violation(s): Ord. 05-44, Secs. 6, 7 & 8 Accumulation of litter Violation address: 1013 Newmarket Rd. W., Immokalee, FL The Respondent stated she would accept Investigator Gomez as a translator because she had no choice since she had been unable to find anyone to translate for her. Supervisor Dantini stated the County would not oppose the granting of a Continuance. The Special Magistrate GRANTED a Continuance in this case. The Respondent will be re-noticed of the new Hearing date in order to obtain a babysitter for her children and a Translator to bring with her to the new Hearing. 7. Case # 2004090245 - BCC vs. Cynthia Jean Guv The County was represented by Collier County Code Enforcement Supervisor Gary Dantini and Collier County Code Enforcement Investigator John Santafemia. The Respondent was also present. Violation(s): Ord. 04-41, Secs. JO.02.06(B)(1)(A) & JO.02.06(B)(I)(D)(I) Garage conversion without permit Violation address: 3037 55th Terr. SW Supervisor Dantini stated the violations had been abated. The County requested imposition of the Operational Costs in the amount of $124.18 together with fines in the amount of$9,350.00 for the period from June 2, 2005 through December 6, 2005 (187 days@ $40.00), for a total fine of$9,474.l8. The Respondent stated the garage conversion was pre-existing when she bought the property. She presented documentation to the Court attesting to the problems with contractors and delays caused by professional contractors that she hired who did not complete the work. The documentation was marked as Respondent's Composite Exhibit "A" and admitted into evidence. The Special Magistrate GRANTED the County's Motion for the Imposition of Fines but, due to mitigating circumstances, abatement and due diligence by the Respondent, the Special Magistrate imposed payment only of Operational Costs of$124.18. 8 January 4, 2008 V. PUBLIC HEARINGS A. Stipulations: 20. Case # 2007110041- BCC vs. Jose A. Orteea The Hearing was requested by Collier County Code Enforcement Investigator Thomas Keegan who was present. The Respondent was also present. Violation(s): Ord. 04-41 as amended, Sec. 2.01.00(A) Repeat Violation: Inoperable/untagged vehicle Violation Address: 3085 Karen Dr., Naples, FL 34112 The Special Magistrate asked if the Respondent understood both English and the violations against his property. He stated that he did understand. The Investigator introduced a photograph of the truck which was marked as County Exhibit "A" and admitted into evidence. The Respondent stated the truck belonged to his tenant. Since the tenant refused to comply, he asked the tenant to move from the premises. Finding the Notice of Hearing had been properly served, the Respondent was found GUILTY of the alleged violation(s) and was ordered to pay afine in the amount of $500.00 on or before February 4,2008. The Respondent was ordered to affIX a valid license plate and repair the vehicle, or to store the vehicle in a completely enclosed structure, or to remove it from the premises on or before January 9, 2007 unless altered by a subsequent Stipulation or Order of the Special Magistrate. If the Respondent is unable to comply within this time frame, Code Enforcement may obtain contractor bid-out and assess the cost for the abatement to the Respondent. If necessary, assistance may be requested from the Collier County Sheriff's Office. The Respondent was ordered to pay the Operational Costs incurred by Code Enforcement during the prosecution of this case in the amount of $206.11 on or before February 4,2008. The Respondent is to notifY the Investigator within 24 hours of a workday to concur the violation(s) had been abated. The Special Magistrate advised the Respondent if he could not remove the vehicle by January 9, 2007, the fine of $1 00 per day would be retroactive from November 2, 2007 until the date of actual abatement. 21. Case # 2007110023 - BCC vs. Jose A. Orteea The Hearing was requested by Collier County Code Enforcement Investigator Thomas Keegan who was present. The Respondent was also present. 