CAC Minutes 10/11/2007 R
October 11, 2007
Naples, Florida, October 11, 2007
LET IT BE REMEMBERED, that the Collier County Coastal Advisory
Committee in and for the County of Collier, having conducted business
herein, met on this date at I :00 PM in REGULAR SESSION at
Administrative Building "F", 3rd Floor, Collier County Government Center,
Naples, Florida, with the following members present:
Vice Chairman:
John Sorey, III
Paul W. Sullivan (Excused)
Murray H. Hendel
Heidi Kulpa
Ronald Minarcini (Excused)
Anthony Pires
Jim Burke
David Buser
E. Glenn Tucker
ALSO PRESENT: Gary McAlpin, Coastal Zone Management Director
Gail Hambright, Tourist Tax Coordinator
Heidi Ashton-Cicko, Assistant County Attorney
Collier County: October 11,2007
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October 11, 2007
THURSDAY, OCTOBER 11, 2007 - 1:00 P.M.
W. HARMON TURNER BUILDING (Administrative Building F, 3rd Floor Collier County
Government Center, 3301 E. Tamiami Trail, Naples)
I. Call to Order
II. Pledge of Allegiance
III. Roll Call
IV. Changes and Approval of Agenda
V. Public Comments
VI. Approval of CAe Minutes
1. SeDtember.l3z.2.0..0Z
VII. Staff Reports
1. ReYenl-!~_J~_eDort - Garv McAJpjn
2. Proiect StiJ1.I!s.J~.ep_QIi.::-~McAJRiJ'_
3. 195 BudDet Review/Up-datg
4. CQuntY- Attornev's--.OpJniQ" ,.on CAe .ReJiltiY~Lto Clam Bav Permit
5. Beach Aerial Photographic Records
VIII. New Business
1. Modeling RejJ...9tl: Jtii.ggjn~UL.:-.Ken,."-umison
2. Modeling of Alternatives for Wiggins Pass
3. Public Records Request by CAC Board Members
IX. Old Business
1. UDdate Veaetati9J.LR.emo.val at Marco - VerbiJI! Qjs-'IJ-.S..s.iQ.o
2. Clam Pass Permit Discussion - Update
X. Public Comments
XI. Announcements
XII. Committee Member Discussion
XIII. Next Meeting Date/ Location
November 8, 2007 - Government Center, Administration Bldg. F, 3rd Floor
XIV. Adjournment
All interested parties are invited to attend, and to register to speak and to submit their objections, if any,
in writing, to the board prior to the meeting jf applicable.
For more information, please contact Gail D. Hambright at (239) 213-2966.
If you are a person with a disability who needs any accommodation in order to participate in this
proceeding, you are entitled, at no cost to you, to the provision of certain assistance. Please contact the
Collier County Facilities Management Department located at 3301 East Tamiami Trail, Naples, FL 34112,
Collier County: October 11, 2007
Page 2 of2
(239) 774-8380.
Public comments will be limited to 5 minutes unless the Chairman grants permission for additional time.
Collier County Ordinance No. 99~22 requires that all lobbyists shall, before engaging in any lobbying
activities (including, but not limited to, addressing the Board of County Commissioners) before the Board
of County Commissioners and its advisory boards, register with the Clerk to the Board at the Board
Minutes and Records Department.
October 11, 2007
I. Call to Order
The meeting was called to order by Chairman Sorey at 1 :03 PM.
II. Pledge of Allegiance
Was recited
III. Roll Call
Roll Call was taken and a quorum established.
IV. Changes and Approval of Agenda
Add Under "New Business" Item 2-a Q&A to Wiggins Pass Modeling Study
Item 4 Wiggins Pass Change Order 1
Mr. Tucker moved to approve the Agenda as amended. Seconded by Mr.
Pires. Motion carried unanimously 7-0.
V. Public Comments
None at this time.
VI. Approval of CAC Minutes
1. September 13, 2007
Page 2 IV. Should read No.5 "Modeling" Report "recommended that it be"
carried over. Page 6 XIII. The next scheduled meeting of the Coastal Advisory
Committee "will be" October 11, 2007. Page 4 paragraph 4 line 13 "Pire" correct
spelling should be "Pires".
Mr. Pires moved to approve the minutes of September 13, 2007 as amended.
Seconded by Mr. Tucker. Motion carried unanimously 7-0.
