Bayshore MSTU Minutes 04/03/2024 - Draft
Bayshore CRA Offices: 3299 Tamiami Trail E, Unit 103, Naples, Florida 34112
Phone: 239-252-8844
April 3, 2024, Meeting Minutes
The meeting of the Bayshore/Gateway Triangle Local Redevelopment Advisory Board was
called to order by Chairman, Maurice Gutierrez, at 5:00 p.m.
I. Meeting Called to Order: Meeting called to order by Maurice Gutierrez.
II. Invocation & Pledge of Allegiance: Led by Maurice Gutierrez.
III. Roll Call: Advisory Board Members Present: Maurice Gutierrez, George Douglas,
Susan Crum, James Cascone, Branimir Brankov
IV. Public to be Heard (Non-Agenda Items): None.
V. Adoption of Agenda:
James Cascone: Moved to adopt the agenda as written.
George Douglas: Seconds the motion. Approved unanimously.
VI. Approval of Minutes:
a. Joint Meeting Minutes, March 6, 2024 (Attachment 1)
Susan Crum: Motion to approve the minutes as written.
Maurice Gutierrez: Seconds the motion. Approved unanimously.
VII. Landscape Maintenance Report:
a. Armando Yzaguirre (Attachment 2)
- Fertilize prior to the Summer rains.
- Regarding 239 hotel – foundation has been laid; call before you dig – make
sure when replacing that line which is about 3-4 feet deep; currently line has
been capped.
- The 239 is on the property line – we took down one canopy tree at their
request, instead of three – only one was on their property; next was the issue
of our water lines being on their property.
Tami Scott:
- GMD needs better clarification about setbacks before approval – 239 not only
caused issues with the water line but will impact other utilities – Verizon
Cable, FP&L streetlights – setbacks, easements, rights-of-way.
- We have a 100-foot right of way and that’s where our property starts and
stops. Typically, you are required to have a setback from that. Your neighbors
Bayshore CRA Offices: 3299 Tamiami Trail E, Unit 103, Naples, Florida 34112
Phone: 239-252-8844
have setbacks, everybody has setbacks for several different reasons –
encroachment of your neighbor, and that's where we put all our utilities.
George Douglas: The lot on Bayshore and Jeepers, another tree is down on
the fence.
b. MSTU Project Manager Maintenance Report (Attachment 3)
Tami Scott: Presented key points.
- Direction from the Deputy County Manager to look at installing electric speed
notification signs; we have purchased them; have reached out to
Transportation to see how often we can have them, where, and how long we
can keep them up. We are trying to get more visibility out there.
VIII. Community/Business Presentations:
a. Stormwater Improvement Project; Becca, Pine and Weeks
Erik Montalvo, Road Maintenance, Project Manager
- Area 1 -- Becca, Pine and Weeks – design plans currently at 85%
- Area 4 – Linwood Avenue – design plans currently at 60%
b. Danford Street Improvement Project Update
Erik Montalvo, Road Maintenance, Project Manager
- Currently looking for an engineering consultant from the rotation list to see
who we can hire before any plans are done; to see if there are any
- Branimir Bankov: We already have a design from 2020 – what has changed
from 2020 to 2024?
- We go forward and you will need to start communicating this time officially
because there is an action committee now organized, particularly by the
owners there. Is there public access to your organization? Because I went two
or three times to your building and the door was locked. I made a call to
somebody to eventually connect me, and the secretary said she would call me
back. I think we need to put this project somehow in proper order, Sir. We
expected quite a lot today from this meeting and just one sentence from you is
not a good approach.
- Marshall Miller, Director of Road Maintenance: I am the one who met
with MSTU, I believe in-between Thanksgiving and Christmas, to let you
know that we had been handed this project. The packet you have in front of
you is from a previous division and project manager, that the project was
shelved, they're a capital unit which means they go about projects in a capital
Bayshore CRA Offices: 3299 Tamiami Trail E, Unit 103, Naples, Florida 34112
Phone: 239-252-8844
manner. We are a maintenance team and was handed this project by Trinity to
try to find a different way of going about it, so we don't get stuck in
procurement with permits and district permits. What we are doing is trying to
tackle this from a maintenance perspective and a re-pavement and stormwater
rehabilitation project. Now we are assessing what we can do in real time, I
want to say, in the next year to get this project going. That's what I think I
promised you in our last meeting. This isn't something that's going to take a
year and a half, two years to design, then get permits. This is something where
we're going to repave the road, do a lift in the low spot and then re-engineer
the driveways and maybe do some swell work where it's needed. This is a 1R
type project that we can do within our home in this house and in this division.
