11/11/2014 Minutes 16
The Regular Meeting of the Flow Way Community Development District's Board of
Supervisors was held on Tuesday, November 11, 2014, at 1:50 p.m., at the Offices of
Coleman, Yovanovich & Koester, 4001 Tamiami Trail North, Suite 300, Naples, Florida
Present and constituting a quorum were:
John Asher Chairman
Keith Berg Vice Chairman
Stephen Reiter Assistant Secretary
Sal Simonetti Assistant Secretary
Also present were:
James P. Ward District Manager
Greg Urbancic District Counsel
David Wilems District Engineer
Mr. Ward called the meeting to order at 1:50 p.m. The record will reflect that all
supervisors are present at roll call with the exception of Supervisor Burdett.
SECOND ORDER OF BUSINESS Administration of the oath of office for the
newly elected Supervisors from the
Landowners' meeting held just prior to the
regular meeting.
• Guide to Sunshine Amendment and Code of Ethics for Public Officers and Employee
• Form 1—Statement of Financial Interests
Mr. Ward stated, for the record, I'm a notary in the state of Florida and authorized to
administer this oath. I'll ask that you three repeat after me and state your name - Mr. Ward
administered the Oath of Office to the newly elected supervisors: Stephen Reiter and Sal
Simonetti. I'll ask that you sign the original oath and print your name in the two appropriate
spots, return the original oath to me, I will notarize it and make it a part of the record for you.
Since you're all seated on the Board you do not need to do anything with the Supervisor of
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Elections, as long as you have filed your Form 1s in the appropriate time. Since I didn't hear
from the state, I'm assuming you all did that.
For the record, Mr. Burdett is not with us, so we will schedule the administration of
the oath of office at your next meeting and swear him in at that time.
THIRD ORDER OF BUSINESS Consideration of Resolution 2015-
1, canvassing and certifying the
results of the November 11, 2014,
Landowners Election.
Mr. Ward stated in the resolution, in Section 1, Mr. Burdett will be filled in with 226
votes, and Mr. Reiter will be filled in for seat two with the same number of votes, 226, and
Mr. Simonetti will be filled in for seat five with 220 votes. Then in Section 2 of the
resolution, Mr. Burdett and Mr. Reiter will serve four-year terms, and Mr. Simonetti will serve
a two-year term. With those changes to the resolution, it is in order and recommended for
your consideration.
Mr. Asher stated now it says 2015.
Mr. Urbancic stated yes, it's because of our fiscal year, so our resolution number's go
up, as our fiscal year starts on October 1.
On MOTION made by Mr. Asher and seconded by Mr. Reiter,
with all in favor, Resolution 2015-1 was approved with the
changes noted above.
FOURTH ORDER OF BUSINESS Consideration of Resolution 2015-
2, re-designating the officers of the
officer of the Flow Way Community
Development District.
Mr. Ward stated your current slate is Mr. Asher is your Chair, and Mr. Berg is your
Vice Chairman, and the balance of the Board serve as assistant secretaries. You may
reorganize as appropriate or you can keep that same slate. If you do, we'll just add Mr.
Burdett as an assistant secretary. It's up to you at this point.
Mr. Asher asked any reason to change anybody?
Mr. Ward asked no? Okay.
Mr. Asher stated move that we keep the same slate then.
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Mr. Ward stated and we'll add Mr. Burdett as an assistant secretary.
Mr. Asher stated correct. Actually, I hope that someday he's the Chairman.
Mr. Ward stated well, he's not here. He can't do it now, because he's not on the
Board yet, so we will schedule this for the next meeting for Board re-cosideration.
Mr. Asher stated all right, we'll make him an assistant secretary.
On MOTION made by Mr.Asher and seconded by Mr. Simonetti,
with all in favor, Resolution 2015-2 was approved as follows:
Mr.John Asher - Chairman
Mr. Keith Berg - Vice Chairman
Mr.Anthony Burdett -Assistant Secretary
Mr.Stephen Reiter -Assistant Secretary
Mr.Sal Simonetti - Assistant Secretary
Mr.James P. Ward - Secretary/Treasurer
FIFTH ORDER OF BUSINESS Consideration of Audit Proposals.
Mr. Ward stated just in the way of some brief background. This District has never
had an audit before; it was not required, however, pursuant to law, with the issuance of your
bonds this past year, you now meet the threshold for conducting an audit for the year ending
September 30, 2014. As with our strong engineering lobbying group in Tallahassee, the
auditors seem to have one also, so there's this rather ridiculous, laborious process that we
must go through in order to retain an auditor. It requires the District to advertise for auditing
services that are basically non-price based, but we can ask for prices in the audit process,
which we have done.
We received proposals; and during this part of the process you sit as what we call the
audit selection committee, pursuant to statute, and your job is to make a recommendation
to the Board of Supervisors with respect to the audit proposals that we received. I provided
to you the responses to the RFP that we sent out to the various firms that I know of that are
qualified to perform this audit, and they've all responded to you. I have also included an
analysis of the auditor's selection proposal, which I asked you all to fill out. Hopefully, you
had time to do that before the meeting, and then we can rank them and select the number
one ranked auditor, and then enter into an agreement with that firm, which agreement was
also included in the request for proposals.
