Bayshore Gateway Minutes 10/03/20235.A.3
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Bayshore Gateway Triangle CRA.Bayshore Beautification MSTU
Haldeman Creek MSTU
October 3, 2023 Meetine Minutes Item 6a - Attachment 1
The meeting of the Bayshore/Gateway Triangle Local Redevelopment Advisory Board was
called to order by Chairwoman Karen Beatty at 6:00 p.m.
I. Roll Call: Advisory Board Members Present: Karen Beatty, Maurice Gutierrez,
Al Schantzen, Kristin Hood, Kathi Kilburn, Sam Saad, Jr., and James Talano,
Mike Sherman was approved to attend virtually. Steve Rigsbee had an excused
CRA Staff Present: Greg Oravec, CRA Director, Tami Scott, Project Manager
and Shirley Garcia, Program Manager.
II. Pledge of Allegiance: Led by Karen Beatty.
III. Adoption of Agenda: ]Motion made by Sam Saad; second by, Al Schantzen
approved unanimously.
IV. Public Comment:
V. Approval of Consent Auenda:
a. Maurice Gutierrez made the motion to approve the consent agenda, seconded
by Kathi Kilburn, approved unanimously.
VI. Community / Business — Presentations:
a. Collier County Sheriffs Office: unable to attend this meeting.
b. Development Report Update: Abe D. Elizarraraz, Johnson Engineering
noted the highlighted projects and asked if anyone had any questions. Al
Schantzen had asked about the live local act and if he could have a copy
emailed, Mr. Elizarraraz noted it and will email staff the new act. Mr. Oravec
had requested if staff could get a map that signifies where the projects are
located since they are numbered in the report could it be numbered on a map
to show where are the new projects location. Mr. Elizarraraz took notes on
that request and will pass it on to Laura DeJohn who normally attends the CRA
VII. Old Business:
a. Stormwater update for Beeca, Weeks and Pine: Mr. Orth provided the
update and noted some of the changes Mr. Oravee recommended, Mr. Orth
made the changes to the easement areas and updated the design through the
consultant Bolt Engineering. As the plans get to 90% he will send them to staff
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Bayshore Gateway Triangle CRA *Bayshore Beautification MSTU
Haldeman Creek MSTU
for any revisions and corrections then send them to the Stormwater
Subcommittee if they would like to review them as well.
b. Stormwater Update for Linwood Way: Brian Rose frorn Kissinger, Campos,
and Assoc. attended and provided the update on Linwood Way, if anyone had
any questions lie would assist in answering them. Mr. Longwell asked who
would be responsible for the outfall structures and will the property owners be
able to plant anything within the easement. Mr. Orth noted the County will
maintain the outfalls and if anyone wanted to put anything in the Counties
easement or right of way they would need to apply for a permit or get
permission to do anything within that area.
VTII. New Business:
a. Holiday Decorations: Ms. Scott provided a breakdown of all the
decorations and the areas where they will install them. The cost will be
split between the MSTU and the CRA. The Gateway Triangle will be
decorated this year and the CRA will find those decorations since it is
outside of the MSTU boundary. The costs are around $28,320 for the
MSTU and $28,21 1 for the CRA. Maurice Gutierrez made a motion to
approve as recommended, Karen Beatty seconded, passed unanimously. Al
Schantzen asked why we cannot have Merry Christmas banners put up with
the other holiday banners. There was some discussion on putting a hashtag
on the banners and what the verbiage would say, Mr. Oravec offered some
suggestions, Karen Beatty liked #Bayshore Holidays, and there was a
consensus from the majority of the board.
b. Strategic PIaniiing Workshop on 10/28- Mr. Oravec provided the draft
agenda for the workshop if anyone had any questions or changes. He noted
the importance of providing an updated 5-year project plan due to the CRA
sunsetting in 7 years, these projects have to be realistic and be able to be
accomplished in 5 years.
IX. Staff report:
a. Update from the CRA Director: Mr. Oravec noted that Ms. Garcia will
have 311 do a presentation at our next CRA meeting.
X. Other AmencY's:
a. Collier County Code Enforcement: John Johnson, Senior Code
Investigator attended to answer any questions on the case report or any
other code -related questions. Mr. Johnson provided the highlights of
cases that were hot -button items and said they will be updated for next
month if it isn't resolved by then.
X1. Communications and Correspondence: The following items were presented
for the Committee's awareness.
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Bayshore Gateway Triangle CRA •Bayshore BeautifiCR ion MSTU
Haldeman Creek MSTU
a. The Coastal Cleanup: Ms. Garcia noted the pictures fi•om Keep Collier
Beautifiit with the amount of trash that was picked up all over the county
b. Naples Lawn and Garden Show: The flyer was attached for anyone
interested in attending October 28 garden show,
XII. Public Comments:
XIII. Staff Comments:
XIV. Advisory Board General Communications:
XV. Next Meeting Date:
a. October 28, 2023 @ 10atnApm K123
b. November 7, 2023 @ 6pnz Buehler Auditorium
XVI. Adjournment: The meeting adjourned at 8:00 p.m.
Chairwoman, Karen Beatty
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