Naples, FL - September 17,2O24
- Jay Tusa, CVB, Tourism Director
- Sandra Rios, CVB, PR and Communications Manager
- Colleen Greene, Collier County Attorney Office, Managing Assistant County Attorney
- Buzzy Ford, CVB, Digital and Social Media Coordinator
- John Melleky, Arts and Culture Manager
- Adrian Moses, Paradise Cost Sports Complex
- Amanda Townsend, Museum Director
- James Brendle, Downs & St. Germain
- Erin Murphy, Senior Account Executive, Lou Hammond
- Enriqueta Balandra, Senior Project Manager, Miles Partnership
1. Call to Order: The meeting was called to order at 9:00 a.m
LET lT BE REMEMBERED the Collier County Tourist Development Council, in and for
the County of Collier, having conducted business herein, met on this date 9:00 a.m. in
REGULAR SESSION at 3299 Tamiami Trail East, 3rd Floor, Naples, Florida with the
following members present:
Commissioner Rick LoCastro, Chairman
Clark Hill, Vice Chair
Susan Becker (excused)
Jared Grifoni, Councilor
Nancy Kerns
Bill Kramer
Michael McComas
Edward (Ski) Olesky (excused)
Laura Radler
Anyone who needs a verbatim record of the meeting may request a video recording
from the Collier County Communications & Cusfomer Relations Department or
view it online.
Pledge of Allegiance: Led by Jay Tusa.
Roll Call: A quorum of 7 was established in the room
Agenda and Minutes:
a. Changes and Approval ofToday's Agenda
Clark Hill made a motion to approve today's agenda
Laura Radler seconded
Motion passed unanimously to approve agenda 7-0
b. Approval of prior TDC Meeting Minutes - Aug.2,2024
Clark Hill made a motion to approve the minutes from August 2,2024
Bill Kramer seconded
Motion passed unanimously to approve the minutes 7-0
Jay Tusa was pleased to announce that the CVB won a few Visit Florida Flagler Awards.
o 2 Henry Awards, which is the gold category awards, one in the print advertising
category for the ONLY scent scratch card, and the other one was for the Out
of Home category for the Canada campaign.
o We received two other awards:
o a silver in the niche marketing category for ;ARTE VIVA!
o A bronze and mixed media campaign for the Only Paradise Will Do
Campaig n.
We also won two awards for Florida Festivals and Events Association Sensational
Awards for ;ARTE VIVA!
5. Presentations
Executive Director Update
1. TDT Tax Collection Report
o TDT tax collection for July 2024 $2,558,589.o TDT tax collection year to date $41 ,767,751.o TDT occupancy rate for July 50.9%. This is a decrease of 3.2o/o compared to
July 2023.
e Direct spending by visitors and the total economic impact of tourism in July
increased by 4.7% and 4.6% .
o The total economic impact of tourism is currently up 11 .SYo so far for this fiscal
year to date, with two months remaining in the 2024 fiscal year.
a One was second place for promotional video and the other was third place for
the promotional items.
6 Consent Agenda
7. New Business
74. Andy Miller, Coastal Zone Management
Recommendation to approve a resolution supporting the county's application
to FDEP long range budget plan request for beach renourishment projects for
fiscal year 2025 - 2026 and make a finding that these projects promote tourism.
Clark Hill made the motion to approve
Nancy Kerns seconded
Motion passed unanimously 7-0
2. Recommendation to approve the fall truck haul beach renourishment project
and authorize tourist development tax expenditures for the Park Shore Beach
scheduled for November 2024 with an estimated project cost of $7,506,100.00;
and make a finding that this item promotes tourism (Project 90067).
Nancy Kerns - How long does this take?
Andy Miller - About 6 weeks depending on weather.
Chairman LoCastro - How does this cost compare to past years?
