03/18/2021 Minutes 16I1
The Reg_ . ieetin, Board of Directors of Flow Way Community Development District was
held on T. 'scay, IV. 7 3, 2021 at ..00 P.M. in conference room of the offices of Woods,
Weidenr- Mich.. Zudnick, 9 5 Strada Ste:. :_ourt,4th floor, Naples, Florida 34109.
?nt anc Muting a quorum:
Stamp Chairperson
41iller Vic:= Chairperson
(lock Ass .cant Secretary
W Ass1sant Secretary
Mil ;IV-, Miller left the: meeting during the Engineering
Dre:; ntations.)
Wt Dis:.-ct Manager
G : ,C foodh District Counsel
is Tolir. Distict Counsel
Grau Sr, ; and Associa-. 2s
Caplh Gnu ; and Assccia ?.s
A ::Fence:
D; 'd 3ogus'::w.
St en Murray
Jc ;:han Oriole
Je a Martinets: Cah'in, Giordano Associates
Ja es Messi_; Calvin, Giordano R: Associates
D Underhill Bar-Vs Engineering
David Schmidt Hole, Montes and Associates
Cl-_i lie Krebs HOle, Montes and Associates
Ar -';new Tiltc Joh,:son Engineering
Jc an Varbie Johnson Engineering
Ac ian Robaina Connect Engineering
Daniel Green: Connect Engineering
Rc 'ney Dew,: -a Con -..ect Engineering
All resident's r times were r :t included with the minutes. If a resident did not identify
the rnselves or - - , audio file - d not pick up the name, the name was not recorded in these
16 I 1
Flow Way ommuni. .. L.. elopment C << ict March 18, 2021
FIRST OR. :rt OF BU ;Order/F c'' :all
Chairpe - Zack St . :Iliad th_ r ;o or&i.. at approxima:.ely 1:00 p.m. Roll call was conducted
and all IV Tlbers of .yard we e; constit iting a quorum. He stated there would be a period
of public c. mment a and of the --Feting for no--agenda item;.
SECOND C ',DER OF ; SS Pu'::iic Comments or NON-Agenda items
Individual:•are perr ,o spea< :t.J;1s on thc. Agenda durir z that item and will be announced by
the Chain =rson;co-_ ,r,-. ;s limited t_:three minutes
Chairpersc Stamp I -ed there ' : be a time for public cor :,n.ents regarding non-agenda items at
the end c- 'lie mee` : �wever, he '.;ouid be haday to recognize speakers for brief comments during
regularA Iten- _sked how Drew f.` wa_ doing-
Mr. Drev.• I h _r.tiai e:: Jut ever `ping was okay.
Chairpers Stamp' -r•ed the H: c': Boar. embers prr: for today's Meeting.
THIRD,c,:r 1.1 OF B[. 7,S Cc ideration of r iinutes
January 2 .2021 Re '1eethc n<.,., :_es
Chairpers Stamp _.-`< if there -e any additicis or corrections to the Minutes; hearing none, he
called for motion t : a; • rove the Jar' a.v 21, 2021 Regular Meet'--•e Minutes as presented.
iOn 'ON made cv Mr. Tom i<leck, seconded by Mr. Martinn
Wir _ with z:! '- favor, the January 21, 2021 Regular Meeting
'Mir _ ere appro, sd.
Chairpers Stamp: at the ,c::: i/7eeting 3,6:: said you were voting against some of this stuff
because t > comma -as not sup,eert ng what we are doing here. Could you explain to us what the
basis of t!`- .statem
Mr. Drew 711er: I c :;lave tho:: ",e entire com'aunity supports the lawsuit and the dollars that are
going to c spent, th:: ' :hat I meant.
Chairpers: -Stamp: . .d agree the 's probably a true statement.
Mr. Drew I.'er: I he taken a poi!. Have you taken a poll?
Chairpers7;Stamp: let's go ararea the room, :s that what ycu're hearing Tom?
Mr. Tom r-ck: I thin: :rybody is for it.
Flow Way om. uni 'eiopment March 18, 2021
Mr. Ron A; liar. Pe( ::mp io , t.'e, golf c:. ;e and whe:r `:;n out walking my pooch ground the
communiz people r ,-;to me, c,.. ::on't eve. now some c, 'hem, and they say, "Sure glad you're
doing this, and"ke: going."
Mr. Mart ; IV'i.ntei awe heard c ;Iy positive comments. The only negative comment I heard was
"isn't a sr .ve h( ::e Taylor. -o-rison."
Chairpers Stamp: 'card that- :; t-,.at it; c '_ the comm. / to have to do this, but they didn't
say don't it. I w . : curious .;, on you made `:hot statemer. if you had any polling or research or
how mud .:me you 7 the corrm.rnity talking .bout it.
FOURTH I DER OF ?`zS Ci `deration of inking of Engineering Proposals
Consider- on of rs, a' enginzi=. ig propo:a1 to serve as 1-;strict Engineer and agreement with
the Nunn: r 1 ranke
Chairpers Stamp < : _h;trict oar.Jim 1Na: o review thy_
Mr. Jim --G: A: :,,re away : ' go thrc,:_'gh a process: called the Consultants Competitive
Negotiati: Act. It -gineer's, employme; act, or the auditor's full employment act, where we
go throug a proce _''e we ac )t proposals .`or whatever services we are looking for on a non-
priced ba_< . . They s' 'nose props_.o.'s to you. - Bey are qualification based. The Board has to review
them. Yo r,:ay use ,er forum. :c..: c''ecide in t: -ns of ranking. You can use the format I put in your
Agenda. may jr. :'ss it ano r them as; 2u deem appropriate. To the extent that you receive
more tha one pro ;ou have _ rank at le_: t the top thee. Beyond that there is no ranking
required. -.re proce . that I an: s_;ggesting tc ou is all oft-e engineers be given 10 minutes or so
in order tc -3rovide r, aresentaticco to you. Then they will ben a position to answer questions that
you have 'ith resp their propcsa(s and then we will go on to the next proposal. In normal
circumsta :es, in pr. _ days, we generally asked those firms who were not presenting to step out of
the room. -hat is a y thing :t they can do or not do, but with the use of the video call-in, all of
the partic ants wil each other_ oresentations. I want the Board to be aware of that as you hear
each of tr present: put the.:- 'n order on your Agenda, in alphabetical order. You may listen to
them in ti order th : entified or Jr any other order the Chair deems appropriate.
Chairpers: Stamp: fine.
I. Prese' :-anion by ers
a. Bank Engines:
b. Calvi . Giordar iodates
c. Conr::ct Engine
d. Hole. 'lontes G „c ociates
e. John: .)n Engineer'
Mr. Ware The first ._n- leer is Ban;.::, Engineeric c Mr. Dave Underhill is on the phone with us today
represent 7 that firm. He asked f'1r. Underh i to take no more than 10 minutes to make his
presentat and the,'e ,Aver questions.
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Flow We.- nun; oprne;t _. March 18, 2021
Mr. Gre_ ,::'s: N co you f the Dili` .;c ttorrey a: `,;urns during the interview process?
Chairpc ,.e free 3 --
Mr. Wooc . Let us k hen the l resum t
Mr. Dave inclerhil :duced Ba Eigineeri , 80 emplc. ces, offices in Ft. Myers and Port
Charlotte, with a s;: in priva- aid develo ,rnent. Mr. _ : derhill indicated he had been with
Bank's En; :leering years and :ornpletec ;umerous pr. acts similar to Esplanade Golf Course
Commu;'.i . He in; he had r : involved v. th more than 20 CDDs through the formation and
funding c '!)e Dist writing E :c s Reports. He noted Bank's Engineering remained as the
District = :ar fo CDDs. a ed once ,_'ojects were . mpleted Bank's Engineering served
more as : -call maintena::e items suet s lake bank erosion, traffic calming,
etc. He led he gown :r� ;.', :for seve al decades, worked with Mr. Ward in several
Districts a: enjoye- :ing with N-1,- 'rVard. He c.oted he lived lcally in Long Shore Lake. He stated
he was r ;liar wit e=spiana&. 'eject. He ' dicated he been involved with the Parklands
developnm: it which .1. ;ow River:_ns which had suffered the same environmental litigation as did
Mirasol. - _ noted , e plans ma; 'cc a little di` erent, but the main points were the same: wetland
preserve!; wpass c c. He at- he was `aaa liar with this :.e-oject. He noted Bank's was used to
working :1 large ; vial cony, , es, golf cc- ::se commun._ rs, and would be happy to work with
Flow Wa\\ 'OD as a : t Engineer. e asked if tb :-e were any qeestions.
Mr. Ron 1 ier: Are ,:-rently we n t'vith airy ,mrnunities li a ours in the area at the moment?
Mr. Under ill: We c Collier Coun We work far Cedar Hammock. That's a District I designed back
in the fats .:990s ant ,ft, lave staye with then-c :ust to the nc th of you in Bonita lam involved with
a number r Districts "c'ands, Pc ; : West, c' several athe out at the east end of Bonita Beach
Mr. Kleck What sp_ :i . .,?y would> ;ave in : , . 1 for our pre.:erves and our lakes? Have you done
any revie.' -et? Hay Doked at cj.. ilitr'es
Mr. Unde,'ill: I have_ r- gone throe c u the projec or reviewed it or walked the lakes or anything like
that. Coll usually a. higher stc :ard since of. 'he lakes end p being surveyed and at the time the
excavatio; ,rnpleted .r: k-kes are :as :ally in pretty good shape, but again, lakes always
need mail •enance. is always s 'r,e erosion, bank erosion. We are doing projects where we are
going bac in and re ra, Ling some yo-a drains and installing drains and things like that to help stop the
erosion, ir. .ailing sc is _,2ofabrics c':j gent thir_s like that if:you have problems. But no, I haven't
gone thrc ih the pr, o see who ,a of conch;, n everything in.
