04/15/2021 Minutes 16I1
The Regular Meeting of e Board of Directors of tl-i Flow Way Community Development District was
held on Thursday,April ._a, 2021 at 1:00 P.M. in the conference room of the offices of Woods,
Weidenmiller, Michetti, & Rudnick, 9045 Strada Steil Court,4th floor, Naples, Florida 34109.
Present and tuting a quorum:
Zack Stamp Chairperson
Rc; Miller Vice Chairperson
Tom Kleck Assistant Secreta,
Martinn Winte- Assistant Secretary
Andrew Miller
Also present were:
James P. Ward District Manager
Jessica Tolin District Counsel
James MessizA District Engineer
Ed Staley
All resident's names were not included with the minutes. If a resident did not identify
themselves or :he audio file did not pick up the name, the name was not recorded in these
Chairperson Zack Stamp called the meeting to order at approximately 1:00 p.m. Roll call was conducted
and all Members of the Board were present constituting a quorum. He stated there would be a period
of public comment at the end of the -..ieeting for non-agenda items.
SECOND ORDER OF BUSINESS Public Comments for NON-Agenda items
Individuals are permitted to speak on items on the Agenda during that item and will be announced by
the Chairperson;comments limited to three minutes.
Chairperson Stamp indicated there would be a time for public comments regarding non-agenda items at
the end of the meeting; however, he would be happy to recognize speakers for brief comments during
regular Agenda Items.
Flow Way Community L.,E✓elopment District April 15, 2021
THIRD ORDER OF BUSlf':SS Consideration of Minutes
March 18,2021 Regular Meeting Mi-
Chairperson Stamp asked if there were any additions or corrections to the Minutes; hearing none, he
called for a motion.
On MC-_ ON made '1y Mr. Torn !deck, seconded by Mr. Martinn
Winters; and with all in favor, the March 18, 2021 Regular Meeting
Minutes were approved.
Staff Reports
I. District Attorney- oods,Weidenmiller, Michetti,&Rudnick
No report.
II. District Engineer-Calvin,Giordano&Associates
Mr. James Messick introduced himself as a professional licensed engineer in the State of Florida
working for Calvin, Cordano &Associates.
Chairperson Stamp idicated he and Mr. Messick were going to inspect the sidewalks, cart path and
bridge following the meeting.
Mr. Ron Miller asked what was being done with the sidewalks and cart path.
Chairperson Stamp explained the cart path had been moved away from the lake hopefully into a
location where it was permitted to be placed. He indicated he and Mr. Messick were going to check
the placement of the cart path today.
Mr. Ron Miller discussed the construction of the path cart and the grading in the area.
Chairperson Stamp discussed the construction the cart path,and other construction in the area.
III. District Manager-JPWard&Associates, LLC
a) Financial Statements ending March 31,2021(Unaudited)
No report.
FIFTH ORDER OF BUS?N Agreement with MHOA and District
Flow Way Community; 'elooment ict April 15, 2021
Agreemer -with Ma:t:c ;omeowne, 7 Association and District(Continuing Item until Final Decision)
This Item was contir ad.
SIXTH ORDER OF BUSIN':35 Discussion of Preserves
Discussior of Futur 'ding of Proserve Mitigation and Maintenance (Continuing Item until Final
This Item was cont ; ed.
I. Distric Attorney
a. Complaint regarding Ownership and Maintenance responsibilities for the Main Preserve located
within the boundaries of Flow Way CDD.
b. Developer relocation of Resident Walkway/Golf cart Pathway
1. 1s`Notice of Trespass to Taylor Morrison—March 9,2021
2. Response to 1st Notice of Trespass—March 18,2021
3. 2"d Notice of Trespass to Taylor Morrison—March 22, 2021
4. Response to 2' ''otice of Trespass—March 31,2021
Ms. Jessica Tolin in :.ated a motion to dismiss was again filed by Taylor Morrison. She noted the
arguments were ap_roximately the same as previously raised and responses to the motion were
being prepared. Sh indicated a motion to dismiss was also filed by the HOA again with similar
arguments as well. She stated the hearing for this motion was May 20, 2021.
Mr. Ron Miller aske Chairperson Stamp had contacted the Army Corps of Engineers. Chairperson
Stamp responded it the negative; District Counsel wanted to wait for a bit before contacting the
Army Corps of Enir
Chairperson Stamp asked if there was an update on the relocation of the bridges, cart path, and
Ms. Tolin responder in the negative; there was no update.
Mr. Martinn Winte asked abou the Hatcher pond. He noted the Hatcher pond was not a CDD
property but could e a CDD property. He stated the pond was in terrible condition. He stated
Taylor Morrison we. urning the pond into a "m:d pit."
Mr. Tom Kleck stated Taylor Morrison was not informing the CDD of the changes being made and he
wondered why no notification was given when these types of changes were being made.
Mr. Winters indicated the situation was being investigated, but there were no answers yet. At one
time there was water in the pond, and then they were digging a hole and putting a pipe under the
street, and then there was no water in the pond, which leads me to believe they poked a hole in the
pond somehow, then rather than fix it, they decided to turn it into a mud pit, and they got the county
to approve changing the plans from a pond to a mud pit. That's what I understand.
16 I 1
Flow Way Communi slopmeut C.::strict April 15, 2021
Mr. Ron Miller: some tim' ._n the phone with some Collier County personnel and the original
plans called for : ea to be c ai1c and to re fully extended with a depth of 9 feet during wet
season and 6 feet ci..ring dry season. I saw those plans and they weren't being followed. The initial
person I was speak ,3 with expressed concern about this. This was an inspector enforcement guy.
That kind of led fro,, one thing to .pother to were I was then told the plans have been changed as
they are now. While we are on the subject, I think i agree with your statement that the CDD does not
own that infrastruc ire. I would further go on to say that I would vote against taking ownership of
that. I don't know 'here that leaves us about the property. I suppose it has to be up to Taylor
Morrison to be look: 2 into puttin : that with the HOA. I don't know whether the HOA is looking into
that or not.
Mr. T:,M Keck: :he HOA bee,-1 involved at all in this Hatcher property? Do they know what's
going on there?
Mr. Winters: I do not nave any inter action with the HOA, so I don't know. I have recommended that
our attorneys step p and say whatever the; do during this questionable period before actual
turnover occurs, anc whatever decisions they make from March 8 to May 30 be held in abeyance and
we might have a ck n based on tree actions the they are taking now. I don't know where the HOA
counsel has acted c_ that. I don't Have any direct knowledge since Taylor Morrison doesn't act with
any transparency a. we don't know what they are up to and they don't tell anyone what they are
doing, you'd have t-:; catch them Yt their game after they do it. After the damage is done. We do
have Drew Miller c the phone who might eMighten us as to what Taylor Morrison is doing and
plans to dc. Dre you have any comments to make on the Hatcher pond?
