02/13/2020 Minutes 1 6 I 1
The Regular Meeting of the Board of Supervisors of Wentworth Estates Community
Development District was held on Thursday, February 13, 2020 at 8:30 a.m.,at the TPC Tour Club, 9800
Treviso Bay Boulevard, Naples, Florida 34113.
Present and constituting a quorum:
Joe Newcomb Chairman
James Oliver Vice Chairman
Robert Cody Assistant Secretary
Andrew Gasworth Assistant Secretary
Paul Zotter Assistant Secretary
Also present were:
James P.Ward District Manager
Greg Urbancic District Attorney
Bruce Bernard Asset Manager
Curt Keyser Calvin Giordano& Associates
Tony Grau Grau &Associates
Joe Herring
Steve Barger
Stu Axelrod
All resident's names were not included with the minutes. If a resident did not identify themselves
or the audio file did not pick up the name, the name was not recorded in these minutes.
District Manager James P. Ward called the meeting to order at approximately 8:15 a.m. and all Members
of the Board were present at roll call with the exception of Supervisor Paul Zotter
SECOND ORDER OF BUSINESS Consideration of Minutes
October 11,2019—Regular Meeting
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Wentworth Estates Community Development District February 13, 2020
Mr.Ward stated the second order of business was consideration of the October 11,2019 Regular Meeting
Minutes. He asked if there were any additions, corrections or deletions; hearing none, he called for a
On MOTION made by Mr. James Oliver, seconded by Mr. Andrew
Gasworth, and with all in favor,the October 11, 2019 Regular Meeting
Minutes were approved.
THIRD ORDER OF BUSINESS Acceptance of Audited Financial Statements
Acceptance of Audited Financial Statements for the Fiscal Year ending September 30,2019.
Mr. Ward stated the auditor hopefully would call in shortly to review the Audited Financial Statements.
He explained the Audited Financial Statements did not need approval as the Statements had already
been filed with the appropriate entities;the Statements were to be accepted for purposes of inclusion in
the record only. Discussion ensued regarding the Statements, the Board Members having reviewed the
Statements individually, having no questions about the Statements, and the possibility of accepting the
Statements without further review. Mr.Ward reported the Statements were prepared appropriately,
there was a clean opinion with no negative comments regarding regulatory requirements, all bond
reporting requirements were met,and from a financial perspective the CDD was in good condition. He
noted all revenue coming in from debt assessments were on track, along with the operating
assessments. Mr.Tony Grau called in at this point and Mr. Ward asked him to review the Statements.
Mr. Tony Grau with Grau& Associates reported the Audit Opinion, on Page 1 and 2, was a clean opinion
which meant Grau & Associates concluded the financial statements were fairly stated. Mr. Grau briefly
reviewed the Audited Financial Statement for the Fiscal Year ended September 30, 2019 including the
various sections, income statements, the budget numbers as compared with 2018, governmental funds
(general fund and debt service fund), governmental fund income statements,assessments, expenditures,
change in balances,foot notes, assets,and budget to actuals. He noted there were no findings for any of
the reports which was excellent.
Mr. Oliver asked about cash equivalents. Mr. Ward responded cash equivalents were bank accounts
which earned interest. Mr. Oliver asked if the CDD had any bank accounts which earned interest. Mr.
Ward responded in the affirmative: the bond funds and operating account,although there was so little in
the operating account it did not generate any significant interest. Mr. Oliver asked if the CDD had any
receivables. Mr. Ward responded in the negative. Mr. Oliver asked if the CDD had any residents who
failed to pay the tax assessments. Mr. Ward responded he would not know this as the County billed for
and collected assessment payments. He explained how the County billed and collected assessment
payments, discussed tax certificates, and explained how the CDD received payments from the County in
January and June.
On MOTION made by Mr. Robert Cody, seconded by Mr. James Oliver,
and with all in favor, the Audited Financial Statements for the Fiscal
Year ending September 30, 2019 were accepted for inclusion in the
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Wentworth Estates Community Development District February 13, 2020
FOURTH ORDER OF BUSINESS Consideration of Award of Bids
Bridge Cleaning and Painting
Mr. Ward stated the CDD budgeted roughly$800,000 dollars to operate the District;generally speaking,
the District was on track. He explained the budget included $90,000 dollars in operating reserves which
was intended to flow into the next year; however,the operating reserves would no longer flow into next
year due to necessary budget changes to accommodate the bridge maintenance and other maintenance
being taken over from the HOA(maintenance of SW Boulevard, and the landscaping maintenance of the
entrance). He noted the maintenance projects would cost approximately $100,000 dollars and future
budgets would he adjusted appropriately.
