BCC Agenda 02/27/2024 Item #10A (Consider scheduling a referendum on returning to at-large Commission Districts)02/27/2024
Request that the Board consider scheduling a referendum on returning to at-large commission districts,
wherein each Commissioner would reside in one of the five Commission Districts but would be elected in a
County-wide vote.
OBJECTIVE: That the Board evaluate the pros and cons of returning to at-large Commission Districts, and
consider creating a study committee for this evaluation.
Overview of County Commission Districts in Florida
In Florida all counties are divided into five Commission districts. There are three basic types of county governance
in Florida:
(1) At-large districts (40 counties), in which each District has a resident Commissioner, with all five
Commissioners elected in a county-wide election. This is the default mode of County government in Florida.
(2) Single member districts (20 counties), in which each District has a resident Commissioner, and is elected on a
District basis. Since 1988 this has been the model used by Collier County.
(3) A mixed district (7 counties) consisting of a combination of five single members (elected on a District by
District basis) and two at-large commissioners (elected on a County wide basis). Proponents of the mixed system
claim that it allows some commissioners to bring a countywide view on matters brought before the board while also
allowing more district-based commissioners to advocate for specific areas of the County.
Returning to county-wide commission elections requires a voter approved referendum which could be conducted
during the general election in November, 2024. The deadline to schedule such a referendum is August 20, 2024, at
which time ballot language must be presented to the Supervisor of Elections.
History of the Creation of the Single Member Districts in Collier County
For much of Collier County’s history the County operated under the at-large district system. On December 1, 1987,
the Collier County Board of County Commissioners passed a resolution calling for a referendum election to be held
on March 8, 1988, to submit the following question to the electors of Collier County: “Shall the five members of
the Board of County Commissioners of Collier County, Florida, be elected to office from single -member districts
by electors residing in each of those districts only?” By a vote of 14,521 in favor (Yes) to a 13,745 vote against
(No), the single-member county commission district referendum passed. Obviously, Collier County has
dramatically changed since the 1988 vote, with a county population approaching 500,000. There are now 255,099
registered voters in the County. It is time to re-evaluate the structure of county government and to let our citizens
determine what is the best type of county governance for the future.
Chapter 124.011(10), Florida Statutes, allows Collier County to return to being an at -large district by going back
through the same referendum/proposition process as occurred in 1988.
The request is to create a study committee to evaluate the pros and cons of returning to cou nty-wide commission
elections. This committee could be formed very quickly, with each commissioner appointing the members, or this
could be assigned to an existing committee, such as the Productivity Committee, for a thorough and timely review.
This committee would evaluate the basic types of county governance and the pros and cons of each for
consideration by the Commission.
There is an argument that at-large systems can have an adverse impact by making it more difficult for minority
residents to elect a minority representative to the commission. Though that is certainly a valid and important
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consideration, many other factors should also be addressed as well in evaluating what is best for all Collier County
FISCAL IMPACT: None at this time.
LEGAL CONSIDERATIONS: This item has been reviewed by the County Attorney, creates no legal issues at
this time and requires majority vote for Board action.
RECOMMENDATION: That the Board appoint a study committee to report back to the County Commission as
to the pros and cons of scheduling a binding referendum of all registered Collier County voters on the issue of
utilizing county-wide elections of County Commissioners, beginning with the 2026 election cycle.
Prepared by: Burt L. Saunders, Commissioner District 3
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Board of County Commissioners
Item Number: 10.A
Doc ID: 27838
Item Summary: *** This Item to be heard at 9:30 AM. *** Request that the Board consider scheduling a
referendum on returning to at-large commission districts, wherein each Commissioner would reside in one of the
five Commission Districts but would be elected in a County-wide vote.
Meeting Date: 02/27/2024
Prepared by:
Title: Management Analyst II – County Manager's Office
Name: Geoffrey Willig
02/16/2024 2:46 PM
Submitted by:
Title: Deputy County Manager – County Manager's Office
Name: Amy Patterson
02/16/2024 2:46 PM
Approved By:
Office of Management and Budget Debra Windsor Level 3 OMB Gatekeeper Review Completed 02/16/2024 3:08 PM
Office of Management and Budget Christopher Johnson OMB Reviewer Completed 02/20/2024 7:34 AM
County Attorney's Office Jeffrey A. Klatzkow Level 3 County Attorney's Office Review Completed 02/20/2024 8:38 AM
County Manager's Office Amy Patterson Level 4 County Manager Review Completed 02/20/2024 2:23 PM
Board of County Commissioners Geoffrey Willig Meeting Pending 02/27/2024 9:00 AM
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