9 January 4,2008 Violation(s): Ord. 04-41 as amended, Sec. 2.01.00(A) Repeat Violation: Inoperable/untagged vehicle Violation Address: 3069 Karen Dr., Naples, FL 34112 The Investigator introduced photographs of the vehicle which were marked as County's Composite Exhibit "A" and admitted into evidence. The Respondent stated the tenant operated an auto repair business from the property but that he has stopped. The Investigator stated the violation had been abated. Finding the Notice of Hearing had been properly served, the Respondent was found GUlL TY of the alleged violation(s) and was ordered to pay a fine in the amount of $1,000.00 on or before February 4,2008. The Respondent was ordered to pay Operational Costs incurred by Code Enforcement during the prosecution of this case in the amount of $206. 11 on or before January 7,2008. The Respondent requested additional time to pay and the Special Magistrate extended the deadline to March 4, 2008for Case # 2007110041 and Case # 2007110023. RECESS: 11:12AM RECONVENED: 11:35AM V. PUBLIC HEARINGS B. Hearings: 8. Case # 2007100102 - BCC vs. Yulav Exposito & Aide Exposito The Hearing was requested by Collier County Code Enforcement Investigator Carrnello Gomez who was present The Respondent was also present. Violation(s): Ord. 05-44, Secs. 6 & 7 Unlawful to litter, accumulation of Jitter Violation address: 5031 32"d Ave. SW The Respondent stated he was unable to bring a translator with him to the Hearing. The Special Magistrate GRANTED a Continuance in this case. 14. Case # 2007060699 - BCC vs. Hubert Jean Bantiste The Hearing was requested by Collier County Code Enforcement Investigator Jonathan Musse who was present. The Respondent was also present. Violation(s): Ord. 04-41 as amended, Sec. 7(2)10.02.06(B)(1)(A), 10.02.06(B)(l)(E) 10 January 4,2008 and 1O.02.06(B)(1 )(E)(I) Fence permits Violation address: 626 N. loth St., lmmokalee, FL 34142 The Special Magistrate verified that the Respondent did not need the services of a translator. The Investigator introduced a copy of Permit #2005012746 (expired) which was marked as County Exhibit "A" and admitted into evidence. He also introduced a copy of Permit #2007081841, dated August 24, 2007, which was marked as County Exhibit "B" and admitted into evidence. The Respondent stated he had hired a contractor to complete the work but the contractor did not obtain the Certificate of Completion and did not tell him. The Respondent introduced a copy of a Collier County Correct Work Order which was marked as Respondent's Exhibit "A" and admitted into evidence. The Investigator stated the work has been done, but he has not obtained a Certificate of Completion. Finding the Notice of Hearing had been properly served, the Respondent was found GUILTY of the alleged violation(s) and was ordered to obtain either a Collier County Building Permit or a Collier County Demolition Permit, all necessary inspections, and a Certificate of Completion on or before February 4,2008, or afine of $1 00. 00 per day will be imposed for each day the violation remains thereafter, unless altered by a subsequent Stipulation or Order of the Special Magistrate. The Respondent was ordered to pay the Operational Costs incurred by Code Enforcement during the prosecution of this case in the amount of $234.01 on or before February 4,2008. The Respondent is to notifY the Investigator within 24 hours of a workday to concur the violation(s) had been abated. 13. Case # 2007070119 - BCC vs. Julius Bembrv The Hearing was requested by Collier County Code Enforcement Investigator Jonathan Musse who was present. The Respondent was also present. Violation(s): Ord. 04-41 as amended, Sec. 2.01.00(A) Multiple inoperable/untagged vehicles Violation address: 1009 Ringo Lane, Immokalee, FL 34142 The Investigator stated he spoke with the Respondent's son-in-law in July 2007. The son- in-law refused to allow him access to take photographs of the property. In November, the Investigator was still not allowed access although the Respondent's grandson told him the vehicles had been removed from the property. The Investigator introduced two photographs which were marked as County's Composite Exhibit "A" and admitted into evidence. 