2021/2022 Collier County Clerk of Courts Expires (-)q ��
3299 Tamiami Trail E. (Clerk's o ice only)
Suite 401,Bldg. F, 4th Floor
Naples,Florida 34112
LOBBYIST REGISTRATION FORM Name Ka.,4-4--(1e r\ ► av_ 5. �Ol� Y� Date I `� 1 9 \ fa 0`a I
Business Name L a,n k 5 ,"VOL h tl , P.
Business Address q 3 - YU.►n �e.P-\ S U 14:e, V` (
City SaCd,-ky r`-pOc StateSL , Zip Code 34(o�.5
Business Telephone 19 7-713- ( Contact Person\rt C (1 C. tq t'k
Lobbyist E-mail ►n;q,h ,p0 wexer..t .corr..
Notice for Lobbyists: The annual registration fee is $25.00 per Lobbyist, per Collier County
Ordinance No. 2003-53,and amended by Ordinance 2004-05 and Ordinance 2007-24. Payments
made out to: Collier County Clerk of Courts or Crystal K. Kinzel, Clerk of Courts
1. Name GLO -S t 1-e 2. Name CB Pt CO irk,rel ur1 l&Alio nc
Address c? -( 0 Le. t9h 'acry, Road Address SOS—l Cor19re-CS {-We u+�
Citysh6 -1,t\s/tx S Zip Code 0167? City`Boat740 n,cL Zip Code 2; ' `1
3. Name Ca p I e le co rY, tea Li 1 n3 c 4. Name-Pta►,A o r1Ck Lo on.rn 6 n
Address $ 2-0 Yto«a c Ttw 1 t, .tO 4 Address c-,- S i c k e S -, L O
City��r+ t l,(S,IJ,Zip CodeQ3O7K CityCla rte ttt 1,1S 143" Zip Code
State of Florida
County of Collier \Th
o yis ignature
This registration was sworn (or affirmed) and subscribed before me this day of,- ti». r
20 1 , byV(q,A"\-Qn1c.k_h aS-11-\
Personally Known B \
Produced ID Deputy Clerk/Notary Public
Type of ID Produced DANIEL L. FLORES
ri <�_Notary Public-State of Florida
Commission # HH 113452
-'"7:1 My Commission Expires Revised:08/2018
" "' April 05, 2025
Receipt# 008494014
12/13/2021 2:27:14 PM
co���ER�o�Nr` Crystal K. Kinzel
Clerk of the Circuit Court and Comptroller
T3— O
r��� T E CIRC GJ O g-K
Customer Deputy Clerk Clerk Office Location
JAHN, MATTANIAH S. BMR CASHIER Collier County Govt. Center
MATTANIAH S JAHN PA MinutesandRecords@CollierClerk.co Building F, 4th Floor
935 MAIN ST STE D1 m 3299 Tamiami Trail East, Suite
SAFETY HARBOR, FL 34695- 239-252-2646 401
3467 P.O. Box 413044
Naples, Florida 34101-3044
1 Product
1 BMR Lobbyist Registration $25.00 $25.00
Check# 1546 ($25.00)
Disclaimer:All transactions are subject to review/verification. The Clerk reserves the right to correct for clerical errors and to
assess or refund charges as needed.
Co[111rl®Eracgutzp@om Page 1 of 1
Martha S. Vergara
From:Office Manager <officemanager@thelawmpowered.com>
Sent:Monday, January 3, 2022 10:41 AM
To:Martha S. Vergara
Cc:Mattaniah Jahn; Vicki Clark
Subject:FW: Lobbyist and Client list update due
External Message: Please use caution when opening attachments, clicking links, or replying to this message.
Ms. Vergara,
There are no changes. Also, please remove Vicki Clark from your email list and add my name in its place.
Daniel Flores
Office Manager
Firm Now Practicing in Florida and Georgia
Law Office of Mattaniah S. Jahn, PA
935 Main Street., Suite D1
Safety Harbor, FL 34695
T: 727.773.2221
F: 727.773.2616
C: 941.685.3770
E: mjahn@thelawmpowered.com
FL Bar No: 105256
GA Bar No: 354372
NOTICE: This is privileged and confidential and intended only for those named to receive it. If you are not one of them, then any use, dissemination, distribution,
reading, forwarding, printing, or copying of this is strictly prohibited, and you are requested to notify ME immediately by calling me collect at the number above or
emailing me at the address above.
DISCLAIMER: Although this email and any attachments are believed to be free of any VIRUS or other defect that might affect any computer
system into which it is received and opened, it is the responsibility of the recipient to ensure that it is virus free and I accept no responsibility
for any loss or damage.