Andy Miller - Since lan, and since we had a lot of competition for both contractors and
sand and as well as the inflation that's been associated with everything post Covid, the
prices have gone up, but we're lucky enough to have at least two to three good contractors
that are semi local, at least that provide us with competitive bids. So, I'm looking forward
to it coming in somewhere in the neighborhood of $7.5 million.
Andy Miller - The project is out to bid. Bids are due on September 23 and Coastal Zone
Management will come back to the TDC with the actual construction contract and the
items associated with that contract. This is a blanket approval of the project and the
expenditures beforehand.
ln the past, the projects have been ranging about $50 a cubic yard. That number rose
after lan to $70 to $80 a cubic yard. We're hoping to push that down a little bit with some
competitive bids.
3. Recommendation to approve the Tourist Development Council grant
application request from Collier County for the fiscal year 2025-2026 in the
amount of $6,974,100 budget these expenditures and make a finding that these
expenditures promote tourism under the recommended column.
Mike McComas made the motion to approve
Clark Hill seconded
Motion passed unanimously 7-0
4. Recommendation to approve the FY 2425 ten year capital planning document
for the tourist development tax funds in the TDC beach Renu 1{05 and TDC
Engineering Fund 1102, and make a finding that these expenditures promote
tou rism.
7B. Tourism Division
John Melleky, Arts and Culture Manager
The second section is the revenues, and that's what is related to tourism and our main
tourist development tax collections. And that starts on page 143.
Clark Hill made to motion to approve
Nancy Kerns seconded
Motion passed unanimously 7-0
Clark Hill made the motion to approve
Mike McComas seconded
Motion passed unanimously 7-0
1. Recommendation to approve the FY 25 Proposed Tourism Division budget and
make a finding that this action promotes tourism.
John Melleky - The first report is the budget that is presented as part of the County's
budget bill. This is the larger overhead view of our budget. lt shows our budget compared
to other departments in the County Manager's budget. The numbers that are in our more
detailed budgets are also in this budget report here. lt is a way to see it as a higher level.
And then we drill down into two different levels.
The third section is our expenses for the year. And that starts on page 146. l'll go through
the revenues first, see if there are any questions, and then go into the expenses. So,
looking at the revenues, and again, that's on page 143 and also in your executive
summary, is a great fiscal analysis of the TDT funds and what's going to be collected for
the year.
The estimated overall TDT collections that we're budgeting for is $37,924,000. l'd also
like to Introduce Jennifer Reynolds from the Office of Management Budget, who will be
here to also help answer questions.
Laura Radler - How much is being held in reserves?
John Melleky - Each fund has a different reserve. And as you can see, when we get into
the report shows the collections as they come in.
Laura Radler - What's the purpose of having those reserves?
Jennifer Reynolds - The reserves are put aside for future needs.
Laura Radler - So there's a reserve for the disaster fund? So why would we need to have
reserves for the promotional fund and how much are we carrying over each year?
Jennifer Reynolds - We have carried over because in the past, the revenues have been
much larger than anticipated. We were very conservative in our budget previously. This
year we increased that budget by 10o/o for next year. We had additional funding and that
was put into reserves, but also into your promotional line item budget for anything that
might come up that needed to be. We didn't predict Covid and had extra funding in
reseryes in the promotion so that they could switch gears on how they were going to
advertise for the future. That's the biggest reason for putting in reserves. So, if something
comes up and they need to advertise for unexpected things, they can do that.
Clark Hill - These aren't really reserves. They are allocated committed dollars that are
carried forward.
Nancy Kerns - Are these funds invested?
Jennifer Reynolds - Yes.
Laura Radler - For all the reserve accounts?
Ed Finn, Deputy County Manager - The Clerk of Courts is responsible for investing all the
County's funds. They do so very efficiently. They're doing a return somewhere in the 4%
to 5%. Of course, that varies on the market and whether they have long money or short
money. And of course it changes over time. lt's a dynamic situation. So, the funds that
are the TDT funds that are allocated, any ofthose that are not spent are invested by the
Clerk and provide a return.
