CAC Minutes 11/14/2024 Draft 1 COLLIER COUNTY COASTAL ADVISORY COMMITTEE (CAC) Thursday, November 14, 2024 – 1:00 p.m. Collier County Board Chambers Collier County Government Center 3299 Tamiami Trail East, 3rd Floor, Naples, FL Chairman Joe Burke, City of Naples Linda Penniman, City of Naples Erik Brecknitz, City of Marco Island Jim Burke, Unincorporated Collier County Bob Raymond, Unincorporated Collier County Robert Roth Dr. Judith Hushon ALSO, PRESENT Andy Miller, Coastal Zone Management Colleen Greene, Managing Assistant County Attorney Any person who decides to appeal a decision of This Board you will need a record of the proceedings pertaining thereto and therefore may need to ensure that a verbatim record of the proceedings is made, which record includes the testimony and evidence upon which the appeal is to be based, Neither Collier County nor This Board shall be responsible for providing this record. 1. CALL TO ORDER 2. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE 3. ROLL CALL 4. CHANGES AND APPROVAL OF AGENDA Motion passed 7-0 5. PUBLIC COMMENTS Patrick Wack, Seagate POA and Joanne Janney, Naples Gate Patrick Wack presented a packet about the water quality at Clam Bay and asked the Board to allocate $75,000.00. The responsibility for Clam Pass and the affected mangrove forest is Pelican Bay Services Division. This request should go to them. If Pelican Bay Services approves your request, they would recommend this Board to recommend it to the TDC and they would recommend it to the BCC. This Board cannot act on Public Comment. It must be a regular agenda item for that. 2 Scott Schultz, Chairman of Coastal Storm Risk Management Ad Hoc Committee I’ve spoken to 13 of the 18 HOA’s in the City of Naples. All the HOA’s I met with did not want structures for storm protection. I’m a resident of Naples Cay and the Naples Cay Master wants structures. Army Corps will deliver a plan in 2025 for us to make a recommendation to the BCC. Dr. Judith Hushon – I wrote a letter and asked for the Army Corps send people to Naples to ride the Beaches here and assess the situation after the last 2 Hurricanes. Andy Miller – They are here today. 6. APPROVAL OF CAC MINUTES September 19, 2024 Robert Roth asked for corrections. Core be changed to Corps, $50.00 per cubic ton changed to cubic yard and clarification of $15,000. Would like pages numerated Bob Raymond indicated he was listed as a Councilman which is incorrect. Bob Raymond moved to approve the minutes with amendments Robert Roth seconded Motion passed 7-0 7. STAFF REPORTS Extended Revenue Report Andy Miller presented table and chart of revenues exceeding budget and last year’s numbers. 8. NEW BUSINESS 1. ES – 2025 Annual Monitoring Andy Miller Our annual monitoring, which is our survey of the beaches and inlets performed by Humiston & Moore Engineers. This item is a recommendation to approve and authorize the chair, to approve and authorize the chair, to execute a work order with Humiston and Moore Engineers to provide professional engineering services for State required annual monitoring of Collier County beaches and inlets for 2025 under contract 18- 7432-CZ for time and materials not to exceed $158,597 and make a finding that this item promotes tourism. • Work Order – 2025 Annual Monitoring Motion pass 7-0 2. ES – Earth Tech Emergency Re-Grade • Proposal – Barefoot-Vanderbilt Beach • Proposal – Naples Beaches 3 Andy Miller The recommendation here is to authorize a budget amendment to approve or to provide funding for regrading of the beaches damaged by hurricanes Helene and Milton and make a finding that this expenditure promotes tourism. The amount is $538,000.00. Our pre-construction meeting for the planting project is on Dec. 10 with the Board of County Commissioners. We'll be meeting with the contractor and the FDEP and the other agencies, including the City of Naples to talk about the planting schedule. Dr. Judith Hushon The test plot that the Garden planted did not do well in these storms. They did a test plot using the same plants that they are using for the beach. Robert Roth motioned to approve the budget amendment Dr. Judith Hushon seconded Motion passed 7-0 3. ES – H&M Emergency Beach Survey • H&M – Post Milton Survey Proposal • SDI – Post Milton Survey Proposal Andy Miller FTEP sent out an email a few weeks after the storm asking for the survey information to be provided to them by November 27th. We've already released Thomas and Amor on an emergency PO, but this additional revenue will give them enough money to do the work and complete the work. It is more than the original PO. We already approved the annual monitoring effort on our first item, which includes surveying our beaches and inlets. This PO includes the the cost of resurveying the beaches and inlets. And the good news is that the surveys would have been so close together that FDEP will, allow us to use one for the other or one for both. We won't have to duplicate that effort. Robert Roth motioned to approve Dr. Judith Hushon seconded Motion passed 7-0 4. ES – 2024 Park Shore Renourishment • 24-8292 Contract – Park Shore Renourishment Dr. Judith Hushon motioned to approve the Park Shore Renourishment amount of $3,563,530.00. Robert Roth seconded Motion passed 7-0 9. OLD BUSINESS 4 None 10. ANNOUNCEMENTS None 11. COMMITTEE MEMBER DISCUSSION Chairman Burke Andy and his staff have had a very busy fall, and we should congratulate them on great job. 12. NEXT MEETING DATE/LOCATION December 12, 2024, at 1:00 p.m. 13 ADJOURNMENT There being no further business for the good of The County, the Coastal Advisory Committee Hearing was adjourned at 1.56 p.m. Collier County Coastal Advisory Committee _________________________________________ Chairman Joe Burke The Minutes were approved by ____________________________________ _______________________________________ Name Signature as presented on__________________ or amended on____________________