01/16/2024 Draft January 16, 2024
Naples, Florida, January 16, 2024
LET IT BE REMEMBERED, the Collier County East of 951 in and for the County of Collier,
having conducted business herein, met on this date at 7:00 PM in REGULAR SESSION at the
Heritage Bay Government Services Center, 15450 Collier Blvd., Naples, Florida, with the
following members present:
Mark Teaters, Sr., Chairman
Robert Raines, Vice Chair
Michael Ramsey
Christina Aguilera
Rae Ann Burton (alternate)
Aaron Zwiefel (alternate)
Kimberley Donna Ellis, excused
1. Pledge of Allegiance: Led by Parker Klopf.
2. Roll Call: Quorum established.
3. Approval of the Minutes: Approved
4. Mark Teaters:
Spreadsheet given to each member
Comcast Corporation presentation – will reschedule
Discuss topics for the rest of the year – example, the sheriff’s office; fire; storm water
management; schools; etc.
5. Slide Presentation by Mike Bosi, Collier Community Planning & Zoning Director
Here to talk about the proposal update to the wireless communication facilities LDC
First reading, 17A, will be Tuesday, January 23, at the BCC Chambers; the second
meeting will be February 13.
Unanimous recommendation from the Planning Commission.
Changes are not affecting the Golden Gate Estates
January 16, 2024
Three sets of maps provided to members for the locations of telecommunication facilities,
tower locations, rooftop locations, and some proposed towers evaluated in 2021. An
update to this document for 2024 is in the process.
Telephone poles for electricity, telephone, cable, are a necessary service. In 1996, the
Federal government decided that the wireless infrastructure network would be deployed
by private companies – AT&T, Verizon, Nextel, etc. The 1996 Telecommunication Act
came in effect – you can’t deny a tower because of environmental health effects, but
compatibility is up to the local jurisdiction so it’s a difficult provision.
If you don’t have connectivity around your house, you place yourself in jeopardy from
not being able to reach emergency service providers.
Towers weren’t allowed in the Estates so there are large swaths of area without good
coverage. A lease with Crown Castle for ten years has been paying for a spot for a tower
but they have never constructed the tower. We are in negotiation for them to move
forward with the deployment of that infrastructure to have the strongest possible cell
service in that area.
Three years ago, we modified the Land Development Code. If you are on a collector or
arterial road (Oilwell, Golden Gate Pkwy.), you are on state zoned property. You are
allowed to seek conditional use, have a variance, because of separation requirements, and
hold a public hearing from the surrounding property owners for their input.
Conditional use must comply with 50509H.
We are requiring service providers to go through the conditional use, but they also must
adequately show that no existing infrastructure/no towers are within their search area.
We want to keep these towers as concentrated as possible and as minimal as possible with
the most functionality.
We are going with 100% of the tower height. If there is a collapse or failure, there is a
break point within the tower and won’t fall over as one entity; they collapse onto
Great locations for towers are on publicly owned property – schools and parks.
On Immokalee Road, the area transitioned to residential development, and the tower went
down. A communication tower on wheels (COW) was put at Pebblebrook as a temporary
fix. The code has been updated to allow for COWs in unique locations for temporary
periods of time.
Parker provided the full set of amendments in your packet.
Commissioner McDaniel wants these amendments up and through the process.
Question: Who polices the towers, the coverage, and cell phone companies?
Answer: We maintain the records – how many people requested building permits.
Example: A new antenna to go on an existing tower, they must pull a permit. We have no
control over the coverage – that is the FCC.
The tower across from the golf course (Cracker Jack’s) on 39th Street already went to the
hearing. It has been approved with conditions. That hearing was December 7th or 9th. C2
zoning district – an anomaly that sits within the Estates.
Telecommunication towers can be developed in the Estates building proper district and
they are going to be next to somebody’s house. I think everyone wants the coverage,
needs the coverage, but they don't want it next to their house.
Competition would bring us better service and tower owners should not be allowed from
preventing legitimate competition.
January 16, 2024
Our growth just keeps going to the East, and we anticipate those towns and villages are
going to continue to come in for requests and can continue to help develop that eastern
economy that we've been talking about now for two decades. The maturation of Ave with
the industrial facilities that are threats is developing. There are folks that live in the
Estates that you will be able to say do I want to go East or do I want to go West? Do I
want to get my goods and services where I'm going to find employment opportunities and
that's going to start changing these patterns of East to West and West to East in a positive
We don't want the intrusion of commercial into the interior of the Estates; keep it on the
fringes. Efficiencies within our land use planning and that's the goal of our long-range
plan. There is a method and there's a long-range vision for how we arrange our
population, our land uses.
Our transportation system is fragile because of gated communities with few alternatives
to get somewhere especially during peak Season.
The Board of County Commissioners can modify the governing stance of the position of
Conservation Collier, if they felt that was in its best interest, if they felt there weren't
enough opportunities from the private landowners.What needs to be changed is the
governing ordinance for Conservation Collier. A tower is not passive recreation.
A concern with the Conservation Collier program is perpetuity is a long time maintaining
those properties. There's a limited set of funds available and when those funds are
exhausted, we must turn to the General Fund. We have a $2.2 billion, five-year program.
