CAC Agenda 08/10/20237/28/23, 1:27 PM August 10, 2023 1 Collier County, FL August 10, 2023 English Meeting Agenda and Notice Coastal Advisory Committee (CAC) Thursday, August 10, 2023— 1:00 p.m. Collier County Board Chambers Collier County Government Center 3299 Tamiami Trail East, Third Floor, Naples, FL Sunshine Law on Agenda Questions 2023 CAC MEETING DATES I. Call to Order II. Pledge of Allegiance III. Roll Call W. Changes and Approval of Agenda V. Public Comments VI. Approval of CAC Minutes May L, 2023 VII. Staff Reports Extended Revenue Report VIII. New Business 1. ES - After the Fact (ATF) - Vulcan, Inc. - Replacement R-Monument Signage (approved by BCC on 7-225.2023). o After the Fact o Invoice and Quote 2. ES - 2023-2024 Tourist Development Council (TDC) Fund 195 Grant Application Requests • Coastal Zone Management (CZM) Grant Applications • TDC 2023 — 2024 Category A Grant Application — Beach Maintenance • TDC 2023 — 2024 Category A Grant Application — Pier Maintenance • Turtle Monitoring Grant Application • TDC 2023 — 2024 Grant Agreement — Collier County & City of Naples https://www.colliercountyfl.gov/government/advisory-boards-and-authorities/coastal-advisory-committee/cac-agendas/2023-cac-agendas/august-10-2023 1 /2 7/28/23, 1:27 PM August 10, 2023 1 Collier County, FL City of Naples - Resolution 2022-14857 3. ES - 10-Year Plan o Fiscal Year 2023 10-Year Plan 4. ES - (2) Change Orders (CO) - 23-8111 - Emergency Berm Construction - Volume Overages • CO - PO 4500224o85 - Phillips & Jordan, Inc. o CO - PO 4500224201- Earth Tech Enterprises, Inc. IX. Old Business X. Announcements XI. Committee Member Discussion XII. Next Meeting Date/Location September 14, 2023 at 1:00 p.m. XIII. Adjournment All interested parties are invited to attend, and to register to speak and to submit their objections, if any, in writing, to the board prior to the meeting if applicable. For more information, please contact Andrew Miller at (239) 252-2922• If you are a person with a disability who needs any accommodation in order to participate in this proceeding, you are entitled, at no cost to you, to the provision of certain assistance. Please contact the Collier County Facilities Management Department located at 33o1 East Tamiami Trail, Naples, FL 34112, (239) 252-838o• Public comments will be limited to 3 minutes unless the Chairman grants permission for additional time. Collier County Ordinance No. 99-22 requires that all lobbyists shall, before engaging in any lobbying activities (including, but not limited to, addressing the Board of County Commissioners) before the Board of County Commissioners and its advisory boards, register with the Clerk to the Board at the Board Minutes and Records Department. https://www.colliercountyfl.gov/government/advisory-boards-and-authorities/coastal-advisory-committee/cac-agendas/2023-cac-agendas/august-10-2023 2/2 May 11, 2023 MINUTES OF THE COLLIER COUNTY COASTAL ADVISORY COMMITTEE MEETING Naples, Florida, May 11, 2023 LET IT BE REMEMBERED, the Collier County Coastal Advisory Committee, in and for the County of Collier, having conducted business herein, met on this date at 1 P.M. in REGULAR SESSION at Administrative Building "F," 3' Floor, Collier County Government Complex, Naples, Florida, with the following members present: ALSO PRESENT: CHAIRMAN: David Trecker VICE CHAIRMAN: Joseph Burke Steve Koziar Thomas McCann (excused) Jim Burke Robert Raymond Robert Roth Councilman Raymond Christman Councilor Erik Brechnitz Andy Miller, Coastal Zone Manager Colleen Greene, Assistant County Attorney Farron Turner, Management Analyst I, Coastal Zone May 11, 2023 Anyone in need of a verbatim record of the meeting may request a copy of the video recording from the Communications, Government & Public Affairs Division or view it online. I. Call to Order Chairman Trecker called the meeting to order at 1 p.m. II. Pledge of Allegiance The Pledge of Allegiance was recited. III. Roll Call Roll call was taken and a quorum of seven was established. IV. Changes and Approval of Agenda (None) Councilor Brechnitz moved to approve the agenda. Second by Mr. Burke. The motion passed unanimously, 8-0. V. Public Comments (None) VI. Approval of CAC Minutes April 13, 2023 Chairman Trecker said the minutes are very thorough, but he has three minor revisions: • At the very bottom of page 5, on the last bullet, "Third phase, which tends to get overlooked ... What about planning?" It should say plantings, not planning, and strike the sentence after that. • At the bottom of page 6 on the third bullet, it should say Bay Colony, not Colony Bay. • At the top of page 12 on the second bullet, where it starts, "Less than a week ago ..." It should say electrochemical, instead of electric chemical. Councilman Christman moved to approve the April 13, 2023, meeting minutes, as amended. Second by Mr. Koziar. The motion passed unanimously, 8-0. VII. Staff Reports Extended Revenue Report "FY23 TDT Collections Revenue Report" dated April 30, 2023. Mr. Miller detailed a PowerPoint presentation and reported that. • The numbers are very positive. • The gray shows we're over budget by nearly 37%. • If you compare graphically to last year, at $8 million, this year we're just over $7 million. • Compared to 2021 and 2020, we are quite positive, as far as variances go. Mr. Koziar said that's not too bad considering how many hotels were closed, such as the Beach Club and the Ritz -Carlton. Mr. Miller said you're right. Councilor Brechnitz asked about the various categories where it's over budget. Does the balance go into reserves? Mr. Miller said that's correct. PJ1 May 11, 2023 Chairman Trecker we're still at a 37% positive variance, and when you look at the five-year cumulative total, we're really in great shape there, too, so in the long term we're clearly doing very well. Mr. Roth noted that the blue line representing the budget is up a bit from the prior budget because we had such a good year, but as far as this empirical data we now have and we're seeing how far above budget we are, will the budget be increased for next year? Mr. Miller said that will probably be discussed by Coastal Zone and the County Manager. Obviously, this is not from the Coastal Zone, this is the entire TDC right now. Mr. Roth said he's asking because we're undershooting some programs and things that otherwise we could put on the books if we anticipate more income, which comes as a surprise. Mr. Miller said that's a good point. Obviously, that would be assuming that things are going to stay the way they are post -pandemic, but it's kind of an unknown. Mr. Roth said unless we have another hurricane — and this one didn't make too much of a dent — he believes this is a sign of things to come in Collier County. Mr. Miller said he hopes so. VIII. New Business 1. Executive Summary — CAC Vacancies Chairman Trecker detailed the CAC vacancies and terms ending this month: • There are four vacancies. • One is for the City of Naples. • One is for the City of Marco Island. • Two are for openings in unincorporated Collier County. • The candidates for Naples and Marco are vetted and approved by their respective city councils. • For those in unincorporated Collier County, we are being asked to provide guidance to county commissioners. • There are four applicants for two openings, himself and Mr. Burke, and two newcomers, Kevin Johnson, and Gayle Repetto. • He asked if there was further discussion. Mr. Raymond moved to re -appoint Chairman Trecker and Jim Burke to the unincorporated Collier County seats for the Coastal Advisory Committee for another term. Mr. Roth seconded the motion. A discussion ensued and the following points were made: • All City of Naples positions are limited to two terms. • There are no limits to county positions on boards. The term is defined, but not the limits. • City of Naples appointees/recommendations are limited to two terms. Mr. McCann said he was term -limited. • They are limited to four years and then each is reappointed. • Marco Island has term limits for City Council, a term is four years, and they can serve two terms, but there may not be limits for advisory boards. • The appointees selected by the two cities are usually pro forma and recommended by the CAC. • The cities select someone from their respective city councils. • The CAC makes its recommendation to the Board of County Commissioners for approval. • The county commissioners make the final decision on the appointments. May 11, 2023 Councilman Christman said he's supportive and comfortable with voting for the two, but going forward, if we're going to have the role of making recommendations to the County Commissioners, we ought to have a process that allows candidates to come forward and be interviewed by us. That's what they do in the City of Naples for advisory boards. They're interviewed briefly, in addition to submitting their resumes. From a process standpoint, that's an appropriate way to do things. Chairman Trecker said that was a very good point. Councilman Christman said it's very hard to judge somebody. We know Chairman Trecker and Mr. Burke very well, but for the other two candidates, we have two sheets of paper, so he'd make that recommendation for future consideration. Chairman Trecker agreed they can make that a future consideration. Mr. Raymond noted that when he applied for the CAC, he had to go before the BCC and they interviewed him. They interviewed everybody. That was his first time. Chairman Trecker said he had to do that the first time, not with the commissioners, but with the CAC. Attorney Greene said she didn't believe committee members need to appear at the BCC meeting anymore, but that may have happened in the past. It's not happening regularly. If we have a vote and a recommendation from this committee, this item will most likely be a consent agenda item for the Board of County Commissioners. Mr. Raymond asked if it's up to the BCC to make that decision. Attorney Greene said it was. Mr. Raymond moved to re -appoint Chairman Trecker and Jim Burke to another term for the unincorporated Collier County seats on the Coastal Advisory Committee. Second by Mr. Roth. The motion was approved unanimously, 8-0. Mr. Burke thanked the committee for reappointing him. Chairman Trecker also thanked the committee. 2. Executive Summary — Humiston & Moore Engineers Collier County Beaches and Inlets Annual Monitoring for 2023 • The recommendation is to approve proposal from Humiston & Moore Engineers to provide professional engineering services for state -required Annual Monitoring of Collier County Beaches and Inlets for 2023 under contract 18-7432-CZ for time and materials not to exceed $78,532 and make a finding that this item promotes tourism (Fund 195, Project No. 90536). Mr. Miller outlined the proposal, telling the CAC. • He apologized because he brought this to the CAC last month and it was incomplete. • This is the same item, but adds a task to do the actual reporting. • The tasks involved in the previous proposal had everything except the report itself, which is what we need to make a recommendation for our future project. He asked the CAC for their recommendation. Chairman Trecker noted that the APTIM data, which shows a significant effort dealing with hurricane repair, will be incorporated into this, so it will be one big composite report. Mr. Miller said that's correct. That means it will provide a savings to the county because APTIM has done the survey effort for them, so Humiston & Moore will essentially crunch the numbers and come up with a recommendation on what they see as a necessary beach -nourishment project for this fall or winter. C! May 11, 2023 Chairman Trecker asked if he's indicating that the timing for this publication will be sometime this summer. Mr. Miller said it will be as soon as they can get Humiston & Moore started and they have advance warning that we need this expedited, so he's hoping to get it by mid- to late -summer. Chairman Trecker asked if everyone understood that this recommendation is a follow-up of an almost identical one that we approved at the last meeting. On page 3 of the accompanying material it's spelled out that the $26,528 is added to what was proposed last time, making it $78,532. Are there any questions, comments or suggestions? He asked for a motion. Mr. Roth made a motion to approve a proposal from Humiston & Moore Engineers to provide professional engineering services for state -required Annual Monitoring on Collier County Beaches and Inlets for 2023 under Contract No. 18-7432-CZ for time and materials not to exceed $78,532 and made a finding that this item promotes tourism. Second by Councilor Brechnitz. The motion passed unanimously, 8-0. 3. Executive Summary — Taylor Engineering, Inc. - Collier County Dune Restoration Planting, Construction Plans, Technical Specifications and Bid Assistance Services • Recommendation to approve a proposal from Taylor Engineering Inc. to provide professional engineering services for the 2024 dune planting and exotic vegetation removal project at Barefoot, Vanderbilt, Park Shore, Naples and South Marco Island beaches for time and materials not to exceed $57,007 under Contract No. 18-7432-CZ and make a finding that this item promotes tourism. Mr. Miller outlined the recommendation and reported that. • We're in the process of building the berms as we speak. The trucks are rolling and the sand is being placed on the beach. • We're in the process of bringing on Taylor Engineering to prepare plans for a future dune planting project to reinforce what we're putting on the beach. • We wanted to ensure Taylor Engineering got on board early enough to provide us with a bid package to put out on the street and to determine the amount and location of the number of plants, so we can get those growing for next year's planting, which should occur right before the wet season starts. • Taylor Engineering's proposal does not include post -design services, meaning engineering during construction and the monitoring of the construction. That will be brought before the board as a change order once we find out exactly how many plants are needed and what the scope of the location is. • That's not mentioned in this Executive Summary, but it is mentioned in the version of this executive summary for the TDC and the BCC. Chairman Trecker asked if the plantings would go everywhere the trapezoidal dunes have been constructed. Mr. Miller said right, that's the plan. Mr. Roth said even if it says Taylor Engineering, isn't this really for landscape architectural services? In the design of the plantings for the berms, we spoke about possibly allowing the Naples Botanical Garden to have a role. Mr. Miller said that's correct. To his knowledge, Taylor Engineering has a registered landscape architect stamping the documents. You also will see in the proposal that they mentioned coordinating with stakeholders as part of their scope of services, so that's all included. Chairman Trecker said if you look at Task 1 under Exhibit A, one of the things they're going to do is sweep in the recommendations of the task force, which includes representatives from Marco Island and Naples. Recommendations are being made there, so those will all be taken into account. It looks like it's going to be a pretty thorough job. 5 May 11, 2023 Councilman Christman said he and Andy have spoken several times about the task force. He knows the county is committed to bringing together a group of people that hopefully represent HOAs and other resident groups, at least within the city, to work with Taylor Engineering. He doesn't know about Marco Island. And it will include groups like the Naples Native Plant Society and the Naples Botanical Garden and whoever else is interested in participating, so hopefully people can be engaged and provide useful