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Name of Primary Staff Lisa Jacob Phone Number 252-1355
Agenda Date Item was 11/12/2024 Agenda Item Number 16.F.11
Approved by the BCC
Type of Document(s) Change Order Number of Original 11 pages
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16F 11
Co ier County
Procurement Services Change Order Form
Contract# 22-7945 co#2 Po#4500217903 Project#:50212.2
Project Name: Pelican Bay Phase 2 Sidewalk Improvements
Contractor/Consultant Name: Quality Enterprises USA, Inc.
Select One: ❑� Contract Modification(Construction or Project Specific) ❑Work Order Modification
Project Manager Name: Lisa Jacob Division Name: Pelican Bay Services Division
Original Contract/Work Order Amount $6,761,475.50 5/10/22; 11A Original BCC Approval Date;Agenda Item#
Current BCC Approved Amount $6,761,475.50 5/10/22; 11A Last BCC Approval Date;Agenda Item#
Current Contract/Work Order Amount $6,761,475.50 10/25/2024 SAP Contract Expiration Date(MASTER)
Dollar Amount of this Change $685,240.16 10.13% Total%Change from Original Amount
Revised Contract/Work Order Total $7,446,715.66 10.13% %Change from Current BCC Approved Amount
Total Cumulative Changes $685,240.16 10.13% %Change from Current Amount
Notice to Proceed 6/6/2022 Original NTP 9/3/2024 Original Final 9/3/2024 Last Final 10/25/2024
Date #of Days Completion Date Approved Date
#of Days Added 92 Revised Final Date 1/25/2025 Current Substantial Completion Date 9/25/2024
(includes this change) , (if applicable)
Provide responses after each question in box below (Responses should be brief and specific). Attach additional information and/or
documentation from the Design Professional and/or Contractor, if needed, with your submission of this Change Order and complete
summary on next page. Check all that apply to this Change Order request:❑✓ Add Time;0 Add funds; Il Use of Allowance;
❑ Modify/Delete existing Task(s); ❑Add new Task(s); ❑ Reallocate funds; ❑Other(must be explained in detail below)
1.) Detail of change/s to be made through this Change Order.
This is a request to a) to add ninety-two (92) additional days to the project due to weather conditions and
other time associated with work directive justification; and b) to request the use of the Owners Allowance
in the amount of$342,530.57 for Work Directives and bid quantity overruns/underruns leaving a
remainder of $94,993.66 remains in the Owners Allowance for future usage; c) a request to use the
remainder of the Irrigation Allowance in the amount of$139,083.48 and to add an additional amount of
$685,240.16 for the Time and Material irrigation task for a total contract amount of$7,446,715.66.
This changes the substantial completion date to 12/26/24 and the final completion date to 1/25/25.
2.) If this Change Order is currently under a Stop Work, please identify the date issued and number of
days remaining or "N/A" if not applicable.
A stop work order was issued 8/20/2024. 66 days are remaining.
3.) Explain why this change was not included in the original contract/Work Order.
See attached itemized Change Order No. 2 Summary that provides justification for requests for additional
time, use of Owner's Allowance, use of Irrigation Allowance, and additional funds for irrigation.
4.) Describe the impact if this change is not processed.
If this change is not processed, the approximate 24 miles of irrigation would not have been repaired and
the Contractor would not have been able to construct an Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) compliant
sidewalk within the project limits and within the timeframe provided, creating a public safety issue and
increased liability to the County.
Page 1 of 4
Change Order Form (2023_ver.1) CAO
Cotter County 16F 11
Procurement Services Change Order Form
Contract# 22-7945 CO#2 PO# 4500217903 Project#: 50212.2
Project Name: Pelican Bay Phase 2 Sidewalk Improvements
Contractor/Consultant Name: Quality Enterprises USA, Inc.
Change Order/Amendment Summary
(If additional spaces needed,attached a separate Summary page to this amendment request)
CO# AMD# Description Additive Deductive Days Total New Justification
(+) (-) Added Time
Change Order See Change Order No. 1
1 Number 1 52 872 Documentation.
Change Order See attached
2 Number 2 $685,240.16 92 964 documentation.
0 Check here if additional summary page/s are attached to this Change Order
Page 2 of 4
Change Order Form (2023_ver.1)
Collier County
Procurement Services Change Order Form
Contract# 22-7945 CO#2 PO# 4500217903 Project#: 50212.2
Project Name: Pelican Bay Phase 2 Sidewalk Improvements
Contractor/Consultant Name: Quality Enterprises USA, Inc.
