Agenda 03/26/2024 Item #16F12 (Amendment and Extension to an existing Agreement: Villas at Barefoot Beach Homeowners Association Inc and Collier County)03/26/2024 EXECUTIVE SUMMARY Recommendation to approve and authorize the Chairman to execute an Amendment and Extension to an existing Agreement between the Villas at Barefoot Beach Homeowners Association, Inc., and Collier County for a maintenance agreement for contiguous properties at Barefoot Beach Park North Access. ______________________________________________________________________________ OBJECTIVE: For Collier County to enter into an Amendment and Extension to an existing Agreement with the Villas at Barefoot Beach Homeowners Association, Inc. (Villas), whereby each party will undertake certain responsibility and obligations as defined in an Agreement (Agreement) to maintain contiguous conservation properties. CONSIDERATIONS: The Villas property is contiguous to the County’s Barefoot Beach North Access property. The two parties have a history of working together for park access and storm water management. Barefoot Beach County Park is accessed by a single entry provided by an easement from the Villas. In addition, these two parcels share a storm water management system and work together periodically to maintain the systems functionality to alleviate flooding. To continue these joint and cooperative efforts between the Villas and the County, the Villas solicited an Agreement with the County for maintenance of the conservation area zoned within these two parcels. Since the conservation area is owned by both parties and has a property line which divides ownership longitudinally, there would be benefit in maintaining these two parcels on a synchronous basis. Maintenance efforts within growth management plan policies and land development codes under this Agreement would include trimming vegetation, exotic removal and replanting of native species. Undertaking these efforts would enhance the aesthetic view for the Villas and park visitors. In addition, environmental impacts to the area from maintenance activities would be reduced if they occur in sync. The Agreement specifies the terms and agreement on which both parties are willing to work together to provide mutually beneficial support in their respective efforts to maintain the area on a synchronous basis. FISCAL IMPACT: There is no fiscal impact associated with this item. Consistent with past practices and the terms of this agreement, maintenance expenses will be at each party's own expense. County funding for maintenance activities is provided within the Parks & Recreation Division's General Fund supported operating budget. GROWTH MANAGEMENT IMPACT: There is no impact to the current Growth Management Plan. LEGAL CONSIDERATIONS: The item is approved as to form and legality and requires a majority vote for approval. - CMG RECOMMENDATION: To approve and authorize the Chairman to execute an Amendment and Extension to the County's Agreement with the Villas at Barefoot Beach Homeowners Association, Inc. and Collier County for a maintenance agreement for contiguous properties at Barefoot Beach Park North Access. Prepared By: Jeremiah Westerfield, Property Acquisition Specialist II, Facilities Mgmt - Real Property ATTACHMENT(S) 1. BarefootBeachAmendmentExtension (PDF) 16.F.12 Packet