input. Chairman Trecker said he understood that the timing is to have the design package in place by late summer or early fall and then place the orders with the nurseries. It will take time for them to grow all those plants. You indicated that the actual planting would begin to go in the ground next April or May, about a year from now? That's the target? Mr. Miller said that's correct. The intent is to get the plants in the ground and wait for the rains to start falling, to keep them growing and healthy. That's the target. Vice Chair Burke asked what the average top of berm elevation is for what they're putting in for the emergency berms. Mr. Miller said the one we're building is 6.0. NAVD. There are a couple of stretches on Vanderbilt Beach where we needed to put more sand and we raised the elevation to 7.0 for about a 1,000-foot stretch, but all the others, from Doctors Pass to the Pier, are 6.0. That's the flat -top elevation of the berm. Vice Chair Burke asked if that's what it was before. Mr. Miller said essentially, but obviously, it varied. On average, it was probably around 6.0. Councilman Christman asked if he could explain how that elevation is measured. Mr. Miller said the NAVD88 is a vertical datum that differs slightly from sea level. NAVD datum is about one-half foot, maybe a little bit more, below mean sea level. Councilman Christman said the reason he's asking is for the benefit of the public, so they know when they're going on beach, they're not standing in front of a 6-foot berm. Mr. Miller said the berm is essentially a couple of feet. Mr. Roth said when you're standing in the water. Mr. Miller said the berm is essentially a couple feet, maybe three feet higher than the existing beach at the high end of the beach. Councilman Christman made a motion to recommend approval of a proposal from Taylor Engineering Inc. to provide professional engineering services for the 2024 dune planting and exotic vegetation removal project at Barefoot, Vanderbilt, Park Shore, Naples and South Marco Island beaches for time and materials not to exceed $57,007 under Contract No. 18-7432-CZ and made a finding that this item promotes tourism. Second by Mr. Raymond. The motion passed unanimously, 8-0. VIII. Old Business 1. Update — Emergency Berm Project Mr. Miller reported that the Emergency Berm Project is going quite well. The overall total tonnage for both projects was about 400,000 tons, and as of today, both the north reach and the south reach have both constructed 100,000 tons plus, so they're essentially 50% into the project and we've got probably the rest of May and possibly mid -June until we complete it. A discussion ensued and the following points were made: • It will probably be mid -June before it's all wrapped up. • No one has heard any complaints, so far. • The Pelican Bay beaches look terrific. • Pelican Bay and Vanderbilt beaches are completed and we're moving up to Barefoot May 11, 2023 Beach and will start hauling there on Monday. • Naples Beach, from Doctors Pass to the pier, is complete. • We're working on Park Shore, from Seagate back toward Horizon Way, and we expect to be working from Doctors Pass back to Horizon Way sometime next week. 2. Status — USACE Project Chairman Trecker told the CAC. • Even though Coastal Zone Management and the CAC no longer have direct responsibility for this, we retain a lot of interest. We have folks participating with the sureties and there will be continual consultation with several of you. • This is something we probably will want to keep track of as we go forward. • The period for public comment has been extended to June 7. • If anyone needs information about the contacts, he can provide that. • The deadline for the selected plan has been pushed off to February. • The deadline for the draft report was pushed off until April. • The Army Corps respects the fact that there's a lot of interest and input and they want to come to a consensus with the community. • He asked Joe and Bob to explain their experiences at the charettes. Mr. Roth reported his experience: • He and Joe were there and were invited to the charette. • There were two events and one wrapped up about two weeks ago. • One was public participation in the environmental -review process that the Corps of Engineers has to go through where they were scoping areas to ensure they had all of the public's concerns considered as they embark on the environmental review for this process. • Separate from that will be the design and incorporating the elements that they flesh out in the environmental review. • To begin the design, they held a charette and invited people. He was invited because he's a CAC member. There also were representatives from Naples and Marco Island and they broke us up into tables. • There were six zones established in the prior study, so, at least for now, they stuck with those six zones. • Everyone was divided into groups, and he sat on Zone 6, the Marco Island Zone, along with Justin Martin, the city's Director of Public Works, and Kelli (DeFedericis), the city's floodplain coordinator. • (Vice Chair Burke said he was on the Naples table, from Seagate down to Fifth.) • Although you have the two civil engineers there that are not opposed to the hard structures, the Army Corps got the point about desiring that nature -based solutions be incorporated. • When we were broken up into tables, we were asked to come up with ideas, such as, "What would you do if this was your backyard?" We came up with some quite unique things for Marco Island that would be nature -based. Some would be just a matter of constructing a rip -rap jetty that would collect sand and form a new island that would possibly inhabit itself or be planted with mangroves. • Everybody was pleased with the outcome. He thought the Army Corps was pleased because they got a lot of feedback from the group. • They collected all of our papers at the end, and they've gone back to start crunching the numbers, so they're working on it now. Chairman Trecker asked if they got any pushback from the conservation groups. Mr. Roth said they were there. When he says "they," he means the Environmental Defense Group, which was behind some of the news coverage about hard floodgates. They prepared their own renderings. Those did not come from the prior Army Corps report. Vice Chair Burke said he didn't know that. May 11, 2023 Mr. Roth told the CAC: • The group did a rendering of what could be based on what was described and initially unfairly tagged as Army Corps plans and ideas. They did take credit in the upper right corner. You could see a little where they did take credit for that to disclose that is where these ideas came from. • The Conservancy was also there and there were two schools of thought and they've compromised in the middle. They have a better understanding of how the Army Corps would deploy some of these almost last resorts where there wasn't an opportunity to create a nature -based solution, especially the mouths of rivers, etc., where they may need walls. • The other thing that was clarified, similar to pointing out the berm height being elevation 6.0, is when they were talking about these walls being elevation 12 or elevation 14. That's because they were inland a little bit and that was relative to sea level. That was not a 14- or 12-foot-high wall. It could be a 4-foot-high wall, so that's bringing back old concepts. • The Army Corps is going to take a totally fresh look at this and that's to be seen in what comes out in the draft report. They did allude to the fact that this project was a big bite and they were not likely going to make the original August 2025 date. They've officially extended that to February 2026 because it's a lot of work they've got to do. Vice Chair Burke told the CAC about his experiences: • The environmental NGOs were well represented there. • The group that wasn't really well represented was the residents who would benefit or suffer, so it's very important that we get community involvement without the spin or misinformation being spread in the media, especially leading up to public meetings. • Ray was on it for the Zoom call. It was pretty much dominated by environmental -type people making very strict points and during the charette, it was a similar thing where environmental, with the flood -gate impact, fish migration, is it going to change the salinity, etc., so all of these issues are being brought up. • Stopping flooding seems to be a secondary consideration for residents, which concerns him. • A few important points brought up by the Army Corps were that there is no special need or request to have the Corps' engineering and nature team be on this project. Their engineering and nature team did a presentation about what they do, how they do it and they modeled it. • He worked at an Army Corps lab many years ago and they've got an engineering and nature lab set up in Virginia, or possibly Vicksburg, Missouri, so they have a lab to test the impacts of mangroves. They said there was no special need to request that. • Michelle was pretty good about being very clear-cut and defined about saying they will consider the nature -based solutions, but if the nature -based solutions don't meet cost - benefit or are not shown to be effective, they will not recommend them. She drew the line — and rightly so. • (Mr. Roth noted that they did indicate they were more open to the idea and will vet them.) • The other thing that was brought up involving environmental aspects is that the Corps is going to propose something. This is more like an interactive process and we need to somehow get involved with them interactively in vetting options. There are things the Corps will do either from cost -benefit, technical feasibility or environmental. • One of the issues that came up on Seagate has been an environmental issue of reasons why we can't do things. If the Corps isn't going to pay for it, interactively we need to see how we can tie in areas like Pelican Bay and Seagate into an overall plan that would be administered. • There's no way to do that if we're not actively engaged in that process, so we have Option A, Option B or Option C that we can choose from. Chairman Trecker asked if they're both going to be actively involved going forward on this. May 11, 2023 Mr. Roth said he hopes to for his own curiosity and what he believes he can provide as input. Chairman Trecker said great. Mr. Roth said another important thing is that Chris Mason (the county director of Community Planning & Resiliency), who was here at the last meeting, will be heading this new department, so he spoke with him. As of two weeks ago, he didn't have a staff, but he's hoping for staff and will be the county liaison to the Army Corps of Engineers. He'll be really clued in every step of the way as they advance through the design process. There's got to be a lot of communication between those two. To the extent we can communicate with Chris, that would be important and maybe we can hear from him some of the ideas that are coming out of this and comment accordingly. Chairman Trecker said it certainly is going to be beneficial to all of us to have people like Joe and Bob plugged in actively to Chris Mason's operation. Mr. Miller said absolutely, he agrees wholeheartedly. Chairman Trecker said to the extent we can do that, it will be beneficial. Vice Chair Burke told the CAC. • Numerous people there from the environmental NGO side have brought up a request for this study to be expanded to include freshwater -inland flooding. • The Corps discussed a few things relative to that and it's not currently part of the study. The county would have to request that it be added to the study. • He made a comment that it's important for everybody to understand that it's not part of the current study. The existing model does not include it, so the modeling would have to all be updated to reflect it. The Corps modeling engineer sat at his table and she made the point that with the development going on in the county, it could affect the accuracy of the inland -flooding model. • (Mr. Roth noted that it's a moving target.) • How accurate is an inland -flooding model going to be? He sees that as something that's just going to delay advancing the project. It's not really in what he considers the Corps design basis, which is coastal flooding, and his experience with (tropical storm) Harvey specifically is that inland flooding does not affect coastal flooding, so he'd encourage the CAC as a committee to make a recommendation that we do not expand this study to include the inland study because it's going to open the door to a lot of other issues, including what future development will be going on in the county over 50 years to get any type of accurate outcome. Mr. Roth told the CAC. • Part of the reason also is that it may be just a layperson's understanding. They think we're having a hurricane and it's raining, and we have to make sure that the water doesn't get blocked on the backside of these structures trying to get out. • Inland flooding is a totally different program that the Corps administers and has totally different criteria. • The two events would never really occur simultaneously. Sure, it's raining during a hurricane and we may get a 100-year effect of some sort but they're really two different approaches, so there's no reason to marry the two. • We're really looking at coastal resiliency and coastal flooding, so they're cognizant of the backside of the wall, but not that they're going to do a whole floodplain analysis as if this were the Mississippi River basin. May 11, 2023 Chairman Trecker told the CAC: • To get broad support here, Pelican Bay and Marco Island have to be included. • Marco Island was completely excluded from the Army Corps' first go round, as was Pelican Bay and part of the southern part of the Naples area, Royal Harbor and Port Royal. • To get broad support, those groups are going to have to be included in some way, even if it is for a supplemental count — or it's just not going to have broad -based support. Vice Chair Burke said that's right. That's why it needs to be an interactive process with the Corps, where these options are vetted in advance and we have some type of an agreement because the whole thing, like with Seagate, in particular, going up to Pelican Bay, there's a relatively easy solution. But there is an environmental rating reason or something that the Corps said is the reason why they can't touch Clam Pass. Chairman Trecker said there are still hard and fast cost -benefit criteria? Vice Chair Burke said right. Chairman Trecker said that's an inherent limitation. Any other comments or discussion on this? Councilman Christman told the CAC: • Joe referenced a conference call that was open to everyone and he took part in it. There also was a scoping session. He didn't attend the charette because the city had five or six people from staff there. • The feedback he got from the city team was very positive in terms of the charrettes and the substantive level of the discussion. They found it positive, refreshing and really good. • Overall, the Army Corps has shown a number of different signs of wanting to approach this study differently than they did the first one in terms of already stretching out the timetable, including more public engagement and lots of other positive signs, which helped significantly in terms of credibility in the community. • Lots of people, at least in the City of Naples, after the initial study were saying, "OK, show me that things are different." • We need to remember that this is all still being done by the Corps according to Corps formulas and rules. We'll be playing by the Corps' rules. He who has the money makes the rules. We all get that, but he was part of another conference call organized by the Conservancy (of Southwest Florida) with some people from Norfolk, where there's been a similar project that's further along and they gave us their views, lessons from Norfolk. • They urged us to make sure that locally, we get involved as early as possible. The interactive point Joe is making is extremely important. This is an interactive process. He really gets down to specifics, down to every stretch of beachfront to determine what makes the most sense from the north end of the county to the south end and getting very specific ultimately about that. • The cost issue also came up in the Norfolk call. They made some interesting points about understanding cost, not just at the front end, but ongoing O&M (operations and maintenance) costs and what is the real commitment. Ultimately, that would be made locally. We focus on this two -third, one-third business, but they're saying that anything from an O&M standpoint is totally the local responsibility in perpetuity, so that's something to discuss down the road. • He's cautiously optimistic that things are moving in a much better direction. These eminent civil engineers who sit to his left have educated him over the last year about several things and we need to look at a so-called balanced approach. • There's a lot of work that needs to be done. Chairman Trecker said it's interesting to note that the Norfolk project that's being touted here comprises almost all hardening, almost entirely. Any other thoughts or comments here? That's very hopeful that there's a lot of interest here. Please keep us advised. 