PBSD MSTBU Minutes 09/13/202333.A.3 PELICAN BAY SERVICES DIVISION BOARD REGULAR SESSION SEPTEMBER 13, 2023 The Pelican Bay Services Division Board met on Wednesday, September 13, 2023, at 1:00 p.m. at the Community Center at Pelican Bay, 8960 Hammock Oak Drive, Naples, Florida 34108. In attendance were: Pelican Bay Services Division Board Michael Fogg, Chairman Joe Chicurel, Acting Chair Jack Cullen (absent) Jacob Damouni Mark Ferland (absent) Peter Griffith Susan Hamilton Denise McLaughlin (absent) Michael Rodburg (absent) Beth Stein (by telephone) Rick Swider Pelican Bay Services Division Staff Dave Greenfield, Supervisor - Field II Neil Dorrill, Administrator Karin Herrmann, Project Manager I Dawn Brewer, Ops. Support Spec. II Lisa Jacob, Project Manager II Chad Coleman, Ops. Manager Barbara Shea, Admin. Support Spec. Il Darren Duprey, Supervisor — Field I (absent) Also Present Mohamed Dabees, Humiston &Moore Jim Hoppensteadt, Pelican Bay Foundation Mike Ruffolo, Pelican Bay Foundation APPROVED AGENDA (AS PRESENTED) 1. Pledge of Allegiance 2. Roll Call 3. Agenda approval 4. Approval of 7/12/23 Regular Session meeting minutes 5. Audience comments 6. Administrator's report a. Capital Projects updates i. Sidewalk Phase II status ii. Operations Facility bid update iii. Clam Pass/beaches post -storm status b. August 31 Financial Report 7. Committee Reports a. Landscape & Safety i. *Street Name Sign Project 8. Chairman's report a. Management services contract 9. Old Business 10. New Business/Miscellaneous Correspondence 11. Adjournment M N O N ai r 1 Packet Pg. 454 33.A.3 Pelican Bay Services Division Board Regular Session September 13, 2023 ROLL CALL Mr. Cullen, Mr. Ferland, Ms. McLaughlin, and Mr. Rodburg were absent and a quorum was established. Mr. Griffith motioned, Mr. Damouni seconded to allow Ms. Stein to participate by telephone. The motion carried unanimously. MS. STEIN PARTICIPATED BY TELEPHONE AGENDA APPROVAL Ms. Hamilton motioned, Mr. Griffith seconded to approve the agenda as resented. The motion carried unanimously. Ms. Hamilton motioned, Mr. Griffith seconded to approve the 7/12/2023 regular session meeting minutes as presented. The motion carried unanimously. M N O N AUDIENCE COMMENTS r Ms. Jill Brader thanked staff for meeting with her to discuss the ambient noise from US 41. Q She commented on health concerns from carbon monoxide gases drifting into Pelican Bay from US41. She noted that one of our responsibilities, which was included in our approved budget of $1.9 million, is "ambient noise reduction," although she was unable to find a specific line item for this responsibility. She suggested that vegetation needs to be added to the US41 berm. Ms. Brader commented that she = has scheduled a "ride -around" with Mr. Greenfield to determine what areas on the berm have "holes" � which need to be tilled in. Mr. Griffith commented that a major US41 berm planting project was completed after Hurricane Irma. He noted that at that time, the PBF had discussions on adding a fence in this area, but ultimately, it was decided that no fence would be installed. Mr. Griffith suggested that we revisit the past -Irma plantings, in total, to determine if success was achieved and assess if there are areas which could be improved with additional plantings. Mr. Coleman commented that there are sufficient funds in the budget for additional berm plantings. ADMINISTRATOR'S REPORT SIDEWALK PHASE II UPDATE Mr. Dorrill provided the following updates on our Sidewalk Phase II Project. • Subsequent to our high-level meeting with QE senior management (three weeks ago), QE productivity has increased substantially. A family member of QE ownership is now onsite daily. • Through the end of August, 3.25 miles of sidewalk have been installed; $2.04 million has been earned by QE. • Progress meetings with QE, Johnson Engineering (our CEI contractor) and staff are held bi- weekly. 2 Packet Pg. 455 33.A.3 Pelican Bay Services Division Board Regular Session September 13, 2023 • Our engineer has expressed his opinion that the sidewalk on the east side of Crayton Rd. will not be accepted as the finish quality does not meet the specifications of the contract. Special additives are now being added into the concrete mix to improve the finish. • Any inferior or dead sod installed by QE will need to be replaced by QE. There is a separate allowance for sod and irrigation remediation in the QE contract of $700,000, which seems adequate. Every line item listed on QE remediation invoices requires review and approval. QE will not be paid for any sod which is replaced by the PBSD. • So far, no sidewalks or landscape remediation work has been accepted. The County Inspector will make final acceptance determinations for all of QE's product. • Johnson Engineering