Pg. 1749 03/26/2024 COLLIER COUNTY Board of County Commissioners Item Number: 16.F.12 Doc ID: 28293 Item Summary: Recommendation to approve and authorize the Chairman to execute an Amendment and Extension to an existing Agreement between the Villas at Barefoot Beach Homeowners Association, Inc., and Collier County for a maintenance agreement for contiguous properties at Barefoot Beach Park North Access. Meeting Date: 03/26/2024 Prepared by: Title: – Facilities Management Name: Jeremiah Westerfield 03/07/2024 3:13 PM Submitted by: Title: – Facilities Management Name: John McCormick 03/07/2024 3:13 PM Approved By: Review: Facilities Management Jennifer Belpedio Manager - Real Property Completed 03/08/2024 9:43 AM Parks & Recreation Jeremiah Westerfield Other Reviewer Skipped 03/15/2024 1:50 PM Facilities Management John McCormick Director - Facilities Completed 03/15/2024 1:51 PM Parks & Recreation James Hanrahan Other Reviewer Completed 03/15/2024 4:05 PM County Attorney's Office Colleen Greene Level 2 Attorney Review Completed 03/18/2024 8:37 AM Office of Management and Budget Debra Windsor Level 3 OMB Gatekeeper Review Completed 03/18/2024 8:40 AM Office of Management and Budget Laura Zautcke OMB Reviewer Completed 03/18/2024 9:27 AM County Attorney's Office Jeffrey A. Klatzkow Level 3 County Attorney's Office Review Completed 03/18/2024 10:18 AM County Manager's Office Dan Rodriguez Level 4 County Manager Review Completed 03/20/2024 11:12 AM Board of County Commissioners Geoffrey Willig Meeting Pending 03/26/2024 9:00 AM 16.F.12 Packet Pg. 1750 FIRST AMENDMENT ANI)EXTENS10N TO AGREEMENT BETWEEN THE VILLAS AT BAREF00T BEACH HOMEOWNERS ASSOCIAT10N,INC. AND COLLIER COUNTY FOR THE BAREF00T BEACH NORTH ACCESS PARK PROPERTY This FIRST AMENDMENT and EXTENSI()N is cntercd into this day of ,2024,by and between The Villas at Barelbot Beach Homeo*'ners Association, Inc. whose post office address is C/O Ability Property Management Services, 6736 Lone Oak Boulevard, Naples, Florida, 34135, and the Collier County Board of County Commissioners ("County"), a Political Subdivision of the State of F'lorida. whose post office address is 3299 Tamiami Trail East, Suite 300, Naples, Florida 341 09. WHEREAS, the County and The Villas at Barefoot Beach Homeowners Association, lnc. entered into an Agreement for the maintenance ofthe conservation area on both parties' parcels at their own expense, dated December 10,2019, attached hereto as Exhibit A; and WHEREAS, The Villas at Barefoot Beach Homeo*'ners Association, Inc. have requested to extend the term of the Agreement for an additional six years while also implementing certain necessary housekeeping modifi cations; and WHEREAS, the Board of County Commissioners agrees to amend and extend the Agreement and finds that there is a public purposc for the Parties to continue to work together for the benefit of the Barefoot Beach North Access Park Property, which is a County beach park facility. NOW, THEREFORE, in consideration of mutual benefits and other good and valuablc consideration the Agreement is amended and extended as follows: 1. This First Amendment and Extension shall be elfective on December 10,2023. 2. In accordance with Section C.l. of the Agreement, the original term ended on December 10,2023. Section C.l. is amended as follou's: This Agreement shall be valid fu+-fou+ jrears-*er*+lr+-da+e-eFcxeeutien from December 10. 