Agenda 09/24/2024 Item #16B8 (Fiscal Year 2025 Capital Improvement Plan of the Big Cypress Basin BCB)9/24/2024 Item # 16.B.8. ID#: 2024-1038 Executive Summary Recommendation to review and approve the Fiscal Year 2024/2025 Capital Improvement Plan of the Big Cypress Basin, a part of the South Florida Water Management District (SFWMD). OBJECTIVE: To continue coordination between the Big Cypress Basin and Collier County Board of County Commissioners for the operation and maintenance of the watercourses and water control structures located in Collier County. CONSIDERATIONS: The first agreement made between Collier County and the Big Cypress Basin/ South Florida Water Management District (BCB/SFWMD) provided a mechanism for assigning operation and maintenance responsibilities for portions of the primary canal system and the water control structures occurred on February 19, 1991, Agreement C91-2158. Upon its expiration, the same parties entered into a subsequent agreement on October 13, 2000. This agreement, agreement C-11759, has been amended five (5) times since 2000 for various purposes including agreement duration extensions and operation and maintenance responsibility adjustments. This agreement is currently valid until September 30, 2034. Provisions in the current agreement address cooperative and shared system responsibilities including planning, operation, maintenance, and capital improvements. Section 10 of the agreement specifies that BCB capital improvements and capital improvement schedules shall be subject to review and approval by both the BCB Board BCB and the Collier County Board of County Commissioners (Board). Attached are the fiscal year 2025 Big Cypress Basin Capital projects, including planning budget amounts and brief project descriptions. This item is consistent with the Collier County strategic plan objective to design and maintain an effective transportation system to reduce traffic congestion and improve the mobility of our residents and visitors. FISCAL IMPACT: The BCB Fiscal Year 2025 Capital Projects Plan is specific to, and/or associated with, canals and water control structures currently assigned to BCB by the agreement. The plan has no fiscal impact to Collier County budget appropriations for County operated and maintained canals and water control structures. GROWTH MANAGEMENT IMPACT: Planning, operation, maintenance, and capital improvements of the entire canal system and all associated water control structures throughout Collier County is in accordance with the goals, objectives, and policies of all applicable sections of the Stormwater Management and the Conservation and Coastal Management elements of the Growth Management Plan. LEGAL CONSIDERATIONS: This item has been reviewed by the County Attorney, is approved as to form and legality and requires majority vote for approval. -JAK RECOMMENDATIONS: To approve the Fiscal Year 2025 Capital Improvement Plan of the Big Cypress Basin (BCB). PREPARED BY: Beth Johnssen, Division Director, Capital Project Planning & Program Management ATTACHMENTS: 1. 5 Year Capital_2025 2. FY25 Capital Plan_Project Description Page 2850 of 4908 "S "S"S #0 #0 #0 #0 #0 ^_ X COLLIER C OUNTY LEE COUNTY G u l fofMexic o £¤41 Lee County Collier County Cocohatchee Canal CorkscrewCanalMerrittCanalGolden Gate Main Canal C-485 CanalImprovements BCB Communications Tower Upper Faka Union Replacement I75W3_TW FU5 FU6 FU7 CanalImprovements HC1 HC1A#0 kj kj GR1 PR1 }}GG5 I75W2 #0 GG MainMiller CanalFaka Union Canal951 CanalC-1 Airport Rd CanalCy pres s Ca nal I-75 CanalOrange TreeGG Main S486 S487 S488 BCB FY25Capital Projects Map DISCLA IMERAny information, including but not limited to software and data, received from the South Florida Water ManagementDistrict ("District") in fulfillment of a request is provided "AS IS" without warranty of any kind,and the District expressly disclaims all express and implied warranties, including but not limited to the impliedwarranties of merchantability and fitness for a particular purpose. The District does not warrant, guarantee, or mak e any representations regarding the use, or the results of the use, of the information provided to you by the District in terms of correctness, accuracy, reliability, timeliness or otherwise. The entire risk as to the results and per formance of any information obtained from the District is entirely assumed by the recipient. This map is a conceptual tool utilized for project development only. This map is not self-executing or binding, and does not otherwise affect the interests of any persons including any vested rights or existing uses of real property. 