Acceptance of this Change Order shall constitute a modification to contract/work order identified above and will be
subject to all the same terms and conditions as contained in the contract/work order indicated above, as fully as if
the same were stated in this acceptance. The adjustment, if any, to the Contract shall constitute a full and final
settlement of any and all claims of the Contractor/Vendor/Consultant/Design Professional arising out of or related
to the change set forth herein, including claims for impact and delay costs.
Contractor/Consultant/Design Professional signature below must be from an authorized person/officer/director of
the Company or listed as the qualified licensed Professional"Project Coordinator"or Design/Engineer Professional
under the agreement. Signature authority of person signing will be verified through the contract OR through the
Florida Department of State, Division of Corporations (Sunbiz) website (
if the person signing is not listed, we will require signature authority by one of the listed officers/directors of the
company giving that person signature authority.
HerrmannKarin Digitally signed by HerrmannKarin
Prepared by: Date:2024.09.18 11:55:42-04'00' Date: 09/18/2024
Signature-Division Project Manager
Karin Herrmann, Project Manager, Pelican Bay Services Division
Printed Name
Joshua J Hildebrand Digitally signed by Joshua J Hildebrand
Accepted by: Date:2024.09.18 12:23:03-04'00' Date:
Signature-Design/Engineer Professional (if applicable)
Joshua Hildebrand, P.E., PTOE Johnson Engineering, Inc.
Printed Name/Title/Company Name
Lou Gaudio Digitally signed by Lou Gaudio
Accepted by: Date:2024.09.18 13:43:07-04'00' Date:
Louis J. Gaudio,Vice President, Quality Enterprises USA, Inc.
Printed Name/Title/Company Name
Approved by: Date:
Signature-Division Manager or Designee(Optional)
Printed Name
Approved by: Date:
Signature-Division Director or Designee(Optional)
Printed Name
W. Neil Dorrill Digitally signed by W.Neil Dorrill
Approved by: Date:2024.09.19 14:07:55-04'00' Date:
Signature-Division Administrator or Designee (Optional)
Neil Dorrill,Administrator, Pelican Bay Services Division
Printed Name
Page 3 of 4
Change Order Form (2023_ver.1)
Coiner County 1 b F 11
Procurement Services Change Order Form
Contract# 22-7945 CO#2 PO# 4500217903 Project#: 50212.2
Project Name: Pelican Bay Phase 2 Sidewalk Improvements
Contractor/Consultant Name: Quality Enterprises USA, Inc.
FY 24 CHO Request# 459
Digitally signed by
ZimmermanBecca ZimmermanBecca
Approved by: Date:2024.09.20 15:19:37-04'00'
Signature-Procurement Professional Signature/Date
Approved by:
Signature-Procurement Manager/Director(OPTIONAL)
❑ Administrative ❑ Administrative-BCC Report E BCC Stand-Alone ES (BCC Approval Required)
Crystal K. Kinzel, Clerk of the Circuit Court BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS
'and Comptroller COLLIER CO N Y, FLORIDA
,c, • II By. 1 Phil�1, -(ti. Gl,arcman's By:
Attest ag to
signature only CAT;S NGF/ , Chairman
Dated: t, JD
Date: I/ /2/2g
(SEAL) Agenda# lb f II
e• as to F d Legality:
•• y Count torney
S tAt—
Print Name
Change Order Form(2023_ver.1) t fin(
Pelican Bay Phase 2 Sidewalk Improvements-Change Order No. 2 Summary
This Change Order is a request to 1) add ninety-two (92) additional days to this project due to
weather conditions and other time associated with work directive justification describe herein;and
2)to request the use of the remainder of the Owner's Allowance in the amount of$437,524.23 and
Irrigation Allowance in the amount of$139,083.48 and an additional amount of$685,240.16 for
irrigation to complete the time & material irrigation task, for a total contract amount of
$7,446,715.66 as indicated in the Change Order No. 2 summaries detailed below. This changes
the substantial completion date to 12/26/24 and the final completion date to 1/25/25.
