Bayshore Gateway CRA Minutes 05/07/2024 - Draft
May 7, 2024, Meeting Minutes
The meeting of the Bayshore/Gateway Triangle Local Redevelopment Advisory Board (CRA)
was called to order by Chairwomen, Karen Beatty, at 6:00 p.m.
I. Meeting Called to Order: Meeting called to order by Karen Beatty.
II. Invocation & Pledge of Allegiance
III. Roll Call: Advisory Board Members Present: Karen Beatty, Maurice Gutierrez, Al
Schantzen, Kristin Hood, Kathi Kilburn, Mike Sherman, James Talano, Sam Saad
and Steve Rigsbee.
IV. Adoption of Agenda: Al Schantzen made a motion to adopt the agenda, second by
Karen Beatty, approved unanimously.
V. Public to be Heard (Non-Agenda Items)
Ted Mabry, Pacific Horizon Development Corp. regarding the 17-acre project –
wanted to open it up for a couple of minutes and hear from the Board as to what you
would be looking for that would complement the community and see if that would be
something we would like to pursue; point us in the right direction; prior to spending
money for architects and engineers.
Board comments and suggestions:
Recommend reading the previous minutes which are available regarding the 17-acres;
proposals from others before you, whether it was a theatrical park or mixed-use, etc.
The public stated they would like to have it be something with green space, a cultural
park that citizens can go to and enjoy, arts, entertainment, restaurants, shops. We
could provide you with the 17-acre survey and post it on our website.
Cori Craciun, Naples Pride, Executive Director and Lisandra Duarte, Marketing
Director for Bayshore District gave the Board a document with an outline of the
upcoming events for Naples PrideFest 2024. We are also working out a closing event
with Rebecca’s – details to follow. Events are not yet posted on our web site. In
addition, Josh Rowand will be coordinating professional musicians for Sunday night
music -- hopefully get some people from the Miami area to attend. Thursday nights
partnering with Naples Art Picnic.
Starting in July, we are meeting twice a month with businesses to start planning for
Christmas vendors to light up Bayshore. It was suggested by Dan that we create a
subcommittee, working with Donna McGinnis or someone on her staff, someone
from the CRA and MSTU to help coordinate those decorations.
VI. Approval of Consent Agenda: Maurice Gutierrez made a motion to approve the
consent agenda, second by Kristin Hood, approved unanimously.
VII. Community and Staff Presentations:
a. Public Safety Report by Sheriff’s Office – not available currently.
b. Development Report by Laura DeJohn, Johnson Engineering -- gave an overview
of the report. New item #1 now owned by an entity called Nick’s Restaurant –
three parcels and is an attempt to leverage the Live Local Act – an aggressive
Al Schantzen with a clarification for the old Pizza Hut location – we approved the
concept, and the developer went to staff and development services and said that we
gave him the approval on the reduced parking deviation, and he is stating that as the
reason why the county needs to give it to him. We were not in agreement with the
reduced parking and only agreed on the concept. He also included a copy of our
minutes. I would like to direct staff to address a letter from the Chair to the developer
and let him know we did not approve any kind of reduced parking. I would also state
that when we discussed this project, that the concept of using parking for both the
existing commercial use and for residential is not always going to line up compatibly,
that there will be people that are still occupying their residences during commercial
use. I would like that to be included in the letter. Al Schantzen made a motion for
Shirley to draft a letter for the Chair signature saying we are not in support of a
parking reduction request and cannot get the density bonus if they cannot meet the
parking, and that the original motion was on concept only, not for any deviations,
second by Maurice Gutierrez, approved unanimously.
Discussion ensued about the Village Plaza; Lynwood Shop; Snappy Car Wash;
Kelly’s Roast Beef (KRB); Shadowlawn Drive multi-family development;
Mangrove Grove on Arbutus Street.
New information on the Live Local Act – the Board of County Commissioners
acted at their early April meeting to redirect the determination but at the county
level. So now there is a new direction from the Board of County Commissioners
that PUD's or adjudicated projects that go through the PUD process should not be
the measure for all Live Local future projects. PUD's would no longer be the
determining measurement. So, the 92 units breaker goes away as the highest
allowed density in the county. It's the highest allowed density just by right without
any special circumstances – that is 25 units per acre, not 92. There is a whole new
shift that must happen. The new answer is no longer 92 units per acre. You can get
25 units per acre if you're pursuing with Live Local. No longer 168 feet in height.
The maximum height that county allows is 10 stories or 100 feet, and that's all a
proximity base thing. It took this long for the Board to do something formal and
make a new direction. There will be a remedy or a corrective action to reissue
letters under this new guidance.