11 January 4,2008 The Respondent stated his son-in-law is basically uncooperative with everyone. He works in a junk yard and repairs cars at home as a hobby. He stated there are 3 personal cars on the premises which are operable but he is not sure if the license plates on the vehicles are current. The Respondent stated he does not reside on the property and has repeatedly warned his son-in-law about not accumulating vehicles. Finding the Notice of Hearing had been properly served, the Respondent was found GUILTY of the alleged violation(s) and was ordered to affIX a valid license plate and repair the vehicle(s), or to store the vehicle(s) in a completely enclosed structure, or to remove the vehicles from the premises on or before January 9, 2007 or afine of $50. 00 per vehicle per day will be imposed for each day the violation remains thereafter unless altered by a subsequent Stipulation or Order of the Special Magistrate. If the Respondent is unable to comply within this time frame, Code Enforcement may obtain contractor bid-out and assess the cost for the abatement to the Respondent. If necessary, assistance may be requested from the Collier County Sheriff's Office to perform a site inspection. The Respondent was ordered to pay the Operational Costs incurred by Code Enforcement during the prosecution of this case in the amount of $227.33 on or before March 4, 2008. The Respondent is to notifY the Investigator within 24 hours of a workday to concur the violation(s) had been abated. 2. Case # 2006081160 - BCC vs. Noe Garcia and Enedina Lopez The Hearing was requested by Collier County Code Enforcement Investigator Michelle Scavone who was present. The Respondent was not present. Violation(s): Ord. 04-41 as amended, Sec. 1O.02.06(B)(1)(A), 1O.02.06(B)(1)(D) & 10.02.06(B)(1)(D)(I) of the Collier County Land Development Code; Florida Building Code 2004 Edition, Sec. 106.1.2 Building permits Violation address: 661 3'd St. NW The Investigator introduced two photographs of the property which were marked as County's Composite Exhibit "A" and admitted into evidence. The Investigator stated both the property and the Courthouse were posted and there was a return receipt in the file which had been signed by Enedina Lopez on September 26, 2006. The Investigator introduced a copy ofa fax, dated April 4, 2007, from J.e. Kosinski Engineering, Inc. containing drawings of the pump house enclosure which was marked as County's Exhibit "B" and admitted into evidence. The Investigator stated no permits had been issued for the property. 12 January 4, 2008 The Investigator introduced photographs of the painted shed and pump house, dated January 3, 2008, which were marked as County's Composite Exhibit "C" and admitted into evidence. Finding the Notice of Hearing had been properly served, the Respondent was found GUILTY of the alleged violation(s) and was ordered to obtain either a Collier County Building Permit or a Collier County Demolition Permit, all necessary inspections and a Certificate of Completion on or before February 4,2008, or afine of $1 00. 00 per day will be imposed for each day the violation remains thereafter, unless altered by a subsequent Stipulation or Order of the Special Magistrate. The Respondent was ordered to pay the Operational Costs incurred by Code Enforcement during the prosecution of this case in the amount of$263.36 on or before February 4,2008. The Respondent is to notifY the Investigator within 24 hours of a workday to concur the violation(s) had been abated. 3. Case # 2007100032 - BCC vs. Jason Bottil!lia The Hearing was requested by Collier County Code Enforcement Investigator Mario Bono who was present. The Respondent was not present. Violation(s): Florida Building Code 2004 Edition, Secs. 424.2.17.1 to 424.2.17.14, and Article IV, Property Maintenance Code, Sec. 22.228, Paragraph 15 of the Collier County Code of Laws and Ordinances Unsecured pool screen and pool maintenance Violation address: 102 Cedar Crest Ct. The Investigator stated the owner does not reside in Florida. The owner stated he purchased the property without inspection as an investment but that it was vacant. The pool has dirty, stagnant water and is a health issue. The damaged enclosure screens allowed access into the pool area and is a safety issue. The Investigator introduced photographs of the property, dated October 1,2007, which were marked as County's Composite Exhibit "A" and admitted into evidence. He also introduced photographs of the property dated January 3,2008 which were marked as County's Composite Exhibit "B" and admitted into evidence. The Investigator stated the Notice of Violation had been sent to the Respondent via Certified mail, and the property had been posted. Finding the Notice of Hearing had been properly served, the Respondent was found GUlL TY of the alleged violation(s) and was ordered to immediately secure the upper- halfofthe pool screen door on or before January 9, 2008 or afine of $250. 