Chairman LoCastro - The Clerk has sole oversight over reserve money in any
department, any account, anything. They pull it all under one umbrella and they have
complete responsibility over making sure that it's invested. lt's not the individual like it's
not Jay's job to do that. So, Clerk of Courts, that's the single point of contact for that?
Ed Finn - Yes. lf you look at the budget pages that are provided, there's a column in there
that's identified as the forecast. The forecast is what they anticipated spending after going
through their analysis with the budget, you'll see the anticipated spend. Similarly, that
would be the annualized column actually. So, the annualized column is the projection for
the year we're in now. So that's based on eight or ten months of actuals, plus the estimate
for the remainder of the year.
Clark Hill So when is that updated?
Ed Finn - March, April. So, there is a projection there. Mr. Hill had talked about the
allocation. The TDT funds, as they're collected, are allocated to individual funds for
specific uses. Those funds stay in the funds they're deposited in, and they do in fact roll
forward. Whether we're talking about reserves or an amount of money, particularly in the
promotion side of the house, an amount of money budgeted in excess of the actual
spending plan that is the allocated funds for that purpose based on the tourism plan that's
in the ordinance.
Clark Hill - That's not what I'm finding here. Here's a new fund category called reserve for
unbudgeted expenses.
Ed Finn - And if I may, sir, when l'm speaking to the funds, I'm talking about the higher
level. What you're looking at is a characterization of money within the fund. Nonetheless,
it stays.
Clark Hill - Yes, sir. I understand. We have the fiduciary responsibility for oversight of
these budgets, and we need to know what's going on if we're going to make
recommendations. I understand we're not a decision making board here, but we do make
recommendations and we can't make the proper recommendations unless we have the
current information.
Laura Radler - Hypothetically, if the BCC wanted to use some of the TDT funds towards
infrastructure, it would go before us to approve. lf we did not approve, could they still do
Colleen Greene - Yes, I think we still could. lt depends, of course, on the nature of the
project and it has to be for an authorized use in the tourist development tax statute. But
the way the statute works and the ordinance is the TDT. The TDC makes a
recommendation, whether favorable or not, which is forwarded to the BCC and they are
the final decision maker. So our recommendation would be we recommend they not use
the funds, let's just say. But it would still go foruard to BCC. lt's only a recommendation.
We're not making a decision here saying they can't use them. lt's always a
Clark Hill - Colleen Greene, when we wish to utilize funds out of any of the tourist
development tax supported funds, must it follow the description of the allocation? ln other
words, could someone hold money from advertising to be used for capital?
Colleen Greene - So the promotion fund, which is pennies four and five, generally in the
County's Tourist Development Plan, they are eligible to be used for this new provision
and the statutes under public facilities? Yes, with the appropriate findings, as
Commissioner La Castro was saying, with the evidence presented for the Council to make
a recommendation that it promotes tourism.
Chairman LoCastro - Don't forget, at the BCC meetings we're dealing with some stuff
that's right in front of us that needs to be fixed. You sit there and you see these emergency
funds, and that's why, you know, sometimes overstocking those emergency funds with
millions and millions of dollars in funds that really aren't doing anything it is attractive to
use them for real things right in front of us because in the end, it's best use of the dollars.
Some of the Commissioners, they're going to be quick to jump on those pots.
Jennifer Reynolds - For the current, the advertising and promotion fund there has been
spent 11 million. There's about 13 million remaining. Part of that $13 million is what I
would call a plug figure of the excess in revenue and their projected budget for this year.
We put $12.2 million into their advertising promotion line for additional items that might
need to be spent this year.
Laura Radler - So the budget was $25 million to start and we spent $11 million. And when
you're doing your budget for next year you're going off of this year's budget or actuals?
We asked for the actual figures and they are not included in this report.
Jennifer Reynolds - We are going off of this yeais budget. Whatever wasn't spent is going
to go into your carry forward. But we also did the same thing for next year with another
$12.2 million. PIug into your promotion and advertising line for that purpose. So that's
where we stand on the advertising promotion cost center fund.