Mr. Kleck. Zan you _r ' e what's ';:c oh✓ed with tr;e County acc_pting the lakes to turnover by Taylor
Morrison the CDC ' iat does that involve? Does the County have specifications they are looking at
before the will alloy 7:.- or Morrison o turn that over to the CDC?
Mr. Unde "ill: I thi,:< - .t you are really describing two separate processes. The County excavation
permit wi. ; Collier r.: :s surveys tc be completed and inspections to be performed for the County to
close out :e permit:. :at would have happened immediately following construction, so if the lakes
have not sen turns a:' ?r to the CDD a quick look at the property appraiser site indicated that the
Flow Way ".ommunity C: 'elopment Cr>trict March 18, 2021
District own .es, se I a< :;cw rr` h,_ have forma::,'accepted them or not, but really the
District w cont: process ..he accep c'7ce of them. it wouldn't be unreasonable for the
District tc .,-epare t 7 inspectic r•rd the!- v,. ;nt to accept :Ices that are in good shape, but again
that wou, r sep; sue.
Mr. Kleck: 'asically, o r-e saying u to us at r fis point whether we accept them or not?
Mr. Undo I do; it is qui,_ simple, I .rt I think yor rantrol the process and if you haven't
accepted sm, ago ;ink you mu, ,save fundec them, you mry have easement rights over them. I
don't thi, .:•u can :,'no yea , take ti s but it's not -reasonable to have them be in good
shape ai, t :ct them E. a:nt rep-:r to be done , _fore you accept them if you have not
already a;_ that.
Mr. Wint_ 1-low . experience ,c you have .:eating with t. = Army Corps of Engineers and what
experierr ou h. .. .eeing ho .; -ow funds ..re calculated ar eternal maintenance funding?
Mr. Uncle • iii: I hay "„`., involved ';,:tie bit thrc :gh projects that are typically donated properties to
Crew whs' . Crew he escrow e pint that set per acre. Other than that, I don't know of any
others wt e there .yet process um familiw vith the Corps, but normally in projects that we are
involved the ei rental corrs:,.'tants woui sake the lead on permitting things with the Corps or
handling • use proc . Typically, :se funds a associated v. th the long-term maintenance of the
exotic re :vat arc ,irg tho: ;going is tenance. T,pically, those costs are what the
environm '-al cons,: they take :'' e lead mare than I would.
Chairpers Stamp: - one yos ,r c to h.e:s us out of th_ Ft. Myers office?
Mr. Under rli: Yes.
Chairpers: Stamp: ;-ou, or ar ,u now, doir; any work for aylor Morrison?
Mr. Uncle.-- We r ,robably dei ' some work"or Taylor Mo-rison. We generally work for most of
the natio, builder. ' will soy t recall du,-g a project fo Taylor Morrison and I don't have any
ongoing; -k right: h Tay,'cr 'son.
Chairpers Stamp: "ity busine : The scor'l : sheet Jim go:e us has a column for that. You have
any certij ation or = you emp :y or contract with that allows you to claim to be certified in
minority L, 1:iness?
Mr. Uncle Our, :ot a r'-ir c ti-business. .s far as working with other firms, we work with all
the envirc :•rental fi. 'uund the 'r , •r. We are .?exible to use .vho the District wants to use.
Chairpers: -Stamp: _'c ,a have an, >: erlence working with Troun, our new incoming manager?
Mr. Uncle, ill: No. la ` the mainte- ince compan.i? Who is that?
Tom Kleci< They are -- -iagement c'mpany who is going to be esponsible for all our management of
the Esplar le Golf c. : ,ntry Club. <:ierything inc sive.
Flow Wad, ommuni' f; iopment ct March 18, 2021
Mr. Una So, going tc : tyre golf cc rse and take care of the wetlands and the grounds
and all c .' I ar emiliar wit.
Mr. We: eyare t ';re place Goif.
Chairmen p: C ;ues i ok;.� aN these pro. usals, I think everybody could do the
job. W ,'d we oc? Ever, . :ras :',e irne certificat ons, and the narration is pretty much
the same e wa h. Wl. :s you sta-r !cut from the others?
Mr. UndE dor that on;- s :as out. Us engineers, 1 would look at it as being
pretty be Your ,unity is pre :;r rilar :o -e developme is throughout the region. I think the
other en is.; s tha rve—you hnsc.. •;ineering a dole Montes that I recogr,:ze—those
are two r: rnos to hi s th r. cn. I think; really going to come dow„ to the fit
with yo unk you like the best and who fits. I'm sure
that the =r firm ua(ifie . ..
Mr. War -I Mr. essick to
Mr. Jim 1' ->i:k CDD fry apper :y to possibi• :;ovide District Engineering Services
for Flow He ted he v., ;;e th' . oject mama?, - and main contact responsible for
overseeir Prof District srincs Se :ces. He int: ced Calvin, Giordano & Associates,
a smal' crdisciF - firm a:': provide many inhcr a services (engineering, planning,
environs, engi Iandsca;: . :•,;tec; rr, survey, cons:ruction management and inspection,
traffic ei _Eying, and con, mar t:_ s:ce service He indicated there were others
available rreswer :ns. He rc _d the :C submittal nc_ing each discipline needed for a CDD
were loci r in the office. He ' ::r:i the communities for •ivhich he and CGA served as District
Engineer, .:ding north CDD, mar Lai CDD, Aqua .r_s CDD, Bonaventure Development
District, a Indian Developme strict. I- discussed, tf:> work and responsibilities of CGA in
these cor. unities. e sted he be,i.-red the sery ::es expected by Flow Way CDD were in line with the
services ,-, e„peril .A previp ;;cider', stated the multi-disciplinary services p:-ovided by
CGA wou t seam ail Flow CD. r e aicated he ould serve as District Engineer, would
always =be ailable ely mannee is he wet; be happy to Nerve Flow Way CDD.
Mr. Wirt. s asked I ich exper'.e Mr. h :s_- ,: had in den ing with the Army Corps of Engineers
and how r . ch expe Mr. Mess: i,ad in the c_'culation and =:stablishment of escrow funds.
Mr. Mess respon: had sever-- projects where he was the Engineer of Record which had wetland
impacts. e noted -.ad e ,tal staff and similar tc Bank's he would be overseeing the
environm- rtal staff ssisting is he permitting process. He indicated he was familiar with the
permittinz, 'rocess. -?icated he as the client 'iaison for the Florida Department of Environmental
Protection He star )r to mox i to the east coast he worked at a small engineering firm in Ft.
Myers arn as ver ar with th=.. ' Dater Management District and the permitting requirements in
Naples, Cc er and i_ nty.
Mr. Winte s asked i'; e.ssick ha• v experienc in establishing escrow funds.
16I 1
Flow Wv `,,[:runt eloamen ict March 18, 2021
Mr. Me.:. 've h _ ccsis ` would bE sed by the Board to establish future
replacer costs s We ha worked al: ;gside, but haven't directly worked, to
put thos -ts to
Mr. Wi -e yc a:Ali,: nc manog-rrent agencie.: that might be willing to take over our
extern;. 'e w rc;an fang:';
Mr. Mess ?:'o bt d be 1,... groan a' ,nning trying ,Jo that for you if you select us to be
your Dist: Enginee is some t woui:. be right up c afley of services to provide.
Ms. Jens: 'vlsrtinet ."): Mr. (;. . Bernard ^rho is working over there doing a lot of the field
mainteno _e for sor he other C_ ,, he is faniliar with those types of companies and that would
also be sc -thing ec - et going c ;~�.nediate';
Mr. Klee at e; :e have join; := :; nsition, vd'ere a CDD is new like we are, and the
Board P _ s ar. . 'rl; rev.; c are a, going thro_,, a changeover or transitian from a
develops: Li. wit` .r surprises, wanted- check and make sure you guys have the experience
to handle ase and s as we!-
Mr. Mess;: We ac •mere with J :- Word at th Wentworth estates CDD where we helped turnover
and core'. e all of ,,_pe:c :r oll of C ,arious corn: unities within that District, alongside
the Asset Mager over the fith, and the _ sponsibilities for maintenance,for all
of the c . .s ac .o the 'a'. c, i acr : mewhat for iliar with that process and we have
provided • s for a c is COD.
Chairpers Stamp: .J on the ec.r:coast?
Mr. Mess : Right r-, locate- . Lauder_ -'e in our corporate office. We have offices in Estero
which i a work oc we need ing re:. rig. I can m,. sure I am available at any time. I
have twc :Is on th oast, c: c ,:`_k t;e,7 on Fridays _:nd we are able to usually to work out
those trm times c own time sec-use i am a 'er there a lot for them. I used to be in Ft. Meyers
before I :red over rc' t t -r. there a is': with work, and 1 don't see it being a
Chairpers. Stamp: `or Taylc, ;on? Pa relationship?
Mr. Mess . No. I c gave a rep . :ship with Morriso
Chairpers. Stamp: have an, • nowledge of Ysplanade, where we are at and what challenges we
are facing:
Mr. Mess. Not :tailed info motion. I hove looked at an aerial and looked over the layout
briefly, bc:i again if, . -e to selec: .a, we would start digging in a lot more detail in permits and any
other doc: ,entatio tight have ^ct we need to familiarize ourselves with.
Chairpers: Stamp: ty business
Mr. Mess,- We prooc would not ;ya!ify for tha`.
7 ! Page
16I 1
Flow W!'a'. nuni ;- iorjmer.t t,ict March 18, 2021
Chairpe:-3 ;ng with o; new manag:ment company?
Mr. Mess. •?s, w , ,_ . j Na'c`
Chairpe-, mp: • —roan
Mr. Mess . i,of m • ._-:gym an c;set side if'iv:: rave worked with them. I would have
to get be•:: ;,ou tc on that.
Mr.WE _;ted • :o,.no .:;rgineering, arias Robaina.
Mr. Ad-= aina onnect ig ;t - he woul: H the project manager for the District.