10 May 11, 2023 X. Announcements Chairman Trecker told the CAC: • He was hoping Tom McCann would be here today. He wanted to thank him on behalf of the CAC for his eight years of service. We want to thank Tom for his active involvement and wise counsel over the years. • He announced he will be stepping down as chairman. He and Andy have talked about this for some time and four years of chairmanship is enough. That's the right amount. This is a very good group and he's enjoyed working with a very productive group. • We've accomplished a fair bit in the last four years and it's been a privilege to have worked with you all, as well as Andy, his staff and with Gary McAlpin before him. • These people do a terrific job. They're really underappreciated. The things they carry out in our inlets and our beaches are taken for granted and that's really too bad. It's been a pleasure working with you. • This is his last meeting as chair. • Joe, our vice chair, will be taking over in June. Mr. Burke said he's been an excellent chairman. (Others agreed.) Chairman Trecker thanked them. XI. Committee Member Discussion None XII. Next Meeting June 8, 2023, 1 p.m. XIII. Adjournment There being no further business for the good of the County, the meeting was adjourned by order of the Chairman at 1:53 p.m. Collier County Coastal Advisory Committee David Trecker, Chairman These minutes were approved by the Committee on presented, , or as amended (check one) as 11 Collier County Tourist Development Tax Revenue FY 23 TDT Collections Report 30-Jun-2023 Fund Reporting Fund Adopted Budget Updated Annual Forecast Budgeted YTD YTD Actual Variance to Budgeted YTD Beach Park Facilities 183 184 193 194 195 196 198 758 1,175,500 1,483,129 929,896 1,237,765 307,869 TDC Promotion 11,544,400 15,088,981 9,132,360 12,259,403 3,127,043 Non -County Museums 627,100 791,213 496,076 658,835 162,759 TDCAdmin - - 0 - Beach Renourishment 12,799,000 16,148,509 10,124,829 13,473,261 3,348,432 Disaster Recovery - 0 - - County Museums 2,000,000 2,000,000 1,582,128 2,000,000 417,872 TDC Capital 4,688,800 5,915,863 3,709,141 4,938,060 1,228,919 Gross Budget 1 32,834,800 41,427,694 25,974,430 F 34,567,324 8,592,894 Less 5%Rev Res (1,641,700) 26.17% %Over/(Under)Bud 33.1% Net Budget 31,193,100 Collections Month Reported Actual Cum YTD % Budget Collected to % Variance FY22 Collections % Variance FY21 Collections % Variance FY20 Collections Nov 2,354,075 2,354,075 7.17% 4.59% 98.49% 68.44% Dec 2,646,668 5,000,743 15.23% -9.02% 66.79% 27.960/6 Jan 3,711,512 8,712,255 26.53% -17.450/6 29.23% 15.730/6 Feb 5,410,959 14,123,214 43.01% -9.390/6 52.99% 19.160/6 Mar 6,364,259 20,487,473 62.40% -1.65% 54.11% 27.78% Apr 7,297,461 27,784,934 84.62% -12.66% 9.52% 80.830/6 May 4,046,103 31,831,037 96.94% -16.30% 0.58% 769.26% June 2,736,287 34,567,324 105.28% -11.54% 3.13% 322.530/6 July - 34,567,324 105.28% n/a n/a n/a Aug 34,567,324 105.28% n/a n/a We Sept Oct 34,567,324 105.28% 34,567,324 105.28% n/a n/a n/a n/a - n/a n/a Total 34,567,324 34,567,324 YTD -9.94% 29.71% 61.96% Budget Comparison 5 Yr History- Cum 5 Yr History- Monthly Budgeted Collections Actual Collections Budget to Actual Variance Updated Forecast Nov 4.2% 4.2% 1,365,982 2,354,075 988,093 2,354,075 Dec 9.7% 5.59/o 1,821,219 2,646,668 825,448 2,646,668 Jan 18.6% 8.9% 2,919,311 3,711,512 792,201 3,711,512 Feb 30.9% 12.3% 4,026,494 5,410,959 1,384,464 5,410,959 Mar 44.7% 13.9% 4,555,896 6,364,259 1,808,363 6,364,259 Apr 62.0% 17.2% 5,656,127 7,297,461 1,641,334 7,297,461 May 72.7% 10.7% 3,509,645 4,046,103 536,458 4,046,103 June 79.1% 6.5% 2,119,755 2,736,287 616,532 2,736,287 July 84.8% 5.7% 1,867,801 - - 1,867,801 Aug 90.5% 5.7% 1,869,836 1,869,836 Sept 95.1% 4.6%1 1,517,914 1,517,914 Oct 100.0% 4.9%1 1,604,819 1,604,819 Total 1 100.0% 100.0%1 32,834,800 1 34,567,324 1 8,592,894 1 41,427,694 %over/(under) budget 33.1 % 26.17% Tourist Development Tax Collection Cun m $9,000,000 $8,000,000 $7,000,000 $6,000,000 am��e cwiema: $5,000,000 arn,3i couemo� $4,000,000 $3,000,000 $2,060,060 �r y1,000,060 Meath Reported MARevenue Report\TDC Revenue\TDC Update Report\2023\TDT Tax Collector Reports\08-TDC Updates June.xlsx Collier County Tourist Development Tax Revenue FY 23 TDT Collections Report 30-Jun-2023 Fund Reporting Fund Adopted Budget Updated Annual Forecast Budgeted YTDT YTD Actual Variance to Budgeted YTD Beach Park Facilities 183 184 193 194 195 196 198 758 1,175,500 11,544,400 1,483,129 929,896 9,132,360 1,237,765 12,259,403 307,869 3,127,043 TDC Promotion 15,088,981 Non -County Museums 627,100 - 791,213 496,076 658,835 162,759 TDC Admin - 0 - - Beach Renourishment 12,799,000 - 16,148,509 10,124,829 13,473,261 3,348,432 - Disaster Recovery - 0 - County Museums 2,000,000 4,688,800 2,000,000 1,582,128 2,000,000 417,872 1,228,919 TDC Capital 5,915,863 3,709,141 4,938,060 Gross Budget 32,834,800 1 41,427,694 1 25,974,430 34,567,32 8,592,894 Less 5% Rev Res (11641,700)1 26.17% % Over/(Under) Bud 33.1 % Net Budget 31,193,100 Collections Month Reported Actual Cum YTD Collected to Date % Variance FY22 Collections % Variance FY21 Collections % Variance FY20 Collections Nov 2,354,075 2,354,075 7.17% 4.59% 98.49% 68.44% Dec 2,646,668 5,000,743 15.23% -9.02% 66.79% 27.96% Jan 3,711,512 8,712,255 26.53% -17.45% 29.23% 15.73% Feb 5,410,959 14,123,214 43.01% -9.39% 52.99% 19.16% Mar 6,364,259 20,487,473 62.40% -1.65% 54.11% 27.78% Apr 7,297,461 27,784,934 84.62% -12.66% 9.52% 80.83% May 4,046,103 31,831,037 96.94% -16.30% 0.58% 769.26% June 2,736,287 34,567,324 105.28% -11.54% 3.13% 322.53% July - 34,567,324 105.28% n/a n/a n/a Aug - 34,567,324 105.28% n/a n/a n/a Sept - 34,567,324 105.28% n/a n/a n/a Oct - 34,567,324 1 105.28% 1 n/a n/a n/a Total 34,567,324 34,567,324 YTD -9.94% 29.71% 61.96% 41,427,694 M:\Revenue Report\TDC Revenue\TDC Update Report\2023\TDT Tax Collector Reports\08-TDC Updates June.xlsx Collier County Tourist Development Tax Revenue Budget Comparison 5 Yr History- Cum 5 Yr History- Monthly Budgeted Collections Actual Collections Budget to Actual Variance Updated Forecast Nov 4.2% 4.2% 1,365,982 2,354,075 988,093 2,354,075 Dec Jan 9.7% 5.5% 1,821,219 2,646,668 825,448 2,646,668 18.6% 8.9% 2,919,311 3,711,512 792,201 3,711,512 Feb 30.9% 12.3% 4,026,494 5,410,959 1,384,464 5,410,959 Mar 44.7% 13.9% 4,555,896 6,364,259 1,808,363 6,364,259 Apr 62.0% 17.2% 5,656,127 7,297,461 1,641,334 7,297,461 May 72.7% 10.7% 3,509,645 4,046,103 536,458 4,046,103 June 79.1% 6.5% 2,119,755 2,736,287 616,532 2,736,287 July 84.8% 5.7% 1,867,801 - - 1,867,801 Aug Sept Oct 90.5% 5.7% 1,869,836 - - - - 1,869,836 95.1% 4.6% 1,517,914 1,517,914 100.0% 4.9% 1,604,819 1,604,819 Total 100.0% 100.0%1 32,834,800 1 34,567,324 8,592,894 41,427,694 % over/(under) budget 33.1 % 26.17% Tourist Development Tax Collection Curve $9,000,000 $8,000,000 $7,000,000 $6,000,000 —eUlptedwln d,— $5,000,000 � nnuai conenm: $4,000,000 $3,000,000 $2,000,000 $1,000,000 > u Z > Q Month Reported y > nn Q O M:\Revenue Report\TDC Revenue\TDC Update Report\2023\TDTTax Collector Reports\08-TDC Updates June.xlsx EXECUTIVE SUMMARY Recommendation to approve the after -the -fact payment in the amount of $10,355.50 to Vulcan, Inc., for the replacement of Emergency location identification R-Monument markers which were damaged or lost during Hurricane Ian and make a finding that this expenditure promotes tourism (Fund 1105, Project No. 50280). OBJECTIVE: To approve the after -the -fact purchase of 149 replacement Emergency location identification R-Monument markers from Vulcan, Inc., for $10,355.50 which were damaged or lost during Hurricane Ian. CONSIDERATIONS: Staff is requesting approval of an After -The -Fact authorization for payment to Vulcan, Inc., in the amount of $10,355.50 for 149 replacement Emergency location identification R-Monument markers that were damaged or lost during the Hurricane Ian. This purchase is critical for the safety of the public on Collier County beaches providing additional location identification in emergency response situations. The R-Monument markers have been received and the delivery accepted as satisfactory; therefore, the amount of $10,355.50 is due to the vendor. On February 5, 2023, County staff obtained a quote from Vulcan, Inc., under Contract No. 19-7554 in the amount of $10,355.50 for the replacement of 149 Emergency location identification R-Monument markers that were damaged or lost during Hurricane Ian. Staff did not confirm the quote against the Contract No. 19-7554 bid tab prior to authorizing the purchase. Staff believed the purchase was authorized by the Contract however upon receipt of the invoice, it was noted that the specific size of the markers was not part of the contract bid tab and pricing. In a typical procurement action, the policy requires three quotes prior to the purchase being made. This was not done. In order to pay for the markers staff is required to obtain an After -The -Fact approval. FISCAL IMPACT: Funds in the amount of $10,355.50 are available within Tourist Development Tax Fund (1105), Hurricane Ian Project (50280). GROWTH MANAGEMENT IMPACT: No growth management impacts are associated with this action. ADVISORY COMMITTEE RECOMMENDATION: This item will be presented to the Tourist Development Council (TDC) on July 17, 2023, and the Coastal Advisory Committee (CAC) on August 10, 2023. LEGAL CONSIDERATIONS: This item is approved as to form and legality and requires majority vote for approval. - CMG RECOMMENDATION: To approve the after -the -fact payment in the amount of $10,355.50 to Vulcan, Inc., for the replacement of Emergency location identification R-Monument markers which were damaged or lost during Hurricane Ian and make a finding that this expenditure promotes tourism (Fund 1105, Project No. 50280). Prepared by: Andrew Miller, P.E., Coastal Zone Management, Capital Project Planning, Impact Fees, and Program Management Division Co , er County Instructions After the Fact Form As per section 21 of the Procurement Manual, all purchases shall be consistent and in compliance with the Procurement Ordinance (2017-08). Should work be authorized or purchases made that is inconsistent with County policy, procedure, or contract terms, an After -the -Fact Procurement Form is required. This includes purchases made in advance of a Purchase Order, when a Purchase Order is required to authorize such activity, and purchases made under an expired contract, or for goods and services not covered by the current contract or purchase order. All such `After the Fact Procurements" will be reported to the County Manager. Requester Name: Andrew Miller Division: Capital Project Planning, Impact Fees, & Program Management Division Director: Beth JOhnSsen Vendor Name: Vulcan, Inc. Amount:10,355.50 Fcontract #- 1 g-7554 Purchase Order: NSA Why is this deemed a non -compliant purchase? Choose one. Contract W] Ordinance W] Manual ❑ P-Card Other ❑ Details of Purchase: Explain the circumstances behind this purchase. The request for quote of replacement R-Monument Markers (original markers were damaged/lost during Hurricane Ian) was received on February 5, 2023, as Contract No. 19-7554 was set to expire on February 28, 2023 (Vendor declined to renew). The total amount of the purchase was $10,355.50 for 149 Markers with custom size 0.080x18x24 Rectangle. The intention of payment for this purchase was to utilize a P-Card by receiving a one-time increase. The request for increase was made after the product was already received on April 26, 2023. After contacting Procurement for the P-Card Limit increase, we were told that the request should have been made immediately after the quote was received, prior to accepting the shipment. This violated the p-card manual requirements. Additionally, staff did not confirm the quote against the contract 19-7554 bid tab and upon receipt of the invoice it was noted that the specific size of the markers was not part of the contract 19-7554 bid tab. Per Procurement Ordinance 2017-08, as amended Section 10 Informal Competition (Purchases Exceeding $3,000 but Not Greater Than $50,000) for purchases over $3,000 but not greater than $50,000 staff is required to obtain three quotes, which did not occur. The after -the -fact is requested because staff inadvertently authorized purchase of items which did not follow the contract, the Procurement Ordinance, or the P-card Manual. However, the markers have been received and the delivery has been accepted as satisfactory; therefore, the amount of $10,355.50 is due to the vendor. Action Required: What are you asking to be done to remedy the situation, include list of invoices if applicable? Coastal Zone Management (CZM) staff respectfully requests the Board of County Commissioners to approve/ratify the payment of Invoice No. R30976 in the amount of $10,355.50 for replacement R-Monument Signage received on April 26, 2023 that has already been accepted. Upon Board approval, a purchase order will be requested to process payment to Vulcan, Inc. for this purchase. Corrective/Preventive Action: What action is being taken to prevent this violation from re -occurring? CZM staff has been guided by Procurement of the proper procedure when intending to utilize P-Card for an item(s) that require one-time increases. Request for increase needs to follow immediately after receiving quote rather than after items have been received. Staff will confirm the quotes against the contract, if applicable to ensure that the pricing complies with contract and Procurement Ordinance. Additionally, staff responsible for obtaining quotes and the P-card holder will be assigned Collier University training for Procurement 101, Quoting 101, and the Purchasing Cardholder refresher training. The requestor affirms that to the best of their knowledge the information provided in this document is true. Requested by: Andrew Miller Digitally signed by MillerAndrew /-� p Signature: MiIlerAndreWDate :2023.06.1313:02:05 -04,00, Date: Division Director: Beth JOhnSSen Digitally signed by Johnssen_b Signature:JOhnSSen bDate :2023.06.1315:39:01 —-04'001 Date: Revised 06/17/2021 Customer Invoice Vulcan Inc Vulcan, Inc. 410 E Berry Ave. Foley, AL 36535 Tel 251-943-7000 ORDERINFO Cust PO No: Email Brian Invoice Date: 4/19/2023 Due Date: 5/19/2023 Terms: Net 30 Order No: 