2022 Final VAB Agenda 04/17/2023 Item #9Pl DEPARTMENT OF REVENUE NOTICE TAX IMPACT OF VAL U E ADJUSTMENT BOARD Collier Count y -------- Members of the Board DR-529 . 12/09 Ru e 1 2 D -16 .□[}2 Flor ida Adm in istrn ·e C<Xle Ho norab!le Burt Saunders Board of Coun ty Comm issio ners , Distri ct No . 3 Ho norable Dan Kowal Boa rd of Coun ty Com m issio ne rs , Distri ct No. 4 Ho norab le Erick Carter Schoo l Board , Distri ct No . 4 C iti ze n l'v1em ber Ron Kezeske Bus iness owne r withi n the sch ool d is tri ct Ci ti ze n l'v1em ber Rebecca Earney Homestead property o·w ner The Va lu e Ad jus tment Boar d (\/AB ) meets eoc h yea r to hear pe titi ons a nd make deci sio ns r,e lat ing to pro perty tax assessmen ts, exe mp tions , class ifi co ti ons, and tax deferra ls. Summary of Year's Ac tions Number of Parcels Reduction in Shi ft in Type of Property Exemp f o ns Assessments "' Both Co u nty Taxabl e Valu e T axes Granted Re;i ues1ed Reduced Req •Jested Wittufrawn Du e to Boar d Acti on s D ue to !Bo ard Actions or se ttl ed R es ,ide nt ial 1 332 9 690 508 s (1,934 ,051) s (20 I 470) Comm e rcia l 0 0 0 212 143 s 0 s 0 Ind ustria l and s s m is ce ll aneo us 0 0 0 53 31 0 0 A gri c ul tu ra l o r 0 0 0 0 0 s 0 s 0 cl ass ifi ed use H igh-w at er recha rge 0 0 0 0 os 0 s 0 Hi sto ric commerc ial or no nprofi t 0 0 0 0 oS 0 s 0 Busin ess machin e ry 0 0 0 12 12 s 0 s 0 and equi pment Vaca nt lots and 0 2 0 64 39 s 0 s 0 ac rea ge ti TOTALS 1 334 9 1 ,031 733 s (1 ,934,051) s (20,470) All va lues s houl d be co un ty ta xable val ues . Sc hool a nd ot he r taxing a ut hori ty val ues may d iffer. ~I ncl ude t ra nsfe r of assessm ent d ifference (portab ili ty} req uests. H you have a quest,ion about these actions , contact the Cha ir or the Cle rk o t the Va lue Adju stme nt Board:. Cha ir's na me Burt Saunders , VAB Chairman Pho ne 239-252-8603 exii. Clerk's na me Crystal K . Kinzel, Clerk Pho ne 239-252-8399 ext 685