TDC Minutes 03/19/2024March 19,2024
Naples, Florida, March 19,2024
LET lT BE REMEMBERED the Collier County Tourist Development Council, in and for the
County of Collier, having conducted business herein, met on this date at 9:00 a.m. in REGULAR
SESSION at 3299 Tamiami Trail East, 3'd Floor, Naptes, Florida, with the following members
Commissioner Rick LoCastro, Chairman
Clark Hill, Vice Chairman (excused absence)
Jared Grifoni, Councilor (Zoom)
Susan Becker
Nancy Kems
Edward (Ski) Olesky
Michael McComas (Zoom)
Amanda Cox (Zoom)
Beth Petrunoff, Council Member
AI-SO PRESENT:Sandra Rios, CVB PR & Communications Manager
and Co-Interim Tourism Director
Buzzy Ford, Tourism
John Melleky, CVB Arts and Culture Manager and Co-Interim Tourism
Colleen Greene, Attomey, Collier County
James Brendle, Downs & St. Germain Research
Cindy Murrieta, Vice President olMedia, Paradise Advertising
Mackenzie Comerer, Lou Hammond Group
Enriqueta Balandra, Senior Project Manager, Miles Partnership
Adrian Moses, General Manager, Paradise Coast Sports Complex
Amanda Townsend. Director, Collier County Museums
Anyone who needs a verbatim record of the meeting moy request a video recordingfrom lhe
Collier Counly Communications & Cuslomer Relotions Department or viet' it online.
March 19,2024
Call to Order: The meeting was called to order at 9:10 a.m
Pledge of Allegiance: The PIedge olAllegiance was recited.
Roll Call: A quorum of five was established by members present in the boardroom.
Motion to approve the members on Zoom and the excused absence of Clark Hill:
Ski Olesky made a motion to approve Zoom members and the absence of Vice Chair Hill
The motion was seconded by Susan Becker.
The motion possed unanimously 5-0.
Agenda and Minutes:
Motion to approve the agenda and the TDC February 20,2024, minutes:
Nancy Kerns made a motion to approve the agenda and minutes as written. The motion was
seconded by Susan Becker.
The motion passed unanimously 5-0.
Presentations -- None
A. Executive Director Update
Sandra Rios and John Melleky continue to carry out the responsibilities of the
terms of direct role of the TDC until that role is filled.
Acknowledges and thanks Amanda Cox for her service and unwavering support
on the TDC. Amanda will be stepping down due to her expanding role with the
Marriott. This is her last meeting with us.
We have confirmed a new Tourism Director for the organization, Jay Tusa, who
will begin his tenure on March 25. A selection committee for this position was
handled through the County's Managers office.
Provided a snapshot of what the destination experience was during the January
timeframe. (lnformation is included in your packet.)
Consent Agenda -- None
New Business -- None
Old Business - None
Marketing Partner Reports
James Brendle, Project Director, Downs & St. Germain Research (via Zoom)
PowerPoint Presentation provided.
Cindy Murrieta, Vice President of Media, Paradise Advertising
PowerPoint Presentation provided. Spoke about the Canada campaign; wrapped rideshare
cars (carvertise); Porter Airlines direct flight from Canada to RSW.
Mackenzie Comerer, Lou Hammond Group (via Zoom)
PowerPoint Presentalion provided.
March 19.2024
Beth Petrunoff: What is mobile geo-fencing?
Cindy Murrieta: When a polygon (fencing) is put around an area - in this case, the
Toronto Film Festival which includes the theatres - anyone who comes into that area that
meets our target audience, they will be served ads while in the polygon area and for two
weeks afterwards.
Beth Petrunoff: What are the competitive markets that come to our region?
Cindy Murrieta: Competitive targeting is an important tactic - a long list, for instance,
Key West, Sarasota, Palm Beach, Hilton Head, any of the more aflluent beach
Beth Petrunoff: There is a statistic where Intemational went from 9 to 17%o, what
campaign is driving that and what country?
James Brendle: The main markets for intemational are usually always Canada, followed
by Germany and the UK. We saw a lot of intemational visitors who had trips planned
between October through January who cancelled their trips or pushed it off for a year due
to the allecl of Hurricane Ian, a factor that is probably playing into that increase.
Beth Petrunoff: What is an appropriate benchmark that is used to determine whether or
not a campaign is successful or if we don't want to use it again?
Cindy Murrieta: Every media has a different metric that we measure against. Overall,
cost per thousand impressions will vary for different advertising; what we look at is how
many impressions we are getting.
Beth Petrunoff: Social media, from 49 to 29Yo, what is driving that decrease?
James Brendle: Recall figure for the January report, the monthly data on its own has a
much smaller sample size than our quarterly or annual data so you will see fluctuations. If
we see a trend for two to three months, that is when it would be conceming and we would
look into it.
Amanda Cox: It is great when we get a report from Airport Authority. Can we get a
visitation attribution regarding the Porter flights - it may be too soon.
Sandra Rios: We can ce(ainly circle back and get a report with updated detail.
Tourism Staff Reports
John Melleky, Interim Co-Director
PowerPoint Presentation provided. Discussion of pages 131 to 133, Collections and Tax
Enriqueta Balandra, Senior Project Manager, Miles Partnership (via Zoom)
PowerPoint Presentation provided.
Adrian Moses, General Manager, Paradise Coast Sports Complex
PowerPoint Presentation provided. Report covered first quarter of 2024 and December of
March 19. 202.{
Rick LoCastro: For instance, Saint Patrick's Day, Women's Lacrosse, do they pay a fee to
use the fields/our facility.
Adrian Moses: Yes. Everyone now has to pay a deposit and pay for the facility.
Comments frnm Rick LoCastro:
Phenomenal job, the Star Ability Event
Bringing people to Paradise Coast that have never been here before
Creat Wolf Lodge next door
The lines were shorter
Very well orchestrated
Legends Concert - at Paradise Coast versus Sugden Park
Parking was better and safer
Additional restrooms (VIP restroom trailers vs. portajohns)
Rick LoCastro: What is the timeline for Paradise Coast signage?
Adrian Moses: lt's coming along for signage on 951 (Collier Blvd.). No date set especially
due to the construction going on. We do have a new map parking structure that we will use
for each event.
Amanda Townsend, Director, Collier County Museums
PowerPoint Presentalion prov ided.
il.Council Member Discussion
Sandra Rios:. Pause on some campaigns to see where they go, for instance, TikTok.. New Director effective start date is March 25.
l -3.
Next Scheduled Meeting: April 16,2024
Adjournment: Meeting adjoumed at I l:00 a.m.
There being no further business for the good of the County, the meeting was adjourned by order of
the chairman at I I :00 a.m.
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Com m issi o LoC astro,al
Rick LoCastro: Any update on the naming of the stadium? Any big companies come
Adrian Moses: We have multiple inquiries for naming rights. However, we are in a holding
pattern with the ability for us to be able to sell the name. We have requested it; there is an
amendment standing by for us to have the right. (l,ocastro: or the County holds on to it; do
we leave money on the table; a rendering of the sign will be sent to Comm. LoCastro.)
These mi
March 19,2024
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