Mr. Bruce Bernard reported the Bridge Cleaning and Painting project had been bid out; the project
included pressure cleaning of bridge walls, underneath the bridge, railings, etc. and painting of the walls,
light fixtures, signposts, fountain, etc. He stated this would cost approximately $69,000 dollars (lowest
and most responsive bidder). He noted the bidder had excellent references. He stated the only other
bridge maintenance which needed to be completed was bridge paver repair(not included in this project).
He indicated he was waiting to receive an estimate from the contractor regarding this repair.
An Audience member asked how long the paint on the light fixtures was expected to last. Mr. Bernard
responded this depended upon weather conditions; the contractor would only guarantee work for about
1 year. Discussion ensued regarding warrantees from contractors and warrantees from manufacturers.
Mr. Oliver asked if Mr. Bernard was recommending Trafford or Angeles. Mr. Bernard responded he
recommended Trafford; Angeles left out a wall and did not break down how the work would be
completed. Trafford was much more responsive. Mr. Oliver asked how Trafford's work would be
warrantied. Mr. Bernard responded the paint manufacturer provided a warrantee for the paint. He
explained Trafford was not building anything new;therefore, there was nothing to warrantee. Mr. Oliver
asked what might happen if the paint peeled due to poor wall prep by Trafford. Mr. Bernard explained it
was the CDD's responsibility to inspect the work as it was completed to ensure the walls were being
prepped properly for painting. He stated he could ask Trafford for a warrantee of the work completed.
Mr. Oliver stated he felt it would be reasonable to ask for a 1-year warrantee on workmanship. Mr.
Bernard agreed.
Mr. Ward asked if there were any further questions from the Board;there were none.
Mr. Ward asked if there were any audience questions. An Audience member asked if this information,
including Financial Statements, was available for review on the CDD website. Mr. Ward responded in the
affirmative. He explained the information regarding the Bridge Maintenance was included in the Agenda
Packet; Financial Statements were clearly posted on the website.
Mr. Ward asked about the required deposit. Mr. Bernard indicated the CDD was not required to pay a
On MOTION made by Mr. Joe Newcomb, seconded by Mr. Andrew
Gasworth, and with all in favor, the Award of Bid to Trafford was
approved, subject to a 1-year warrantee from Trafford, and the Chair
was authorized to sign.
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Wentworth Estates Community Development District February 13, 2020
I. Attorney
Mr. Greg Urbancic reported the Legislative Session was in full swing and there were a number of
bills which could impact the CDD; some were previously filed bills and one was to allow for notice
advertising via websites in lieu of newspaper advertising. He noted this bill came up annually and
would save the District money in advertising, but it was continually denied. Mr. Ward stated it
cost the District approximately $4,000 dollars annually to advertise in the newspaper, and he
believed passing the law to permit CDD's (and other such entities) to advertise and post notices
online rather than in the newspaper would be a huge cost saver.
Mr. Urbancic noted another bill potentially changed the requirements regarding posted
documents on websites, such as Meeting Agendas in PDF format as required by the ADA. He
indicated he did not expect this bill to pass. He stated he would keep the Board updated regarding
the various bills.
II. Engineer
District Engineer Curt Keyser reported he was working to get the permits transferred into the
CDD's name.
lll. Asset Manager
a. Status of Asset Operations—February 3,2020 Report
Mr. Bernard reported lake bank restoration in Avellino had completed 1,400 feet of Lake 12 and
next week the grading would begin. He indicated lake bank restoration would continue next with
Lake 13 and Lake 14. He reported due to a steep slope, a lawn mower fell into Lake 9; the
gentleman mowing was uninjured. He stated as a result Lake 9 would be moved up on the priority
list and be completed this year. He stated he hoped Avellino would be completed in the next 30
to 40 days, followed by work in Piacere and one last section of Bella Firenze (the first lake as soon
as you come in).