00 per day will be imposed for each day the violation remains thereafter unless altered by a subsequent Stipulation or Order of the Special Magistrate. The Respondent was ordered to clean the pool and provide clean water on or before January 11, 2008 or afine of $250, 00 per day will be imposed for each day the violation remains thereafter unless altered by a subsequent Stipulation or Order of the Special 13 January 4, 2008 Magistrate. If the Respondent is unable to comply within this time frame, Code Enforcement may hire a licensed contractor to abate the violations and the cost will be assessed to the Respondent. The Respondent was ordered to pay the Operational Costs incurred by Code Enforcement during the prosecution of this case in the amount of $203. 41 on or before February 4,2008. The Respondent is to notify the Investigator within 24 hours of a workday to concur the violation had been abated. 6. Case # 2007090519 - BCC vs. Pedro A. Ibarbia & Isabel R. Ibarbia The Hearing was requested by Collier County Code Enforcement Investigator Stephen Athey who was present. The Respondent was not present. Violation(s): Ord. 04-41 as amended, Sec. 2.01.00(B)(3) Commercial vehic1es(s)/equipment in residential districts Violation address: 696 104th Ave. N., Naples, FL 34108 The Investigator stated the violation had been abated. Finding the Notice of Hearing had been properly served, and finding the violation(s) did exist but was CORRECTED prior to the Hearing, the Respondents were found GUILTY of the alleged violation(s) and were ordered to pay the Operational Costs incurred by Code Enforcement during the prosecution of this case in the amount of $219.44 on or before February 4,2008. (NOTE: Investigator stated during the Hearing that the Violation was a "Covered utility trailer parked and stored in the driveway in front of dwelling. '') 9. Case # 2007090337 - BCC vs. Georl!,e Cirabisi & Vickie Lea Cirabisi The Hearing was requested by Collier County Code Enforcement Investigator Glenn Karr who was present. The Respondents were not present. Violation(s): Ord. 04-58, Sec. 6, Subsec. 15 Pool maintenance Violation address: 1935 Empress Ct., Naples, FL 34110 The Investigator stated he had received a complaint about the condition of the pool. The property was vacant and there was no electricity. The owner stated that he was filing bankruptcy and was unable to repair the property. The Investigator introduced a photograph of the property which was marked as County Exhibit "A" and admitted into evidence. 14 January 4, 2008 Finding the Notice of Hearing had been properly served, the Respondent was found GUILTY of the alleged violation(s) and was ordered to clean the pool and provide clean pool water on or before January 9, 2008 or afine of $250. 00 per day will be imposed for each day the violation remains thereafter unless altered by a subsequent Stipulation or Order of the Special Magistrate. The Respondent was ordered to pay the Operational Costs incurred by Code Enforcement during the prosecution of this case in the amount of $244.47 on or before February 4, 2008. The Respondent is to notifY the Investigator within 24 hours of a workday to concur the violation had been abated. 10. Case # 2007090300 - BCC vs. Kerry HVDDolite The Hearing was requested by Collier County Code Enforcement Investigator John Santafemia who was present. The Respondent was not present. Violation(s): Ord. 04-58, Sec. 6, Subsecs. 121 & l2L Ord. 04-58, Sec. 7, Subsec. 