He stat:: ey C n ' Do oer,z also press. He stated Connect Engineering was
a small . :y firr cscuss: 'ificatic; and the qu ::rations of Connect Engineering. He
stated Co c.: Eng was a c e igneering company with experience with FDOT, municipalities
and the is al:c sec stated : : - rig had grow in the homeowner's association and
condorn r :omr • sector .r,-...ade Co act Enginee i,ng uniquely qualified to work with
public co ities s.:;s:e' ;rcwth o= :.nnect Engir -eying over the years. He indicated
Connect ; ,Ieerin.: , call ;nr-; a day. stated he derstood how a community worked
and how Eoarc r•c•..rs. He ;:. icated Cc' act Engineering had experience with
permits, ions c. mar , char. _ .rders, spec assessments,consultants, etc.
Mr. Roc; lever< }Juced He no.y.ci he would :erve as a Deputy Project Manager;
howeverBoa.• ; in'.-. of would -amain Mr. obaina. He discussed his various
qualifica He nv E. nr,,ect Eng '•.?ering had a `sli understan sing of client services and could take a
Board's v. on and L. it t to fruitrc" He noted Connect conduc`ed its due diligence and would bring
value to „ Way. oted Cc. was fao, r with pc involvement, understanding how to
explain ;;. in IE terms. .;.as-:ced`:hc :"•D for the c; aortunity.
Mr. Rob: a statec tact Engirt r'-,g won -tracts with he Village of Estero for continuing
engineer se:vicer, the Town Myers -:ach. He in: ..aced Connect Engineering would be
very invo a with ti sanity.
Mr. Wig:` s: Do ve exec working ,`'h the Coy,_ and establishing escrow funds for
perpetura- oi. tena ',re you • •v.• with a and manager'lent agencies that might be willing to
take our G acre • ves?
Mr. Roba --a: No, v rot have a-; experience out from what ! understand this is one of the things
that i4 need to r n.
Mr. Deve : With _t to expe ---ce, we do nave experience with respect to the Army Corps of
Engineers .,here we 7c :: done wet;-:a mitigation; on several projects, however, when it comes to the
land man:.;ement c c io would cc: taking over the district, nc we do not. But again, we have the
capability' f assistin, c. doing the r-<_'.,etirch to assist when it moves in that direction.
Chairpersc ,Stamp: :Ding t ;die this out of the Ft. Lauderdale office?
16 1 1
Flow Wa-s„. jmmuni March 18, 2021
Mr. Roic Jo, w-: n;`; NT an ode County, :i to 40 minutes away.
Chairpe mp: ;; <t Morrisor
Mr. De . we
Chairp: : -mp.. ✓, :dc, :,Wade?
Mr. We coni -e._: a: 'ng well. I see'`n not even on screen at
the mc, The C s a: he e pr_je or done any behind the scenes work
regard this :to
Mr. Darr -c enbe .nect E :): Ws ave done ou research. We have not been to the
comma, ` sica hu ur .. i;gence. r✓ have looked into the issue with the
preserve 's so 1 :;ear s, -,:king with `: = District as soon as hopefully we are
selectee.. `s sc iai n = led thre c project handoff meeting, doing a
mainten; Dery he .ence v1. ;Filar corn .pities just like your own. Our office is
not too jc unc e ne_ , cc. `y. We ,, a- -stand what you are going through as
far as do- orient - r->w c .c s ar as doing ec -due diligence, we have done that.
Mr. De e do c d t, e .v o, r.;; , purposes cj the District and one of the first things
of cour.:,-z fina t also tr• rc tructure rich is going -o be required for the golf and country
club cc, ant s,rne . . lso to N. ice secondi;, tith the infrastructure that's going to
be nee: . appc Arc. ,.Nally to pi_ :+.e the operation and ultimately the
mainte `the .. :y. tha:a:' all, that is th purpose that Flow Way is looking to
Mr. Wa; ited to _ esent.
Mr. Day, iidt v e, Mcr ` ,c,sscc;e - stated he been with Hole, Montes for over 10
years arc south F or. ove" . s. H pied he was ery familiar with the area. He noted
he was ,vi' eng e out was 7 Iticliscipiire:: in the civil engineering field. He discussed his
experienc: He not, i =,lie Krecs .as present EL: well. He rev ewed a brief history of Hole, Montes
and Ass: `es (HN a of t`e d ,g firms southwest c.orida. He stated HMA offered civil
engineer: service develc;:-. it, utility v•::rk, transportation work, surveying and landscape
architect': He nc :MA woe lc -irg in specr.':zed consultor s when needed for services such as
electrical. ;a indica r', 4/A was s', nay serving :approximately 1.6 CDDs. He listed some of the CDDS
HMA pro, ed servi s `ncludina ;d'er's Creel. Lakeland Community Development, and others. He
asked Mr -ebs to s
Mr. Char' . Krebs st: o was a ,c;\ 2ngineer v✓1.:, worked out of the Hole, Montes and Associates Ft.
Meyers o' ce. He st: tc lie worked 7-th several diFtricts in Lake County. He stated he worked with Mr.
Ward for veral ye rs multiple c -.lmunities. He stated the first CDD he ever worked with was in
Estero, Pe :an Sour'=. i 1996. He cc! he was still working witr Pelican Sound (River Ridge CDD). He
stated Ha Monte: a, , Associate:- . a longevity with the com:lrunities it served. He noted he had
experienc orovidin ti- services n ied whether t be engineering, landscaping or assistance finding
contracts to do v ?t° . d preser.< .c~c or help with water quality. He stated Hole, Montes and
Associate: :new the -e '..ices ava. t i i the cor munity and knew how to draw said resources in to
9 ' Page
16 I 1
Flow VV.,: -nun ;, March 18, 2021
provide - ..:s to ac tes and Associates for 27 years. He
indicate, had f.. I t
Mr. Win:-, `low • hoe th establishir escrow funds and do you know any
land me ent c _ wrfirr :c; take over external preserves with the proper
Mr. Schur have --: see,; inve • establis",ing escrow f r.nds for environmental needs. I have
been invc vith g r.;unic. estob%skiing a capita mprovement program budget which
would !c :•`) the ::;lane cc _ also in`; the future a "ttle bit, so they can be setting aside
some c,' mot : _ me = : .. tha: I - ' are able complete some larger scale type
improve. withc ;; to g: ne:e y. One of: 2. districts has water and wastewater
facilities s'•ey do a. soore sps need: • far as makiry sure they do have funds for regular
plan imp- _;rents c re ;forth.
Mr. Krei. the have s ave c _d with env! ,mentalists to come up with those
escrow s, de -,Y the 'c -our.cs, ; t they are us. ;fly the lead. As for finding an agency
who wd, will take eu manage,--_nt, I know have discussed it before in other
commuri, ,gut ar: `v have . c'y co.a: -ward and sc, cliey would rake over wetland areas
and relic :he CDD -t burden. II can't say _T have been s :cessful anywhere.
Mr. Klee u gu had a :6eriencc rth SW Flora you know what some of the builders
do in dek '7g a -y. cl-a'-ages 1 thin; act we are going to have here is, in
addition = pre 'll be :es an:r `s waterway.: that right now ! think are critically
mismanc, or take e o; to the in,:that they are becoming swamps again. I want to know if you
have any ,-4ence hat your c:h wou'e 37 to alleviate ::hose issues in our community.
Mr. Sch.- We'c ith t: same CDDs, espec ally some of the older ones who are
having t eros ::rr. We -..re a: ' =look at diff _at ways that we could mitigate that
and also r the , brir, ack :at they had :en before. There is also the need to
make sur. ,cu are ra:rig t' a : forth and making sure the littoral plantings are
Mr. Kleck, 4 lot of -?e sue as I sae a are the ia;<: banks are a -liner part of our problem. The lakes
when we wed her rr '01:', the �r, the c lity and the c amount of open water, was a lot more
signified), can whc aday. - < :'ere has ' en a lack of cintenance on the lakes that we are
going tc ave to p ch up •,: . are of is that some;ping that needs an ongoing crew or
somethinc :;hat can 'fated witt -egular maint snance?
Mr. Krebs As far c s : ter -'nanag:: -ent, we wo-, closely with Solitude and other lake and wetland
providers help wi ter quality, help with maintaining alg 2 and littoral plants and improve the
clarity of e water. s he District aineer that would be one of the goals, to work with whoever the
lake and etland m. - -once corn_:n; is to resolve any shore erosion, to resolve any water quality
issues, the are in th manager-ant system.
Mr. Kleck; wou.d t able to afire us to those management ':ompanies that would be able to take
care of th issue? I: orrect?
i 6 I 1 '4
Flow Wav .ommunL [ 'eft men[ ' ,rict Maros 18, 2021
Mr. Kra-: Correc . e :ave =a' ..ritf over the /ears, and we can provide contact
informal` c cd star ,!a win
Chairpe,.� Stamp: h office project?
Mr. Sch ,Je w ': r ►g of the Nape,-, office. We are ten to fifteen minutes
away fr.. c: at th .'22. Of we have and ma;: other resources in Naples and also in
Ft. Myers e a the . yens of,`.-c :?rc babi y .)e ,:; than a half;:..or away so if we need to bring some
resource: ^,_a there :o `ave able.
Chairper.s Stamp: -c you ever, -re you lour :.rrently doinc :,vork for Taylor Morrison?
Mr.Schm :: l am n . :.-e ;f c:. _: wen' ; Taylor'Vo;:- :or,. lam not even sure we have done
work in sr po.-rt for r<: •
Chairpe.s: . Stamp: c = e Jevelopmer. . 1s there anything you can advise us
on? Next eps or pi
Mr. Schn, One o, , a;i+ J../ def get up to speed on is the .ending litigation and so
forth. Ge ng famil ,ur n,' its,=`f, is the key ::king, getting familiar and helping you
guys our ,err very > ` _ s. rmunity one the important things is making sure
that regu r inspec do the facilitie to make se they are being maintained, being
proactive ;here is f r e ti;a` ..ids to bey ale •led for. That the budgets are there.