From: Martha S. Vergara <Martha.Vergara@collierclerk.com>
Sent: January 3, 2022 9:29 AM
To: 'stephen.tilbrook@akerman.com' <stephen.tilbrook@akerman.com>;
'george.powell@akerman.com' <george.powell@akerman.com>; 'jtilton@gradyminor.com'
<jtilton@gradyminor.com>; 'bcornell@audubonwe.org' <bcornell@audubonwe.org>;
'carlb@barraco.net' <carlb@barraco.net>; 'kberkey@beckerlawyers.com'
<kberkey@beckerlawyers.com>; 'raricci@napleslaw.com' <raricci@napleslaw.com>;
'dquintanilla@cyklawfirm.com' <dquintanilla@cyklawfirm.com>; 'ellenm@conservancy.org'
<ellenm@conservancy.org>; 'tocia@davidsonengineering.com' <tocia@davidsonengineering.com>;
'bonnie@davidsonengineering.com' <bonnie@davidsonengineering.com>;
'noel.davies@daviesduke.com' <noel.davies@daviesduke.com>; 'ellie@ekc‐inc.com' <ellie@ekc‐
inc.com>; 'meredithb@fwfonline.org' <meredithb@fwfonline.org>; 'ggreeneng@aol.com'
<ggreeneng@aol.com>; 'kthomason@gadclaw.com' <kthomason@gadclaw.com>; 'tina@gsma.pro'
<tina@gsma.pro>; 'jenna@napleschamber.org' <jenna@napleschamber.org>; 'steph@greensite‐
eng.com' <steph@greensite‐eng.com>; 'Jeff.wright@henlaw.com' <Jeff.wright@henlaw.com>;
'Debhugh@hmeng.com' <Debhugh@hmeng.com>; 'jmbswte@msn.com' <jmbswte@msn.com>;
'sbehn@llw‐law.com' <sbehn@llw‐law.com>; Mattaniah Jahn <mjahn@thelawmpowered.com>;
'jack@napleszoo.org' <jack@napleszoo.org>; 'danielle@nabor.com' <danielle@nabor.com>;
'matthew.holliday@nchmd.org' <matthew.holliday@nchmd.org>; 'jwestendorf@comcast.net'
<jwestendorf@comcast.net>; 'musserjr@aol.com' <musserjr@aol.com>;
'stevehartsell@paveselaw.com' <stevehartsell@paveselaw.com>; 'nealemongomery@paveselaw.com'
<nealemongomery@paveselaw.com>; 'jfruth@pen‐eng.com' <jfruth@pen‐eng.com>;
'jtilton@gradyminor.com' <jtilton@gradyminor.com>; 'sspector@ralaw.com' <sspector@ralaw.com>;
'kbenson@consult‐rwa.com' <kbenson@consult‐rwa.com>; 'don@realvizory.com'
<don@realvizory.com>; 'karla.scott@stantec.com' <karla.scott@stantec.com>; 'josh@swflinc.com'
<josh@swflinc.com>; 'ctnaplesflorida@msn.com' <ctnaplesflorida@msn.com>;
'cthornton@swflalaw.com' <cthornton@swflalaw.com>; 'mking@trebilckck.biz' <mking@trebilckck.biz>;
'tbt@trtrans.net' <tbt@trtrans.net>; 'amanda@thanaples.com' <amanda@thanaples.com>;
'apires@wpl‐legal.com' <apires@wpl‐legal.com>
Subject: Lobbyist and Client list update due
Morning and Happy New Year to All,
It’s that time of year again, time to Update the Lobbyist Lists (2nd quarter –
due on January 2nd per ordinance).
Please just send an e-mail with any changes to your Lobbyists and or
client lists.
If there are no changes, just send an e-mail stating that there are no
Also, send an updated list of Lobbyist for your firm/company.
If you have any questions or concerns please feel free to call or e-mail any
Thank you,
Martha Vergara
BMR & VAB Senior Deputy Clerk
Office: 239-252-7240
Fax: 239-252-8408
E-mail: martha.vergara@CollierClerk.com
Office of the Clerk of the Circuit Court & Comptroller of Collier County 3299 Tamiami Trail E, Suite #401 Naples, FL 34112 www.CollierClerk.com
This electronic communication contains information intended solely for the named addressee(s). If you
have received this communication in error, please forward the email in its entirety to the Clerk's Office
at collierclerk@collierclerk.com and delete the email.
Under Florida Law, email addresses are public record.
Martha S. Vergara
From:Office Manager <officemanager@thelawmpowered.com>
Sent:Monday, April 4, 2022 10:45 AM
To:Martha S. Vergara
Subject:RE: Lobbyist and Client list update for Mattaniah S. Jahn
External Message: Please use caution when opening attachments, clicking links, or replying to this message.
Ms. Vergara,
There are no changes.