Change Order Item No. 1 - WD No. 3 - Paver Borders for Driveways (issued February 21,
1.) Detailed and specific explanation/rationale of the requested change(s)to the task(s) and/
or the additional days added (if requested)This was a request to utilize an amount not to exceed
$4,535.75 of the Owner's Allowance to procure additional in-kind existing driveway brick paver
material in order to construct an Americans with Disabilities Act(ADA) accessible sidewalk. It
was observed that to match existing driveway brick pavers in the field additional, additional
material would be needed. Therefore, the Contractor was directed to obtain and retore these
driveways to match existing material outside of the proposed sidewalk footprint.
2.) Why this change was not included in the original contract; The Owner's Allowance was
included in the original contract to be able to adapt the work to address incompatible field
conditions. This change was based on accommodations of existing field conditions discovered
during construction activity.Funding for this work directive comes from utilization the previously
approved$600,000.00 Owners Allowance
3.) Describe the impact if this change is not processed. By proceeding with this contract
change,the sidewalk improvements were constructed within the Americans with Disabilities Act
(ADA) mandatory requirements, while restoring the existing residential brick paver driveways on
Ridgewood Drive.
Change Order Item No. 2 - Work Directive No. 14 — Curb Ramp Modifications at Station
1.)Detailed and specific explanation/rationale of the requested change(s) to the task(s) and/
or the additional days added(if requested)This was a request to utilize an amount not to exceed
$11,866.11 of the Owner's Allowance to modify the crosswalk on the east side of Myra Jana)
• Daniels Blvd to drop the existing sidewalk by approximately 7 inches to provide a new
landing. The resulting sidewalks will be 5%max. slope in directions of travel and 2% max. cross
slopes, and the landing will be 2% max. in all directions, generally per the sketch provided. This
modification will comply with the Americans with Disabilities Act(ADA) requirements.Therefore,
the Contractor was directed to construct these revisions to achieve ADA compliance.
2.) Why this change was not included in the original contract; The Owner's Allowance was
included in the original contract to be able to adapt the work to address incompatible field
conditions. This change was based on accommodations of existing r; g field conditions discovered
6F 11
during construction activity.Funding for this work directive comes from utilization the previously
approved $600,000.00 Owners Allowance
3.) Describe the impact if this change is not processed. If this change is not processed, the
Contractor would not have been able to construct sidewalk improvements at an existing crosswalk
for compliance with the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) mandatory requirements at this
location, and increased liability to the County.
Change Order Item No. 3 -Work Directive No. 15—Drainage Pipe on N Pointe Drive
1.)Detailed and specific explanation/rationale of the requested change(s) to the task(s) and/
or the additional days added(if requested);This was a request to utilize an amount not to exceed
$5,633.33 of the Owner's Allowance to account for drainage pipe installation to maintain existing
stormwater conveyance and provide an Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) accessible
sidewalk, on N Pointe Drive. Therefore, the Contractor was directed to move forward with
proposed pipe installation per Sheet 291 of the approved plans,near Station 1005+85, on N Pointe
2.) Why this change was not included in the original contract; The Owner's Allowance was
included in the original contract to be able to adapt the work to address incompatible field
conditions. This change was based on accommodations of existing field conditions discovered
during construction activity. Funding for this work directive comes from utilization the previously
approved $600,000.00 Owners Allowance
3.) Describe the impact if this change is not processed. If this change is not processed, and the
valve was not relocated,the Contractor would not have been able to construct an ADA compliant
sidewalk at this location, while maintaining positive stormwater conveyance, and increased
liability to the County.
Change Order Item No. 4-Work Directive No. 17—Vegetation Removal on N Pointe Drive
1.)Detailed and specific explanation/rationale of the requested change(s)to the task(s) and/
or the additional days added(if requested); This was a request to utilize an amount not to exceed
$8,790.00 of the Owner's Allowance to remove damaged and nuisance vegetation immediately
adjacent to the newly constructed Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) sidewalk, between the
back of curb to the front of sidewalk,within publicly maintained right-of-way on N Pointe Drive.