That you' got the "r:: c ±ose ,m:: gtenance ite, s.
Chairpers Stump: .on _ 47agement; rnpany?
Mr.Schr- Idonc a -ye; ` .vitr
Mr. Ward :dicated reser va: ;ohrtsc ngineering, Andrew Tilton.
Mr. Antix ' Tilton ,on •, g sve brief histor. Johnson Engineering no 'ng he had
worked Jo;inso: :,ee ing : 1 :6. e. ated Jordar :arble was also present. He stated
Johnson gineerin : extensive ,perience ' 'bking with governmental entities in the State of
Florida i•z :ding be : City Engl' for the of Clewiston. He discussed his personal experience
which six neci four :Je c es in sc Flc.r:da. -.oted Johns( - Engineering was a broad-spectrum
service c np0ny N. exp rienc; v'ater, se er, stormwc.:er, roads, groundwater, landscape
architect! e.ectri' gineering, ,ironmental experts, permitting, and water quality improvement.
He indicat,.d Johnso w.::-ked for o. : `_wo dozen C:)Ds currently. He noted Johnson Engineering had a
number pecialist. a taff, inci a penthe . cia ist.
Mr. Jorda Varble .ohnson En- eering stated he and Mr. Tilton had expertise in surface water
permitting; and desi . e discusses: local regional watershed :fanning study he and Mr. Tilton had
worked o together I- noted Johnsen Engineering's utility groups were working with Collier County
regarding le lift sta':ion in Collier C: ,ity including the lift station in Esplanade.
Mr. Tiltor ndicatec iae .inderstocc. ow Way he: ongoing litigation; Johnson Engineering were not
litigation cperts but h. done expe..o testing for Bond validaticas for Chapter 120 hearings and had
Flow Way ommuni March 18, 202`
served as xpert wi- a er coy :a relating to past work or problems
which he been en N .c ?nson E ,sneering had a lot of experience with
Communi DeveloE :ric_ Fier: a well as t .. Tampa area. He explained Johnson
Engineers was a r. c ine , r.o vvc. . provide the )D with a single point of contact and
would br' ; the exr :: _ de: pr He .stated J' inson Engineering was established in
1946. He dcated` ar.c; . 'ow U'da} ';'D were in Ft. Myers and Naples.
Mr. Wint. s: '-low sr:: . :u -=aiing with = Corps and/or establishing escrow
funds, on car you 2. nc na e: t agency .eke over the preserves if we get an
escrow f c es`ablis c
Mr. Tiltor Our em rental peop:: have a lot o' experience with the Corps. Sometimes, it takes a
long time . deal IN, ps. ;;: .,sec' ;,�- roject that 'oak all of about 14 months to get the
water me -rgement 2 it and abcc 42 months ts, get the Corps hermit, but eventually we get there
because keep we them dowe his far as re'..frig to find an agency to take over. We've done that
a couple cc'es. I co;: yam:: ; < .'c : ouki li< it to be, so I am not going to tell you
that's a ink c c , pre,. ;an '1e, ,vork wit;, t'. c. The Conservancy or somebody else
maybe r; ccred it with .. else t;: ;they are
Mr. Win _ Do e, ;cc 'cuiating es ,row funds or helping to get them
Mr. Tiltc: ter:, hay xr. r t 2 . .; ajects a establishing the cost and evaluation
that gcc. " :c tha t c sic of tho., things also have a major financial
compose era IOU v 2W, so been c: :es :hat hove teen part of that process.
Chairpers Stamp: we ylc- fson?
Mr. Tilton Our corr ar r"have: sly .7'with them, :gut our company has in the past. I've
talked me recenti, c'eve ru: .�c.'s dealt tb them and one, we are not working
for them w, and t: si bn er; ey don't hc, e to work them in the future, they are
going to is very hap
Chairpers Stamp: er jack ;c:, :. 'eed for Flow i 'ay CDD. Could you tell me what you
did for th& ?and when) u did it?
Mr. Tiltor, I think that as probaL,' mis;crini. Ec, as Jordan r :e ctioned, long before it was Flow Way
CDD, we : j do the : o' 'ing in the , i believe "c intended t_ put Cypress CDD there, and not Flow
Chairpers Stomp: asrience ion - Jement corgi:;Ty?
Mr. Tilton The Cre on,zation, have worked with them. One of the things we did with Water
lylanagen it Distric , 7e early 20 ' s was when they were expanding Crew into the area on the east
side of B rita Spri: s, north your ccm.mw-iity. We hod done the initial South Lee County
Watershe Plan, an. ,s • tgrowti of that, the `v later Management District was acquiring properties,
some of v ich had to g -hrcugh c a. ,oe.-ty taking and we worked with Crew and South Florida to help
them thrc 7h that l, 3 -ecess of c siring those cc reels.
16 1 1
Flow V''r: T. March 18, 2021
Mr. Warc ated c ec :is p of the hea-ng should be closed to
continue. elib:
Chairpe•s -Fmp call to e :)w the CDD Board to
Mr. Ron ;er thani gi pa pre,;. :,ns.
IL Board s oussior 'n C,
Mr. Ror • !_r: I ho c. , .cou ad 'c se has worked with these people in
the past they w: r ,
Mr. Warr Other th r =:a`-;ht am old s_.e days, I have now worked with all of
these firr Usually f:r rem 'r >' irhe;`' The firms lam most familiar with currently are
Calvin, C daro an :-es c, "rat ad .+', tea ,s:' ied what is row the City of Weston,
from a ) to a C . •`'s a-ity v `_, them; it g.: :: back more than 20 years. Banks
Engineer Hole, r i hove kr'oss since he was 20 something years old
as Johns Encinee s:. L': tricts that I :,anaged at that time. Hole, Montes
more rear: and :esser e;sent on some of their projects. I hate to provide
recommer ations tc s use ' your d_:ision. l will work with any of them that you want. I
think fcr, .r art, I w :r. _elf ya :^ink CGA eery good firm. Johnson Engineering
is a very firm. t,; >s `` •_ .articular.'y ink are the better ones. l don't know
anything )out Col : I c' • - i Ju f y are good, Mad or indifferent. Their resume is
impressiv can te. t , , :2d is - 7 impressive resume. Banks and Hole, Mantes, are
also gooc: '-ms, but -s_5�r e-a_ 3 _red spc ',hat/know , cu need for this project I think one of
the other .71s wour c,. b rte"
Chairpe , Stamp: o 'a: < _ t.e are :;n.ng to hire `n, Giordano as the field manager. Is
there ar:;. conomy 71 -• i d QT.? : ,cm a leg up: :oordinate?
Mr. Warr l don't v. to ;:_ `here a ; ; up. It does , ravide some significant hell) to me on
an admin .rsiress it cf coorr_ .t,o-; of the c ;y-to-day activ`ties of an entity. Now, CGA does field
managem:nt and engir :gyring servics for my CDD,:. CGA also works with Hole, Montes on one of the
CDDs tha have wh ' re the ". se: Vlansger and Hole, Mentes is the District Engineer. I do find it
much eas r to have ,, ;;erson to ;.1 versus 2 or 3, and it also is better coordination within the firm
itself if tl,. ' are doi. :h sdes = ecuatior. ;ole, Montes :es not do the asset management or
field mar. ;ement s tee wo �GL. does. the next iL a on the Agenda, as your Chair had
mentione is the flu I recomr; .de:-.; the fie'', nanagement or asset management side of that, so
there are: 'me symr. _l(..rtions": 'get when having them in both seats.
Mr. Kleck: )oes the ccc . on of their o ,7ces matter?
Mr. Warc No. The b a monagem" it offices are here on the ;r-2st coast. They are based in Estero, if
my mem; / serves _ The actualdividual her lives in Nap 2s that does all of that. And as Mr.
Messick r I pointec to ;ou, i . e -r have a problem with the:rr if i need them on this coast at any
time from ,o engine •it aerspectivs
13 I Page
Flow Way _ommuni. .C :eoprriera March 18, 2021
Mr. Win:: =rom h'e d p: '; _; y one of .,,:: firms and they would all do a good
job. The -e oil qua hn ;va ry s thense s, in my opinion, and i have based on
my ques.` 3 bic: c: f he 7d post :: eence with Army Corps of Engineers,
and/or e F!o;.hing rtrs," es, and/o cki.;g for I,Or S manage.mer`agencies. The two that stand out to
me are and Erg , viti r i}.,e a i ': 'dge to Calvin, Giordano because
(indecip,' - ) Br. - : gh li:_ .isn't on t'; :all, was recognized by one of the
speakers 1ru.ing t :`ex:- in.;:co" .g with ore •:d management agencies that might
be willin_ ;e or, sse st reas::-,, I guess I vv. ,d put Calvin, Giordano in a 1 position
and Johr; Engine in the _ ssition, Also, for ;-easons that Jim stated, as Calvin,
Giordano l:l give 4 .one ef" -he .'c. fuss op<rc
Mr. Ron ; e,: l he N, and ed ;t . and Banks : #3. By the way. l know I didn't ask
question- : .. did I,` pre -dons arc'k ;`came to the same conclusion that
Martinn c ne to. 7 ~noecr . ,III aua';);sd and scme oat homogenous and that led me to
asking Ji: r,3 hac
Mr. Klec` '!'y first c : cvc Jid seco choice viou be Calvin, and my third choice would
be Banks.
Chairpers Stomp: v.c•' nuw '- :7ivin 1, Nc,l_ ^.4ontes 2, Johnson 3.
Discussio -ontinue he of the ' g veering Fir s. It was decided the ranking would
be as fo ws: 1. 3 Giorda Assoc: es; 2. Hole. viontes and Associates; 3. Johnson
C-n ` ?Nmade s Mr, Torn 'k, seconder` by Mr. Zack Stamp,
and 311 favor, 11e nginee _. firms were ranked as follows: 1.