Daniel Flores
Office Manager
Firm Now Practicing in Florida and Georgia
Law Office of Mattaniah S. Jahn, PA
935 Main Street., Suite D1
Safety Harbor, FL 34695
T: 727.773.2221
F: 727.773.2616
E: mjahn@thelawmpowered.com
FL Bar No: 105256
GA Bar No: 354372
NOTICE: This is privileged and confidential and intended only for those named to receive it. If you are not one of them, then any use, dissemination, distribution,
reading, forwarding, printing, or copying of this is strictly prohibited, and you are requested to notify ME immediately by calling me collect at the number above or
emailing me at the address above.
DISCLAIMER: Although this email and any attachments are believed to be free of any VIRUS or other defect that might affect any computer system into which it is
received and opened, it is the responsibility of the recipient to ensure that it is virus free and I accept no responsibility for any loss or damage.
From: Martha S. Vergara <Martha.Vergara@collierclerk.com>
Sent: Tuesday, February 22, 2022 3:22 PM
To: Office Manager <officemanager@thelawmpowered.com>
Subject: RE: Lobbyist and Client list update for Mattaniah S. Jahn
Hi Daniel,
I will take care of this ASAP.
From: Office Manager <officemanager@thelawmpowered.com>
Sent: Tuesday, February 22, 2022 3:13 PM
To: Martha S. Vergara <Martha.Vergara@collierclerk.com>
Subject: RE: Lobbyist and Client list update for Mattaniah S. Jahn
External Message: Please use caution when opening attachments, clicking links, or replying to this message.
Ms. Vergara,
Please add Bridger Tower Corp, 1951 E. 400th Road, LeCompton, KS. 66050 to the Lobbyist list for the
Law Office of Mattaniah S. Jahn.
Daniel Flores
Office Manager
Firm Now Practicing in Florida and Georgia
Law Office of Mattaniah S. Jahn, PA
935 Main Street., Suite D1
Safety Harbor, FL 34695
T: 727.773.2221
F: 727.773.2616
E: mjahn@thelawmpowered.com
FL Bar No: 105256
GA Bar No: 354372
NOTICE: This is privileged and confidential and intended only for those named to receive it. If you are not one of them, then any use, dissemination, distribution,
reading, forwarding, printing, or copying of this is strictly prohibited, and you are requested to notify ME immediately by calling me collect at the number above or
emailing me at the address above.
DISCLAIMER: Although this email and any attachments are believed to be free of any VIRUS or other defect that might affect any computer system into which it is
received and opened, it is the responsibility of the recipient to ensure that it is virus free and I accept no responsibility for any loss or damage.
From: Office Manager
Sent: Monday, January 3, 2022 10:41 AM
To: Martha.Vergara@collierclerk.com
Cc: Mattaniah Jahn <mjahn@thelawmpowered.com>; Vicki Clark <vclark@thelawmpowered.com>
Subject: FW: Lobbyist and Client list update due
Ms. Vergara,
There are no changes. Also, please remove Vicki Clark from your email list and add my name in its place.
Daniel Flores
Office Manager
Firm Now Practicing in Florida and Georgia
Law Office of Mattaniah S. Jahn, PA
935 Main Street., Suite D1
Safety Harbor, FL 34695
T: 727.773.2221
F: 727.773.2616
C: 941.685.3770
E: mjahn@thelawmpowered.com
FL Bar No: 105256
GA Bar No: 354372
NOTICE: This is privileged and confidential and intended only for those named to receive it. If you are not one of them, then any use, dissemination, distribution,
reading, forwarding, printing, or copying of this is strictly prohibited, and you are requested to notify ME immediately by calling me collect at the number above or
emailing me at the address above.
DISCLAIMER: Although this email and any attachments are believed to be free of any VIRUS or other defect that might affect any computer
system into which it is received and opened, it is the responsibility of the recipient to ensure that it is virus free and I accept no responsibility
for any loss or damage.