Mr. Drew Miller: ')n't. l didr:'t '.ircw there w..s an issue with it, but/am happy to look into it and
find out.
Chairperson Stamp: `"/e would appreciate that.
Mr. Ron Miller: Doe anyone know if we have a legal requirement to take the Hatcher property?
Ms. To/in: Greg, and I have talked about this and we don't think there is a legal obligation to
accept it. Not accc -g it, it we rid likely shift to the HOA, would be my assumption, at which point
it could end up b 11 issue for the CDD anyway.
Mr. Tom Kleck: Dc that include the existing- lakes in the Flow Way area? The County has not
allowed them to turf; that over yet because they have not fulfilled their finish work. If we elect not to
accept the ponds ar., the lakes, will they in fact go to the HOA?
Mr. Ward: The exis' ng lakes are a different story. They are already in easements dedicated to the
CDD,so they alread;- 'tave that responsibility.
Mr. Winters: l seco -1 what Ron Miller said. I would not be in favor of the CDD taking ownership of
the Hatcher pond.
Chairperson Stamp: But you know what's going to happen. While they are still in control of the
HOA, they will magr_-nimously agree to take it over.
� 6I 1
Flow Way Community E =:velopment strict April 15, 2021
Mr. Ron Miller: if ere on th.o eggit HOA Bcea-d, I might have a meeting to reject ownership in
advance of the illeg rate Boars conveying that to the HOA.
II. District Manages
Mr. Ward: I have nc :id business.
Chairperson Stamp: and i ha" been talking about revamping the Agenda and the whole
presentation packet sr .ow to mci2 it more manageable. Any suggestions anybody has along those
lines please get them tc _;s. The other thing is i want to start using the Board item as a time where we
can talk, since we can't talk outside of meetings. This will be the time when we can talk about things like
Hatcher or others and s:-art making that a permanent part where everyone understands we are going to
get that discussion v he caveat .r. c ;t will be recorded as part of the meeting and you may want to
temper some of your ac erbs and adject::ves. There is a lot of stuff going on. For example, if somebody
drives off of that new b:edge who is responsible? T7e HOA, the COD, Taylor Morrison? Because I saw a
kid just about go ove e other do,_ A little kid v:ns just about to go over, and his parents caught him
just before he went:: e ,,e one-foot railing. if somebody on a bicycle hits that they could easily bounce
Mr. Ron Miller: Since y: . are brir,ginci that up, we probably ought to discuss the other bridge which has
been there for some on the bac% nine which also has a small railing.
Discussion ensued rega ring the bridge for the golf cart path; less risk on the golf cart path bridge; the
new bridge along the t ,:it posing a liability; both cridges having 1-foot railings; and all other bridges
having 3-foot railings.
Mr. Ron Miller: Jim Wa-d and I have been bouncino some emails back and forth; what happens to non-
payments, or defaults, on CDD assessments? We are going to have 1,181 units and with that number of
units there are bound tc ae a few people along the way who just don't pay. Jim was attempting to put
me into the picture as to the process of how we don't have an issue with that, and he lost me along the
way. Jim, ';ow does ail t;at work?
Mr. Ward: In Florida. I: .use we are a governmental agency, we use what's called the uniform method
of collection for assess ts. That simply means that we can pi our assessments on the tax bills that
you receive in Novemb: :f each year. You know t`ot when you pay your tax bill you have to pay your
entire tax bill subject to `ccounts that you pay in Nc vember or December, etc. If you do not pay your tax
bill by the end of Marc it goes into a delinquent stage. In Florida, the process is that the tax collector
creates what's called a certificate for your property which means that you did not pay your tax bill
and that is sold in the s rmmer to an;,'one who wants to bid on that certificate. The bidder bids on an
interest rate. The higher the interest rate that someone bids on the certificate, the more likely they are
to take title to that cer:ficate itself. Once they own the certificate, that requires them to pay the tax
amount, all of the taxes on that tax bill, and what happens then is that money is then remitted to
whatever government 's on there, including the CDD. So, we become whole at that point. Some
taxpayers, during the ye . ; if you're over 65 and you have certain conditions, you can go on the payment
plan, etc. That is out sere, but you still at the end of the day are whole when they make those
payments. The only time those certificates are not sold, i have found in all the years I've done this, is for
5 ' Page
+ 6I1
Flow Way Communi elopmert District April 15, 2021
generally undeveloped i,: ;d where the lean devalue ratio, the amount of the tax bill versus the value of
your property and yaur• ,me that's c 7 it, is upside down. When that occurs the certificate won't sell,
but if you have a tax $5,000 :', ass or $10,000 dollars on a home that's $500,000 dollars, the
certificate is going to se Then that's it, you're done. The District is out of the process. There is another
process for the certifica-`_ holders if they keep hold of that certificate, they can actually take title to that
property in 3 years, I be-eve State Law says, but we are basically out of it. At the end of the day, we are
always whole on all of t; assessments that come through subject to that certificate process.
Mr. Tom %leck: That as::essment is then paid through our tax bill? The homeowner does not get a
separate bill for the CDC .:ssessment each year.
Mr. Ward. Correct.
Discussion ensued reg�s . g assessments and the ax bill; the purchase of delinquent tax certificates at
18% to 20%; the home vner being responsible to pay for the delinquent taxes and the 18% to 20%
interest rate; the hom-.yawner having three years to redeem the certificate plus interest, following
which, if unpaid,the cer` 'cate holcier would foreclose on the property.
Mr. Ward: It is not acte -:ty a foreclosure as you understand it. They apply for what we call a tax deed in
Florida. If they make pplication and the certificate is out there, it does go before a judge, but at the
end of the day, they -. -s issue the tax deed on the property and it is recorded at that point. It is not
that long of a forecic, rocess.
Discussion continued re girding purchasing of tax certificates, potential profits, and the length of time it
takes to make said prof
Mr. Ron Miller: I'm war, -?g to get a detailed list of the assets which are on the books of the CDD. We do
have a monthly statem t, but we c sc have an arnual audited financial statement, and if referring to
the audited statement, there is a discrete number of assets that we own and there is depreciation on
those assets, but I have idea what assets we own. That information should be available somewhere.
Mr. Winters: There mus`be a fixed asset depreciation schedule that the accounting firm has.
Mr. Ward: I just got it. n going to email that to you tomorrow. The list is helpful;it tells you the phase
the asset is in, what it is Whether it's water,sanitary or irrigation, environmental, so it's pretty detailed.
Mr. Ron Miller: I am going north in May, so I won't be able to physically come to these meetings until
October or November. ';at puts the quorum down to four. I hope three of the four can continue to
Mr. Tom Kleck: I am gc ,g to be goo,' in May as well, but I am not sure if it's going to be during —it's
only for a couple of weeks. I don't know the date, but it will be before the next Board Meeting. I'm going
to be gone from the 16' through probably the 28'.