2023 through December 10. 2030. and may be extended by either Party with 60 days written notice and approval by the Board of County Commissioners. 3. Paragraph C.5. of the Agreement is deleted in its entirety and replaced with the following: 1 Barefool Beach Nonh Access Park Propcdy Collier County and Villas al Barcfoot Beach Homeownets Associalion, lnc. Date: Jamrar) 12, 2024 16.F.12.a Packet Pg. 1751 Attachment: BarefootBeachAmendmentExtension (28293 : Barefoot Beach Agreement - Amendment/Extension) IF THE VILLAS AT BAREF∞T BEACH HOMEOWNERS ASSOCIAT10N, INC. HAS QUEST10NS RECARDING THE APPLICAT10N OF CHAP「ER l19,FLORIDA STATUTES,TO THE CONTRACTOR'S DUTY TO PROVIDE PUBLIC RECORDS RELA■NG TO THIS CONTRACT,CONTACT THE CUSTODIAN OF PUBLIC RECORDS AT D市 isiom of Communications,GcDver口 ment &Public Arairs,3299 Tamiami Trail East,Suite 801,Naples,FL 34112 ●In3il DubliCrmDrdsrecuest(Dcollier●ountvfl.Eov. Thc Villas shali comply、宙th public rccords iaws,spccincally tO: 1.Kccp and m」nttn publた rccords rcquircdけ thC publt agency to pcrforln the servたc 2.Upon roqぃ t lЮ m thc public agcncy's custodian of public rccords,providc thc public ag―y wlth a copy ofthc requcstcd records or a∥ow thc Кcords to bc insPcctCd Or copicd wlthin a rcasonable timc at a costthat docs not excced thc cost rided in this chapter or as oth“wlsc prOVdcd by law 3.Ensurc that public rccods that arc exclnpt or con■dential and cxelnpt from public records disclosure rcquirclllcnts are not discloscd α ccpt as authod劇 by law ror thc duntion of thc contract tenn and followlng complctiOn of the contract if thc contractor does nottnnsfcrthe mords to the public agency. 4.Upon complction of the contract,tansrer,at no cost tO the public agency a∥public records in po―ion o「搬 ∞ntmctor or keep and■lainttn pub∥c records requiredけ thC publに agency to pcrforln the面 cc lfthe∞ntractor transfers al pub:に records to thc public agcncy upon complction ofthe contract,thc contractor sha∥destroy any duplicatc public records that are cxcmpt or confldcntial and exempt from public rccords disclosurc requirements lfthe contractor kccps and m」nttns public rccords upon complction Ofthe contract,the∞nmctOr shali meet Jl applicablc reqdremen“for retaining puЫ たcords A∥n∝ords storcd elcctrottcal!y must be pЮ vidcd to■にpublic agcncy,upon rcqucst ionl the pllblic agcncy's custodian of public rccords,in a ro===lat that is compatible with thc inforllladon techno:ogy systcms ofthc public agcncy Section C.6 ofthc Agrccmcntis amcndcd as fol10ws: 6 NO■FICAI10N A∥ notincations and communications regarding activitics covered bv this First AIncndment and Extcnsion wi∥ bc madc in writing to thc paltics as follows: a- The Villas at Barefoot Beach Homeowncrs Association. Inc. ele Attention: HOA Pr€sident @ Bonite{pdryr+L-341=Xs c/o Abililv Prooertv Mameemeot Services 2 Brrbor 8.*t N6rdr Acdr. H P'q.rD Collicr Coirrty -d vi*, a A-160r A.dr thlicwrair Asrclir! Lc. Da.: ,txl.ry 12,202f4 16.F.12.a Packet Pg. 1752 Attachment: BarefootBeachAmendmentExtension (28293 : Barefoot Beach Agreement - Amendment/Extension) 6736嚇 Oak BoulevaFd Na●les.Rttda 34109 b_ Collicr Counり c/o Parks&R∝reation Diroctor 15000 Livlngston Road Naples,FL 34109 Ematl:parkⅧdFCCrCationOcoilicrcountvn.2。