From: Martha S. Vergara <Martha.Vergara@collierclerk.com>
Sent: January 3, 2022 9:29 AM
To: 'stephen.tilbrook@akerman.com' <stephen.tilbrook@akerman.com>;
'george.powell@akerman.com' <george.powell@akerman.com>; 'jtilton@gradyminor.com'
<jtilton@gradyminor.com>; 'bcornell@audubonwe.org' <bcornell@audubonwe.org>;
'carlb@barraco.net' <carlb@barraco.net>; 'kberkey@beckerlawyers.com'
<kberkey@beckerlawyers.com>; 'raricci@napleslaw.com' <raricci@napleslaw.com>;
'dquintanilla@cyklawfirm.com' <dquintanilla@cyklawfirm.com>; 'ellenm@conservancy.org'
<ellenm@conservancy.org>; 'tocia@davidsonengineering.com' <tocia@davidsonengineering.com>;
'bonnie@davidsonengineering.com' <bonnie@davidsonengineering.com>;
'noel.davies@daviesduke.com' <noel.davies@daviesduke.com>; 'ellie@ekc‐inc.com' <ellie@ekc‐
inc.com>; 'meredithb@fwfonline.org' <meredithb@fwfonline.org>; 'ggreeneng@aol.com'
<ggreeneng@aol.com>; 'kthomason@gadclaw.com' <kthomason@gadclaw.com>; 'tina@gsma.pro'
<tina@gsma.pro>; 'jenna@napleschamber.org' <jenna@napleschamber.org>; 'steph@greensite‐
eng.com' <steph@greensite‐eng.com>; 'Jeff.wright@henlaw.com' <Jeff.wright@henlaw.com>;
'Debhugh@hmeng.com' <Debhugh@hmeng.com>; 'jmbswte@msn.com' <jmbswte@msn.com>;
'sbehn@llw‐law.com' <sbehn@llw‐law.com>; Mattaniah Jahn <mjahn@thelawmpowered.com>;
'jack@napleszoo.org' <jack@napleszoo.org>; 'danielle@nabor.com' <danielle@nabor.com>;
'matthew.holliday@nchmd.org' <matthew.holliday@nchmd.org>; 'jwestendorf@comcast.net'
<jwestendorf@comcast.net>; 'musserjr@aol.com' <musserjr@aol.com>;
'stevehartsell@paveselaw.com' <stevehartsell@paveselaw.com>; 'nealemongomery@paveselaw.com'
<nealemongomery@paveselaw.com>; 'jfruth@pen‐eng.com' <jfruth@pen‐eng.com>;
'jtilton@gradyminor.com' <jtilton@gradyminor.com>; 'sspector@ralaw.com' <sspector@ralaw.com>;
'kbenson@consult‐rwa.com' <kbenson@consult‐rwa.com>; 'don@realvizory.com'
<don@realvizory.com>; 'karla.scott@stantec.com' <karla.scott@stantec.com>; 'josh@swflinc.com'
<josh@swflinc.com>; 'ctnaplesflorida@msn.com' <ctnaplesflorida@msn.com>;
'cthornton@swflalaw.com' <cthornton@swflalaw.com>; 'mking@trebilckck.biz' <mking@trebilckck.biz>;
'tbt@trtrans.net' <tbt@trtrans.net>; 'amanda@thanaples.com' <amanda@thanaples.com>;
'apires@wpl‐legal.com' <apires@wpl‐legal.com>
Subject: Lobbyist and Client list update due
Morning and Happy New Year to All,
It’s that time of year again, time to Update the Lobbyist Lists (2nd quarter –
due on January 2nd per ordinance).
Please just send an e-mail with any changes to your Lobbyists and or
client lists.
If there are no changes, just send an e-mail stating that there are no
Also, send an updated list of Lobbyist for your firm/company.
If you have any questions or concerns please feel free to call or e-mail any
Thank you,
Martha Vergara
BMR & VAB Senior Deputy Clerk
Office: 239-252-7240
Fax: 239-252-8408
E-mail: martha.vergara@CollierClerk.com
Office of the Clerk of the Circuit Court & Comptroller of Collier County 3299 Tamiami Trail E, Suite #401 Naples, FL 34112 www.CollierClerk.com
This electronic communication contains information intended solely for the named addressee(s). If you
have received this communication in error, please forward the email in its entirety to the Clerk's Office
at collierclerk@collierclerk.com and delete the email.
Under Florida Law, email addresses are public record.
Martha S. Vergara
From:Office Manager <officemanager@thelawmpowered.com>
Sent:Wednesday, July 6, 2022 3:27 PM
To:Martha S. Vergara
Subject:Lobbyist and Client Updates (4th Quarter)
External Message: Please use caution when opening attachments, clicking links, or replying to this message.
Ms. Vergara,
We have no changes.
Daniel Flores
Office Manager
Firm Now Practicing in Florida and Georgia
Law Office of Mattaniah S. Jahn, PA
We Have Moved
935 Main Street., Suite C4
Safety Harbor, FL 34695
T: 727.773.2221
F: 727.773.2616
E: officemanager@thelawmpowered.com
NOTICE: This is privileged and confidential and intended only for those named to receive it. If you are not one of them, then any use, dissemination, distribution,
reading, forwarding, printing, or copying of this is strictly prohibited, and you are requested to notify ME immediately by calling me collect at the number above or
emailing me at the address above.
DISCLAIMER: Although this email and any attachments are believed to be free of any VIRUS or other defect that might affect any computer system into which it is
received and opened, it is the responsibility of the recipient to ensure that it is virus free and I accept no responsibility for any loss or damage.