maintains daily logs of QE's work and any issues observed, along with photos where appropriate. • The sidewalk project is under good project management by Ms. Jacob and Ms. Herrmann. Mr. Duprey, who has been on an extended medical leave, is expected to return to work next month. He will once again be a great asset to us as he was a sidewalk inspector for the County's Road Maintenance Dept. before joining the PBSD team. OPERATIONS FACILITY BID UPDATE N Mr. Dorrill reported that we are currently awaiting the final determination by the County's M Procurement Dept. of an intended award for our Operations Facility Replacement Project. The lowest N and most responsive bid was made by Heatherwood, a local contractor with a good reputation. He M noted that the first phase of the project will be to complete regrading and other miscellaneous site w work, which will be 50/50 cost shared with the County's Public Utilities Dept. A date for the approval of the project's award by the Board of County Commissioners has not yet been scheduled. CLAM PASS/BEACHES POST -STORM STATUS Mr. Dorrill reported that several years ago the PBSD completed a beach dune swale drainage project which included removing many years of accumulated debris in the swale, to improve drainage. As a result of Hurricane Ian, a significant amount of sand from the dune was overwashed into the swale. He commented that we are in the process of procuring a contractor to excavate the material out of the swale and placed back on the dune. Dr. Dabees, Coastal Engineer with Humiston & Moore, provided an update on Clam Passlbeaches post -storm (Hurricane Idalia) conditions which included the following. • Hurricane Idalia has caused a slight realignment of Clam Pass northward, towards the South Beach facility. Currently the Pass has good flow, which we will continue to monitor. • A survey of the Pass will be performed after hurricane season, and a report of physical conditions will be provided to the PBSD for discussion/assessment to determine whether a maintenance dredge may be needed in the winter of 2024. (Mr. Dorrill commented that a hydraulic dredge would be used for this project, if recommended.) • Large waves produced by Hurricane Idalia caused a flattening of the beach berm. PBSD staff is looking at some potential regrading work on the north side of Clam Pass around the S. Beach Facility. • The beach width at North Beach looks good. • We have received the permit modification for Clam Pass which will allow us to place excess sand on the dune between Clam Pass and the North Beach, after the template to the south is filled (as part of a dredging project). 3 Packet Pg. 456 33.A.3 Pelican Bay Services Division Board Regular Session September 13, 2023 • Our U.S.A.C.E. permit for Clam Bay/Clam Pass will expire in 2027. • The U.S.A.C.E. Storm Risk Management Study continues, and now includes a remapped study in which the coastline is now being considered in totality from the northern border of Collier County down to Gordon Pass, without any exclusion of Pelican Bay. AUGUST 31 FINANCIAL REPORT Mr. Dorrill reviewed the August 31 financial statements and discussed highlights including a o current PBSD cash balance of approximately $11 million. He thanked Mr. Coleman for doing a good job in controlling expenses. 0 Mr. Dorrill commented that our FY2024 PBSD budget received BCC approval last week at it last week's budget hearings (attended by Mr. Dorrill and Mr. Coleman). He noted that some opposition was expressed by a nonresident, and that two of our County Commissioners went out of m their way to praise our staff. Commissioner Hall suggested that we need to prepare a multi-yearCU analysis of our fund balance. Mr. Dorrill commented that our annual FY2024 PBSD assessment of 2 $935 (an increase of $60 over FY2023) is an incredible value. He commented on our 40-year-old a infrastructure, which will require future maintenance and replacement, and suggested that we share a discussion of our capital improvements with Commissioner Hall. to Mr. Fogg questioned why we have over $1 million available in our operating budget. Mr. Coleman explained that we have two vacant positions, and that the County has a temporary hiring o freeze on all positions until after the FY2024 budget is approved. He noted that we also have some N unspent day labor funds. Mr. Coleman reported that we have enough funds available to pay sidewalk r project invoices at least through the first quarter of FY2024. �. COMMITTEE REPORTS LANDSCAPE & SAFETY Dr. Chicurel provided the following updates, included in his "Landscape & Safety Committee Meeting Report," which was provided in the agenda packet. 