06/09/2022 Minutes 1611 •
The Regular Meeting of the Board of Supervisors of Wentworth Estates Community Development
District was held on Thursday,June 9, 2022, at 8:30 a.m., at the Treviso Bay Clubhouse,9800 Treviso Bay
Boulevard, Naples, Florida 34113.
Present and constituting a quorum:
Joe Newcomb Chairperson
Robert Cody Vice Chairperson
Steve Barger Assistant Secretary
Joanne Lekas Assistant Secretary
Andrew Gasworth Assistant Secretary
Also present were:
James P. Ward District Manager
Andrew Gill JPWard &Associates
Greg Urbancic District Attorney
Bruce Bernard Assets Manager
Chris Sandel
All resident's names were not included with the minutes. If a resident did not identify
themselves or the audio file did not pick up the name, the name was not recorded in these
District Manager James P. Ward called the meeting to order at approximately 8:30 a.m. He conducted
roll call; all Members of the Board were present, constituting a quorum.
SECOND ORDER OF BUSINESS Consideration of Minutes
April 13,2022—Regular Meeting
Mr. Ward asked if there were any additions, corrections, or deletions to these Minutes; hearing none,
he called for a motion.
On MOTION made by Mr. Andrew Gasworth, seconded by Mr. Joe
Newcomb, and with all in favor, the April 13, 2022, Regular Meeting
Minutes were approved.
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Wentworth Estates Community Development District June 9, 2022
THIRD ORDER OF BUSINESS Consideration of Resolution 2022-
Consideration of Resolution 2022-5, a Resolution of the Board of Supervisors of the Wentworth
Estates Community Development District, designating a Qualified Public Depository pursuant to the
provision of Chapter 280, Florida Statutes, as amended; authorizing Signators of the account(s);
authorizing the number of Signatories on bank documents; authorization of Truist Bank deposit
account resolution
Mr. Ward: Item 3 on your Agenda is basically a cleanup mechanism that I forgot to put on there when
we did the refinancing of your bonds. If you remember, we moved our general checking account as a
result of the issuance of the bonds. Your authorization back then allowed us to do it, but I want to
cleanup the record and do a Resolution. All this does is names Whitney Bank as your qualified public
depository pursuant to Chapter 28 of the Statutes. He asked if there were any questions; hearing none,
he called for a motion.
On MOTION made by Mr. Joe Newcomb, seconded by Ms. Joanne
Lekas, and with all in favor, Resolution 2022-5 was adopted, and the
Chair was authorized to sign.
FOURTH ORDER OF BUSINESS Consideration of Resolution 2022-6
Consideration of Resolution 2022-6, a Resolution of the Board Of Supervisors Of Wentworth Estates
Community Development District accepting certain conveyances from the Developer, Lennar Homes,
LLC, and Treviso Bay Owners Master Association, Inc., relating to the clean-up of property ownership
within the District; authorizing the Chairman or the Vice Chairman (in the Chairman's absence) to
execute such conveyance documents to the extent necessary to evidence the District's acceptance
Mr. Ward: Many moons ago, Greg and I were advised that there were a number of parcels of land
within the community that were either common areas to be transferred to the HOA or part of the
District's drainage system, all of which were still in Lennar's name. Over the last year, we have been
working to get the legal descriptions ready to go to transfer that property from Lennar to either the
homeowner's association directly or to the CDD. Resolution 2022-6 does this for you with respect to the
property owned by the Community Development District, the land that is to go to the homeowner's
association. Mr. Urbancic has been working with the attorney's counsel. I have also talked to Scott, but
it was a long time ago, about ensuring the HOA would be comfortable with us accepting the transfer of
that land. The ball is in their court to do that at this point. These conveyances transfer either by deed or
be easement some of the property over to the CDD. Basically, lake maintenance easements and lake
maintenance areas that should be part of the drainage system.
Mr. Gasworth: So, we've already been maintaining them because Lennar obviously hasn't been.
Mr. Ward: Either the HOA or us. It's really a cleanup item.
