CAC Backup 05/09/2024 Presentation Hi and thanks for your time. I'm Patrick Wack, the President of the Seagate HOA, a 90 home residential community in Naples. I’m joined by ?? who is representing Naples Cay, a 400 unit condominium complex. Our communities abut Clam Bay. As discussed in the last meeting, we believe there are several fundamental issues with regard to the inlet management. I want to recap these issues-water quality, watercraft access, and dredging frequency. In addition, I have provided further detail on these issues. 1. Water Quality . Over many years, the system’s water quality and ecological health have been degrading. The waters have been impaired for many years, and are not improving. These waters feed our canals and waterfront. They are a source of enjoyment and inextricably linked to our property values. Attached is a summary of the water quality issues, which include impairments for TP, TN, DO, in addition to declining mangrove and seagrass health. In part, this water quality degradation is due to inadequate tidal flushing, which, in turn, according to our experts, is attributable to a suboptimal dredging paradigm. This is compounded by (a) the placement of the majority of the dredged sand on beach just to the North and (b) beach renourishment programs which may not adequately consider inlet stability. 2. Watercraft Access . In addition to impeding water flow, shoaling has led to impediments to safe watercraft access, whether non-motorized or motorized recreational, commercial, or emergency. The Bay is a navigable waterway with attendant riparian rights. 3. Dredge Frequency . Under the current dredging plan, the inlet has been dredged every 2 years. We believe there could be a better plan which keeps the inlet open longer. This is more environmentally favorable and less expensive on an annualized basis. Clam Bay is a jewel of Collier County, enjoyed by its residents and tourists. Taxpayers will be spending $500-$600k every 2 years on dredging the inlet. We believe these constituencies deserve an independent engineering examination of a more comprehensive inlet management program, which considers dredging, water quality, and sand placement. Clam Bay cannot be allowed to degrade into a lifeless lagoon. Thank you for your consideration. Google Earth- 4/23. See Next Page for 10/23 photo. 1 Water Quality Earthtech compiles an annual report. Reports are available on the Pelican Bay Services Division website. 2020 REPORT on 5 Year Trends (p1-2) Unfortunately, the trend over the past six years has been of an increase in both nitrogen and phosphorus, at least in Outer Clam Bay ” (See Map. Outer Clam Bay feeds into the Seagate Canals). ● Since 2016, average Mangrove Health has declined by 16%(pre-Ian) and 25% Post (See Figure 1) ● Seagrass has also been declining (See Figure 2) 2020-2023 Reports ● 2020 was impaired for TP & DO ● 2021 was impaired for TP & DO ● 2022 was impaired for TN, TP, and DO. The 2023 report will be available in a few months. ○ 2020-2022 Dissolved Oxygen levels show an approximate 5% decline ● FDEP added Clam Bay to its draft verified impaired list for TN & TP. On Wed, Dec 20, 2023 at 8:13 AM Tyler, David < David.Tyler@dep.state.fl.us > wrote: Hey Patrick, It was good chatting with you the other day, I added my feedback to your bullets below. - Clam Bay (WBID 3278Q4) is impaired and on the draft verified list for TN and TP Figure 1 Figure 2 Since 2016, 15% (pre-Ian) decline in average health and 25% post-Ian ● Average = <5% cover ● Systematic decline Recent Aerials April 2023 October 2023 2 Current & Historical Dredging Template Dredges every 2 years versus every 5-6 years. Only 10% more storms on an annualized basis. Dredging Further- Engineering References 1. Humiston & Moore’s 2001 monitoring report (p.17) which stated “Dredging of the interior channels contributed to the improved hydraulic efficiency of the bay system and the inlet.” 2. Pelican Bay’s 1998 Clam Bay restoration Plan (page 59), which stated “In order to significantly increase the tidal prism in Clam Pass, it will be necessary to establish an efficient flow channel between the Pass and Outer Clam Bay. Excavation constricted to the vicinity of the pass only addresses a small portion of the problem an is inadequate to materially improve the tidal prism” 3. PBSJ’s 2009 Report prepared for Collier Coastal Zone Management, (page 40) “Inlet stability is affected by its scouring capacity, and thus a function of the current magnitude through the inlet. Increasing the tidal prism of the pass is the best way to increase its stability ; this can be accomplished by removing or reducing the flow restrictions within ClamBay and allowing for more effective flushing and water exchange” . WIDER-DEEPER-FURTHER 3 Dredging footprint 2016-present Inlet Only -Major dredges in 16, 18, 20, & 22 -Planned dredge in ‘24 -Up to 22,800 cubic yards can be removed, however the average has been closer to 15,000. 1998-2008 Inlet + Extension -Major dredges 1999 and 2007 -1999 dredge was past drawbridge -2007 dredge was less extensive, but further than now -Up to 26,000 cubic yards were allowed . The 1999 dredge removed 32,000 CY and the 2007 dredge removed 20,600 CY. Current Inlet Template v. 1998 Inlet Template -The current permit (top) ● - 5.5’ dredge ● 50’ wide channel -The prior permit ● - 6.5’ dredge ● 80’ wide channel RED= DREDGED BLUE= PLACEMENT OF SAND 4