Mr. Ward: Okay,so we icse the quorum unless Drew is coming dcv✓n. Drew, can you make the May 20th
Mr. Drew A,?iller: I believe I am planning to be there.
Flow Vday'..crnrnuniy is -: elopment r,istrtct April 15, 2021
Mr. Warc' cted any 'sere not 'acai could still call in to the Meeting; at least three individuals were
requirea t be prese erson tc :,eke quorum.
Mr. Ron Ai.;:ter: I'm I that fo:the 2022 budget we will not need to increase any fees, we can keep it
the same. For the think we agreed the budget, which was $37 dollar increase per person, and
going into the next year budget, part of the 2021 budget was we cpproved monies to take over the HOA
contract and maybe a few other things, and of course we didn't take that over, so we haven't spent that
money, and I'm hoping we have enough buffer that we can avoid an increase for the next year. Part of
the reason i say that:is -re have been numerous occasions whers people were upset, they know I'm on
the Board, and they • 'pset because cf their horrendous increase in their CDD fees for this year. Of
course, after the sec.. ;;. :casion ;started carrying my two previous tax receipts in my pocket so I could
show people, "look, you dn't have a horrendous increase, it was$37 dollars." People were really upset,
but the increase was Iv; -espect the HOA. If we can have a year without an increase, I think that will
be a plus.
Mr. Winte-=: Vie are gc g to considc• whether or rot we continue funding maintenance on the external
preserves, and in the e+.: 1:that we ;c:: the authorities know that we don't see that as our responsibility
and we stop funding the , there vet y'veil could be a decrease.
Mr. Ron Miller: I wish ti discuss ME Fnvironmentai Report and specifically the lakes and the lake banks,
what Tim Hall is respons'le for. What goes through my mind is l don't understand any of it, but we have
the lakes ctjt there. r'e know Tay I-Morrison has yet to fulfill some responsibilities before the County
will sign o;f so they car. -e turned over. I have no .idea what those remaining responsibilities are, but I
would like to. Then woo be post-Taylor Morrison responsibilities which are upon us. Some people think
the ponds look okay, ot. rs think it's awful. Tom calls it swamp grass, I know he doesn't like it, but I
don't know whether the swamp gross we have out there is proper grass; do we have too much, not
enough, this whole thing is a mystery to me. I'm hoping we get some information soon.
Mr. Tom Kleck: Jimmy 's there c 1`,'ection or an ability by you to give us that information as what
normally should be t rer n the lakes 7d the ponds or is it the way it is supposed to be?
Mr. Messick: I can go hack and lock at the premises and see if there are specific species of littoral
plantings or if there is a directicr g,•"en in the permits that woula hold you responsible to that.
Mr. Winters: That's one think we have asked Forge to include in their scope of work, is to evaluate, not
only the drainage systems; but the condition of the ponds and littorals versus what the County is going to
require and the performance bonds before they release them. i have the same questions Ron does, I
don't understand what R..supposed_`o be there.
Discussion ensued rega:: ing the ponds; the ponds being pristine years ago; whether the plantings were
overgrown; what were the proper plantings; the CDD not wanting to shirk responsibilities, but not
wanting to take over Taylor Morrison's responsibilities; and whether the County would force Taylor
Morrison to fulfill its resaonsibilities.
Mr. Ward: Wait till we get the Forge Report. If we need to supplement that with Jimmy's work then we
can do that at that point in time, but I think the Forge will give you a good handle on where it is right
now in relation to the existing permit requirements.
Flow Way Community elopment District April 15, 2021
Mr. Ron i Filler: I haw. t yet grvs,: J,c: on this Code of Ethics violation. To my surprise last month
Supervisor Winters sear =s a'to jump '!at as well The two of us may be inclined to pursue that matter.
I don't understand why He Board i_ -eticent or Counsel is reticent in pursuing this. We have litigation
against Taylor Morriscr; and it v.'o`,;^ seem to me that a Code of Ethics violation would bolster our
position in front of a jucoe saying tr;%t the State of Florida even agrees the Board Members violated the
Code of Ethics in their a `ens in do something detrimental to the CDD in helping their employer avoid
the responsibility of paying for the preserves as it should. If a legal analysis of it were to say it is a rather
iffy thing to get that Cc of Ethics o.-complished with the State of Florida, then I don't think the Board
should go down than ro,..j, but if a !e J analysis shows there might be closer to 75% to 80%likelihood it
would be approved by t`s State of Florida, I think it would bolster our legal case. I'm still on Board in
pursuing this.
Chairperson Stamp: 2. 7, correc Y,;_, if I am wror , but I don't ti-ink it would be admissible.
Ms. Jessie, Tolin: To jur iO in, it is confidential the proceedings of the Code of Ethics violation, unless the
respondent were to cur: to waive cdentiality which I doubt would be the case.
Mr. Kleck: I got the- c ,'on when r counsel talked about that at one of our last meetings. We are
chasing a rabbit doy.-- ebbit hoe this point. It is not going to get us anywhere. In fact, it might
work aga'hst us in Jger pictare, so I'm willing to go along with what Counsel says and their
Mr. Winters: I have -ent take c:;; that, and thct is as witness what they are doing with the Hatcher
pond, Taylor Morris. ;tinues to act with impunity. No matter what we do, they don't act with
transparency. They et anything they are doing with us. They don't ask for permission. They don't
ask for coordination. Tr just do what they do and then it's our job to catch up with them and try to fix
the damage that the;' My view is that the Code of Ethics complaint might get the attention of other
Taylor Morrison emplo-.ass at headquarters that we are serious about pursuing Taylor Morrison to fix
the damage that the -ausing to our community that they continue to do even as we are sitting here
speaking. And this is 'ay to rr_oc^ out to them and get their attention in headquarters.
Mr. Tom Kleck: -,ake the: -fc'mation know to our Counsel?
Ms. Tolin: 'can spec Greg.
Discussior ensued rega°;ring the Code of Ethics violation; the fine going to the County for the Code of
Ethics; spc iding thousa-ts of dollars with no fisca: .-eturn for the Code violation; whether the CDD had
the right t:.;file an ethics complaint.
Ms. Tolin: If it is going to be filed it should be from an individual standpoint as opposed to on behalf of
the CDD Soard, one due to those concerns, and two due to the fact that if there was a finding of no
violation then there is the potential. they could basically tax attorney's fees against the Board.
Chairman Stamp: And h`they did win, i would assume they would waive confidentiality and try to get it
16 I 1
Flow Way Communit, C ,elopment District April 15, 2021
Mr. Ron Miller: So, yob •e saying the Code of Ethics is irrelevant in the State of Florida. You can do as
you wish without conse( aces. Who 's the point of having the Ccde of Ethics?
