Backup 04/17/2024Shelly ltrtt
Naptes, FL I 2393180379
Pool Maintenance, Pool Cleaning Experience, Record Keeping, Customer service, Time management, Communication skills, Records
Management, Payroll Management, Accounting, togging
PEoicrPool Scrvice, hc (239) 595rE55 I FI,lephs
Oftoo Arcicot | flllOlg -06,trl02l
. Maintained and processed invoices, deposits and money logs,. Completed payrcll fcremployees and maintained detailed records ofprocedures.. Tracked expenses and income for businesses while organizing and maintaining bank statements for checking accounts.
o Reviewed and filed financial documents, coded accounting entries for data processing and posted daily receipts and payments in
accordance wilh all corporate protocols.. Established QuickBooks accounting system to reflect accorate financial r€corids.. Entered financial information and paym€nts to guarantee accurate and on-time payments for employees and vendors.. S€nt out frequent telephone or smail reminders ofscheduled meetings ro participants.
Iroa &othGr Fools Uf Ql9rZE9q93l lFI Nrybs
Fool Scrvicc Tcchdcnul U2n0l6 -o4,D0l9
. Maintain and balance the water chemicals.. Keeping proper water chemistry, circulation, and filtration. Skimth€ pool surface for debris.
. Bmsh the pool walls and floor.. Vacuurn every other week or as necessary.
. Clean waterline tiles.. Maintain servic€ records.. Adjusting water level as needed.. Backwashing pool filters once a month or as necessary.
Floridr Soutvr*6 $dc CoIlogE
AS in Buriaoss Admitrirtntion And Mrosg.'yGnt | 05/20f9
Blorirta GulfCoast Lhivcnity I Naplo+ FL
Asrociate ofArts | 0512016
Paldo Ridgc Itrghrohool lltaloq EL
Itrgh Sc,hool Diplona | 05/2014