Resolution 1994-295/DO 94-1 '~'------' ..~_._..,.,~,,---..~-;---~_..._. 12 ,~ 3 I." _. B. Copies ot this Development Order ~ shall be transmitted immediately upon execution to the Department of Community Affairs, Bureau of Land and Water Management, and the Southwest Florida Regional Planning Council. C. This Development Order shall take effect as provided by law. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that this Resolution be recorded in the minutes of this Board. Commissioner Saundecs offered the foregoing Resolution and moved for its adoption, seconded by Commissioner Volpe and upon roll call, the vote was: AYES: Commissionec Saunde~s, Commissioner Volpe, Commissionec Noccis, Commissioner Matthews, and Commissioner Constantine NAYS: ABSENT AND NOT VOTING: ABSTENTION: Done this 26th day of , 1994. ATTEST: DWIGHT E. BROCK, CLERK E, CHAIRMAN ~~;. A " )WVED ~~0~. AS ~O ORM AND LEGAL SUFFICIENCY: 'oYh.L~ ' ,. ) 1) </}:r",,( (" ( MARJO~E M. STUDENT ASSISTANT COUNTY ATTORNEY DOA-94-2/11482 -4- '-'--'-'-"~'-"''--~-''''_.-'---'''''~''''~- ~- AUl.hat part of Section ~, Township ~S South. R.Jl1ge 25 L1St. ('oUit[ (01')2 Ronda. ~ltlg more partlClliJrly de:-.crllxd :n follows: Commencing at the northe.aSl corner of :5.:.liJ Section 22: thence South 00 33'39- E.Jst along th~ easterly line of the Nortl~eJst quarter of :5.:.lid Se~:tion.21 a dtst.Jnce of 9228 feel to a potnt on l~e e..:lsterly line of lI~osc. bnds descn~d 10 O_~ &:ok 619, page 1857. s.1id point lx10g the POlO! of Begmnmg of lhe p:lrcel hereln ~lng described: 0 thence continue South 0 33'39- Elst along Ole e:lsterly line of s.l.id S.:ction 21 a distance of ~~,67 feet to the E..Jst Quarter corner of 5.1id Section 12: thence South 89 55'06- West along the ~H'west quarl~r secuon line of said section 21 a distance of 1431.78 feet to an IJ1lersectJon Wlth the e..l:iterly right-of-way line of t~e former Se.aboord Coastline RaiJro3d: . thence South 5 5Tor E..JS! 310ng said easterly ri~t't-of-w.JY line a distance of 1057.5-1 feet (0 the cenlerline of a Drainage E.:ucment as dmrilxd . O-RJlook 1S5, pJge 59; thence South S-1 02'5r \Vest along the we.sterly prolongation oi said c.e:nledine a distance of 65.00 feet to an intersection with the ce.nterline of the right-of-way of the former SeJ.oo.ard COJ.stline Rai1rood; 0 thence South 5 51'03- E..ut along s...1.id centerline a distance of 1609.17 feet to an intersection wilh Ule soutllt:rly line of the Southe.Jst QU::lrter of s.Jid Section 22. said intersection ~ing a point of the no.therly right:sf-way line of Immoblee Road (CR. 846); thence South 89 49'OT West along -S-.:Iid southerly line and uiJ norllterly right-of-way Line 3 dislance of 1258.11 fe<:t to the South Quarler corner 8f S:lid Section 22;. . . thence South 89 49'OT \Vest along ~ld southerly Ime and ~ld northerly right-of.way line n distance of 552..46 feet to an inter!.eclion with the e.Jsterly line of a Florid.J Power and Light Company Right-of-Way Easemer:t as recorded tn.Deed Book 30. pages 27-3--1. Public Records of CoUJer County, Flonda; thence le..Jving s.J..id nOrlhnly right-of'wJY line North ~59'2J. West along S..Jid eJslerly line a dislance of 25.D feet to an lnter::ection with lhe northerly right-of-way line of said County Roo,j 8-46 <Immolalee Rood) as recorded in O.R. Book 1523. pages U43 and I1H. Public Records of Collisr County, Florid:!.: thence Soulh 89 .fO'OT West along ~id northerly right-oi-way line a distancc of 703.\9 feet; thence South 89 52"39~ West 1501.91 feet: thence North ~o 25'2.r \Vest 503.4-4 fee!; lhence South 89052'39. \Vest 501.54 feet 10 an inte:!