Calv ord:sno a ).1!: :ia+:^ ^'e 'V n 's and Associates; 3.
Johr : ngineerirg
Ill. Cons ...shn of of Agree;-;
Mr. Ward. There ar .nays to Oa :-is. The Sta' -`e normally says that I would go back and negotiate
with the r ranked id bring on. areemert Z:_k to you for the April Meeting. If you would like to
circumver that be: these are - ` .:—:ngs t,c save never L�?en written before, I did put in your
Agenda P ,<age a standard _ Temen:: t;ic use, and most other firms use, with engineers and
CDDs arc d the Stc you would , ce to approve this in substantially the form that's in your package
and then : .'ow me, : ( the exte:.t . sY need Woods, he .,.portunity to make any changes to it,
you may that or ;finalize ti : .s.;ore tbe. ext meeting, ,which is what I would recommend to
Mr. Winte We di 'k about ec:nomics with ,_hese proposals. Is there a material difference in the
numbers tween t1-c)i .cial aspec if the cost of these?
Mr. Ward. No. The ,s all have standard scr. dule of fees:or whatever their engineers— there is
probably, "ist of 20 ' 3n all of eir,fee schea:.ies. They are all generally the same.
14 Rage
1 6 I 1
Flow WE smmuni eiopmen March 18, 2021
Mr. W17. wo ':7cse we e r, and to nego .-.te the conrr:cct based on what was
provide: : Age,
On _ ON made. M:a; ;+ Winters, s. conded by Mr. Tom
- was authorized to
neg. a contra on -,n of Agree•dent provided in the
FIFTH Cr - `: F Bl tion ra` :reement
Conside )f Ag -t`with :_,rdan:: Associates t provide field management services
Mr. W(-3, . rder `s the f;:;: _owner's association to the CDD, this
is the fa _gree t f r to do . et. If you choose to do that, l would
suggest do _- the) - ;srons wit'. homeowner's association which I
know is ra sitic _ a lly ,a; Morrison individuals, that are now
represent by indr z 'rll glee -:r a step up to have that in place in
case yob s to a
Mr. Ron, c We :=a at ,` <-_. (7 couple of -les. Where ' am on this, ; think we
would be t serve ue ue M;e -IA/CDD -:c sot at least anti! we get through the
transitic% iiici"7 we = vc un 31, and ;.: haps even extending until sometime
after the thoc s is hair r .sr for rr: years and to me it's kind of making
(indecip „ie)elec a )s e yo 7e e'ecc .1 it's irrevocc 'e and you can't go back on it. I don't
see any•:' .'7s-de in 3 r,g the t or into the f: We don't know whether or not a
surprise a two may -,r -r this tra;. • eeriod ., :ere the HOA .-till has the vendor responsibility to do
mainter..: : c 7 eve.. c rid the :tea '_ Mcr:lso. who has done all of the past budgets
in this re! 1. So, s no._ at th_ giant a si;..ation of the 'TOD versus the HOA. This is a bigger
picture si 7tion of t situatic. - _r.e resin:: its of the coy pity. We are they. I don't see any
upside 'r iceling i.` : -nd just s pray . :t a while ;or_
Chairper: Stomp: do you t 7as an: .npacton the ;,wsuit?
Mr. Greg gods: I\r_ / n.';:think can cc- ::n,ly wait anti the homeowners are in charge of the
HOA ono aluate it -t time.
Mr. Wir:. To me c and the o it is, if the COD takes cc ntrol of it we might get better service.
The con i_ ?at if we xk t over, we -ght be inhering some oft e maintenance that hasn't been done
that shop,. be done ac couldn't br_ - expense b t should be Tc;lor Morrison's expense.
Mr. Kleck. agree w h :Yt and I thin :iat our attorney should pe-haps make that decision for us.
Mr. Wooc I don't c:al sny decisio- :t i your c;'.vision, but you:r attorney would recommend that we
wait until -e new H'A and is in prc
� 6I1
Flow`^ -nuni ct Mar:n 18, 2021
Mr. Re, At _ 51, j and on th :,ecipherable 1:26:29). We are they.
We she sake 'k toge` with the HCA Board.
This Ita. amo
SIXTH C F Bl Cor..:`aeration of - edited Financial Statements
Conside are of AL it, oci :rents ::r " s..«I Year 2C7: which ended September 30, 2020
Mr. WE : :ated ra: au ; r;d ,sociates wa' present via telephone to review the
Audited al S - ?e the r a �.`inai St-a. ments that should be accepted for
purpose 'usio • ar_i
Mr. Tor , :as wits wi_..e he Audited -lancial Statements Fiscal Year 2020
ended 5a :griper 3 . le a , ft opinion wa_ un page 1 and 2 and reflected a clean
opinion spec = per; c : disclosure_: of the CDD. He stated management
discussi -;rsis . : •;nci a ,ty during Fiscal Yea-. He indicated page 4
reflecte: ,::mar on hi showed th . assets and liabilities and net position
including i;al as 'c : . : aic.': d age 5 sho ..:d the changes in net position and
compare amour can the \'asrs; e • .nge in net osition went from a loss of$190,000
dollars s of dollars :scal Yea ' ; 2C. He repc : d the government-wide statements
were or anc s :-as t' in:`'-� n as in the -.,anagement discussion and analysis,
just in r': tail, paga ec r,e a:'vernmentai 'unds, assets (cash and investments),
and fund 3larces, 3.2 millio ;;1z in tle : ebt service f'.nd, the capital project fund had $1.1
million C: ...a and t e:-.ji funs d ,anprox ;naiely $366,000 dollars. He reported page 11 showed
the inc. -eme s awed ap.aaial ass 3.;sments, rev: ..:es, expendftures, general fund, and
debt sery _. ie st ge 13 b the notes The financL statements. He indicated the notes
were sin to the ,al. H; Were WE a no new acc.runting standards which required any
major chi ;es to th 1,was the su: nary of the capital assets; $23 million
dollars in `r asiruct ':l- 2. : .alla-s ppreciation, and a balance of$20.4 million dollars.
He stated age 19 r a descr ; :rn cf the dif?=arent bonds issued throughout the years. He stated
page 20 r' lected t` c : nges in tip: :ebc for the .principal paid during the fiscal year. He noted the
District c d appro. y $31.5 r :aolla s a_, f Septembe- 30, 2020. He reported on page 21 the
amortizat sched. .. .ved how :.,ch debt we id be paid o"' per year for the first five years and
summariz'' in five-,,.a ncrements. -le noted the"e was a disclosure on the litigation. He stated on
page 22 • :s the b. ,'g to actual indicated . ,e remainde of the report contained the various
reports t aired un_ar ;overnmenc 'editing star.ands. He no-.ad there were no findings and clean
opinions. asked ' i_i _ were ar', esf-ions.
Mr. Wintc : Your f a on litiga' 'n scys nonwastirg escrow fund cannot be determined at
this time. hould WE S. :oking a co - -gent liat for that nonwasting escrow fund?
Mr. Grau No. Ths it works c contir ' ,cy is, it's recorded, and this is subjective because
obviously we knev e -tly what as, and if rt 'as a liability it would be recorded, so there are two
criteria. It is prof. }b that the e.'t - has occ; and 2) it co:.rld be reasonably estimated what the
amount is At this ft is not pr: sable and c: estimate the amount, it is too broad right now to
accurate': =stimate the first c `eria basics a, as long as he land is not turned over, then you
16 I Page
1611 '
Flow Way 'nmmuni'; ` elopmenf . r-ict March 18, 2021
don't hc. a estabi , r point is asn't been :: ermined whether that will happen or
not. Tl . -e thin; v.,Jald re.: :ae neget rted; you wo-, d have to come up with the amount.
Let's say at in a ye ,.r, now it does apen, and we negotiate, and we know the amount
even afte . ce. year is ; t::•_,1 we . :1oo1<it. :.es that help Can you hear me?
There we echnicz i'.S:s w;_ +i.:aio :o. oxmat�iy minute.
Mr. Wie But if r: to ,.'c t;ansfer land to a (..• oper land management ag:_ncy there
would b c escrow -cc ai-ec m to accei. the transfer.
Chairpe' Stump: ; :kc it with:; cone.
Mr. Ron .-er: In r r< y 'a g oat there maintain the preserves in perpetuity
subject tc ny chap. _ _. gc: ;c r're CDD wig, c hammered with that in the future.
Even if t -. is l thir :L. c of dam ;es, those day rages would come over to the CDD to
fund that ability, b ;iebility i_ . 't is mcr . of a situatic: due to accounting rules that require
you to r ;.. anize the cnn F. %r the bee. . cr.-put r -e financial statements as a foot note
or do ncr y. Who - coring is . -ase it is stiff ,ague enough that there is no reason to do anything
at this tir bet the change .`_,, tame we ._t to this poi; `next year. The only solution to that
long terr old v ^e cis - 7E_ ws ;hat are jug gable, is that this Board would then
have to ,e re Co we assessinc :e residents `cc something we think is not a CDD
respors -hat f, 'ou_; c 1-there
Chairrrc a: V .;._ody c . :Let. = assessing ::m for something that we think is not
a CDC )ility
Mr. Rcr. But . C r'tenr; ' isct:n is gig.
Chairmc n: i, it is any c'i,`:-rent than an government body that knows it going
to har._ 'tale, -ve ro r 'ntain the str ets out there forever. They have the
ability t: the h ? :i'ity of main;_ firing the streets in perpetuity and put
that on t, .oks c
Mr. Ron t ler: But jumpi. ,c a: :! that the Bc rd would approve a motion to tax the
residents the futu .amethinc some B 'Members r 7ht not approve of.
Discussio -ensued r = '-ow r: 'tai:c ng the eserves core. Jared to city street maintenance, and
liability yt ;us non r Same s conven e, _.1 was indec,)herable.)
