02/10/2022 Minutes 161
The Regular Meeting of the Board of Supervisors of Wentworth Estates Community Development
District was held on Thursday, February 10, 2022, at 8:30 a.m., at the Treviso Bay Clubhouse, 9800
Treviso Bay Boulevard, Naples, Florida 34113.
Present and constituting a quorum:
Joe Newcomb Chairperson
Robert Cody Vice Chairperson
Steve Barger Assistant Secretary
Joanne Lekas Assistant Secretary
Andrew Gasworth Assistant Secretary
Also present were:
James P.Ward District Manager
Greg Urbancic District Attorney
Bruce Bernard Assets Manager
All resident's names were not included with the minutes. If a resident did not identify
themselves or the audio file did not pick up the name, the name was not recorded in these
District Manager James P. Ward called the meeting to order at approximately 8:30 a.m. He conducted
roll call; all Members of the Board were present, constituting a quorum.
SECOND ORDER OF BUSINESS Consideration of Minutes
January 13, 2022—Regular Meeting
Mr. Ward stated the second order of business was consideration of the Minutes. He noted there were a
number of redline items (name changes) provided to the Board which would be corrected in the
minutes. He asked if there were any other additions, corrections, or deletions to these Minutes; hearing
none, he called for a motion.
On MOTION made by Mr. Andrew Gasworth, seconded by Mr. Steve
Barger, and with all in favor, the January 13, 2022, Regular Meeting
Minutes were approved as corrected.
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THIRD ORDER OF BUSINESS Consideration of Resolution 2022-3
Consideration of Resolution 2022-3, a Resolution of the Wentworth Estates Community Development
District amending the Fiscal Year 2022 budget which began on October 1, 2021 and ending on
September 30,2022
Mr. Ward: The primary purpose of the meeting today was to do a Budget Amendment for the capital
items we had talked about at the last Board Meeting relative to your entranceway. The exhibit to the
Resolution, the items marked in green were what we are taking out, and the items marked in blue are
the additions to the budget for the current year. I think the important thing to note in here beyond the
moving of the line items, is that$50,800 dollars of the cost of the program is coming from your storm
events unforeseen capital reserve number. In the current budget we had $82,280 budgeted, we are
reducing it by$50,800 dollars in the current year in order to fund this expenditure during the year. The
rest of it is just some minor line item changes.
Mr. Gasworth: So, if there is a bad storm, we could run short? Do you think we still have enough?
Mr. Ward: I can't remember exactly when we established this, but I think within the last year or so. It is
designed to just add cash to your fund balance in case we have an unexpected event, some capital items
we need to do during the year, a storm event that may come up, that kind of thing.
Mr. Barger: Jim, you've moved the money around here specifically for the landscape lighting project and
for the landscape improvement project, but we haven't really approved those yet specifically, have we?
We will get dollar quotes.
Mr. Ward: You are talking about the installation work?
Mr. Barger: Yes.
Mr. Ward: Yes. Bruce goes through and gets vendor quotes for all of the work and then we issue
purchase orders.
Mr. Barger: Will that come back before the Board?
Mr. Ward: Generally, it does not come back before you.
Mr. Barger: So, I guess there was a little bit of concern about the preserve improvements. I see you've
got that in here. Do we want to talk about that more? Is everybody good with that?
Mr. Newcomb: I thought at the last meeting we agreed that we weren't going to do anything with the
Mr. Bernard: We only talked about the entrance.
Mr. Ward: If you don't want to do the preserves, that's easy. We just take that out and add the money
back to the storm water reserve.
Mr. Newcomb: We were going to let the preserves sit and not touch them I thought.
Wentworth Estates Community Development District February 10, 2022
Mr. Barger: In line with that, there is a fence which identifies the property line there. In some cases, it is
in bad repair. I'm wondering if we own that.
Mr. Ward: The fence was well before my time. I am assuming it was a developer install. Whose land it
sits on, I don't know. It may be HOA, or it may be CDD.
Mr. Bernard: I brought it up to Will. Will said he was going to look into and see if he can find out any
information on that fencing.
Mr. Barger: Would you have to do a survey to see whose land it sits on? It's behind single family home
and HOA property. Mostly, single family home. It's in disrepair in some areas. It's only a 4 foot high
fence and in some areas it's 2.5 feet high.