>ection "..ith the e.Jsterly right-o&-wa,Y I~ne of US 41 (~.R 45): . thenc.t= North 1 0--429 \Vest along saId e.:ulerly m'ht-of-""ay line a distancc of 2588.76 feet to an intersection wilh the ~ast.we.st quarter section line of ~1id Section 22; tllenct: Norlh 89 55'06- East along said e.a.st-west quarter section line a distance of 73334 feet to lhe southeast comer of the 'Hesterly llO.OO feet of the E:lS[ one-half of the Southwest Quarter of the Norihwesl Quarter of S..1i~ Sectjon 22, s.1id ccrner l'l:ing a point on tlte easterly nght-of-way "se of Cocoh.Jtchee Street; thence North 1 07'Jl~ \Vesl alan!; s:Ud e.a..sterlr right-of-way line a disL:1.nce of 959.09 feet to the txgmning of a Clr~a.r curve concave southwesterly whose radius point bears North 49 42'5ci~ West -40.00 Jeet; thence n?rt~QSlerly. northerly, nOrLbwe.sterly and "'eS~rly along the arc of said Clrcular curve throu~h a cen!ral 3~gle of 131 2-4'35: a.n arc dIStance of 91.7-4 feet to an lIltersecl.JOn WIth the easterly Line of the westerly 80.00 feet of the East one-half of Ute Southwe.st Quarter of the; Norlhwe~ Quarter of s.aid ~ction 22; thence North 01 OT3I~ West 310ng said easterly line a diHanc.t= of 181 feel more or Jess 10 lhe unterline of Horse Creel; . thence we3:terly and southwesterly along the centerline of the' original channel of s:U'd Horse Creek to a point on the e.:ulerly right-of-way line of US 41 Tami.mi Trail (S,R. 45), said point b<ing the intersection of the northerly line of tlte We.st one-hili of the. Southwe.st Quarter of the Northwest Qu.arter of $..Jid Seclion 21 JJ1J said e.:uterIy riSht-of-way line; tb.en~ North 1 01'35~ West along s.aid easterly right-of"'"il>'ay line a distanc.t= of 1331.44 feel to an intersection wilh lhe northerly Line of the Northwest gyarter of s.a.id .section 21: thence North 85 57'34~ East along said northerly Line a diHan~e of 2520.99 feet to tile North Qu'.arter Corner of s.aid Section 21: thence South 89 59'39- East along the northerly line of the Norlheast Quarter of said Section 22 a dutance of 8-48.95 fed to lhe northwest corner of those lands dc::;qibed in O.R Book 619. pase 1857: thence along lhe boundaries of said lands on the foUo'90;ng SL't course,: EXHIBIT ^ c - .. ~ , :J ~;UUl.:>~ r.03R E3st 326.16 f~et to an inler:;ecrici1 '9..ith the arc c. a Clrcu Jr Cl.lf':e ConClVe north';l,estedv '90:005" rJc;\.:s poin' t:-"...J.rs North '22. 46'.f9- West 240.00 (eet;' ... \ ~;~r:c~.northe..Jsterly ::I!cng the arc of said c-irC'.:J~~ C'Urye C"!.:ougn a central angJe of 7) 4-nr J:t arc disLl:-:C: or 11~ ,,; f...... ._0 [f.~;:c.e North 3fJ 29'O;r E:lst 13-4.65 fe:::r to t.... 1.....,,;. r - -I . lL_ n,:o.:1!1lng 0 a c. C"_ ar CUr.e conCl\'e -".outhe:!sterly ann h.J\;'" ~" . l,-:,C\) ("l: n, ' '.1"2' l':!::c: north~terly artd eJ.Ste:l? .aLong the uc C:-. SJid c:c.:b: c:-..e through a central angle of 52 31'OT an J:-C d;slance oi 1.!.5.66 feet; l:-:e:-:ct: South 89059.58- E.1st 1137.6S [eel to the be'nl1.."1ing ai J <::::-'::1: c'JrYe conove southely ;:mc hJ\-L'1g J r:.c::.!s of 3:0.(.) c 3 :,' ') 5:' :' ~ ~:: l.:-":!::C~ e.1sterly ::!.nd :;outhe:!.St::-ly a19ng the ::!rC c: s.:!.:d ci:c-..:i:!: c:-..~ through a central angle of 33 15"~O. an a:c cis:ance c: 1.~~:];..fe~t to the Point of B~gi..,ning of tt:e pJfce! h~:e:n c~~'-. ._-ed. c:::::.:i-~-:3 ;':::~ acres of IJJ1d more or Ie.:s: :j'ub.~c; 10 e.1~:::~:Hs a.!'.~ r~~:::::':'::.S c. record. DR!'.1NG R)'NG<: ~2 C /,~/~, I \ ;1 '" I 8X L\ (\ '''' \ ~" --_/ \() ~ ~ \ ~ I I Pi,~WOUSc Y -I ).?PROYED CART ERIDGE: .'