0 2 4 Miles SFWMD_FI_Map_Apr_2021.mxd UPDATEDJul 2024Attachment 3 BIG CYPRESS BASINSFWMD2660 Horseshoe Dr. N.Naples, Florida 34104239-263-7615 µ ^_ BCB CommsTower Legend #0 Upper Faka UnionHC1, HC1A, GG5Replacement X SCADAAdditions Corkscrew Canal HeadwaterImprovements CanalImprovements} kj GR1 & PR1 Page 2851 of 4908 Attachment 2: Fiscal Year 2024/2025 Capital Improvement Plan of the Big Cypress Basin BCB Projects FY25 Funding Project Description SCADA Additions and Replacements $400,000 This work will complete the construction of one canal water level monitoring station on the I -75 canal south of Vanderbilt Beach Road at the I-75 #3 water control structure. Communications System Improvements (Tower) $3,000,000 The Basin’s flood control communication is via cell phone towers back to the District’s control room. The use of cell phone towers is unreliable, especially following tropical storms and hurricanes. By building a new radio communications tower for flood control, it will harden the operations and communications during critical times. FY25 funding continues construction of the Basin’s self- supporting communications tower located near Lake Trafford. This is the third year of funding for the 4-year project. The total cost for the new tower is estimated at $10.2M. Canal Improvements $500,000 Funding FY25 will be allocated to complete design of canal improvements on the I -75 and Faka Union canals. I-75 will be dredged and deepened between Vanderbilt Beach Road and Pine Ridge Road. Faka Union Canal will be dredged and deepened between Randal Blvd and 20th Ave SE. The improvements will maintain the current flood protection level of service and canal conveyance. Corkscrew Canal Headwater Improvements $350,000 Funding for FY25 is allocated for design of early implementation projects that are identified from the on-going Corkscrew Watershed Initiative which is a 3-year feasibility study to identify projects that will restore the hydrology of the Corkscrew Swamp watershed. I-75 #2 Weir Replacement $2,550,000 The existing I-75 #2 control structure has limited flood control capabilities and is near the end of its useful life. This project constructs an improved remote operated water control structure south of the existing structure. The relocation and remote capabilities of the proposed structure will provide enhanced flood control during wet periods and improve groundwater recharge during the dry season. FY25 is the third year of a multi-year project and will begin the construction phase of the project. Upper Faka Union Replacement $500,000 This is a multi-year project that will provide an initial assessment, design, and construction for improvements to the FU-5, FU-6 and FU-7 control structures. FU-7 is at the end of its useful life and this project will determine an optimal location and structure type based on the initial assessment. FU -6 is at the end of its useful life and will be removed from service. The FU-5 upgrade will enhance flood control and increase groundwater recharge. FY25 continues the design of the multi-year project. Henderson Creek HC1 & HC1A $300,000 The existing Henderson Creek #1 control structure has limited flood control capabilities and is near the end of its useful life. This project will construct an improved remote operated water control near US 41 and Henderson Creek and will determine if a new structure is needed between HC1 and HC2 to help balance flood control discharge to Rookery Bay and to promote groundwater recharge. The new structure will provide enhanced flood control during wet periods, improve groundwater recharge during the dry season, and reduce saltwater intrusion. FY25 is the first year of this multi-year project which starts with the hydrologic and hydraulic feasibility study of the watershed. Page 2852 of 4908 Attachment 2: Fiscal Year 2024/2025 Capital Improvement Plan of the Big Cypress Basin BCB Projects FY25 Funding Project Description Golden Gate #5 Replacement $650,000 The existing Golden Gate #5 control structure has limited flood control capabilities and is near the end of its useful life. This project constructs an improved remote operated water control structure south of the existing structure. The relocation and remote capabilities of the proposed structure will provide enhanced flood control during wet periods and improve groundwater recharge during the dry season. FY25 funding is to acquire the ROW required to build the replacement structure. Gordon River Structure Replacement (GR1) $1,000,000 The existing Gordon River control structure has limited flood control capabilities and is near the end of its useful life. This project constructs an improved remote operated water control structure south of Golden Gate Parkway and Gordon River. The new structure will provide enhanced flood control during wet periods, improve groundwater recharge during the dry season, and reduce saltwater intrusion. FY25 is the first year of this multi-year project which begins with the design and modeling of the new structure. Palm River Structure Replacement (PR1) $1,000,000 The existing Palm River control structure has limited flood control capabilities and is near the end of its useful life. This project constructs an improved remote operated water control structure west of Palm River Blvd on Palm River. The new structure will provide enhanced flood control during wet periods, improve groundwater recharge during the dry season, and reduce saltwater intrusion. FY25 is the first year of this multi-year project which begins with the design and modeling of the new structure. TOTAL $10,250,000 Page 2853 of 4908