Mr. Wirt.. -: I think Sr "visor Mt; _ question is. what are the accounting rules regarding booking a
potential ability, ar ; ar that it :o vague to ;tgure out whet the mechanics are of estimating the
amount, c d I actua, nk the mec rics of estimating the amc ant are fairly straightforward. It's the
annual cc - divided y vestment ,. s of return, which the Army Corps of Engineers has historically
always us 2%. So, -r 's the der_. ',ator ana the numerator our annual costs, so we could in fact
recognize number, =v If it is a ro- of numbers. I guess what "m hearing is that the only reason not
to do it is at the ev .. lity of this co vague frt. ;i an account'fig standpoint to recognize it as yet. Is
that corrs: -?
17 I Page
1 6 I 1
Flow VV= omen' .-irt March 18, 2021
Mr. Gre At ever:- c ;ring that :uld trigger that, the liability has not
been in ✓ou r. ti ;: > tiered. Tie gger is when the land is transferred.
Mr. Ror it a -e been tray. 'ed.
Mr. We y frc
Mr. Gra%:. you 'ike yoc :laintain the . .nrnon area, that's something you do
every ys 7 the .21y' . ar becate3 e not been incurred yet. That's just
the way •s. Vl are :v. fables. ;7: . .•ent has not occurred yet that would
trigger `i det. : have up wit,: `re annual maintenance cost that has
to be age- .:ion c _ `low, ye said that the used 2%. From reading the permit it
did not it it ... d_:`•_ ned. If i.3 then it is an enormous amount of
money c.. _,.?d tc bu`t` ,ver the disc ;nt rate, then the higher the amount.
Mr. Wir. ' That's c.:, _ vith tin Corps of En ineers. That's what I was told by one
of their eentat, c's ecc ::i,ody can r: `; agree on what the rate is and the
rate flue:, Rig! e C 5;',' 196, so the 4 .:'ps defaults to 2%.
Mr. Gra: ~h, bu ;: neCarie ce arguee, ecause if you are funding something
long tern;- " a per c; t:;c -r. lookirr •Wore at like i e 6%to 7%. But again, it depends on
what gee. • to the-e :' it;s.
Mr. Ron I we e `y con that 6% c 7% is not eve.i possible because I have taken a look
at it, an: ores C3', ;-ury'i:'i
Mr. Gra;: is lot v :ould itin, it is ,, .t they could ',vest it in.
Mr. Wa I th ,r analc ; C. Trey c Lasically the s:me at this point. They act in similar
fashion -. do, _ r irvestrr: may be a .'.`:'e bigger, but basically the rates are the same.
Mr. Ron Net sss, Florida c e'nment ?ncies are re tricted by Statute as to what they can
invest in, -7at's ,''y treasu;-i •ates. i think you can probebly the CDD's or money market funds,
but base •iasur
Chairper; Scamp: 'e were -e-ring it ; somebody "se, they might not be under those
Mr. War: :or'ect.
Mr. Ron 1 7er: if al •untant is : r- •ng that we Need neither r booking liability, nor even a footnote,
if those an the accc rules, i a 'od with that. I simply we .`ed to make sure that our accountant
was aware .:f our sit ' so there .:d not be a'r oversight of t lis.
Mr. Grau. ,Ve base: 'sc iosure • r; what the e-torneys had le their letters and updates. There was
no amour crovidec ;t what .>nlc•sed, bee.use it is unknown.
Flow Way orrimunit., _. ;opmer ..: ;ct Marc t. 2021
Mr. War ` ou ar.- with that; : > .4 ask for a :notion to acc_ot them for inclusion in the record. ;
will finaliz hem anc file them :'; the appro -fate regulato-v agencies.
On ;ON made :4 Mr. Ton- deck, seco;- sd by Mr. Martinn
Winer; and all in ' for, the Auc tad Financial Statements for Fiscal
Year 2_1 0, ended :,� ember 30, :020 were accepted for inclusion in
Staff Repo 's
I. Distri, :•=i•orne, oods,Wei- ,;miliier, Mic cttii,&Rudniic.
ill. Distrri, :Manage,. -. Ward&Ass :.fetes, LLC
a) Fir siae State =. is ending? , :ram 31,202'.(Unaudited)
b) Fi Stat rdi;:c .a-j 2., 'i_ (Ursaudite;.
EIGHTH C ('ER OF E Ag' . 2ment with 71OA and District
Agree; ;.h ME iomeowr:: ascociatior. -nd District ii-;ntinuing Item until Final Decision)
This I s: ontir
NINTH OF cR OF B1,. . :SS Dis:..fission of Preserve Funding
Discussio°: of Futur : g or P. _•:,erve Mitiga`°on and Mairsenance (Continuing Item until Final
This Ites sntir
TENTF° - 3F B 'ems
1 6 I 1
Flow Way nmuni` _ :iupme March 18, 2021
a. Con '.dint red. ; Cwnerr .rid Mainte, .once respons::rilities for the Main Preserve located
wit, be es o
b. Dev _r rel n of Re: . 'Nalkwav ite to 10(II) (b))
M . is: file {. " : for Morris. -,as filed a motion to dismiss. Fairly
star pros ;ie a:o .-,;s aid the ' :.: nical requirements involved. Our
gen ositk _ s just o ^patter of mee ng requirements.
Crc S -i:nk their c:'•,,nces are?
N~. is: I ;a be r: .ed with lea, to —a judge would not
d;s,. it in ti i it is cl.a : up the plecdings, so to speak. The
judc .,Id gr DC : . or of— ;._ . rg the judge says "yeah, i think they
are 't on th
Chc -ion Si : us up tc c; on Tim Ho' :rid the HOA?
Mr. :is: with 7 ,.co; he will ;-Daking an appearance shortly in the
law :ssur sues wig gage or s':. _'.h'ng like Tim Hall is in the lawsuit and they
w,i! ci ably otioi as tic. : .:oat is st; -id procedure. I would expect that
sho: The ` spoke ;ylor Meg' : an's counsel .-Ind they had asked for an extension
regc the ';i the „r 14 Board t involved. ; agreed to that extension to whatever
data BOA subsea: : Taylor IV r- son decidea "o retain an attorney for the HOA. An
auto ap in :y th, cil S i he has f: T _r motion to dismiss the HJA. I have
no •hy c i that. be surer' h if they coui.'even get a hearing on the motion to
disc :s. If th a hearing the motic o dismiss h:ard, by the time we had the leave to
am• the HC . ci!e tt. ,et and,c ore jump; through—
Mr. an Miller- are they c :g that?
Mr. '':,-,cds: ,d g:: discuss/or. with the N attorney. st keeping each other
info .=c'of is
Chc -on 5 .'r st so mne knows reg, I and Decipherable) and Dave Boguslawski
he :. som ca,'/s as 'Indeciphe _ae 1:49:30., :all it the trespass letter.
Mr. :is: spass le:t.r cnr out. =ceived a response just a little while ago which I will
fors- -d to lin- 'a':g anc r`.c rt of it r their response generally doesn't follow Florida law,
but assent/c s toe dev r '-ad an ii vernal of the l-^..;, in the Declarations, they have the
abii to mot:- ` -7gs and t,� cart of this: s, but it rear does not address the fact that the
pro, :-ty is no ''DD's pm y and not HOA's. That would be a significant flaw in their
logi: I will shr a t with ycr. rid we will ar oft a stern response.
Cha -erson Si-ir i was ha -g that Dre.', or Mr. Cook were here because if you look in the
pac I had atact hir rut the brio,a, the bridge probably a legitimate thing they had
to c • and ask -' , what arc -:;; doing, arc' why are you doing it. The response we got back
16I 1
Flow W v y --nuni elc c rile March 18, 2021
a, they c'a': _ re ,:r,. its; they v, . into the buffer of the preserves. I
loo,• `a:the r . In '!dia - coy bu1r id they retL a an easement over a buffer?
!1,r- is: If ;.' to car vi h South =',Jrida Water Mianagement permitting
t;-_ teve - , v,..,-; ,l; .5e to cc. .act Jim Ward, give him the plans, let
h , whc - givc cof of insu. _ cc, all the standard things you do for
y'' :..hbot T`.:; oohing. .y just said, ,,are we go, here's what
vr= .' lg. rri,r:r,. .,pas _acs kind of _re we are at on that issue.
P .ers: _ ;Ic := -nec rw;:. a lock at tt: -idge to see if it creates any— we've
a, ,: _of a a ;cs - vi:1; i.: and gran :;nd everything growing in the pond.
D. mak r :-a.r _ Jo: or ma :xpensive that we now have a bridge
tc yin? or engine,: :g plan of this thing to review. No
a,... wet _ -3. -• -so 7 we a: ;'t gotten their attention yet. I want
U.. - , -r act th r a. ..-'en they ed to accept these preserves, should
tice r Mc .alo, recuse er-,selves :r, the vote based on the Ethics Law
tha ;,_y shot tc cc a 1 . ;.ena,`.'_.: .sir employc nancially?
11, ,-. . c 1s: T e .:c is T':c quest;.. is whether the facts—when did they
hay ;rac.wled, : _ :: - tc : We dc- ' know all the facts. If South Florida
4'v`a -anag _ -i,::_ ft,: .and sat '.y, we've got to have (indecipherable
1:. ._ _ ; :hen - .;:c : rs st-:. `:-e; were r swore of that. That we do not know
a: - 'nt.
IVr. crs: vs :" corre'c., .:tween t... -wo events. They also, the Taylor
Ai or emi - i.- favor amending e. permit with South Florida Water
Mar ge rent ;ic` they shot.: have recuse. themselves from. And I'm wondering
whc ive s, arps of --giineers the_ .hey've made this modification to the
pre: vas witi -c _ -ar as c _view. This is another example of them acting with
in _i and. . _ _ ave ye. 'itten their at -ention, that they need to act like they
arc :i st a hiie v c ; Through it c id get it all figured out.
Mr. )o Js:I: : .cy Cara:; a good idea 'adecipherable 1:54:15).
