CItizen Corp 04/01/2024Collier county Citizen Corps Advisory Committee
Voting Members Present
Reg Buxton, Chamber of Commerce - Chairman
Walter Jaskiewicz, coast Guard Aux
Barry Gerenstein, cERT
Ashley Jones, United Way
Lisa Loren, Salvation Army
Chris Byrne, Marco lsland Fire
Non-Votins Me mbers Present
Joshua Starrett, Citizen Corps Liaison - Emergency Management
Camilo Torres, FL Dept of Health - Collier
Amy Howard, BES-EM
Zach Moreland, DOH
Tom Dussault, ARES CC
Vern Brownell, ARESCC
Meredith Gaum, RSVP
Ethan Ticehurst - ARC
Meeting was called to order by Chair Buxton at 10:00 A.M, Pledge was cited, roll call was
conducted, and quorum was met. lanuary 25,2024, minutes approved.
New Business
Collier County Emergency Management will be holding thelr annual hurricane exercise the week
of July 22"d. Josh has sent out invitations to some of his NGO's, he has received some have
responses back. This will be a WebEOC driven exercise.
Amy Howard is now our new Multi-Hazard Planners
Services Coordinator Position.
We are interviewing for the Human
Lt. Lopez was not in present, but passed along that ccso has graduated their first GERT class of
with 16 members. May 30th is the annual class applications.
Old Business
Chief Byrnes, Fire Chiefs Assoc. - Updates for brush fire season
FFS is saying that this is the same pattern as it was in 1998'
COAD - Their next meeting was held on April 30th'
Amy Howard - Local Mitigation Strategy Updates
. LMS had their last meeting on April 19th. The quorum was met, and the group reviewed key
. North Collier Fire District retrofit doors at 3 of their fire stations.
. 2nd Port of the lslands upgrade pump system.
. HGMP Grant funding is still open.
. The next LMS meeting will be July 19th.
Camilo Torres- DOH
Nothing to report, except they are getting ready for hurricane season and making sure they have
all the supplies they will need.
They are looking to hire some new staff
Mike Shaw - Training and Exercise
o Mike was not present, but passed along the upcoming trainings that are taking place.
. They just completed the G2300 lnterim EOC Functions class.
. G2304 will be held and this class is for EOC Planning and support
o ICS 400 needs students, and must have taken prior
. EM Coordinators are working on setting up Charrette's for the hurricane exercise.
. Logistics section of the exercise will be held in the middle of August.
lndividual Reports
Meredith Gavin - RSVP
. RSVP has officially accepted two AMERICOR is from April -March.
. Meredith will be working with all the Non-Profits in Collier.
o She is working on the Day of Service for the 911 Day of Service
. Actions from Coad, Community Foundation, CM office, Chief Choate will represent EM, and
. They are going to have a summit for disaster preparedness break out, ie Fire extinguishers,
shelter etiquette,
. Meredith is working on securing location for this event. This is going to be a big event with a lot
of stuffgoing on. This is targeted toward 55+ communities.
Walt - Coast 6uard Auxiliary
. Mentioned the National Safe Boating Day coming up soon.
. He gave an update on the various Auxiliary Coast Guard Stations and there are now over 400
members to support the USCG.
. One topic Walter would like to discuss is "how to Secure your boat during a storm.
Barry - CERT
. The counties two fire districts had held their CERT Team meetinBs.
' North Collier recently held a teen CERT meeting that was very well received. This was sponsored
by Champions for learning. They had not had a regular team meeting in a while.. Greater Naples is preparing for summer hurricane presentations.
. Verona Walk has been using GMRS Radios and they work extremely well.
. Verona Walk just celebrated their 15-year anniversary for their CERT Team
Lisa Loren - Salvation Army
Getting a marketing strategy in place and planning a meetinS to train staff to get them up to
s peed.
Salvation Army is getting a new pantry, they have also incorporated a drive-through for fresh
meat and produce with Harry Chapen Food Bank. This operation has limited hours.
They are also identifying new members and roles, as current members are leaving.
U nited Way
Like everyone else, the are getting prepared for hurricane season. They recently received a
grant for Home Recreation from ARC for over seven hundred thousand dollars, this grant ends
July 31't. Tiffany Minch is the President CO, and she serves on the governing board and is
looking into how they can serve and work with their volunteers to support efforts.
Case Management team attended the Collaboration conference through the Florida Rural Legal
Services and there was a lot of great information provided.
. They are working to improve their if we lose our communications. They have done two
emergency tests.
. They are also testing their two-meter repeaters.
. They will be doing some testing at a few more locations including PODS and Shelters.
Red Cross
Not much to report, other than looking for opportunities to get out in the community
Meeting Adjourned
4:-2.'o",1 ,7
Ch rman Buxton Date
The next meeting will be July 25th.