TDC Minutes 10/23/2024COLLIER COUNry
Board of County Commission Chambers
Cottier County Government Center
3299 TamiamiTrai[ East, 3'd Ftoor, Naples, FL34112
OCT.23, 2024-1iOOP.M.
Commissioner Rick LoCastro, Chairman
Ctark Hitt, Vice-Chair
Councitor Jared Grifoni (attended via ZOOM)
Susan Becker
Laura Radter
Nancy Kerns
Councilman, MichaeI McComas
CounciI Member Bit[ Kramer
Edward (Ski) Oteski (absent)
Jay Tusa, CVB, Tourism Director
Sandra Rios, CVB, PR and Communications Manager
Cotteen Greene, Cottier County Attorney Office, Ma naging Assista nt County Attorney
Buzzy Fotd, CVB, Digitat and Sociat Media Coordinator
Barbara Karasek, Paradise Advertising, CEO
1. Catt to Order
Pledge of Allegiance
Rott Catt
An in person quorum was established at 7.
Michaet Mccomas made the motion to attow Jared Grifoni to appear by Zoom.
Ctark HiLt seconded
Motion passed unanimously 7-0
The quorum was estabtished at 8 individuats of the meeting.
Agenda and Minutes
Susan Becker motioned to approve Agenda change of 8b to 8a
Nancy Kerns seconded
Motion passed unanimously 8-0
Tourism Director Report
Consent Agenda
No items
8. New Business
8a. Recommendation to approve an FY 2025 budget amendment in the
amount of $390,000. To allocate reserves for post Hurricane Milton recovery for
tourism marketing and make a f inding that th is action promotes tourism.
Barbara Karasek on Zoom with stide presentation
. Over the past 10 weeks or so, we finatized the annual destination marketing plan to
grow tourism. And as we've been discussing with Jay and the CVB team on solutions
to springboard our economy, we identified a three-pronged approach.
o Owned media channe[s, partner retationships and paid media advertising.
. And optimizing our creative messaging witt be taitored against the three groups
o Leisure audiences, groups and meetings and weddings.
Chairman LoCastro
o So, this isn't something new. Remember, you've got several new commissioners up
here that have never been asked for emergency spending by the TDC. We need to set
the table a tittte bit and remember I was saying find out the last time we asked forthis,
what it was, and if you don't have it, that's fine.
o But being able to say this is a formatity. That we come to the BCC for emergency
spending after storms, just tike many of the other departments and not make it sound
[ike it's some speciat thing that you're sneaking in. To them it might sound [ike you're
trying to do something new to spend more money, which isn't the case.
Barbara Karasek
Stide presentation continues
Chairman LoCastro
. I haven't heard the word emergency, emergent, hurricane. We need to fund with
moneywe already have. Here's where we're goingto fund it and whywe're looklng for
your approva[.
Ctark Hitt
This woutd come after the request to withdraw some of our funds for additionat advertising
and marketing for the next fiscat year. I think that if this comes first, I think peopte can say,
wett, you know, you've atready gotten $390,000 dottars. Why do you need more?
Chairman LoCastro
I thought getting it out of the way is a formatity, but your point is wett taken. There coutd be a
commissioner or two that sits there and says, okay, so I just allowed you to spend almost
hatf a mittion dotlars, and now you're asking me for 5 mitlion more.
Laura Rad[er
I think the most important thing is the supplementa[, so we must do whatever it takes to get
that through. I mean, if we must take $390,000 from the supplementat and use it towards
emergency. Then why can't we do that?
Jay Tusa
We coutd take existing doltars out of our budget even without the supptementat, just our
normal marketing budget and address hurricane response. We've done that in the past. I
believe, from conversations I had with Sandra, that's what we did for lan. We didn't ask for
emergency funds.
Chairman LoCastro
Like I said, if you can just do one ask and then you can figure out how to parlay out the money
and it's. lt's tegitimate. We must make sure that the process altows the Commissioners to
do one vote and then gives you the tatitude to be able to do that. I tike the sound of that
Barbara Karasek
We're in emergency crisis response today, so we're using existing doltars out of the current
fiscat. ln the past we got the emergency funds, and it reptenishes the coffers, so we can get
f rom point A to point B a lot of different ways. But we want att of you to know we're currentty
in crisis response mode right now for what's needed for the CVB team to do what they need
Bi[[ Kramer
This detaited plan woutd be something to discuss when you have your one on ones
with the Commissioners, but it starts to just sound [ike more marketing spending, not
emergency hurricane recovery, which is what it is.
This is emergency spending in response to the disasters we've had. And you're just
asking for approval to spend money you atready have in the account. And to your
point, being abte to say we have, you know, this doesn't exhaust the account, but this
is what the account's for. lt's time to dip into it.
What Barbara just said is way more competling than anything that's written in any of the
memo or any of the documentation.
Jay Tusa
Can we put this aside for the moment and move on and then come back to this item later in
the meeting?
Cot[een Greene
You can table it untit the end of the meeting, but we have to come back and get a vote either
way, yes or no.