Discussion continued retarding the Code of Ethics; individuals being able to file a Code of Ethics
violation complaint; a ode of Ethics violation complaint being a private matter unless both parties
agreed to waive confidentiality; and there being no public record of Code of Ethics violations unless
confidentiality was wain- J.
Chairperson Stamp: I t, :.ik if you really want to do something on this, when we get into discovery, we
are going to find that 7aylor Morrison sat around in a room or circulated emails in violation of the
Sunshine Laws to script `7ese meetings. They are not doing what we do which is not talk to each other.
In that you might have s L-cie meat on the bone then. That's a whole different thing.
Mr. Winters: They a down here rn a car and voted the same way without talking to each other?
Chairperson Stamp: :ure somebody had these property acquisitions on the Agenda and said these
are properties the a should accept. I think there would be some better use of our resources than
wasting time on an e :omplaint.
Mr. Winters: I agree w.::: Supervisor Miller. It's a shame to have this law in the books and have it be a
complete .;paste of tine d unenforceab'e.
NINTH ORDER OF BUSwESS Audience Comments
Chairperson Stamp asked if there were any audience comments;there were no audience comments.
TENTH ORDER OF BU.:SP'ESS Announcement of Next Meeting
May 20,2C21
Chairperson Stamp adjourned the meeting at approximately 1:52 p.m.
On MO:1iON made by Mr.Tom Kleck, seconded F:y Mr. Ron Miller, and
with all in favor,the Meeting was adjourned.
Flow Way Community Development District
James P. IAP. A Zack
James P. Ward, Secr _ Zack Stamp, Chairperson
Signature: zwksta Signature: P uJ 16 1
Zack Stamp(Jun 4,2 115:57 EDT
Email: zackstamp@gm2 i.:: Email: jimward@jpwardassociates.com
I 6 I 1
FW - Minutes 04 15 2021 to be signed
Final Audit Re[ _Ti: 2021-06-07
Created: 2021-06-0z
By: Cori D:ssincer(coridissinger ?wardassociates.com)
Status: Signed
Transaction ID: CBJCHBCAABAAmdLn50r-.E:grrhGfM1cwXtnGoRg5SuYa5x1
"FW - Minutes 04. 15 2021 to be signed" History
it. Document created by Cor' Dissinger(coridissinger@jpwardassociates.com)
2021-06-04-7:35:48 PM GMT- r'address:
ti Document emailed to Zac: Stamp (zackstamp@gmail.com)for signature
2021-06-04-7:36:17 PM GMT
Email viewed by Zack Stamp (zackstamp@gmail.com)
2021-06-04-7:36:23 PM GMT-IP address:
rya Document e-signed by Zack Stamp (zackstamp@gmail.com)
Signature Date:2021-06-04-7:57:49 PM GMT-Time Source:server-IP address:
Document emailed to Jim Ward (jimward@jpwardassociates.com)for signature
2021-06-04-7:57:51 PM GMT
"": Email viewed by Jim\1Vard (jimward@jpwardassociates.com)
2021-06-07-'5:56:42 AM GMT-IP address:
6. Document e-signed by Jim Ward (jimward@jpwardassociates.com)
Signature Date:2021-06-07-10:57:09 AM GMT-Time Source:server-IP address:
Q Agreement completed_
2021-06-07-10:57:09 AM GM?
13 Adobe Sign
The Reg i etin Board or rec`ors cf FfcW Way Community Development District was
held on I 7 7 ly,Jc 2021, at S ' A.i'?. in ti,:e ::nfe;ence ro.:m of the offices of Woods,
Weidenm Mich `i, ' Rudnick, : .-3 Strada 4 Court,4th floor, Naples, Florida 34109.
t anc 2tuting a c: un:
amp Jerson
ler Chairperson
Eck _. - -rot Secrstar
Wir :._`:ant Secretar-
'.W - Co. 'ct Manager
ood, -'ct Counsel
/less _ Cct Engineer
. ce:
)gus _r: OA
A resident r nes were )t included .vith the minutes. If a resident did not identify
tr mselves or • audio HE c'-d not pick ap the name, '.he name was not recorded in these
rr tes.
FIRST ORf'':R OF BIJ.: N C S Call to Order/Roll Call
Chairpers :ck Sti,mn f :ailed the r, >sting to order at approxima'ely 9:00 a.m. Roll call was conducted,
and all • ors c Board \.c2 ,r€ ent, .�"i the excepti of Martina Winters, constituting a
quorum. :atec would l <_ p,_-ioc commer at the end of the meeting for non-
agenda it.
SECOND C ;DER OF ESS Public Comments'tor NON-Agenda items
Individua are perrnitt. to speak c items on the Agenda during that item and will be announced by
the Chan; rson;comm : is limited s : Three minutes
16 I 1
Flow Way :: n nuni J: -e 3, 2021
Chairper-. tamp c' then _ bi is regarding non-agenda items at
the end c a mee . -ver; a be to reccg, speakers for brief comments during
regular AL la lter
THiRD G" 71 OF BE ` ratio: ' 'inutes
April 9. `x, Reg, rtng F.'
Chairpe.: tamp t re was _ ror i , n'snutes v'h needed correction.
Mr. Waro Jr); page above thr oard rs. where the :Thairperson is talking, we are going to
change th senten( =ad "1 r— ie'- -he(= arty acquisit'ons on the Agenda and
said these tyre prop Di;t- I'd his t` would be Some better use of our
resources on wast - rn ar -rnpiai;t ' We will mc' that change as appropriate.
Chairpers Stamp a kf: if there w= ar•:other acoc+itions or corrections to the Minutes; hearing none,
he called a motic
On 'N mace M Tc,-- etc, seconder' by Mr. Drev-' I�/faller,
and r: al' in fa' *` , 7021, Pe.€; 'ar Meetng ,Minutes
war al raved as Md�d. _
FOURTH r :DER OF i:SS Corr deration of Resolution 2021-4
Considers. >n of :ion 201 :;f The i?.ard of Supervisors of Flow Way Cµrnmunity
Developr yet Distriroving a z. .posed Bud'fcYt for Fiscal Year 2022 and setting a PuVr. Hearing
for Thurs ,,'July 1` : ' .1., at 1:00 n. thereon 7:mrsuant to Fielda Law to be held at the Offices of
Woods,V 'denmili hetti, & r. sic 9U.;; adaa Steil Cot. Suite 400, Naples, Floric!a 34109
Mr. Ward =iscal Ye 2 '2 starts Cc er 1 of a'-and ends September 30, 2022. The Statute
requires rr to;prese .fidget to y; !:refure J r 5 of each yea;. You are required to approve it,
solely for e purpos tting your 'uiic hearir- . Public hearing.: is scheduled for Thursday,July 15,
2021, at 1 '0, here c Law Offices of Woods, Weidenmiller, Michetti, & Rudnick, 9045 Strada Steil
Court, Sul; 400, Naries =lorida 341[ I will point nut to you that the approval of your budget today
does not i 'you tc -f the serv.. and progress contained tr?rein. You may change those as you
deem app ,priate be cw: =n now anc e date of your public hearing. It does bind you, however, to the
maximurr ssessme -s that are :cntemplated pursuant to the preparation of the budget itself for
Fiscal Yea :022. Ti- is$525.C,' per unit, per year,for 1,150 :.mits which does include the Hatcher
property f 2022. i Jarison yc r 2021 assessment rate is$5;5.08,so we came in a whopping 4
cents undo your exi ate.