We are $500 million short.
Small cell technology – we have a permitting process for that within the right of way, and
it is obligated. We must make those structures available to any telecommunications. They
are limited to half a mile/three quarters of a mile in terms of effectiveness. You’re not
getting your bang for your buck.
It's odd that you'll have an FP&L transmission line that has to have a tower. If you're on
the coast you don't see towers. All high rises have telecommunication facilities on the top
of the building.
We don't know what the need is.
No, we don't. We don't provide the service. We provide the opportunity. The amendments
are to create opportunities for new towers. It's the wireless providers or the tower
companies that have the obligation to submit applications. It is a private commercial
venture that's dictating how coverage is implemented within your system.
Question: How many towers since 2021 have you added to keep up with growth; what is
your projected need in the area?
Answer: I couldn't even quantify that because I don't know the systems. I know where the
towers are at. The wireless carriers do not tell us their coverage. We don't know what the
need is.We don't provide the service. We provide the opportunity. That's what the
amendments are for – to create opportunities for new towers.
Mike Ramsey: The fire station at Desoto and 24th is not funded to be built. The one that
is funded to be built is the EMS fire station at Desoto at Golden Gate.
First generation was about 5-6 miles, and you are in your fifth generation. Each one has
reduced more because the data and the bandwidth capacity that we demand with our
phone and graphic interface continue to grow. That’s why we need more towers to be able
to provide and fix those dead zones, especially in the Estates. You have a limited
January 16, 2024
population, so they're not going to spend their money unless they feel that the yield is
great enough in terms of the customers that can be served by an individual tower. So, you
have some things that are working against the Estates.
I think the customer feedback is a lot of what is utilized to help refine their coverage
areas and their maps and their system implementation where they get the most
complaints. That is where they will first address those inefficiencies and deficiencies.
The federal government decided that this infrastructure deployment was going to be
provided by private companies instead of government regulating utilities. It's capitalism.
You get the benefits of it and sometimes you get the downside of it.
How far have they gone out? I don’t know that offhand. Concentration is on the dense
areas. I will check that and coordinate with Parker. (Earmark.)
6. Follow-up Notes on Comcast:
Mark Teaters: The gentleman's name is Justin Damiano with Comcast. They're doing
co-location with FP&L under the ground. He has grants that have been approved by the
federal government for Collier County for what they call un-served areas, which would
be like Immokalee. They go to underserved areas and they go to other areas. Now he's got
two grants that have been approved. There is a third grant that they're waiting on. They
bury everything underground.
7. Future Meetings and Topics:
Mark Teaters: We have about eight meetings left. I have reached out to Sheriff Rambosk
and will talk with him again on Thursday. I've had a conversation with Chief Sapp (fire
chief). They are both on board. I had a conversation with Dr. Leslie Ricciardelli,
Superintendent of Schools, and will meet with her next week.
Motion for Approval: Do you want to put the sheriff and the fire chief in one meeting,
and each will have an hour to speak? Or should we split the two into separate meetings
and allow two hours to speak?
Unanimous Approved of Motion Made for Two Meetings and Two Hours to Speak.
Mark Teaters: We will have a meeting with both storm water management and
transportation. We could also invite Commissioner Saunders. (Earmark.)
Mike Ramsey: Discussion about District 5 in the rural estates and debate any proposed
PDR programs; developers; the TDR program concentrating development in one area of
the rural estates – this would be different from the RFMO; proposed Conservation Collier
to create and sell TDR.
Mark Teaters: I will pull that all together; how to do that and how that applies to
infrastructure. We’ll add landfill to the list; the County owns 300 acres that’s immediately
to the east of the landfill, the old Triple H Ranch; the finite lifespan of the landfill.
There is a proposal for a commercial node on the corner of Everglades and Oilwell.
Someone applied for and they are calling it a neighborhood center within the Golden
Gate master plan and it is not. It is not consistent with the master plan.
January 16, 2024
If nothing else, I think it’s important for us to make a stand at some point in time and to
make sure that the Commissioners understand that we support the master plan as it's
Mike Bosi: There was a GMP request for five acres – a fast food restaurant, auto gas
station. There is a request for a continuation. There is over three and a half million square
feet of commercial within a five-mile radius of that location. It's a mile away from
Skysail; a mile and a half away from Blossom Ranch and Orange St. I would suggest that
when it comes back in, I could bring the application and describe the contents of what
they have proposed and then you could have any formal recommendation that could be
offered to the Planning Commission and to the Building Commission. There could be
issues related to infrastructure impacts; the master plan; drive-through; and auto related
Mark Teaters: Absolutely. With what's going on in the urban estates on the other side of
951, we want to make sure we don't have the same kind of issues over here.
Action Items – Line Up the Next Three Meetings
8. Adjournment
Unanimous Approved of Motion to Adjourn.
Meeting adjourned at 8:30 p.m.
Collier County East of 951 Ad Hoc Advisory Committee
Mark Teaters, Sr., Chairman
These minutes were approved by the Chairman of the East of 951 Committee
on _______________________________, (check one) as submitted _______ or as
amended ______.