I. Call to Order
Mr. Bretzmann called the Meeting to order at 5:57 PM.
II. Attendance/Establish a Quorum
Roll Call was taken, Ms. Tuff was not present. A quorum was established.
I11. Approval of Agenda
Mr. Bretzmann called for a motion to approve the Meeting Agenda, Ms. Homar-Ramos entered the
motion, it was seconded by Ms. Zenti. All members that were present were in favor. The motion
was carried.
IV. Approval of Minutes - October 2nd, 2023
Mr. Bretzmann called for a motion to approve the Meeting Minutes from October 2nd, 2023. Ms.
Zenti entered the motion, it was seconded by Ms. Homar-Ramos. The motion was carried.
V. Public Comments
No Public comments. There were no members of the Public present.
VI. Monthly Budget Report
a.) FY 2024 Budget Amended: $522,400.00
b.) Revenues
1. FY 2024: $982,200.00
2. Actual Monthly Report: $15,682.19
c.) Expenses:
1. FY 2024: $703,300.00
2. Actual Monthly Report: $12,532.36
Mr. Coriano stated that the Halloween event helps out a lot with the Special Event Revenues,
and it's also a good way to start off the fiscal year.
Mr. Bretzmann stated that they did a great job putting it together in a way that makes it easy to
explain it to those that aren't familiar with government type budgets.
VII. Community Center & Wheels Park Facilities Updates
a.) Community Center:
1. Field Gazebo - painting & staining
Mr. Coriano stated that there was a Work Order in for the renovation team to come in and
paint/stain the gazebo.
2. Commercial refrigerator in the kitchen needs to be replaced.
Mr. Coriano stated that he was going to try to bring in two regular sized fridges and a
freezer to replace the commercial fridge. We have the need, with our afterschool program,
our VPK, and for any events that we are holding. He spoke to Mr. Garby, Supervisor for
Maintenance, to work through the paperwork, etc. to get the commercial fridge removed as
an asset and physically.
3. East Side lobby's gutter detached.
Mr. Coriano stated that it had been fixed. The Work Order was closed out on Friday.
4. Marquee's lights are out
Mr. Coriano stated that the lights are still out. We will have to find a contractor to take a
look at it. The company Hart's came out last time for the maintenance of the marquee. He is
going to contact them to see if they can come out and take a look. There is another lighting
company, Simmons, but they deal mostly with the light posts.
Mr. Brice stated that the one tree branch blocks the sign from view anyway.
Ms. Zenti stated that if we can't buy a new sign, that we would just cut it down. The sign
should be shorter, at eye level, and it should be electric.
Mr. Bretzmann stated that it might be more cost effective to get a new sign, rather than keep
repairing the old sign.
5. Center light post in parking lot is tilted.
Mr. Coriano stated that the middle light post is leaning. He has spoked to Facilities, and they
stated that there was 3 to 6 feet in the ground. He will have Hart's take a look at it when
they come out for, the marquee. There is a Work Order for it, but Facilities says that it is out
of their purview.
6. Restroom floors are still listed for renovation, pending the budget.
Mr. Coriano stated that the floors were still being looked at for renovations.
b.) Wheels Skate & BMX Park:
1. The skate park final phase has been approved.
Mr. Coriano stated that the latest information that he received from Mr. Atkinson was the
purchase order was submitted for Mr. Johnson to finish up the final renovation.
2. Announcing Observation Tower tarp replacement
Mr. Coriano stated that Mr. Nick Luviano, GGCC Program Leader at Wheels, was helping him
located a contractor to bid on the tarp replacement. We did get a quote when Facilities
came out for $16,000. We didn't believe that was the right price. There is a contractor
coming out on Wednesday to give another quote on it.
3. Maintenance preparations for BMX Qualifier
Mr. Coriano stated that they are on the way with preparations for the BMX Qualifier. He had
a meeting with Naples BMX last week. They are going to have a crew come out and do some
maintenance on the track.