Laura Radler - Again, the $12 million just sitting there for just in case when we also have
a debt or a disaster recovery reserve.
Chairman LoCastro - So does that seem excessive to you? What are your thoughts on
that? I mean, you know, just hearing that and we're up here spitballing. Nobody's given
you the direction, but that just seems like big numbers to me. So, it's like either, you know,
use some of the money or do something else with it. I don't know. l'm not saying I have
the answer, but it just seems like it's a lot. lt seems like we have this much money to play
Bill Kramer - First, it is hard to believe that there are no reserve policies about the
investments or how much should be maintained. I understand rollover and in a clean
slate where it couldn't be poached or raided then that makes sense. That's not our
environment. The environment is this. You're going to lose them. There are other folks
that are looking for dollars and they see this as cash is not being used. We've already
seen it with what happened, Conservation Collier. l'm shocked, quite honestly, that it's
not somehow encumbered either by some sort of ordinance or some sort of need, so that
others can't come along and say, hey, look at all this low hanging fruit.
Chairman LoCastro - That's got to be part of our meetings as well. What are some things
that maybe other Counties are doing that we can learn from or some things that we've
always wanted to do but we've never done? lt's so critical to have subject matter experts
on a panel here so somebody can chime in that has the depth in whatever. You know
like, Mr. Kramer comes from a nonprofit or you work at a hotel or whatever. What are we
m issing?
John Melleky - The reserves were most recently used in the approval that you made for
Miles Partnership to pay for the $25,000 for the Website Enhancement project. For the
total operating budget, which is the Fund 1101 report, there is an advertising budget of
$6 million dollars, which is the same as the budget for the current fiscal year. Sports
marketing programs remain consistent at $1 million and the total operating budget once
the $12.2 million is taken out is $10,578,800.
Clark Hill - John, do you want to describe what this is or a quick overview on this? I have
a few slides I would like to discuss. The first is an index that measures the health of our
tourism economy over time by combining a multitude of metrics. And you'll see as we get
into May, a sharp decline. And this only goes through June, but I know that July, August
John Melleky - Yes, because really what this tool is, it's Zartico and it measures, as people
go into different places around the destination of checking against their cell phones and
pings as to what that's done. So, then it's an overall conglomerate of what's happening in
the market. That is a correct assessment.
Clark Hill - John could you display page 195, the monthly occupancy? l've circled some
data and then placed in Europe by Naples. But l'd like to take a look at the 46.7% transient
occupancy. Focus on transient business. You can see it certainly is much lower than
many of our competitors. And then over to the far right, the delta there in the occupancy,
negative 6.9% year over year. And that's for the month of July.
This is the calendar year. So, from January through July. Again, I've circled the transient
demand numbers. lf you look at Naples, 48.7o/o. Again, the lowest in our comp set by far.
And then another interesting thing is in the center. The center circle 790,252 room nights
of transit represents 48.7o/o of our business. But you can see the much larger numbers in
our comp set, albeit they admittedly have more supply. But if you continue over, that's a
negative 6.5o/o year over year drop in transient demand. And then one final one on page
This is for the fiscal year to date. And that. So that would be October through July. lf you
look, there are two destinations that weren't in here. Clearwater and St. Pete weren't in
there because we weren't able to get the information. But Naples, 47.Bok, again,
extremely low. And that's a decline of 7.9o/o. So, we're declining.
And this is transient business, which is our bread and butter. lt's often where we get the
highest rates. lt's travel from Europe, it's domestic travel, but it requires marketing and
sales to capture. And for every decline we see here, and you look up at our comp set,
you can assume that that customer is going to another market and that's. lt's expensive
to buy back customers.
It's prohibitively expensive. We don't want to lose them, we want to keep them. So that's
sort of a plea to take marketing seriously. lt works.
and September are going to continue with that trend. So anyway, if you look at the
downturn there, that is what we're experiencing in the market.
