Public Art Minutes 09/20/2023MINUTES OF THE COLLIER COUNTY PUBLIC ART COMMITTEE Naples, FL Sep. 20, 2023 LET IT BE REMEMBERED the Collier County Public Art Committee in and for the County of Collier, having conducted business herein, met on this date at 3:00 PM in a REGULAR SESSION in the Collier Museum at Government Center, Naples Florida with the following members present: Erin Wolfe Bell -absent Lisa Cataldo-Absher Ricki Baker -absent Nora Beyrent Muffy Clark Gill Paul Gower Bonny Hawley ALSO PRESENT: John Melleky, Arts and Culture Manager 1. Call to order and Roll Call Mr. Gower called the meeting to order. A quorum of five was established by those members present in the room. 2. Pledge of Allegiance The Pledge of Allegiance was recited. 3. Approval of Agenda Ms. Gill made a motion to approve the agenda. Ms. Hawley seconded the motion. The motion was carried unanimously, 5-0. 4. Approval of Minutes Ms. Absher made a motion to approve the minutes. Ms. Hawley seconded the motion. The motion was carried unanimously, 5-0. COLLIER COUNTY PUBLIC ART COMMITTEE MINUTES SPETEMBER 2023 1 5. Staff Report Mr. Melleky reported on the Collier County is Culture ad series. This ad has been placed with various arts and cultural organizations in their materials or playbills. The ads contain a photo of that institution and the logos of the participating organizations. The new season (Season 2) of IARTE VIVA! is being announced via a press release on Sep. 21. The press release is critical as it helped create excitement and really sets off the new season. In October, IARTE VIVAI will be featured in the Commissioners Chambers as part of the art displays that occur each month. IARTE VIVA! was recognized at the Florida Festivals and Events Conference with two awards in its budget category: First Place — for PR/Media Campaign and Third Place for its Website. 6. Public Comments Mr. Mike Rogan spoke with general comments. He discussed the City of Naples Public Art Committee changes and how the County should operate in the future. He was concerned that United Arts Collier could not do a call to artists alone for the county due to potential conflicts. Calls should be open to everyone and notjust to one organization. Also, the City of Naples is looking to close its Public Art Committee, 7. New Business a. Weaving Narratives Mr. Melleky presented information on Weaving Narratives, a project that is being spearheaded by Naples Art Institute. They were to have a speaker at this meeting, however, she was out due to illness. Mr. Melleky presented the information in the packet. This is a creative placemaking project that sets out to celebrate the diversity of our community through visual arts exhibitions and collaborative art -making sessions and will culminate in an unveiling event in March 2024. Creative placemaking, according to Americans for the Arts, is the "use of arts and culture by diverse partners to strategically shape the physical and social character of a place in order to spur economic development, promote enduring social change, and improve the physical environment." The project will create a fabric of various colors that will adorn the exterior of Naples Art Institute as a public art piece in March, starting at their Annual Art Fair the first weekend of March. Each color represents one of the arts organizations found on Florida's Paradise Coast. Also, they want to create a Collaborative Mural of Written Narratives that can be displayed at various arts organizations and then assembled into one piece which will be installed on the outside of the Naples Art Institute for the month of March. Finally, they would like to create a graphic cultural map of Florida's Paradise Coast. Organizations can participate in one or more of the following areas Narrative Wall: Organizations agree to house two panels at their site. People can draw and complete the narrative as "Marco Island is..." or "Paradise Coast is.:' All materials will be provided. Fabric Collection Station: Organizations can set up a donation station at your location where patrons, staff, and constituents can donate a piece of fabric or clothing in the organization's COLLIER COUNTY PUBLIC ART COMMITTEE MINUTES SPETEMBER 2023 designated color. These colors will be used to create the public art piece that will be installed on the Naples Art Institute building. Naples Art Institute can source fabric if necessary. This deadline includes the decision of wanting a color to represent your organization and if the organization will collect fabrics orjust have an assigned color. If fabrics are being collected, they will be picked up in January. Cultural Map Inclusion: Organizations areas e o confirm if they would like their location on the map. Printed maps and a digital copy will be provided to each organization. Organizations can determine their participation through the link below to a questionnaire. https://fo rm s.gle/lyw9ocskR5 P7 hARo6 Questions arose as to the code enforcement on the building, how would the art piece be secured to the Naples Art Institute building, and the placement on the building. More information will follow from Naples Art Institute at a later meeting. 8. Old Business a. Donation form A copy of the Parks Department donation form was included in the packet for review. This is the form that will be modified for the Paradise Coast Sports Complex. It was recommended to add the artist's name and date of creation on the document, please an area to had additional information such as a bill of sale. b. Paradise Coast Public Art Mr. Melleky provided the committee with additional information on the art piece that was created at the Fourth of jury event at the Paradise Coast Sports Complex, The Sports Complex team hired United Arts Collier to manage the project and they paid the artist. Therefore, the form will be filled out by United Arts Collier. They are the donor of the art piece. c. Public Art Plan The committee reviewed the General Public Art Guidelines. The following questions will be addressed by the Attorneys office: • The construction donation is avalue to amulti-dwelling structure, mixed -use development, commercial building ornon-residential portion of a mixed -use building. Does that include a duplex or triplex? • Should the value be $2milliion instead of one million? • Do we want to cut the donation to the fund for unit households being built below 120% of the Area Median income? • Check the redundancy of 1a, 2e with 3a. COLLIER COUNTY PUBLIC ART COMMITTEE MINUTES SPETEMBER 2023 In Section VII-7002, remove the word prohibited in the title. Change the section "shall not be removed without prior approval of the public art committee and county commission." to "shall not be removed or replaced without prior approval of the public art committee. Replacement should be of reasonable and equitable value." This also needs to be checked with the attorney. In Section VII-703, change permitted to installed and remove of this division" to and, In Section VII-705, as the Attorney about building permit applications and this section needs to be clarified by Growth Management. Is there a difference between something from a developer compared against an owner builder? Under the mural section, under signs change "compressed' to "comprised." In the mural description, add painting, sculptural or graphic art. Delete including collage effect. After site wall, add "or any other surfaces, etc. " Change "structure such as a dumpster" to "(i.e. examples include a dumpster enclosure." Section 2 —Review of mural permit application needs to be renumbered. Other recommendations included clarifying the mural placement. For the review criteria, the following questions need to be addressed by the County Attorney: Can a current mural be grandfathered in —does that need to be stated? How does the mural permit and building permit work together? How do we clarify the difference between a mural and a sign? 9. Advisory Board Member Discussion Mr. Gower read the following statement: The present state of the arts locally seem to be in some sort of state of flux. On one hand, on the rise, for example, the efforts being taken by United Art Collier under its new leadership. On the other hand, the most recent decision by the Naples City Council to dissolve the Public Art Advisory Committee based on data which was described as a lack of interest by a "seemingly" lame duck committee, to the grant funding for local and regional arts organizations that are on "stand-by" awaiting the county final budget approval. I appreciate the efforts of this committee, John (Melleky), and interested citizens as we progress. 10. Next Meeting- Wednesday, January 17, 2024, at 3:00 pm at the Collier County Museum at Government Center There being no further business for the good of the County, the meeting was adjourned by Mr. Gower at 4:48 P.M. COLLIER COUNTY PUBLIC ART COMMITTEE MINUTES SPETEMBER 2023 COLLI R COUNTY PUBLIC ART COMMITTEE Chair, Erin Bell These minutes were approved by the Committee on as presented, or as amended COLLIER COUNTY PUBLIC ART COMMITTEE MINUTES SPETEMBER 2023