- Attendee: This issue has been ongoing for a long, long time and our road is
not just for residential use. Our road is used for boating, big trucks coming
down with rocks to go across the canal to Port Royal because apparently, they
are not allowed to go down through the Naples city with these rocks. This
road was re-paved maybe 8-10 years ago. This is like putting a band-aid on a
bullet wound. I feel like you put Danford on the back street. Not only that, but
we're at the mouth of the gulf and the city county has allowed all this building
to go up around us. And then Ian came through. With all the new builds
around us, and you want to lift the road, and there's a lot of little houses, so
you lift your road and without drainage, these houses are going to flood worse
than they ever did. Yet the city continues to allow the use of Danford for
commercial and for community service people, the boat ramp and people
coming down. This road is being used 24 hours, seven days a week.
- Branimir Brankov: (1) There is the safety of the public – projectiles of
concrete pieces when a boat hits it. (2) Another thing is the integration of
Hamilton. You closed the drainage of the street in the opposite direction.
There was a very small storm, only one hour of rain. There is no drainage; one
half of the street goes to the Bay and the other half of the street goes to the
Botanical Gardens. (3) On Thomasson there is a sidewalk below the level of
the Botanical Gardens. When it rains, all the water from the Botanical
Gardens goes into these ditches on the side that comes up and it becomes like
a lake. Between Hamilton and the Botanical Gardens to drain the water from
the lake is above the drainage system, so the water is going back to Hamilton
from the Botanical Gardens rather than the opposite direction. Now it is a
health issue – health, safety and public issues. I talked with the people living
on Hamilton. Hamilton Harbor is getting paid. They can’t drive down Bay
Street because there is a gate there.
Bayshore CRA Offices: 3299 Tamiami Trail E, Unit 103, Naples, Florida 34112
Phone: 239-252-8844
- Tami Scott: We will investigate whether these docks are public access for
construction – we need clarification.
- Marshall Miller: Danford is a split system, some of it is supposed to go over
to the Bay, and some to the other side. We are trying to figure out how high
the roads are and how low the swales need to be and adjust that so it all goes
out to the Bay because it cannot go back the other way anymore. They have
lifted that area. If we were to reconnect that at some point, we know that it
will send more water down which we don't want to do. We want to create
something within the maintenance operation that will work. We're not trying
to reinvent the wheel. We're not trying to put you on a back burner. We're
trying to get some progress out of this because we know there's been two
different plans at 100%. They have both been shelved. I volunteered to take
this on from Trinity – maybe I can do something out there; let me have a shot.
Re-paving the road, getting ditches to the point where they can convey water
properly and maybe the Bayshore CRA can help with realigning a couple of
driveways in the low-lying areas. We are right now in procurement trying to
solicit an engineer so they can design this so we can bring it to you hopefully
in 2024 to start construction. The Board will need to approve it. This is a
design and then I must show it to upper management who must give us the go
ahead and the guidance to move forward.
- Branimir Brankov: What happened with the valve that you ordered in
Germany? When is it going to be installed?
- Marshall Miller: We don't want to order that until we know it will work. That
will be part of the engineer scope to look at that area to determine if we need
to rebuild the berm in between the wetland and the road so that way the water
stays in the ditch and the tidal waters don't affect the outgoing flow. I don't
want to go spend $5-10,000 on an item that might be undersized and not work
- Erik Montalvo: Pine, Andrews and Woodside drainage – doing surveys and
research for any permits that we may need.
IX. Old Business: None.
X. New Business:
a. Mileage Neutral or Tax Neutral
George Douglas: Motion made to stay mileage neutral.
James Cascone: Seconds the motion. Approved unanimously.
Bayshore CRA Offices: 3299 Tamiami Trail E, Unit 103, Naples, Florida 34112
Phone: 239-252-8844
Maurice Gutierrez: Motion made to allow board members on Zoom for their votes
to be counted. (Joann Talano – via Zoom at 5:34 p.m.)
George Douglas: Seconds the motion. Approved unanimously.
b. Christmas Decorations Discussion
Will bring this topic back to the Board at next month’s meeting.
XI. Staff Report
a. Financials (Attachment 4)
XII. Correspondence and Communication
a. Homeless Camping Bill Article (Attachment 5)
Shirley Garcia: Will ask code enforcement to check on the empty duplex
building on Danford regarding squatters.
b. Sidewalk to Shelter Article (Attachment 6)
XIII. Advisory Committee Comments: None.
XIV. Public Comments: None.
XV. Next Meeting: May 8, 2024, Wednesday, 5:00 p.m.
XVI. Adjournment: Meeting adjourned at 6:45p.m.
Chairman, Maurice Gutierrez