Those that are marketing are faring befter than we are. State of Florida is faring better
than we are.
Jared Grifoni - One thing I think we need to kind of look at here, though. I hear what
everybody says, but what's the relationship with the average daily rate relative to these
other communities that are cited in here?
Because our ADR is a lot higher. Right. So, and it's only gotten higher and that's why
we're seeing the money continue to come in. But your occupancy rates are down. You
want a cheaper price, right?
Those are the numbers that we receive here every single month. We evaluate those
numbers, and we utilize that in order to provide a clearer picture of the health of the overall
travel economy, tourism economy in Collier County. l've heard that we have the highest
ADR in southwest Florida but you're going to drop off some of your repeat customers
because they can go elsewhere and spend less money. They can do that spending $300
a night someplace else versus spending $650 a night here.
Laura Radler - We're doing our budgets for next year and our company owns 40 hotels
throughout the State of Florida. Everyone is forecasting to be down. Now, nobody wants
to put that in a budget. So, we're all saying that we're going to be flat, but the realistic part
of it is we're probably going to be down. EDR will be flat. Occupancy might suffer.
Bill Kramer - Every year we do a staycation in Naples. We just can't afford to do that in
Naples this year. So, while you might be down 50%, the prices for rooms do not reflect
that. And that's a first for us. I'mtaking mywifeoutof town. Since 1998, we've been able
to stay locally affordably. I can tell you if rooms cost what they are in Fort Lauderdale, I
think we have a whole bunch more visitors.
Clark Hill - l'm a hotelier. lopened a hotel in February 2000 here, and this is as slow as
I've ever seen it. l'm not kidding. And l'm not the only one. So, I mean, the Florida Keys
have a high ADR. They continue to beat us in occupancy, but they spend, I mean, you
see commercials for the Florida Keys all over. They were number one on the list. And it's
as expensive there. l'm not saying Naples isn't unique. So, I don't want to sound insulting
or anything, but you know, there's lots of places that have beaches, but there's sort of
only one Keys. You know, I mean, we say in the military, there's lots of military bases, but
there's only one Air Force Academy.
Chairman LoCastro - lgotta tell you, we better spend some reserves before somebody
else does.
John Melleky - We have been discussing the operating side and I also want to present
the administrative costs, which are found under Fund 1'104. The total administrative costs
budgeted are $2,188,500 which includes 1'l fulltime positions. This is a decrease from
FY 24 which had 13 positions.
Laura Radler - What is the status of the positions as you were going to hire a Deputy
Directo position?
Jay Tusa - \r'y'hy I haven't done anything with the Deputy Director position and kind of
circling back around with the County Manager's Office is l've been evaluating the whole
layout of the office and the team. We're really a lean department, and so could be better
suited, perhaps with two positions, you know, splitting those dollars instead of having a
Deputy Tourism Director that oversees marketing and communications efforts? You
know, could it be where we have a little bit lower level, but more boots on the ground,
getting work done everyday type of position?
Laura Radler - The concern is that marketing dollars and positions are being taken away
from the department.
Nancy Kerns - I keep hearing overand over, you've gotthe money, we've gotthe money
But the travel was stopped for your group, correct?
Jay Tusa - At the last meeting, I kind of mentioned that travel was paused. And I think
there was a little bit of miscommunication between me and the County Manager's Office.
It was necessarily paused, but it was basically paused until we kind of presented a case
for our travel. And so that's what we did.
We put together a plan for the remainder of this year and we supplied the county
manager's office with that information. We're waiting to hear back from them. But every
department, every division within Collier County, when you travel, you put out a travel
request, you fill out the relevant information and you submit that for approval.
Chairman LoCastro - When speaking with Amy Patterson I said I want it on the next
meeting, and if you tell me it can't be, then I want you to call me in the next five minutes
and tell me why. So at least we're going to get that approved, that grant money. But the
travel is still an issue.