C on S- Did you c A o;n the ccu,: y far permit
Mr. '✓ads: (I:- le iherable.. ,r real estate People (indec pherable), but yeah, we are checking
to r- -ure , "the pry, _ %al sty perm.. The probi is the legal process takes a long time
to : iere : ani to gc. -e ,,ou ;de '-ere you wii . _ happy with the results, but there is
not 'ot you c instantane :sly.
Mr. -`inters: . .. ?rstand. ! ., ;w where Su_,ervisor Miller stands on the Ethics complaint. I am
star -:g to get in favor r-,-: . I have not;c_and Supervise--Kleck state an opinion.
Mr. eck: I c if it's gc; ;o get us IL; .:her down tic-_ road, and it's going to get us some
sati. -ction, I c.:' s. If it's -;_ );na to gad- . anything, I ?ink your recommendations were that
Flow W , Yr nuni r:- March 18, 2021
A/ is: or.. Jes not affec :''hat Taylor Morrison is doing or rot
Mr. cr;: It's - fere:n u,final—
Mr. 'cods: 1 r.d , r,: the con._:iairt were s :-:essful, you would end up with a fine
ay:; < i.ie ir, E : A of;- • collars. .)uld be more, but it's not typically a
huh Inc. It's ly . ✓<.: , Jr-Go
: Sla
Mr is: C • v. :e seen.
N - Miller : rr comp - -s?
is: f -I c: t ;hat ccessful against someone which the
t we he ag. ci not to rur, for public office in the
fu hat =ar -oc3ss. lus_ .;v way of example. You never know
going exarr;:r.
ors: ?p, it looks to. - like this gc f cart trail has nowhere
to "r ord: golf cc rt trail, they :. ie to enlarge the pond or shrink the
por. -reat cuss r ore now in r e buffer zone of the pond. So, do you
ant the to ; cane up v. • an Engineer's report to modify the
pr.- -der ail
N: is: T st:r-abr. c:d not re!,,on Taylor P' :on to figure that out. I believe that
we _ca to ur -e and he : . �+ Engineer rke a look(Mt' see what kind of problems have been
crec nd sc )iutions.
M ?rs: the 1 as of._ -eers have ieigh in on what happens to a pond
tha :?ing r ed witho ';eir %nvolverrent and appr. ai? Do we put a stop work order in
pi,o-• we c m io the to make they do `h c r operly, or do we just allow them to
c Join: they a•c - ; cird wait, : it to be dcr - before we make--? What would you
re: nd?
_ds: I e respects. . busines_ recision to .c .:nest kind of would like a fully built
no: vay, :ay.-."it in • _- d(incec :nerable 1:5S �.
Mr. 'lard: I eigh in o: - st question. Those lakes .ere financed with bond funds. This
Dist- .:t has to 'ssively par: e anybody v a tries to modify that water management system in
any 'ay, shop, .)rm. So, -tor Morris°, or anybody, the homeowner's association, wants
to g fill n a p a lake, C:. ,:s to be agg, ssively purst. up front.
Mr. linters: , you k: hey do :? That's the, oblem.
22 I Page
14I 1
Flow Way Jmrnuni it_.mer` March 18, 2021
M . 'art: R 5.;: ::, 7,nd he ca,,, -?e, then I'm going to say call Greg
bec, sc Ne n y - sta _ _orre ,,v to stop chcdi . ork from moving forward. That's a
maj b >ach, ic::. 'pry . 'OiIo.' do not put: : that.
Mr. 'n;ers: uts is it _s,i'on to M 'igilant about everything that they do because they
are :ominc F tc, to with IL: any way,shape or form.
Cnc en S r; `0 'arc: sir _ a note, I c. , 't seen it yet, saying you told us you
we; going tc t. +ation a d you have • ✓en us nothing, so I think after this
me. r roe sr 1 r HDA :'ect Board an: :cide, and I was going to have Greg
w, irouc e.
M . is: Ir It; ;ay.
Ch.: on S. aridge.
Mr. v1ille a r , thrcc.o' ny mind: wn :-e do we go from here, what are the
co-. . aces
Mr. ocds: i a, - mpt to get t`. f 2ounty out there to take action. We
woc have tc : 'think that's .obably easy to prove. You could get
the :y to 'or, a'ic e.5 ,nbo which -.daps we want because at that point
rya =cot. otiate.
Mr. ors: c ei :.ention. Tr.,,just seem to be oblivious to the fact
tha, le, have h re. 't all.
Mr. ocds: (I :heroble 2 :24 ;halfwn; 'lone as it is, rut you've got this corner of a building
in t -t pa. of a way ;; It'_ c .- :ard, so I cc; : imagine they would just leave it the
Mr. )r ✓lille r. th 's t 7 sequences. we in danger of shooting ourselves
in i foot h as✓se th rt s .r. -dy telling t'ern that they must do this with no
alte ative, ar they are fro,n :,at they car do this? Where does that go?
Mr. loads: shut there „vnn, they ore going to hove to negotiate with us, getting out
per; n to Mich is =y have done the start. That's the real problem.
If ti d co :s and I or . 'cnation, p ovided a reasonable plan, reasonable
pro' �s, v �t have : gc .: ,nd do it. E it that's not what they did. They just
dec c :hey -re of going with the SOD and just do what they wanted to do. That's the
pro, :?m. So, guys wcr to try arc -et a stop wo-k order, you are going to get their
Mr. on Milk .iey've tag:: he pc sr-`1ca to go forward, and if they get caught ask for
for e,ness. Ij on't forgive err• and we rhut them down, then we've got a couple of places in
our :mrnunit -e the trai _=tops and'times to a dec-i end.
23 I Paga'
Flow Way .am-nuni- . elc: , r„
March 18, 2021
Mr. _mac;: Tl . .. _ , _ ) ,;;:ess -_-;: jc on the gravel. From a litigation
of . ,cilt is i ::o n.. a:_ A • cod force 0-ern to the table or to let
:07son ei. .
. is: I . • er • de.. :.s ..tually it just shows a developer run
c- . hey 'n;_ J•t ,- ;,sing to do and put everything else
c nee >r._ -__:st keep being idiots.
Mr. _. .: I ri „ s.: ;eir colors too many times to our
orgc a;Jon, I are y 1. ; themselves deeper and deeper.
Mr. •inters: ,. ,-c, ern gc, i, 'Ye and change the pond, right?
IV.. 0-.1: Let arato a es . ;;ruwc':, : -,ething that sits on top of our water
rra je;gent n. When ' th.. .c o;;d ' ?,_• a about it, and it was — okay, we
und: staid it ._ to get c ;t c::ec done aiasc 'ely wrong, but it's got to be fixed at
son- punt. 7 • t p, r ; ,c ,to ',hc .:a lank is substantively more dangerous
fc: ,ic,-nts. in. d:;; ;;r Mort-is:, tries to go ir: here, or anybody tries to go in there,
and 71 that lc because 1 .-'s where trc t cart path is now, that's where we have to say the
ru,b meets ad and . ._ ,.o s`c, e:•r,from dolt - that because that impacts a system
ti-c, 'as pair :Jr. von( _ _-nd we -ie a respons .fllty to maintain the integrity of that
sysi. a and nc . nybody r-r_ i use kinds ;f modiflcatic, s.
> ors: 'ie needs t,: If you intend to do anything, we are
gc. �uti' -
:n Wille! `s, , : '"aylor Morris :1n solve the safety issue by building a
ve' Jr ficar . , . .. e' , ':.acipherable 2: 5:43.)
Mr. 'inters: you say a. ,etKrig like solar this is -arly CDD property, and we have an
obi' 7 ba the bcoc ob,ig.:u. ,i' to maTht waterways, we insis` that you
inve. in t: :ring prc�
Mr. °ocds: I ha is a e:_er.L.e:c, se if you say 'we insist" we are not doin ' it on the
bac _;f on inv . If Tay.. - cr:-rson the: ignores us, we can at least proceed witi- seeking a
stop cork orde , factual'; t?e lawsuit:his proves—
Chc :e. on Si , 51✓e alsc - Mil::: ;: :re which is t' ,se stakes, and we have no idea what
the; 're, up th : side of : : -ty. ' <. 3 are about<"stakes.
Mr. ✓inters: ,c because ,,,,,pie bo:-d•,alk started o it as a series of stakes, so it indicates
tha' omethinc 's ing to hap;;
Cha aerson Sty .n Are they aag co move :~e fence? Move the sidewalk? So, is the consensus
her. `hat we c rig to prat : a �w;'th ant`i- -letter and t;en we are going to go for a stop work
ord. ? (indeci ale 2:07" :ct the •-ps.
24 I P a g e
Flow Uli v _ nuni :,7,e; March 18, 2021
G u, n, r,:= :e is going be permitted through South Florida
V f. snag it is ;_ but I wee probably start with the Corps, Collier
,ermit G. e c ,i 07 :e that we r_ . a problem.
is:A, 5. a at. i, egement ibis -ct?
i ': So ge ,;._n ct,
II. nage
a. A✓ .i?rese ,p-: id t-1 a+ :' :ociates)
b. i :;a�:r rel. c = kv,
S• .spe ' .es and a cls who was hired.
• I i;.;ers: `i tte Ib e .:er than t'icc, : -e knee deep in the process and they
h.,:. ,,, :ed a: ,_ Vie ✓er about t:e ' _are trail that goes around.
k:c 'and: T :red' ee;; s ed their fleic 'ork with respect to all of that with
of c r at, cameras r.,c:; >ed to go into the pipewcrk systems
fcr they tc m _se I will ae_ 'o get a vendor on board to do that.
