Bayshore Gateway Minutes 06/06/2023Bayshore Gateway Triangle CRA .Bayshore Beautification MSTU
Haldeman Creek MSTU
June 6, 2023 Meeting Minutes Item 4a - Attachment 1
The meeting of the Bayshore/Gateway Triangle Local Redevelopment Advisory Board was
called to order by Vice Chair, Maurice Gutierrez at 6:01 p.m.
I. Roll Call: Advisory Board Members Present: Maurice Gutierrez, Al Schantzen,
Kristin Hood, Kathi Kilburn, James Talano, Sam Saad, Jr., and Steve Rigsbee.
Karen Beatty was approved to attend virtually. Mike Sherman had an excused
CRA Staff Present: Greg Oravec, CRA Director, Tami Scott, Project Manager,
and Shirley Garcia, Program Manager
II. Pledge of Allegiance: Led by Maurice Gutierrez.
III. Introduction: New CRA Director Greg Oravec - Maurice Gutierrez gave a
welcome to the new CRA Director, to the first official meeting.
IV. Adoption of Agenda: Motion made by Al Schantzen; second by Kathy Kilburn,
approved unanimous.
V. Approval of Consent Agenda:
a. Al Schantzen made a motion to approve the consent items, second by Kristin
Hood, approved unanimously.
VI. Community / Business - Presentations
a. Collier County Sheriffs Office- Sgt. Allyn Tuff provided the stats for both
of the areas Bayshore area and the Gateway Triangle. No burglaries for either
area but they did have 3 drug busts and they continue to crack down on drugs.
They placed some decoy vehicles to slow down the traffic off Thomasson.
They continue to do traffic stops for speeding as well. They continue to
trespass folks off of vacant lots or behind plazas. Staff mentioned a few streets
in the Gateway Triangle that needed to have some patrol cars check for
speeding, Sgt. Tuff noted it and will have some patrols check on it.
b. 17 Acre Boardwalk Presentation- Ms. Scott provided the current update and
introduced our consultant from Stantec, Kevin who is providing a power point
presentation and overview of where we are at today. The next step is to provide
the boards with some costs for materials and submit a site development plan
into the Growth Management Division. The approximate cost for construction
is $2.73 million, the north parking lot cost is estimated at $450,275 and the
south parking lot is estimated at $415,775. Maurice Gutierrez asked if staff
could investigate negotiating with the Shadley property to swap out one of the
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Bayshore Gateway Triangle CRA .Bayshore Beautification MSTU
Haldeman Creek MSTU
corner pieces of the 17 acres for their property. The consensus from all the
board members were in support of investigating this possibility. Staff will
bring back an update as soon as possible.
c. Bayshore Hotel- Davidson Engineering attended along with Cal Montenegro
the developer for the lots to ask for CRA support to move forward even though
it isn't a requirement to move forward in the building department he would
like to bring something that says the CRA board is in support. After the
presentation, the local advisory board felt it was too premature at this stage to
fully support this project. There were some architectural design concerns they
had and also a pool with a bar that is proposed on top they were not too happy
about since the residential is located directly behind the project. They asked if
they made it more visually attractive they would consider revisiting this at a
much later date. Al Schantzen made a motion to table this item and asked if
they come back to bring back any deviations they identified when they present,
Kathi Kilburn second the motion approved unanimously.
d. Development Report — Laura DeJohn, asked if anyone had any questions
about the development report she would answer what she knows. Kathi
Kilburn spoke about the med and all their issues that was going on but Ms.
DeJohn was not aware of all the issues or what the CRA could do to assist at
this point because GMD has codes that must be followed.
VII. Old Business:
a. Stormwater Phase I and II update- Richard Orth, Project Manager from
Capital Projects, and Road Maintenance attended and provided the update on
Becca, Weeks and Pine that it is at 60% design phase, the Linwood way project
is at 30% design phase. They are still moving along as noted in the plans.
b. Summer Vacation- Ms. Garcia asked the board if it was possible to change
the summer months off to July and August instead of August and September
so staff could catch up the new Director on as many projects as possible. He is
running 2 CRA areas and has a lot to still learn and catch up on. Sam Saad
made a motion to take July and August off, second by Maurice Gutierrez
approved unanimously.
VIII. New Business:
IX. Other Agency's:
a. Collier County Code Enforcement: John Johnson, Senior Code Investigator
attended to answer any questions on the case report or any other code related
question. Ms. Hood inquired about drones and what the rules are for flying
over private property, she feels they are violating her privacy. Mr. Johnson
recommended she ask the Sheriff's Office because code would not enforce air
space or violation of privacy. Maurice Gutierrez asked about the issues at
Naples Marina off of Bayview because some neighboring properties had asked
him, at this time Mr. Johnson did not have an open case and asked for staff to
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Bayshore Gateway Triangle CRA .Bayshore Beautification MSTU
Haldeman Creek MSTU
email him some additional information.
X. Communications and Correspondence: The following items were presented
for the Committee's awareness. There was no discussion.
a. The 239 Article- The article on the hotel on Areca/Bayshore was attached if
anyone had any questions.
b. Del's seeking input Article — Mr. Oravec wanted to update the advertisement
if anyone was interested in purchasing Dels but there was no one besides the
Cinematheque and the CRA staff will be working with David to do an
XI. Public Comments:
XIII. Staff Comments:
XIV. Advisory Board General Communications:
XV. Next Meeting Date:
a. September 12, 2023 @ 6 pm at the Botanical Garden FGCU Buehler
XVI. Adiournment — The meeting adjourned at 9:21 p.m.
Vice Chair, Maurice Gutierrez
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