/ . =v, /) j~~:!'<s ~05h.) -'. - ----- ,=-i..A. REG. NO. ":=-'c:.~ . " ... ).GNOL!. fA?',,::,=: 6< =,-:Ut;.~"G=- !Ne. 7LOO TAMIAMI ~AiL NOr: II": NAPLES. FLORIDA 33;63 oS... --------...'':I?- COL:r!c::r:J'-Oo' Df\!ELQPMf:NT CORPORA fiOI\' C'I>~::,= :71:'''''''''':;:" .'-~1~..... COL!..!~.~'S ,=:~SZ,~Ij:: OAT~: .vAY is;:3 Sr-:~~T: i<~,( S,:"':'~~T OCT 14 1993 ACAO: .:c<::: !~ ~.21-C:3 UpcJ.;~ SIr.:' P:.",~ ').~.:-. ;:::UUlr. ul';:'lnj~J EXHIBIT "B" ~-"~-"-~-'.~~_.' ........~----_.".~..,.,._--_.,,--'". " . .' . . NAPLES DAllY NEWS Published Dally Naples, FL 33940 12 ,.., ~ ... Affidavit of Publication State of Florida County of Collier Before the undersigned authority, personally appeared Nina Iverson _ who on oath says that they serve as the Ass ' t Secretary of the Naples Daily, a daily newspaper published at Naples, in Collier County, Florida; that the attached copy of the advertising, being a , , Publ~c Hear~ng in the matter of Pet. DOA 94 2 was published in said new;lpaper 1 times in the issues starting on 4/1 0/94 And ending on Affiant further says that the said Naples Daily News Is a newspaper published at Naples, in said Collier County, Florida, and that the said newspaper has heretofore been continuously published In said Collier County, Florkja. each day and has been entered as second class mail matter at the post office In Naples, in said Collier County, Florida, for a period of 1 year next preceding the first publication 01 the attached copy of advertisement; and affiant further says that he has neither paid not promised any person, firm or corporation any discount, rebate, commission or refund tor the purpose of securing this advertisement for ~~ication in the said new~paper. , r- / /; // "-', - . I ( -;Y.--C, ,---r -U 0 /.J.C;>Z/ (Signature of Affiant) Swom tQand,;;ubscribed before me this 1utudayof Apr. 19~ ---- q cj ~ J Cj'-:J personany knoWf1 X Type of Identification Producerl r>rocluced idElntiflcatk:>ro ,._---._,------=.--~..~...._., '.-'_. SCHOOL DISTRICT: DR. ROBERT FERRANTE, FACILITIES PLANNING COLLIER COUNTY PUBLIC SCHOOLS ADMINISTRATIVE CENTER 3710 ESTEY AVENUE NAPLES, FLORIDA 33962 SWFRPC SOUTHWEST FLORIDA REGIONAL PLANNING COUNCIL P.O. BOX 3455, ATTN: DAN TRESCOTT NORTH FORT MYERS, FL 33918-3455 PHONE: 995-4282 ADDRESSES FOOT: 1 2 C TRAFFIC OP~RATIONS ENGINEER FLORIDA DEPT. OF TRANSPORTATION SOUTHWEST AREA OFFICE, DIST. I 4048 EVANS AVE., STE. 204 FORT MYERS, FLORIDA 33901 DCA STATE OF FLORIDA DEPT. OF COMMUNITY AFFAIRS ATTN: THOMAS BECK 2740 CENTERVIEW DRIVE TALLAHASSEE, FL 32399 'I"''''' Li1O~-4q). COUNTY FIRE DEPARTMENTS: VINCE DOERR, CHIEF OCHOPEE FIRE CONTROL P.O. BOX 25 OCHOPEE, FLORIDA 33943 PHONE: 695-4114 J. C. NUTLEY, CHIEF -IMMOKALEE FIRE DEPARTMENT P.O. BOX 3051 IMMOKALEE, FL 33934 PHONE: 597-7626 OR 657-2111 FRANK , CHIEF BIG CORKSCREW ISLAND FIRE CONTROL DISTRICT ROUTE 6, BOX 1889 NAPLES, FL 33964 PHONE: 657-6488 CHARLES MC DONALD, CHIEF MARCO ISLAND FIRE DEPARTMENT 1280 SAN MARCO ROAD MARCO ISLAND, FL 33937 PHONE: 394-3096 OR 394-2108 LARRY STAHL BONITA SPRINGS FIRE CONTROL & RESCUE DISTRICT P.O. BOX 1958 BONITA SPRINGS, FL 33~59 PHONE: 992-3320 nb/4818 ACT'G CHIEF BOB SHANK EAST NAPLES FIRE DEPARTMENT 4798 DAVIS BOULEVARD NAPLES, FLORIDA 33962 PHONE: 774-7111 DON PETERSON, CHIEF GOLDEN GATE FIRE DEPARTMENT 4741 GOLDEN GATE PARKWAY GOLDEN GATE, FL 33999 PHONE: 455-2121 OR 455-1884 CHRIS MIDDLEBROOK, CHIEF ISLES OF CAPRI FIRE DEPARTMENT 320 CAPRI BOULEVARD NAPLES, FL 33962 PHONE: 394-2575 JIM JONES, CHIEF NORTH NAPLES FIRE DEPARTMENT 1441 PINE RIDGE ROAD NAPLES, FL 33942 PHONE: 597-3222