Agenda 09/24/2024 Item #16D1 (1st Amend. to the Emergency Solutions Grant Sub. Agreement between The Shelter for Abused Women & Children, Inc., and Collier County Board of County Commissioners)9/24/2024 Item # 16.D.1. ID#: 2024-750 Executive Summary Recommendation to approve and authorize the Chairman to sign the First Amendment to the Emergency Solutions Grant Subrecipient Agreement #ES23-01 between The Shelter for Abused Women & Children, Inc., and Collier County Board of County Commissioners to modify the period of performance and notice information. (Housing Grant Fund 1835, Project 33856) OBJECTIVE: To provide ongoing support for shelter operations to homeless victims of domestic violence and further the County’s strategic plan focus area quality of place by supporting access to health, wellness, and human services to Collier County residents. CONSIDERATIONS: Every five years, the County is required to submit a Consolidated Plan to the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD). This plan outlines the goals and activities to be undertaken with HUD entitlement funds over the five-year period, along with individual Annual Action Plans for each year covered by the Consolidated Plan. The Board of County Commissioners (Board) approved the Collier County 2021-2025 Consolidated Plan on June 22, 2021 (Agenda Item #16.D.7). On May 18, 2023 the County advertised the 2023-2024 Annual Action Plan with a 30-day Citizen Comment period from May 18, 2023, to June 17, 2023, in accordance with HUD regulations. On July 11, 2023 (Agenda Item #16.D.3.), the Board approved the Collier County One-Year Action Plan for Federal Fiscal Year 2023-2024 for the Emergency Solutions Grants (ESG) Program. As part of this action, the Board also entered into agreement #ES23-01 (Agenda Item #16.D.3) with the Shelter for Abused Women and Children, using ESG funds. However, the Period of Performance was incorrectly indicated as beginning on October 1, 2023. Collier County entered into the PY2023-2024 ESG agreement with HUD on November 2, 2023. The Period of Performance in the Agreement began on November 2, 2023. As such, the Shelter for Abused Women’s Agreement needs to be modified to align the periods of performance to reflect the County’s start date of November 2, 2023, as is in the HUD Funding Approval/Agreement. The proposed Amendment #1 will modify the Agreement to adjust the period of performance start date from October 1, 2023, to November 2, 2023. The Amendment will also change the County's notice information to reflect the newly assigned grants coordinator. FISCAL IMPACT: The proposed action has no fiscal impact. Funds are budgeted within Housing Grants Fund (1835), Project 33856. GROWTH MANAGEMENT IMPACT: This item has no impact on the Housing Element of the Growth Management Plan of Collier County. LEGAL CONSIDERATIONS: This item is approved for form and legality and requires a majority vote for Board action. - CJS RECOMMENDATIONS: To approve and authorize the Chairman to sign the First Amendment to the Emergency Solutions Grant Subrecipient Agreement between The Shelter for Abused Women & Children, Inc., and Collier County Board of County Commissioners to modify the period of performance and notice information. (Housing Grant Fund 1835, Project 33856) PREPARED BY: Adrienne Meijer, Grants Coordinator, Community and Human Services ATTACHMENTS: 1. ES23-01 SAWCC Amendment #1 Page 3200 of 4908 2. ES23-01 SAWCC Executed Agreement 23-24 Page 3201 of 4908 Page 3202 of 4908 Page 3203 of 4908 Page 3204 of 4908 Page 3205 of 4908 FAIN #E-23-UC- r200 r6 I cdernl A!\ad l)ulc EST l0/202:l Fedcr'al Award Agenc)HtJD CFDA Name Enler!:!encv Solutions Grant CFDA/CSFA#t4.:31 'l orat Amount dl-redeml Funds Awarded $t26.910.00 SLrbrecipient NaDrc The Shelter tbr Abused U'olnen & Children. lnc. LI[,I#r-JA IVKEREQFA FEIN 59-t7s:895 It&L)No Irdirecl Cost Rate No Period ofPefounance Oclober 1,2023 - September 30,20:4 i'iscal Ycar EDd .lune i0 Monitor End:Dccenrber 202l ACIIEEMENT BETWEEN COLLIER COUNTY AND THE SHELTER FOR ABUSED WOMf,N & CHILDREN, INC. Shelter Operations Progrtm THIS AGRtrEMENT is orade and entered into ths -l-!j day of -Jg|L,2023, b) and belueen Collier County. a political subdivision of the Srate of Florida. (*COUNTY'or "Crantee ) hav;ng irs pri.rcipal address as l3i9 Tanriami Tlail East, Suite 2li. Naplcs, FL 341I2. and THE SfiELTER FOR ABUSED WOMtrN & CHILDREN, INC. , a private not-for.profit corporation exisling under rhe laws ofthe State of florida. C SUBRECIPICNT') having its principal olfice at POBox 10102. Naples. FL 34 t0 r. WHEREAS, the COLTNTY is an entitlernent community ol drc (Jnited States Depaltment of Housing and Urban Dcvelopnrefl (HLJD) for a Eant 10 e\ecule and implenteDt the Enrcrgency Solutions Cranr (ESG) proE?m iD cetain arras ofCollier Couno. putsuanr ro the Hofteless Enelgency Assistance and Rapid Transirion Io Housing (HEARTH) Acr (24 CFR 576) amending rhe N,lcKinne\-Venro Homeless Act (42 U.S.C. I l37l I 1378)r and WHEREAS. pur'suant to the a{brcsaid glant. COUNTY is unde(aking celraiD activities to primarily bercflt honeless indiv;duals in Collier Count-,- \,irh lhe use ofESC tunds to improve rhe qualit] of life in Collier Counry b) providing assistance lor any ofthe follo\\ing five (5) proganr componenrs: sneel oulreach, emelgency shelter, homelessness prevenliorl, rapid re-housing assistalce, alld Homcless Managenlenl lnfbnnation Slslenr (HMIS)l and WIIEREAS, rhe Boad of Coull$. Conrnissioners of Collicr Count) (_Board') approved rhe Collier Counly Consolidated Plan - One-Year Action PIarts for hede.al Fisaal Year 2023-2024f0r dte ESG ProgMnl atlhe July I l, 2023 Board of Coury Cornrnissio els meeting. Agcnda ltem #16.D-l- Tht Shelrq ri, Ablsd U oden & Chrldft. Inc ES2l.0l -No Page 3206 of 4908 wHELEAs, in accordance \yirh HtlD regutations aM dlc Collier Countv Consolidaled Plalr conceming the prcparation of various Annual Actiorr Plans. the COUNTY adve(ised the 2013 - 202'l ADnual ction Plan, on May 18, 2023. with a 30-day Cilizen Comme l period lio May 18, 2023 io.lune 17,2023;and WHEREAS. Ihe COL!.JTY and SUBRECIPIENT wish to set folth the responsibililies and obligalions of each ir underlaking the Emergency Solulions Gmnt Project - (ES2l-01) The Shelter lbr Abused WomeD & Childrerr. lrrc. Shcllcr Operdlions. NOW. THERtrFORll. in conslderaiion ofrhc rrrulual beneilts corrtaincd herein. it is agreed bv the PART I SCOPE OF SERVICES SUBI{ECIPIENT shall, in a satisfacror) and proper manner and consi$enr wirh any standards required as a condition ofproviding ESG Funds, a5 detennined by Collier County Conr unity and Human Scrvices Division (CHS), pedbmr the iasks necessary ro co[duct the program as follows: PROJECT DETAILS Emcrgcncy SolutioDs Crant - Shelter Opemlions Progmm: Shcltcr operdions erpenscs and personnel sala cs |o benefit honeless individr.rals and fanilies ir Collier County- Proiecr Cornponeor One: Personnel sala ies ro support Sheher OpeElioni Proiecl Component Two: Annual Shellcr operation e\penses which nray include but are not linrited to. tltililies. securhy n]ainlenance and monthll securily monhofilrg. trash coll.ction, insumnce, repaiN/maintenance. tbod costs. pest conrfol and lawn care. l. Prciecl Tasks: l. ESG DocumeDtatiorr Requircnrents Compliance Crilcria: Maintain docunreDtation on allhouseholds served. in compliance wilh 24 CFR 576.500 Provide quaftedy repons on meeting all ESG Eligible Activity Attendance by a reprcsentative ofSUBRECIPIENT Execulive Management at each Partnership Meeting b. c, Acri\'ities carried out \\'ith funds provided !$der rtris Ag:Eemenl Nill contribute ro a program designed to be lhc tirst siep in a continuun olassistarce to emble horreless individuals and lamilies to move to\yard indcpendent living. as \,'ell as prevent homelessness. as defined in 24 CFR Palt 576 (Subpar! B flligible Activitics 576.11J. TheShclr.r lbr AbEl uoo.n &Childtn.Inc ES2l-01 CtsO Page 3207 of 4908 I.I (;RA\T .\\I) SII]CIAL CONDTTIoNS Within sixty (60) calendar days ol the cxecurion ofthis Agreement. SUBRECIPIEN I must deliver 10 CHS lbr approval a detailed project schedule for collpletion of the projecl. SUBRECIPIENT mustsubmit the following resolutions and policies within sixtv (60) days ofthe execution oflhis Agreement. Alli native Fair Housing Policy Aftirmative Act;orr/Equal Opportunit, Policy Affiflnative Action Plan Conflict ofl ercst Policy (COI) and related COI Forus Procurenrent Policy t.Jnifbrm Relocation Act Policy Sexual Harassment Policy Section 504/ADA Policy Fraud. Waste, and Abuse Polic! Violence Againsr Wonren Act (VAwA) Policy LGBTQ Policy Lnnguagc Assistance and Planning Policy (LAP) Linrited English Prollciency Policy (LBP) MiniNum llabitability Slandards Checklist for Emergency Shelters Envilonnrental Revie\\, Requirement (ERR) - This Agreement does not constitute a coDrmitment of Funds or sirc approval- The commitment of Funds or site approval may occur only upon salislhctory complelior ol environmenral rcview executed b), the COUNI'Y. and either (a) the derermination rlEt the project is Exernpt or (b) rhe COUNTY s receipt oi an approvcd request for release of iinds and certiication from HUD, under 24 CFR Pafi 58. Tlre provision ofany iurds 1o lhe ploject is conditioned on the CIOUNTy s deternrination to proceed with, modify, or cancel the prcject based on ll]e resulls of thc environmental review. No progranr cosis can be incul€d until an enviromrental review ofthe project is conrpleled and approved by the COIJNTY. Fuflhcr, the SUBRECIPIENT \\'ill nor underuke anl acrivio,or colunii an),funds prior to CHS issuancc oftlle Not;ce to Pro€eed (NTP) lctter- Violat;on ofihis prcvisiorr rnav resuh in ahe telmination ofthis subaward and/or the denial of anv reimbuEenrent of funds under lhis Agreemen!, Annual Subrecipienl Training - All STJBRECIPIENT sEflassigned to rhe adminisuation and irr)plementation ofthe Prcject establishcd by this Agreenlenl, slrall atiend the CHS- spoosored Auual Subrecipient Fair Housing n'ainirB. e\cept those who atiended lhe truining in Ihe previors )..ear. In addition. at leasi one staff nrember shall aftend all other CHs-otfered Subrecipiem taining relevani to the Project. as determined b) dle Crants Coordinalor. not 1o e\ceed four (4) sessions. Requesls lbr exemption. under this special condition. must be submitted to lhe Olanl Coordinator. in \v ting, atleast I4days.priorto the training. B. ( axXxXntrxxtratrXtr D. Th. Sh€ller fo. Abus.d worun & Childr.n Inc ES2l-0r ,\o Page 3208 of 4908 1.2 E. Perorx who, as a resull 01'narional origin, do not speak Dnglish as iheir primtu, language and who have Iimired ability to speali, r ead, lvrite. or understand EDglish ("limited English proficient persons" or "l-EP Persons") may be enlitled to langLrage a-ssistance under Tjtle VI in order to receive a pa(icular service, benefil. or encounter. In accordance $dth Tille VI of the Civil Rights Acl of 196,1 (Tit1e VI) and iis ;mpiemenling regulations. fie SUBRECiPIENT agrees to take reasonable steps to ensure meanitgful access to acti\,ities finded widl I_IUD l-rurds b) LEP pe$ons. Any ofthe foliowing aclions could coDsdtute "reasonable steps". depending on the circurnstaDces: acqlr ir'i.g lranslato.s to t.anslare vital documenrsj adverlisem€nts or |oticesi acquiring interpreteri for lace to face inter\,ie\\s wirh LEP persons; placing adverlisemenis and nolices in newspapeN that sene LEP persons: paftnering wilh olher organizations that seNe LEP populations to provide interyretation. lranslation, or dissemination of inlormalion rcgading the project; hiring bilingual employees or volunleers for olrircach ard intake activities; conlr-acting lvirh a re'ephore line irlert'rerer \.r\i!e: clL. PROJECT DETAILS A. ProjeclDcscription/Budget The budget identiied for the Shelter Operstions Pmgftrl1l shall be as follows: SI rBRECIPIE\ I \!ill acconrplish rhc loll !lng chccllcd t)ro:ic.r taiks: n Pa) allcloiin-gcosrs rclared ro propc ) con!.\arrtc X Vainuin and .Dr.\,ide to ihe COUNI\'. d! requ.sl.d- bcnefi.ial dolutnenlalion rhal sopports rhe benellt o1 honr.l.irn.:r tr Providc Qfadcrl) Il.lorts on proiect progress X Pr{,vidc Quaterl} Lc!cragc I'LLIrds Iiepolr I l,n.!rcancndanceb)areFresenlati\elionre\eculi\.nrarragernelrlalqua(erllpa(ncrihip cc1ins1s. as requesred b) CHS Pro\,ide 1r(rlrrh1) constNctioil and rehtbililalion progress repo11s unlll cornpl.rioll ol consirucrion or rehabr liLaliorr ldeniiI l.eed Projecr t\,larage' PnrviLie Sire DesiSr and Specltlcations Subnrir Clunge Order lbl CI IS app(i! r1 prio. ro SL rBltEClPltNT aulhoriTirrg \rorh n tr!tr Descrip on I]SG \'{arch lrl Proiect Compof.nr l: Pc6onn.l salaries ro slrpporl Sheher $Jr.000.00 ll'ojeci Colnpon.m 2: AnrLral Shelter operatioDJ e\penser l, -lr j, ."r lJ .'d r. ur lir;( . (.,rir\ ]n3inrei)dncc and ontlri\ sccLLrir rronirorine. uush collecrion. irrsrrancc. r.pxiNhrainrenance. taod cosl\. p.st conrroi and la\r care. s84,920.00 ESG Nl:rtch Requirement hS(l LLi-!ible Nlatchinq F und5 $llrr.gl0.oLl lotal federal I- undsi $126-920.00 The Shcller IiI Abusei Women& ClhiLdren.lnc. ESt:i-01 cFo Page 3209 of 4908 n!trtrntr B, Conply \\,ith Davis-Bacon I abor Slandards and maintain supporting documentation Prcvide ccrtified payroll weekly ihroughout conslNction and rchabilitation Conply with Section 3 rcpoftilrg requiremcnts and maintain supporting documentation Comply with Unilbrm Rclocation Acl (tJRA). ifapplicable Ensure applicable nu bers oiunits ar'€ Section 504/ADA accessible Ensure the applicable affordability pctiod is ret {br the project Program Co ponen6/Eligiblc Activhies All services/activities t'unded \tith ESO Funds must meel onc olthe ESG progmm comporenls. as defined in 24 Ct'R 576: . Street Outreach: aunds ma) cover cosls rclated to essential services tbr unshcltcrcd persons (includirs emergenc) hcalth or nrental health care. cngagcnrcnt. case management, and seNiccs lbr rl)ecial popLrlationr. EEeICCLSyS!.ellq, Funds may be used fbr ler)ovalion oIemergency shelter ihcilities and the operation of those facilities. as well as seruices for the residents (including case management. childcare. education, employment assislance arrdjob training. legal, nlental health, substance abuse ll€alment. tmnsponation, and services for special populations), Homelessness Preventiop apd Rrpid Rc-Housing: Both components fund housirrg relocation and stabilization services (including rental application fees, security deposits. utilily deposjrs or palments, last rirondr's rent, ard housing search and placenrent activities). Housiry may also be used forshon-or medium-term rcntalassistance for those who are at-risk ofbecoming honleless or tEnsitioning to stable housing. E!4E: Funds may be used ro pa)' the costs lbr contribuing data to the HMIS designated by lhe Continuurn of CaIe for the area. Eligible acliv;ries include cooputer hardware, sottware. or equipment, technical suppon, oftlce space, salar;es ofoperabr's. statT training costs, and padic;pation Iees. C. Pcrlbrnra,rc,: Deli!eratrLer l)r'og m Deliverxble Deliverable Supporting Documentation SLrbnrisslon Schcdule Insurance Ceniflcaie Wilhin l0 da)s of grcenel]t c\ccuion aDd arlnlrally within lhirty (l0l dat s ofrenewal Special Cmnt Condition Pol;cies (Section I.l) Policies as stated in this With,n sixty (60) days ofAgreeorent Detailed proiccl Schcdule Proieci Schedule l\_/A Projcct Plam and SDecitications Site Plans and Specitications Procurement Documents (Bid Packeo+ Independenr Cosl Estinrate Medlod ol' Procurenrent Solicitation Packei Subcoftractor Log Subcontmctor Loq N/A Th. Sh.lr.r lbrAl sdd w.m.n A Childrn I'rc LSll-0t c!'o Page 3210 of 4908 Quanerly Progrcss Reporl Exhibii C l. Quarerl), Nithin l0 days after the eDd ofthe quafier, including lhose quarlers rvhere no aclivily and,/or invoicing has occr.tred. 2-Final rcpon upon subrnission of firal pay requesl, Lcvcrage Funds Rcporl tsxhibir (l-l l -Qllalterly. wilhirr l 0 da)s after the end ofthe qua[er. inclLrdin-e those qua{ers Nhere ro aclivity and/or invoicing has occuued. l-Final repoft upon subr]rission 01' ,Annual Audit Monitoring ReDort E\hibil D Annually. Nithin 60 days after FY Financial and Contpliance Audit Audh, Managenrent Letter and Supponing Docunrentation Annually. nire (9) moDths for Single Audit OR one hundred and eighty ( 180) days after FY end. Program lncorrre Reuse I'lan Plan Approved b) thc COUN'I'Y N/A D. I'avrnent Deliverables Pavmeor Delivel?ble Pa\,ncnl SuDDortinc Docunrentaiion Subnrission Schedule Projefi Component l: Personnel salaries to suppo( Shelter Operations Upon invoicing using Exhibit B, Nill reimbu,se allorvable expenses as evidenced by properly completed rimesheers. palroll registers/sulnmar)'. banking docume,rts or canceled checks. and any additional supportin,s docurDentation as rcquested. l0% rotainage will lre withheld on each pa!menr rcquesl. Final l0% released upon documentation of all benefi ciaries seNed and a successful closeout monito ng. Submission of monthly PaYdlent request within 30 days ofprior month end Project Coll1po ent-l wo: Annua! Sheher operations expenses Nhich may include but are not limited 10, utili!ies. securky maintenance and nronthly securily monitorilrg. tr'ash collection, insuI?nce, repairs/maintenance. food cosls, pest contfol and lawn care. Upon invoicing using Exhibit B. \\ill reimburce allowable expe$es Nith documentation including but not limited to properly completed invoices, cancelled checks,fuanking documents and any addirional suDpo|ting documentation as requested, I0% retainage will be w;thheld on each paymenl request. Final l0% released upon documentation of all bercfi ciaries Subnrission of monthly Payment request within 30 days ofp or month end Th. sh.h.r tnr ahuvJ lro'b.n& ahildr.n I.. ES2i-01 cFo Page 3211 of 4908 served and a successful closeout moniroring. ESG Maich E\hibir B-1. along wirh suppoding Maich docLlDenta!ion Monlhly Match: subnitted wirh each submi(ed pa] reques! untilmalch obligalion is complete F;nal I 0 percent of a\r,ard anounl will be paid upon com pletion of doc umentaiion of all beneficiaties and tinal monitoring clearance. Retainage rv;ll be deducled from each invoice 1.1 l.J PERIOD OF PERFORMANCE SUBRECIPiENT seNices shall s!al1 on October ].2023 orthe date ol'County's HUD award. letter rvhiche\'er is the latter. and end on Septe0rber 30. 