Discussion ensued fig the nun of Hatcher units and the lumber of total units being assessed.
2 ' Page
Flow -nun . '-spmerr.. _ June 3, 2021
Mr. Wa nun _ units i .. .:Tv ° she .::es'this nun-. - four times. This is the fixed number
of units, e wi D'st bo: da, ` eluding tie r• etcher piece this year. It should
eventual 3nsis ith the -e-once it 1-,us ueen cc-ma teiy built out.
Mr. Ton- Is t; includes these numbers?
Mr. War: unit don ' ,ha th,E .ar king let as to the sales center is.
Mr. We. are
Mr. Wai c. 1 it v
Mr. Ror :ske ; es include:' the assessment roll.
Mr. Wa fined in tue s ,essment roll for 2022 for purposes
of open-: d rr ^d her proper us had no debt and as such would
not be lu .:_1 in tF 'SST =t`s boric'
Mr. Wa ; ,_?rms 3udget a es_s, ; the serve c what we had in FY-2021 and
includes °. rm v :ancgerr:.. , =m !ssu• ption that we will take that over at some point. It
does inch e apt to levels o. -ding 1,fir:; -spect to the:''igation we have ongoing for FY-2022.
The way _. ced : get t/i itic_t _ being paic', . r through cash carryforward, so that
will basLr ep tl essrnem - sa; r.:' ?y into 2022. 4t some point that rubber will hit the
road in sc ture a`you exc., of tha ies that -✓e in the general fund as
appropri;: you a that, c r✓il.` Y s r ve us.: o carry over. At some point, in 2023
probably, don' .he assE__ t: over number, hen you end up having to reduce
your bud: :;ordi order to _ •;eiisate f�,, _:h-hat problem. . will just point that out to you. The
balance c s budg :xactly the e as who- a have seen it the prior years. All of the debt service
funds b; deco, n c ._ , .y the prig tit: I and interest due on the bonds. The
assessrre. ?s fo. he proasi . -saes as_ 'ed with the vs sous bond issues remain the same
from ye:, 'E ar sit :e evy or . s cu.'le:; r; rn manic sebt service. As principal and interest
changes c a ye r-t /ear boss_ insight':.is i;tile lover •_ enue than what's due for principal
and intern a lit ?n -e revenue: s due tc, 'rc pal and in; :rest, but the assessment rates
remain cc art.
Mr. Ron r indict was st;' used abc, tree Hatcher c Dperties.
Mr. Ward f you loc _age 22, 1'. you the u er which : - did i say 1,150 units earlier?—it is
1,184 urn subject t- issessms: F-20.22. 124 is the c cct number. Sorry about that. He
asked if tF -•e were a r;N .restions; r:- ng none, he called for a motion. He explained approval of the
Resolutio: ..t the p tearing di.
Mr. Ward 'dour pub'i: ;ring is Jui Once ycv -at to the pub bearing, you can't change this
budget be ,use I ha - way to sec v/ate asses;., arts during ti T public hearing. I will put this on
your regu. Agenda r,e month an: a couple c; eeks again,jest to see if you have any more
questions comme `s h respect t. and the • the public hearing it has to be adopted.
Mr. Ron t4 er asked Budget/a: ssment cat 2' could be lowered at the public hearing.
I 6 I 1
Flow Wa nun; c:;n e- June 3, 2021
Mr. Warc 'hy 4 10E o .`i if 0 ::'L, 1 am going to have to calculate
the rates `her but%t'- =ferable in tic;:-s world not to do that. So, if we have
any thane she tc iiake ri your ns ;t meeting ch I believe is in two weeks.
Mr. Ron!1 sr: l th, Vic: ' give • 69 days'notice to the County. I
don't thin c have
Mr. We ?e Stat ce cr-e•i u approve it, so I actually did the
notice 7, ago.
'On oreri„ Mr. Ron Miller, and
wit! 11' f as apron+_.!, and the Chair was
l'aut• iri
FIFTH L 'F Bh ns
I. Dis arne = , 3,R; . ,
Woc have t al. •=lorida Wafer Management
DL 3cisic a on the _ • --ire Sown, F.;:)rida Water Management District
tha: F were.one .arred by _/op£-, - : His taken c•evious to our involvement. In
co_, _ opir :'e is red ,, _ :_:-tin r: ppeal of South Florida Water
Mo = lent r. Basics .ou:, r i; da `.later-N+r: nnagement District had limited us to
verb aw c the las: nog; Beca:'s s CDD had been listed by the
dev _,er as c `jai one; e,tity;r tip: original peso "s and in the 2012 amendments, we
wen r;t alloy i '. ; i on. . '=i -n ~l;e sta' e developer did previously, I don't
th r s wort -ne or me i -o-the G s to appea,.
Cho -non S _ hat > r " The new HOA?
is: It ut s (indecii :,cble).
M.r. Allier • t reall}% at, ocr 1 ?re saying ver well.
Mr. :gods: B :c e of the de _ cper's prior ctions in listin 'the CDD as a potential operating
ent `he 2 -rrnit and '"?::2 ar',_ --ert, it,:;ace t difficult for us to appeal with the
Sou =;crida Manager. District. The South Floridc, Water Management District limited
our :peal to very late odiificaticr Het was done in the fall of 2020. Because of that
limi area ti could app :cite fro.Ji , counsel believes it would be a waste of resources
to t and app of at very lirr _;issue, and-`"at we need to focus our efforts on the Army Corps
and . e litigat
Mr. eck: Do : -mean v,'" u c better c`.-ance with the Army Corps?
1 6 I 1
Flow Way 7,nnrnuni`' C. alopmer: ct June 3, 2021
Mr. is: 7 , ,v; .aze e d affect the other.
Cl:a rc -on 5: �p/ou'N the Bi , r o,n the :7 dismiss and where we are at?
Mr, As: V a ix.trr la, %;, c;`s, defer ,'s, motions.`o dismiss. The court
me _ c',; liti iil pro;-.E..c 1. Somewhere up the road there will
be v on fc ,x -rmar;!c _ ient, but 'hey can't dco tat until after discovery and a bunch
of s' ';;; so the occur ,eras, c *s up the f a:
Cha -erson 5 The PO' are rea-,q ng? What ar: they doing?