vIN WlTNESS THEREOF,County and Thc Villas at Barefoot Bcach Homeowncrs Associmon,Inc,by an authttzed ptton or agcnt havc cxcCuted this FIRST AMENDMENT a●d EXTENS10N onthc date 5饉 w」tten abovc AS TO COllN「Y: AllLST: CRYSTAI´K.KNZEL,Clcrk ofthc C面 t Colm and cOmptro∥cr , Deputy Clerk BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS COLLIER COUNTY,FLORIDA CHRIS HAI´I´.Chairlnan THE VILI´AS AT BAREF00T BEACH HOMEOWNERS ASSOC:AT10N, INC, a 「Ioida not-lor‐prOflt corporation By: B、:ved as to form and legality: blleen M. Greene, Assistant County Attomey Brrfo(t Adr Nddr Ac..!r Prt pmFt) Coth6 Coltlay ,$ Vilrs I Brrfoot 8.rtr ]lfiro*r.rs Asciahr tnc.IXL: ,nory I 2. 2()2.( 16.F.12.a Packet Pg. 1753 Attachment: BarefootBeachAmendmentExtension (28293 : Barefoot Beach Agreement - Amendment/Extension) EXHIB性 16C6 AGREEMEI{T BETWEEN THf, VTLLAS AT BARETOOT BEACH HOMEOWNERS ASSOCIATION, INC, AND COLLIER COUNTY FOR THE BAREFOOT BEACH NORTH ACCESS PARK PROPERTY 'lhis Agrcement is cntcrcd into this -lq dal of Dcc.. 2019. b:- and bct$'cen The Villas lt Barefoot Beach Hometwners Association. Inc.. rvith lull Porr'er and authorily to protcct, conscrtc. and sell both the legal and bcnelicial intercsl in lhc rcal cslate conYe)d as scr tbrlh in l:lorida Starurc 689.07( I ). a florida Nd For Prolit Corf$ration (-Villas"). 27180 llal' I.anding Drive. Suite 4. Bonita Springs. Florida 14135. and lhc Collier County Board of County Commissioncrs ("County-"1. a political suklivision ol'thc Stalc of Florida' whosc post ollice addrcss is 3299 Tamiami Trail East. Suitc 100. Naplcs. l:1. 341 12. IVIIEREAS. thc (irllicr County Board of County Commissiones and The Villus at llarclixrt lJeach HomcoNncrs Association. lnc. rvish lo establish an Agrecment hcl$€en thc Partics to providc mutualll- bcnclicial support in thcir respectivc !'flirrts for continuing maintenance ol'lhc conscn"tion arga on both propertics' parccls: and WHEREAS, each l'anf is committed to mairtoininB its rcsPcctivc ptopcrty in I manncr consi:ilcnl viilh pasl practiccs und consistent with lhe terms ol'this Agrcemcnt at each Pan]'s o$n cxpensc: and WHEREAS. the Board of County Commissioncrs linds that thct!'is a public purposc lirr th€ Panics to \rort togclhcr lbr thc bcnctit r)f lhe Barcl'rxrt llcach North Acccss Park ProPcn!'. which is a County beach park lacility. A. Locrllon t. ColllcrCounQ P.rLs rttd Rccrcrtion Profrrt)' 'l'hc llar€foor llcach Access Parl pmpeny is thc nonhem most bcachfront propcrl)'in Collier County. l'lorida. The pro;rny is conliguous to thc villas propcn)" on the south and casl. t19-PRU.maCall490137111 ① 16.F.12.a Packet Pg. 1754 Attachment: BarefootBeachAmendmentExtension (28293 : Barefoot Beach Agreement - Amendment/Extension) 賣『圭 1606 2. Propc4' Locrtion - Villas of Bercfoot Bcrch Propcrtv within thc Dunc Arer The Villas al Barelhot Beach Home C)$ners Association is lhc norlhcm mosl beachfronl rlevelopmcnt in Collic'r Countl. Florida. lt abuls the Counl) Park &s shoun in Exhibit "A". 1'he property includcs pan ol thc forc dune arca on thc soulh side of thc park and pan ot' the vegetated back dunc areas on thc east and nonh side of thc park. The parccl is approximately 8 accrs and contains 50 single famill' residcnccs. B. Mrint.natrcG Provisions 1}re Counly and villas $ill maintain their rcspectivc propcnics each Panl to bear thcir orln cost for cach actility. Maintenance activilies $'ill include but not b€ limited lo: l. Tlrc Counry and tht Villas will each perform a rvildlifc sun-ey to locate and mark an)' existing gophcr tortoise burrows. as required b}' Fcdcral Law. prior lo commencement of 8ny maint€nancc activities. 