2024 (Ternr ofAgrtenrenr). SUBRECIPIEN'l''s seFr'ices/activ;ties shall be underlaken and conrpleted considering the puryoses oithis Agrcenrent. An) Funds llor obligated b) dre e\piration date ofthis Agrec rent shall auromaticall)' re\cn lo fie COUNTY, The Counry Manager or des ignee flay exte nd d1e term of this Agrccnr ent for a period of up to I 80 da)s after ihe erd of the Agreement following receipt of SUBRECII,IENT'S writirxl requesl subnillcd at Ieast 30 days prior to agreement pcriod of perfolmance end date. E\te sions lrlust be aurhorized- ir writiDg. by lornral letter ro SUBRECIPIENI. AGR.EEMENT AMOUNT 'l he COLTNTY agrees io make available ONE HUNDRED TWENTY-SIX THOUSAND NINE HUNDRED TWENTY DOLLARS AND ZERO CENTS (5126,920.00) tbr use by SURRECIPIENT durirlg the I erm ofthe Agrccmeni (hereirafter ref'crred to as lhe Funds). Modifications ro the Budge! and Scope rray only be made ilapproved in advance. Budgeled Fund shifu betlveen projeci conlpo.ents shall not erceed l0 percent ofdre lotal funding amounl and sigDit! a charge in scope. F und sh ifts that exceed I 0 percent of the Agreement amounl shall onh be made rvith Board ofCounty Comm issioner ( Board) approva,. The COUNTY shall r.imbuNe SUBRECIPISNT for the performance of this Agreement LLpon completion or patial completion of dle work tssks as accepted and approved b) CHS. SUBRECIPIF-NT nlay not request disbursencnt of ESG Iunds urtil funds are needcd for eligible cosls. and al1disbumenrent rcques6 usl be linlitedto the anrourl needed atthe limc ofthe request, SUBRECIPIENT ma)'expend Funds onl) for allowable costs resulting from obligations incurred during lhe lerm ofthis Agrccmcnt. Invoices for \rork perlbrmed arc requircd eve0 nronth. Ifno work has been peformed during a nronrh. or ifSUBRECIPIENT is not yel prepared lo send the required back[p, a $0 invoice is required. Explanations will be required ilrwo consecutive months of S0 invoices are submitted. Paynrents shall be made to SUBRECIPIENT rvhcn requested as wod( progresses. but rot nrorc frcquertly than once pcr month. Reiilb semcn! Nill not occur ifSUBRECIPIENI fails to perlbrm the minirnunr l.vel ofselvice reqtired by this th. Sh.h.r ,br bNd Womn & ChildEn.lnD ES23-01 ctso Page 3212 of 4908 1.5 COUNTY Nitl pay StJBRECIPIENT Funds available under this Agltement based on information submifted b) SIJBRECIPIENT and coDsistent $hh any approved budget and COUNTY policy conceming payments. With the exceprion ofcetaiI advances, pa)'men$ u'ill be nrade for eligible expenses actually incurred by SUBRECIPIENT, not to exceed actual cash requircments. Paymenls will be adjusied by CHS ln accordance with advance Fund and program income balances available iD SUBRECIPIEN"I 0ccounts. ln addition, COUNTY reserr'esthe righl ro liqlridate Funds available under this Agreement for cosls incuned by COUNTY on behallolSUBRECIPIENT. Final invoices ait due no Iaterrhan 90 days aftertheendol the Agrcement. Work perfoflned dudng dre tenn ofthe Agreenrent but not invoiced Nithin 90 davs after the end of tlrc Ag.eement nlay not be processcd wilhout written authorization llom lhe Gmnr Coordinator. CHS may withhold a y pa) requesl unlil approved by CHS tbr grant compliance and adhere)rce to any and all applicable Local. Staic, or Fedeml requiremenrs, including timely subrnission of Perfomance Deliver'ables contained ir Section 1.2.C. Late submission of dcliverrbles or evidence ofDroiect inactivitv mav cause oavment susDension ofanv ooen pav reoucsts until the reqrired dclivarables ar€ rec€iyed or substantial proiect prolress occu$. as dctcrmin€d EIE!- E\cepl \r,lEre disputed fbr noncompliance. payrrent will be made upon receipt of a properly compleled invojce, and in compliance }vith secl;ons 21E.70-118.80, Florida Srdules, otherwise known as the "Local Governnlent Pronrpl Payment Acl.'r MATC}I REQUIRED SUBRECIPIENT musr match ESG granr funds dollar-Ioi'dollar. pursuant to 24 CFR 576.201. Matchingfunds shallbe provided after the dale ofthe grant aNard. Funds osed to nratch a preyious ESC grant,nay not be used to match a subsequenl grant award. SUBRECIPIENT may comply ivith its requirement by providiig the matching funds frou an)'sourle. including an1' Federal source other than the ESC program. as well as Stale. Local, and privare sources. SUBRECIPIFNT fiust ensure the larvsgover ngany Federalfunds1o be used do not proh ibit those funds fiom beingused to match ESC funds. l'o meet the required malch, the malching contributions nus! nreet all requirements that apply to the ESG Funds provided by HUD, as rcquired by 24 CFR 576.201(c). Matching cont butions may be in the fonrl ofthe follorving: l. Cash contiburions Non-cash contributions calculared per requircmetus in 24 CFR 576.201(e), including the value of any real property, equipment, goods, or services contributed to SUBRECIPIENT'S ESC program, provided llrat, if SUBRECIPIENT had to pay for drem with grant Funds. the cosis rvould have been allowable. Non-cash contributions may include: & The purchase value ol any donared malerial or building. SUBRECIPIEN'I' shall deternine the value ofany donated material or buildiog, or any leasc. using a method reasonably calculared to esEblish afair malket value. b. Match in tlle form ofservices provided bt individuals Dlusr be valued at rales consistent with those ordinarily paid for similar work in SUBRECII'IENT'S organization. If SUBRECTPIENT does noi have employees pertbfining similar \vork, lhe rates must be consisteDt with ihose ordinarily paid by other empioye$ Ibr similar wort h dre same labor rnarket, Costs paid by progmnl income shall count tou,ard ueeting SUBRECIPIENT'S match requirements. provided the cos6 are cligible ESG costs that supplement the ESG program. L Ihe Shrltr lbr Abrd w(ftn & Childrcn. I.c ES2l-01 ctso Page 3213 of 4908 t.6 t.7 LEVERAGE FUNDS In so[]e insrances. the aNard provided by COUNTY is not cnough to cover the entire cosr of dre projecl, Olher funds are included and considered lo be leveraged funds- Leveraged funds musl adhere 1o all Fedeml. State and COUNTY rules as it perlains 10 the project. Levelaged lunds nrust be idenl ified. llacked. and verifiable in the SUDRECIPIENT's rccords at monitoing closeout. Levemged resources musi also meet rhe followirg criteria to be allo\rable as leverage: a. E:{penditures olleveraged funds or resources are permilled only for eligible acri\,iries and allowabie costs firder the cost pdnciples specit'ied by thc OMB Circulars referenced in this Agreement. Expenditures must be necessary and reasonable for p.oper aDd efticienr accomplishnrents of project or prograol objecdves. Leveraged resources comni(ed on one projcct may not be used as leverage or match fbr any other project or prograrn, Leveraged rcsources must represent newly cr€a1ed rcsources covering e,\penditures rhat \\,ould not be iDcun€d iftlle award \\,'erc not madc. Leveraged resources may nol be Fede,al funds under a different aNard, except where Federal statute allo\\s their use lbr cost sharing (such as the Comnunit] DeveLopment BIock Crant progmnr). Third-party cash or in-kind contributions oflered as leverage .equirc a comnitmerrr lefiel on conrpan] letterhead signed b] Ihe individual who is in a position to courmit the in-kind conifibution. The contribution is onlv allowable if not utilized to\lards marchirg dollars. COST PRINCIPLES Payments to SUBRECIPTENT are govemed by the federal gmni managemel! rules for cost allowabilily. found al 2 CFR 200 Subpalt E-Cos! Principles. For dre puryoses of this secLion (Sec(ion 1.7-Cost Prirciples) oathis Agrcement, SUBRECIPIENT is delined as described in 2 CtR 200.93. Accordingly. paynents will be made on a cost reimbrx'sement btrsis. Each requesl for reimbursemenr shall identiiy the associared projecr and approved projecl rask(s) listed under the Part I - Scope of Work. SUBRECIPII:NT rnay only incur direci cosls that nray be att buted speciiically to the project rcferenced the Scope of Work. as deiined in I C:rR 200.113. SUBRECIPIEN I nTust provide adequate documentation for validating cosas incurred. Palmenrs to SUBRECIPIENT'S confacaors ard vendors are conditioned upon complian€e rvith rhe plocurement requircments provided in 2CFR 200.1 I 8-200.327. Allorvable cosrs incured by Subrecipients ar'td Contmclots shall comply lvith 2 CFR Subpart E-Cosl Pdnciples. SUBRECIPIENT may not be subject to 2 CFR Subpart E: ho\vever. the COUNTY is and 'nayin)pose rcquireme rs upon SUBRECIPIEN-I so that rhe COLINTY can renrain complianr wi$ ils obligation to lbllow 2 CFR 200 Subpan E. SUBRECTPIENT Nill usc adequale inrcmal conrrols and maintain necessary source docunenlation for all cosls incufted and adhete to any otl]er accounling requiremenis included in this Agreeflent. NOTICES Notices rcquired by this AgreeDrent shall be in u'riting and delivered via lnail (posiage prtpaid). commercial courier. peEonal delivery, facsimile. or orher eleckonic nreans. Any notice delilered or senl as albresaid shall be eftactive on the da.e of dcliven, or sendins. ll notices and olher b. d. t.tt 'l he Sheller ld Abusd $ om.o & Child€n ln. ESI-{Il -No Page 3214 of 4908 i/ritten communicatlons under this Agreement shall be addressed to the indiv;duals in the capacilies indicalcd below, unless othel'lvise modified by subsequen! written notice. COLLIER COUNTY ATI-ENTION: CarolynNoble, Gl"ntCoordinator Collier Counrl' Govemmena Corrrmunit! and l-luman Se ices Division 3339 Tarniami Trail East, Suite 2li Naples. Florida 341t2 Ellrail: Carolyn.Noble@colliercounryll.gov Telephone: (239) 450-51 86 SUBRECIPIENT ATlENTION: LindaOberhaus.ChiefExecutiveOificer The Shelter for Abused Women & Children. hlc. PO Box 10102 Naples, FL 34101 Email: loberhaus@naplesshelter.org Telephone: (239)280- I 3s0 Remaindcr ofPage lntcnlionall! Left Illank '1 fi. Sh.lh aM b!*d $bma & Childrc.- Inc ES23.0l cFo Page 3215 of 4908 2.t PART II GRANT CONTROL RfQUIREI}IENTS AUDITS During the tenn olthis Agreeuent. SUBRECIPIENT shall submit to the COUNIY an Annual Audit Monitoring rcpon (Exhibit D) no laaer than 60 days after SUBRECIPIEN I S fiscal year end. ln addition. SUBRECIPIENT shall submj! !o the COLINTY a financial and compliance Sillgle Audit repo( Management Letter, and suppo(ing docunrentation nine (9) nonlhs (or audited financial statements. one hundred eighty (180) days for Subrecipienls exempt from Single Audi0 afier the SUBRECIpIENT'S liscal yea-r eDd. The COUN l Y will conduct arl annual financial and programnlatic rrview. SUBRECIPIENT musr lirll) clear any deficiencies noled in audit repons wilhin l0 dals after irs receipt oldre report. SUBRECIPIENT's Iailure to comply w;th the above aLdir requirements \\,ill constitute a violation ol this Agreemenr and may rcsull ir the w;thholding of futule paymerrts. SUBRECIPIENT hereby agrees to oblain aD annual agency audit corducted in accordance with cunent COUNTY policy concenling Subrecipient ardits and 2 CFR 200.501 Federal A$ard amounts expended shall be determined in accordance wirh guidelines established by I CFR Parl200. Subpat F-Audil Requircnents. RECORDS AND DOCUMENTATION SLIBRECIPIENT shall maintain su{Icient.ecords in accordance with 24 CFR 576.500 to determine compliance wilh the requirements ofthis Agreenrent, the ESC Program, arrd all other applicable laws and regulations. This docunrenaation shall include bur is not limiled ro the iollowiDg: A. All re€ords requnld by ESG regulations. SUBRECIPIENT shall ma;rlain public rccords lhat ordinarily and necessarily would be requircd by COUNTY to pertbnn rhc seNice. SUBRECIPIENT shall rnake available at ant time upon requesi by the COLINTY or CHS all rcports, pla,rs, suNels. infomration. documents. maps. books, records. and odrer data procedures developcd, prEpa,rd, assembled. or completed by SUBRECIPIENT for rhe purpose of this Agreement. Materials idedified iD rhe previous sentence shall be in accordance lvidr generally accep(ed accolrni;ng pdnciples (GAAP). procedures and praclices, which suilicie tly and properly rellecl all revenles and expendirures oftunds prcvided directl), ar indireclh' by this Agreement, including matching funds and Program lncome. These records shall be maintained to the extent of such detail as wil! properl) reflect all ner costs, direct and indirect labor- nlatedals, equipmem, supplies, and set.rices, arrd other costs aDd expcnses olwhatever nature forwhich reimbusement is claimed under the provisions ofthis Agrcement. B. C, 'lhc Sh.lr.r lbr Abultl Wo'nen & Ch,Ldr.n.lLrr c!.o Page 3216 of 4908 D.Upon completion o[all rvork conternplaled under lhis Agreement. copies ofall doc$nenls and recolds relating to this Ageemen! shali be surrendered to CIIS, if reqnested. In any event, SUBRECIPIENT shali keep all documents and records in an orderly fushion and iD a readily accessible. permanent, and secured tocation for five (5) years after the date of submission of the lillal pe.formame and cvaluation repot, as prescribed in 24 CFR 576.500 (y). Ho\lever, ifany lirigation. claim. or audit is stafied befort the expiralion daie ofthe five (5) year period, the records wlll be maiitained until all lhigation, claim, oraudit findings involving these records are resol\,ed. If SUBRECIPIENT ceases Io exist after closeout of$is Agteement, ;r must notify the COUNTY in \yriring. ofthe addrcss where the records are to be kept. as outlined in 2 CFR 200.137. SUBRECIPIENT shall nreet all requirements for retsining public rccords and iransfer, at no cosr to the COUNTY. all pLlblic records in SUBRgCIPIENT s possession upon tefin;natioD ofthe Agreeurenl and destroy any duplicate, exempt, ard/or confidential public .ecords tlut are relc&sed fiom public records d;sclosure requ,rements. All records stored electrortically must be provided ro dle CoLI\ITY in a lormar thal is compatible rv;dl the COUNTY'S information technoloW systems. IF SUBRECIPIENT HAS QUESTIONS REGARDING THE APPLICATION OF CHAPTER 119, FLORIDA STATUTES, TO THE SUBRECIPIINT'S DUTY TO PROVIDE PUBLIC RECORDS RELATING TO THIS AGREf,MDNT, IT SHALL CONTACT THE CUSTODIAN OF PUBLIC RECORDS AT 239.252-2619, M ichael. Blarvnleealllollierconfty ll. qqy, 3299 Tsmiami Trail East, Naples, FL 3{112. SUBRECIPIENT shall estabtish and nlaima;r income eligible files on clients served, and docunrenlador that all households are eligible under HUD hrcome Ouidelines. SUBRECIPIENT agrees that CHS shall be the final arbiter on SUBRECIPIENT'S compliance. SUBRECIPIENT shall documenl ho$, it conplied lvith the Prograln Component(s), as defined in :4 CFR 576.100, and the eligibiliry requirement(s) under \yhich iunding has been rcceived. This includes special reqr.rircDrents such as necessary and appropiate deteflDinations. as defined in 24 CFR 576.100: income ceftification: aDd uitten agreeNen6 \yith benefi ciaries. where applicable. SUBRECIPIENT shall p.ovide lhe public !vi!h access to public records on the sarne terms and conditions that the COUNTY worrld provide xhc rccords, and at a cost that does rot exceed the cost provided in Chapter I 19, Florida SBtut€s or as otherwise provided by law. SUBRECIPIENT shall ensure rhar exempl or confidential public records that are released lrom public records disclosure requirements are not disclosed. except as aulhorized by 2 CFR 200.337 a 2 CFR 200.338. E. t-. C. 2.3 iIIONITORING llle SlElkr rir Abuscd t\jom.n & ChildE.