M rr. c'Is: I the i10f :e retc new couns_ 'Jew counsel will be making an
ap. ce. _. s in litigat.c : to align with us. This is my
and ` idinc
en: is •, ; or logE t_: the Master HOA Meeting.
I!. Leis neE
Mr. otec r
Mr. c: I -k;ng on tas;.: st.rrtina the :/t meeting, or July, we will have an
Engia 3epo 'dentifies rstending ite is I am lookin;at.
III. Dist' - iag€ lard &,`- :tes, L._C
a. Rep nu f Reg:stc, veers.7s o \pril 15,2021
b. Fins _ Stat for per . :; ng Marcie 31, 2021(unrudited)
c. Fine :iai Stat- for peri : ::ding April 30,2021(unar.dited
M aril indi : :e was re -ed to rerorl to the Board t re number of registered voters
resi g withi ;strict ar: He note: as of Aprii 15 2021,the District had 1,115
reg e J vol noted } anger sign,: _ant for the Flow Way District as the
Boa would r transitic to a qui Vie:: elector Boar:' in November of 2022. He noted no
acti wv,s re-
OLD BUS! 7.5
SIXTH OFF 1 OF Bt. . `g' -,ement with i.1HOA and District
Agreemer with Maste ,omeowne ';Association and District(Cantinuing Item until Final Decision)
Mr. Ward n uerms `tie histc: ',e nave an c greement witr the Master homeowner's association
to maintc the Dis :ssets. T - 'riclude e✓c. thing with ti=e exception of the external preserves
which we . doing '"'n- ise"fort rarnent. Th.,: 2020 Budget contemplated the District terminating
the agree ant with t`hE ''aster ho ,vner's assc 'ation. We ci :se not to do that. The 2022 budget
P pe
1 6 I 1
Flow V\1,. , 'nuni -. June 3, 2021
has the _ ance I c.. call -;ir: .ine of the new members of the HOA
Board eeks bout hc•.. '-ansiticr : facilities t--,.. s the CDD owns over to the CDD and
keep thou• '.. , the :hat neec t. : there or, cn ongoing L c We are in the throws of preparing
that ag at me. co.' e ?,c:r .✓ith this 7 .. "-eeting in the near future. The big
decisior D Bc ii ticvc _ is w,;e'.;. :or not,. 7 assume those responsibilities from
the HO.: :. Ding .. . '7 ild n: cane in co- c, .ith the HOA.
Mr. Klee - .`ere c "a" ;t,' n;'rhas :'igations `hc are going to be responsible for? A
specif 'i:ems:
Mr. VV- bud. c :err: cost of those programs. :n order to
do the 'st yc ' "- ,c et :;to : •_ .rational part of this job and put that
togeth: rally lo. wi. c 4 e to do ona day-to-day basis.
Mr. Kle iuld . K,- . '. goi,.a ;e specifically before we take on the
Mr. W., an :rc 'an what we have in the budget.
Mr. Kle, s exa.. cf what or : `aking tasks, for example, fountain
Mr. WE . A to :gether a ,. c.et0.:. of CDD vers s HOA obligations. Conceptually what
I was t vas 3f the ass ;cc wi`" '3:: ryin with the -OA that's ours is the reuse irrigation
system., s the ed to - ac. , : :u ert' < :.c;°1-:.nuni4. -- at is better served operationally to be
within t.`:c 2xt o 10A, s;, n ijrt;-;. _:scope fa. 7t they need to do for that, to operate
and mah pat r ysterr. - to a,_:t 1 `o actucl.-y -epare that for us. Once I have that
done, I v✓i. 'o, anoth, ke for oti . ces.
Chairp c Stamp: if we tc .' r, we";e g rt the money: the budget, correct?
Mr. W. 'rect. t.- , 5 :,c;.,_: the ex:s in contract. They have a longer period.
They a- r ter _ , ;te :id unilaterc terminate that, and we would have
to take :k as cber 15`c. as point ' c"ose to do: a.
Chairpers imp: time to ;,act this change.
Mr. Warc e de. . -I- is arobably stober 1, our new budget year, would
be a good ing f . ; My;:hour' :t is, if the HCA wants it dcoe sooner,
we could it soon :id give ;s a couple cf rt aths over the summer to aet prepped
for an Oct Jer 1 sta d
Mr. Ron F 'ler: I'm a, ✓ to see ty, re proposer' budget induces the funds so the CDD can take this
over and i. y for its s :nsibilities - ;- %t this ocint in time 1 think i would rather continue it as we have
been con: suing it, uch tim.a -cylor Vor-son fulfills i..`.3 obligations have been fulfilled and
approved the Co still am : --= view that something coed come out of the woodwork that we
just cannc anticipa- :. •ferring th.: ,-il that'tic-a: I think would still be the best approach. We should
Flow Ws. . rr nuni :I3prnen; _. June 3, 2021
also coon this {- 2 `ew 2 we are one and the same. I would
be interes i the ;oirt ;J
Mr. Dal,. aslat, U cst :. so, let' Taylor Morrison out of this for the
moment ass s` y t', ?/. won.' . ;nnclude funding in the budget for
mainter.: ld CL a is j-4 te.
Mr. We -c 7't tc ;: : lC; c;"r,;., but: the CDD's current budget.
Mr. Sc;; ;r. S foliowec` ; assumption that CDD would do the
funding, e've r ;ot hor that assumption. Setting aside any
reasons king c pair: HOA where we are having to pay
$16,OOC pl udget. _'s a big chunk of change to fund
mainter -r th _ e iirtually y.:! ; going to be, if you build a budget
assume' r foi vant tc :ooperatively on some end state that
makes . be 'e iO. , :: :� is in the middle of that. We have
got tin_. ?rs c c -.. Gorski ar c Olson, the task of leading that for
us: who = ape re s, etc. i'a , to get there as quickly as we can to
get our andi: is not in e: -udget. From the HOA's point of view
it is cre. role; 4 w ,;e l.'s 'n ;,e don't`:c - .
Chairper; Stamp: :: r . an ce this ould do that would come out of the
woodwc. c: wo! ` r bat` `, OA and the CDD are both the same
Mr. Warn o'ree. ?/- and C. e the ss'r pool of peon. The assessments are the same pool
of peop . Seth. :e . 40;' ;.ris point avc.,. have no affect on any deficiencies or
good tr t ha re cc i 7 ' : T._• -:one and the came.
Mr. ;Ore .r: S.: ^, an cc; op with a f o; ling agreement with the HOA, so we
wouldr to h .r, _a sr ^ve ccu s pay the HOA; they could keep the
contrac.. : hat ct t ends.
Mr. Wa:.. c We a,- ,` r HC
Mr. Ron er. Has _.gr y v rison on the :rids?