29350 (03/03/2023) N ote: BILL TO Collier County Collier County Board Of County Commissioners Attn: Accounts Payable 3299 Tamiami Trl E Ste 700 Naples, FL 34112-5749 USA SHIP TO 2685 5 Horseshoe Dr Collier County Coastal Zone Management 2685 S Horseshoe Dr, Suite 103 Naples, FL 34104 USA R30976 Remit Dept # 6397 To: Vulcan, Inc. P O Box 11407 Birmingham, AL 35246-6397 SHIPPING INFO Ship Date: 4/19/2023 Shipper No: R30928 Ship Via: Southeastern Freight Lines Tracking No: 7772 4605-7 Trailer No: Freight Terms: Prepaid FOB: Destination Line Description Order Qty Ship Qty Unit Price Ext Price 1 0369370801824393ODSDP: Custom .080 x 18" x 24" 3930DS DP Collier Co Emergency 9 9 69.5000/ea 625.50 Location (2 digit) (P1 1 112" CR,2-3/8,10") - 03693708018243930DSDP 1 EA: R1 thru R9 2 0369380801824393ODSDP: Custom .080 x 18" x 24" 393ODS DP Collier Co Emergency 90 90 69.5000/ea 6,255.00 Location (3 digit) (P1 1 1/2" CR,2-3/8,10") - 03693808018243930DSDP 1 EA: R10 thru R99 3 0369390801824393ODSDP: Custom .080 x 18" x 24" 3930DS DP Collier Co Emergency 49 49 69.5000/ea 3,405.50 Location (4 digit) (P1 1 1/2" CR,2-3/8,10") - 03693908018243930DSDP 1 EA: R100 thru R148 4 0369400801824393ODSDP: Custom .080 x 18" x 24" 3930DS DP Collier Co Emergency 1 1 69.5000/ea 69.50 Location (5 digit) (P1 1 1/2" CR,2-3/8,10") - 03694008018243930DSDP R127A Note: Sales Amount: $10,355.50 Freight Charge: $0.00 Total: $10,355.50 Payments: $0.00 Balance: $10,355.50 No return goods will be accepted without prior written authorization. Our receipt from the transportation company constitutes delivery in good order and you must look to them for any damage to goods in transit. Note: a finance charge of 1.5% will be charged on balances which exceed terms shown on invoice; 18% APR. 412112023 2:24 PM Page 1 Vulcan, Inc. Vulcan Inc 410 E Berry Ave. Foley, AL 36535 Tel 251-943-7000 CUSTOMER Sold To: Collier County Board Of County Commissioners Attn: Accounts Payable 3299 Tamiami Trl E Ste 700 Naples, FL 34112-5749 Ship To: Collier County Coastal Zone Management 2685 S Horseshoe Dr, Suite 103 Naples, FL 34104 USA Line No Due Date I Customer Part Description/Note 1 IQuotePartOnly QUOTE ACKNOWLEDGEMENT Order No: 29350 Ordered By: Bryan King Cust PO No: Quote Ship Via: Best Possible Way Building Name: Vulcan Signs Order Taker: Melissa Deisner Custom .080 x 18" x 24" Rectangle 393ODS DP Emergency Location Identification Signs 1 EA: R1 thu R148 1 EA:R127A Notes ORDER Date: 2/5/2023 Phone:239-252-2951 FOB: Destination Terms: Net 30 Inside Sales: Freight Terms I Quantity I Unit I Unit Price I Extended Price I Pre Paid 149 Ea $69.5000 $10, 155.50 Total l $10,355.50 Grand Total I $10,355.50 Plex Manufacturing Cloud mdeisner.vi - 21512023 7:48 AM Page 1 of 1 EXECUTIVE SUMMARY Recommendation to approve the FY 2023-2024 10-Year Capital Planning document for Fund 195 Beach Renourishment and Pass Maintenance and Fund 185 Program Management and Administration and make a finding that these expenditures promote tourism. OBJECTIVE: To obtain approval for the annually updated 10-year capital planning document for the County's beach and inlet management program. CONSIDERATIONS: A 10-year capital planning document has been developed by Collier County staff to identify and balance long-term capital requirements/expenses and revenues received from the tourist development tax Fund 195 for beach renourishment and pass maintenance. This document is strictly used for planning. All grant requests and expenditure requests will be reviewed and approved by the Coastal Advisory Committee, the Tourist Development Council, and the Board of County Commissioners. Additionally, the Florida Department of Environmental Protection (FDEP) Local Government Funding Request (LGFR) program requires that a 10-year planning document be utilized and approved for all municipalities seeking cost -share funding for Beach Management projects. Approval of this document for planning purposes satisfies the intent of this program. FISCAL IMPACT: No fiscal impact for this action. GROWTH MANAGEMENT IMPACT: There is no impact to the Growth Management Plan related to this action. ADVISORY BOARD RECOMMENDATIONS: This will be presented to the Coastal Advisory Committee (CAC) on August 10, 2023, and the Tourist Development Council (TDC) on August 21, 2023. LEGAL CONSIDERATIONS: This item is approved as to form and legality and requires majority vote for approval. — CMG RECOMMENDATION: To approve the FY 2023-2024 10-Year Capital Planning document for Fund 195 Beach Renourishment and Pass Maintenance and Fund 185 Program Management and Administration and make a finding that this item promotes tourism. Prepared By: Andrew Miller, P.E., Coastal Zone Management, Capital Project Planning, Impact Fees and Program Management Division limp 8.A.2 EXECUTIVE SUMMARY Recommendation to approve the Tourist Development Council Grant application requests from the City of Naples, the City of Marco Island and Collier County for FY 2023-2024 in the amount of $13,867,200, budget these expenditures, and make a finding that these expenditures promote tourism. OBJECTIVE: To obtain approval of Tourist Development Fund 195 Grant application requests for FY 2023-2024 in the amount of $13,867,200. CONSIDERATIONS: To review and approve the received TDC Grant Applications as follows: FY 2023-2024 Tourist Development Council Fund 195 Grant Applications STAFF PROJECT / DESCRIPTION: REQUESTED RECOMMENDED Beach Renourishment Projects 90077 - Beach Emergency Response $ 300,000 $ 300,000 50280 - Hurricane Ian $ 2,000,000 $ 2,000,000 90067 - Park Shore Beach Renourishment Program $ 3,800,000 $ 3,800,000 90066 - Vanderbilt Beach Renourishment Program $ 3,800,000 $ 3,800,000 90069 - Clam Pass Beach Renourishment Program $ 100,000 $ 100,000 90065 - Local Government Funding Request LGFR $ 25,000 $ 25,000 80366 - USACE Feasibility Stud $ 500,000 $ 500,000 SUB -TOTAL $ 10,525,000 $ 10,525,000 Inlet Projects 80288 - W iggins Pass Dredging $ 25,000 $ 25,000 90549 - Doctor's Pass Dredging $ 25,000 $ 25,000 88032 -Clam Pass Dredging Pelican Bay) $ 250,000 $ 250,000 SUB -TOTAL Regulatory $ 300,000 $ 300,000 80171 - Beach Tilling - County Wide $ 30,000 $ 30,000 90033 - Near Shore Hardbottom Monitoring & Sea ass Monitoring $ 230,000 $ 230,000 90297 - Shorebird Monitoring $ 25,000 $ 25,000 90536 - City/CountyCity/County Physical Beach & Pass Monitoring $ 170,000 $ 170,000 99999 - Sea Turtle Monitoring Program - Collier Count $ 182,800 $ 182,800 90527 - SUB -TOTAL Beach Maintenance Beach Maintenance - City of Naples $ $ 637,800 200,000 $ $ 637,800 200,000 90533 - Beach Maintenance - Collier County & Marco Island $ 601,100 $ 601,100 SUB -TOTAL $ 801,100 $ 801,100 Structures 90096 - Naples Pier Repair & Maintenance $ 2010,000 $ 200,000 SUB -TOTAL $ 200,000 $ 200,000 Packet Pg. 31 8.A.2 Administration 90020 —Fund 195 Administration Costs $ 75,000 $ 75,000 99195 — Fund 185 Project Management & Administration $ 992,300 $ 992,300 99195 — Tax Collector Fees 2.5% $ 336,000 $ 336,000 SUB -TOTAL $ 1,403,300 $ 1,403,300 TOTAL GRANTS $ 13,867,200 $ 13,867,200 Beach Renourishment Projects: Exceptional beach experience for our residents and visitors has been at the heart of our success in the past. These projects are required to maintain that experience. Approval is recommended. Inlet Projects: Projects required to maintain the beaches, inlets, and the engineering and permitting required to support construction. Approval is recommended. Regulatory and Permit Compliance: All these items are required by the Florida Department of Environmental Protection (FDEP) permit, required by law, or required to maintain critical programs between required permit activities. Approval is recommended. Beach Maintenance: Beach maintenance is required along with beach renourishment to experience an exceptional experience for our visitors and residents. Collier County conducts the beach maintenance on behalf of the City of Marco Island. Approval is recommended. Structures: The City of Naples is requesting $200,000 in grant funding for the maintenance, upkeep, and safety of the Naples pier. Approval is recommended. The City of Naples has chosen to list the estimated cost of the rebuild of the Pier ($19,800,000) for transparency. Administration: Administrative program and project management cost to manage the beach program. Approval is recommended. FISCAL IMPACT: The Fiscal Year 2023-2024 proposed Beach Renourishment Fund (195) budget appropriates funding for these grant applications. The source of funds is the Tourist Development Tax. GROWTH MANAGEMENT IMPACT: There is no impact to the growth management plan related to this action. ADVISORY BOARD RECOMMENDATIONS: This item will be presented to the Coastal Advisory Committee (CAC) on August 10, 2023, and the Tourist Development Council (TDC) on August 21, 2023. LEGAL CONSIDERATIONS: This item is approved as to form and legality and requires majority vote for approval. — CMG RECOMMENDATION: To approve the Tourist Development Council Grant application requests from the City of Naples, the City of Marco Island and Collier County for FY 2023-2024 in the amount of $13,867,200, budget these expenditures, and make a finding that these expenditures promote tourism. Prepared By: Andrew Miller, P.E., Coastal Zone Management, Capital Project Planning, Impact Fees, and Program Management Division Packet Pg. 32 8.A.2 FY 2023-2024 Tourist Development Council Fund 195 Grant Applications PROJECT / DESCRIPTION: STAFF REQUESTED RECOMMENDED Beach Renourishment Projects 90077 - Beach Emergency Response $300,000 $300,000 50280 - Hurricane Ian $2,000,000 $2,000,000 90067 - Park Shore Beach Renourishment Program $3,800,000 $3,800,000 90066 - Vanderbilt Beach Renourishment Program $3,800,000 $3,800,000 90069 - Clam Pass Beach Renourishment Program $100,000 $100,000 90065 - Local Government Funding Request (LGFR) $25,000 $25,000 80366 - USACE Feasibility Study $500,000 $500,000 SUB -TOTAL $10,525,000 $10,525,000 Inlet Projects 80288 - Wiggins Pass Dredging $25,000 $25,000 90549 - Doctor's Pass Dredging $25,000 $25,000 88032 - Clam Pass Dredging (Pelican Bay) $250,000 $250,000 SUB -TOTAL $300,000 $300,000 Regulatory 80171 - Beach Tilling - County Wide $30,000 $30,000 90033 - Near Shore Hardbottom Monitoring & Seagrass Monitoring $230,000 $230,000 90297 - Shorebird Monitoring $25,000 $25,000 90536 - City/County Physical Beach & Pass Monitoring $170,000 $170,000 99999 - Sea Turtle Monitoring Program - Collier County $182,800 $182,800 SUB-TOTALI $637,800 1 $637,800 Beach Maintenance 90527 - Beach Maintenance - City of Naples $200,000 $200,000 90533 - Beach Maintenance - Collier County & Marco Island $601,100 $601,100 SUB -TOTAL $801,100 $801,100 Structures 90096 - Naples Pier Repair & Maintenance $200,000 $200,000 SUB-TOTALI $200,000 1 $200,000 Administration 90020 - Fund 195 Administration Costs $75,000 $75,000 99195 - Fund 185 Project Management & Administration $992,300 $992,300 99195 - Tax Collector Fees (2.5%) $336,000 $336,000 SUB -TOTAL $1,403,300 $1,403,300 TOTAL GRANTS1 $13,867,200 $13,867,200 M N O N 0 N Q d m E E 0 c.� 0 U) Q N 0 0 V Ln Ln M O m a. M c m a� U Q U CO) N 0 00 O d E s U 0 Q Packet Pg. 33 8.A.2 COLLIER COUNTY TOURIST DEVELOPMENT COUNCIL CATEGORY "A" GRANT APPLICATION Beach Renourishment and Pass Maintenance Beach Emergency Response (Project No. 90077) 1. Name and Address of Project Sponsor Organization: Coastal Zone Management Collier County Government 2685 South Horseshoe Drive, Unit 103 Naples, FL 34104 2. Contact Person, Title, and Phone Number: Name: Andrew Miller — Manager — Coastal Zone Management Address: 2685 South Horseshoe Drive, Unit 103 Naples, FL 34104 Phone: 239.252.2922 3. Organization's Chief Official and Title: Board of County Commissioners (BCC) Rick LoCastro — BCC Chairman 4. Details of Project- Description and Location: Emergency beach and inlet maintenance a. 5. Estimated project start date: October 1, 2023 Q 6. Estimated project duration: 12 Months a U 7. Total TDC Tax Funds Requested: $300,000.00 M N O 8. If the full amount requested cannot be awarded, can the program/project 7 be restructured to accommodate a smaller award? Yes ( ) No (X) c a� E a Packet Pg. 34 8.A.2 Collier County Tourist Development Council Category "A" Grant Application (Page 2) Beach Emergency Response (Proiect No. 90077) PROJECT BUDGET PROGRAM ELEMENT AMOUNT TDC Funds Requested $ 300,000.00 City/Taxing District Share $ - State of Florida Share $ - Federal Share $ - TOTAL $ 300,000.00 PROJECT EXPENSES: (Engineering, Mobilization, Contractor, Monitoring etc) Contractor Services TOTAL $ 300,000.00 $ $ $ 300,000.00 I have read the Tourist Development Category "A" Beach Funding Policy covering beach renourishment and pass maintenance and agree that my organization will comply with all guidelines and criteria. Signature of Sponsor Organization's Chief Official Date Packet Pg. 35 8.A.2 COLLIER COUNTY TOURIST DEVELOPMENT COUNCIL CATEGORY "A" GRANT APPLICATION Beach Renourishment and Pass Maintenance Hurricane Ian (Project No. 50280) 1. Name and Address of Project Sponsor Organization: Coastal Zone Management Collier County Government 2685 South Horseshoe Drive, Unit 103 Naples, FL 34104 2. Contact Person, Title, and Phone Number: Name: Andrew Miller — Manager — Coastal Zone Management Address: 2685 South Horseshoe Drive, Unit 103 Naples, FL 34104 Phone: 239.252.2922 3. Organization's Chief Official and Title: Board of County Commissioners (BCC) Rick LoCastro — BCC Chairman 4. Details of Project- Description and Location: Emergency Beach and Inlet maintenance (R-1 — R-148) a. 5. Estimated project start date: October 1, 2023 Q 6. Estimated project duration: 12 Months a U 7. Total TDC Tax Funds Requested: $2,000,000.00 M N O 8. If the full amount requested cannot be awarded, can the program/project 7 be restructured to accommodate a smaller award? c a� Yes ( ) No (X) E a Packet Pg. 36 8.A.2 Collier County Tourist Development Council Category "A" Grant Application (Page 2) Hurricane Ian (Project No. 50280) PROJECT BUDGET PROGRAM ELEMENT AMOUNT TDC Funds Requested $ 2,000,000.00 City/Taxing District Share $ - State of Florida Share $ - Federal Share $ - TOTAL $ 2,000,000.00 PROJECT EXPENSES: (Engineering, Mobilization, Contractor, Monitoring etc) Contractual Services TOTAL $ 2,000,000.00 $ 2,000,000.00 I have read the Tourist Development Category "A" Beach Funding Policy covering beach renourishment and pass maintenance and agree that my organization will comply with all guidelines and criteria. Signature of Sponsor Organization's Chief Official Date Packet Pg. 37 8.A.2 COLLIER COUNTY TOURIST DEVELOPMENT COUNCIL CATEGORY "A" GRANT APPLICATION Beach Renourishment and Pass Maintenance Park Shore Beach Renourishment Program FY24/25 (Project No. 90067) 1. Name and Address of Project Sponsor Organization: Coastal Zone Management Collier County Government 2685 South Horseshoe Drive, Unit 103 Naples, FL 34104 2. Contact Person, Title, and Phone Number: Name: Andrew Miller — Manager — Coastal Zone Management Address: 2685 South Horseshoe Drive, Unit 103 Naples, FL 34104 Phone: 239.252.2922 3. Organization's Chief Official and Title: Board of County Commissioners (BCC) Rick LoCastro — BCC Chairman 4. Details of Project- Description and Location: Engineering Services for Development of Construction Plans and Specifications (R-44 -T-54) 5. Estimated project start date: October 1, 2023 6. Estimated project duration: 12 Months 7. Total TDC Tax Funds Requested: $3,800,000.00 8. If the full amount requested cannot be awarded, can the program/project be restructured to accommodate a smaller award? Yes ( ) No (X ) a a. c as Q U Q U M N 0 r 00 0 c as E Q Packet Pg. 38 8.A.2 Collier County Tourist Development Council Category "A" Grant Application (Page 2) Park Shore Beach Renourishment