Additionally, the vegetation removal will help maintain and provide a less obstructive footprint
adjacent to this pedestrian infrastructure. Therefore,the Contractor was directed to move forward
with damaged and nuisance vegetation removal immediately adjacent to the newly constructed
sidewalks on N Pointe Drive,
2.) Why this change was not included in the original contract; The Owner's Allowance was
included in the original contract to be able to adapt the work to address incompatible field
conditions. This change was based on accommodations of existing field conditions discovered
during construction activity.Funding for this work directive comes from utilization the previously
approved $600,000.00 Owners Allowance
3.) Describe the impact if this change is not processed.If this change is not processed, and the
vegetation was not removed, the Contractor would not have been able to construct an ADA
compliant sidewalk at this location, while a providing sufficient grading and enhancements for a
less obstructive footprint between the back of curb to the front of sidewalk, within publicly
maintain right-of-way on N Pointe Drive, and increased liability to the County.
Change Order Item No. 5 -WD No. 16—Hammock Oak Driveway (issued December 6,
1.)Detailed and specific explanation/rationale of the requested change(s) to the task(s)and/
or the additional days added(if requested);This was a request to utilize an amount not to exceed
$33,496.09 of the Owner's Allowance to adjust the sidewalk elevations, and driveway
reconstruction limits to construct an Americans with Disabilities Act(ADA)accessible sidewalk,
while maintaining a driveway profile that provides sufficient vehicular ingress and egress access
at 8960 Hammock Oak Drive. To provide equal or flatter driveway grading, based on conditions •
prior to the Phase 2 sidewalk improvements, driveway limits were confirmed and established in
the field at this driveway location. Therefore, the Contractor was directed to mill & overlay and
provide incidental repairs to the existing asphalt driveway to meet or exceed minimum Americans
with Disabilities Act(ADA)mandatory requirements.
2.) Why this change was not included in the original contract; The Owner's Allowance was
included in the original contract to be able to adapt the work to address incompatible field
conditions. This change was based on accommodations of existing field conditions discovered
during construction activity. Funding for this work directive comes from utilization the previously
approved $600,000.00 Owners Allowance
3.) Describe the impact if this change is not processed. If this change is not processed,and the
driveway was not reconstructed, the Contractor would not have been able to construct an ADA
compliant sidewalk at this location,If this change is not processed,and the valve was not relocated,
the Contractor would not have been able to construct an ADA compliant sidewalk at this location,
while maintaining positive stormwater conveyance, and increased liability to the County; and
increased liability to the County,
Change Order Item No. 6 -Work Directive No. 13a—Additional Irrigation Allowance
1.)Detailed and specific explanation/rationale of the requested change(s)to the task(s)and/
or the additional days added (if requested); This is a request to use remainder of the Irrigation
Allowance in the amount of $139,083.48 and add $685,240.16 of additional project funds
necessary to complete the time and material irrigation task required to construct the sidewalk
improvements. The project includes 11.6 miles of sidewalk. Irrigation is located on both sides of
the sidewalk and is equivalent to 23.2 miles of irrigation. During demolition of the existing
sidewalks, it was anticipated that the Contractor would damage irrigation and water main lines
resulting in replacement and repairs. A dollar amount of$700,000 was provided in the bid tab to
be used for this purpose.However,based on actual observed field conditions,and the contractor's
labor& material installation observed by Collier County's CEI representative, additional time &
material funding was needed to reconstruct the previously unknown underground irrigation
infrastructure within Pelican Bay.
2.) Why this change was not included in the original contract; This change was partially
anticipated and an irrigation allowance of$700,000 was provided in the bid tab to be used for this
purpose. Based on the actual underground irrigation infrastructure impacted to successfully
construct the sidewalk improvements, additional time&material funds were required.
3.) Describe the impact if this change is not processed. If this change is not processed, the
project could not have been successfully completed because the new sidewalk would not pass
inspection. If the irrigation did not work, the Contractor would be unable to maintain sod on each
side of the sidewalk for stabilization and erosion control purposes.
Change Order Item No. 7 -One SI)additional weather day due to weather conditions
observed on February 5,2024
1.)Detailed and specific explanation/rationale of the requested change(s) to the task(s)and/
or the additional days added (if requested); This is a request to add one (1) additional day due
to weather conditions observed on February 5,2024. There was rain and conditions that were not
conducive to perform planned construction activity.
2.) Why this change was not included in the original contract; This request to add one (1)
additional day due to an act of nature (weather) was a result of unforeseeable causes beyond the
control of the Contractor as indicated in Section 9.2 of the Contract's General Terms and
3.) Describe the impact if this change is not processed. If this change is not processed the
Contractor may not have enough time to complete the project.