7 :e _„t ohas sta-,-chc. : of` e .tort. They c.: ;'t give a time schedule, but I suspect
11-'s at least , er we r. ;the -e>f ore we eve see a draft of a report and at least a
six v ` c vi r ::ec :. . ,> they won: use to do the inspection work. 1 am
:t wii cc cc !-efar :._ tics : s,nt of the e: : Board, the full report.
f: l✓Iille ✓e : use • ,✓lec,"ge to the cenc of the littorals on the lake banks?
as t, cLJ.,a be? `hey ov: gown? Are 5y not enough? Are they the right
I h _en -evic. littora; tuation and lake banks and what I see is, what
my cerience re. the.- littorals on that lake sank. Very few and very slim. I don't
see; ad have r has adde, any more littorals to the lake banks
s. cc beer ie :sses and t,';: lily pads, in both the flow way, which
is . canal s, out crr look at the canal along lmmokalee, it's clear. It's
pe: clea, _ , ; ;he west side of our property is full of lily pads and
swc rassr ar the I jt s t,rnk that the:, e ignored our lakes and our ponds
cv r 'y.
r✓ 4ille rr s✓✓ar-p g ss. They seem to have a limit based
up. dept n;: 10 or 12 fee of water.
M . The. 1G.„j .,scantly.
Mr , Millet err. ?nsider apprc riate littorals fora pond.
Mr. eck: As .a dealt wh• in the past, they are not supposed to
U 25 I Page
Flow Wsy ;r='rnuni. . [ Icrrner: March 18, 2021
M•. ✓lille,' e. -??
N Li ,ney c;s ;ot cut back d trimmed on a regular basis, and I
ha no 7c `akes that?c:, 'or Morrison would put in there in the
16, I've t; been in .`ho neighborhood I have not see them do
ar,y sac to communities you will see down on
°e. 7 alle; immokar'ee crystal clear. We need to push them
he hat I be in a _ituation w.her,_ it's out of control to the point where
the 1 < aw - r - stuck '-th it. As I se it right now, they have not done
C;,- onS
14 :ers: - _ s will addres it. And when we take over the
me nce
IV! 0 : _ • ai ou are e:solutely rigf:r, we can correct it, but
be -- :he E ,c 'ith r.
Iv : Ar 4orr so, going to fix it before they give it to
Mr r,r.1: Th
Mr. Wf , a: _x 'e . :ur be done:
IV I s. .e . ;,'cu wi:. 1;, the report.
Di. sicnen° :ve-cat tieingMa;cY but officially May 31.
M. ': Tf. 'xpc:c es that ,.e c'talked about some time ago. Tony
Gru ill w oary s. _cud him f::r : :;se efforts today. Tony I will ask you
go and r rtviev. 'eser,,e .,:.cit that you d.
M' : If: ula hoic' :r `lave Davie :cme in as he is the one who did the
M:. I Cal. I cm an c - crtne, > a_ Grau cr i Associates and we were engaged to
per: r.m an a upon pro,- _lures engag_ment. Basically, we received two schedules from
Dist :t Mona! t that repn c="ted the cc `of the Distr,;:t from October 1, 2013 to September
30, :i.2C. Tht 're 750 ite: those cc.:edules that ..esented$30.4 million dollars. The
pro: lure we med is -:petted t1 a 'nvoices anti equisitions that were represented on
tho, schedulf the wora p s ac-ve. Appe; 7.ix A, on page 4 of the report, shows the 44 invoices
we, unc that `he wora;. Apper::ix B, on page 5, shows the one requisition we found
the, -ad the 1. _reserve. C, st:; ring on page 7 and through the end of the report, is
25 IPai e
16 I 1
Flow V.- -nuni March 18, 2021
c pag: : thct ✓i: the word preserve. It was a pretty
two any qt.,. `ons or comments.
Mr. ?rs: Joked c cery page and reconstructed this in a
sp :: _ ieet yea. what is shows is that there were
$.23 doll = , .for 2:1 or 2017. In 2018 there was $5,400
dol" s,aent 'twit ;OG jar legal. `-1,100 other for a total of $18,000
dc; !n 2C N "-:,COO dollc for maintecance, $13,630 for legal,
of _ in 205 c;d in 202C there was $205,000 for
MC' 'r nce, _. ;2,8,375 do r: in 2020, which stops in September,
so i no:' It s:o:. the fiscal year. The grand total is
%.;: dol. this .re- .etive account so we would have a
o inc t rest.,
Pt . Aille _ as den; I'm sorry I didn't look at this earlier, I
jut d it. : ookirg *he expense_, is that too narrow of a
ss. are 'hatevc .lcurred the:: don't have that word
pr_ -• the a like :_enario. When Tim Hall gives us his
bii usir, U e1 e say p erve work? Or would it say general
bill! sere, e ' 7vge ace; t t of money in expenses by narrowing
i tc vord
• f: T on pa;, 1 of their report includes all of the
ve.7 hat r ber 1, :3 through September 30, 2020. This
is e end: ly, ,cok at the;. .'endors and tell you whether or not,
Juts sing e ,;ork in cr 'Jr this District that are related to the
inte 'rese erg _. ;r example, c_cause I know all these vendors, I was
obi( oint 71 ors wi'. knew were n this District related to any type of
pre: = wotl word r' _-serve in all cc their invoices. He further explained
h+_ ,rent a` e preserves He noted he was able to look at this
aud poir c : y d to the ver.Tors who worked on the preserves.
fv: : Ye It, ',`'o;;?
Mr. 'ar:i: Ye.
Mr. _cr.: Is t -e c.,_ ,
N. aer ' 7'7 to Y 72 - 000 dollars is the correct number. It
gm This y cpc _. ode at number now that we are starting
up t t 'u me or the E ?SF, a'in. We tee ced Tim Hail.
Mr. Mille; en we go '.ci the 20_S amount of`2258,000 dollars. That has an April 28
date i .;n try find this.c.. tr. e I have seen it once, bu.-my recollection is that the wood stork
area ;c' coni ever some 2015. was somehot, connected to a bond issue and some
bar, ds. . .ect to tre ent of ' ..2ecipherable :23:12.) were we actually paying for
exp, ec or r: sing Tay'. sor: f xpenses inc,, ed prior to the actual conveyance of
the sperty :OD Th:' _gin feature. ',decipherabie 2:23:46.)
27 ' Page
6 I 1
Flow U' gun' March 18, 2021
IV `;anl: :r joining u_ ,day.
ELEVE ER f, rns
There 3oar
TWEL; _R C Comn ._
Chairp. mp n,mc' _ -re were no audience comments.
Mr. Rc : _ I ju° vrth the L:: .d. Over the past number of weeks, I
have curl ar;e thro _. this situation, alleging that they are
still in the ss as the but why would they allege that? It
seems , ey a. :. :- got be r; z , background? I am curious with the
Hatche `y, ti . 1c `hir7gs. So, :hink I know some things, but it may
just no Kee, some>v and what I think is the case, Taylor
Morriso: -espe sc.< n its and that's a fact. Why they have
sold nc :r goc e stupdr.- in line. Probably they can't. I spent
length, the : 7 y P'anni,1g; lane Lynn, who gave me two hours of
her tin~: ells h.. to cone tc )lller County with construction plans.
The pr. bee, =or.:1 t me, but no _;nstruction plans, and so it hasn't yet
entere_ . age. Mir; maybe ti are going tc need to do something
between , nd Pr g. ,`. r wuI.. :" :log past that thing all the time and
see the c I h. :ils 7: as the a .roved project in back and forth with
Collier . . Pictt. at . _ There an existing lake. Small, but existing,
and th- w be r _ :i to the sou' The original lake has an elevation of
12.2 fe_ ?d h :;; aor hat deep a . then the extension of that, this says
propose ?xpa. eva: !t does have legend on t that shows littorals as
oppose:: 'ecip e c''v r eeper, dow, `'rough the engineering on that, the
Waldrer_ 'erim ..Jr?s t:f It expansion ..th basically the same elevation of 12
feet dee, arly - C ',, they have ;t dug down. They have raised the
proper it, " :t c; higher. makes me vr. der if Taylor Morrison is going to go
back tc. Cou; -phe,:.` Basically, -hey have completed that project, to
come in a. `wou .t seem.. me, what ;e see is what we get. It seems to me
that the;- = ;aing Tr c i .:.:.n't out it on _ without our permission, so they are
going to i -n th o pr_;,'t t,-ct off they re.-J to retain control of the HOA. I think
as a comr we .ometh:r•; is going on. 7e CDD can insulate itself somewhat,
but can ILA? f -ding ri7e HOA we:: a ensure its legality(indecipherable).
They can : earner = CDD ,_, I just think ' re is something going on there, that
even the e ma ourse,-i-.::,from it, bur e need to have an awareness.
Mr. Winne •'e gc ng;n t;': •-t area. You c see it and stop and look cat it. Some
kind of pin hey'
16I 1
Flow Way Community Development District March 18,2021
Discussion ensued regarding the lake having naturally dried up, the lake refilling in the spring and
summer, the lake reverting to mud in the winter, and residents who purchased lots during the summer
being disappointed in the winter.
Mr. Winters: I agree with Ron. The reason they have delayed turnover of the HOA is so they can get
whatever done. They have a timeline somewhere on the Board in Taylor Morrison's office, the
milestones they have to reach before they allow turnover to the residents.
Mr. Kleck: They want to have control as long as they can.
Mr. Winters: They don't want to deal with a resident controlled HOA.
Mr. Ron Miller recommended bringing this up to the HOA Board Elect.
Mr. Woods: I have recommended to them that they have Urbancic at least send Taylor Morrison a letter
saying whatever happens between March 8 and May 31, we are not going to accept responsibility for if it
is detrimental to us. We should be in control and we are not—
Mr. Ron Miller: I would take that a step further and have the board take(indecipherable 2:35:09).
THIRTEENTH ORDER OF BUSINESS Announcement of Next Meeting
April 15,2021
Chairperson Stamp: Our next meeting will be April 15,2021.
Chairperson Stamp adjourned the meeting at approximately 3:40 p.m.
On MOTION made by Mr. Tom Kleck, seconded by Mr. Martinn
Winters,and with all in favor,the Meeting was adjourned.
Flow Way Community Development District
James .Ward,Secretary Zack Stamp, Chairpe n