Program FY24/25 (Project No. 90067) PROJECT BUDGET PROGRAM ELEMENT AMOUNT TDC Funds Requested $ 3,800,000.00 City/Taxing District Share $ - State of Florida Share $ - Federal Share $ - TOTAL $ 3,800,000.00 PROJECT EXPENSES: (Engineering, Mobilization, Contractor, Monitoring etc) Construction Services TOTAL $ 3,800,000.00 $ 3,800,000.00 I have read the Tourist Development Category "A" Beach Funding Policy covering beach renourishment and pass maintenance and agree that my organization will comply with all guidelines and criteria. Signature of Sponsor Organization's Chief Official Date Packet Pg. 39 8.A.2 COLLIER COUNTY TOURIST DEVELOPMENT COUNCIL CATEGORY "A" GRANT APPLICATION Beach Renourishment and Pass Maintenance Vanderbilt Beach Renourishment Program FY24/25 (Project No. 90066) 1. Name and Address of Project Sponsor Organization: Coastal Zone Management Collier County Government 2685 South Horseshoe Drive, Unit 103 Naples, FL 34104 2. Contact Person, Title, and Phone Number: Name: Andrew Miller — Manager — Coastal Zone Management Address: 2685 South Horseshoe Drive, Unit 103 Naples, FL 34104 Phone: 239.252.2922 3. Organization's Chief Official and Title: Board of County Commissioners (BCC) Rick LoCastro — BCC Chairman 4. Details of Project- Description and Location: Engineering Services for Development of Construction Plans and Specifications (R-22-R-31.5) 5. Estimated project start date: October 1, 2023 6. Estimated project duration: 12 Months 7. Total TDC Tax Funds Requested: $3,800,000.00 8. If the full amount requested cannot be awarded, can the program/project be restructured to accommodate a smaller award? Yes ( ) No (X ) a a. c as a� Q U Q U M N 0 r 00 0 c as E Q Packet Pg. 40 8.A.2 Collier County Tourist Development Council Category "A" Grant Application (Page 2) Vanderbilt Beach Renourishment Program FY24/25 (Project No. 90066) PROJECT BUDGET PROGRAM ELEMENT AMOUNT TDC Funds Requested $ 3,800,000.00 City/Taxing District Share $ - State of Florida Share $ - Federal Share $ - TOTAL $ 3,800,000.00 PROJECT EXPENSES: (Engineering, Mobilization, Contractor, Monitoring etc) Construction Services TOTAL $ 3,800,000.00 $ 3,800,000.00 I have read the Tourist Development Category "A" Beach Funding Policy covering beach renourishment and pass maintenance and agree that my organization will comply with all guidelines and criteria. Signature of Sponsor Organization's Chief Official Date Packet Pg. 41 8.A.2 COLLIER COUNTY TOURIST DEVELOPMENT COUNCIL CATEGORY "A" GRANT APPLICATION Beach Renourishment and Pass Maintenance Clam Pass Beach Renourishment Program FY24/25 (Proiect No. 90069) 1. Name and Address of Project Sponsor Organization: Coastal Zone Management Collier County Government 2685 South Horseshoe Drive, Unit 103 Naples, FL 34104 2. Contact Person, Title, and Phone Number: Name: Andrew Miller — Manager — Coastal Zone Management Address: 2685 South Horseshoe Drive, Unit 103 Naples, FL 34104 Phone: 239.252.2922 3. Organization's Chief Official and Title: Board of County Commissioners (BCC) Rick LoCastro — BCC Chairman 4. Details of Project- Description and Location: Engineering Services for Development of Construction Plans and Specifications (R-42 - R-43.5) 5. Estimated project start date: October 1, 2023 6. Estimated project duration: 12 Months 7. Total TDC Tax Funds Requested: $ 100,000.00 8. If the full amount requested cannot be awarded, can the program/project be restructured to accommodate a smaller award? Yes ( ) No (X ) a a. c as a� Q U Q U M N 0 r 00 0 c as E Q Packet Pg. 42 8.A.2 Collier County Tourist Development Council Category "A" Grant Application (Page 2) Clam Pass Beach Renourishment Program FY24/25 (Project No. 90069) PROJECT BUDGET PROGRAM ELEMENT AMOUNT TDC Funds Requested $ 100,000.00 City/Taxing District Share $ - State of Florida Share $ - Federal Share $ - TOTAL $ 100,000.00 PROJECT EXPENSES: (Engineering, Mobilization, Contractor, Monitoring etc) Contractual Services TOTAL $ 100,000.00 $ 100,000.00 I have read the Tourist Development Category "A" Beach Funding Policy covering beach renourishment and pass maintenance and agree that my organization will comply with all guidelines and criteria. Signature of Sponsor Organization's Chief Official Date Packet Pg. 43 8.A.2 COLLIER COUNTY TOURIST DEVELOPMENT COUNCIL CATEGORY "A" GRANT APPLICATION Beach Renourishment and Pass Maintenance Local Government Funding Request (LGFR) for FDEP (Project No. 90065) 1. Name and Address of Project Sponsor Organization: Coastal Zone Management Collier County Government 2685 South Horseshoe Drive, Unit 103 Naples, FL 34104 2. Contact Person, Title, and Phone Number: Name: Andrew Miller — Manager — Coastal Zone Management Address: 2685 South Horseshoe Drive, Unit 103 Naples, FL 34104 Phone: 239.252.2922 3. Organization's Chief Official and Title: Board of County Commissioners (BCC) Rick LoCastro — BCC Chairman 4. Details of Project- Description and Location: Consultant support to develop the FY25/26 LGFR Grant Applications to FDEP for partial program funding 5. Estimated project start date: October 1, 2023 6. Estimated project duration: 12 Months 7. Total TDC Tax Funds Requested: $25,000.00 8. If the full amount requested cannot be awarded, can the program/project be restructured to accommodate a smaller award? Yes ( ) No (X ) a a. c as Q U Q U M N 0 r 00 0 c as E Q Packet Pg. 44 8.A.2 Collier County Tourist Development Council Category "A" Grant Application (Page 2) Local Government Funding Request (LGFR) for FDEP (Project No. 90065) PROJECT BUDGET PROGRAM ELEMENT AMOUNT TDC Funds Requested $ 25,000.00 City/Taxing District Share $ - State of Florida Share $ - Federal Share $ - TOTAL $ 25,000.00 PROJECT EXPENSES: (Engineering, Mobilization, Contractor, Monitoring etc) Consultant Support FY25/26 LGFR $ 25,000.00 TOTAL $ $ 25,000.00 I have read the Tourist Development Category "A" Beach Funding Policy covering beach renourishment and pass maintenance and agree that my organization will comply with all guidelines and criteria. Signature of Sponsor Organization's Chief Official Date Packet Pg. 45 8.A.2 COLLIER COUNTY TOURIST DEVELOPMENT COUNCIL CATEGORY "A" GRANT APPLICATION Beach Renourishment and Pass Maintenance USACE Feasibility Study Technical Support (Proiect No. 80366) 1. Name and Address of Project Sponsor Organization: Coastal Zone Management Collier County Government 2685 South Horseshoe Drive, Unit 103 Naples, FL 34104 2. Contact Person, Title and Phone Number: Name: Andrew Miller — Manager — Coastal Zone Management Address: 2685 South Horseshoe Drive, Unit 103 Naples, FL 34104 Phone: 239.252.2922 3. Organization's Chief Official and Title: Board of County Commissioners (BCC) Rick LoCastro — BCC Chairman 4. Details of Project- Description and Location: Engineering and technical support for the USACE Feasibility a. Study a� 5. Estimated project start date: October 1, 2023 Q U 6. Estimated project duration: 12 Months U M 7. Total TDC Tax Funds Requested: $ 500,000.00 c r 00 8. If the full amount requested cannot be awarded, can the program/project be restructured to accommodate a smaller award? E Yes ( X) No O a a Packet Pg. 46 8.A.2 Collier County Tourist Development Council Category "A" Grant Application (Page 2) USACE Feasibility Study Technical Support (Project No. 80366) PROJECT BUDGET PROGRAM ELEMENT AMOUNT TDC Funds Requested $ 500,000.00 City/Taxing District Share $ - State of Florida Share $ - Federal Share $ - TOTAL $ 500,000.00 PROJECT EXPENSES: (Engineering, Mobilization, Contractor, Monitoring etc) Engineering and Technical Support $ 500,000.00 TOTAL $ $ 500,000.00 I have read the Tourist Development Category "A" Beach Funding Policy covering beach renourishment and pass maintenance and agree that my organization will comply with all guidelines and criteria. Signature of Sponsor Organization's Chief Official Date Packet Pg. 47 8.A.2 COLLIER COUNTY TOURIST DEVELOPMENT COUNCIL CATEGORY "A" GRANT APPLICATION Beach Renourishment and Pass Maintenance Wiggins Pass Monitoring (Project No. 80288) 1. Name and Address of Project Sponsor Organization: Coastal Zone Management Collier County Government 2685 South Horseshoe Drive, Unit 103 Naples, FL 34104 2. Contact Person, Title and Phone Number: Name: Andrew Miller — Manager — Coastal Zone Management Address: 2685 South Horseshoe Drive, Unit 103 Naples, FL 34104 Phone: 239.252.2922 3. Organization's Chief Official and Title: Board of County Commissioners (BCC) Rick LoCastro — BCC Chairman 4. Details of Project- Description and Location: Monitoring of Wiggins Pass required by FDEP a. 5. Estimated project start date: October 1, 2023 Q 6. Estimated project duration: 12 Months a U 7. Total TDC Tax Funds Requested: $25,000.00 M N O 8. If the full amount requested cannot be awarded, can the program/project 7 be restructured to accommodate a smaller award? c a� Yes ( ) No (X) E a Packet Pg. 48 8.A.2 Collier County Tourist Development Council Category "A" Grant Application (Page 2) Wiggins Pass Monitoring (Project No. 80288) PROJECT BUDGET PROGRAM ELEMENT AMOUNT TDC Funds Requested $ 25,000.00 City/Taxing District Share $ - State of Florida Share $ - Federal Share $ - TOTAL $ 25,000.00 PROJECT EXPENSES: (Engineering, Mobilization, Contractor, Monitoring etc) Contractual Services TOTAL $ 25,000.00 $ $ 25,000.00 I have read the Tourist Development Category "A" Beach Funding Policy covering beach renourishment and pass maintenance and agree that my organization will comply with all guidelines and criteria. Signature of Sponsor Organization's Chief Official Date Packet Pg. 49 8.A.2 COLLIER COUNTY TOURIST DEVELOPMENT COUNCIL CATEGORY "A" GRANT APPLICATION Beach Renourishment and Pass Maintenance Doctor's Pass Monitoring (Proiect No. 90549) 1. Name and Address of Project Sponsor Organization: Coastal Zone Management Collier County Government 2685 South Horseshoe Drive, Unit 103 Naples, FL 34104 2. Contact Person, Title, and Phone Number: Name: Andrew Miller — Manager — Coastal Zone Management Address: 2685 South Horseshoe Drive, Unit 103 Naples, FL 34104 Phone: 239.252.2922 3. Organization's Chief Official and Title: Board of County Commissioners (BCC) Rick LoCastro — BCC Chairman 4. Details of Project- Description and Location: Monitoring of Doctor's Pass required by FDEP a. 5. Estimated project start date: October 1, 2023 Q 6. Estimated project duration: 12 Months a U 7. Total TDC Tax Funds Requested: $25,000.00 M N O 8. If the full amount requested cannot be awarded, can the program/project 7 be restructured to accommodate a smaller award? c a� Yes ( ) No (X) E a Packet Pg. 50 8.A.2 Collier County Tourist Development Council Category "A" Grant Application (Page 2) Doctor's Pass Monitoring (Proiect No. 90549) PROJECT BUDGET PROGRAM ELEMENT AMOUNT TDC Funds Requested $ 25,000.00 City/Taxing District Share $ - State of Florida Share $ - Federal Share $ - TOTAL $ 25,000.00 PROJECT EXPENSES: (Engineering, Mobilization, Contractor, Monitoring etc) Engineering Services TOTAL $ 25,000.00 $ 25,000.00 I have read the Tourist Development Category "A" Beach Funding Policy covering beach renourishment and pass maintenance and agree that my organization will comply with all guidelines and criteria. Signature of Sponsor Organization's Chief Official Date Packet Pg. 51 8.A.2 COLLIER COUNTY TOURIST DEVELOPMENT COUNCIL CATEGORY "A" GRANT APPLICATION Beach Renourishment and Pass Maintenance Clam Pass Dredging (Pelican Bay) (Proiect No. 88032) 1. Name and Address of Project Sponsor Organization: Coastal Zone Management Collier County Government 2685 South Horseshoe Drive, Unit 103 Naples, FL 34104 2. Contact Person, Title and Phone Number: Name: Andrew Miller — Manager — Coastal Zone Management Address: 2685 South Horseshoe Drive, Unit 103 Naples, FL 34104 Phone: 239.252.2922 3. Organization's Chief Official and Title: Board of County Commissioners (BCC) Rick LoCastro — BCC Chairman 4. Details of Project- Description and Location: Clam Pass Dredging a. 5. Estimated project start date: October 1, 2023 Q 6. Estimated project duration: 12 Months a U 7. Total TDC Tax Funds Requested: $250,000.00 M N O 8. If the full amount requested cannot be awarded, can the program/project 7 be restructured to accommodate a smaller award? Yes (X) No O c a� E a Packet Pg. 52 8.A.2 Collier County Tourist Development Council Category "A" Grant Application (Page 2) Clam Pass Dredtin2 (Pelican Bay) (Project No. 88032) PROJECT BUDGET PROGRAM ELEMENT AMOUNT TDC Funds Requested $ 250,000.00 City/Taxing District Share $ - State of Florida Share $ - Federal Share $ - TOTAL $ 250,000.00 PROJECT EXPENSES: (Engineering, Mobilization, Contractor, Monitoring etc) Contractual Services TOTAL $ 250,000.00 $ 250,000.00 I have read the Tourist Development Category "A" Beach Funding Policy covering beach renourishment and pass maintenance and agree that my organization will comply with all guidelines and criteria. Signature of Sponsor Organization's Chief Official Date Packet Pg. 53 8.A.2 COLLIER COUNTY TOURIST DEVELOPMENT COUNCIL CATEGORY "A" GRANT APPLICATION Beach Renourishment and Pass Maintenance Beach Tilling — County Wide (Proiect No. 80171) 1. Name and Address of Project Sponsor Organization: Coastal Zone Management Collier County Government 2685 South Horseshoe Drive, Unit 103 Naples, FL 34104 2. Contact Person, Title, and Phone Number: Name: Andrew Miller — Manager — Coastal Zone Management Address: 2685 South Horseshoe Drive, Unit 103 Naples, FL 34104 Phone: 239.252.2922 3. Organization's Chief Official and Title: Board of County Commissioners (BCC) Rick LoCastro — BCC Chairman 4. Details of Project- Description and Location: Y Beach tilling is required by FDEP permit and is performed directly a prior to turtle nesting season. Tilling is paid for on a per acre basis M for re -nourished beaches. Approval is recommended. a 5. Estimated project start date: October 1, 2023 Q U 6. Estimated project duration: 12 Months M N O 7. Total TDC Tax Funds Requested: $30,000.00 0 8. If the full amount requested cannot be awarded, can the program/project be restructured to accommodate a smaller award? E M Yes ( ) No (X) Packet Pg. 54 8.A.2 Collier County Tourist Development Council Category "A" Grant Application (Page 2) Beach Tilling — County Wide (Proiect No. 80171) PROJECT BUDGET PROGRAM ELEMENT AMOUNT TDC Funds Requested $ 30,000.00 City/Taxing District Share $ - State of Florida Share $ - Federal Share $ - TOTAL $ 30,000.00 PROJECT EXPENSES: (Engineering, Mobilization, Contractor, Monitoring etc) Contractual Services TOTAL $ 30,000.00 $ $ $ 30,000.00 I have read the Tourist Development Category "A" Beach Funding Policy covering beach renourishment and pass maintenance and agree that my organization will comply with all guidelines and criteria. Signature of Sponsor Organization's Chief Official Date Packet Pg. 55 8.A.2 COLLIER COUNTY TOURIST DEVELOPMENT COUNCIL CATEGORY "A" GRANT APPLICATION Beach Renourishment and Pass Maintenance Near Shore Hardbottom Monitoring (Proiect No. 90033) 1. Name and Address of Project Sponsor Organization: Coastal Zone Management Collier County Government 2685 South Horseshoe Drive, Unit 103 Naples, FL 34104 2. Contact Person, Title, and Phone Number: Name: Andrew Miller — Manager — Coastal Zone Management Address: 2685 South Horseshoe Drive, Unit 103 Naples, FL 34104 Phone: 239.252.2922 3. Organization's Chief Official and Title: Board of County Commissioners (BCC) Rick LoCastro — BCC Chairman 4. Details of Project- Description and Location: Biological Monitoring is required by FDEP permit to determine the health of the near shore hardbottom as a result of the recent renourishment. Approval is recommended 5. Estimated project start date: October 1, 2023 6. Estimated project duration: 12 Months 7. Total TDC Tax Funds Requested: $230,000.00 8. If the full amount requested cannot be