2. The Countl'and thc Villas will trim dune vegetation areas under the lbllowing conditions: a. Trimming nonh ol'thc Villas residenlial structurc's will occur at a minimum of (no shorter than) 6 feet in hcight. Florida l)epartmcnl ol EnYitonmental Protcction {FDEP) adviscd thcy accept lhe Villas traditional trimming heights of42 inches wcst ol'thc Villas residential structurcs on bolh Counly and villas propen..- in the arca it has bcen maintained historically. 1'he area approved lirr a 42-inch hcight is dclineatcd in Exhibit -A". b. The County and thc Villas arc onll' resptnsible and suthorized to lrim area.s within their rcspective propeny boundaries. c. Trimming will occur outside of sea turtle seoson and will be trimrncd approximalel)' twice per year and at least oncc pcr calcndar year. 3. Anl exotic rcmoval actir itics rvill bc schedulcd outside ol'thc sea tunle nesling season. 〔19 PRM O0494′ '490137′ ,〕 〇 16.F.12.a Packet Pg. 1755 Attachment: BarefootBeachAmendmentExtension (28293 : Barefoot Beach Agreement - Amendment/Extension) EXHIBIT A Plor.3-or'7 16C6 prcscntl!, set from Ma1' I through Octohcr 3l . Therc is an existing lbot path \uithin lhc historicall)' nraintaincd boundary at a 42-inch height. The cxisting lirot path. sho\r n in tixhibit "A'. is grandfathcrcd and is allowcd as -1-fool \,ridih rnarimum. as a sand path. An) nc$ prrhs lhrouSh thc dune legetation will rrquire an f Dl:l' F:rmil. 'lhc accepablc ncthod lbr trcaling invasile sF:cirx is to cut off at thc ground level. trcat r ith hcrbicidc. thcn r€movc dcad plunts. f I)El' rcsomnrcnds a minimum of3 plant species for divcrsitl . FDI:P rccommcnds grasses includcd in the replanlinS plsn Io hclp trap sand. Crasses can assist with ltxrding and surSc h) hclping to 'rebuild' the dunes- llc County and thc Villas u-ill attcmpt to coordinate replanling so lhat lhe dune s) sl€m is more unilbrm and achicvcs thc orcrall dcsircd dilcrsification. l:ach l'any will submit its proJxrscd plan lo lhc olher for apprtrval within 30 days lionr rcccipt. Approval s'ill flot hc unreasonuhl) uithhcld. Acccptable rcplanting species n"'commendations irrclude. but arc not limitcd to: . Prickl) pcar l()2 ntiu striltu) o Bcach sunlloucr tllcliunlhxs dchilis, . l nkben) /& ac' v u plumit:ri ) . Necklace Fxl /.1'rlloro tonrcnt.r:ru) . Seo oals /(.hirrl., lxotiu ut(l o Nickcrtran l('uerulpinit honluc) o Sca oxc)cd dalsy (llorriL'hiu spn.) o Sca purslanc /.ksutitm prtirlucastnnr) . Scagrapr: ,('occohthu urivru) 7. ll'a lchiclc on lhe beach is needed for work on thc duncs or thc bcach. a Collier Count' vehicle on thc bcach prmit will bc requircd. C. Tcrnr l. lhis Agrecment shall bc valid for four ycars from thc date of cxccution and may bc cxrcndcd by cithcr Party u'ith 60 da1's *'ritten noticc and appmval b) thc 1)o8rd ol' County Commissioners. lI9.PRM-00.9{I aeol !7rl l 16.F.12.a Packet Pg. 1756 Attachment: BarefootBeachAmendmentExtension (28293 : Barefoot Beach Agreement - Amendment/Extension) EXHi31T ハ 16o6Prgt-{.-or ? 