Mr. Greg Urbancic: Essentially, we figured out what parcels were still owned by Lennar, or they had an
interest in, and went through the team process to figure out which entity was the right one based upon
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Wentworth Estates Community Development District June 9, 2022
who was doing what at the current time or what the CDD paid for. Some of the attachments you see are
a little bit over inclusive in terms of what we're concerned about, but we put it all on there anyway. You
see there are essentially two quit claim deeds of parcels going to the CDD, along with assignment of
dedications which are sort of ancillary easement rights. Also, shown in the exhibit, is a deed to the
Master Association, and then one to one of the condominium associations. Those associations have
approved those forms. We are essentially just waiting for a final "final"from Lennar's counsel on the
transfer. When we kind of combed through it their initial reaction was, hey, I though we did all of this at
turnover, but interestingly enough there are some more parcels, and the property appraiser is also
designating them. We think this is in really good shape at this point in time. If there is anything that
comes back which would change this in any material fashion, we will let you know.
On MOTION made by Mr. Andrew Gasworth, seconded by Ms.Joanne
Lekas, and with all in favor, Resolution 2022-6 was adopted, and the
Chair was authorized to sign.
I. District Attorney
No report.
II. District Engineer
a) Stormwater Reporting Updates
No report.
III. Asset Manager
a) Operations Report May 1, 2022
b) Operations Report June 1,2022
Mr. Bruce Bernard: There is one portion on the bridge that needs to be repaired. There is some
cracking on the northeast wall cap. That is the only recommendation that we had to do, but we have
three other smaller items to do. We are going to get a structural contractor to get all that repaired.
The lighting and landscaping project at the entrance will begin at the end of the month. We were
able to find the fixtures that were holding it up, so we will be starting that at the end of the month.
That should take a 30 day process. Lake bank restoration will be completed this week on Lake 8 and
that will complete the project for this Fiscal Year. I'm still working on the fountain pump stations,
trying to get additional quotes. It's hard to get contractors out there, so I'm also trying to get some
quotes on rehabbing what we have there now.
IV. District Manager
b) Financial Statements for period ending April 30,2022(unaudited)
c) Financial Statements for period ending May 31,2022(unaudited)
Mr. Ward: The Stormwater Analysis has now been completed and filed with the County. They have
been uploading it to the State system. It's finally finished and in five years we will go through the
process again.
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Wentworth Estates Community Development District June 9, 2022
SIXTH ORDER OF BUSINESS Supervisor's Requests and Audience Comments
Mr.Ward asked if there were any Supervisor's requests or questions from the Board; there were none.
He asked if there were any audience members with comments or questions.
Mr. Chris Sandel: We would be happy to send out a communication about that lighting and landscaping
project, if you want to provide me some details that l can fit into a writeup, and we can send that out to
the community.
Mr. Ward: Okay, we will do that. As I said before though, 1 will make sure we will do a writeup and put it
on the District's website. I would like you to include in your communication our website address for
people to look at that in case they have any direct questions for the CDD.
Mr. Chris Sandel: Vice President of the Board. We've invited guest speakers to the Board Meetings since
this Board took over 14 months ago. Would you guys ever want a slot just to come in and do CDD does
this, CDD does that,just as informational.
Mr. Ward: We will do that if you want us to.
Mr.Sandel: Maybe in the fall or January when we think we might have a bigger crowd.
Discussion ensued regarding the CDD sending a representative to the HOA to speak; what would be
discussed at the HOA meeting;the residents being uninformed regarding the CDD and CDD projects.
July 14,2022
Mr. Ward stated the next meeting would be on July 14, 2022 and would include the public hearing for
the budget.
Mr.Ward adjourned the meeting at approximately 8:45 a.m.
On MOTION made by Mr. Andrew Gasworth, seconded by Ms.Joanne
Lekas,and with all in favor,the meeting was adjourned.
Wentworth Estates Community Development District
(1/1//) /1/
Jame P.Ward,Secretary N comb,Chairman