Change Order Item No. 8-Work Directive No. 18—Mystique North Sidewalk Access
1.) Detailed and specific explanation/rationale of the requested change(s) to the task(s) and/
or the additional days added(if requested);This was a request to utilize an amount not to exceed
$31,213.73 of the Owner's Allowance to remove and replace sidewalk immediately adjacent to,
and also connecting to the Mystique private development existing pedestrian access location,
between STA 193+39.00 to STA 196+22.00,on Pelican Bay Boulevard. Therefore,the Contractor
was directed to remove and replace the 6 ft. wide concrete sidewalk per the attached Sheet 202 of
320 plan revisions provided by the Engineer of Record(EOR).
2.) Why this change was not included in the original contract; The Owner's Allowance was
included in the original contract to be able to adapt the work to address incompatible field
conditions. This change was based on accommodations of existing field conditions discovered
during construction activity.Funding for this work directive comes from utilization the previously
approved $600,000.00 Owners Allowance
3.) Describe the impact if this change is not processed. If this change is not processed, and the
sidewalk connection was not constructed,the Contractor would not have been able to construct an
ADA compliant sidewalk at this location, while providing an ADA compliant access location to
the Mystique private development on Pelican Bay Boulevard,and increased liability to the County.
Change Order Item No. 9 -Work Directive No. 19—Driveways between STA 184 to STA
192 on Pelican Bay Boulevard
1.)Detailed and specific explanation/rationale of the requested change(s)to the task(s)and/
or the additional days added(if requested); This is a request to utilize$87,514.00 of the Owner's
Allowance for a completed time and material task to adjust the adjacent driveway profiles and
driveway reconstruction limits to construct an Americans with Disabilities Act(ADA) accessible
contiguous pedestrian route,while maintaining driveway profiles that provide sufficient vehicular
ingress and egress access at four(4)existing asphalt driveways,between STA 184+20 to 192+60,
on Pelican Bay Boulevard. Therefore, the Contractor is being directed to remove the existing
asphalt at four(4)existing asphalt driveways on Pelican Bay Boulevard, between STA 184+20 to
192+60, and reconstruct/reprofile these driveways to provide an ADA compliant perpendicular
asphalt crosswalk aligning with the newly constructed 6 ft.wide concrete sidewalk.
2.) Why this change was not included in the original contract; The Owner's Allowance was
included in the original contract to be able to adapt the work to address incompatible field
conditions. This change was based on accommodations of existing field conditions discovered
during construction activity.Funding for this work directive comes from utilization the previously
approved $600,000.00 Owners Allowance
3.) Describe the impact if this change is not processed. By proceeding with this work directive,
the sidewalk improvements can be constructed within the Americans with Disabilities Act(ADA)
mandatory requirements, while maintaining driveway profiles that provide sufficient vehicular
ingress and egress access on Pelican Bay Boulevard.
Change Order Item No. 10-One (1) additional weather day due to weather conditions
observed on March 22, 2024
1.)Detailed and specific explanation/rationale of the requested change(s) to the task(s)and/
or the additional days added (if requested); This is a request to add one (1) additional day due
to weather conditions observed on March 5, 2024. There was rain and conditions that were not
conducive to perform planned construction activity.
2.) Why this change was not included in the original contract; This request to add one (1)
additional day due to an act of nature (weather) was a result of unforeseeable causes beyond the
control of the Contractor as indicated in Section 9.2 of the Contract's General Terms and
3.) Describe the impact if this change is not processed. If this change is not processed the
Contractor may not have enough time to complete the project.
Change Order Item No. 11 -Three(3) additional weather day due to weather conditions
observed June 11,2024 through June 13,2024
1.)Detailed and specific explanation/rationale of the requested change(s)to the task(s) and/
or the additional days added (if requested); This is a request to add three(3)additional day due
to weather conditions observed on June 11, 2024 through June 13, 2024. There was rain and
conditions that were not conducive to perform planned construction activity.
2.) Why this change was not included in the original contract; This request to add one (1)
additional day due to an act of nature (weather) was a result of unforeseeable causes beyond the
control of the Contractor as indicated in Section 9.2 of the Contract's General Terms and
3.) Describe the impact if this change is not processed. If this change is not processed the
Contractor may not have enough time to complete the project.