2 Minimum housing Violation address: 2640 Santa Barbara Blvd., Naples, FL 34116 The Investigator introduced three photographs of the property, dated September 10, 2007, which were marked as County's Composite Exhibit "A" and admitted into evidence. The property and the Courthouse were posted. Finding the Notice of Hearing had been properly served, the Respondent was found GUILTY of the alleged violation(s) and was ordered to pay for a Collier County Rental Registration on or before January 11, 2008, or afine of $25. 00 per day will be imposed for each day the violation remains thereafter unless altered by a subsequent Stipulation or Order of the Special Magistrate, The Respondent was ordered to repair the broken windows, screens, and air conditioning unit on or before January 11, 2008 or afine of$250.00 per day will be imposed for each day the violation remains thereafter unless altered by a subsequent Stipulation or Order of the Special Magistrate. The Respondent was ordered to pay the Operational Costs incurred by Code Enforcement during the prosecution of this case in the amount of$259. 74 on or before February 4,2008. The Respondent is to notify the Investigator within 24 hours of a workday to concur the violation had been abated, 11. Case # 2007070801- BCC vs. Mateo F. Avala The Hearing was requested by Collier County Code Enforcement Investigator Jonathan Musse who was present. The Respondent was not present. Violation(s): Ord. 04-41 as amended, Secs. 1.04.01,2.02.03 & 2.01.00(B) Recreational vehicle being utilized for living/sleeping purposes on ]5 January 4, 2008 residential-zoned property Violation address: 319 N. 6th St., Immokalee, FL 34142 The Investigator introduced 5 pages of photographs which were marked as County Composite Exhibit "A" and admitted into evidence. He also introduced a one page document verifying abatement which was marked as County Exhibit "B" and admitted into evidence. Finding the Notice of Hearing had been properly served, and finding the violation(s) did exist but was CORRECTED prior to the Hearing, the Respondent was found GUILTY of the alleged violation(s) and was ordered to pay the Operational Costs incurred by Code Enforcement during the prosecution of this case in the amount of $225.12 on or before February 4, 2008. 12. Case # 2007070644 - BCC vs. Rodri!!uez Rentals Inc. The Hearing was requested by Collier County Code Enforcement Investigator Jonathan Musse who was present. The Respondent was not present. Violation(s): Ord. 04-41 as amended, Secs. 1O.02.06(B)(I)(A), 10.02.06(B)(I)(E) & 1 0.02.06(B)( 1 )(E)(I) Building permits Violation address: 1613 Gross Ave., Immokalee, FL 34142 The Investigator stated the violations had been abated. Finding the Notice of Hearing had been properly served, and finding the violation(s) did exist but was CORRECTED prior to the Hearing, the Respondent was found GUILTY of the alleged violation(s) and was ordered to pay the Operational Costs incurred by Code Enforcement during the prosecution of this case in the amount of $233.93 on or before February 4, 2008. 17. Case # 2007070649 - BCC vs. James M. Poteet The Hearing was requested by Collier County Code Enforcement Investigator Azure Sorrels who was present. The Respondent was not present. Violation(s): Ord. 04-41 as amended, Secs. 10.02.06(B)(l)(A), 10.02.06(B)(I)(E) & 1O.02.06(B)(l)(E)(l), Florida Building Code 2204 Edition, Sec. 105.1 Building permits Violation address: 71 Isle of St. Thomas The Investigator stated the County had withdrawn this case. 23. Case # 2007100819 - BCC vs. Jill J. Weaver The Hearing was requested by Collier County Code Enforcement Investigator Thomas Keegan who was present. 16 January 4, 2008 The Respondent was not present. Violation(s): Ord. 04-41 as amended, Secs. 2.01.00(A) Repeat Violation: Inoperable/untagged vehicles Violation address: 4620 Acadia Ln. The Investigator introduced four photographs of the property which were marked as County's Composite Exhibit "A" and admitted into evidence. Finding the Notice of Hearing had been properly served, the Respondent was found GUILTY of the alleged violation(s) and was ordered to affIX a valid license plate and repair the vehicle(s), or to store the vehicle(s) in a completely enclosed structure, or to remove the vehicles from the premises on or before January 9, 2007 or afine of $100. 