- Inc cFo Page 3217 of 4908 2.1 SUBRECIPIEN-l' aglces that CllS may carry ouino feu'er lllan one annualon-siie lnoniloring visil alld cvaluation activiries. as delelfiined necessary. At the COUNTY's discretion. a dcsktop rtv;eN ofrhc activities Dia)' be conductcd in lieu ofan on-site visit. The conlinuation ofthis Agreemenr is dependent upon satist-actory evaluations. SUBRECIPIENT shall, upon request by CHS. subnit infofinadon ard status reports rcquired by Cl-lS or HUD to e[able CLIS to evaluale said prcgress and allolv for cornpletion oI ils required repol1s. SUBIIECIPiENT shall allow CHS or HUD ro monitor the SUIIRECIPIENT on site. Such site visits may be scheduled or unscheduled. as delermined by CLIS or HUD. At any lime dLrriog normal business hours and as often as the COUNTY (and/or its representatives) may deem necessar). SUBRECIPIEN'l shall make available fol review. inspection. ol audi! all rccords. documentation. and any other data rclating to all matters coveled by the Agreemeni. The COUN]Y will monitor the perfomlance of SUBRECIPIENT in arr attempl to ruitigate f'raud. waste. abuse. or norperfomrance based o,r goals and performance siandards as staled wilh all other applicabte laws. regulaaions. and policies governing the lunds provided under dris Agreemenl. jurtherdefined by 2 CFR 200.112. Subsrandard perfonnance. as determined by ihe COUNTY, will constitute nonoonrpliance wilh !his Agreement. [fSLIBRECIPIENT does noltake colrectivc actior] withii a rcasonable tin1e period after being notified by the COUNTY, Agreement suspeniion or te ninaiion procedures ivill be il]itiated. SUBRECIPIENT agrees to provide HUD. dre HUD Ofice oI Inspector Ceneral. tlrc Ceneral Accounling Ofilce. COUNTY, or the COUNTY'S inlemal audiro(s) access ro al1 recods rclated to pcrformance ofaclivities in this Agreenlenr. PREVENTION OF FRA{JD, WASTE, AND ABUSE SUBRECIPIENT shall establish, maintain. and ulilize interna! conrol systems and procedures sufficieor to prevcrt, detect, and con€ct incidcnts oftiaud. \\aste, and abuse in the perJbrmance ol this Agreement. and provide 1br proper and eflective nranagement of all Prograrn and fiscal acrivities ofthe Agreement. SUBRECIPIENT s intemalcontrol svsteDrs. all transacdons. and other significant events are to be clearly documented. and thc documenaation shall be readily ava;lable for rnonitoring by COUNTY. SUBRECIPIEN'l' shall give COLINTY conrplete access 10 all its records. employees. and agcnls for the purpose of Dlon itori,rg or investigating the perfornance of drc Agrcement. S U B RECIPI EN l' shall lull) cooperate wilh COITNTY's el1ons to detecr. investigate, and plevenl fraud. \irste. and abuse, SUBRECIPIENI may no1 disc[rninale against any employee or other person $ho repods ! violation of the terms of this Agreement. or any lau, or rcgulation. to the COUNTY or any appropriate law enforcemcnl authority. ilthe repor is nrade in good l'aith. CORRECTIVE ACTION Corrective action plans may be requircd for nonconrpliance- nonperfo rance. or unacceptable pefon ance under this Agreement. Penakies may be jnrposed for failure to implenrent or make acceptable progr'ess on such conective action plans. 2.5 'lheSh.lt ' ib AhusedWomci& Ch Ldren,lnc !slt,ltl cFo Page 3218 of 4908 I o ell'cctively enlbrcc COUNTY Rcsolution No. :01.1-128. CHS ha\ adopted an cscalation policl to ensurc coDtinued conrpliance by Subrecipicnis. Developers. or an) cntit) recci!irlg granl fulrds llom CllS. The escalatior) polic) tbr nonconrpliance is as lbllo\rs: i. lrrilial noncompliance nra! result ir CI-IS issuing findings or Cancer[s lo SUDRFICIPIENT. \'hich rcquircs SUBRECIPIl]N I ro subr]rii a corrective aclion plan to CIIS !.'iihir l0 business dar"s following issuancc ofdre repoft. 4. IfSUBRECIPIENT fails to subnrit the co cctive aclion plan in a tinlely manner, CHS may requirc a portion ofthe arvarded granl amount to be returned 1o rhe COIINTY. An.! pay requests rhat have been submitted to CHs for paymenl will be held until the couective action plan has been submitted. CHS will be available.o provide Teclrnical Assistance (TA) (o SUBRECIPIENI. as needed. ro corrccl rhe noncompliance issue. CHS may require SUBRECIPIEN f to return uplvards of 5 percent of the awa anrount to the C:OUNTY. nt Lire discrerion olthe Board. . STJBRECIPIENT ma)' be denied furure consideration as set fonh in Resolution No.2013-228. If SUBRECIPIENT renains nonconpliant or repeals an issuc rhal was prev;ously coffected and has been informed by CHS of their substantial Donconpliarce. by certitled mail, CHS nray rcquire a po[ion ollhe awarded gmnt amount or the an]ount of[he ESC i vestment tbr acquisition ol the propefties conveye4 1o be rctumed to the COUNTY. CHS may require SUBRECIPIENT ro return uprvards ol l0 percent oathe award anlount to the COUNTY, at rhe discretion of the Board. SUBRECIPIENT will be in violation ofRcsolution No. :0ll-2:8. Il after repeated uolificarion. SUBRECIPIgNT conrinues !o bc substantiall) noncolnplianr, CHS may recomnrend the Agreement or awal-d be termil]ated. . CllS \illnlakc a recommendalion to dre Board tbr i nrediate iefiriDalio oldte Agrcement. SL,BRECIPIL.NT Nill be required to rcpay all Funds disbursed b] lhe COUN'|Y lor tlre temlinalsd project.'lhis includ€s rhe amount invesied by the COUNTY for thc initial acquisilion ofproperlies or other acli\ilies. STJBRECIPIENT Nill be in violarion olRcsolurion No. l0il-228. IfSUBRECIPIENI has rnultiple agreements \\ith CHS and is lbund ro be noncompliant. the above sancrions nra\ be ilnposed ftross all awardi at dre Board's discretion. 'lt.sh.li.rtnrAhuicJ wometra ( hiLdran Ir lis:l-o1 cFo Page 3219 of 4908 ,.6 REPORTS Reinlbursemenl may bc contingent upon the timely receipl ol' complete and accumle reporls required by this Agreemcnt, and on the lesolutioll ofmonitoring findings identilled pursuant to this Agreenrenr, as deemcd necessary h)' rhe County Manager or designee. BgpglE-gt9yilg!3gLg[proi€ci a€tiritv mAr result in withholdine of nav rert or issrance of ! Notice of Noncompliancc. During lhe teun ofthis Agleenrent. SUBRECII']IENT shall submit qrraltedy progress repolts to dre COUNIY on drc loth day olJaruary. April. July, and October. respectivel),. fbr the prior quarter pe od end. As pan ofdre report submined in Oclober. SUBRECIPIENT also ag.ees lo inchde. a conrprehensive final report covering the agreed-upon Progranr objcclives, activilies, and e\penditures includirg but ,ro1 linliled to. performarce data on client feedback u'ith r'espect to lhc goals afld objectives sct fol1h in Exhibia C. uhich contairs a satlrple rcpoting form to be used i firlfillmenl ofthis requirement. Addiiionally, all levemged fundr utilized in suppo{ ofthis project *ill be submitled on Exhibit C-l as pat olthe final reporl. Olher'repoting requircmen* al/ be in)posed by the CouDty Manager or designee in the even! of Program changes. the need for addilional information or documentadon arises. and/or il. legislative arnendmenls are cnacted. Repor'ls and/or requested docunrentation nol received by the due dale shall be considered dclinquenr and nlay be cause lor defaull and lennination ofthis Agreement. RrD.rindtr rn Page Itrlcntion.tll\. l..li Rlxnli Th. Sh.hcr li, Abusol Uom. & Chitdr...lnc LSzl-0t cFo Page 3220 of 4908 3.1 PART III TERMS AND CONDITIONS SUBCONTRACTS No part of this Agreefien! may be assigned or subconLmcted without the $,riitcn consent oflhe COUN'IY, which consent. ifgiven at all, shall be at the COUNTY's sole discretion andjudgment. SUBRECIPIENT shall cause all provisions ofthis Agrcement in its entircty to be included in and made a pan ofany subcontrect executed in the performance ofthis Agreement. GENERAL COMPLIANCE SUBRECIPIENT agrces ro conrply Nith the requirements of Tille 24 of the Code of Federal Regulations, Parl 576. rhe U.S. Housing and Urban Developmenl regulaliolls conceming thc HEARTH Act. SUBRECIPIENT also agrces to compl),with all other applicable Federal, Stale. and Local la\\'s, regulations, and policies governing lhe Funds provided undq this Agreemcnt. SUBRECIPIENT funher agrees to urilize F$nds available under this Agreement lo supplenrent ra'hc. rhxn 5upplarr fundr olhen\ ise ava'lable. SUBRECIPIENT is prohibited from using Funds provided herein. or personnel employed in the administmtion ofthe prcgram- for political activities, inherently religious activities. lobbying. political patronage, and/or nepotism activities. INDEPf, NDENT CONTR{CTOR Nothing contained in this Agreement is inlended to. or shall be conslrued in any manner. as crealing or establishing the relationship ofenployer/enlployec between the parties. SUBRECIPIENT shall always remain an "independenl contractor" with respect !o the seNices to be perfofin€d under th;s AgrecNent. The COUNTY shall be e\empl from paynlent of all Unemplolmenl Compensarion. FICA, retirement. life and/or rncdical insur'ance, and Workers'Conrpensaliorr Insurance as the SLIBRECIPIENT is independent fiorn tlle COUNTY. AMENDMENTS The COTINTY or SUBRECIPIENI' may amcnd this Agree,nent at any time provided thar such amendments make speciflc reterence to this Agrcement, aDd are exccuted in writing. signed by a duly authorized rcprcsentative ofeach organiTation. and approved by dle COUNTY's Boad. Such anrendnrenrs shall not invalidate this Agcenrent. nor relieve or release the COLINTY or SUBRECIPIENT tiom its obligations underthis Agreement- The COUNTY may. al its discretion. anrcnd this Agreenterlt to conform with Federal. Stare. or governmental guidelines. policies. available funding amounls. or other reasons. II such amendnrents resull in a change in lhe funding, scope ofservices, or schedule ofrhe activities to be undertaken as par't of this Aglecfient, such modificalions will be incorporated only by written arrendnient sisDed by both COUNTY and SUBRECIPIENT 3.2 3.J Th. Slklt. ,or Ahr.d U'nr.n & Childrun IM ES23-0r -No Page 3221 of 4908 3.5 A\'AILABILITY OF F[INDS The parties acknowlcdge that lhe Funds originale fionr lltlD ESC grant f'unds and nlusl be i,npleDented in full compliance \\,idr all of l.luD's mles and re8ulations and any agrcenlent bet\yeen COLIN I Y and HUDgoverning ISC Funds pefiainingto this Agreemenl. In the event of cLlrtailnlent o. non-produclion ofsaid Federal Funds. o| the reduction of HUD Funds ro the COUN'l Y to a level that the County Manager deteflrines to be insulficient to adequatcly administer the project. the financial resourccs necessary to coDlinue to pay SUBRECIPIENT all or any por[ion ofthc Funds v,'ill not be available. ln either event. the CoUNTY may rerminale this Agreement, which shall be e,ltctive as olthe dale it is determined by the County Manager or designee, in his/hel sole discretior and judgnlent, that the Funds are no Iongeravailable. hlhe event of such tern inalion. SUBRECIPIENT aSrees fiat ia \yill not bok lo. rlor seek lo hold dle COLINTY. nor an) individual menrbcr ofrhe Counr)' CommissioneN and/or County Adminisnation, peBonally liable for the perlbrmarlce ol' this Agreement. and the COIINTY shall be released 60 any fuflhcr liability to SUBRECIPIENT under the tenns ofthis Agreemcnt. INDEMNIFTCATION '1'o the ma\imum cxteDt pemlilled by l'lorida Ia\\,. the SUBRECIPIENT shall indemnili a|d hold harmless Collier County. irs oft'iccrs. agen$. and eDployees frorn an) and all claims. liabilities. danages, Iosses- costs. and causes ol action which may arise out ol-an act or onrission. iircluding bui not linrited to rcasonable altorneys' and paralegals' fees, io lhe extent caused by dte negligence. recklessncss. or intntionally wrongful conduct ofSUBRECIPIENT or ary 01 ils agents. officers, selvan6. employees, contracto$, palrons. guests. c:ieDts. licensees. in!ilees. or any persons acting under llrc direction. control, or supervision of the SUBRECIPIENT in fie perlbrnance of ihis Agreenrent. This indemnification obligation shall nor he consnued ro rregate. abddge, or reduce any other rights or remedies which otherwisc may be available to an indernnifred pafiy or person described in this paragraph. STJBRECIPIENT shall pa) all claims and losses of any nature wharsoever in connection rhere$,hh. shall defend all suhs in the nar)le ollhe COUNTY. and shall pay all costs (including allorney's itcs) and judgnrents which may issue thereon. This l ndem ifi cation shall slu"r'ive the tenniialion and/or cxpimtion of this A gr eement. This seclion does not pertain to an) iDcidena arising ironr tlle sole negligence ofthe COUN I Y. The lbregoing indemnification shall no1 constilute a \\aiver ofsovereign innnuniu b€yond rhe limits sel fonh in secrion 768.18, Florida Slatures. This Section shall survive the expiration or rennination ofthis AgreeDten!. COUNTY RECOGNITION/SPONSORSHIPS SUBRICIPIENT agrees that all rrotices, inlbr'mational parnphlets. press releases. adveftisements, descriptions ol lhc Prcgmm sponsorships. research repons. and sinrilar public nolices, rvhelhcr printed or digitally prepared. and released b) SUBRECIPIENT for. on behallot'. and,'or about the Progranr shall include the statement: 3.6 3.1 "FINANCED IN PART BY THE U.S. DEPARTMENT OF HOUSINC AND URBAN DEVELOP]IIENT (HUD) AND COLLIER COLTNTY COMIIUNITY AND HUItr4.N SERVICES DIVISION" Th. Sh.lrer tnr abMd Uom.n & Childr.n lnc rs1l"0l -Lo Page 3222 of 4908 f.8 and shall appear in the sanie size letters or lype as the name ofdre SIJBRECIPIENT. This d€sigi concept is intended to disseminate key infoflnatioll rcgarding the development team, as \tell as Equal Housil]g Opporluniry ro the general public. Construction signs shall cofipllr with applicable COUNTY codes. lfthis Agreement results in any copyrightable rnalerial or inventions, CLIS and/or the COLINTY reseruc dre right to roya[y-tiee, non-exclusi\ie! and iflevocab]e license to reproduce, publish. or othelwise usei and authorize others to use dre rvotk or materials for governmental purposes. Df, FAULTS, REMEDIf, S, AND Tf, RMINATION ln accordance $,ith 2 CFR 200.341. dris Agreemenl may Lre tel.lriinated fbr convenience by eidrer dle COUNTY or SUBRECIPIEN'I'. ir \\,hole or in part. b], settin.s forlh the reasons fbl such termination, the effective date. and in $e case ofpardal terminations, the portion to be ternrinaled. llowever. in the case ofa partial termination. ifthe COUNTY detemires that thc renaining potion ofthe award will not accomplish the puryose fbr which ihe awar'd was made. dre COUNI'Y may lerminate rhe arvard in il.s ertiret]. This AEee,nent may also be terminated by the COLINTY ifthe a$tud ro longer elfecruates the progmrn goals or $anloragency priorities. lhe following acriorls or-inactions by SUBRECIPIENT shall constitute a Default under this C, C. B, D. t:. B, Failure to comply w;lh a ) ofthe rules, regulations. or prcv;sions referred to her'ein. or such staruies. re_qulations, executive orders. alld HUD guidelines, policies, or direclives as may become applicable at ary time. failure.lbr any reason. to lultillils obligalions under this Agreeme t;n atimely and proper heffecrive or improper use ofFuDds prov;ded underft;s Agreement. Submission of lEpofts to the COUNTY tl1at are incorrect or incompletc in any material Submission of anv false cenifi cation. Failue ro materiall) conrply with any terms olthis Agreenre[t. Fail(ue lo materially conrply with the rerms ofany other a8reement belweenthe COLINTY and SUBRECIPIENT. relating to the Projecr. ln the evenl ofany det'ault by SUBRECIPIENT underdris Agreenrenr. the COUNTY may scek any combination ofone or more oltlre follo$'ing remeilies: Requirc specific pe.fornrance ofdre AEeemcnt, in whole or in parl Require the use ofor change in professional property management. C. Require SUBIiECIPIENI- to inDrediately repay to the COUNTY all ESG Funds rhat ir received under this Agrcenrent. Thc sh.Ller til Abuscd wo'n€n & childrli.lnc ES23-01 c>o Page 3223 of 4908 L) F, Apply sanctions. ifdctcrmined by ihc COLNTY to be applicable. Slop all paynreDts u[til identilied dcticiencies are con€cted. Terminare this Agreemenl bt giving written nolice to SUBRECIPIENT specif ing the eflective date of such iermination. lf the Agreemenl is terminaled by the COUNTY as provided helein, SUBRECIPIENT shall have no claift ol payment or benefit for any incomplele project activities undeitaken under this Agreemenl. 