04/11/2022 Minutes 16 it
The Regular Meeting of the Board of Directors of the Flow Way Community Development District was
held on Monday, April 11, 2022, at 10:00 A.M. at the Esplanade Golf and Country Club, 8910 Torre Vista
Lane, Naples, FL 34119.
Present and constituting a quorum:
Zack Stamp Chairperson
Ron Miller Vice Chairperson
Martinn Winters Assistant Secretary
Bart Bhatla Assistant Secretary
Tom Kleck Assistant Secretary
Also present were:
James P. Ward District Manager
James Messick District Engineer
Greg Woods District Counsel
Jessica Tolin District Counsel
All resident's names were not included with the minutes. If a resident did not identify
themselves or the audio file did not pick up the name, the name was not recorded in these
Chairperson Zack Stamp called the meeting to order at approximately 10:00 a.m. Roll call was
conducted, and all Members of the Board were present, constituting a quorum.
Public Comments for non-agenda items (Limited to three (3) minutes). Individuals are permitted to
speak on items on the agenda during that item and will be announced by the Chairperson.
Chairperson Stamp reviewed public comment protocols.
THIRD ORDER OF BUSINESS Consideration of Service Agreement
Consideration of approval of the Service Agreement, between HGS, LLC, d/b/a Angler Environmental,
LLC and the District dated April 11, 2022, for consulting and expert testimony services related to
litigation; HGS provides specialized litigation services
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Flow Way Community Development District April 11, 2022
Mr. Greg Woods: We had a conference with the potential expert last week and we are going to use her
as a consulting expert with her thoughts, but not as a testifying expert. She doesn't have a lot of
testifying experience. She has generated some materials for us and has some very good ideas, but we
don't think we want to move forward with her as a testifying witness. I guess we need approval to sign
off on her agreement, but her services have mostly been performed already. There won't be a great deal
of stuff in the future, maybe just periodic questions and issues.
Mr. Bhatla: What kind of expertise is that?
Ms. Jessica Tolin: She is an environmental engineer. She works with a big engineering company. She
basically walks through the various permits, the South Florida Water Management District permits, the
Army Corps of Engineers permits, and so we have been working with her on that to have a better
understanding of the permit conditions, terms, the process with the District and the Corps.
Chairperson Stamp: Do we have any kind of resume?
Mr. Bhatla: Is this to deal with the water? Is it do deal with the preserves? It is going to be implied that
the preserves are a benefit to the community, and I think we need also an expert to verify what is the
benefit. We have an idea what the benefits are, but I think odds are only comments. We need expertise
on that. I don't understand what kind of expertise we need on the water end.
Ms. Tolin: She has expertise on both the South Florida Water Management District permit and the Corps
permit, so we have been consulting with her as to both.
Mr. Miller: So, the intention of this consultant is to help us with the preserve suit or is it with other
Chairperson Stamp: It is with litigation we have filed.
Mr. Miller: As we go down the path with the preserve suit we are seeking, it seems to me there were
three things which are essential: one is what is the cost of maintaining these preserves, a second would
be what would be the inflation factor in the future; and the third would be the preserves are to be
maintained in perpetuity in the permits, so with the perpetuity factor you need a sum of money or
principal amount that is in an escrow fund that does not deplete. The interest on that fund is intended to
provide the maintenance in perpetuity. It's a pretty big number. (Indecipherable). I've been involved
since the get go and I do have some background in finance. If it were to please the Board I would be
happy to be a liaison with these people, so that the Board can stay involved. We know we can't have
more than one involved because that would become a Board Meeting.
Mr. Bhatla: I think we need that expertise for the Board. I don't think we need it for the legal because
it's a cost issue and we have a historical need for it too because the preserve has been maintained for the
past three years. Once a number is established it is strictly an economical analysis really. I understand
that the consultant we are retaining is for environmental purposes,for the permit, not the preserve. The
preserve is still under observation as far as the remediation is concerned, the success criteria. The other
thing is, what is the cost involved for this consultant?
Ms. Tolin: It has her rates in the agreement.
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Flow Way Community Development District April 11, 2022
Mr. Bhatla: It is open ended?
Mr. Ward: It is depending on what is authorized by Greg and Jessica to do the work, so I don't know
what the total cost will be, but the rate schedule is in the agreement. It's like$175 to$280 a billing hour.
Discussion ensued regarding the consulting rates.
Mr. Miller offered to serve as a liaison between the Board and the finance consulting experts.
Mr. Bhatla offered to serve as a liaison between the Board and the environmental consulting experts.
Chairperson Stamp stated any Board Member could communicate with the lawyers at any point about
anything they wished. He stated it certainly made sense for Mr. Bhatla to talk with the lawyers about
the environmental issues and for Mr. Miller to talk about the financial issues. He noted Martinn Winters
also had a financial background. He called for a motion.
On MOTION made by Mr. Ron Miller, seconded by Mr. Bart Bhatla,
and with all in favor,the Service Agreement, between HGS, LLC, d/b/a
Angler Environmental, LLC and the District dated April 11, 2022, for
consulting and expert testimony services related to litigation was
I. District Attorney—Woods,Weidenmiller, Michetti,&Rudnick
a) Request to call Executive Attorney/client shade session. Discussion of lawsuit, File Number:20-
Mr. Woods: Our mediation has been continued and will readjourn on Tuesday, April 26. That was
the nonbinding arbitration date. The nonbinding arbitration date is going to be moved to May,
probably in the May 20 to May 27 time period. The judge moved us back one trial period, so we
are now in the July 11 to August 5 range trial docket. The defendants filed one motion for
summary judgment as to the individual board members. The attorney has indicated that they will
be filing another motion for summary judgment as to Taylor Morrison. The judges will work in
some time to get those motions for summary judgment heard prior to trial, but that will probably
occur in June. That's kind of an update of what has transpired in terms of scheduling and where
we are at.