00 per day will be imposed retroactive from October 24, 2007 until the date of abatement, unless altered by a subsequent Stipulation or Order of the Special Magistrate. If the Respondent is unable to comply within this time frame, Code Enforcement may obtain contractor bid-out and assess the cost for the abatement to the Respondent. If necessary, assistance may be requested from the Collier County Sheriff's Office to perform a site inspection. The Respondent was ordered to pay the Operational Costs incurred by Code Enforcement during the prosecution of this case in the amount of $206. 99 on or before March 4, 2008. The Respondent is to notify the Investigator within 24 hours of a workday to concur the violation(s) had been abated. VI. NEW BUSINESS A. Motion for Imposition of Fines: 1. Case # 2007060653 - BCC vs. Richard Carter The County was represented by Code Enforcement Supervisor Carol Sykora and Investigator Reggie Smith. The Respondent was not present. Violation(s): Collier County Code of Laws & Ordinances, Article VI, Sec. 22-231(5) Private pool maintenance Violation address: 196 BriarcliffLn., Naples, FL 34113 The Investigator introduced the following documents which were marked as County Exhibits and admitted into evidence: Exhibit" A" - a copy 0 f the proof of delivery on December 21, 2007 from the US Postal Service website Exhibit "B" - copy of Affidavit of Posting by Investigator Mario Bono dated December 18, 2007 Exhibit "C" - photographs of the posting at the property and the Courthouse Supervisor Sykora stated the violations had not been abated and fines continued to accrue. 17 January 4, 2008 Supervisor Sykora stated the County was requesting imposition of the Operational Costs in the amount of$233.62 together with fines in the amount of$17,250.00 for the period from October 27,2007 through January 3,2008 (69 days @ $250/day), for a total fine of $17,483.62. The Special Magistrate GRANTED the County's Motion for the Imposition of Fines. 2. Case # 2005051118 - BCC vs. Jill J. Weaver & Henrv Tesno The County was represented by Code Enforcement Supervisor Carol Sykora and Investigator Thomas Keegan. The Respondents were not present. Violation(s): Ord. 99-51, Sec. 7 Litter on property Violation address: 3203 Woodside Ave., Naples, FL 34112 Supervisor Sykora stated the violation had been abated. The County requested imposition only of Operational Costs of $219.29 The Special Magistrate GRANTED the County's Motion for the Imposition of Fines. 3. Case # 2006100087 - BCC vs. Jill J. Weaver The County was represented by Code Enforcement Supervisor Carol Sykora and Investigator Thomas Keegan. The Respondent was not present. Violation(s): Ord. 05-44, Sec. II, Para. I Weed overgrowth Violation address: 4620 Acadia Ln. Supervisor Sykora stated the violation had been abated. The County requested imposition only of Operational Costs of $144.17 The Special Magistrate GRANTED the County's Motion for the Imposition of Fines. 6. Case # 2006040453 - BCC vs. Russell J. Leehau!! Tr.. Leehau!! Familv Tr. The County was represented by Code Enforcement Supervisor Carol Sykora and Investigator Heinz Box. The Respondent was not present. Violation(s): Ord. 04-58, Sec. 7(2) Failure to register rental property Violation address: 4221 Gulfstream Dr., Naples, FL 34112 Supervisor Sykora stated the violation had been abated. ]8 January 4, 2008 The County requested imposition only of Operational Costs of$154.54. The Investigator stated he contacted the Respondent who confirmed that he had paid the Operational Costs. The Special Magistrate GRANTED the County's Motion for the Imposition of Fines. VII. OLD BUSINESS - None VIII. CONSENT AGENDA - None IX. REPORTS The Special Magistrate stated a Public Forum would be held on January 31,2008 at 9:00AM in the BCC Chambers, The purpose of the Forum is to give the public an opportunity to learn more about how a case comes before the Special Magistrate and the Hearing process. There will be mock hearings with public participation invited. X. NEXT MEETING DATE - January 18, 2008 There being no further business for the good of the County, the Hearing was adjourned by Order ofthe Special Magistrate at 1:30 PM. COLLIER COUNTY SPECIAL MAGISTRATE HEARING Special Magistrate, Brenda Garretson These Minutes were approved by the Special Magistrate on as presented , or as amended 19