Mr. War: .n't;. . .e answ;_ c We will h< ,:e to find out. i think it's close, but I
don't this.. s total
Mr. Bogy ws'ci: T Morrison s :i an :;c;.. menz with t.' -IQA documenting Taylor Morrison's
commitmt 't tc us. in and Bar - had a s_ 'c°s of meetings with the Board elect before turnover.
The agree, ,enr bas .ays the pc - -s wou.a s ',ft to the ope ational phase and we would become
responsib for then 'tor Morris could coat:'ue to fund a performance bonds for a couple of
years ana 7y -or a; 'ticnai plan -es to meet :-iteria, evenextended beyond the two years. This
was then,- =lling us .vas going rapper co-, they were a;: eeable, and it was their idea to put
together : agrees .. o docurr.e; .' at their c_'nmitment we . On the county inspection issue, my
understc' :g is thc have con a at, the Cci.nty has come out, and done a series of inspections
16 i 1
Flow W nuni ;.m June 3, 2021
around _t erior 7+, 'I r j's to b:: :'nc:. _auate, and pointed out some other
things the " re ai 'c " and wash ?. `s and things of that nature. Taylor
Morrisc :hat outings. `c_ '.aressed some of the washouts and I
don't be e Cc c 7'ed off•ce) but progress has been made. We
both hi..e 1e et c, J ;, e HOA, t. tiorm turnover related due diligence
work, a; e als : u he lake_,. ink we have a handle on what the
shortcc, _, , re, a it a xc whate: e sse findings happen to be and try to
work wit', y. Mc oi:i_:o'c:or all sides.
Mr. Ron r Bee .` z I . u.nty I.a;r: ;ned off, and Taylor Morrison hasn't
complete: e Nork :,r'ng th, a: .lent for a while until that all occurs
but let's c c: ck tc ag't C: the money me budget, and I would be happy to
pass a me ;o th. the s`y; c_ and Taylor -rison has done what it's supposed to
do, cou;:;': do : :ng as a ni. • have the C commit to retroactively funding this
thing and ?ursi, -'OA uoo 'etio'
Mr. We , we c , `o pa', .24 pursuant to that agreement. It is
just not,o e. V i;ire t:: c'nE ;at's fine, r;. :ctually reimbursing them is just not
somethir, voul• a e to co.
Mr. Wocc i,gree 'r. Ward.
Chairpc ,rmp: _ oentogee :!ng over the contract immediately?
What ben -c Des t i�_ ';e HOA 7
Mr. Klec?-. V l Ta, :rrisa, ` den:': = to complete al' of these unfinished
projects: t e lal the p: .e . . .,sues: sticed they are out there working on
them now no I wa_ 'ering iif given :1 a date when riot's going to be completed.
Mr. Bogu. 'ri: , t in the ct ; ^lathan and .-bara signed what they thought the
timeline IC like. salty she .er. 's of the per,_ :nce bonds as they complete various
chunks of . Th ` of the 7 broken u_ y—i think the preserves are broken
into areas -i. ire is corimr r: know whe, the end is reached regarding success
criteria cx 'y Thi: of those hE• . .e said :ey'd do this. They plan to do it.
Mr. Ron. ' :+ I cc to have -trust ir: ':ylor Morrisur I'm sorry to hear that the CDD can't
retroactn, reimb;. e HOA. _' ter'.es concerned at nut the HOA suffering a deficit for a
period of e- ecai • .e it sorts ;s still the money and the deficit that the HOA
may run. a-raril; 'inply res: • s--!uce " ;'fees in `he : re and the residents are whole. The
residents rat at :re with fu. 'rig. It is on, 'a matter of ow it happens, and/ would like to see
this thin_ !etec gned of; ne C: C :aces that :?;act.
Mr. Bogs: rs;i: YE money cc ::'.t of 1"''E •7me pockets, ut if we have to pick up$100,000, we
are goi-7c educ e service ,•IOG,;701 My polo!. `he $100,000 has got to eliminate
somethinc nc'it's: • ing that r, s wi.' It will be c .:me if don't deal with the near term.
We just w t'roue ' 'over. Res , are e rc e sing things t:. "mediately start improving.
Chairs_e mp: outcome • ,. Da.e. :-:.:,nt out of Ors What would be your ideal outcome?
161 1
Flow t', muni ; oK,rrer Ju 3, 2021
Mr. Bc is S, o.', is c. to vs'':= Board is, i r✓ould like to see, unless
it is so 7urtf ;lc I. 6 ;t v! c ow we budgeted for the thing. We
agreed t we to b.= a. .. ..rc not; 1 that.
Chairp imp: s b e, t` we wo -;sve as early as today. If not today,
then at jun ig n `c ;rr ti irt; : -atice for termination?
Mr. Boon- ws ci: I c ink tcd. or' c fak so-Jr- :other than later. It sounds like Jim is
close e hav ::e ; ,- . es. Y to run your process and we need to
run our_ :'s us arc a', c ;s bo ; s.
Chairpe• ; amp: su' i:. c . Bonds the next met:ing. Hopefully, Jim can get together
with G I Ols :s. r 1. c p `erminctir:- the agreement. It makes sense to do
that fro I knc ,n': s_: c riunity der any benefit by keeping it with you.
Mr. Dr r: I . :k `he ag' t. I think 2 landscaping is in the
HOA b:. g d it r. ; it r 1 !c. 2 you gi.' -le in and a'c a strip that we are not
manag;i_ 5 Boar of Iona. t,' ''re going :: Wend it, correct?
Mr. Ward. 'was act going to agroc.-'sat and put'i`; new scope attached to it. Reuse was
the big o:
Mr. Dr:_v; '!i'r: L ,at $E0, . ' : -s rdscape ser ss,, and $80,000 in lake bank littoral
ce,ls. S r. -e gc vor.c th; :sc::=. 'r:'make.Si; =are aligned on that.
Mr. We 's tr !ght, yes
Mr. Ror or I lih lea o .ac c ;;s abilities a. ,d, such as the entrance landscaping
so we cc 2 on scope c : :c:r for i, whole corn,:' '.;ity. I think long term, what I am
hearing, .r better s 'a than v- urrec :ave.
Chairpers Stamp: : -e anyth!r _ ye:, 1';.-,t to give as 7 update regarding what happened in
your HO.AA -ee ing?
Mr. Bogus -rwsW: N covered -:,iscu sec meeting link r.'.:Implications.
SEVENTH RD,'R Of LESS Di ;fission of Pre'=rves
Discussic° 3f =utur :'sing of N' :. z: -n and Mar imance (Continuing Item until Final
Mr. Wooc. In the . Tim Ho.: rreil H. (indeciphera e)procedure, they have proposals for
settlemen I Teed to the ;our ';- a proposals i settlement in a shade session. Jim
what is th ,anc 'e could at?
Mr. Ward The regu . e Meetir :;-edurs' r,-June 17 et' 0 p.m.
