2024-04 Property Tax Oversight BulletinProperty Tax Oversight Informational Bulletin Real Property Recording Notification Service Exempt from Public Records June 17, 2024 PTO 24-04 Effective May 6, 2024, Chapter 2024-149, Laws of Florida (CS/HB 285), amends section 28.47(5), Florida Statutes (F.S.), to exempt from disclosure under the public records law all e- mail addresses, telephone numbers, personal and business names, and parcel identification numbers submitted to the clerk of court or the property appraiser by a person registering for a recording notification service or a related service, except upon court order. This applies to information held by the clerk of court or property appraiser before, during, or after the implementation of the bill. Questions: This bulletin is provided by the Department of Revenue for your general information. For questions, please email DORPTO@floridarevenue.com. Reference: The full text of the implementing law (chapter 2024-149, Laws of Florida) is available at https://laws.flrules.org/2024/149. Implementing Date: The implementing law is effective upon becoming a law, May 6, 2024, and first applies to the 2024 tax year.