awarded, can the program/project be restructured to accommodate a smaller award? a a. c as Q U Q U M N O r 00 O c as E Yes ( ) No (X) Q Packet Pg. 56 8.A.2 Collier County Tourist Development Council Category "A" Grant Application (Page 2) Near Shore Hardbottom Monitoring (Project No. 90033) PROJECT BUDGET PROGRAM ELEMENT AMOUNT TDC Funds Requested $ 230,000.00 City/Taxing District Share $ - State of Florida Share $ - Federal Share $ - TOTAL $ 230,000.00 PROJECT EXPENSES: (Engineering, Mobilization, Contractor, Monitoring etc) Engineering Fees / Consultant TOTAL $ 230,000.00 $ 230,000.00 I have read the Tourist Development Category "A" Beach Funding Policy covering beach renourishment and pass maintenance and agree that my organization will comply with all guidelines and criteria. Signature of Sponsor Organization's Chief Official Date Packet Pg. 57 8.A.2 COLLIER COUNTY TOURIST DEVELOPMENT COUNCIL CATEGORY "A" GRANT APPLICATION Beach Renourishment and Pass Maintenance Shorebird Monitoring (Project No. 90297) 1. Name and Address of Project Sponsor Organization: Coastal Zone Management Collier County Government 2685 South Horseshoe Drive, Unit 103 Naples, FL 34104 2. Contact Person, Title, and Phone Number: Name: Andrew Miller — Manager — Coastal Zone Management Address: 2685 South Horseshoe Drive, Unit 103 Naples, FL 34104 Phone: 239.252.2922 3. Organization's Chief Official and Title: Board of County Commissioners (BCC) Rick LoCastro — BCC Chairman 4. Details of Project- Description and Location: Shorebird Monitoring is required for Vanderbilt, Park Shore, Naples, and Marco South Beaches by FDEP permit. Approval is recommended 5. Estimated project start date: October 1, 2023 6. Estimated project duration: 12 Months 7. Total TDC Tax Funds Requested: $25,000.00 8. If the full amount requested cannot be awarded, can the program/project be restructured to accommodate a smaller award? Yes ( ) No (X) a Y t� M a. M c d a t� a U M N O 00 0 c as E M Packet Pg. 58 8.A.2 Collier County Tourist Development Council Category "A" Grant Application (Page 2) Shorebird Monitoring (Project No. 90297) PROJECT BUDGET PROGRAM ELEMENT AMOUNT TDC Funds Requested $ 25,000.00 City/Taxing District Share $ - State of Florida Share $ - Federal Share $ - TOTAL $ 25,000.00 PROJECT EXPENSES: (Engineering, Mobilization, Contractor, Monitoring etc) Contractual Services TOTAL $ 25,000.00 $ $ 25,000.00 I have read the Tourist Development Category "A" Beach Funding Policy covering beach renourishment and pass maintenance and agree that my organization will comply with all guidelines and criteria. Signature of Sponsor Organization's Chief Official Date Packet Pg. 59 8.A.2 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. COLLIER COUNTY TOURIST DEVELOPMENT COUNCIL CATEGORY "A" GRANT APPLICATION Beach Renourishment and Pass Maintenance City/County Physical Beach and Pass Monitoring (Vanderbilt, Clam Pass Beach, Park Shore, Naples, Marco South Beaches, along with Wiggins, Doctors, Collier Creek & Caxambas Passes (Project No. 90536) Name and Address of Project Sponsor Organization: Coastal Zone Management Collier County Government 2685 South Horseshoe Drive, Unit 103 Naples, FL 34104 Contact Person, Title, and Phone Number: Name: Andrew Miller — Manager — Coastal Zone Management Address: 2685 South Horseshoe Drive, Unit 103 Naples, FL 34104 Phone: 239.252.2922 Organization's Chief Official and Title: Board of County Commissioners (BCC) Rick LoCastro — BCC Chairman Details of Project- Description and Location: Physical Beach Monitoring is required by FDEP permit and future renourishment. Beaches monitored will be Vanderbilt, Clam Pass Beach, Park Shore, Naples, Marco South, and the southern portion of Barefoot Beach. Passes monitored will be Wiggins, Doctors, Collier Creek and Caxambas. Approval is recommended Estimated project start date: October 1, 2023 Estimated project duration: 12 Months Total TDC Tax Funds Requested: $170,000.00 If the full amount requested cannot be awarded, can the program/project be restructured to accommodate a smaller award? Yes ( ) No (X ) Packet Pg. 60 8.A.2 Collier County Tourist Development Council Category "A" Grant Application (Page 2) City/County Physical Beach and Pass Monitoring (Vanderbilt, Clam Pass Beach, Park Shore, Naples, Marco South Beaches, along with Wiggins, Doctors, Collier Creek & Caxambas Passes (Proiect No. 90536) PROJECT BUDGET PROGRAM ELEMENT AMOUNT TDC Funds Requested $ 170,000.00 City/Taxing District Share $ - State of Florida Share $ - Federal Share $ - TOTAL $ 170,000.00 PROJECT EXPENSES: (Engineering, Mobilization, Contractor, Monitoring etc) Engineering Fees TOTAL $ 170,000.00 $ 170,000.00 I have read the Tourist Development Category "A" Beach Funding Policy covering beach renourishment and pass maintenance and agree that my organization will comply with all guidelines and criteria. Signature of Sponsor Organization's Chief Official Date Packet Pg. 61 8.A.2 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. COLLIER COUNTY TOURIST DEVELOPMENT COUNCIL CATEGORY "A" GRANT APPLICATION Beach Renourishment and Pass Maintenance Beach Cleaning/Maintenance — Collier County/Marco Island (Proiect No. 90533) Name and Address of Project Sponsor Organization: Coastal Zone Management Collier County Government 2685 South Horseshoe Drive, Unit 103 Naples, FL 34104 Contact Person, Title, and Phone Number: Name: Andrew Miller — Manager — Coastal Zone Management Address: 2685 South Horseshoe Drive, Unit 103 Naples, FL 34104 Phone: 239.252.2922 Organization's Chief Official and Title: Board of County Commissioners (BCC) Rick LoCastro — BCC Chairman Details of Project- Description and Location: Maintenance of Barefoot Beach, Vanderbilt Beach, Clam Pass Beach, Park Shore Beach, and Marco Island Beach, and is recommended for approval. Estimated project start date: October 1, 2023 Estimated project duration: 12 Months Total TDC Tax Funds Requested: $ 601,100.00 If the full amount requested cannot be awarded, can the program/project be restructured to accommodate a smaller award? Yes (X) No ( ) Packet Pg. 62 8.A.2 Collier County Tourist Development Council Category "A" Grant Application (Page 2) Beach Cleaning/Maintenance — Collier County/Marco Island (Project No. 90533) PROJECT BUDGET PROGRAM ELEMENT AM NT TDC Funds Requested $ 601,100.00 City/Taxing District Share $ - State of Florida Share $ - Federal Share $ - TOTAL $ 601,100.00 PROJECT EXPENSES: (Engineering, Mobilization, Contractor, Monitoring etc) Operating Expenses TOTAL $601,100.00 $ 601,100.00 I have read the Tourist Development Category "A" Beach Funding Policy covering beach renourishment and pass maintenance and agree that my organization will comply with all guidelines and criteria. Signature of Sponsor Organization's Chief Official Date Packet Pg. 63 8.A.2 I. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. COLLIER COUNTY TOURIST DEVELOPMENT COUNCIL CATEGORY "A" GRANT APPLICATION Beach Renourishment and Pass Maintenance Beach Renourishment and Pass Maintenance Fund 185 Administration Name and Address of Project Sponsor Organization: Coastal Zone Management Collier County Government 2685 South Horseshoe Drive, Unit 103 Naples, FL 34104 Contact Person, Title, and Phone Number: Name: Andrew Miller — Manager — Coastal Zone Management Address: 2685 South Horseshoe Drive, Unit 103 Naples, FL 34104 Phone: 239.252.2922 Organization's Chief Official and Title: Board of County Commissioners (BCC) Rick LoCastro — BCC Chairman Details of Project- Description and Location: This item funds County Staff to manage the projects, maintain the beaches, administer the program and is broken down as follows: Staff includes the CZM Manager; Management Analyst; a Project Manager; a Field Inspector; (2) Equipment Operators to clean and maintain the County and Marco beaches. Indirect Administrative Costs required for administrative functions like purchasing, information technology, motor pool and human resources; Current rent; Division Fiscal support; and charges for the Tax Collector are also included. Approval is recommended. Estimated project start date: October 1, 2023 Estimated project duration: 12 Months Total TDC Tax Funds Requested: $1,403,300.00 If the full amount requested cannot be awarded, can the program/project be restructured to accommodate a smaller award? Yes (X) No ( ) Packet Pg. 64 8.A.2 Collier County Tourist Development Council Category "A" Grant Application (Page 2) Beach Renourishment and Pass Maintenance Fund 185 Administration PROJECT BUDGET PROGRAM ELEMENT AMOUNT TDC Funds Requested $ 1,403,300.00 City/Taxing District Share $ - State of Florida Share $ - Federal Share $ - TOTAL $ 1,403,300.00 PROJECT EXPENSES: (Engineering, Mobilization, Contractor, Monitoring etc) Administration Cost 185 Project Management & Administration Tax Collector Fees (2.5%) TOTAL $ 75,000.00 $_992,300.00 $ 336,000.00 $ 1,403,300.00 I have read the Tourist Development Category "A" Beach Funding Policy covering beach renourishment and pass maintenance and agree that my organization will comply with all guidelines and criteria. Signature of Sponsor Organization's Chief Official Date Packet Pg. 65 8.A.2 1. r01 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. COLLIER COUNTY TOURIST DEVELOPMENT COUNCIL CATEGORY "A" GRANT APPLICATION Beach Renourishment and Pass Maintenance Naples Beach Maintenance Name and Address of Project Sponsor Organization: City of Naples 735 8a' Street South Naples, Florida 34102 Contact Person, Title and Phone Number: Name: Chad Merritt — Parks, Recreation, and Facilities Director Address: 280 Riverside Circle Naples, Florida 34102 Phone: 239.213.7111 Organization's Chief Official and Title: Jay Boodheshwar, City Manager Details of Project- Description and Location: This is an annual TDC funded project essential for support of maintenance. on local beaches. The City is responsible for the upkeep and grooming of TDC eligible beaches within the City limits. Under this project, the City removed litter, accumulation of algae and rocks along public access beach portions of the Gulf within the City's jurisdictional limits. Funding is a benefit to both residents and tourist populations, and to the preservation of the beach, shoreline and its overall appearance and investment. This year's request includes the partial reimbursement for beach maintenance equipment operator, landscape techs, and service workers salaries. FY 24 total cost for beach maintenance personnel is $410,981 for salaries only. Location: Naples Beach — Beaches located in the city limits of Naples. Estimated project start date: October 1, 2023 Estimated project duration: 12 Months Total TDC Tax Funds Requested: $200,000.00 If the full amount requested cannot be awarded, can the program/project be restructured to accommodate a smaller award? Yes (X) No ( ) Packet Pg. 66 8.A.2 Collier County Tourist Development Council Category "A" Grant Application (Page 2) Naples Beach Maintenance PROJECT BUDGET PROGRAM ELEMENT AMOUNT TDC Funds Requested $ 200,000.00 City/Taxing District Share $ State of Florida Share $ - Federal Share $ TOTAL $ 200,000 PROJECT EXPENSES: (Engineering, Mobilization, Contractor, Monitoring etc) Beach Maintenance Staff Salaries TOTAL i7►•TI 1 11 I�lil; $ 200,000.00 I have read the Tourist Development Category "A" Beach Funding Policy covering beach renourishment and pass maintenance and agree that my organization will comply with all guidelines and criteria. Signa re of ' onso nization's Chief Official Date Packet Pg. 67 8.A.2 COLLIER COUNTY TOURIST DEVELOPMENT COUNCIL CATEGORY "A" GRANT APPLICATION Beach Renourishment and Pass Maintenance Naples Pier Repair and Labor 1. Name and Address of Project Sponsor Organization: City of Naples 735 8 h Street South Naples, Florida 34102 2. Contact Person, Title and Phone Number: Name: Chad Merritt — Parks, Recreation, and Facilities Director Address: 280 Riverside Circle Naples, Florida 34102 Phone: 239.213.7111 3. Organization's Chief Official and Title: Jay Boodheshwar, City Manager 4. Details of Project- Description and Location: Naples Pier — 25 12th Ave South, Naples, Florida This annual TDC funded project includes labor, material, supplies and equipment for the upkeep and safety of the pier. The Naples Pier is a public access beach facility and a tourist attraction and destination. The Naples Pier, a historically significant structure originally constructed in 1887, serves as a public access beach facility, as a major tourist attraction and vacation destination. The Naples Pier captures non -county and local visitors as well as tourist populations from through -out the region and world. This year this grant application will be extremely important as we rebuild the iconic Naples Pier. We have begun the design of the pier with the goal of making it stronger and more user-friendly. We anticipate this project to be in the tens of millions, perhaps higher. This grant funding will help to offset a portion of the costs as we construct the new and improved Naples Pier. 5. Estimated project start date: October 1, 2023 6. Estimated project duration: 12 Months 7. Total TDC Tax Funds Requested: $200,000.00 Packet Pg. 68 8.A.2 8. If the full amount requested cannot be awarded, can the program/project be restructured to accommodate a smaller award? Yes (X) No ( ) Packet Pg. 69 8.A.2 Collier County Tourist Development Council Category "A" Grant Application (Page 2) Naples Pier Repair and Labor PROJECT BUDGET PROGRAM ELEMENT AMOUNT TDC Funds Requested City/Taxing District Share State of Florida Share Federal Share IEll 11\0 $ 200,000.00 $ 19,800,000.00 (estimated) $ TBD $ 20,000,000 (estimated) PROJECT EXPENSES: (Engineering, Mobilization, Contractor, Monitoring etc) Repair & Labor $ 20U00.00 Repair & Labor $ 19,800,000.00 TOTAL $ 20,000,000.00 I have read the Tourist Development Category "A" Beach Funding Policy covering beach renourishment and pass maintenance and _agree -that my organization will comply with all guidelines and criteria. —7— z-7- z3 's Chief Official Date Packet Pg. 70 COLLIER COUNTY TOURIST DEVELOPMENT COUNCIL CATEGORY "A" GRANT APPLICATION Beach Renourishment and Pass Maintenance Collier County Sea Turtle Protection Program/Environmental Compliance 1. Name and Address of Project Sponsor Organization: Collier County Parks and Recreation Department North Collier Regional Park 15000 Livingston Road Naples, FL 34109 2. Contact Person, Title and Phone Number: Name: Olema Edwards, Director Address: 15000 Livingston Road City: Naples, FL, 34109 Phone: 239-252-4035 FAX: 239-514-8657 Other: 239-280-7035 3. Organization's Chief Official and Title: Olema Edwards, Director Collier County Parks and Recreation Division 4. Details of Project- Description and Location: The following activities require coastal construction permits from the State of Florida and thus a sea turtle monitoring program. 1. Beach nourishment; 2. Construction, excavation or maintenance of coastal inlet and related shoals; 3. Beach cleaning and grooming activities landward of the mean high-water line. 4. Beach cleaning following a red tide or storm event. The following excerpts from current regulations (Chapter 16B-41 Rules and Procedures for Application for Coastal Construction Permits, Florida Administrative Code), provides for the scope of the permitting process and protection of marine turtles as it relates to the aforementioned activities. 16B-41.001 Scope This chapter provides the requirements and procedures for the issuance, denial, transfer, renewal, modification, suspension and revocation of coastal construction permits. In this Chapter Coastal Construction is defined as "any work or activity on or encroaching upon Packet Pg. 71 8.A.2 sovereignty lands of Florida, below the mean high-water line of any tidal water of the state, which is likely to have a material physical effect on existing coastal conditions or natural shore and inlet processes." 