John Johnson asked if any STPI has come through yet for the 2955 Bayshore
Drive at Rebecca’s. He has a case there. No application yet. Laura will keep an
eye out.
c. Huey Magoos PL20230016299, Matthew Walker, Greg Lampert
We are in the process of negotiating the Circle K at the corner of 41 and Bayshore
as it relates to putting in a quick serve restaurant. We are in the pre-application
process. We met with Shirley and Tami to learn more about the process and the
Board's involvement and how we should be interacting. So, we are listening in
today to be able to gain some insights into how the Board operates and what
issues we will want to be sharing and addressing in terms of letting everybody
know who we are and what we're doing. Huey Magoos is a chicken tender
restaurant, quick serve, tag line is ‘the filet of chicken.’ It is of higher quality than
some of the other competitors in the chicken restaurant business. It has been in
business for over seven years. Originally a concept was founded in South
Carolina and an individual that was on the sea level with Wing Stop found the
restaurants and convinced the two owners that this would be a good idea for
franchising. We got involved with it about three years ago. At that point, there
were 24 restaurants, mostly in the southeast US. Currently, there are over 60
mostly in the southeast US, but quite a few in Florida. There will be indoor and
outside seating. Colors and renderings can be shared.
VIII. Old Business
a. Priority List Update
Shirley Garcia provided an Excel spreadsheet that Kathi Kilburn created. Take
time at home to look at your notes and add anything that might have been missed.
I will be emailing our Stormwater Subcommittee members. We have a few here
on CRA advisory and a couple on the MSTU advisory. Tami and I have a meeting
with stormwater capital projects and a lot of internal agencies from transportation.
We will coordinate when we're going to set up that Stormwater Subcommittee
meeting to pick our future projects. Jim (Talano), you're on it as well as Mike
Sherman. I will set that meeting up for the first part of June. We could pick our
priorities for the FY25 budget.
b. Lighting Update on Commercial Drive
Shirley Garcia investigated and found solar lighting contract with Palm Beach
County and vetted it through our transportation division. They looked at the specs
and they said this could be our pilot project to install. We don't need to go to the
Board of County Commissioners for permission. It goes 75 feet width in the light
for Commercial Drive, so it'll be enough to put one because we already have the
existing on Lynnwood. We could put it in the right-of-way by Kirkwood. We have
a lighting maintenance contract that we use to maintain all our lights within their
district, and they can install them for us. Further discussion: Cost of a current light
fixture (set) is $14,883.20 versus $1,100. The more you purchase the less it will
cost per unit for shipping. Electrical costs are paid by the MSTU. It is more cost
effective. Maintenance is through Southern Signal and Lighting, and they are fine
with it and there will be no need for an electrician to install it. Battery life is
longer; hurricane resistant (up to 200 MPH); will be bright but not invasive. The
power goes out and we still have lighting.
IX. New Business
X. Advisory Board and General Communications
a. Code Enforcement, John Johnson – cleanup of grounds by Tami, Shirley and
others where the homeless camp was located; yellow house at 2934 Bayview
Drive – storing heavy equipment and property in a residential area
b. Correspondence
c. CRA Staff, Tami Scott
Projects Report – Tami Scott gave a rundown of projects
Monthly Meeting
d. Advisory Board Comments
Status of bringing the three streets up to code on South Shore – a purchase
order has been opened and is in design right now. They are going to do
drainage and roadway. The Real Macaw – waiting for the new director who
starts on May 20. At this time, we can’t get the Commissioners on board so
we will let the new director handle it. He will be given the history and
background and present it to the Board. We need someone that will fight for it.
The Vice President of Horticulture for the Garden has some plant material that
needs to get into the ground and is offering to give us the plants. We own the
two lots on Francis Avenue – 2732 and 2664, two contiguous lots on that same
side of the stormwater area. There is also a spot at the Sierra parking lot where
that sign is in the back – perhaps we can put two on either side; the new
median at the entrance to Bayshore that we are taking on. At the last meeting,
a motion was approved for Shirley Garcia to write letters. Those will be sent
to you at the same time in an email. If you have any changes or if you
remember something differently, just email me back. Add to the CRA agenda
an update/overview of what the MSTU discussed from their meeting. We are
willing to ask the County Attorney’s Office if there are any requirements in
terms of the types of business uses -- such as another car wash or public
storage unit; would they come and speak to us – we want to at least ask the
question even if they say no.
XI. Next Meeting: June 4, 2024; 6:00 p.m.
XII. Adjournment: Meeting adjourned at 8:00 p.m.
Chair, Karen Beatty