4. Pest Control Work Order.
Mr. Coriano stated that we still have a Work Order in for the iguanas with a nest out there
by the BMX track.
Vlll. Old Business
a.) Board Members (Term extension for Ms. Zenti and Mr. Bretzmann)
Mr. Coriano stated that Ms. Zenti's and Mr. Bretzmann's terms are up this December. He
appreciates their service. He spoke with Wanda at the County Clerk's office, she stated that she
had to wait until December to make the positions public. Mr. Coriano stated that if we get a
number of applicants, then we will do interviews. If we get just one or two applicants, then if
the Board approves them, they are in. She had stated that for the most part, the Board can make
the decision.
Ms. Zenti mentioned that she and Ms. Tuff had a few people in mind to ask.
Mr. Bretzmann stated that if there aren't enough applicants, he will re -enroll.
Ms. Edwards stated that the Parks & Recreation Advisory Board has a position open coming up,
and she would like to see representation from Golden Gate. They are accepting applications up
until the 15th of the month.
b.) FY 2024 Budget (Ad Valorem Calculation)
Mr. Coriano stated that the main question that is always brought up is: "How is the Ad Valorem
We were able to look at FY 2023 Budget Summary. Under the Revenue section it shows what
the milage was for that year, and how the calculation came about for that year's Ad Valorem.
We had $ 587,600 for our Ad Valorem from last year.
He stated that we don't have the calculation for this year's Ad Valorem yet because the Budget
Summary isn't complete. Once it is, we can get a clearer picture of what the calculation is.
Mr. Brice stated that there was $595,100 generated in property tax revenues last year. Does
that money come to the Community Center as extra funds, or as general funds?
Mr. Gomez stated that it comes in as Revenue, under Program Funding Source. When that
money comes in, it doesn't come into our Operating Budget, because they separate operating
from revenue. When that money comes in through Revenue; it stays in Revenue. It can't be used
in operating, or to offset anything, or to obtain something new. That money just goes into the
budget as: they made money at this facility. What we are paying for is payroll, and every other
amenity in this facility. The money can't be moved around to another fund; once the money is
in that account, it's in there.
Mr. Bretzmann asked if there was surplus at the end of the year, does that money roll over to
the next year?
Mr. Gomez stated that it would be coming into the park as Revenue as a whole.
Mr. Bretzmann stated that he understood what the Ad Valorem money pays for here; his
concern is that is this park losing out in general fund income revenue sources because we have
the Ad Valorem. We bring in the almost $600,000 Ad Valorem, so that is $600,000 less that they
have to spend from the general fund for Golden Gate.
Mr. Coriano stated that was technically true.
Ms. Edwards stated she understood. They are taxed a certain amount extra just for a MSTU for
stuff that is supposed to be already funded through their regular taxes. She stated she isn't very
versed in that and she suggested that the members of the Board should write a letter to the
County Manager's office, and just ask. Christ Johnson, with OMV, can maybe come in and
explain it in more detail.
Mr. Bretzmann stated that they have asked the County before and they have said that there isn't
any documentation of the original agreement.
Mr. Gomez stated that they did receive the original ordinance that was filed February 24,1975,
that they just received that day.
Ms. Edwards read the ordinance aloud, and copies were provided to the Board.
Mr. Gomez stated that the Treasurer for the Golden Gate MSTU Board would be a good person
to talk to about this.
Mr. Bretzmann stated they just want to make sure that we aren't being shortchanged by the
general fund.
c.) Snowfest - Winter Carnival - Winter Celebration Event
Mr. Coriano stated that Snow Fest is still scheduled to be held at Paradise Coast Sports Complex
on December 2nd.
The carnival will be held here, on that same weekend of December 2n1, providing Larry Carr
finishes his paperwork. Mr. Carr will use his own security, not CCSO for the carnival.
Mr. Coriano stated that our Winter Celebration will be:
Dec. 2nd - 11:00am - 1:00pm
We will decorate the Auditorium and will have pictures with Santa (in Room C), cookies & hot
cocoa, and games.