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The first thing I'll do is let's find out if anybody was good enough to fill out that
auditor selection form before the meeting.
Mr. Berg stated yes, but I filled out the ranking backwards.
Mr. Ward stated that's okay, as long as you were consistently backwards. I'm heard
that Mr. Berg has filled his out, so why don't you tell us what your selection was, how you
ranked everybody. You all can either fill your own auditor analysis form out, or you can
accept Mr. Berg's ranking of the auditors. Mr. Berg?
Mr. Berg stated I had Grau as an initial choice, they were also a low price. They also
had the highest list of comparable engagements that were specifically CDDs, 250 to 300,
some CDDs that they did, which far exceeded anybody else from what they provided. So that
kind of pushed them over the top of the list for the ranking. They were a smaller firm, I think
they said they had 15 staff, half were CPAs, and they were out of Boca. Their experience
seemed to be good with the resumes that they gave. Pretty close to a tie,just slightly below
them was McDirmott, so I could go with either, McDirmott or Grau,the two favorites.
Again, McDirmott was low, he was only $2,500 difference. McDirmott also had
experience on CDDs, they're out of Orlando, they were another smaller firm with 26 people.
Then there's a cluster then of Keefe and Dufresne and Carr. However, Carr didn't provide
the information that was asked for in the mandatory elements, so I couldn't verify the top
half except for the quality control report. They didn't provide the information asked for in
their documentation like everybody else, so I'm sure they're qualified, perhaps, but they just
didn't provide it. They were huge, they were national, they have 1,200 employees.
The question I had was what is the budget for this? They range from $18,500 to
$33,000. One of them inferred that they looked it up, and our budget was $32,500?
Mr. Ward stated our budget is not$32,500. Our budget is $6,500.
Mr. Urbancic stated, just for the record, and I know you guys know this, we're
considering price as one of the criterion. The statute says if you consider it, it can't be the
trump car, so that's why Jim laid out on the spreadsheet that it's kind of an equal factor, so
we're considering it, but it's not unequally weighted versus everything else.
Mr. Berg stated so, from my past CDD experience, I don't recall the entities that I
dealt with, so I don't have any personal experience with any of these, I'm just going off the
submittals, so any input that you all have.
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Mr. Asher stated I think I have, over the years, worked with all of these at one time or
another; all the names are familiar, and never had an issue from a board standpoint. We've
always had clean audits, and it's not an issue.
Mr. Urbancic stated yes, it's more like invisible to the board other than a report, it's
your Manager who gets it.
Mr. Ward stated yes-the brunt of it.
Mr. Asher stated I would ask the Manager, from an ease of working with and
providing information and receiving feedback, and the data, transfer of data back and forth,
is there a preference, one way or the other, someone that's easier to deal with and more
Mr. Ward stated the best of all of the six, in terms of responsiveness and, as I like to
say, my least amount of babysitting that's required is the McDirmott firm. The most amount
of babysitting is Grau. Carr is pretty good, I've not worked with Dufresne, and and Keefe is
actually pretty good. Grau does an audit for one my other CDDs, as does McDirmit; either
one of them is fine with me, McDirmit is just a little quicker in responding, and they require
less babysitting, but either one of them is fine with me.
Mr. Berg stated hearing that, I lean towards McDirmit from what I gather.
Mr. Asher stated I would agree. I've dealt with Stromer on numerous occasions from
a homeowner's standpoint, and they would probably be engaged with the developer from a
homeowner's standpoint, so it's probably good that they not do the CDD. Just thinking
ahead, you know, years down the road. That would be the other one that I've dealt with and
had a lot of confidence with, so I think I would second Mr. Berg's recommendation on
McDirmit based on the lack of babysitting and being more responsive.
Mr. Ward asked any other discussion, questions? All those in favor of the selection of
McDirmit as your auditor is in order.
On MOTION made by Mr. Berg and seconded by Mr. Asher, with
all in favor,the selection of McDirmit Davis & Company, LLC, as
the District's auditor was approved. I
Mr. Urbancic asked do you want to rank the other ones for the sake of?
Mr. Ward stated he ranked them. I'll just go with that ranking.
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a) District Attorney
Mr. Urbancic stated just really quick, and I could have brought the article, but
apparently, and, Jim, you might have seen this in the papers over on your coast,just be wary
of public records requests, even as a developer-controlled CDD. There's an outfit that is
making some headlines about their requests for public records, and the number of lawsuits
that they're undertaking against people, not only governmental entities, but third-party
consultants who are doing work for governmental entities. So just be wary, to the extent you
get some public records request; if you do, ask Jim or ask me. The public records law is out
there for people intending to use it for a proper purpose, and there are some people using it
for, what is arguing improper purpose, and setting quotas as to how many lawsuits they can
file for public records requests.
It's out there, the legislature is apparently going to take a look at it, if you believe
some of the statements, so just be cautious, because there are some people out there using
it for improper reasons to generate attorneys' fees.
Mr. Asher asked what are they doing that we need to be aware of? What are their
requests entailing, so we can be aware of how we would see it, basically.
