DR-486XCO Cross-County PORT NoticeReset to blankform Print Form 7 CROSS -COUNTY NOTICE OF APPEAL AND PETITION DR-486XCO 0 TRANSFER OF HOMESTEAD ASSESSMENT DIFFERENCE R. 12/09 x Rule 12D-16.002 ki Florida Administrative Code 0 FLORIDA For use by the Clerk of the Value Adjustment Board (VAB) COMPLETED BY VAB CLERK IN THE COUNTY OF THE NEW HOMESTEAD To: Clerk of the VAB, County of From: Clerk of the VAB, County of Contact Name Contact Name Address Address Phone ext. Phone ext. Email Email Fax Fax The attached petition appeals actions of the property appraiser in your county. I certify that this petition to the Value Adjustment Board was filed with me on Date Signature, clerk of the value adjustment board INSTRUCTIONS Clerk of the VAB, County of the New Homestead Use this form if a petition is filed because: 1. A taxpayer does not agree with the amount of the assessment limitation difference for which the taxpayer qualifies as stated by the property appraiser in the county of the previous homestead, or 2. The property appraiser in the county of the previous homestead a. has said that the taxpayer does not qualify to transfer any assessment limitation difference, or b. has not provided sufficient information to grant the assessment difference transfer. When a taxpayer files a petition to the VAB in the county of the new homestead property, the clerk of the VAB in that county will send this notice, Form DR-486XCO, to the clerk of the VAB in the county of the previous homestead if the petition form DR-486PORT check box indicates there is an issue with the homestead in the previous county. Attach the taxpayer's petition form. Clerk of the VAB, County of the Previous Homestead The attached petition appeals the actions of the property appraiser in your county. If your VAB has already adjourned, it must reconvene. When the VAB makes a decision on the attached petition, promptly send a copy of the decision to the petitioner and the clerk of the VAB in the county of the new homestead.