16B-41.0055 Protection of Marine Turtles (Florida Administrative Code) (1) In keeping with the Departments Authority to protect marine turtles pursuant to Section 370.12, Florida Statutes, any application for a permit under this Chapter for coastal construction that affects marine turtles shall be subject to the conditions and requirements for marine turtle protection as part of the permitting process. (2) The Department shall require appropriate measures to protect marine turtles and their habitat, such as: nest surveys, nest relocation, nest marking, modification of coastal construction, measures to reduce sand compaction, and short and long term monitoring to assess the impacts of the permitted coastal construction on marine turtles and their habitat. The Parks and Recreation Department, marine turtle permit holders for Collier County, monitor the following beaches for sea turtle activities as State and federal permit requirements for beach renourishment, beach raking, allowance for the use of vehicles on the beach for surveys, beach cleanup following a red tide or storm event and special events . Barefoot Beach: construction, excavation or maintenance of Wiggins Pass (only that area included within the area of influence of Wiggins Pass; 1 mile north of Pass south to Wiggins Pass); pass material disposal location (renourishment); beach cleaning following a storm event and red tide Vanderbilt Beach: beach nourishment; construction, excavation or maintenance of a coastal inlet and related shoals (Wiggins Pass and Clam Pass); beach cleaning and grooming activities landward of the mean high-water line. Park Shore: beach nourishment; construction, excavation or maintenance of a coastal inlet and related shoals (Clam Pass and Doctors Pass). Upland sand temperature studies as required by the State. City of Naples: beach nourishment; construction, excavation or maintenance of a coastal inlet and related shoals (Doctors Pass and Gordon Pass) City of Marco Island: construction, excavation or maintenance of a coastal inlet and related shoals (Big Marco Pass and Caxambas Pass); Beach nourishment; Hideaway Beach T-Groin; beach cleaning and grooming activities landward of the mean high-water line. The duties and associated costs of the program are as follows: 1. Administrative/permitting 2. Reconnaissance and beach zoning including installation and maintenance of DNR location reference monuments for CZM and Sheriff department 500 feet increments along 26 miles of beach (markers in addition to CZM marked areas) 3. Daily monitoring (7 days/wk. /beach -April 15 depending on renourishment schedules through Oct.31) 4. Evaluation, mapping and data entry Packet Pg. 72 5. Responding to sea turtle disorientations (associated with renourishment and beach profile, as required by the State) 6. Reports (Sea Turtle Protection Plan- Annual Report; special reports per each beach nourishment and T-groin units, Index Nesting Beach Reports (Vanderbilt); State Nest Productivity Reports, FWC Beach Renourishment Reports Beach Compaction 7. Mobilization/demobilization- 8. Vehicle maintenance- ATV's, penetrometers, data loggers 9. Supplies- acquisition, maintenance, inventory 10. Sand studies including beach compaction, sand temperature monitoring 11. Additional Hurricane Ian buried debris monitoring when impacting nesting and false crawl reporting to appropriate agency, hand removal when possible 12. Nest relocation in construction areas if required and permitted by FWC 13. Monitoring and reporting of escarpments 14. Additional studies required as required State/Federal permits (Florida Statute Chapter 161-053 F.A.C. Chapter 62b-33) 15. Stranding reports and removal of injured, sick and dead sea turtles from all County beaches (average 50-100/yr). 16. Public awareness- news media and public speaking upon request. 17. State mandated beach lighting compliance inspections and follow-up 18. Assist with maintaining rope and posting along the dunes 19. Other duties as requested by CZM Department 20. Provide technical assistance and respond to data requests from coastal engineering consultants upon request. 21. Additional State mandated monitoring/reporting of adult and hatchling disorientations due to lack of light screen provided by dune vegetation 22. Additional State mandated monitoring of Obstructed Nesting Attempts due to buried Hurricane Ian debris and sea turtles attempting to nest behind old dunes The purpose of this application is to obtain funds to perform the requirements of a sea turtle protection program in the specified locations. 5. Estimated project start date: October 1, 2023 6. Estimated project duration: One (1) year 7. Total TDC Tax Funds Requested: $ 182,800 8. If the full amount requested cannot be awarded, can the program/project be restructured to accommodate a smaller award? Yes ( ) No ( X ) Packet Pg. 73 8.A.2 Collier County Tourist Development Council Category "A" Grant Application Page 2 Collier County Sea Turtle Protection Program/Environmental Compliance PROJECT BUDGET PROGRAM ELEMENT AMOUNT TDC Funds Requested $ 182,800.00 City/Taxing District Share $ State of Florida Share $ Federal Share $ TOTAL $ 182,800.00 PROJECT EXPENSES: (Engineering, Mobilization, Contractor, Monitoring etc...) Personnel and Operating $ 169,800 Capital -Replacement side -by -side $ 13,000 TOTAL $ 182,800 I have read the Tourist Development Category "A" Beach Funding Policy covering beach renourishment and pass maintenance and agree that my organization will comply with all guidelines and criteria. A, I ZX Signature of Sponsor Organization's Chief Official Date Packet Pg. 74 8.A.2 Tourist Development Council Fund 195 Grant Applications Year to Year Comparison PROJECT / DESCRIPTION: FY22-23 FY23-24 Beach Renourishment Projects 90077 - Beach Emergency Response $ - $ 300,000 50280 - Hurricane Ian $ - $ 2,000,000 90067 - Park Shore Beach Renourishment Program $ 200,000 $ 3,800,000 90066 - Vanderbilt Beach Renourishment Program $ - $ 3,800,000 90069 - Clam Pass Beach Renourishment Program $ 100,000 $ 100,000 90076 - Ti ertail Beach Access Expansion $ 170,000 $ - 90065 - Local Government Funding Request GFR $ 25,000 $ 25,000 80366 - USACE Feasibility Study 500,000 $ 500,000 SUB-TOTALI $ 995,0001 $ 10,525,000 Inlet Projects 80288 - Wiggins Pass Dredging $ 25,000 $ 25,000 90549 - Doctor's Pass Dredging $ 25,000 $ 25,000 88032 - Clam Pass Dredging (Pelican Bay) $ 250,000 $ 250,000 90072 - Collier Creek Modeling, Jetty Rework & Channel Training $ 125,000 $ - SUB-TOTALI $ 425,000 $ 300,000 Regulatory 80171 - Beach Tilling - County Wide $ 30,000 $ 30,000 90033 - Near Shore Hardbottom Monitoring & Seagrass Monitoring $ 230,000 $ 230,000 90297 - Shorebird Monitoring $ 25,000 $ 25,000 90536 - City/CountyCity/County Physical Beach & Pass Monitoring $ 170,000 $ 170,000 99999 - Sea. Turtle Monitoring Program - Collier Count $ 171,7001 $ 182,800 SUB-TOTALI $ 626,700 1 $ 637,800 Beach Maintenance 90527 - Beach Maintenance - City ofNa les $ 197,000 $ 200,000 90533 - Beach Maintenance - Collier County & Marco Island $ 506,800 $ 601,100 SUB_TOTALI $ 703,800 1 $ 801,100 S tru ctu res 90096 - Naples Pier Repair & Maintenance I $ 200,0001 $ 200,000 SUB-TOTALI $ 200,000 1 $ 200,000 Administration 90020 - Fund 195 Administration Costs $ 75,000 $ 75,000 99195 - Fund 185 Project Management & Administration $ 817,600 $ 992,300 99195 - Tax Collector Fees 2.5% $ 312,000 $ 336,000 SUB -TOTAL $ 1,204,600 $ 1,403,300 TOTAL GRANTS1 $ 4,155,1001 $ 13,867,200 M N O N O Q d m E E 0 c.� 0 Q N M 0 0 W) Ln M to N d Y t� M IL M c m a� Gl V Q U M N O w 0 c d E z 0 Q Packet Pg. 75 8.A.2 EXECUTIVE SUMMARY Recommendation to approve the FY 2023-2024 10-Year Capital Planning document for Fund 195 Beach Renourishment and Pass Maintenance and Fund 185 Program Management and Administration and make a finding that these expenditures promote tourism. OBJECTIVE: To obtain approval for the annually updated 10-year capital planning document for the County's beach and inlet management program. CONSIDERATIONS: A 10-year capital planning document has been developed by Collier County staff to identify and balance long-term capital requirements/expenses and revenues received from the tourist development tax Fund 195 for beach renourishment and pass maintenance. This document is strictly used for planning. All grant requests and expenditure requests will be reviewed and approved by the Coastal Advisory Committee, the Tourist Development Council, and the Board of County Commissioners. Additionally, the Florida Department of Environmental Protection (FDEP) Local Government Funding Request (LGFR) program requires that a 10-year planning document be utilized and approved for all municipalities seeking cost -share funding for Beach Management projects. Approval of this document for planning purposes satisfies the intent of this program. FISCAL IMPACT: No fiscal impact for this action. GROWTH MANAGEMENT IMPACT: There is no impact to the Growth Management Plan related to this action. ADVISORY BOARD RECOMMENDATIONS: This will be presented to the Coastal Advisory Committee (CAC) on August 10, 2023, and the Tourist Development Council (TDC) on August 21, 2023. LEGAL CONSIDERATIONS: This item is approved as to form and legality and requires majority vote for approval. — CMG RECOMMENDATION: To approve the FY 2023-2024 10-Year Capital Planning document for Fund 195 Beach Renourishment and Pass Maintenance and Fund 185 Program Management and Administration and make a finding that this item promotes tourism. Prepared By: Andrew Miller, P.E., Coastal Zone Management, Capital Project Planning, Impact Fees and Program Management Division Packet Pg. 76 N (£ZOZ'OL lsnBny aa»iwwOO tiOsinpy Je;seoO : SS£9Z) WNOBd epuBOV OVO - £Z'OL'SO :1u9my3e11y r a m Y V a SEE gill I loll 111 8.A.2 EXECUTIVE SUMMARY Recommendation to approve Change Order No. 1 to Agreement No. 23-8111, "Collier County Emergency Berm Truck Haul and Construction - Reach A", with Phillips and Jordan, Inc. after -the -fact to increase the contract amount from $6,723,041.50 to $6,771,654.62 to adjust the quantity of sand; to ratify administrative Change Order No. 1 to Agreement No. 23-8111, "Collier County Emergency Berm Truck Haul and Construction - Reach B", with Earth Tech Enterprises, Inc., for sand redistribution, both Change Orders relating to Hurricane Ian, Project No. 50280; payment of Pay Applications No. 1 for both contractors; and make a finding that this expenditure promotes tourism. OBJECTIVE: To obtain Board approval of Change Order No. 1 for Agreement No. 23-8111 with Phillips and Jordan, Inc., and ratify Change Order No. 1 for Agreement No. 23-8111 with Earth Tech Enterprises, Inc. CONSIDERATIONS: On April 25, 2023 (Agenda Item 11A), the Board ratified the County Manager's awarding of Invitation to Bid (ITB) No. 23-8111 "Collier County Emergency Berm Truck Haul and Construction - Reach A", with Phillips and Jordan, Inc., with a contract amount of $6,723,041.50 and "Collier County Emergency Berm Truck Haul and Construction - Reach B", with Earth Tech Enterprises, Inc., with a contract amount of $8,422,935.50. The Agreement provides for the construction of an emergency berm for the following locations: • Reach A - Park Shore, Naples, and South Naples Beaches • Reach B - Barefoot, Vanderbilt, Pelican Bay, Marco Island, and Hideaway Beaches Reach A - Change Order No. 1 (Phillips and Jordan, Incorporated): Staff is requesting that the Board authorize the approval of an after -the -fact Change Order No. 1 to adjust quantities of sand and increase sand quantities hauled and placed within the various beach locations in Reach A due to erosion and accretion of Park Shore and Naples beaches in between the October / November 2022 post -storm survey and the construction in April / May of 2023. The adjustments of the sand quantities are as follows: ITEM 2: Horizon Way (Increase Request): Bid Quantity: 67,272.00 TN @ $27.12 / TN = $1,824,416.64 Quantity Placed: 68,972.01 TN @ $27.12 / TN = $1,870,520.91 Difference: (1,700.01) TN @ $27.12 / TN = ($46,104.27) ITEM 3: Lowdermilk Park (Increase Request): Bid Quantity: 36,300.00 TN @ $26.60 / TN = $965,580.00 Quantity Placed: 43,402.85 TN @ $26.60 / TN = $1,154,515.81 Difference: (7,102.85) TN @ $26.60 / TN = ($188,935.81) ITEM 4: 10" Avenue South (Increase Request): Bid Quantity: 36,300.00 TN @ $26.55 / TN = $963,765.00 Packet Pg. 78 8.A.2 Quantity Placed: 43,402.85 TN @ $26.55 / TN = $1,152,345.67 Difference: (7,102.85) TN @ $26.55 / TN = ($188,580.67) ITEM 5: 17t' Avenue South (Decrease Request; redistribute to areas noted above): Bid Quantity: 36,300.00 TN @ $27.40 / TN = $994,620.00 Quantity Placed: 22,613.59 TN @ $27.40 / TN = $619,612.37 Difference: 13,686.41 TN @ $27.40 / TN = $375,007.63 Staff requests that the Board authorize the approval of Change Order #1 after -the -fact and payment of Pay Application No. 1. Staff directed the contractor to modify the fill quantities during construction due to changes to the existing beach topography and time sensitive deadlines verbally. Reach B - Change Order No. 1 (Earth Tech Enterprises, Inc.): Staff requests that the Board authorize the ratification of administratively approved Change Order No. to redistribute sand quantities hauled and placed within the various beach locations in Reach B due to erosion and accretion of Vanderbilt Beach in between the October / November 2022 post -storm survey and the construction in April / May of 2023. The adjustments of the sand quantities are as follows: ITEM 3: Vanderbilt Beach (Increase Request): Bid Quantity: 62,792.00 TN @ $33.50 / TN = $2,103,532.00 Quantity Placed: 64,865.22 TN @ $33.50 / TN = $2,172,984.87 Difference: (2,073.22) TN @ $33.50 / TN = ($69,452.87) ITEM 6: Hideaway Beach (Decrease Request; redistribute 2,073.22 tons to Vanderbilt Beach): Bid Quantity: 2,906.00 TN @ $45.00 / TN = $130,770.00 Quantity unused: 1,362.6028 TN @ $45.00 / TN = ($61,317.13) Difference: 1,543.3972 TN @ $45.00 / TN = $69,452.87 Staff requests that the Board authorize the ratification of administratively approved Change Order No. and payment of Pay Application No. 1. Staff directed the contractor to modify the fill quantities during construction due to changes to the existing beach topography and time sensitive project deadlines verbally. FISCAL IMPACT: Funding for this project is available in both TDC Beach Renourishment Fund (1105) within Hurricane Ian Project (50280), with potential for reimbursement from FEMA. The County will seek FEMA reimbursement of 75% of the costs associated with the construction of the emergency berm plus an additional 12.5% share from the State of Florida Emergency Management Services. GROWTH MANAGEMENT IMPACT: This project is in accordance with the goals and objectives of the Growth Management Plan. ADVISORY COMMITTEE RECOMMENDATION: This item will be presented to the Coastal Advisory Committee (CAC) on August 10, 2023, and the Tourist Development Council (TDC) on August 21, 2023 Packet Pg. 79 8.A.2 LEGAL CONSIDERATIONS: This item is approved as the form and legality and requires majority vote for approval. - CMG RECOMMENDATION: To approve Change Order No. 1 to Agreement No. 23-8111, "Collier County Emergency Berm Truck Haul and Construction - Reach A", with Phillips and Jordan, Inc., after -the -fact to increase the contract amount from $6,723,041.50 to $6,771,654.62; ratify administrative Change Order No. 1 for Agreement No. 23-8111, "Collier County Emergency Berm Truck Haul and Construction - Reach B", with Earth Tech Enterprises, Inc. (Hurricane Ian, Project No. 50280); approvepayments of Pay Applications No. 1 for both contractors; and make a finding that this project promotes tourism. Prepared by: Andrew Miller, PE, Coastal Zone Management Section, Capital Project Planning, Impact Fees & Program Management Division Packet Pg. 80 8.A.2 C.O wr � .icutay Procurernant Servilets Change Order FGM Contract ModtAcatlon ❑ Work Order tisodMeativn 50280.12.4 502W.12.5 contract #: Change #-= Purchase Order C 4500224085 proms g; 50290.12.6 lF Conbactorinn Name: Ow .lo dwL 1IM CO3VwWropett Collier County Errtaryancy Berm Ttudt HW MW ConstrucUari - Readt A Project Manages Name: Andrew Miller P. E. Division Haim: CPP, IF, 8 PM Otlpinal Contract/Wwk Order Amount $ 6,723,D41.50 Current SCC Appmred Amount S 6,723,041.51T Current Contract/Work Order Amount $ 6,723,041.50 Dollar Amount of this Change Revised Ccintract/Work order Total $ 48 613.12 rS 6,771."4.62 11 JIL Original BCC Appm%al Dale; Agenda Rent 0 11.A. Last BCC Appruwl Dale; Agenda Rem # 2/2023 SAP Contract Expiration Date (Master) 0.72% 1 Total Change horn Original Amount 0.72% Change from Current BCC Apprvved Amount Cornpbtlan Data, Deserlplion of do TaNgs) Change, and Radin rta- for the Change Notice to Proceed 4!3l2023 - Date # of pays Added Original 7I1ZR023 Last ;!"XE7 Mt1lIt9Y Revised Date `TBo Completion Data Datflr {Inchdes that dXVW) Select Task* ❑ Add new task(s) ❑ Delete task(s) ❑ Change task(s) ® Outer Provide a response to the following: 1.) detailed and specific explanationlrationais of the requested change(s) to the taskils) and 1 or the additional days added (if requested); 2.) why this change was not Included In the original contract, and, 3.) describe the Impaei r this chance is not orooafaea. ARHCn aCCIU rear inrormauon rrom the Lesion rfofessionai ana/or t.OnifaCtor rt n*soac. "This contract is currently on a stop wort( letter with 38 calendar days remarV i To adjust the excess quantities or sand from 1701 Ave. South and redistribute to Ronson Way. Lowdermilk Park. and I Ave. South. In addition, staff is requesting the authorization to increase the quantities of nand by 2 219.30 tons due to erosion and accr"l on of Park Shore and Naples beaches in between the October / November 2022 post -storm survey and the construction in April / May of 2023. The adjustments of tnte sand quanbtes are as follows Horizon Way (Increase Request): old Quantity 67,272.00 TN ® $27.121 TN ■ $1,824,416.64 Quantity Placed. 