Mr. Coriano introduced Kelsey Puete, GGCC Childcare Program Leader to the Board.
Ms. Puete stated that the childcare program includes: VPK, AfterSchool Adventures, and all
Camps (No School Day, Spring, Fall, and Winter Break Camps, and Summer Camp). She went
over VPK graduation requirements, and schedule. She reviewed general weekly schedule for
AfterSchool program. Ms. Puente then detailed the special programs/events that she helped
implement with AfterSchool Adventures, including Rita's Ice (Once a month), 3K Heart Run
done with Vineyards Community Park, rewards & treasure box (on a weekly basis), and Swim
Central. Swim Central is a water safety class done in partnership with Golden Gate Community
Park. She shared two `Swim Central Success Stories' with the Board.
Mr. Coriano stated that all his staff love what they do and do a great job of it, and they all make
his job easier. He wanted to point out that we didn't do Swim Central before Ms. Puete
implemented it. We get a good number of recurring kids, so we do try to come up with new
ideas/something different each year.
Mr. Bretzmannn stated that the staff enthusiasm shows through & the kids remember this stuff.
Ms. Edwards wanted to say a thank you to the team members at the park. She could tell that we
were embodying what Parks & Recreation is all about. It's about building the relationships
within the community.
IX. New Business
a.) Budget Reserve
Mr. Coriano stated that we had some good news. In his research about the Ad Valorem, Mr. Gomez
came to find that based on what's going on with our budget, we do have what's called a budget
reserve. That budget reserve helps us to make sure that we have the money for whatever issues
that we may have. For example, we were talking about the floors in the bathrooms being a high
priority for so many years. In that reserve, we have about $500,000 that we can use for the areas
that needs to be upgraded. We have been given the green light to make those kinds of restorations.
He wanted to defer to Ms. Edwards for more information on that.
Ms. Edwards stated that she spoke with OMV that afternoon for clarification. Anything under
$25,000 can be spent outright. If it is more than $25,000, we have to do an Executive Summary and
go to the Board of County Commissioners to approval to pull from the reserve. She wanted to task
the Board with is coming up with their top three priority things that they want to address. She
didn't believe that the money could be used at Wheels, but she will have to double check to make
Mr. Gomez stated that he would have to check also on whether the money can be used for an
addition (he knew the Board had been wanting a covered outdoor basketball court), or if it has to
be put toward improvements.
Mr. Brice stated that they were looking at funding from a grant perspective for that project.
b.) Winter/Spring Programs & Events
Mr. Coriano stated that all the programs for Winter/Spring sessions are entered into ActiveNet. Mr.
Williams, Sports Program Leader, is doing great with the basketball program to the point that it is
being heavily requested. We may increase the number of teams. We don't have any current
stagnated programs. He got call from GGCP from a woman that is interested in doing a dance class.
So, we're going to take a look at possibly doing a dance class.
X. Member Comments
Ms. Zenti commented that Commissioner Saunders will be at PAR 1 giving an update on the
construction around the affordable housing, etc. He stated that he had good news. She said that she
would give Mr. Coriano a summary of what Commissioner Saunders said.
Ms. Homar-Ramos asked Ernie and CeCe to please not leave the Board.
Ms. Edwards wanted to thank all the Board Members for volunteering their time to service.
Mr. Brice thanked Mr. Gomez and Ms. Edwards for coming and listening to the Board.
Mr. Bretzmann added that the fact that you are here means that you care.
XL Adjournment
With no further topics for discussion, Mr. Bretzmann called for a motion to adjourn the Meeting.
Ms. Zenti entered the motion, Mr. Brice seconded the motion, and all agreed. The Meeting was
adjourned at 7:30PM.
Golden Gate Community Center Advisory Board
Kaydee Tuff, Chairman
14�P-2 �as resentedThese minutes approved by the Board onpresented,
or as amended
Next Meeting, December 4th, 2023, at 6:OOPM
Golden Gate Community Center 4701 Golden Gate Parkway, Rm. C, Naples, FL 34116