Bill Kramer - We're looking at the sports complex budget. The net operating was
$8,000,213.00. lf you look at the revenue, the vast majority 962 is other revenue, which
is carry forward interest, 57o revenue, reserve miscellaneous for a total of balances at
$10,458.00. So, it looks like they're using a whole bunch of reserves to meet this year's
budget. ls that the case?
Chris Johnson - Those reserves are capital recovery reserves in that fund. We take
reserves every year for the replacement of the field's equipment.
So that's why that number is going to grow every year as we move fonrvard within that
fund? Within that operating fund.
Laura Radler - ls any part of that budget any capital improvements?
Chris Johnson - No, that's the operating budget.
Public Speaker
Meg Stepanian, Sth Avenue Business lmprovement District
It is my responsibility, through our nonprofit and through the collective funds of the
property owners on the Avenue, to market the Avenue, beautify it, and create events for
the 254 businesses represented within that special overlay district.
This year has been lackluster for our Merchants. These numbers that you're sharing
today, you know, really put into visibility why it's lackluster this summer. We are getting
some traffic from the east coast for our weekends, but that traffic is not yielding a lot of.
So, they're not spending like our European travelers would spend. Visit Florida did a
campaign in April and that campaign yielded a number five position in traffic to our
website. So that is measurable. I would be thrilled to share with you any other
measurables that we can offer, but we are a critical partner, and we need your support.
I think what is missing is we need to do a more of a full core press on marketing. Digital
really, really needs to be a plus and lt's inexpensive.
Jared Grifoni made a motion to approve the budget
Bill Kramer seconded it
Motion passed 6-1 with Clark Hill voting no
Recess 10 minutes
Public Speaker
Kit Baker, United Arts Collier
Chairman LoCastro - What I think would benefit us would be ideas that we can invest in.
We can take the heavy lifting off of your plate. You bring us the idea, the thing that if you
had the checkbook, what would you do? You don't have the checkbook, but you bring the
idea to us, and then we see if it's something that we want to fund and something that
would help the greater good.
I am a local businesswoman, had an Airbnb business for '13 years, and have serviced a
different clientele than the hoteliers represented here. Today I accommodate the digital
nomads, post Covid reset, and a different level of European. Europeans, 30 somethings,
who have just taken their first trip to the United States and are starting to appreciate what
Florida has to offer, they're all gone. My occupancy rate for June, July and August was
zero. My price points for those tourists are $50 a night to $85 a night. They're gone.
While I am in the same boat as the hoteliers with occupancy rates gone or down, it's not
about their price points, it's about the tourism traffic being down. And I appreciate the fact
that the dialogue here has been about spending reserves that we can invest and try
different strategies and fast track different investment points that will help turn this 6.9
decline in a different direction. But as it relates to a current opportunity that is before you
today and at the budget meeting on the 17th and at the BCC meeting on the 24th, the 17
art organizations have been working to help differentiate the marketing opportunities that
we have here in Collier County by underscoring the cultural presence and the cultural
value that our community has as compared to the other destination points that these
tourists are choosing to go to. Choosing to go to Sarasota as an arts and culture
community versus Collier County and the 17 organizations had put together a proposal
for a $1.5 million grant funding. lt was very well evaluated and agreed that it would be
presented as a $750,000 grant opportunity, but that is also not taking up all the reserve
money that is in the fund.
So, Ijust want to emphasize and applaud your effort to evaluate the opportunity,
opportunities to make sure that the funds that are allocated for the arts, which is less than
2o/o of the tourism budget, don't get reallocated somewhere else, and that the arts are
considered a value partner in solving the problem. Thank you.
Public Speaker
Kenzie Currie, Naples Players
I also wanted to speak on the arts sector grants and the allocation for funds to support
that effort. I think we can see Sarasota being a prime example that arts and culture is not
only a factor, but an imperative consideration when you're making these allocations. And
we want to thank you as well for those allocations. Those grant funds go a long way for
nonprofit arts organizations.