Mr. Bernard: The only indication it was put up by the builder is the fencing is on their side of the top rail,
not back towards the CDD's side. If the CDD had put it in, they would have the fencing toward their
Mr. Barger: I'm just thinking that's something that ought to be clarified because there will come a time
when someone is going to say, "The fence behind my yard is bad, who is going to fix it?"
Mr. Ward: From the District's perspective, if it isn't on property, since it's been there for so long, it ends
up being ours. The question is whether we will fix it. It's whether you want to take it out and get rid of
it, since it does sit up against the preserve. I have no clue why it was even put in.
Mr. Bernard: To keep the turtles in. It's a turtle preserve.
Mr. Ward: The question will become, at some point, do you want to fix it or take it out. I'm not used to
seeing fencing around turtle preserves. We'll just see if we can figure out quickly whether it's on our
property or not. I'll get somebody in CGA to figure it out for me and we'll go from there. If it's in
disrepair we might as well take it out. It doesn't seem to me to be a big issue, unless you all have some
desire to keep it.
Mr. Barger: I think you'll find it's a big issue to the people. I think they want it.
Discussion ensued regarding whether the residents wished to keep the fence; deer in the preserve area;
the fencing keeping the deer in the preserve area;and the developer installing the fencing.
Mr. Ward: Okay, so no preserves, and we will figure out the fence at another date. He asked if there
were any additional questions; hearing none, he called for a motion.
On MOTION made by Mr. Joe Newcomb, seconded by Mr. Robert
Cody, and with all in favor, Resolution 2022-3 was adopted, and the
Chair was authorized to sign.
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Wentworth Estates Community Development District
I. District Attorney
Mr. Urbancic: The Legislative Session is going and there are two we are just continuing to watch,
one that would allow virtual meetings in an event of a declaration of a state of emergency. That
would be a drastic change to our Sunshine Law and you can envision us using that maybe in a
hurricane if we needed to hold a meeting and had some challenges and there was a declaration of a
state of emergency. Hopefully, that one will pass because I think that's such a good idea, at least for
when we are in that state. There is also one that would change—as a local governmental entity we
have sovereign immunity, but there is a limited waiver by the government. Currently,for tort actions
that would be against us, the limit is$200,000 per individual, and$300,000 in the aggregate. This
bill would take it up to $1 million and then index defer inflation on every year. They made a run at
this to try to increase it for the last several years and it has not been approved. I don't know whether
this one will go, but this is a bigger step than they had tried previously, so we will just have to keep
an eye on it and let you know because it's fairly significant in terms of potential liability against the
District in the future. We will see what else pops up, but those are the two biggest ones.
II. District Engineer
a) Stormwater Reporting Requirements
No report.
III. Asset Manager
a) Water Quality Report October 2021
b) Operations Report February 1,2022
Mr. Bernard: The lake bank restoration contractor started doing the lake bank restoration in Lake
21. They should be done there in the next two weeks and then they will be moving to Lake 6. Then
they will move on to Lake 5 and the two right across from the clubhouse. The buoys have been taken
out of all the lakes. That started Monday. They got them all out. We sent out our quotes to three
electrical contractors for the lighting up front and next week I will send out the plans for the quotes
for the landscaping up front. He listed the names of the companies he was obtaining quotes from
for the electric and the landscaping. West Coast Electric tells us our light pole is down, and once
they get their location, they are going to reset the light pole out at the entrance. We had to buy a
whole new pole, but we have insurance on it. It cost$11,200 dollars.
Mr. Barger: Have we thought about some cameras? We could even tie into the HOA system. We
just upgraded the HOA's, and we may or may not have capacity to add more cameras.
Mr. Bernard: We had a talk with Will a couple months ago about cameras, and he had talked with
the HOA, and he said the vendor went out and looked. He was supposed to get back to us and he
hasn't gotten back to us yet, but we are looking to get cameras.
Mr. Ward: Time out. I didn't know that. The problem with cameras and a governmental agency is
those become public records and they've got to be maintained. So, all of the audio and video of that
is something that by law we have to maintain those records. We cannot dispose of them. This
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Wentworth Estates Community Development District February 10,2022
District is not set up to maintain video files. If the HOA wants to do that and put it on their nickel and
they do that, that's fine, but for the District to do that, that's extremely impractical.