Mr. Bernard reported a stormwater inspection was just completed. He distributed a copy of the
report prepared by the vendor regarding the inspection findings. He noted many outfall pipes
were 95% blocked with sand at the edge of the lakes which impeded drainage. He stated the
catch basins in Phase 1 which contained 25%or more material had been cleaned; next,dredging
of the outfall pipes would be completed. He explained he believed the first year of inspections
for each Phase would reveal similar findings; however, the second year of inspections for each
Phase would reveal half the findings as compared with first year findings.
Mr. Bernard indicated he met with Golf Course Staff to discuss three small lake areas. He noted
the Golf Course wished to remove a majority the wetland plantings which had grown over the
lakes. He noted he agreed to bring in the CDD's aquatic vendor to work towards beautifying the
lakes. He stated the Bella Firenze berm was raised, the washout areas were filled in and
Wentworth Estates Community Development District February 13, 2020
strengthened, hedge lines were replanted, and sod was replaced for eight of the sixteen
properties; the last eight properties would be completed next month. An Audience member
asked to review the map of the properties. Mr. Bernard displayed and discussed a map of the
properties for which the berms were repaired and illustrated what had been done, what was yet
to be done, which direction the water would flow,etc.
Mr. Bernard reported the arborist identified 54 trees which could pose a danger in a windstorm
behind houses within the preserve area. He stated these trees were felled and laid down within
the preserve area.
A member of the Audience indicated pond 37 in the Golf Course seemed to have a broken bubbler
hose. Mr. Bernard stated he would check the lake. He noted the lake may be the responsibility
of the Golf Course, but he would meet with the Golf Course to determine what should be done.
Mr. Ward asked if there were any additional questions from the Board; there were none. He
asked if there were any questions from the audience. A Member from the audience asked about
some dead Brazilian pepper trees along the edge of the preserves. Mr. Bernard explained no trees
were allowed to be removed from the preserve areas; the trees and plants were treated and left
to decompose naturally. The same Audience member stated these dead trees were an eyesore
along a nice walking path (30 feet to 40 feet of dead Brazilian pepper trees). Mr. Ward stated he
would review the permit to see if the Board was allowed to remove the trees or possibly cut the
trees into smaller pieces. He noted generally the answer was no, but he would review the permit.
The same Audience member then asked about yard drains. Mr. Bernard explained most smaller
yard drains were installed by homeowners, most larger yard drains were installed by the
A member of the Audience asked if irrigation lines needed to be periodically pressure cleaned.
Mr. Bernard responded the lines might need to be cleaned and could be checked as needed;
however, most irrigations lines had filters which kept out debris and should not clog.
IV. Manager
a. Financial Statements December 31, 2019(Unaudited)
Mr. Ward reported in order to align the CDD Budget, the CDD needed to perform a Budget
Amendment to accommodate the Bridge Maintenance and other maintenance needs. He noted
the costs for these maintenance projects required an $87,000 dollar budget change within the
constraints of the Budget. He stated the money would be taken from the operational reserve;
therefore, this reserve would no longer be present going into 2021. He asked if there were
questions. He asked for approval of Resolution 2020-1 to approve the Budget Amendment. He
noted the CDD would need to consider how to replenish this operational reserve moving forward.
Mr. Oliver asked if the CDD had any minimal legal reserve requirements. Mr. Ward responded in
the negative.
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Wentworth Estates Community Development District February 13, 2020
On MOTION made by Mr. James Oliver, seconded by Mr. Andrew
Gasworth, and with all in favor, Resolution 2020-1 was approved, and
the Chair was authorized to sign.
SIXTH ORDER OF BUSINESS Supervisor's Requests and Audience Comments
Mr. Ward asked if there were any Supervisor's Requests or Audience Comments. An Audience member
asked if there was a process for notifying the CDD of issues within the CDD's purview. Mr.Ward indicated
he could be emailed directly from the website or Mr. Bernard could be contacted directly.
Mr. Ward adjourned the meeting at 8:51 a.m.
On MOTION made by Mr.Joe Newcomb,seconded by Mr. Robert Cody,
and with all in favor,the meeting was adjourned.
Attest: Wentworth Estates Community Development District
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James P::/Ward, Secretary Joe ,4.wcomb, Chairman
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