The Naples Players is on Fifth Avenue. Restaurants aren't going to be the only thing that
brings them. The arts are going to bring them, and they're going to invest in those
restaurants, they're going to stay at those hotels and hopefully give back the dollar that
we're hoping to see more in tourism. So, thank you for allocating that and considering arts
and culture in your budgeting process and on behalf of those organizations.
It really does go a long way to maintaining the quantity and quality that Naples has to
offer because we do have a lot of art and it's really, really high quality. And the more we
can get that message out there making it what Naples is a destination for, the better
8. Old Business
No ltems
9. Marketing Partner Reports
Adrian Moses, GM, Paradise Coast Sports Complex
Adrian Moses - l'm reporting today on Q3, which was April, May and June of the fiscal
year we had in our business plan.
ln this quarter we had the kickoff soccer tournament as an economic impact qualifying
event. Along with that was the tournament success group South Florida Cup. That was
the largest tournament that we've ever had. I would guess that Collier County's ever had.
There were 288 teams at that tournament. We used all of Collier County parks as well as
Paradise coast and then some.
We had the Legends concert series, some catering events, and then in June, most of you
will be aware that we had the brand reveal for the soccer team, other small catering
events. The drone show was also in the mix.
Downs & St. Germain Research
Zoom PowerPoint Presentation
This was the first year that we were able to do Top Gun all in one location. lt just made
the event so much more, much more a beneficial one for everyone.
We're tracking towards 2.7 million in revenue. We're tracking to be exactly where we need
to be on cogs and we're hacking to be just under on expenses. So, it's been an incredibly
fun year to be involved.
Erin Murphy, Lou Hammond Group
Zoom Slide Presentation
Enriqueta Balandra, Sr. Project Manager, Miles Partnership
Zoom Slide Presentation
Amanda Townsend, Director of Museums (in person)
Slide Presentation
'10.Tourism Staff Reports
Sandra Rios, Public Relations Report
1'1. Council Member Discussions
Chairman LoCasko - The next BCC meeting is Sep. 24th at 9:00 a.m. and the grants are
back on the schedule. They weren't, but they are now.
Jay Tusa - We have grants, pickleball and FC Naples, and Visit Florida
Chairman LoCastro - l've told those who run for office that advertising that you're running
for office isn't the same as campaigning. So advertising is great. Everybody knows who
Tom Johnson is doesn't necessarily equate to votes.
I will just say as far as marketing and advertising, it's really about a mix and it's about
being in the right places. So, it's a PR component from a communications perspective.
It's advertising, it's being on television, it's being on digital, it's being on social media, it's
being on all these different platforms in the right amount of frequency where you're
reaching your audience over and over and over again, So that's really something that we
strive for in our efforts with our agency, is when we're creating these media plans, these
marketing campaigns, is really to make sure they're broad focused. As far as you know,
it's the shotgun approach.
Clark Hill - lf I may, just for the record, lwanted to clarify the reason I voted no in
recommending the budget for this year. lt's not because of the content or the talent that
Sandra Rios -A handout was provided for this presentation.
I just wanted to bring to your attention that Public Relations really falls under the category
of earned media versus paid media. The articles are generated as a result of our
discussions, our meetings, and our relationships with journalists, rather than being part
of a paid campaign. And that gives these placements a lot more credibility and authenticity
to the stories that are shared. And it really adds a human touch and a perspective to the
stories and articles that are published.
we have on the team. I was just concerned that if we approve it, then it's going to be
difficult to get some of that additional content. So, I just want to be on record for that. And
one other thing.
Mike McComas requested that when we have votes, that we do individual voice votes for
major items, pass that along.
The next meeting is scheduled for October 15,2024
The meeting adjourned al 12.04 p.m.
Rick LoC a rrman
These minutes were approved by the Committee or Chairman (choose one)
on tO - \5-aq presented , or asAS