Mr. Gasworth: Do we really need that? Someone hit a light pole once in 15 years and you're looking
at—the odds of needing it for something seems low. I mean we need them within the community, I
get that, that's important. But down by the front?
Mr. Ward: I would be very careful about installing cameras out there for us. I would not recommend
Mr. Barger: Obviously, it's not a big issue right now. If it ever became one, I mean, you've got
fountains that could be damaged or vandalized or whatever. That's all I'm thinking about. Stuff like
that. It hasn't been a big issue, but I certainly understand the issue with the public records. I don't
know how you maintain 24 hours of 8 camera video files.
Mr. Ward: You just don't. (Indecipherable.)
Mr. Barger: Our two fountain upgrades up front, we were planning to do the engineering this fiscal
year. Do you have some timing on that?
Mr. Bernard: Hopefully, we are looking at March or April, I will call some vendors to come out and
take a look and give us a price and proposal of what it would take to do it. Then bring them back to
the Board and let them decide whether they want to do it.
Mr. Barger: I just want to be sure because we are heating up our Di Napoli fountain discussion and
we want feedback with the CDD on that. Is All Fountains one of your vendors?
Mr. Bernard: Yeah. All Fountains is one of the ones we talked about.
Mr. Barger: Just keep Will in the loop on that deal.
Mr. Ward: Now that we've got this approved, can we see a timeline on the design, bidding and
install of all of this stuff? For whatever will be put in?
Mr. Bernard: We will need to get proposals first. Hopefully on the next report I will have that and be
able to get the timeline for you.
Mr. Ward: Okay. Thank you.
Mr. Bernard: The other thing I had was the GDS Services report on the lake water quality. The water
quality of the lakes has been stable for the last year.
Mr. Gasworth: Question on that. Is this impacted by the buoys? Is this something we should have
seen before we voted against the buoys? Also, have the buoys had an impact on this report?
Mr. Bernard: What you will see on this report, what the graphs will show you in this report, through
the whole thing there was no dramatic change in the water condition. The water quality is not
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indicating how the algae control is, it's two separate issues. This is just telling us for reporting
purposes that we are keeping the lakes the way they should be, and they are up to standard.
IV. District Manager
a) Financial Statements for period ending January 31,2021(unaudited)
No report.
FIFTH ORDER OF BUSINESS Supervisor's Requests and Audience Comments
Mr. Ward asked if there were any Supervisor's requests or questions from the Board; there were none.
He asked if there were any audience members with comments or questions;there were none.
Mr. Barger: Can we talk about the financials?
Mr. Ward: They are pretty standard.
Mr. Barger: Our assessments are at 84%. Is that pretty much normal at this time of year?
Mr. Ward: It depends on the community. It's a little low. I've seen with the property appraisers and tax
collectors sending bills out earlier in the month of November, and Districts are getting money in the
middle of December when we used to get them at the end of December and early January. It's a little
low from what I'm seeing, but we may not have gotten the money in December. It may have come in
January. They may be a little bit behind. It's actually a really good collection rate, but in terms of what I
see state-wide, it's a little lower than normal right now.
Mr. Barger: What's the$10,775 miscellaneous?
Mr. Ward: That is the streetlight.
Mr. Barger: Oh. Are we doing a bridge inspection this year?
Mr. Ward: Yes, we are.
Mr. Barger: Do we know when that will take place?
Mr. Bernard: That is being handled by the District Engineer, not me.
Mr. Ward: Sometime in the next few months. I usually schedule them in the summer.
Mr. Barger: Then,for our utility services, you have electrical here, streetlights, pump station, and bridge.
Is the electrical for the bridge just the lights on the bridge?
Mr. Bernard: We have two meters up front. We have one up for the bridge and one up for the pump
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March 10, 2022
Mr. Gasworth: Do you have a next meeting date in mind?
Mr. Ward: It is scheduled in March, but I don't think we will need one in March. We will do one in April
when we set the public hearing date.
Mr.Ward adjourned the meeting at 8:52 a.m.
On MOTION made by Mr. Robert Cody, seconded by Mr. Andrew
Gasworth,and with all In favor,the meeting was adjourned.
Wentworth Estates Community Development District
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Ja s P.Ward,Secretary • •"comb,Chairman