Change Order Item No. 12-One(1) additional weather day due to weather conditions
observed July 23,2024
1.)Detailed and specific explanation/rationale of the requested change(s)to the task(s).and/
or the additional days added (if requested); This is a request to add one (1) additional day due
to weather conditions observed on July 23, 2024. There was rain and conditions that were not
conducive to perform planned construction activity.
2.) Why this change was not included in the original contract; This request to add one (1)
additional day due to an act of nature (weather) was a result of unforeseeable causes beyond the
control of the Contractor as indicated in Section 9.2 of the Contract's General Terms and
3.) Describe the impact if this change is not processed. If this change is not processed the
Contractor may not have enough time to complete the project.
Change Order Item No. 13-Work Directive No. 20—6558 Ridgewood Dr. Driveway
1.)Detailed and specific explanation/rationale of the requested change(s) to the task(s)and/
or the additional days added(if requested);This was a request to utilize an amount not to exceed
$71,693.21 of the Owner's Allowance to adjust the sidewalk elevations, the adjacent driveway
profiles, and driveway reconstruction limits to construct an Americans with Disabilities Act
(ADA) accessible sidewalk,while maintaining driveway profiles that provide sufficient vehicular
ingress and egress access to this single-family parcel. To provide equal or flatter driveway grading,
based condition prior to the Phase 2 sidewalk improvements,revised driveway grading plans were
developed at this location by the Engineer of Record (EOR). Therefore, the Contractor is being
directed to remove the existing driveways at 6558 Ridgewood Drive and reconstruct.
2.) Why this change was not included in the original contract; The Owner's Allowance was
included in the original contract to be able to adapt the work to address incompatible field
conditions. This change was based on accommodations of existing field conditions discovered
during construction activity.Funding for this work directive comes from utilization the previously
approved$600,000.00 Owners Allowance
3.) Describe the impact if this change is not processed. By proceeding with this work directive,
the sidewalk improvements can be constructed within the Americans with Disabilities Act(ADA)
mandatory requirements, while maintaining driveway profiles that provide sufficient vehicular
ingress and egress access to this single-family parcel located 6558 Ridgewood Drive.
Change Order Item No. 14 -Work Directive No.21--Pelican Bay Blvd Cresent D Curb
and Drainage Improvements
1.) Detailed and specific explanation/rationale of the requested change(s) to the task(s) and/
or the additional days added(if requested);This was a request to utilize an amount not to exceed
$80,425.01 of the Owner's Allowance to add adjacent D Curb and ancillary drainage
improvements to accommodate an Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA)accessible sidewalk at
a location with an excessive grade differential between the back of new sidewalk and existing
elevations at the public right-of-way. To provide sufficient grading based on field conditions, a
revised sidewalk typical section was developed at this location. Therefore,the Contractor is being
directed to construct additional D Curb and ancillary drainage improvements per the revised
attached plan between approx. Station 255+50 and Station 258+85.00 on Pelican Bay Boulevard.
2.) Why this change was not included in the original contract; The Owner's Allowance was
included in the original contract to be able to adapt the work to address incompatible field
conditions. This change was based on accommodations of existing field conditions discovered
during construction activity.Funding for this work directive comes from utilization the previously
approved$600,000.00 Owners Allowance
3.) Describe the impact if this change is not processed. By proceeding with this work directive,
the sidewalk improvements can be constructed within the Americans with Disabilities Act(ADA)
mandatory requirements, while a providing sufficient grading between the back of sidewalk and
the existing natural ground elevations at the public right-of-way between Station 255+50 and
Station 258+85.00,on Pelican Bay Boulevard.
Change Order Item No. 15-Pelican Bay Phase 2 Sidewalk Improvements -Final
Overrun/Underrun Summary
1.)Detailed and specific explanation/rationale of the requested change(s)to the task(s) and /
or the additional days added(if requested);This is a request to approve the final project quantity
overruns and underruns on the projects based on field conditions to complete the project.
2.) Why this change was not included in the original contract; Actual field conditions
necessitated the need for field adjustments to the original bid quantities for construction of
Americans with Disabilities Act(ADA)compliant pedestrian facilities.
3.) Describe the impact if this change is not processed. By proceeding with these final quantity
adjustments to the original bid quantities,the sidewalk improvements were constructed within the
existing field conditions and to meet the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) mandatory