VII. Staff Reports
1. Revenue Report - Gary McAlpin
Mr. McAlpin presented the Revenue Report for close of the Fiscal Year as of
September 30, 2007. (See attached)
. TOC revenue $622,286 for September 07 was less than projected
. Year-to-date Total $14,228,682
. Year-to-date Tourist Tax collected was $628,682 over projection
2. Project Status Report - Gary McAlpin
Mr. McAlpin presented the TOC Category "A" Beach Maintenance Projects
report. (See attached)
. Over $1,000,000 for Monitoring requirements /Tom the State
3. 195 Budget Review Update. (See attached)
. Projected Carry Forward $10,850,600
. 2007/2008 Total Budgeted $16,906,300
. Approved Regulatory Projects $961,100
October 11, 2007
4. County Attorney's Opinion on CAC Involvement Relative to Clam Bay
Heidi Ashton-Cicko, Assistant County Attorney, stated after reviewing the
Ordinance it was clear the purpose of the Coastal Advisory Committee was to
make recommendations to the Tourist Development Council and the BCC.
Stated if Tourist Development Tax Funds were used for Beach or Inlet matters
it was required to be brought before the Coastal Advisory Committee. If
Tourist Development Tax Funds were not used for beach or inlet projects it
would be appropriate but not required to be brought before the Committee.
Mr. Sorey stated the Estuary would not fall under CAC Funds. Noted prior
Committee discussions involved the intention of reviewing the Seagrass Study
& Permit.
Mr. Sorey poled the committee to confirm their interest in reviewing the
study and permit based on the attorneys previous statement that it was not
required for them to review but would be appropriate. They all agreed.
5. Beach Aerial Photographic Records
Mr. McAplin presented Beach Aerial Photos (See attached).
VIII. New Business
1. Modeling Report - Wiggins Pass - Ken Humiston
Reviewed the August 2007 Presentation.
Mr. McAlpin reviewed his written response to the questions from
Ms. Kulpa. (See attached).
Questions & comments followed:
. Ms. Kulpa
a. Reference question #1- Recommended not proceeding until
the County Attorney's opinion was received pertaining to
the Growth Management Plan. Noted Policy 10.5.3 was
not addressed.
. Mr. Burke
a. Reference the Navigational issue - Requested additional
information if the same level of access was permitted to
larger boats. Suggested a Taxpayer Entitlement for water
craft that exceed the natural capabilities.
b. Expressed concern that after 23 years of tinkering and
$3.500,000 spent the conditions at Wiggins Pass have
Mr. McAlpin noted adherence to the Inlet Management Plan
approved by the BCe which was designed for a 3 foot draft
October 11, 2007
boat and was not planned to dredge deeper to accommodate
larger boats.
. Mr. Pires
a. Suggested examining the LDC language concerning
Underdeveloped Coastal Barriers Code #3.03.07.
i. Reference Barefoot Beach Preserve erosion.
~ What is the annual erosion rate
~ Out of the 1.6 miles what percentage was under
b. Reference the Feasibility Study - Requested the number of
sea-turtle nest & active gopher tortoise that have been
adversely impacted by the 300 - 400 ft. Inlet erosion of
Barefoot Beach before making a recommendation.
. Mr. Buser
a. Reference Safety - Re-addressed the inaccuracy of accident
statistics and use of the report.
b. Suggested the monitoring of water exchange before & after
intervention at the Vanderbilt lagoon area.
2. Modeling of Alternatives for Wiggins Pass
Mr. McAlpin submitted the staffrecommended budget for the
next phase of structural alternatives for the amount $125,000.
(See attached)
Mr. Sorey stated the scope would require review of all
alternatives that would be analyzed.
Mr. McAlpin responded that the issues would be researched
and reported at the next meeting.
Public Speakers
Dr. Jon Staiger, Estuary Conservation Association, stated the
Inlet was navigable before the 1 st dredging. Recommended the
continuation of Studying Alternative Solutions in lieu of
repetitive pending of money.
Peter Frank questioned the use of Jetty's. Reported in the
City of Venice Jetty's were built in the 1930s & the beaches
required re-nourishment every 10 years. Noted on the North
side of Wiggins Pass the beaches were being replenished more
David Roellig, Estuary Board Member, stated Wiggins Pass
does not have a structure that was incompatible for boater safe
navigation. Recommended moving forward with a temporary
October 11, 2007
Jessica Pollock, Conservancy of Southwest Florida,
announced Dr. Orin Pilky Professor of Geology at Duke
University was invited by ECA to review the Wiggins Pass
Study. This would provide an objective contribution.
Requested action on the Wiggins Pass Study be deferred until
all relevant infonnation was received and could be utilized in
the decision making process.
Gary Wilson had no further comments or concerns after
hearing all the above infonnation.
Phillip Smith, Wiggins Pass boat owner, suggested revisiting
the use ofrock structured walls. Noted the rock walls currently
at Gordon Pass, Doctors Pass, & Venice Inlet are working.