Mr. Urbancic stated they could email any one of you, requesting public records, and a
lot of times, in alot of these lawsuits, they're asking engineering firms for public records, and
engineering firms aren't responding, so engineering firms are getting hit with mega public
records lawsuits, according to the articles I've read. So it would be something that may look
innocuous, saying, "Please provide me with a copy of such and such a document in your
records," or, "This here is a public records request." And, in the past, I've seen this outfit
actually send it to supervisors; sometimes they send it to the registered agent, sometimes
the manager, but other times it's just members of the Board.
Mr. Ward stated up until this point, they've been innocuous requests. They've been
schedules of meetings, things that are kind of easy, a set of minutes or things like that, or
they want the minutes from last year, something of that kind of nature. In this particular
District, we actually have gotten them, since I've been involved with it again, and usually the
requests have gone to Greg, and he sends it to me, and I just normally respond to it. But
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they've expanded their public records law requests recently, so if you get them, as Greg said,
the best thing to do is to just get either one of us involved in it. We will help you through it,
but the important thing is not to ignore it, is to make sure we respond to it, because we will
get hit with a lawsuit, and the professionals will get hit with a lawsuit also if we don't
Mr. Asher asked what would be our appropriate response then if we don't have those
Mr. Urbancic asked if we don't have the specific record?
Mr. Asher stated if a Board member doesn't have those records.
Mr. Ward stated that is your response, you don't have them. "What you're asking for,
I have no such record."
Mr. Asher stated well, if they want a copy of something, as long as you don't have it
saved somewhere on your email.
Mr. Ward stated, as a Board member, the easiest thing for you to do is really just
coordinate that with Greg or I. Unless somebody has communicated to you all that we don't
know about, it's going to be in the District's record. So, in that instance, you should
coordinate with us. The District Engineer, however, is a different story, because their
records are generally separate, and we do not have copies of all of that stuff. So you, as the
District Engineer, you need to pay very close attention as to what you're being asked to
respond to, if you get a request, and we will help you through it for sure.
Mr. Asher asked how about discussions as the developer on future bond issues? You
know, how many units do we have, what kind of debt do we want to place on them, what
kind of infrastructure do we have to support that debt, those type of conversations that do
deal with, and I do probably have emails and records of?
Mr. Urbancic stated I think the question is, is it really you with your developer hat on,
or is you as the Chairman of this Board having those discussions. More likely than not, it's
probably you with your developer hat on having those discussions and wouldn't be subject to
it, but if there were a more specific record, and you got a request, and you have a concern,
we'll probably look at the particular record and say, "Hey, yes, maybe we should just disclose
it or maybe we shouldn't."
FLOW WAY CDD November 11,2014
Mr. Asher stated because I do have those conversations, and phone calls, and short
meetings which haven't been discussed with the rest of the Board members for that
A Male Speaker stated that would be like in the Tortuga CDD or whatever the other
one is, where they say they keep emails separate, save them in a different email box, that
kind of stuff.
Mr. Urbancic stated that's a good idea, keep all your CDD stuff segregated from
anything else. It's a good idea if you can do it.
Mr. Asher stated they delete all ours anyway after a year. I know mine go after a
month, because there are so many of them.
Mr. Urbancic stated well, if you do get something that's CDD related, it has to be
preserved, it's like seven years.
Mr. Ward stated well, email transitions, I consider emails transitory, and under the
statute and are deletable if their value is lost, once their value is lost, so I do not keep
records, even as a permanent record for the District. The law is very, very clear on what we
keep, how long we keep it, but transitory records, things that have lost their value can
generally be disposed of immediately, specifically emails are referenced in there. Other
documents, there are longer periods of time. Minutes, for example, are permanent,
resolutions are permanent, agreements are permanent, accounting records are permanent.
They vary between five and seven years. There's all sorts of different retention requirements
on these documents.
If you have a question, just send us what it is you have, and we can make the
determination whether or not we have to keep it, or whether we have to dispose of it, or
whether we need to disclose it to whoever.
Mr. Urbancic stated that's it for me.
c) District Engineer
No report
b) District Manager
Mr. Ward stated I have nothing for you.
SEVENTH ORDER OF BUSINESS Supervisors Requests and
Audience Comments
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Mr. Ward asked anything from the Board?
Mr. Asher stated I have a request. Can we get our meetings noticed in an Outlook
meeting request?
Mr. Ward stated yes.
Mr. Asher stated we're all running so crazy. These guys didn't have this meeting
scheduled, and I got something later in the week. It would be very helpful for us to have the
year's meetings, and as they get canceled, it's real easy to send a cancelation, and you
move on.
Mr. Ward stated okay, Outlook is not my most favorite thing, but I'll do my best at that
for you.
Mr. Asher stated we would greatly appreciate it. We almost didn't have the
Landowners meeting today.
Mr.Ward asked any other requests?
Mr. Ward stated a motion to adjourn would be in order.
On MOTION made by Mr. Reiter and seconded by Mr. Asher,
with all in favor,the meeting was adjourned at 2:07 p.m.
, SA- /V-04—
James P. Ward Secretary John A4h�r. Chairman