3.9 SUSPENSION AND DEBARMENT SUBRECIPIEN] certilles ihat neilher it, nor ils principals. is presently debarred, susperded, proposed for debament. declared ineligible, or volu arily excluded tlom padcipation in this rransaction by aFederal Departmeni or agencyi and. that the SUBRECIPIENT shall not knowingly cntcr into any lower lie| cont'act, or other covered tBrsaction. with a sLrspe ded or debaffed corltrac1or o. vendor. as outlined in Erccutive Orders l?549 (1986) and 12689 (1989). Suspension and Debarment aDd 2 CFR 200.214. as further delailed in Section 4.18. 3.10 RIVERSION OF ASSf,I',S In the event of a termination or upon expiralion ofthe Agreement. in addition to any alld all o&er renredies available !o tlle COI]NTY (vhether under dris Agreenlent, or at law or in equiry). SUBRECIPIENT shall imnred;ately imDsfer to the COUNTY any Funds on hart at the time of terntination (or expira[ion) and any accounls receivable attribuuble to the use ofESC funds. The Cotrl{TY's rcceipt of any Funds on haDd at the lime oi lermination shall nol waive the COLIl',lTY's right (nor excuse SUBRECIPIENT's obligation) to recoup all or any portion ofthe Furds, xs the COUNTY Dray deem necessary. Regulations regardiDg real propefiy and equipmeni are subject to 2 CFR 200.31 I. 3.11 INSUnANCE SUBRFCIPIENT shall l]ot commence any work and-/or seNices puBuant to this Agreemeni. until all required insurarce, as outlined in Exhibil A and 2 CFR 200.310 has been obtained- Said insurance shall be canied continuously dulir€ SUBRECII'IENT'S performance under the Agreenrent. 3.I2 ADMINISTRATTVEREQUIREMENTS SUBRECIPIENT agrees to pefolm the Scope 01'Services in compliance wilh llrc Cranl Budget and Scope of Work (Part I), the Unifonn Adnrinistrative Requir'ements. Cost Principles, and Audit RcLluirements lor Federal Awards (2 CFR 200 et seq), and the Federal rcgulations for the Emergency Solutions Grant. (24 CliR 576 ei seq.) 3.I3 PI]RCHASINC SUBRECIPIENT is reqlrired Io follow Federal Procuremeni standards ar (2 CfR 200.318 thrcugh 200.327) and Collier Counly's Procuremeni Ordinance #2017-08, as amended. Cur rent purchasing Thc sh.hcr tur Ahu*d wo,n n & Chilltn.Iic cF.o Page 3224 of 4908 Rnng€:(lnnDetirion R€quired x;0 - s50.000 I Writtcn Quoles s50.001+Fornral Solicitation llTB. RFP. etc) thresholds are: All improvements specilled in Palt I Scope of Services shall be pedbnned by SUBREC]PIENT emploJ,ees, or be put out to competitive bidding, under a procedue acceplable to fie COUNTY and Fedeml requirements. SUBRECIPIENT shall enrer inlo contracts with lhe lowest. responsible. and qualified bidder. Con(mct adminisoation shall be conducted by SUBR9CIPIENT and monitored by CHS, rvh;ch shatl ha\.e access ro all rccords and docuflents related to the project. ln accordalcc with 2 CIR ?00.322, 10 the greatest extcnt practicable. SUBRECIIPIENT shall providc a preference tbr the purchase. acquishion, ol. use ol'goods. products. or nlate als produced in the United States. In accordance with 2 CFR 200.321. SUBRECIPIENT shall procure jtems that contain the highes! Dercenlage of recovered nlalerials praciicable. coDsisten! rvith rtainlainirg a satisfactory level of conrpletion. per ? CFR 100. Appcndix II (J) and I CFR 200.123. 3.I4 PROCRAM.GENf,RATID INCOME No Prograrn Income is anticipated. Ho$,ever. ifProgram lnconle is derived from the use ol'ESC Funds disbused under this Agreement. such Program Income shall be used b) the SUBRICIPIENT for an eligible ESG projecl activii' approved by the COUNTY. An) Program lncome (as such rerm is defined under applicable federal regulations) gained tio,n any SUBRECIPIENT activity funded by ESC shall be reponed to the COUNTY through an annual Program lncorne Re-usc PIan. utilized by SUBRECIPIENT accordingly, and shall be compliant Ni& 2 CFR 200.107 aM 24 Cl R 576.201(i). When Progrum Income is gen€rated by An nctiviay that is oDh prrtirlly funded ryith ESG Funds. the income shall be prorated to r€nect the percentage of ESG frnds used. Iftherc is { Progra lnconre balance at lh€ end oflhe Progranr Year. such balance shall reven to the CoUN fY's EsC l'rograrn. for lunher reallocation. 3.15 GRANT CLOSEOUT PROCEDURES SUBRECIPIENT's obligalion to the COUNTY slull not end unril all closeout requirements are completed. Activities during this closeout period shall inclLlde. but are no! limited ro nraking linal payments. disposing of prograrn asseis (including the return of all unLrsed materials, equipnrent, progEm income balances, and receivable accounts to the COLINTY). aDd delerminiug the custodianship of recods. h addition to lhe records reiention outlined in seclion 2.2 (Rccords and Docume talion) of lhis A$eenlent. SUBRECIPIENT shall conrply wilh sectioD I 19.021 Florida Slatutes regarding records nraintenancel prese[ation, and lelenlion- A conllict betweefl Siate and Fcderal records retention requirements $ill resr.rh in lhe nore strirgent la\\, being applied, such that the record mLlst be held Ibr thc loDger dumtion. Any balaoce ofurlobligaled Funds which have been advanced or paid nlusl be relurried io the COUNTY. An) Funds paid e\ceed;ng the amount lo Nhich the SUBRECIPIENT is emitled under the terms and conditions ofthis Agreernent musi be refunded ro the COUNIY. SUBRECIPIENT shall also produce rccords and inlbrmation that compl) $,ith sectior 215.97, Florida Statutes. the Florida Single Audit Act. Closeout procedures rnust take place in accordance with 2 CFR 200.344 arld ensurc all Federal grant requirements have heen completcd. ThrSh.t.r lb' AhN.dWo'n.n & ChildNn.lnc cFo Page 3225 of 4908 3.16 oPPORTUNITI[S FOR RESIDENTS AND CI\:IL RICHTS COI\IPLI-{NCT SUBRECIPIENT agrecs that no pelson sholl be excluded from the b€nef,ts ol or be subiecled to disciminalion under any activity calried out by the pefornrance ol this Agreen]ent based on race, color, disabiliq, national origin. religion. age, farnilial status. or sex. Upon receipt ofevidence of such discrinlination. lhe COUNTY shall have lhe righl to lemrinale this Agreemenl. 'lo the geatest extent feasible, homeless iDdividuals have prioril) over other Section 3 r'csidents, in accordance \\ith 21 CFR 576.105(c). Section 3 ofthe Housiu and Urba,l Development Act of 1968. as anrended (l: U.S.C. l70lu), and implementing rcgularioDs al24 CIrR Part 75 requires that. to dre greatest e$eft practicable. employment and economic oppofinnities be directed to low- and very lolv-income r'esidentsoflhe area, and that conlracts forwork in connection Nith the project be a\lardcd tobusiness concerns that pl olide econom ic opponun ities for lo\\- and very lo\\.income persons residing in rhe melropolitan area (as deUned in 42 U.S.C- 5302(a)) in which the projeci is located. To the nra\ifium exre[t praclicable. SUBRECIPIENT shall involle homeless indiv;dusls and families in consrrucling- renovating. mainhining, and operaling faciliries assisted rxter ESG, providing scrvices assisted u der ESG, and providing scNices lbr occupants of faciliries assisted under ESC. Tlis involvement may include cmployfient or volunteer services. Section 3 is relative to any ol dre SUBRECIPIENT'S subconnactors. their successors and ,ssigns, lo those sanctiors spe€ified by dre Agreclrent though which Federal a.sistance is provided. SUBRECIPIENT shall co ply with Section 3 ofthe Housing and Community Dcvelopment Act of 1968 and ccrlifies and agrees ihat no conrmcNal or other disabilit] exists that would prcvent compliance wilh these requirements. 3.17 OPPORTUNTTIES FOR SI\4ALL AND MINORITY/WOMEN-OWNED BUSINtrSS fNTERPRISES SUBRECIT'IENT will use irs best el-fors to affb.d snrall businesses and nrino ty and women s busincss enlerpriscs dre mal(inrunr praclicable oppotunit) to padcipate in lhe perlormance oithis Agreement. As used in this Agreenrent. the !em1 _small business" mears a business that nreels dre crheria set lbnh ir seclion i(a) ol lhe SDall Business Act. es anrended (15 [J-S.C- 632): and 'hinori$ and romen's busioess cnterprise" nreans a business drat is at least 5I percem owncd and conlrolled by minority group rrembets or rvolnen. Iror the pLrLpose of this deflnition. rrriuority gmup nrembers- arc Black Anlericans. llispanic Americans. Asian/Pacitlc Americans. Native Americans, and Hasidic Jews. . SUBRECIPIFNI mal rrlJ o,r Nrittcn represenrarions by businesses regarding iheir slatus as minoriry_ and l'emale business enterprises in lieu ol an i ndependctl! investigolion. 3.I8 PROCRAM BENEFTCIARIIS As defined by 24 Cl-R S76.2. 100 percerrotlhc beneiciaries receiving ESC Fundingthroughthis Agreement nust be homeless or at risk ()1'homelessness. lncome eligibiLity ol beneficiaries will be validated by revie\\ing suppofillg documeNation, durinS any interin and/or closeofi mo itoring. The Sh.Lcr t'or Abusdd Wo'nen & Ch'ldNn. lnc ES2l-01 -\o Page 3226 of 4908 3.19 {FFIR\I,\TTVE A( TTO\ PI,,\N SLJBRECIPIENT agrees ihal il is con itted to carrying out an Affllmati"e Aclion Progran. pursuant to the COUNTY's specilications. in keepingwith the principles as provided in President's Executivc Order I 1246 ofSeplember 24, 1966. Prior 1o lhe award ofl'unds, SUBRECIPIENT shall submil lo the COUNTY for apprcvaL, aplan fbr an Afianative Action hogrsrn. Iflhe Affirmative Action Plan is updalcd during the Pefonnance Pefiod ofthis Agreement, the updaled plan musl be subnritted 10 the COLrl.,lTY within 60 dats of any update/moditication. SUBRECIPIENT'S co'rtracring officer \rill send to each labor union or representarive of\lorkers with $hich it has a collecrive bargaining agreenent or other coniracl or understanding. a notice advising the labor union or workeis rcprcsentalive of SUBRECIPIENT'S comD ments hereundcr and shall post copies of the notice i,r conspicuous places available to all enployees and applicanB for employnrenl. ].20 CONFLICT OF INTERIIST SUBRECIPIENT covenanas rhat nope6on underits employ. who presenlly exerc ises any funcl ions or responsibilil;es in connecrion \!ith the Project, ha5 any personal linanc;al inlerest, direct or indirect, in the Proiect are3s or ary parcels drercin, u,hich would conflict in any anner or degree with the performance ofthis AgreemeDt, and that no pelson having any conflicl ofirrterest sha]l be errployed or subcontracted by SUBRECIPIENT. The SUBRECII']IENT covenanls dtat ir \vill comply lvilh all provisions of 2l CFR 576.404 "Conflicl of Interesl.' 2 CFR 200.318. Florida Starule 287.057 and any additional State and County stalutes! regulations. ordinances. or rcsolutions governil]g conflicts ol interesl. SUBRECIPIENT \\ill ,roti8 the COUNTY. in Nriting, and seek COUNTY approval prior to entering into any contractwith an entity owned in whole or in pafi by a covered person o. ar entity owned or conrrolled. ir whole or in palt. by lhe SUBRECIPIENT. l'he COUN1'Y may review lhe proposed contract 10 ensure that the contractot is qualified. and the costs are reasouable- Approval ofan identir),- of interest conract \vill be in the COUNTY s sole discretion. Ihis provision is not intended to linrir SUBRECIPIENT s abiliry to seif-manage the projecb using irs own employees. Any possible conflict of inlerest on the parl of SUBRECIPIENT, its employees! or iis co ractors shall be discLoscd. ill \-riting lo CHS provided however', that th;s paragraph shall be ifterpretcd in such a manner so as not to lnreaso,rably impede the slatutory requircnienl that rna\imum oppo(unity be provided lbr enploymenl of and paflicipation ol low- and n]oderate-incorie residents ofthe project target ar'ca. 3.2I fXttrRGENCYSHELTIRS Any enreEency shelter that receives assistance lbr shelter operations must also meet mininlu safety. sanitation. aDd privacy srandards (Exhibit E.i, as required by 24 CFR 576.403(b)- 3.22 Pf,RMANENT HOUSINC Housing d1at prog?nr participants who receive ESC assistance to rcnain or rno\re iDto mu!! nreet the minimum habitabiliry standards (Exlribil F) provided in 24 CFR 576.403(c) and aU applicable State aDd Local housing codes. ticensing requirenleots, and any other requirenents in the jurisdiction in which Ihe housi[g is located regardilg tlrc condition of lhe structure and the operation of the housing- Th. Sh.lcr ao Ab!*d $bmn & Chrldftn. Inc ts234l cNo Page 3227 of 4908 J.25 ].2.] COORI)INATION \\JITH CONTINI]TJI\I OF CARI r\\I) O''II[ R PII0GI{AN{S SUBRECIPIENT must docunrent its compliance with the rcquirements of24 CFR 576.400(a) for consuking with the Condnuum of Care and coordinati0g and ;ntegating ESG assistarce lvhh programs iaiSeted toward homeless people and mainstream service and assistance proglams (Exhibii c). 3.24 HOMELESSPARTICIPATION SUBRECIPIENT musr document ils compliance with homeless pafiicipalion rcquirements under 24 CFR 576.405(c). BYR.D ANTI.LOBBYING AMENDMENT Each tier cenilies thar dre tier above ir will not. and has nor, used Federally approprialed FuMs to pay an! person or olganization for influencing or allernpting lo influence lhe award of Fcderal Funds. as covercd by 3l USCI 1352, and more tirlly described ilr Sectiou 4.53 ofthis Agreenrcnt. Conrractors who apply or bid for an award ol$ 100,000 or ole shall lile the required certificaLion- CENTRALIZED OR COORDINATED ASSESSMf,NT SYSTE}IS AND PROCtrDURES SUBRICIPIENT nust nrainlain docunrentation evidencing the Lrse ol and written inlal(e procedurcs for the centralized or coordinared assessment systen(s) developed by the Continuunr of Care, in accordalce with dle requirenlents established by HUD and ideDtified in 24 CFR 576.500(g). CONDITIONS FORRELICIOUS OR(;ANTZATIONS ESG Funds nray be used by religious organi?ations or on propcrty o\lned by religious orgarizations only in accordance \ith requircmenis ser in Secdon 24 CIFR 576.406. SUBRECIPIENT shall compl],with fiIst Amendment Church/Statc principles as follows: A. li $ill rot discrilnirraLc against ary cnrployee or applicant ior enrplolment and rvill not liuril or give preferencr in employnrcnt to peBons bascd ou religio|. 