1. Speeding and stop sign runners: Sgt. Dear and Cpl. Reed of the CCSO attended the L&S Committee meeting and common safety issues were discussed. In addition to CCSO deputy presence, it was suggested that the PBSD consider utilizing stop signs which contain flashing lights around the octagon at all -way stop intersections. The committee and staff will look at this suggestion and report back to the board. Mr. Dorrill asked that the CCSO provide monthly reports on CCSO activities in Pelican Bay to the L&S Committee. After -hour deputies are still not available for an "extra presence" in Pelican Bay (under a per -hour special service fee agreement). 2. US 41 median modification at the right turn only Gulf Park Dr. intersection — "quick curb:" The state of Florida will construct a quick curb as a median modification at this intersection as part of their 2026 resurfacing project. Mr. Dorrill will explore the possibility of moving up the 2026 timeline if the PBSD were to fund the modification. Photos of quick curb examples were included in the agenda packet, and an additional photo was distributed and added to the record. 3. Phase 11 Sidewalk Project update: Our PBSD Project Managers, our PBSD Operations Manager, Johnson Engineering staff, and our PBSD irrigation and landscape staff are working tirelessly on behalf of the Pelican Bay community to ensure that the final result of this project is commensurate with the quality and appearance we expect. 4. Oakmont Parkway sidewalk feasibility study: An engineering study has been completed to determine if a sidewalk could be constructed along Oakmont Parkway, Oakmont Parkway has 4 Packet Pg. 457 33.A.3 Pelican Bay Services Division Board Regular Session September 13, 2023 no sidewalk, and therefore residents, guests, joggers, walkers, bicycles, and the disabled are forced to use the vehicular traffic lanes. The committee discussed potential issues and needs regarding this potential future project. The Oakmont Lake pathway is not a substitute for a sidewalk and is not ADA compliant. The committee will continue to explore this long-range potential strategic planning issue. 5. Standardization of street sign fonts and frames (paddles): Staff has asked and the committee has unanimously approved the standardization of street signs so that our signs can be replaced and contracted out easily. The font will be modified to be broader and bolder so that the signs will be more easily read. Mr. Coleman commented that staff will work on getting a sign contract in place for a contractor to complete the sign replacement work over three to five years. Mr. Griffith noted that no sign poles would be replaced. Mr. Coleman commented that the total replacement cost is unknown as the contract has not yet been put out to bid. The cost will be spread out over several years. Mr. Griffith motioned, Ms. Hamilton seconded to approve changing the current glue -on street sign placards, fonts and their frames known as paddles to a standardized form that are easily procured and more easily read. The motion carried unanimously. 6. Tree Planting: After much discussion, the committee agreed to start the process of delineating a tree/landscape plan of action to begin after the sidewalk project is completed. A future workshop will be scheduled to discuss additional strategic planning. 7. Pelican Bay Foundation Liaison: The PBF has asked Mr. Spencer Marcantonio, PBF Facilities Manager, to be a liaison to our committee. AUDIENCE COMMENT Ms. Beth Schultz questioned what the cost of the installation of the quick curb median modification will be. Dr. Chicurel responded that if the state of Florida installs the quick curb, then there will be no cost to the PBSD. However, if we obtain permission for the installation to occur sooner, it is unknown what the cost to the PBSD would be. Ms. Schultz suggested that the U-turn location on US41, south of Gulf Park Dr., needs to be relocated further south on US41 to allow more time for vehicles to traverse three lanes of traffic in order to get into the U-turn lane. Dr. Chicurel commented that he will look into Ms. Schultz's suggestion. Mr. Coleman commented that the state of Florida will hold public meetings prior to making the median modification. CHAIRMAN'S REPORT MANAGEMENT SERVICES CONTRACT Mr. Fogg reported that the Board of County Commissioners has approved Dorrill Management Group's three-year contract for PBSD management services. Mr. Fogg thanked Mr. Dorrill for his many years of service to the PBSD. Mr. Fogg asked for an update on installing fountains in the Oakmont Lake, Mr. Hoppensteadt confzmed that the PBF will get this done. 5 Packet Pg. 458 33.A.3 Pelican Bay Services Division Board Regular Session September 13, 2023 The meetinLy was ad.iourn-eA-at 2:20 � / U Michael Fogg, Chain n 61 Minutes approved C _ I as presented ORS _____]/ as amended ON date T T M N O N M T 6 Packet Pg. 459