Susan Becker
lwoutd like to move that we have this executive summary saying recommending an
additionat amount of 390,000 to attocate reserves for post Hurricane Mitton recovery for
tourism marketing and make a finding that this action promotes tourism.
Nancy Kerns seconded
Motion passed unanimously 8-O
Cot[een Greene
ljust want to confirm that the authorization from the TDC is the expenditure of up to
$390,000. lt's up to, up to $390,000.
Chairman LoCastro
Let's make sure we get that consistent on the executive summaries and att that.
8b. Recommendation that the Tourism Development Council consider the
supptemental marketing plan selected by the Councit at their Oct. 15, 2024, meeting,
utitizing operating reserve funds not to exceed $5,067,500 to ensure Coltier County's
competitiveness in the tourism market, to tinatize a recommendation to the Board of
County Commissioners and to make a finding that these actions promote tourism.
Jay Tusa
A presentation of stides.
Chairman LoCastro
Supplemental means extra. We're not asking for extra.
You're not asking for funds. You're asking for permission to spend.
BitL Kramer
Enhanced marketing.
Jay Tusa
Tabte that for the moment. We'[[ come back to it a tittte tater.
Jay Tutsa
Stide presentation continues.
Because of our tourism success, we have money in reserve accounts, and today we're
tatking about tapping into some of those dotlars.
Chairman LoCastro
lnvesting some of those dotlars.
Jay Tusa
o Upon joining the team seven months ago, I was tasked to bring a fresh perspective to
the County's tourism efforts. With my decades of experience in destination
marketing, I bring a different type of strategy to this rote.
o This presentation is a point of view as we rethink our approach to chaltenges and
using data differentty and better to drive more informed business decisions. When
anatyzing the data and the projections for what's ahead, the tourism outtook is not as
bright as it coutd be.
By the time we're finished having our conversation today, maybe it ends up being six
or eight stides. And we do focus more on the tourist devetopment tax versus
occupancy, and we can chat a tittte bit more, you know, once I f inish.
Maybe what we do is crunch these numbers and see if we can putt a few buttet points
out that reftect the discussion and have three, four buttet points versus a[t this
Ctark Hitt
. But it's clear that the occupancy trend is dectining and that's what we need to stop
and reverse. Because if we don't do that what witt fottow is the tou rist tax coltections.
o We had two hurricanes back-to-back. That's going to cost us a [ot. As you know, 480/o
of everything we coltect goes to the beaches, and it's going to take every bit of that.
o Now I'm reading about Red Tide, it's going to fottow thanks to the turbu[ence in the
. We've got a reaI need for those fu nds a nd a potentia I dectine in what generates them.
Jay Tusa
. So here we can took at our budget and staffing with other destination marketing
organizations within the State of Florida. As you can see, several of our competitors
coltect 60/0 tourist development tax. We are current[y coltecting 50/0.
. Other destinations attocate higher percentage of their TDT revenue to marketing,
promotion and advertising, which is a crucia[ factor in their abitity to drive demand.
The average percentage of tourist tax collection reinvested on tourism marketing is
220lo out of this chart and Cottier County at 13%.
Ctark Hitt
I think the order that this should be in is the percent TDC spent on advertislng tisted first. lf
you re-order this, we'd be a[most [ast.
Chairman LoCastro
This stide should be re-ordered. The first one up there would be Amelia lsland. Then you
woutd have the Patm Beaches. Orthe first one coutd be Fort Myers.
Laura Radter
The onty thing I wi[t encourage you is to focus on off season because they don't want to hear
that we want more visitors.
Chairman LoCastro
And it's not budget request. lt's a spend request. You're asking to spend money, not to
increase the budget from existing funds.
Enhanced marketing ptan request.
Jay Tusa
It coutd be enhanced marketing spend requests.
I want to ctarify the $13 mittion reserve. lt's $12.2 mittion.
Cotteen Greene
And just to be clear, for the TDC, we need you to approve the expenditure of funds not to
exceed. We have the $390,000, and we've added the $5,067,500. And so, if down the road,
Jay gets direction to again separate out the two items, the TDC is ctearty approving the
$5,067,500 ptus the $390,000. Whether it's on one executive summary or two. You're
authorizing that expendlture of funds?
Ctark Hitt made the motion that we authorize the ask to be not to exceed $390,000 against
the emergency fund and not to exceed $5,067,500 against the reserve funds because we
need it to promote tourism.
Chairman LoCastro seconded
Motion passed unanimously 8-0
8c. Recommendation to approve the FY 2024-2025 Destination Marketing
Plan and make a f inding that this action promotes tourism.
.Jay Tusa
At our last meeting on October 15,2024, we had presented the deck, the presentation for
this item, but we did not present the long format of this. And so happy to review anything at
this point, or we just need to get approval of the marketing plan today to move forward.
Ctark Hitt motioned to approve Marketing Plan 2024-2025 recommendation.
Susan Baker seconded
Motion passed unanimously 8-0
Otd Business
Council Member Discussion
Meeting adjourned 3:06 p.m.
Cottier County
Tourist Devetopment CounciI
Rick LoCastro, Chairman
These minutes were approved by the Committee or Chairman (choose one)
on il -l ( -aLI as presented or as
amende .l