3.26 3.27 B. It \!ill nor discrinrinate againsa an) person applyirtg for public seh_ices and itill oot l;mit such services orgive preference ro persons based on rcligion. C. lr ,,!ill rctain ils independence f|om Federal, State. and Local govcrrments and rna) conlinue to cary out its mission. including thc dcflnili r. praclice, and cxpression ol its reliSious belieti. providcd drai ir does not use di|ecl ESG Funds to supporl an) inhcrentl) religious acti\ities. such as rLoEhip. relieio$s iDslruclion. or proscltrizilg. D- Thc liunds shal1 nor be Lrsed lbr the acquisition. constfuction. o. rehatrilitation oisuuclures l(J thc €\tent that those struclurcs arc used aor inherently.cligious activities. Wherc a slr'(cture is used lor both eligible and inherenllj rcligious acliv;!ies. DSC Funds lnay not e\ceed the cost ollhose po(ions ol lhe acquisition, construction. or rehabilital;oD rhat art attributable ro eligible a.riyir;es in accordance $itlr rhe cosr accountins rcquircmenls applicab!e to ESC Irunds in this part. Sanctuaries. chpels- or othcr rooms rhat an ESC Thc Shelk. in. Abrsed Wonft & ChLldtn, Itc t-ts2l-01 cFo Page 3228 of 4908 funded religiolrs cor'lglcgation uscs as irs ineligiblc tbr ESG Fundcd inrproverDcnts- 3.28 INCIDtrNTREPORTING prilcipal place o1 \\,olship. l]owever, are IfSUBRECIPIENT provides client services under this Agreemenl" SUBRECIPIENT and any of ils subcontractols shall repoft to the COUNTY kno$ledge or reasonable suspicioD ol abuse. neglect. or exploitation ofa child. aged person. ol disabled pelson. Duling the temr ol this Agreement, SUBRECIPIENT musl report 1{) the COUNTY in writing. u,ithin one busiress day of occurence. any substantial. contrcversial, or newsworthy incidents. The Collier County Standard Subrecipient lncident Repoft Form shall be uscd to report all such incidents. 3.29 SEVERABILITY Should any provision ol lhe Agreement be deternined to be unenforceable or invalid, such determil1at:on shall not alTeci the validity or enforceability of any other section or parr thereoi 3.30 MISCELLANEOUS SUBRECIPIENI and COUNTY each binds itself, ks paltners. successors, legal representati!'es. aDd assigns ofsuch other party in respec! to all covenar'rts ofthis Agreenrenl. SI.JBRECIPIEN I reprcsents and $anants that dre financial data, reporc. and other information it fumished to the COLINTY regarding ihe Projecr are accurare and complete. and financial disclosures fairly representlhe fi nancial posilion of SUBRECIPIENT. SUBRECIPIENT underctands that client infonnation collected under lhis Ag€ement is plivate ard the use or disclosure ofsuch inlbrmation. \\'hen rot directl)'connected with the adnrinistration of the COUNTY'S or SUBRECIPIENT s responsibilities wirh respect to seFr'ices provided u,rder this Agreement, isprdlibitedunless written consent is obrained from such person rece ivi,U service and, in case ofa minor. that of a responsible parenrguardian. SUBRECIPIEN I' cerl;fies thal it has the legal authorily to leceiverhe Funds underthis Agreenenl and its go\€rning body has authoized the erecution and accepEnce of this Agreemenl. ST J B RECIP I EN l also certifies thal lhe undeNigned person has the aulho rily ro lcgally execue and bind the SUBRECIPIENT ro the terms ofthis Agreemcnt. The section headings and subheadings conlained in this AgreenleDr are included lbr conveliencc only and shall nor Iimir or odrenvise affec! thc terms ofthis Agreement. 'l'he Grant Docunrents shall be consnued in accor&nce wilh and govelned by the laws ofrhe Stale ol'Florida. wiahout givir€ eflect to its prcvisions rcga ing choice ofla\!s. All activities authorized by this Ag.eemeDr shall be subject to and performed in accordance with the provisions of the terms and conditiorrs of the Agreement betrveen tlre COLTNTY, the Regulations, all applicable F€deral. Slate. and Municipal laws. ordinances. regularions. orders. and guidelines. including but nol lifihed ro an) applicable regulations issued by CHS. The SheL&r rd Abused Woner & Chrld.en. lno fs2:t,0t -ro Page 3229 of 4908 Elcctonic S;gnatures. This Agrlement, and rclared documents enrercd into iD connection Nith this Agreenrenl, are signed \\'hen a pany's signature is delilcred by lacsinrile- e-mail. or any othcr clechonic medium. Thcse signatLrrcs musl be treated ir all respects ar having ihc sanre lorcc and effecl as original signatures. 3.3I WAIVER The COTNTY S l'ailure to acr with respect to a breach by SUBRLCIPIENT does not waive its right to aal \rith respect to subsequenl or similar breaches. The COUNTY'S tailure !o e.\ercise or erforce any right or provision shall noi constitute a waiver olsuch right or p.ovision. Remainder ofl'age l tentiotralh Lefi Bknk Tht SlEk.r 1br AbMd Wom.n & Chlldr. I.c ESzt-0t cP.o Page 3230 of 4908 4.1 t.2 ,t.3 {.{ 4.5 PART IV GENERAL PROVISIONS 24 CFR Pal't 576 Emergency Solutions Crants Prograrn, as amended - A]l regulations regarding fie F-SG Progmm. q!|: 24 C[R Paft 576 - Ellereencv Solutiorrs Crants Progmnr 24 CFR i8 - The regularions prescrib;ng the Environmental Review procedure. hllnsr/w$rv.ecfr.{ov/c.ri:bidlql: idx?S I D: I LtcdLt92fl b05ci tf 8 5dd 76c26d I 4f54e&mc:lruc& no de=pr24. l 5 8 &ren=d iv5 Section I0,{(d) and Section 109 ofTitle I ofthe l.{ousing aDd Community Development Act of ,9T4asanrendedSecrionl09ol_lhcllCDAcloll9TlllltlD.qov/U.S.Depafnre[rolllou.in! and Urban D.v.lorment (HUD) Section l0,l(d) ofthe Housin!.! and Comrrunitv Devclopnrent Actol l9T,+. as arlrended fscc,l: !lSC 5i0,1(d)l - l-lUD Exchanqe Title VI ofthe Civil Righls Act of 1964 as ainended. htl1)s JAv\} w.hud.qov/u osranrdescr;ptioI/rirlc6 Title Vlll ofthe Civil Righrs Act of 1968, ns amended 24 CFR 5?6.407 - Ihe reBulations issued pursuant to 24 CFR 5,105(a) and Execurive Order I 1063 rvhich prohibits discriminalion and prcmo{es equal opportuuily in housing. .aFR. ll ( l R 516 J07 - Other I ederal r(duirelre r,. eCFR: l-l CFR 5.10i -- Other Federal rcquircrnents. F-xecutive Order I12,t6 ("Equal Employnrent Oppofiunity"), as ame.ded by Executive Orders 11375 and 12086 - which establishes hiring goals for mirorilies and worneD on projects assisted with federal funds and a-s supplenrented in Depaftneni ofLabor regulations. EOll246: https r^r \!\!.dol-ao\ /aqenc ies/olccp,/e\ccutiye-o de r- I I l.l61as-anr ended Iide VII ofthe 1968 Civil Righrs Act as anended by rhe Equal Employment Oppofunity Act of 1972, 42 LISC $ 2000e, el. seq. The SUBRECIPIENT will. ilr all soliciiations or advertisemenls for entployees placed by or on behalfofthe SUBRECIPIENT, slate thar it is an Equal Oppotuniry or Affi rmative Action employer. Tirle VII of the Civil Riqhc Act of lq6l I U.S. Equal Enrploynrenr Opponunitv Coprriisio (eeoc,qov) 24 CFR 75 - Regulations oudinirrg requiremenls of Scction 3 of the lJousing and Urbai Development Act of 1968, as anrended. Compliance (,iih the prolisions ofSection 3 of tlrc ItUD Act of 1968. as amended. and as implenlented by the regulations set forth in 24 CFR 75. and all appl;cable lules and orderc issued here nder prior to the execution ofrhis Agreement. shall be a condition oflhe Federal financial assistance prov;ded under th;s Ageement and binding upon rhe COUNTY, rhe SUBRECIPIENT and any of the SUBRECIPIENI'S Subrecipieflrs and subconlractors. Failure to full'ill these requiremeots shall subjecr rhe CO[I\TY, the SUBRECIPIENI ard any of the SUBRECIPIENT'S Subrccipients and subconlmctol.s, dreir successors and assigns. to those sanctions specified by the Agreement through which Federal .1.6 4.7 ,l.li Thq Shelter 1br Abrcd lvonrci & ChiLdr.n. Im ES]]-01 -Lo Page 3231 of 4908 .1.9 assistance is proyided. The SUBRECIPIENT certifies and agrees that na contmctual or other disabiliO'exists that Nould prevenl compliance \l_ith these requircnrenls. eCFR :: 24 CFR,P4ILD j Econonlic Op!el!!!nitiest'or Lo$' and Vel] Lo\y-lnconre Pcrsons SUBRECIPIENT fu er agrees to comply with these -Sectior3" requirements and to include tlle following language in atl sLrbcontracts eyecuted undcrthis Agreenrenl: "The work to be pefouned under this Agreement is a projecl assisted under a progran providing direct l'ederal financial assistance frcm HUD and is subiect to ille requiremenis ofSection 3 of the Horsing and UrbaD Development Act of 1968. as ameDded (12 U.S.C. l70l). Section 3 requires !hat, to thc grcates! extent feas ib le, opportlln ities for tl" ining a d em ployrnen! be given to low- and very low-income residents oI the projec! area. and that contmcts for rvork ir connection with the pr'oject be au,arded to business concerns that p|ovide eaonomic oppotunities for low- and very low-incoine persons residing in the melropoliun area in wh;ch the project is locared.'' Section 3 reouir€s 25 percent of th€ total labor houri lust be worked bv Section 3 workers and 5 pcrcent ofthc total labor hours must be worked bv Tarqeted Section 3 work€rs.Ifthe SUBRECIPIENT is upable to meet th€se lrenchmarks. efforts trken to meetthe reorirements must be described. Examples include iob fairs h€ld. on the iob trritritrs conducted. outrelch efforts to public housing residents. and corlnectins rcsid€nts to supportive services. SUBRECIPIENT firrrher agrees to ensurc that opportunities for tmining and emp,oyment arising in conneciion with a housing rehabilitation (including rcduclion and abalane oflead-based paint hazards). housing construciion, or odrer public construction project arc given to low- and very low- income persons residing within dre metropolilan area in lvhich the CDBc-funded project is located; where feasible, prioriry should be given to lo\!- and very low-income p€rsons \lithin lhe ser\'ice area ofdre project or ihe neighborhood in which the projecl is located, and to low- ard very lolt- income participanis in orher HUD programs; and award conhacls lor wor'k undertaken in conneclion with a housing rchabilitaiior (includirg reduction and abaterrent ol lead- based paint hazards), housing consaruction, or other public cons!ruction p.oject to business concerns (hat provide economic opportunilies for low- aod very lorv-income peEons rcsiding rvithin the metropolilan arca in rvhich rhe CDBc-furded project is located; whele ltasible. priority should be gjven to business concems thal provide economic opportunities to lo\v- and very low-income rcsidents $ithin the seryice area or tlre neighborhood in lvhich the project is localed. and 1o low- and very low-income participanls in other HUD programs. htlps:/A!$av.hud.sov/5ites/docurlrenN/DOC ll0l7.l'DF SLTBRECIPIENI celdfies and agl€es thal no contractualor olher legal incapacity exists $allvould pre\€nl conlpliarce $ilh these requiretnents. hrtps://$$.rv.ecii.qov/current/ti!lc-l-l/subritlc-A/p4l!:7i Age Disc mination Act of 1975, Executive Order I 1063. and Executive Order I 1246 a! anrended by E\ecut;ve Orde$ I1375, I1478, 12107 and l:086. Age Discriminadon Act of 1975 h osrA,"$tr,.law.ccnnell.ed uscodc/iexr-12/chapter-?6 I I246: hltps:/ $\,\\.do1-qov/oiacp/regs/starutcs/eoI I146.htrn I1375: Amended by EO I1478 1 r478: I 2 I 07:!ll!!ps JAvww. arch ires.sov/ltderal-rc gister/cod i licaiion/cxcc!ui!e-odcr/ I I I 0 7.hInll I 20 86 :h tlos://\\ ww. irch ives.{o \, /fideral-rerister/cod i licat ion/eriecut i!e-ordc/ I :086. htrn I Thr Sh.lkrlbrabd.d Uom.n& ChildEn lnc cFo Page 3232 of 4908 4.10 Equal access iD accordance wilh the individual's gender identiry in connnunity planning and development programs, per 24 CFR 5.106. htt'rs://\\ \\ t! . qo\'r' 4.11 Conlmcl Wo& Hours and Safely Siafidards Act,40 USC 327-132. hrtps:/A!\!\v.dol . qovA! hdheqs/statules/sait0 I .rrdf 4.12 Secrion 504 ofthe Rehab;lirarion Act oI1973,29 USC 776(b) (5), and 24 CFR 570.614 Subpan K. Section 504: hnpsr \'\Y\\.epq.sat4bq 29 USC 776: httpsJ/la$,.onecle.cqrry!t!qt!!q_2Ell6lt!lt{ 24 CFR 570.6 14: htlns:1^\,q\\,.1a\\,.con1cll.edu/clr/1e\t/111570 6 1.1 4.13 The Americans rvirh Disabilit;es Acl of 1990: hltpsJ/uww.hue.qov/proeranr ollices/llir lrous;rg cqual luD Aplericans with Disabililies Acl of 1990. As Ameided AD .uov 4.14 Unifbrm Relocalion Assistance and Real Property Acquisition Policies Act of 1970, as amended. hupsr u{\\,.rrNa.dot.qovl€al esLare/unilolrn_act/inde\.cfir 4.15 29 CFR Pans 3 and 5 - Regulations ihat prescribe the payment ofprevailing \,ages and the use of apprentices and trainees on federally assisled projects. HUD Form 4010 must be included in all coNftuction conlr'acts funded by CDBC. Davis-Bacon Act:42 USC 276a to 40 USC 276a: -+0 l-J.S.C. 276a - hrrrrs://\,,\1r.qov intb-!:o!/app/derails,/tISCODIT-2001-!irlc40/USCODE- 200 I -til le40-chapl -sec276a/context 29 CFR Part i - Contractors and Subcontractors on public building or Public Work Firanced, in whole or in part. by Loans or Crants from dre Uniled States htrp!/\!!w.law.cornell.edu/cii/text/29/par-3 29 CfR Par( 5 - Labor Standards Provisions Applicable rc Conmcts Covering Federally Financed and Assisted Con$ruction (Also, Labor Standards Provision Applicable Subject to the Contract Work Houts and SaLiy Standads Act) hltpsr^vww.law.corlrel l.edu/cll /text/29fu art-5 Execuiive otds Il9l4 - Prohibits discrimination \rith respect to drc handicapped. in federally assisted projects. httosrA," ww.orcsidencr.ucsb.eduA\,s/inde\.php?pid=2i675 4.16 As a supplement to the Davis-Bacon Act rcquircments, the SI JBRECIPIENT agrees to comply (ith the'Copeland Anri-Kickback Act," which prohibits the SUBRECIPIENT. its contmciors, or subcontractors flom inducing an employee to relinquish any pafi of his/her compensation, under the Federally Funded contract. l8 U.S.C. 874 h ps://\!\1r.so!irtb.qov/.ontent/pkdl iSCODE-10 l0-tirlel8/pdiUSCODE-2010- tirlelS.pdl' 40 U.S.C, 276c httos://www.covinfo.qov/app/details/llS 200 l -ti[1e40-chap3-sec2T6rcontext '!h.Sh.lkr tn. Ahu*d \' mn & Cfiilden In. ES2l-0t c!'o Page 3233 of 4908 4,17 Executive Order I 1625 and U.S. Department ofHousing alld Urban Development Circular Letter 79-45 - which prescribes goal percentages for participatioD ofminority businesses in Conlmu ty Development Block Crant Contracc. E.O. 11625 Prcscribing additional arrangements for developing alld coordinating a national progl"nr lor rninority business enlerpri,e. h(ps://$\1v.archi!elsat44!rnlr9CE!Er/sodiI!4.19!4\r!dle ]lllrl ,1.18 SUBRECIPIEN'I agrees to comply with the non-discrinlination in enrployment and contracting opponunities laws. regulations. and e)iecutive olders relerenced in 24 CIrR 576.407, as rcvised by Exec utive Order I I279. The applicable nor-discrimination provisions in Section I 09 of the HCDA are srill applicable. 24 CFR 576.407: hltLrs://\v\\1I.ecll.[ov/cqi-bi tcxt- idx lc=eclilsid=dc,lcl f9l cdad 10 897.11 I 51a2 b lilt.lcec:ren=d iv 5:vie$ =text:nodc=14%l A -'l . L l l.3 t i dno-14:cc=ecll' E,O. I 3 2 79: http JA! *.w.fedgovcontmcrs.conr /pe02-96.hnn 4.19 Public Law 100-430 - the Fair l{ousing Anrendments Act of 1988. STA i tlTE- 102-Pq I6l9.pdl {qovinlb.so\ ) 4.20 The Fair Housing Act (42 U.S.C. 3601-20) Reasoflable Accommodations Under the Fair l lousirg Act.@ hnps JA!\\\r.iusrice.!:rov/c.t/fair-housing-ac1- I Executive Order I 1063 - Equal Opportunity in Housing hltpsJ^\\\'\r.archives.sov/iideral reeistef/codiucation,'execuiive-order/I I063.ht l Executive order I I259 - Leadership & Coordination olFair' Housing in Federal Programs htrps:/Alr. \ ,.arch ives.sov/l'cdc ral-fesistc/cod ilication/e\ec ulive-order/ I l2 59.hnn I 24 CFR Part 107 - Non- Disclimination and Equal Opportunity in Housing under E.O. h(psr//wr\y.lau -comell.edu/cli/teu/2.I/part: I 0f 4.21 2 CFR 200 et seq - uniform AdministEt;ve Requirements. Cost Principles, and Audit requirements tbr Crants and AgreemenB. htl ps:/A\111y.ec ll .!rov/c!r i bin/tc\t-id\'hp l=/cc frbro\ se/l ir le0l/lclil{10 uiail) 0l-Ipl 4.22 2 CFR 216 - Prchibilion on certain telecomnlunications and video survcillance services or equipment. COUNTY ard SUBRECIPIENT are prohibited from obligating or erpending loan or grant funds to: l) procur€ or obtain fundsi 2) e)iend or renew acontnctto procurE or obtain; or 3) enter into an contract (or e\1end or reneN a contrac0 to procure or obiain equipment, serviccs, or systems that use(s) covered telecommunications equipmen! or sefl,,ices as a substanlial or essential conrponent ofany system, or as c tical technology as palt ofany system. 