Joe Moreland, ECA President, noted that no one was seeking
relief for the pass for larger boats. Coast Guard Regulations
require the County to dredge & maintain an 8 ft. depth. He also
personally invited the Chairman & designee to receive a
briefing and participate in a Q&A session with Dr. Pilky.
After discussion it was detennined that the briefing with Dr. Pi1ky would
be a non-publicized meeting & would not be held as a CAC meeting.
Recommendation by Ms Ashton-Cicko - if 2 or more Committee
members would be in attendance they should not participate during the
Q&A to be in compliance with the Sunshine Law.
Donna Reed Caron, Wiggins Bay resident, quoted from a
report "The next step in the County's evaluation of ways to
improve the management of Wiggins Pass" adding her
comment that the study should explore all alternatives. Stated
that over the course of the past 23 years dredging has not made
any improvement & additional management was needed. Noted
the objective was unclear in the report. Concern was expressed
that the course of action being taken would be irreversible.
Suggested postponement of any decisions until Dr. Pilky had
Capt. John Findley, 110 Master Capt., Certified Marine
Manager and ECA Board Member reported the southern tip of
Barefoot Beach has a 6 foot drop along the beach path. The
shoreline trees are sliding into the water and were a
navigational hazard. Referenced Policy 10.3.11 "Public safety
October 11, 2007
& or Land use related hardship" stating the loss of land would
fall under "Land use related hardship".
BREAK 3:06
Mr. Sorey questioned moving forward with Budget Items.
Mr. Tucker moved to approve the staff recommended
budget for $125,000 for the next phase of numerical
modeling. Secouded by Mr. Buser.
Discussions ensued.
Motion failed 3-4. Mr. Sorey, Mr. Buser & Mr. Tucker
voted "yes" - Ms. Kulpa, Mr. Pires, Mr. Burke & Mr.
Hendel voted "no."
Mr. Pires moved to table the motion for consideration of
the recommended budget of $125,000 for the next phase of
Numerical Modeling Structural Alternatives for Wiggins
Mr. Sorey questioned when the tabled item should be
Without a second the motion was not considered.
Mr. Pires moved for the motion to be tabled until said time
that all the questions that were raised by the Committee
were addressed. Seconded by Mr. Buser. Motion carried
unanimously 7-0.
Mr. Sorey recommended Committee Member attendance for
the ECA meeting. The following members will attend Mr.
Buser, Ms. Kulpa, and Mr. Burke.
3. Public Records Request by CAC Board Members
Mr. Pires stated additional reports were required for the meeting
and were of "public record." Mr. Pires questioned the $60 fee that
was incurred for the service.
Heidi Ashton-Cicko responded that on Oct. 23, 2007 the BCC
would be discussing the issue and direction would be given at that
Mr. Sorey encouraged the Committee Members to express their
opinions with the BCC. Expressed any additional information
October 11, 2007
required by a Committee Member to make an informed decision
should be provided.
Mr. McAlpin requested Change Order No.1 to Work Order HM-
FT-3902-07-05 to Humiston & Moore in the amount of$5000 for
additional Modeling Study data. (See attached)
Mr. Hendel moved to reject that based on the previous motion
that was turned down. Seconded by Ms. Kulpa.
Mr. McAlpin responded there were no Modeling Study funds
remaining. Additional Data collection would be required to answer
the Committee questions that were raised.
Mr. Hendel withdrew the motion.
Mr. Pires moved to approve ($5000 to Humiston & Moore for
additional Modeling Study data). Seconded by Mr. Tucker.
Motion carried unanimously 7-0.
IX. Old Business
4. Update Vegetation Removal at Marco - Verbal Discussion
Mr. McAlpin reported the completion of the perimeter marking.
Debbie Roddy, Friends of Tigertail, thanked the Committee and
County for the perimeter markers.
5. Clam Pass Permit Discussion - Update
Mr. McAlpin reported the permit was with the County Manger for
review. Comments would be available after the Seagrass Study
was presented. The Study would be available Wednesday, October
17,2007 and would be presented at a Public meeting held at
Rookery Bay. The scheduled meeting information would be
posted on the website.
David Roellig, questioned the delay of the Seagrass Study results.
Mr. McAlpin responded the Permit was submitted to the County
Manager 3-4 weeks ago for review. Additionally the Seagrass
Study would be incorporated into the Clam Pass Permit.
X. Public Comments
Heidi Ashton-Cicko reiterated the importance of abstinence of communications
between Committee Members.
October 11, 2007
XI. Announcements
XII. Committee Member Discussion
There being no further business for the good of the County, the meeting was adjourned by
order of the Chair at 3:49 PM.
Chairman John Sorey III
These Minutes approved by the Board/Committee on
as presented or as amended_.