05/14/2015 Minutes 16I1 V MINUTES OF MEETING WENTWORTH ESTATES COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DISTRICT The Regular Meeting of the Wentworth Estates Community Development District's Board of Supervisors was held on Thursday, May 14, 2015, at 9:00 a.m., at the Treviso Bay Sales Trailer, 9014 Tamiami Trail East, Naples, Florida 34113. Present and constituting a quorum were: Russell Smith Chairman Dalton Drake Assistant Secretary Michelle May Assistant Secretary Also present were: Jim Ward District Manager Greg Urbancic District Counsel FIRST ORDER OF BUSINESS Call to Order/Roll Call Mr. Ward called the meeting to order at 9:15 a.m. The record will reflect that all members of the Board are present at roll call with the exception of Supervisors Negip and Newcomb. SECOND ORDER OF BUSINESS Consideration of Minutes a) March 12, 2015— Regular meeting Mr. Ward stated if you have any additions, corrections or deletions, it would be appropriate at this time to so indicate. Otherwise a motion for their approval would be in order. On MOTION made by Mr. Smith and seconded by Mr. Drake, with all in favor, the March 12, 2015, Landowners' meeting minutes was approved b) March 12, 2015— Landowners' meeting Mr. Ward stated I'll ask that you accept these for inclusion in the record. 1 Page WENTWORTH ESTATES CDD May 14,2015 On MOTION made by Mr. Smith and seconded by Mr. Drake, with all in favor, the March 12, 2015, regular meeting minutes was approved. THIRD ORDER OF BUSINESS Consideration of Resolution 2015- 4,.approving the proposed Fiscal Year 2016 Budget and setting the public hearing on Thursday, August 13, 2015, at 9:00 a.m. at the Treviso Bay Sales Trailer, 9014 Tamiami Trail East, Naples, Florida 34113. Mr. Ward stated the consideration of the budget doesn't bind the Board to any of the programs or costs contained therein. It simply allows you to move forward through the process, such that by the time you hit your August meeting, you'll be in a position to adopt the budget and the assessment rates that are contemplated as result of the preparation of the budget. The budget is basically, exactly the same as what you have seen in the prior year, both for the debt service and for the operations. The rate per unit for next year for operations is $129.16; it was $128.33 in the current year that we're in, so that's basically the same. The assessment rates are roughly the same as what you've seen in the prior years also for your Debt Service Fund. If you have any questions with respect to it, otherwise the resolution is in order and recommended for your consideration. On MOTION made by Mr. Smith and seconded by Ms. May, with all in favor, Resolution 2015-4 was approved. FOURTH ORDER OF BUSINESS Staff Reports I. Attorney Mr. Urbancic stated the only thing is, just kind of combing through what the Legislature actually accomplished in the House. There is one change that we just have to make sure, it will be more of a staff thing, Jim, is there's a change in the law in public records of what needs to be included in third party contracts. We'll just have to make sure we have the standard language in future contracts They sort of modified that provision as to 2lPage WENTWORTH ESTATES CDD 16 I t" May 14, 2015 like engineers' and contractors' responsibility for public records law, so there's some standard language that will have to go in. We just have to make a note of that. Mr. Smith asked so they repaired the Public Records Law or whatever, the issues which were unclear? Mr. Urbancic stated yes, there's going to be a notice. They're making it such that the contractors like engineers don't have to respond directly, that the request has to go through the agency, and that the lawsuit can't be filed until there's another written notice two days before the complaint. They have taken some steps to make it such that you can't just surprise the entity, and then file a lawsuit against them, so there are some changes to that, and so we'll be able to work on that provision. That's it for me. II. Engineer None III. Manager a) Report on the number of registered voters Mr. Ward stated the only thing I had for you is our standard number of registered voters within the District. There are 126 as of April 15th, 2015. As I tell you every year, it becomes significant when you hit two thresholds. One is six years from the date of establishment, which you have hit that; and 250 qualified electors, then you will begin the process to transition the Board to a qualified elector based election. There's no action required of the Board at this time. It's provided to you as a matter of record. FIFTH ORDER OF BUSINESS Audience Comments and Supervisors' Requests Mr. Ward stated no audience present. He asked any supervisor's requests? SIXTH ORDER OF BUSINESS Adjournment Mr. Ward stated a motion to adjourn would be in order. On MOTION by Mr. Drake, seconded by Mr. Smith, with all in favor the meeting was adjourned at 9:20 a.m. 3IPage WENTWORTH ESTATES CDD 15 1611 // 4rtgr Jame P. Ward, Secretary Russell a.m7r, hairman I 41Page