413 tmmigration Reform and Control Act of 1986 h(ps r^!li1y.eeoc.sov/eeoc/histor\ /35rlrihclarv/irca.hnn I 4.24 The SUBRECIPIENT agrees to comply with the following requirements: 1he Shelu rb' Abusedw.mon& Ch'ldren,ln. ES2l-0r cFo Page 3234 of 4908 a. Clean Air Act, 4l USC 7401, et seq. l.Itp!f,lutltlgolllhg(ry&a!19lt/pt-SlseQDE l0 I 0-titlcl2/hnnl/USCODElllll{dell chap8s-!t!!ll https:/AvwN .la\ .corn cll.cdufuscodc/texr4l/c hapteF8 5 b. Federal Waler Pollution Control Act, 13 USC 1251, et seq., as amended. hnnsJh w\\,.!rovinlo.sov/conrenr/pk,r/USCODII-10 I I-ritlej3ipdflUSCODE-201 l-1itte33- chapl6.odf hll ps:/A\1r,r,, .1a N .corn e I Ledu,/uscode/ tcxt/i 3/c hapteFl6 4.25 Secrion 6002 of the Solid waste Disposal Act as anlended by the Resource ConseNation and Recovery Act ard rcgarding those itenrs identified ir 40 CFR Pa( 247 of the EPA guidelines https://*!r!r.epa.gov/cnforcenrclt/resource-conser!ation-andrecoverv-acI-rcra-aud-federal- lhcilities hrrpll^!!t!,]atyao! ! .1.26 ln accordance with rhe requirenleDts of the Flood D;sasler Protection AcI of I 973 (42 USC 4002), the SUBRECIPIENT shall assurc that for activities located in an area identified by FEMA as having specialflood hazards, flood insurance under the National Flood Irsumnce Progm.rn is oblained and maintained. [f appropriate. a lettel of map amendment (LOMA) may be obiained from FEMA, lvhich would satislr this lequircment aod/or reduce the cost ofsaid flood insu,?nce. httpsT/\\$t!v.law.coIrcll.edu/cIi/!ext/24l570.6!5 4,27 SUBRECIPIENT agrees that a y construction or rehabilitation of resideutial structures with assistance provided under lhis Agreemenr shallbe subjectlo lhe HUD Lead- Based Paint Poisoning Prevention Act, found at 24 CFR 570.608. Subpaft K. l-ead-tsascd Paift - HUD E\chauqc 4.28 SUBRECIPIENT agrees io comply with th€ Historic Preservation requirenrents set forth in the National llistoric Preseryation Act of 1966, as amended (16 U.S.C.470) aDd the procedures set fofih h 36 CFR Pafl 800. Advisory Council on Historic PreseNatioD Proccdures for Protection of Historic Properljes, insofar as they apply to the perfbrmance ofthis Agrcement. https JA\,\\ \!.ach p. sov/s ilcs/defa u lrll les/r esu lalions/20 I 7-0lteqs-re v04. odf lD general, this requires concurence fiom the State Hisloric Preserr'ation Olficer for all rehabilitalion and delnolilion of historic propeflies that tue fiily years old or oider or that are included on a Federal. State or Local histoic property list. 4.29 SUBRECIPIENT must cefiiry that it will plovide drug-free Norkplaces, in accordance wiih rhe Drug-Free Woftplace Act of 1988 (41 USC?01). hittrs:1/\v\y\v. gpagatlldsvs/qran ulc/t JSCO DI- 2009-ri11e4 I /t ,SCOD D-2009-tit lel I -chap I 0- sec70l 4.30 SUBRECIPIENI cenilies that neither it, ror its principals, is presently debafl€d, suspended. proposed for debament. declared ineligible. or voluntarily excluded froft panicipation in this transaction by any Fedeml Depanment or agency; and, rhat SUBRECIPIENT shall not knoryingly enter into anJ, lolver tier contract, or ofier covered transaction. with a person who is similarly debared or suspended flom participating irr this cover ed transaclion as outlined in Execuiive order 12519. httos:/A\ \\ w.archiv.s. gov/i'cd.m l- rcsisrer/cod ilicariop/c\ec urivc-order/ I 2,i49. htfi I The Shclrf }nr Ab6ed Wonen & chlLlrcn.Inc. ES2:1.0t -ro Page 3235 of 4908 4.31 SIJBRECIPIENT .glees to conply with the following OMB Circulars whichever is applicable and agrees to adhere to thc accounting princip,es and procedures rcquirrd therein, utilize adequalc intemal controls. snd naintain necessa[r source docun]entation for all cosls incurred. Thcse requilenrents arc enurnerated in 2 Cl'R 200. elseq. 4.32 Single ALrdits shall be conducted annually. in acco ance witlr 2 CFR 200.501, and shall be s bnined ro lhe COUNTY nine (9) monrhs afier rhe end 01'1he SUBREC1PIENT's tlscal year. The SUBRECIPIENI shall iromply with the requirements and sEndards ol'2 C$R 200 Subparl F. Secrion 500. Subrecipienls exempt tiom Single Audit requjrenrents shall submit financial siaiemenB ro fie COLINTY one hundred eighry (180) days after rhe end ofihe SUBRSCIPIENT S Uscal)ear. Per 2 CF R 200.i44, ifthis Agreemenl is closed out prior lo the receipt ol an audit report, rhe COUNTY rcserlcs the ght to rccover any disalloNed costs identified in an audit after such t.l3 CCIR:: I CIR Part 100 Subpx( F -- Au.lil Re{tuireorents Any real prope(y acquired b)' SUBRECIPIENT for carrving out the pro.jects stated helein and approved by the COUNTY. in accordance \virh the tjnitbmr Relocation Assistance and Real Propel1y Acquisition Policies Act of 1970 ard 49 CFR 24, shall be subject to the provisions of24 CFR 576.408 includirg. but not limited ro. dre prcvisiolN on u-se and disposition of propeny, A displaced person nrust be advised ofhis or her ights under the Fair Housing Act (42 U.S.C. 3601 etseq.). This polic) does not require providing a persoD a l.uger paymeflt than is necessafi to enable a pcrson ro rclocate lo a comparab,e r€placement dwelling (See 49 CF R 24.505(c)(2Xi:XD). https lh \\ \\,. gpo. qo\ /t-dsvs/qraIr ulc/C I R-l009-title.l9-\ {r I I /C F I{-100+ tit 1e,19-\'o I I .|)art2,1 No Fedemllr_ appropriated funds have been paidor N;ll be paid. b! oron behalfofthe undeEigned. Io any person for influencing or attempting to inTluence an olllcer or employee ofany agency, a Menrber of Congress, an olflcer or employee of Congress, or an employee of a Member oi Congress, inconDection \{i!h thc awardingofany Federalcontmcl, the makingol any Federal grant. the makirg ofan)' Federal loan. the entering into ofan)' cooperative agreemeDt, and the extension, conrinuation, rene\\'al. anlendment. or nrodificarion of any Federal €ontract. grant, loan. or cooperative agreement. If any tunds. other than Federal appropriated lunds have been paid or will be paid to any peison for iDlluencing or a(cmpting to influence an officer or eDrployee of any agenc), a Member ofCongress, an oflcer ol employee ofCongrcss, or an enplovee ofa Membcr ofcongress- in connection with this Federal conract, granL loan, or cooperative agreement. thc undersigned shall complere aud submit Slandard Form-LLL, "Disclosure Form to Repofi Lobllying." ir accordance rviih its instrlrctions. The urdersigned shall require that the language of this ceflification be included in the awa]d documents t'br ali sub-awards at all tieN (including subconlracts. sub{rants. corlrac6 under grants. lo3rs. a.nd cooperative agreements) and that all SUBRECIPIENTS shall cenify and disclose accordingly. SUBRECIPIENT agrees thar no ftrnds provided, nor personnel employed under lhc AgreeDent shall be in anv wa! or to any cxtent engaged in the conduct of pol;l ical activities in violation of Chapter l5 ofTirte V ofthe U.S.C. (Harch Act). hups:/A!ww.spo.,.ro!/fdsys/$nnule/USCODE-1009-rirle.l l/t ISCODi-1009{irle.l l-chapll} sec70 I /content-de1ai1 .hnn I "l.J{ {.35 4.36 Travel Eimburse[)ent $ ill be based on the U.S. CeneralSer.vices Admin;stration (CSA) perdienr rates in ellect at the time ofnavel. lEDJ-lllrLcs4.gov/pa4albaliglr!1w 'lt. Sheliei ir. Abu*d $o6e. &ChildEn I.c ES23-Ol -No Page 3236 of 4908 1.31 {.38 Equal access in accordance with the individual's gender identiry in community planning and development programs, per 24 CFR 5.106. hqps,i/**w.govreqs Housing Couuseling, includ ing honleoNnership counsel ing or rcntal honsing counseling. as defl ned in 55.100, required under or provided in connection \\'ith any program administer€d by HUD shall be provided only by organizations and counselors cedfied by the Secretary under24 CFR part 214 to provide housing counseling, consistent wirh 12 U.S.C. l70lr, per 24 CFR 5.1 I l. eCFRr :4 CrR Palr214 Subp4l! Dj:tracul]]ad!ti!j!1! httorllllrtr lalv.conrcll. edu/c fi/rexr-/24lj. I I l Unaccompanied youth under 25 years of age, or t'amilies \vith ch,ldren and youth who do not otherwise qualiry as homeless under the definition of homeless in 24 CFR 576.2, bul who are dellned under Section 387(3) of the Runa$ay and Honrel.ss Youth Act (42 U.S.C. 5732a(3)). Section 637( I I) of the He6d Stat Act 42 U.S,C. 9832(l l), Section 41403(6) of the Violence Against Women Act of 1994 (42 U.S.C. I4043€-2(6)), Se.rion 330(h)(5)(A) ofdre Public Health Service Act (42 U.S.C. 254b(hX5XA)), Section 3(m) of the Food and Nutrition Act of 2008 7 U.S.C.2012(n)). Section l7(b)(15) of d1e Child Nu..ition Act of 1966 (U.S.C. 1786 (bxlsD, Section 725 ofthe McKinney-Vento Homeless Assislance Acr (42 U.S.C. I 1434a(2)) http!1!r]lt!]|!!ler4lrqgi!rrxav/doc umenls/20 I 6/ I 2/20/20 I 6-3 024 I /runawav-and- homeless- vouth HUD Final Rule - Implenrenration of the Violenc€ Against Women Reauthorization Aca of20l3 rvhich applies for all \ iclims ofdomeslic vio,cnce, datirg violence. se\ual assauk. and sulking. regardless ofsex. gender identily. or scyual orientarion. ard which must be appli.d consislenr wil! all noldiscr'imination ond fhir housing requireDlcnts- http!?uu!]sbElEgi!1c!.sov/do.nlnents/2016/ I I /:6/2016-25888/violence-ausinsGwomeu- reauthorilation-acl-of-20 I 3- i rn olenlentation- in:h ud-lrcnsine-proqr anrs Any rule or regulation determined to be applicable by HUD. 4..19 {.{l {.{0 4,42 Lirnited English Prcficiency: SUBRECIPIENT agrces to take rcasoDable steps to provide meaninglul acccss to the pro$am/project and activities fulded under rhis Agreenrent tbr peNons Nith linlited Enslish proficiency puNuant to information located at http:l/\'\t\\'.lep.qoY. 4,43 Equal Treatment of faith-Based O.gaDi?alions: By regulation, HL]D prohib;ts all recipienr organizaiions liom using flnancial assistance fi-om HUD to fund explicitly religiou5 aclivitics. SUBRECIPIENT agrees to avoid such prohibired condrct. For more informatioD. see hups://oip.qovrrbour/ocr/pa nership!]1!u. Discrinination based o. religion in employment is generally prohibiled by federal la\l. but the Religious Freedon Restoration Act is inleryreted on a case-by-case bas;s to allow some faith-based organizations to receive HIID fundsNhileEking inlo account rcligion when hiring staff. Questions in thls regard should be directed to the O1fice for C;vil Righls, 4.44 Arrest aDd Conviction Recods: Federal and state laws restrict use ofarrest alld conviction records in the emptoyment contexi, except when specifically authorized. SUBRECIPIEN'l agrees to avoid lhe Sh.lrcr lbr Abused Womctr & Ch,ldr. .l'r c|'o Page 3237 of 4908 thc misuse of aflest or conviclion rccords to screen applicants tbr employment or employees fbr !etention or promotion that ma) have a dispaEte i pact based or l?ce or rutional origin. resulting in unlaNful employmcnt discrimination unless use is otherNise spccificallt authorized by la\t. See hitpj:,'/oir-qov/aLrout,'ocf,rpdls/Us.oTao \,i.tiolr Ad!isor\.pdffor more details. 4.45 Byrd Arni-Lobbying Arnendment (31 U.S.C. $ ll52): SUBRECIPIENT u;11 noruseandhasnot Llsed lbdeml approprialed firnds to pay at any tier, either directly or indircct\,. ary persorl or organization for influencing or attenrpdng !o influence an ofljccr or enlployee of an) agercy. a Drember ofConBress. an oIfi cer or ernployee ol Congress. or aD e[]ployce ofa member ofCongress in connection \yidr oblainiDg an_r federal co tract. gmrr- or an, other aNard or subaward covered b)' 3l U.S.C. $ 135:. Each .ier shall also disclose any lobbying with nonfedeml funds dral takes pkrce itl connect;oD rvith obtaining any federal a\yar d or subaward. Such disclosures are foruarded f|om tier to rier up ro the recipient. SUBRECIPIENT shall conrpl) wilh lhe lobbying resLrictions ofthe Byd Anlil,obbying Amendment (31 U.S.C. S 1352) aDd (il) ensure lhat iG omcers, elrployees and i1s suhconlmctors hercLrnder comply wilh all applicable local. state, and federallaws and reglrlations govcfllirig advocacy ofand appearances beforc aoy legislalive body. None ofthe tlnds provided under this Agreeme,rr shall be used for publiciry or prcpaganda purposes designed to support or defcat arry tegislation pending beforc local. state. or fedeul legislaturcs. 3l LLS.C. 1.152 - LinliElion on rsc of approp ated ilnds to inflrence certain [edcral conractire and tlnrncial transactions - I)ocumenl in Con[exl - USCODI]-20 I 0-litle3 l- sLrbtitlell-chao l 3-subchiplll-scc I 152 (eovipfo-sov) J I U.S. Code $ I352 - Li,nitat;on on us€ oaapploprialed finds to influence cer[aiu Fcde.al conlractinq and financial lmnsactions I U.S. Codc I US La\\ I LII / Leaal lnlinmation Inslitutc (cornell.edu) 4.46 False Claim; Criminal, or Civil Violationr SUBRECIPIENT rnust promptly refer to COLNTY any credible evidence that a p ncipal. enployee. agenl conrractor, subgrantee. subcontraclor. or other person has either (i) submitted a false claim tbr granl funds under dre False Clains Act or (ii) committed a crininal or civil vioiation of laws pedaining to fraud, conflict of interesl. bribery. gralu;ty. or similar misconduct involving subaward ag.eement funds. l8 U.S. Code S l00l - Statenrenls or ent! ies lcnerallv I t-|.S. Code US l-a\y ILII/ Leqallplbrnatior Insliiure (corncll.edu) Beneficiaries are subiectto this False Clai sActthatincludethelbllowing:IIU.S-C.3729-I'alse clainis - Ilocumeni irr Clonlexi - lJSCOllt"20l0-litle3l-sublirlelll-chap37-subchaptll-sec37:9 (govinfo.sovl ll U.S. Codc $ i7:9 - False clains tJ.S. Code IUS La\! ll.ll / Leeal Informatiol lnslitute (corpcll.edu) 4.47 Political Activiries Prohibired: None of dle funds Agreemcnt shall be used for any political activities candidales lor public office. Neiiher this Agreement utilized in support ol any patisan political activities candidate for an elected ofllce. provided directly or indirecrly under th:s or ro firrther the elecrion or defeat of any .or any funds provided hereunder shalL be or aclivilies for or againsl ihe election of a -1.{8 Texi Mess€ing: Pursuant 1() E\ecutive Ord€r ll5l3, -Fede,?l l-eade.ship on Reducin-e Te\1 Messaging While Dr;ving," 74 Ferlerul Register 51225 (Oclober I, 2009), HUD encourages Th. Sh.Lrcr lb' Abused women & Chrldrci. Iic !s21,01 ^Lo Page 3238 of 4908 rccipients and subrecipients to adopt and erlfbrce policies banning employees from te\( mcssaging while driving any vehicle dffing the course of peformirg \Jvork furded by HUD ad to establish $orkplace safety policies and conduo ed ucation. awareness. and otheroutreach lo decreas€ crashes caused by distracted drivers. ,t.,19 Trafficldng in Persons: SUBRECIPIENT a$ees to, at any ticr. comply with all applicable rcquirements (including , equirements to report allegations) pettainingto prohibited conduct rclated to the tmflicking of persons, \Ihether on the part of SUBRECIPIENT and any enrployees of SUBRECIPIENT. 'lhe details ofthe SUBRECIPIENT's o,Ir?4/iorr related to prohibited conduct rclated ro thc rrafficking of persons are 4.52 hIps://oio.eo\,/tlndini:/l\plore/ProhiLritedCorrduct-lmfJ]ckip.r.htrn. 4.50 Association of Community organizatious tbr Refonn Norv (ACoRN): SUBRECIPIENT unde.stands a d acknowledges that it cannot use any federal lunds, either directly or indilectly, in support of any conlrscr or subaward to eilher ACORN or its subsidiaries, \,ithout the express prior written approval of OJP. 4.51 lf SUBRECIPIENI wishes ro enter inro a conlmct \rilh a sDratl business lirm or nonprolit organization regarding the substitution ol'panies, assignment. ol perlbmlance of e\perirnenlal. developmental, or research \\,ork under this tunding agreement. SUBRECIPIENT nrust comply rvirh the requirernel]!s of37 CFR Pan,10l, "l{ights oflnventions Made by Nonproiit Organizations and Small Business limrs tjnder Governnrent Grants, Contlacls. and Coopelalive Agree[]enrs." and any implemeDling rcgulations issued by IIUD. hllps JA!1\'\l'.ecfl'. qor/c qi- bin./retr ieveECFR?qr)-&S ID aqo]UDEll1lace7a7I 7de76Idca)1!!4]]]!4!4!-pt]LlJ!l{i! =PART&t\'=H llvlL Prohibirion ofCifts ro COUNTY Employees - No organization or individual shall olfer or gi!e. either directly or iDdirectly, any favor, gift. loan, fee, seNice, or other item of'value lo any COTJNTY employee, as sct forth Chaptcr I 12. Pa11 III, Florida Stalutes, Collier Counly Ethics Odinance No- 2004-05. as amended, and County Adninistralive Procedure 531l. Florida Statutes- https:/Ays \\,.1a\vsc N e r.cLrm /law,lstatcrT-lorid ir /stir l Lrtes/florida statuies chspter lll lrart-iii Collier County- hltp:/Av!v\\,.collierrrov.net/hofl re/showdocurrrc!]]