Bayshore Gateway Minutes 09/12/2023Bayshore Gateway Triangle CRA .Bayshore Beautification MSTU Haldeman Creek MSTU September 12, 2023 Meeting Minutes Item 6a - Attachment 1 BAYSHORE/GATEWAY TRIANGLE LOCAL REDEVELOPMENT ADVISORY BOARD MINUTES OF THE SEPTEMBER 12, 2023 MEETING The meeting of the Bayshore/Gateway Triangle Local Redevelopment Advisory Board was called to order by Chairwoman, Karen Beatty at 6:00 p.m. I. Roll Call: Advisory Board Members Present: Karen Beatty, Maurice Gutierrez, Al Schantzen, Kristin Hood, Kathi Kilburn, Sam Saad, Jr., and Steve Rigsbee. Mike Sherman was approved to attend virtually. James Talano had an excused absence. CRA Staff Present: Greg Oravec, CRA Director, and Shirley Garcia, Program Manager. IL Pledge of Allegiance: Led by Karen Beatty. III. Adoption of Agenda: Motion made by Kathy Kilburn; second by, Al Schantzen approved unanimously. IV. Public Comment: Mr. Jim Longwell who lives on South Bayshore Drive near the new development by Minto, noted a few concerns: The deterioration of south Bayshore Drive by the circle/Botanical Gardens and feels the damage is caused by the two developments at the end of the road. The developer should be accountable for the damage to the road. The southbound lane has gotten so bad that the people are now switching over into the northbound lane to miss all the damage on the road. The second concern is the speeding from the roundabout down to the south at night. Go directly to the metrics code enforcement; the developer needs to go to their insurance company; they have to pay for it and fix it. That's the law. Speed bumps; traffic calming thousands of dump trucks hauling fill starting at 4:30 AM. The dump trucks hauling fill is almost done. But they're building new houses, so you have concrete trucks, trailers, deliveries of drywall and other materials. Mr. Oravec discussed some options he will bring the the local advisory board and he would like to facilitate, brainstorm, and provide guidance based on experience. What are the seven items for seven years on the collective bucket list of this advisory board? Bayshore does not stop at 41. It goes all the way down on Shadowlawn. Bayshore is your main street, and that road should be reconstructed to the standard that you see fit. Action items and a to-do list: Follow up with Code, Division of Growth Management Department (GMD); the building division of GMD; chronicle potholes; get the right people in the right places; Assign Shirley as our safe, clean and green team — have her in the community and bring her passion to bear on enhancing quality of life. Packet Pg. 72 V. VI. VII. VIII. Bayshore Gateway Triangle CRA .Bayshore Beautification MSTU Haldeman Creek MSTU If we can get the builders to pay for it. Push comes to shove, and we have the option of fixing it through road maintenance it will be fixed. Approval of Consent Agenda: a. Al Schantzen made a motion to approve the consent items with the amendment of Holly Ave Project status to be consistent with the previous months, second by Kristin Hood, approved unanimously. Community / Business — Presentations: a. Collier County Sheriffs Office: Cpl Erida Caudhill provided some of the stats for the BGTCRA areas, she noted the public comment about speeding, the construction trucks driving too fast during the day and will monitor it. Ms. Garcia asked if she could get the night patrol to do the same on south Bayshore since there was a complaint about speeding at night. She noted it for the night patrols and will ask them to do additional speed checks. b. Development Report: Laura DeJohn asked if anyone had any questions about the development report and provided the list of projects. Old Rusiness: a. Del's/Cinematheque update: Mr. Oravec provided copies of his executive summary that will be followed from now on and he wanted to get any comments from the board before he submits it formally to the BCC. The consensus from the board was to move forward with the Directors recommendation as summarized. New Business: a. Draft Residential Grant Program: Ms. Garcia presented a draft grant application that was requested at the last meeting. There were changes requested by Al Schantzen that staff will make. Ms. Garcia had asked if there were any additional changes the board or the public wanted to make. Kris LeClair had one comment about the length of time on the lien, she expressed 15 years was too long. Steve Rigsbee agreed and also wanted to request that staff get the County Attorney's Office to draft an exemption for board members so they could apply for the emergency grant since it is an income -based grant with the verbiage to assist for emergency situations. All the Board members agreed there should be an exemption requested on any qualifying board member who needs to apply and is eligible. Staff will work on the request to the County Attorney's Office and bring back their comment. Mr. Oravec noted that there should be a cost associated with the applications to have some skin in it. Packet Pg. 73 Bayshore Gateway Triangle CRA .Bayshore Beautification MSTU Haldeman Creek MSTU IX. Staff report: a. Update from the CRA Director: Mr. Oravec expressed the need to hold a strategic planning workshop and asked for some availability on a Saturday sometime in October, there was a consensus from the board that they could attend. After discussing some dates everyone decided on October 28th, 10-4pm at the Botanical Garden and Ms. Garcia will work with Ms. Hood to get the room or another available room in the Gardens. X. Other Agency's: a. Collier County Code Enforcement: John Johnson, Senior Code Investigator attended to answer any questions on the case report or any other code -related questions. Ms. Hood inquired about living under the bridge by US41 over the bridge. Mr. Johnson wasn't aware but after looking at the area determined it was within the City of Naples Code Enforcement Jurisdiction. Maurice Gutierrez asked about the issues at Cypress and Becca Ave because some neighboring properties had asked him. Mr. Johnson provided the update on the property located at Cypress and Becca Ave. He made the owner remove the electricity and water from the motor home and was told no one was living in it but he suspects a complaint will come in again in the future, he is fixing the broken fence and his next steps will be removing the floating concrete slabs. XI. Communications and Correspondence: The following items were presented for the Committee's awareness. a. The Coastal Cleanup: Ms. Garcia asked if anyone would like to attend on the 10h, they will meet at the CRA parking lot in the morning to hand out supplies and shirts. b. Ascent Article: The article was attached for anyone interested. c. Del Ackerman Article: The article was attached for anyone interested. d. Another Cultural Thread coming to Naples: The article was attached for anyone interested. XII. Public Comments: Ann Benoist had asked about the land south of Holly Ave which is in a trust, if it has been sold and will be developed. The CRA staff will research and email her their findings. XIII. Staff Comments: XIV. Advisory Board General Communications: Packet Pg. 74 5.A.3 Bayshore Gateway Triangle CRA .Bayshore Beautification MSTU Haldeman Creek MSTU XV. Next Meeting Date: a. October 3, 2023 @ 6 pm at the Botanical Garden FGCU Buehler• Auditorium b. October 28, 2023 @ IOam-4pra Botanical Garden TBD XVI. Adjournment: The meeting adjourned at 9:20 p.m. Chairwoman, Karen Beatt 4 Packet Pg. 75