68,972.01 TN ® $27.121 TN a $1,870,5N.91 Difference (1, 700.01) TN (527.121 TN ■ ".104.27) Lowdermilk Park (Increase Request): Brd Quantity 36,300.00 TN a $26,601 TN = s 955,580.00 Quantity Placed: 43,402.85 TN ® $26.601 TN - $1.154,515.81 Difference (7.102.85) TN $26.60 ! TN - ($188.935.81) 101 Avenue South (increase Request). - Bid Quantity 36,300.00 -N @ $26,551 TN - S963,765.00 Quantity Placed. 43.402.85 TN @ S26 55 / TN - $1,152,345.B7 Difference (7,102.85) TN C $26 551TN- (5188,5W.a7) 17" Avenue south (Decrease Request; radlatr1bula to areas mots above): Bid Quantity, 36,300.00 TN $27.401 TN = S994,820.00 Quantity Placed; 22,513.59 TN $27.401 TN = $619.612.37 Difference: 13,15MAl TN ® $27.40 / TN = $375.007.63 The net change in quantities to the flour reaches above is an increase of 2,219.30 tons at a cost increase of $48.613.12 2, This change was due to erosion and accretion wryefi occurred on Part( Shore and Naples beaches m the time between October ! November 2022 post storm survey and the &Mal construction in April !May of 2023. The ad}ustments ware made 1n order to meet the design requirements of the engineer. 3, If this charge is not processed, the contractor wouid not be paid for the actual quantities of sand filled and placed on to beaches. Revis" 01114W21 (Mvislons who may rsg+s addkional signatures may inaude on separate sheer.) I OLY ear. � ens r Packet Pg. 81 8.A.2 I Prepored by: (Andrew Miller. Acceptance of this Change ( terms and condition con adjustment, f any, a Co Design Profession I e(ising 1 Accepted by: — (Art %r t L, Date: 6/30/23 - Mana er - Capital Project Planning, Impact Fees, & Program Management) shall constitute a modification to contract 1 work order identified above and will be subject to all the same I in the contract 1 work order indicated above, as fully as if the same were stated in this acceptance. The shall constitute a full and final settlement of any and ali claims of the Contractor i Vendor I Consultant I or related to the change set forth herein, including claims for impact and delay costs. Date: S Z3 Accepted by'. --- - Date: 23 (Stephen Keehn, P.E. - S r Coastal Engineer - APTIM Environmental & Infrastructure) Johnssen_b Digitally signed by Johnssen_b Approved by- Date: 2023.07.06 14A4:46-04'00' Date (Beth Johnssen - Division Director) - Phltlios and Jordan, Inc. Approved by; (Procurement Professional) S Approved by: cottTrinity (Trinity Scott, Department Head) Digitally signed by ScottTrinity Date: 2023.07.17 13:08:29-04'00' Revised- 01/1412021 (Divislans who may esquire additlonal signatures may include on separate sheet.) Date: Date PROCYN6MUfr u16 ONLY aanm e� ecc es Packet Pg. 82 8.A.2 Change Order/Amendment Summary COST TIME CO/ AMD# Description 1 Days New Justification Additive (+) Deductive (-) Added Amount Redistribute funds from Item 5 into Changes to existing beach _ Items 2-4 and fund topogroaphy which occurred in 1 increase in the $48,613.12 - - - between the October/November amount of 2022 post -storm survey and the $48.613.12 April/May 2023 construction. U Q U M O O O i .. N E t I Revised: 01114/2021 (Divisions who may require additional signatures may include on separate sheet.) ""Muffma"rusloNLY A"n Kc BCC Es Packet Pg. 83 8.A.2 From: Art Phelos To: Zach Garner; TurnerFarron Cc: Matt Fetterhoff; MillerAndrew; OvaresRaouel Subject: RE: APPROVAL REQUEST: PO 4500224085 - Change Order No. 1 - Typo - Last Approved Date Date: Tuesday, July 11, 2023 4:29:11 PM Attachments: imaae004.ono imaoe005.onng imaae006.ono imaoe009.ono facebook 32x32 2ledfdcb-ae69-488b-8d8b-65a06c30e6f8 ff804O4l-e39a-43ad-8bd2-eOfbal63a364.ona instaoram 32x32 98d0492b-1433-464b-ab76-9bOa8b7a9b36 dee8ab7a-7cc6-4819-9e50-b715882e4ae4.ona linkedin 32x32 8leade27-0342-49d6-ba04-d8fbdcfalb03 0ec5e72e-3aa3-4434-98cl-f9a579d2bbd6.ona EXTERNAL EMAIL: This email is from an external source. Confirm this is a trusted sender and use extreme caution when opening attachments or clicking links. Approved Art Phelps Senior Vice President 30115 State Road 52 phone: +1 813-780-4371 Suite 301 Mobile: +1 407-509-8563 San Antonio, FL 33576 www.pandj.com 0 ®❑ ®❑ DISCLAIMER: The information transmitted, including attachments, is intended only for the persons) or entity to which it is addressed and may contain confidential and/or privileged material. Any review, retransmission, dissemination, or other use of, or taking of any action in reliance upon this information by persons or entities other than the intended recipient is prohibited. Ifyou received this in error, please contact the sender and destroy any copies of this information. From: Zach Garner <zgarner@pandj.com> Sent: Tuesday, July 11, 2023 4:12 PM To: Art Phelps <aphelps@pandj.com> Cc: Matt Fetterhoff <mfetterhoff@pandj.com> Subject: FW: APPROVAL REQUEST: PO 4500224085 - Change Order No. 1 - Typo - Last Approved Date Afternoon Art, Please see below. Are you able to respond to this email approving the attached and below for Collier County's processing? Thank you, Zach Garner Project Manager 30115 State Road 52 Suite 301 Mobile: +1 603-903-9532 San Antonio, FL 33576 www,pan '.com won DISCLAIMER: The information transmitted, including attachments, is intended only for the persons) or entity to which it is addressed and may contain confidential and/or privileged material. Any review, retransmission, dissemination, or other use of, or taking ofany action in reliance upon this information by persons or entities other than the intended recipient is prohibited. Ifyou received this in error, please contact the sender and destroy any copies of this information. From: TurnerFarron<Farron.TurnerC@colliercountvfl.gov> Sent: Tuesday, July 11, 2023 8:25 AM To: Zach Garner <zearner(@Dandj.com> Cc: MillerAndrew <Andrew.Mil ler(@colliercount fv I.eov>; OvaresRaquel <Raquel.OvareslaDcolliercount fv I.eov> Packet Pg. 84 8.A.2 Subject: APPROVAL REQUEST: PO 4500224085 - Change Order No. 1 - Typo - Last Approved Date Good Morning, Zach We had a typo on the Change Order and needed to update the "Last Approved Date" to 7/12/2023. ®❑ Can you please have Mr. Phelps review the attached document with the revision and send me an email stating "APPROVED" if he approves the change? Once we have a response, we can push this through for processing. Let me know if you have questions. Thank you! Warmest Regards, Farron Turner Management Analyst I u We are committed to your success! Transportation Management Services Department Capital Project Planning, Impact Fees & Program Management Division Coastal Zone Management Section Farron.TurnerCabcolliercountvfl.aov 2685 South Horseshoe Drive, Unit 103 Naples, FL 34104 Office: 239.252.2966 Under Florida Law, e-mail addresses are public records. If you do not want your e-mail address released in response to a public records request, do not send electronic mail to this entity. Instead, contact this office by telephone or in writing. Packet Pg. 85 8.A.2 From: MillerAndrew To: Turnerl'arron Subject: Verbal Work Directive: PO 4500224085 - Phillips & Jordan, Inc. Date: Tuesday, July 11, 2023 1:12:50 PM Farron, A verbal work directive was given to the contractor in the field during construction of Reach A to change sand quantities in various locations due to changes in survey conditions since the beaches were surveyed in October/November of 2022.. No written follow-up was provided. Progress meetings going forward will have work directives itemized and documented as part of the agenda and meeting minutes. Thank you, Andy Miller, P.E. Manager (239)-252-2922 Collier County Transportation Management Services Department Coastal Zone Management Section 2685 South Horseshoe Drive, Unit 103 Naples, Florida 34104 Andrew. MillerPcolliercountyfl.gov Under Florida Law, e-mail addresses are public records. If you do not want your e-mail address released in response to a public records request, do not send electronic mail to this entity. Instead, contact this office by telephone or in writing. Packet Pg. 86 8.A.2 Procurement Services C a . 7ei' Comity Change Order Form 50280,12.1 ® Contract Modification ❑ Work Order Modification 50280.12,2 4500224201 50280.12.3 Contract #: 23-8111 Change #:� Purchase Order #: Project #: 50280.12.7 _ 50280,12.8 Contractor/Firm Name: Earth Tech Enterprises. Inc Contract/Project: REACH B — Collier 2023 Emergency Berm Truck Haul and Construction Project Manager Name: Andrew Miller, P.E. I Division Name: CPP, IF, & PM Original Contract/Work Order Amount $ 8,422,934.50 4125123; 11 A. Original BCC Approval Date; Agenda Item # Current BCC Approved Amount $ 8,422,934.53 4125/23: 11.A. Last BCC Approval Date; Agenda Item # Current Contract/Work Order Amount $ 8,422,934.50 7/21/2023 SAP Contract Expiration Date (Master) Dollar Amount of this Change $ 0.00 0,00% Total Change from Original Amount Revised Contract/Work Order Total $ 8,422,934.50 0.00% Change from Current BCC Approved Amount Cumulative Changes $ 0.00 0.00% Chan a from Current Amount Completion Date, Description of the Task(s) Change, and Rationale for the Change Notice to Proceed 4/12/2023 Original 7/21/2023 Last Approved 7/21/2023 Revised Date `TBD Date Completion Date Date (Includes this change) # of Days Added Select Tasks ❑ Add new task(s) ❑ Delete task(s) ❑ Change task(s) ® Other Provide a response to the following: 1.) detailed and specific explanation/rationale of the requested change(s) to the task(s) and / or the additional days added (if requested); 2.) why this change was not included in the original contract; and, 3.) describe the impact If this change is not processed. Attach additional information from the Design Professional and/or Contractor if needed. `This work order is on a stop letter with 1 calendar day remaining. 1. To adjust the quantity of sand in the amount of $69,452.87 from Item No. 6 — Hideaway Beach and redistribute to Item No. 3- Vanderbilt Beach. due to erosion and accretion of Vanderbilt Beach in between October / November 2022 post -storm survey and the construction in April / May 2023. The adjustment of the sand quantities are as follows: Vanderbilt Beach (Increase Request): Bid Quantity: 62,792.00 TN @ $33.50 / TN = $2,103,532.00 Quantity Placed: 64,865.22 TN @ $33.501 TN = $2,172,984,87 Difference: (2,073.22) TN @ $33.50 / TN = ($69,452.87) Hideaway Beach (Decrease Request; redistribute $69,452.87 to Vanderbilt Beach): Bid Quantity: 2,906.00 TN @ $45.00 / TN = $130,770.00 Quantity unused: 1,362.6028 TN @ $45.00 / TN = ($61.317.13) Difference: 1,543.3972 TN @ $45.00 / TN = $69,452.87 2. This change was due to erosion and accretion which occurred on Vanderbilt Beach in the time between October / November 2022 post -storm survey and the actual construction in April i May of 2023. The adjustments were made to meet the design requirements of the engineer, Hideaway Beach is located within a CBRA zone and does not qualify for federal funding. 3. If this change is not processed, the contractor would not be paid for the actual quantities of sand filled and placed on the beach. Digitally signed by MillerAndrew MillerAndre W Date: 2023,07.25 13:02:03-04'00' Prepared by: Date: (Andrew Miller, P.E. — Manager — Capital Project Planning, Impact Fees, and Program Management) Acceptance of this Change Order shall constitute a modification to contract / work order identified above and will be subject to all the same terms and conditions as contained in the contract / work order indicated above, as fully as if the same were stated in this acceptance. The adjustment, if any, to the Contract hall con titute a full and final settlement of any and all claims of the Contractor / Vendor / Consultant / Design Professional arisin out o rela to the cha ge set f : h herein, including claims for impact and delay costs. Jr�". Accepted by: _ Date: -✓ (Christophe(Gellrmg,J President — Earth Tech Accepted by: S I I a rp 1 Nicole Digital) signed lihy Sharp, Nicole Date: 0023.07.L5 23:28:13-04'00' (Nicole S. Sharp, P.E. — Coastal Market Lea &—_ AP34M Environmental & Infrastructure) Revised: 01/14/2021 (Divisions who may require additional signatures may include on separate sheet.) Date: PROCUREMENT USE ONLY Admlrt Rp1 BCC ES cq0 Packet Pg. 87 1 8.A.2 Jo h n s s e n b Date:2023.07 26y14:44:48 04'00' Approved by: — (Beth Johnssen, Division Director) ScottTrinity Date: 023.0ed 16:23:t6rinity Date: 2023.07.2 7 16:23:56 Approved by:-04'00' (Trinity Scott, Department Head) Date: Date: YilmazHeather Digitally signed byYi'maxHeather Approved b Date: 2023,08.02 17:58:53 -04'00' Y- Date: (Procurement Professional) Revised: 01/14/2021 (Divisions who may require additional signatures may include on separate sheet.) PROCUREMENT USE ONLY Aemin RPt BCC ES -- - Packet Pg. 88 8.A.2 Change Order/Amendment Summary CO# AMD# Descriptton COST TIME Justiflcation Additive (+) Deductive (-) Days Added New Amount 1 - Redistribute $69,462.87 from Item 6 into Item 3 $0.00 $0.00 - - Changes to existing beach topography which occurred in between the October / November 2022 post -storm survey and the April ! May 2023 construction. Revised: 01/14/2021 (Divisions who may require additional signatures may Include on separate sheet.) PROCUREMENT USE ONLY Atlmtn Rpt BCC Es 0 Ln M to N d V !6 a �a d as i, U Q U M N O 00 O r.+ _ d E s ra r Q Packet Pg. 89 1 8.A.2 ATTEST: Crystal K. Kinzel, Clerk of COLINS & Comptroller By' ---- Dated: (SEAL) Approved as to form and legality: By: Assis-tan-t County Attorney BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS COLLIER COUNTY, FLORIDA By: Rick LoCastro, Chairman nCAO Packet Pg. 90