!'lid=35 1 l7 order ofPrecedence - In the event ofany conilict between or among the tenns ofany ofihe Conlract Doclrments, lhe terms of the Agrcement shall take precedence over the terms olall olher Conlract Docunrents, except the terms of any Supplenrenlal Conditions shall take precedence over the Agreement. To lhe exlenl any conflict in dre terms ofthe Co ract Documents calnot be rcsolved by application of the Supplenrental Conditions. if any, or rhe Agrecment- the conflict shall be resolved by imposing the more stricr or costly obtigation under the Conlract Docu,nents upon the Contractor at OwDer's discretion. 4.54 Venuc - Any suit ofac!ion brought by either pany to ihis Agreement against the other paay. r'elating to or arising out of llris Agreement, nr.rsl be brought in the appropriate federal or slate courts. in Collier County. FL which courrs have soleju sdiction on all such nralters. (No reference rcquired for this itenr). ,r.53 Tll. Sh.lE ror AbEed Wor.n & Childtoi ln ESzJ-ot -,.O Page 3239 of 4908 4.55 Dispute Resoludon - Prior io the initiation ofany action or proceeding peunitted by !his Agreenent to resolve disputes belween the paltrcs. the padies shall nake a good faith ellbrt 'o rcsolve a'y such disputes bv negotiation. Any siluations when negotialions, Iitigalioll ard/or mediation shall be atrended b,v rcpresentatives of SUBRECIPIENT wlth full decision-making authority and by COI-['.ITY s staff persor who would make thc pllsenlation of a8y settlemenl reached during negoiiaiions 10 COLINTY for approval. lailing resolLltion, and prior to lhe commencentent of depositions in any litigadon between the pafiies arising ou1 ol-this Agreenent, ihe pa[ies shall attenpl lo resolve the dispute through Mediation before an agreed-upoI Circuit Court Mediaior ce{ified by the State of Florida. Shor d eilher paty fail to snbmit to mediation as required he.eunder. the other paty n1ay oblain a court order requiring mediation under section.14.102, Florida Sratutes. The litigation arising out ofthis Agreement shall be adiudicated in Collier Counq,. llorida. if in slale couft and the US District Couri. Middle District of Florida. i]'in federal coutt. BY EN-I'I,RINC INTO TIIIS AGREEMEN'I. COLLIER COTJNTY AND TFlE SUBREC]PIENl' EXPRESSLY WAIVE ANY RIGIITS EII'HER PARTY MAY IIAVE TO A TRIAL BY JURY OF ^NY CIVIL LITICATION RELAI'ED 1'O, OR ARIS]NG OT]1 OF, THIS AGREEMENT, http: !r]!![$]t!!!.qo\,/La\\,s/Statutes/10 I 2/41 . I 02 4.56 As prolided in S 287.133, FloddaSlatutes, by entering into tlis Agreem ent or perforning any lvork in iirthcl?nce hercol SUBRECIPIENT ce.tifies that it. its al}iliales. suppliers- subcontracto$ and consultants rvho wilL pedorm herennder. have not been placed on the con\ricled vendor lisi maintaired by the Slate of Florida Depeftment of Management Services wilhio the 36 months inmediately preceding the date hereof. This nolice is required by S 287.133 (i) (a). Florida Srarutes. hrlp:/A\,\!w.ics.slatc.1'l.us/Statutes/inde\.clm?Aplr nrode=Displa\ SLatute&scarch Sirins-&UR L:0200-0299/02 8 7/Sections/02 87. 1 3l.hln I 4.57 Fiorida Slaluies sect;on 448.095 Enployment Eligib;lity. Per Florida Staiules section 448.095(3), all Florida pr;vate employeN are requi|ed to veriq, enployment eligibility for all new hires beginning Jaouar] 1, 2021. Eligibility delemination is not required for coolinuing employees hired plior !o January 1,2021. !Ip-{u!rllrg$41!dr!$!4d!@.-c!nl^pr !]]rdE Dr!r]d) !e&UAL-L1!ll: 0,199/01.18/0,118.htinl 4,58 Florida Slatutes section 713-20, P t l. Consliuclion L;ens h|lpsrA\,uw.lcq.state-fl-us/Sratuics/irdex.cl'n?Aop n]ode=Uisplar ElallrlqgllBl-0lilu 0799/0711/07ll.htrnl 4.59 Florida Statutes section I 19.021 Records Retention http://$ww.lcs.statc 0199/01 1g/Sections/01 I 9.02 l.hturl 4.60 Flodda Statutes sectlon 119.071. Contracts and Public Records htrp://www.leq.siare.fl Slatute&URl=0l0o 0199/01 lg/Secrions/01 19.071.hnlrl 1h. She ter li} Ahdsed U.rnen & Ch ldren.ILt ES23,0t c|.'o Page 3240 of 4908 .I.6I ENTIRE AGREEMENT This Agreemenl constitutes the entire agreenrent between COUNTY and SUBRECIPIENT for the use of Funds received under this Agreement and it supersedes atl prior or conlempolaneous communications and proposals, whether'electronic, oral, or written between COUNTY and SU BRECIPIENT wiih respect to this AgrceDent. Signaaure Prgc to Follo$ Th. Shchcr lbr Abus.d W.den & Clildrcn Inc ES23-01 cP.o Page 3241 of 4908 tN WITNESS WHEREOF. lhe SUBRECIPIENT and COUNTY, have each. respectivelv. by an aulllorized person or agent. hereunder sel their hands and seals on lhe daie firsl written above. ATTEST: CRYSTAL K. KINZEL, CLERK Witness #l Printed Name AS TO THE COUNTY: BOARD OF COTJNTY COMMISSIONERS COLLIER COUNTY, FLORIDA By: RICK LOCASTRO. CHAIRMAN o,,", lllr{23 AS TO SUBRECIPIENT: TTIE SHELTER FOR ABUSED WOMEN & CHILDREN, INC,/zZ*,Bv: Date: [Please p,?vide evidence of siqhing authotity] I-INDA OBERHAUS. CHIEF EXECUTIVE OFFICF-R C /,* /azSignature Assistant County Atlomey on", 7lt1lz3 Witness #2 Printed Name rcved as to form and l€ality: Thc Sh.lt.r fdr Abuscd Women &Childr.n Inc E32l-01 cro Page 3242 of 4908 EXHIBIT A INSURANCE REOUIR,f, MENTS The SUBRECIPIENT shall fumish to Collier County, c/o Co0rffuniq and Hunrar Services D;vision. lll9 Tanriami Trail Easl. Suite 2li, Naple1 Flo da i{I12. Certificate(s) of Insumnce evidcncins insurince coverage drat meels the lequircnrents as outlined beloq': Wo.kers' Cotnpensation as Nquired by Chapter440. Flotidu Statdes. Commercial ce eral t-iabilitj, including products and complered operations insurance in lhe amoun! of $1.000,000 per occurrence and $2,000,000 aggregare. Collier Counry must be sho\tn as an addilioml insured with respecl lo rhis covemge. i. Automobile Liability lnsuEnce coveri g all owned, non-owncd and hired vehicles used in connection rvith this contract in an amount not less thsn $1,000.000 combined single limit for conbined Bodily lDjury and Property Damage. Collier Courty shall be named as an addilional insured. 2. L DEstcN STAcE ([,.\PPLIc\Bl.r) lr addirion to dre insuance required in I - I abo\,e. a Cenificarc of Insurance mus! be provided ar follor';s: .\, 6. 4. Prolessional Liability InsuEnce in the DaNe of the SUBRECIPIENT or the licensed desigl professional emploled by rhe SUBRECIPIENT in an amount not less than S1.000.000 per occunence/s I ,000,000 agg.egaie providing for all sums wh;ch the SUBRECIPIENT and/or rhe design professional shall become legally obligated 1o pay as damages for claims adsing out ofthe se.vices performed by the SUBRECIPIEN I or any person employed by the SUBRECIPIENT in connecl ioD with rh is contracl. This ;nsurance shall be mailtained for a period ol n1o (:) years after lhe aert:ficare olOccupallc) is issued. Co\sl llucrroN PILASE (rF AppLrc^BLE) In addiiion to the insurance required in I - 4 above, the SUBRECIPEINT shall provide or cause its Subconh'actors !o provide original ce(ificates indicatingthe follow;ng lypes ofinsumnce coverage priorto any consiuctionl Complercd Value Builder-s Risk lnsurance on ar -'All Risk" basis in an amount not less than one hundred ( I00%) percent olthe insurable value ofthe building(s) or structure(s). The policy shall be in the name ofCollier County and the SUBRECtPIENT. ln accordance rvirh the requiremcnts ofthe Flood Disastcr Prctection Act of I973 (42 U.S.C.4001), $e SUBRECIP;ENI shall assure that for activities located in an area identified by the Federal Emergency Manager)reDt Agency (l'EMA) as having spec;aL flood hazards, flood insurance under the Narional Flood Insurance Program is obtained and maintaincd as a condition of financial assistance for acquisition or conslruction purposes (including rehabilitation). Th.Shclr.r nrr .\b0s.il $o'n.n & Chr d..n. hr ES2l"0I -l\'o Page 3243 of 4908 OI,LR,\TloN/M ANACIMENI PIIASE (NT PPLlC,\BLE) After the Constuction Phase is complcted and occupancy begins, the fbllowing insum ce rust be kept in lbrce throughour the du.aiion ofthe loan and/orcontract- 7. Workers' Compensation as required by Chaplet 440, Flarid.t Statutes. 8. Commercial General Liabilii) including prcducts and conrpleled opeEtions insurarce in the amoun( of$ 1,000.000 per occun€nce and $2,000,000 aSgregale. CollierCounly must be sho\Yn as an additional insured with respecl to this coverage. 9. Automobile Liability Irrsuance coveri.g all owned, non-owned and hired vehicles used in connection \!ilh this contract in an amounl not less tlBn Xi1.000,000 conbined single limit lbr co[rbined Bodil] Iniury and Propery Damage. I 0, Prcperly Insurance coverage on an 'All Risk'r basis i n an unount not Less ilmr one h und l ed ( I 00%) olthe replacement cost o1'the propefty. CollierCouDty nrusl be shown as a Losspayee N;1h respect ro this coverage A.T.l.M-A (As Their Inleresl May AppeaD. I L Flood hBurance coverage fbr thosc propenies ibund to be within a flood hazard zone lor the f'ull leplacement lalues oftlrc structure(s) or the nra\imum anrount ofcoverage available through the National Flood Insurarce Program (NFIP). The policy must show Collier County as a Loss Payee wifi rcspecl to this coverage A.T.l.M.A. 'l ha sh.lier]nr Ahur.d wome. & Ch Ldr.n lnc cP'o Page 3244 of 4908 IXHIBIT B COLLIER COUNTY COMMI.INITY & HUMAN SERVICtrS srCTlON l: REQUEST FOR PAYMENT SUBR[CIPIENT Nan]e: TI-IE SHELTER troR ABUSED WOMEN & CHILDREN. INC. SUBRECIPIENT Addless: PO BOX l0l02.NAPLES,FL Project Name: SHFILl-ER OPERAIlONS Project No: ES23-01 Paymcnt Requesr # Total Payment Minus Retainage PeriodofAvailability: through Period fbr rvhich the Asency has incuned the indebtedness through SICTION IIr STATUS Ol, Ft]NDS Sub,€cipient CIIS Appro\ ed l. Cran! A,nounr ANarded s s 2- Tolal Amo nt ofPrevious Reques6 $$ 3. Anrount olToda! s Request ('l'olal expendilllrcs this Dcliod nrinus retsinage. ilaDDlicable) S l; 4. Current Grant BalaDce (Grant Amount minus previous requests minus today's request) $I, I cefii! thal this request tbr paymerr! las been rnade in accordance witlr the ternrs and conditions oftlle Agreenrent bcnveen the COLINTY and us as thc SI IBI{SCIPIENT.1o the besr olm} kno edgc and beliel. all grant requiremenlr hale been follo$ed- Signature Date I;rle Authorizing Grant Coordinator Authorizing Grant Accountant Supelvisor (Approval required $14.999 and Division Director lApproval Required below) $15,000 and above) Th. Sh.lrcr rbr Abun'd $ r'!en 4 Children- hrc ES2i-Or cFo Page 3245 of 4908 EXHIIIIT B-1 Mitch Form Collicr County Ilequest ibr Mttch SECTION I: REOUEST FOR PAYIt'tf\-T SubreciDient Nane:SLIELI!,It FOR ABUSED WOMEN & CHIt-DRLN, INC. SLrlrrecipient Addrcss:PO BOX IOI02. NAPLES. ITL Proiect Nanre:SHEI,TER OPF,RATIONS l']rojecL No: l-S:3-0l Nlalch Rcquesl # N{{lrh Arnounr Rrqu.sl 'l oda\:s{J.00 SECTION I: STATUS OF FUN-DS l Toral lvlalch Amount peI Agreenlent $0.00 l Total Anoun( olPrevious Match Submitted(lnselI $0.00 ]'otal Match Anount Awarded Per Agreement Less Tolal Amount ofPrevious Match Submilled $0.00 .1.Amount ofToday's Requcsl (lnseIt Arlount)$0.00 ,i.Match Balance (March perAgreement less the Sum of All Match Submired) $0.00 I ceftif-v thal lhis rcq\esl.for paynent/nrurch fut: been ade in accoftlance vith the lerrls a d &nditions ol th. .Agreenent be^reen the COUNT| and us a:t SUBRECIPIENT/DEIIELOPER. To lE best of y knowledge and belief dll qunt te.tuirenleds have been {olloi,ed. Signature Dalc Authoriring (;rant Accountnnt Tillc Authodzing Grrnt Coordinrtor Sllpe isor Deprt.tment I)ircctor The She t.r r, Abusedwomdr &ChLldrci. ht cFo Page 3246 of 4908 EXHIIIIT C fmcry€ncj Solutio s Grants (ESG) Qurrterl-v Per'lbrmnnc€ Rrport Charncteristics lieport Subrecipient Nanre:SHELTER FOR ABUSED WOMEN & CI-iILDREN. INC. Repon P€r;od: FiscalYeari Conlract Number: Or -sanizalionls: Program/s: Contacl Name: Conlact Number: ts:i 0I SHELTEII.IOR ABTjSED WOMEN & CHILDREN. INC. ESG ]ULIE FRANKL]N Activit\ Rcnortine Period RrDort Due Drte October l" - Dccember :l1" Januarv l" March 3l* April l$ June 30ri'Jul\ l0r' July l"'- September j0 'october l0'h Blacl Atiican Anrcrican Americar Indian/Alaskao Native Nati\,e H"t*aiia Other Pacitlc lslander Olher/Multi-Racial 2. Nunbcr ofadrlts and childten serr'd: A. Residential Quarter I'TI) Nunlbdr ofA.lults Nunrbcr ofChildren Nunlber of I lnknoNo Aoe b. Non-Residential Nunlber of Adlrlts Nunttl of Chiidlerr NulnberofUnknowo Aqe TheSrelte. tu ^buscd wornrtr & Ch,ldrc..In. ES2t-01 c>o Page 3247 of 4908 -1. Numbr' oI individuxls/l nilies s.n cd 0uarter Y-TD a. Nulnhct ofindividual househokls (sinsles) fit.llc Fenulc NIrle Female UnaccontDanied l8 and over Unaccompanied l7 and under Ourrter YTt) b. Number of Families with children Nlale llcmalo Femalc Headed b! s nqle l8 and over Headed by s ngle l7 and under Headed by t\ro prrenrs l8 and orcr Headcd by t\\o parcnts l7 and urrder Nunbel ol Families u ith no childrcn.TOTAL rovidcd to clients ir ran b. vouchels lor sheltels c. d.op-in center f'. alcohol/d . childcare h. enrploynrent i. tmnsitional k. soLrp i(itchen/'meal distf ibution m. HIV/AIDS sen'ices n. other (Dlcase lis! TOTAL Nulnber of clients scNed a. Chronicallv Horneless b. Victinls oi Donrestic Violence e. lndi\ iduals \vith lll\;,AIDS t. Chronic Substance Abuse lalcohol endjor dru . Sererclv Mentallv Ill h. Runawav / thrcwawa\' \'oudl The Sh.lrcr ri'' Abrred\rodetr & Child.en. hrc l:s2i,0t -No \.TD a. emergency shelter hcilities d- lood Dantr\ e. mental health i. olllreach l. healrh ca|e Page 3248 of 4908 i. Other disabiliry (Physical and/or DeveloDmental) TOTAI, (Chronic.tlQ Honeless- HUD delnition oJ a chronitulll hotnelesr person is an unaccampanied honeless indivirlual vilh a dituhl iug co ditioh trho has eithet: l ) been conlinuousU honeless Jbr a year a rnore, or 2) has had at least.fov episodes oJhonelessness in the past three ,,eas.) I her€by certify the above intbnnation is true and accurate. Signaturei Date: Scattercd Site ADartrncnt Fanril\ D.tLlched Hou\c Mobile Horne/Trailer Other Sinrle-Fanri I O'I'AL Printed Name: Tit e: Yorr tlpcd name herc rcpresents rour eleclronic sisnature, 'I he Shelkr ri* Ah,'sdl W.m.tr & ChildR. Inc ES23-01 -*o Ouartcr yTI) Barracks GrouD/Lalse House Sinslc Roonr Occntencr' HoIel,/lvlotel Other ADa|trrcn!1(]onrl)lc\ other Page 3249 of 4908 EXqIBIT C-I Emergency Solutions Grants (DSG) Leverag€d Funds Report Leveraged Funds nlust be identified, lracked. arrd verifiable. Resources must be fully ideniified and described as submited \\'ith SUBRECIPIENT'S application. SLrbrecipienl Nanrc:SIllrl Tlllt IOR ABIISED \\ONIF.N & CHII.DRF-N. INC. Report Period: FiscalYear: Conlract Number: Program: Conaact Name: Contact Number: t-stt-01 ESG JULIE FRANKLTN Leveraged Funds Se€ EXAMPLE belolv for horv to complcte this form. Sourcc Tvpe Usc Total Proicct Cost Ratio: IIXAI\'IILE Sourc€Tlpe Use CDBG s1,000.000 Other Federal Funds Land,Acquisition HOMI:xi870.00{l Privalc Donation $1,200,000 Cash & In-Kind Ph;landnopic $i.500.000 Cash - local funds 52 units Aftbrdable Housing Total I'rojccr Cost s6,-i70.000 Rrtior Sl Federrl Dollar 52.51 Local Funds Signature Prgc ro Follon TheSh.h{ lir' Abused $ometr& Childr.n.Inc E523-0t cP'o Page 3250 of 4908 I hereby certify fie above info nation is true and accurute. Date:SisnitLn!: Printed Nanre: Tirlei Your typed name here rerrres€nts vour el€ctronic signature. Thc Shelter lbr Abnsed Woren & Ch'ldr...Ir. ES2l-01 cP.o Page 3251 of 4908 trXHIBIT D ANI\ruAL AUDIT MONITORINC RDPORT Circular 2 CFR Part 200.i32 requires Collier Comty to monitor subrecipients of l'ederal awards to detemine if subrecipients are compliait with established audit requirements (Subpart F). Accordingly, Collie[ Couniy requires that all appropriate documentation is provided regardiE the orgarization's compliance. In determining Federal arvards expended in a fiscal year, lhe entiq, nus! consider all sources of Fedeml awards based on when the aclivity related to the Federal award occurs, including any Federal award provided by Collier County. Thc detemination of amounts of Federal awards eltpended shall be in accordance with the guidelines established by 2 CFR Part 200. Subpa( F Audit Requirements. This form may b€ used 1o monitor Florida Single Audit Acr (Statute 215.97) requirements. Subrecipient SIII'LT[R F0II AI}I]SF,D \\'O}IEN & ( TIILDITEN. I\C. First Date ol Fiscrl Year (NIM/DD/YY)Last Date olFis(rl Year (Xtl\I/DD,rtry) Totlll Federal Financial Assistance I\pendcd durins nrost rc{:cntlv cotnDletcd Fiscal Year Totrl Stat€ Fil}ancial Assistancc Erpended duri g most reccntly contDletcd Fiscal Year' s s Check A. or B. Check C ifapplicable tr A. Thc ltderal/state cu.rrdhxre t[cshold 1brour fiscal ]car cndins as indlcated abovc has treen meL and a Singlc Audit as requircd [r],2 CFR Pan 100. Subpar Ir has Lreen conrpleted or $ill be coffpleted b! . Copies ofthe audit rcporl and,nanagenenr ,etter are attachedorwill be provided within 30 days ofcomDlerion. u B. We are nol subject to the req(irements ofOMB 2 CFR Palt 200. Subpan F because we: n Did nol excccd dre e\pe diture threslmld tor thc fiscal year indicatcd above E Are a lbFprolit organizarioD I Are exempt for other aeasons - explain An audited financial statement is attached aM ifapplicable, lhe independent auditor's management letter tr C. F indings \\,ere noted, a current Slatus U pdate of the responses and corrective acrion p lar is i nc hded separate from the rvrilten response provided within the aLrdit repol.!. While we undcr'sland tl1at the audir report conlains a \\,rittcn response to the finding(s). Ne are rcqucsting ar updaled status ofthe co|rective aclion(s) being taken. Please do not providejrst a copY ol'lhe written response from you audit report- unless i1 includes details oI ihe actions. procedures, policies. etc. implenrented and when it was or will be inrplemented. Certific.ti0n Statemenr I hereby cenily that the above infonnation is true and accurate. Signature D!tc Print Namc and Ti{le 06/t,l Th. Shelrer iir Abus.d Uom.f & Ch ldreo.l't cFo Page 3252 of 4908 EXIIIBIT E EMERGENCY SHELTERS Minimum Standards The SUBRECIPIF-NT must adl'rele to 24 CFR 576.40](b) Ior the following miDinum standards tbr EnrerBency Shelters. as appl;cable: 24 CFR 576.403(b): llinhiu't sklnduftls fot entergency shehen. A.ny building lbt which EmergeDcy Solutions Gran! (ESC) tlnds arc used lor conversion. major rehabilitation. or other renovations, must meet State or Localgovernment safety and sanitation staDdards. as applicable, ard the following nrinimum sat'ety. sanitaaion. and pri,v?cy stardards. Any emergency shelter that receives assistance tbr shelter operations musl also meel the folloNing nlirinum safery, sanilarion. and privacy standards. The COUNTY may also establish standards that exc€ed o[ add lo these minimun] standards. 