GGCCAB Minutes 05/06/20242O.A.c GOLDEN GATE COMMUNITY CENTER ADVISORY BOARD (GGCCAB) MEETING MINUTES O5/06/2024 ADVISORY BOARD MEMBERS PRESENT: KAYDEE TUFF, ADVISORY BOARD CHAIR WILLIE BRICE, ADVISORY BOARD MEMBER ANGELA RICHBERG, ADVISORY BOARD MEMBER LIZETTE HOMAR-RAMOS, ADVISORY BOARD MEMBER ADVISORY BOARD MEMBERS NOT PRESENT: RUTH ORIS, ADVISORY BOARD MEMBER ALSO PRESENT: N O SAID GOMEZ, INTERIM REGIONAL MANAGER, REGION 2 - PARKS & RECREATION N co RAY CORIANO, GGCC SUPERVISOR - PARKS & RECREATION MARIAH BOSETTI, GGCC TRANSCRIPTIONIST - PARKS & RECREATION Packet Pg. 387 20.A.c 1. Call to Order Ms. Tuff called the Meeting to order at 6:04 PM. 1I. Attendance/Establish a Quorum Roll Call was taken, Ms. Oris was not present. A quorum was established. III. Approval of Agenda Ms. Tuff called for a motion to approve the Meeting Agenda, Ms. Homar-Ramos entered the motion, it was seconded by Mr. Brice. All members that were present were in favor. The motion was carried. IV. Approval of Minutes —April 1st, 2024 Ms. Tuff called for a motion to approve the Meeting Minutes from April 1st, 2024. Ms. Homar-Ramos entered the motion; it was seconded by Mr. Brice. All members were in favor. The motion was carried. V. Public Comments There were no Public Comments. There were no members of the Public present. VI. Monthly Budget Report Mr. Coriano gave the Budget overview for the month of March. A. FY 2024 Budget Amended: $522,400.00 d B. Revenues ° 1. FY 2024 Amended: $892,200.00 (9 2. Actual Monthly Report: APRIL = $52.613.91 3. FY2024 Total Actuals: $802.153_.54 (89.9% Consumption) M C. Operating Expenses: 1. I'Y 2024 Amended: $703,300.00 2. Actual Monthly Report: APRIL = $183,209m27 c 3. FY2024 Total Actuals: $374,747.80 (71.7% Consumption) N We had additional expenses for Summer Camp preparation in April, and the new t° Parks & Recreation signs for the front of the building. Ms. Tuff still had concerns about how the Ad Valorem was being spent. She understood that no other park could use our Ad Valorem funds. Her concern was that the Ad Valorem was paying for what other parks receive through normal taxation. The Ad Valorem is meant to fund any costs above and beyond normal park operational costs; not to subsidize the costs of operations. There should be at a 40% - 60% split of costs, based on the additional the County has added to the Community Center. Mr. Coriano stated that he and Mr. Gomez understood Ms. Tuffs concerns and would try to get someone from OMB, someone that works with the Budget, to come in and talk to the Board. That way the Board members can ask questions and get clarification. VIL Community Center & Wheels Park Facilities Updates Mr. Coriano gave updates on the following: A. Community Center: 1. Field Gazebo: It was supposed to be fixed on 04/25; a section of the BMX track was fixed instead. The two jobs got mixed up in scheduling. There should be an update from Facilities tomorrow. Packet Pg. 388 20.A.c 2. Commercial Refrigerator: We have our three quotes and have submitted them to Procurement. We're also waiting for approval of disposition for the old refrigerator. 3. Marquee's Sign: Mr. Coriano research on the new marquee placed at the Here We Grow Daycare and he did confirm it was set by Likyns-Signs Tech Co. The quote that we have from them right now is at $13,S30, and it's ready to be sent over to Procurement. 4. Restroom Floors: The final quote should come from Mohawk tomorrow. We need to find out how much it is going to be in total for this so that we only have to go to the BOCC once to pull from our reserves. Hallway Gate: Mr. Gomez stated that he spoke with someone at DCF and they stated the placement of the gate is not their requirement, but it alleviates in ensuring the public is not mixed with the kids. It is up to the organization how they establish that measure. Ms. Tuff asked if the staff said that they wanted the partition and if they feel comfortable having a gate there. Mr. Gomez suggested a portable sliding gate. There's one available in Administration and he will check on it. Mr. Coriano confirmed that they did prefer to have something there to block off that hallway and it does help to contain the area. Ms. Tuff suggested that we remove the gate and perhaps provide the option to place something else as soon as possible. S. Gym/Stage Floors: We do have a quote established and we are waiting to see if the company can be used as a piggy -back contract or if we will need two other quotes. Dayne Atkinson at Project Management indicated we didn't, but we're waiting on confirmation from OVS. B. Wheels Skate & BMX Park: 1. Skate Park: Renovation will start the weekend of May 13th. 2. Tower Tarp Replacement: We are researching a marine company for the tarp replacement. VIII. Old Business o A. Summer Camp Updates `V Mr. Coriano explained selections for Counselors are under way. He is trying to increase the number of counselors so we can also increase the number of groups. Purchasing equipment and supplies has also started and making final preparations in order to have a great start. IX. New Business A. Carnival Mr. Coriano explained Parks & Recreation will not renew Mr. Larry Carr Carnival contract. We might be looking at a different concept for carnival needs. Perhaps renting carnival rides and/or games from a company named Modern Midways. They provide the rentals, and we collect the entry fees. B. Facility Walkthrough Mr. Coriano wanted to postpone the walkthrough until we had all members of the Board present. He felt that it was important for the Advisory Board members to be familiar with the facility and what all we really do here, especially the new board members. Packet Pg. 389 20.A.c X. Member Comments - Ms. Richberg stated that she had two things to bring up. With Ms. Oris number of absence situations, will the Board be required to re -fill the position? Ms. Tuff stated that she would like to try to contact her to see if she is wanting to resign or if she will be attending the regular meetings. Ms. Richberg's second point was regarding the Advisory Board Resolution. She asked if a new resolution would need to be updated, due to how old the current one is. Mr. Coriano stated that it is the Board's option to update the resolution and after it has been reviewed it will need to go to County's Attorney Office for approval. Mr. Brice stated that there are two people running for County Commissioner and we should invite them to an Advisory Board meeting. Ms. Tuff stated that she would be willing to invite them. Ms. Homar-Ramos stated that the Golden Gate Civic Association meeting might be a better place to invite the candidates to. - Mr. Coriano wanted to remind the Board that according to the Resolutions of the Advisory Board there's no meeting on the month of June, so the Board's next meeting will be July 1st, XI. Adjournment With no further topics for discussion, Ms. Tuff called for a motion to adjourn the Meeting. Ms. Richberg entered the motion, Mr. Brice seconded the motion, and all agreed. The Meeting was adjourned at 7:49PM. I* N O N R Golden Gate Community Center Advisory Board Kaydee Tuff, These minutes approved by the Board on �?4/4a2OW as presented, or as amended Next Meeting, July 1st, 2024, at 6:00PM Golden Gate Community Center • 4701 Golden Gate Parkway, Rm. C, Naples, FL 34116 Packet Pg. 390