Mr. Miller: We have had a mediation session and it has been continued to a later session?
Mr. Woods: Correct.
Mr. Miller: Based upon what has transpired in the first session do we have what need to have a
shade session? Or do we have to wait until the next mediation?
Flow Way Community Development District April 11, 2022
Mr. Woods: I think we should go ahead and have the shade session to discuss the proposals that
came out and to kind of talk to the board perhaps about a potential range of things that might be
acceptable to the Board. 1 think for those purposes the shade session and settlement discussions
would be worthwhile.
Mr. Ward: What he is saying is, the mediation has happened. Apparently, there is some offer on
the table. He would like to discuss that with you. That can be the subject of the shade session. It's
recommended that that be Thursday,April 21, at the end of your meeting. We put in here who the
attendees will be. It will be Zack Stamp, Ron Miller, Tom Kleck, Martinn Winters, Bart Bhatla,
District Attorney Jessica Tolin and Greg Woods, and myself as your District Manager. We will be
limited to that. There will be a court reporter that takes that session, and then we will go back in
open session. If that is acceptable to you, then you will need a motion to set that as an executive
On MOTION made by Mr. Ron Miller, seconded by Mr.Tom Kleck, and
with all in favor, an Executive Attorney/client shade session was set
for April 21,2022.
II. District Engineer—Calvin,Giordano&Associates
Mr. Bhatla: We are interested in the status of permitting. How is that going?
Mr. James Messick: We submitted the permit transfer application and required documents at the
beginning of the month. It is currently under process by the District. It will take over a month for
them to address and give us approval for that.
Mr. Bhatla: Approval to install another well?
Mr. Messick: No, this is for permit transfer for us to be the applicant and permitee of the
consumptive use permit.
Mr. Bhatla: What about the well?
Mr. Messick: I had the well as an action item I was to discuss next week with you, but the well—
further investigation was done with a more detailed camera and the existing casing is actually in
good condition, so we've ordered the new pump. It's going to take several weeks, maybe up until the
end of the month before it can get installed. We are looking into whether or not we can drill a third
well which would include permit modifications and we haven't heard back from the District on
whether or not that would be acceptable or not.
Mr. Bhatla: I think we should keep that in the back of our mind because we have only two wells and
these are essentially mechanical devices which can easily fail. If we had a redundancy, it would be
prudent because water is the lifeline of this community.
Mr. Messick: We understand that. We definitely need some sort of redundancy. Based on our
budget and what we can afford, we are looking to purchase a third well during this upcoming rainy
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Flow Way Community Development District April 11, 2022
season, so that we are ready for next dry season with a backup pump. I think that would be the
redundancy that we would need right away.
Mr. Bhatla: As you have some information from the groundwater experts as to the condition of the
well, I would like to take a look at the information.
Mr. Messick: I know they investigated the well casing further. I don't know if there is a copy of that
Mr. Bhatla: Okay, we can talk about that afterwards.
Mr. Kleck: A question on the related photos and videos I sent to Jim Ward. Have you had a chance
to analyze what can be done with the lakes when the water is so low right now in regard to
eliminating some of the growth and the weeds and the swamp grasses that are in there?
Mr. Messick: We have a current aquatic vendor that's spraying the lakes. That's the tried and true
method of containing and not letting these littorals get out of hand. I know our budget for that is
somewhat limited right now and I think that's maybe why we see a little bit of the growth that
you've documented in your emails. We are trying to address and pinpoint which of those littoral
shelves we can address now. But certainly, as a whole, as of 2023, we have the budget to start being
more aggressive and spraying those on a weekly basis.
Mr. Kleck: Okay, because I know we did that with the golf course driving range pretty easily and
efficiently and I thought now would be the time to do it before the waters come up, to do it to the
rest of the lakes that need it. We don't have to do them all at once, but if we can effectively start an
active program of doing that while the lakes are low.
Mr. Messick: We do have an active program. I think we are going to look at seeing which lakes we
can focus on, if there are some that are getting out of hand.
Mr. Miller: The golf personnel, for spraying the aqua range, they have advised me that has been
very helpful for them to accumulate golf balls and they wouldn't mind if we actually sprayed that a
second time.
Mr. Bhatla: Who is our contractor for spraying and other things?
Mr. Ward: I don't know. I can get that for you.
Mr. Messick: I think it's Ecologic Solutions.
Mr. Ward: I think it's the same vendor the HOA has.
III. District Manager—JPWard&Associates, LLC
No report.
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Flow Way Community Development District April 11,2022
Audience Comments: Public comment period is for items NOT listed on the Agenda, comments are
limited to three (3) minutes per person, assignment of speaking time is not permitted, however the
Presiding Officer may extend or reduce the time for the public comment period consistent with
Section 286.0114, Florida Statutes
Chairperson Stamp asked if there were any additional comments or questions from the Board Members
or audience members;there were none. He noted there were no audience members present.
SIXTH ORDER OF BUSINESS Announcement of Next Meeting
Announcement of Next Meeting—April 21, 2022
Chairperson Stamp adjourned the meeting at approximately 10:25 a.m.
On MOTION made by Mr.Tom Kleck,seconded by Mr. Ron Miller, and
with all in favor,the Meeting was adjourned.
Flow Way Comm .uni• Development District
James .Ward,Secretary Zack Stamp,Ch.' pe son
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