10/15/2020 MInutes 16I1 MINUTES CP MEETING FL( i WAY COMM:.UNITY DEV _OPMENT DISTRICT The Reg.. Meeting pf e Board rectors of the Flow Way Community Development District was held on 7. sday,0_:a' 15, 2020 a 1:00 p.m.via telecommunication. Pr::sent and c.or tituting a c;:. rum: A +rew Milk ' Chc person Jor n Wollard Vice Chairperson Tc Kleck Assistant Secretar' R.- !aid Miller Ass'stant Secreta- At:-,o present we e: Ja.ies P.Ward Dist-ict Manager Gr. g Urbanc Dis: ict Counsel AF_':Bence: k Stamp EC Staley AL resident's na es were not included with the minutes. If a resident did not identify themselves or :he audio le id not pick r,;p the name, = name was : :t recorded in these minutes. POE', `NS OF TFS'..S EETING WERE TRANSCRIBED VERBATIM. ALL VERBATIM PORTIONS WERE TRANSCRIBED IN ITALICS. FIRST Oi;- nZ OF BU :S Cai' co Order/Roll Call District Manager Jar. _ Nard cal meeting to order at app oximately 1:07 p.m. He reported with the State of Emerge _y Florida, an ;pursuant to _xecutive 0rd:_-s 20-69, 20-112, 20-114, 20-150, 20- 179, 20-193 and 20-246 issued by Governor DeSan'_is on March 20, 2020, April 29, 2020, May 8, 2020, June 23, 2020, July 29, 1020, August 7, 2020 and September 30, 2020 respectively, and pursuant to Section 120.54(5)9b)2., 'arida,Statutes,this meeting was held utilizing communication media technology due to the current CCTV -19 public health emergency. He explained all Members of the Board and Staff were present via videoccnference or telephone; no persons were present in the on-site meeting room location. Le asked al s takers to state their names for the record prior to speaking. He conducted roll call; all Members of the Board were present with the exception of Supervisor Ron Miller, constituting a quorum. SECOND ORDER OF BUSINESS Corsideration of Minutes September 17, 2020 Re.p.alar Meeting Minutes 1 ' Page 1 6 I 1 Flow Way Communit L _;elopment trice October 15, 2020 Mr.Ward asked if there ere any add : ins,corrections,or deletions for the September 17,2020 Regular Meeting Minutes. H'a- none, he ;:_''ed fora motion. Mr. Ronald Miller a_ke. if it was app:opriate for him to vote regarding these Minutes as he was not present at the Septe -_b 17, 2020 ry ea ing. Mr. Ward responded in the affirmative; it was appropriate for him to vote regardir _these Minuts.s Mr. Greg Urbancic: The Minutes are,ust a memorialization of the action. They are not your consent to any particular item or c -,;thing in thc_e Minutes. It's just a memorialization, so just joining the motion that's mac`n bysome ,n, f;e would not cause an issuT,but if you felt it appropriate,you could vote against. On MO ON made bl Mr. Tom Kleck, seconded by Mr. Andrew Miller, and wit all in favor,the September 17,2020 Regular Meeting Minutes were aF ;:,roved. THIRD OF: OF BUSH S 5 Reports Staff Rept. s I. District Attorne-, Mr. G,eg Urbar `c On Tuesda>, the Board of County Commissioners approved the Amendment relate_' to the H annexation_ I'm waiting on the Ordinance. It has an Ordinance number and I'm told it's beer: si led, but I dcr't have it. i will probably have it later today. The Ordinance is effect;ve upon f' c with the Secretary of State which the Clerk told me that would be done today. Once nat's done; c 'otice of estaolishment of:he amended boundaries will be placed in the Public Record. That pertic' of the process will be co17-plete. Ultimately, we levy an O&M assessment and also if we levy the c 'bt assessme `s that were contemplated : the last bond issuance, we will have to go through the p cess. So, -,ct knowing when we were going to get the executed ordinance in relatic.i to this (:'lee '7g, clearly J.1 _re were some challenges of putting proposed documents on the Agenda,so I will lea, E that to the Board to decide how they want to handle that. The Board can discuss that later if they,'ike The only otI ?r update is t;:s will probably be our last fully virtual meeting. The Governor gave an f tension at the 11' hour and basically sent out a memo saying get prepared because that's it, i the future our Board Meetings will need at least three Supervisors physically present as a qucrur . We may have, depending how and where we hold meetings, we will have to accommodate memhers of the public and the like, and comply with CDC requirements, but in terms of fully v'-tual, as cf November 1, that will probably be off the table for us unless or until the law gets changed. II. District Engineer No report. III. District Manager a) Financial Statements ending Se atember 30,2020(Unaudited) 2IPage 16I1 Flow Way Community Development District October 15, 2020 Mr. Ward: With the expectation that the Governor's Order will not be extended into November, and the location of our current meeting room is Greg's actual office location, l have made arrangements to meet at a Hampton inn not far from his office for the November Meeting so that we can meet some of the CDC guidelines for social distancing. !will send you out the location of the Meeting for November once we do the advertising for that, but we will be meeting in November in a different location in order to continue with the CDC guidelines. The room is not huge, I will tell you. It will only accommodate about 15 people in order to keep the social distancing,so 1 will still set up a WebEx call-in line for those individuals who would like to participate by telephone to do so, mostly audience members. Keep that in mind. Board Members, you may attend in person, and you will still be able to attend by the WebEx Meetings that we are doing, but three Board Members will need to be in attendance in November assuming the Governor does not extend the Order. FOURTH ORDER OF BUSINESS Supervisor's Requests and Audience Comments Mr. Ward asked if there were any Supervisor's Requests; there were none. He asked if there were any audience comments or questions;there were none. FIFTH ORDER OF BUSINESS Adjournment Mr. Ward adjourned the meeting at approximately 1:15 p.m. On MOTION made by Mr.Andrew Miller,seconded by Mr. Tom Kleck, and with all in favor,the Meeting was adjourned. Flow Way Community Development District James .Ward,Secretary Print Name: Chairperson 3 ( ? age