� 6I1
Flow V nuni ioamen': June 3, 2021
Mr. VVc eed : o svi: . :ten.ar.'for that so :an get the list set.
Mr. We : a ne( , ".c _hink Jute : as a problem because we have two
Board r( : s wh 1/;c, 1'1 Jo is we wi st the four Board Members, with the
exceptp. = n,fc ;s. ti: , I `11 hove cc afterwa�-:�'s if Ron can make it. If
he can; :it, ). SC._ sion sca,se,ou :':have a gecrum.
Mr. Dre:: r: I ', s „)c aut of it. I :' ',c technically I could attend this, but
becaus: and _ .n_ ,cght p::ocesses on i < • to handle a proposal for settlement,
it is quite _ly that c -racr -s -ag aroposai for_'ittlement.
Mr. Roe .r I'm _ rd but if`hem were a need to have a
quorur: ping r, t:.,: old fly.r necessary to make sure
we do aoru
Mr. VA gure . t a fter t
Mr. Rc Ge : :)a ..'a :ommen'.. . Taylor Mc-rison's commitments. I
read tr: hat, fot,,lc w .:y ,+::.-e .'alking abc :ive preserve areas where they had
commit a co; :he fund, :u . ==s er:a w re . ';shed, but;didn't find any definition
of wha five :'e areas Thatrc sed a quest: in my mina. Has Taylor Morrison
committs ake : the funs "e ex.-et :ri preserves ritil they meet success criteria, or are
they to 'y abc internal
Mr. lac tie tic =c'- f' sr- : a I don't 'm: what it says cr doesn't say.
Mr. Be <i: I tt s con i c ?a by are,-; as the preserves are defined on the
maps -allp
Mr. Rc Doe c, cc c = the excrnal preserve. ?
Mr. Be ;i: I i :. = _abject io G: ,g back and checking.
Mr. Re We has Tayl or c cited to stc 'a:nding the external preserves until--
? Curre :` CDi -ding the pr_° ; ;:o meet ` : ccess criteria and has been doing so
now for se >ra year Taylor N _ cc now ste toed up and a geed to finish that funding so the CDD
can disc': tha:
Chairpers J imp: the way : 'no. tr-:y will main- the bonds on those properties, not
that the,, a th< g. But r, t is they are at.' c-vledging for the first time that they
didn't ha the mai e done :Bey ti:rne i'it over, wh c was one of the Corps'requirements.
It's a fa.-: oo,J adr oy them r r="y were;:-emature at :-t. That's how I read it.
Mr. Woc I 'ould
Mr. Ron "r,'le I interests • .: have c;,"emitted to something, which is somewhat of an
admissici ,at they 't been do ;;nd they :vili continue +got fund it.
16I 1
Flow 1/Uay ;nmuni ,:-!iopmen' c June 3, 2021
Chairpe.'s Stamp: several c. -_ Ind't to kind of biz-.
Mr. Bogu: ti: Ti their doc „%that the, drafted and eared with us. They added one or two
things :.:c -- sugc the tai at spek: to their corm fitment beyond 2 years regarding the
funding, : thei leritatioi commitment.
Discussi_• (!:inue' -ding the /orr isor document.
EIGHTF OF t :3S Sty ;items
I. Dis orne
a. C. it ref; Owners; Mainte: ance respons a:lities for the Main Preserve located
; e bo: 2s of Flo - DD.
Dnal corn Mr
II. Distri nag(
A'c - t.
NINTH c' r OF B 0fx c items
Chairpe-s it imp: 7v:-is rr:•;•.ing these r . .sings eventually back to the site, and
what the -ing we et. ' m, would ye kke to work with management there
to seer:,), -kly t jt us 'we chose .cove?
Mr. Klecr: r,ould ;editions c' include private, quit:. board room to have our meetings.
Maybe ','a be 5ut in that,- 'nities Center it isn't going to work.
Mr. Wan_ =-cm a perspect ,c:tober 1 is a good date, because 1 have advertised everything
through S etember 721. Yot. , c'st meeti. ; will have ?solution which will set your Board
Meeting c es, time' °cations = caber 1 c so by then, probably the 1'of August, we need
to have a :alined Ic . I have 7.7cts over there so—
Mr. Bogus wski: Re ' :. slly, the c. ;cort, `h: som in the 2ck of the culinary center, is also very
noisy. WE xvz an i c cs proble h `;ui'd gs that we a trying to address, but either place is
going to,t noisy.
Mr. Ward ' can to noisy rc !.most ire ciossible, espe.ially for those of us who cannot hear
Mr. Kie is to )rivate `ror:-nen ;or the elect,- ':ics and for the Board Members who
have he- ?ficits
Frown 1. nun t e S. 2021
Chair-7, imp, the a •ts to k on cat _ I would like to get
Mr. Bo. <i: V a. We want have on-campus meetings too. We
will figL. _ way <e t„_:sc i
Mr. RC-7 Be ye move c Irem rm ber 7 — The COD has provided a budget for the
preserves ?hi jatio; ;air ten° t ,v .Ptinuiry the ;object of whether the COD will in fact
provide t: f:;ndin .411 decide s:op th? ing. That is still an open item, but we have the
funding it :he bud! 'he even r. n"e c: e forward funding up to meeting the success
Chairpe -`imp: =t.
Mr. Ro; I jr„ . to bs sc y Ne hu.. .'t committ•:: here today tc continuing funding the
external c ies.
Chairpers , imp. Vie have r: ii`ted `c wing the re. :urges in the budget to do that. It's
similar o -nmi ;iavi ig t e vrces f c -ie law firm .'oes not mean we are going to give
it all to th it it' if we nee
Mr. Ro: Has ::D at this :it contactec,:he Army Con: of Engineers?
Mr. W_ 2 ha tired a re a ?tter; hov aver, I want,. discuss that revised letter with the
HOA. ve b it up yes. :Icy but wasn't in a posit; : to do so. I am hoping tc discuss a
follow with and see :-re✓want tc In a letter. `cpe to be getting that out soon.
Chairt.: - mp: _t a„sw .have nc but we are _ -:,.,aring to do that.
TENTH 01 OF B S Audience Comme its
Chairpe._ Stamp c :<c there w'. <, any audience comments;there were no audience comments.
ELEVENTI . `ER C '"SS n :;uncement c: Next Meeting
June17, 2 1
TWELVET:: ORDER iiNESS Adjsurnment
Chairpers Stamp tic ed the rr at appros rnately 10:03 a.m.
12 ' Page
� 6I1
Flow Way Community Development District June 3,2021
On MOTION made by Mr. Tom Kleck, seconded by Mr. Drew Miller,
and with all in favor,the Meeting was adjourned.
Flow Way Community Development District
James .Ward,Secretary Zack Stamp, Chairperson
Signature: L' .
Zack Stamp(Jul 19,2 2112:16 PDT)
Email: ZEC 'c @gm
13 I Page