2. Eithcr Pany rno)' tqmlinate this Agr('cmcnl for an) rcason \rith 30 da)s $ritten notice to lhe othcl. l. NOPARTNERSIIIE: Nothingl*rrin conlained rhrll hc conrtrucd ascrcaling a partncrship or joint Icnturc ofanl kind betr\ccn thc Cou[t\ .nd lhe villas. ils tcndors o. suhconl.aclors. or lo constiturc thc villus. or its vcodors or subcontracto.s. &s on agcnt or employcc ofthc Count). 4. 'ttis Agrecmcnt is subjccl to sppropriation b;- the tloard ol'County Commissioncrs. 5. 1lris Agreemcnl is subjcct to thc rcquir€mcnts found in Ch. I19. l-la. Stilt.. Irlorida's Public Records l.ar,r. l,t'ith rcsl,ccl to !ll mallc.s covcrcd in this Agrcemcnl. spiril Promolions shall maintein contplc'tc and sc(uralc accituntins rccords. and shall mlinlain thcse records. krrls. documcnts. pap(rs lnd finar*-ill infornlatioo pcnaining to $or\ pcrfonrted undcr this ABrccmcnr for a pcrird ofthres (J ) !ca.t. in conrpliancc s ith Chaflcr I lg. thr lihrido Ptthlic Rocords Larv. 6. NO'nFlCA'l loN All notilications an<t communications n-garding actilitics covercd by lhis MOU will be madc in $riting to rhc partics as lbllorvs: a. ltc Villas at llarefoot Berch Ilomeo\ rrers Association. Inc. c/o Presidcnt 27180 Ba1' l.anding Drivc. Suitc 4 Eonita Springs. fl- l'1135 b. Collicr (itunn' c/o Parks & Rccrcation Dircctor 15000 Livingston Road NaPlcs. Fl. 14109 7. II!'JIUE_ANUIjOyEBNIIiG_L U: lhis Agrccment shall hc go|cmcd h] ard conslrucd under thc lass of lho Statc ofFlorida. l'hc panics shrll lncmPt in Bood frith to rcsolvc artl disputc conccrning dtis Agrccm.nt th.orrgh nrgoliatioo hcl$'c!.ll rulhorizcd rcpresenlatircs. lf thesc efforls rrc nol lucccssful- snd lhcrc rcmrins a disputc rtndcr this Agrccmcnt. lhc panies shall ,'irst en8lgc in tolunlaq mcdirlion. $ith erch sidc shsriltg all s(tst!i. l'ollo$inB lhe conclusion ofthis proccdurc, cilhc. psn) mry lhcn filc 8[ oclion in lhe circuit court ofcollie. 11g-PRr,l(xxgal l a90l37x I ① 16.F.12.a Packet Pg. 1757 Attachment: BarefootBeachAmendmentExtension (28293 : Barefoot Beach Agreement - Amendment/Extension) 緊塑性 1606 Crrunl]. or lhc \lid.llc I)istrict of norida. rrhich rhrll lr thc crclurirc rclluc trilh r.ip(.I lrr an1 disputcs nririrrg r\ll ('l thit Ag,c$nsnt. In lhr r\rrrt ot lirilnli('ll. qosh iide shitll hjil, it! orl,l altornc\'s l'ccr, lN WITNESS fVHf,REOF. thc l'aniex. \'illas anrl ('ollicr ('ountr'. halc rcsFxctivcl). b)' an flulhoria{ pcrsoo rrr ls!'nl. hcrcundcr scl thcir hands arrr.l scals on thc datc l'irst srittcn ahxc, AS 1() ('OtrNTl': 、(・ lcrk I〕():ヽ It l)()| ( {)1 (0ヽ 1ヽ lIヽ SiOヽ l:Rヽ (:0111::R(( I ヽlcI)tliliヾ I Jr ( 1∥li V∥:ハ ヽAl:'ARl:「001B::ACH 110Mlκ )ヽ NllRS ASヽ OClAl!ON.lN( A 「1.OR∥)AN():::OR:'ROF∥ (・ ORPORAIK)ヽ3Z■―髪 金ヽ ヽ,c、ヾl〕rucc PFsidcnt 1嘔 .`・r2=1吐n ■7な く l)^ r,:r):-{a-.:!r.-/ 611黎 鳴8ビ ,\ppn)\'ed as ro-f,rrm.aml lcgalitl : ,\rrisl nl (irunt! Atk)mc] 1,9 flRM 004o4■411137′,1 砂 16.F.12.a Packet Pg. 1758 Attachment: BarefootBeachAmendmentExtension (28293 : Barefoot Beach Agreement - Amendment/Extension) EX1li31T A P8o● ″。f■ _ 1606 Attrhntent A (ヽ 、ηJド hip l:、hibil [19・ PRM・ 00494′1490137′11 16.F.12.a Packet Pg. 1759 Attachment: BarefootBeachAmendmentExtension (28293 : Barefoot Beach Agreement - Amendment/Extension) 緊翌F盤 1606 Attachment A Ownership Exhibit o―轟Jれ 16.F.12.a Packet Pg. 1760 Attachment: BarefootBeachAmendmentExtension (28293 : Barefoot Beach Agreement - Amendment/Extension)