111 c) (j) (!) (5) (6) (7) (8) (e) (t 0) (l r) Sn LctLo'e an(l fialeriaLs. The shelter buildirg nust be struciln'ally sound!o plotect residents fiom the elernents aDd nol pose any tlnea! to heallh and safety ol drc residents. Any rerovation (including nrajor rehabiliration a dcon\rersion) cadedour'r'ith ESG assistance nrust use Energy Star and Watcrsense products and apDliances- -rccess. Thesheltermus!be accessible in accodarce with Seclion 504 ofthe Rehabililalion Act (29 U.S.C. 794) and implementing regulations at 24 CFR Pan 8l the Fair Housing Acr (4: U.S.C. i60. et seq.) and implementing regulations a1 14 CFR pal't 100; and Tille II of tlrc Americans with Disabilities Aci (42 U.S.C. l2 l 3 l, el. Seq.) and 28 CFR pafi 35; where applicable. Space ond \ecut i4. Except where the shelter is inteDdcd for day use only. the shelter must provide each program participant in the sheller with an acceplable place to sleep and adequate space and security for rliemselves ard tlEi. belongings- hterior ait quolit,t. Each roonr or space within ihe sheller nrusl have a natural or nrechanical nleans ofventilalion. The interior air mus! be iiee ofpollutants al a Ievelthat lul.!h. rl,rerren ,rr Iarnr rhe l_ealL\ ol reside 'r. ttttater supphi. -fhe sheller's water suppl) musr be ftee of coniamiftlion Sa ita\,trcilitiet. Each proBam participant ir the shelter must havc access to sanitan' facilities thar are in proper operating condilion, are prh,atc. and are adequate for personal cleanliness and the disposal ofhuman rvaste. lhett al e iul ett. The shelier must have any necessary healing/coolirrg facil;ties in proper operating condilion. llln ination and elcctticiD,. The sheller must have adequate nalural or artificial illumination ro permit nomal indoor activilies and suppo,l health and sal'el). There musl be sufticienr elec0 ical sources to pennil the safe use ofclectical appliarccs iD the shelter. Foo.l prepatation. Food preparation areas. if an!'. nrust contain suitable space and equipmenr to stor'e. prepare, and serve food in a safe and sanitary manDer. Snnitar! canLlilitrls. The shelier nlusl be mainiained in a sanitary condition. F,re rarr. There m(ls1be at Leas! ote rvorking smoke detector in eacl occupied unit of the sheher. Where possible. slnoke detectors lnust be located near sleeping areas. The fire alarm sysrem must be designed tbr hearing-impailed rcsidenrs. AII public areas ol rlrc shelte nu$ have al Ieast one wo*i[gsmoke detector. Thel€ must also be a second nleiuN ofexiling the building in the event of llre or oiher emergency- The ShelEr lbr Abu*d $bnen & Childrcn- I.c [s]t {n -llo Page 3253 of 4908 EXIIIBIT F PERMANENT HOUSING lhe SUBRECIPIENT must adhere !o 24 CFR 576.403(b) for the lollowiug minirnuur standards for I'emancnt I iousing. as applicablel 24 CFR 576.40i(c): .l-1rni,rifiD, stdndorcls for pennanant holtsitlg.'fhe SUBRECIPIENT cannot use ESC ilnds to help a program panicipant rerrain or rnovc into housing that does not meet the minimunr habiiability standards provided in this paragr'aph. The COLINTY nra) aLso esrablish standards that ericeed or add 10 thesc miDimum sundards. (t) (:) (3) (.4\ (5) (6) (7) {3) (e) (ltr) Shltctua and hateriols,'f he slructulls m ust be structurally sound to protecl residenls from lhe elements and not pose any threat to health and safeO, ofthc residents. Spdce and securir,. Each resident nrtlst be provided adequaie space and sccurity lbr themselves and their belongings. Each residenl must be provided an acceptable place 10 sleep. Interiat dit'q dlit),. L,ach room or space must have a naiural or nlechanical neans of ventilation. The interior air must be ilee olpollurants a1a level ihal mighl threaten or halnl lhe lealth of residents. ll'atet suppl) Tlrc waler supply nrust be fiee ofcontamination. Sanitor) facilities. Residents must have access lo sanitar) faa;l;ties that are in proper opemling condition, are private, aDd are adequate fbr pelsonal cleanliness and the disposal Therntl enyiroryttlcnt The housing rDust have an) necessary heating/cooling f'acil;ties in proper operating condhioll. l lmitdion atui elcchicitt'. The structure must have adequate natural or artilicial illumination to pemrit normal indoor activlties and suppot health and safety. There must be sufficient eleclrical sources to permir the safe use of electrical appliances ir rhe Food preporution. All food preparation areas must conuin suitable spacc and equipment to srore. prepdre. ind ser\e lood r.r a sale znd .anilaD man|er. San ary candilions. The housins nrust be maintained in a sanirary condition. Iire.Sry'elr,. There nus! be a second means of exiling the building in the evenl of l'ire or other emergency. Each unit must;nclude at leasl one batter]-op€rated oa hard-Nired snroke deiector. in proper working condition, on each occrpied level olthe mil. Smoke detectors mu$ be located, ro the extent pMcticable, in a hallway adj acenl 10 a bedroom. I lthe uDit is occupied by heaxing inpaned perso,rs. snroke detector\ nrusl have an alam systenr designed for hearing-iDpaired persons in each bedroon occupied by a heari g-impaired peEon. The public areas of all housing must be equipped \vith a sufiicient nurlber, bur nor less than one lor each area, of battery-operated or hard-$ired snroke detectorc. Public areas include. but are not limited to, laLLndly roo[]s. communiry rooms, day cal€ cenlers. hall\a)'s. sldirwells. and other conr on aren\ 1he sbeker lbr A\used \lom{ & Childrcn. nr LS2l-0r cFo Page 3254 of 4908 EXHIBIT G COORDINATION WITH CONTINUUM OF CARE .{NTD OTITER PROGR4.MS Thc SUBRECIPIEN I mLrst adhere to 24 CIR 576.400 and coordirute wifi dre Continlrurn of CaIe and other progmms, (a\ (I'tlstik iontriththeCo tn ukt o:f Carc.The SUBRECIPIENTand COIjNTY rrusl consull !!ith lhe Continrun of Care to detennine how to allocate ESC funds each program yeari develop the perfo,mance standards for, and evaluate the outcornes of, projects and aclivities assisred by ESC lundsl and developIu ding, policies.and procedures lbr dre adurinistiation and operation ol'the I-[MIS. (h\ Cootulination whh otw to-geted hom?1ztr rcnrc?s. The STJBRECIPIENT and COUNTY must coordiDate ard integrale. to the maximum cxtent practicable. Esc-funded activities Nith o$er programs largered to homeless people in the area covered by the Continuum ofCare or area over which the se.vices are coordinated 10 provide a stlategic, comnunily-$,;de systenr to prevent and end honlelessness l'or that alea, Thesc ploeranls irclude: (l) Sheher Plus Care Prcgram (24 CFR pan 582) (2\ Supponive Housing Progftun (24 CFR pan 583) (3) Section 8 Moderate Rehabiliiation Program for Sirule Room Occupancy Progranl for I'lomeless Individuals (2,1CFR pan 882)(4) HuD-Vetemns Affairs Supponive Housing (H(JD VASH) (division K. lide ll, Consolidated Approp ations Act, 2008, Pnb. L. l10-16l (2007), 73 FR 25026 (May 6, 2008D ( 5 ) Education for Home less C h ildren and Youlh Gralrs for State and Local A clivities (iid e V I l- B oi thc McKinney-Venlo Homeless Assistance Act (42 U.S.C. I l43l et seq. ))(6) Crar$ lbr the Benefit ol llomeless lDdividuals (sectlon 506 olthe Prblic Ple3lth Services Act (42 U.S.C. 290aa-5) (7) Heakhcare for dre Homeless (42 CFR part 5lc) (8) Progranrs for Runaway and Homeless Youlh ( Runarvay and Homeless Youlh Act (42 U. S.C. 5701 e! seq.)) (9) Projecb for Assislance in Traositioo fium Homelessness (pa C ofthle V ofdle Public Health Service Act (42 U.S.C. 290cc-21 et seq.))(10) S€Nices in Suppo(ive Housing Crants (section 5l0A ofthe Public Heahh SeNice Aco(ll) Emeryency Food and Shelter Progran {title III of the McKinne)'-Verto Homeless Assistance Act (42 U.S.C. I llS l er seq.)) (12) Transilional Housing Assistance Gmnts for Victinls ofSexual Assault, Domestic Violence, Daling Violence. and Slalking Progranr (section 40299 oflhc Violelt Crime Cont|ol and Law Enforcement Act (42 U-S.C- 13975))(ll) Homeless Veterars Reintegralio. Program (secrion s(a)(l)) of dle Homeless Veterans Comprchensive Assistance Acr (38 U.S.C.2021)) ( I4.) Domiciliary Carc for Homeless Veterans Program (18 U.S.C.2043) ( l5) VA lloneless ProvideN Gant and l,er Diem Progranr (38 CFR parl 6l) (16) Heallh Care for Honeless Veterans Prograrn (38 U.S.C.20i1) (17) Homeless Veterans Dental Program (38 U.S.C- 1062) (18) Supponive Services for Veteran Fanrilies Progranr (38 CFR pafl 62) (19) Veteran Justice Outreach In:tiative (38 U.S.C.2031) Thc Sh.lt r lor ab6ed Woh.D & Ch ldton.ILr -No Page 3255 of 4908 (c)$\ten and prcs utn coordinattun i:ith tit.lit:tne.t The SIIBRECIPIENT and COLINTY lnust coordinate and integrate. to the nra\imum extenl pracaicable. ESG-funded activities Nilh Dlainstream housing. heallh. social services, employntenl, education, and youth programs lor rvhich l'amilies and individuals a! risk ofhonelessness and honeless individuals and families may be eligible. Examples of these programs incllrde: (l) Public housing programs assisred urder Section I ofthe U.S. Housing Act o1' 1937 (42 U.S.C. 1137g) (24 CFR pal1s 905.968. and 990) (2) Ilousirg prograurs receiving tenanl-based or project-based assistance under Section 8 of the U.S. Hortsing Act of 1937 (4: U.S.C. 1437f) (.espectively 24 CFR pans 982 and 983) (3 ) Supponive Housing for Penons rvith Disabi lities (Seclion 8 I I ) (24 CFR part 89 I )(4) HOME lnvestment Partnerships Program (2,1 CFR par 92)(5) Temporary AssistaDce lorNeedy Fanilies (TANFI (45 CFR palts 260 265) (6) Heallh Center Program (42 CFR paft 5lc) (11 State Childrcn's Health lnsurancc Progmm (42 CFR palt 457) (8) Head Stai (45 CFR chapter XIII, subchapter B) (9) Mental Health and Substance Abuse Block Grants (45 CFR part 96)(10) Servic€s funded underthe WorHorcc lnvestment Act (19 U.S.C. 2801 er seq.) (:entruli.e.l ar coardinated assessment. Orce the Conlinuunr oi Care has developed a centralized assessment slsten or a coordinaled assessnrenl slslem in accordance with requirements to be esLablished by HtlD. each Esc-funded prograrn or project within lhe Conlinuum ofCare's area nrust use that assessment systenr, The COUNTY and SUBITECIPIENT nrust tlork rvith the Con Duull of Care to ensLrre ihe screelring, assessment, and rettral of program panicipants is consistent with the $rillen standards requiled by paragraph (e) olthis section. A victim service provider may choose not to use the Condnuum ol Care's cenalalized or coordinated assessment systen. lLilen stun.lards lA'ptatiding ESG assistance. The SLIBRECIPIENT nust have wrifien standards tbr ploviding ESG assistancc and must consistefltly apply those standards tbr all program pa[icipants. At a minimum. fiese wrillen standads must include: (l) Srandard policies and procedures for evaluating individuals' ard families' eligibilh,"' for assisiarce under ESC. (2) Standards lbr rargeting and providing essenrial se[;ces relaled to streer outreach. (3) Policies and procedures for adnrission. diversion, retirral. and discharge by emergency shelters assisted urder ESC, including standards rcgarding Length of stay, if auy, and safeguards to meet the safety and shelter needs of special populations, e.g., victinrs of domestic violencc, dating violence, sexual assaul!, and stalking: and irdividuals and lamilies who have the highest barriers to housing and are likely to be homeless the longesi. (4) Policies and procedures for assessirg priorilizing. 3r'd reassessing individuals' and families'needs for essential services rclated to emergency sheller.(-s) Policies and prccedures for coodinalion among emergency shelter providers. essential services providers, homelessness prevent;on, and rapid re-housing assislance providers; other homeless assistance providers; and mainstrean service and housing providers (see $576.400(b) and (c) for a lisi of progmms Nith which Esc-tunded activiries nust be coordinated and integrated to the maxi,nul11 extenr practicable). (6) Policies and procedures for deennining and prio tizing which eligible families and individuals \r'ill receive homelessness prevenrion assistance and which eligible fanlilies and individuals lvill receive rapid rc-lrcusing assistance. (d) (e) Th. Sh.lrcr t& Ahused Wom. & Childr.n tnc ES23-0r ^ !!o Page 3256 of 4908 Standards for determining \rhat percentage or amo nt of rent and utilities cosls each prognm panicipant rrusi pay while receiving hornelessDess preventiotr or rapid re-hotrsing Stardards for delermining ho\ long a program panicipanr will be provided with rental assistance and rvhether and how the anrouDt ofthat assistance will be adj usted over tine. Standards for delerminirg the type, amount. and duration ofhousing slabilization and/or relocation serviccs Io provide a prcgom participant. includi[g the limits, if any, on rhe homelessness prevcnlioi or rapid re-housing assistance that each program paflicipanl may receive; such as lhe ma\imum anount ol assistance. rnaxinum number ol nronths the prog?m paiicipant receives assistance. or lhe maxinu$ number of times the prosram paraicipant nlay receive assistance, (D Pd icipatian in HM1.t Ihe SUBRECIPIENT must ensure that dala on all persons serr'ed and all activities assisted under ESC are entered into the applicable conrmunity wide HMIS or a compauble dalabase, in accordance with HUD'S standards on participation, dala collcction, and repoting under a local HVIIS. Ifrhe SUBRECIPIENf is a victinr seNice provider or a legal seruices provider. it may use a comparable database thar colle€ts client-level data over time (i.e., longirudinal dala) and generates unduplicated aggregate reports based on rhe dala. Informalion enter€d in a comparable database nrust noa be entel€d di, ectly into or plovided to an HMIS. t'7) (8) (e) The Slrclkr tur Abus.d $ omen & Chndr.n. ILt ES2l-t I -Lo Page 3257 of 4908