Backup Documents 01/26/2021 Item # 9A BCC Presentation-FINAL (2)
Sabal Bay MPUD rezoning petition (PR2019002305) raises the following traffic‐related issues:
1. Bayshore Drive to the south of Thomasson Drive is a local road with narrow lane widths. (2020 TIS,
p11) It is not a monitored roadway for Collier County. Options to increase capacity appear limited
and/or expensive.
2. The 2020 TIS states the traffic effects on Bayshore and Thomasson Drives are significant
notwithstanding peak hour LOS thresholds are not projected to be exceeded. (2020 TIS, p13)
3. Regarding the traffic associated with the proposed rezoning:
o Bayshore Drive is a vital MPUD roadway and the proposed rezoning will add an incremental
~2000 trips/day to internal/external roadways (2020 TIS, p7).
o 50% of the rezoned parcel traffic is projected to use Bayshore Drive. (2020 TIS, p8).
o The remaining 50% of the parcel traffic is projected to use internal MPUD roadways and
Thomasson Drive. Westbound Hwy 41 toward downtown/beaches is less direct, has six stop
lights along its path versus none via the Bayshore Drive and is subject to greater traffic volumes
and associated congestion. Common sense suggests residents will take the most direct path via
Bayshore Drive. (2020, TIS, p9)
o The commitment to limit peak hour traffic volumes from the Fleischmann parcel to 172 two‐
way trips/day has no identified monitoring method or mitigation plan. (2020 TIS, p16) Any
future limitations on the use of Bayshore Drive would result in adverse living conditions for
MPUD residents.
o Regardless of the eventual traffic patterns from this proposed rezoning, Bayshore Drive and
internal MPUD roadways will be subject to needless additional traffic.
4. MPUD traffic via Bayshore Drive is based on a ten‐year old traffic study. (2011 TIS) Significant East
Naples development has occurred since 2011. Several adjacent pre‐zoning phase projects along
Bayshore/Thomasson Drives are likely not reflected in traffic projections. A projected 17% of MPUD
traffic volume will use Bayshore Drive. (2020 TIS, p7) Combined with the proposed rezoning, over 5000
vehicles per day will use Bayshore Drive. The proposed parcel’s traffic volume (~2000 vehicles/day)
needlessly burdens internal MPUD and adjacent external roadways.
5. The rezoning request seeks to increase the total MPUD dwelling units from 1,999 to 2,229. No explicit
limit of 230 dwellings on the Fleischmann parcel is included in the PUDA submission. Any increase of
dwellings on the Fleischmann parcel (up to 307 dwellings permitted in CHHA property) will only worsen
the traffic burden on internal MPUD and adjacent external roadways. (2021 Sabal Bay MPUD Rezone
Submission, p12) It is assumed the petitioner will seek to maximize the number of MPUD dwellings
(2,229) notwithstanding their public statements to build a lower number.
6. This proposed change will adversely influence living conditions of the neighborhood contrary to
rezoning criterion #14. (2021 Sabal Bay MPUD Rezone Submission, p5)
Analysis of Current ICP Build‐out w/ and w/o Proposed Rezoning
Current ICP Build‐out Proposed ICP‐Build‐out
Developer Projections for build‐out 1649 1649
Reduced Build: Developer Conversion of
Coach homes to SFDs ‐87 ‐87
Net Build‐out totals 1562 1562
Fleischmann Addition 0 230
Permitted ICP max buildout add'l homes 10 97
Total Possible ICP Build‐out current 1659 1889
Springs Apartments 340 340
Total MPUD Build‐out 1999 2229
Dwellings vs current ICP net totals
(1562) % Increase
Dwellings 327 21%
People (2.5/DU) 818 21%
Traffic Excursions (8.53/DU) 2,789 21%
Developer needs Fleischmann parcel to recover residual 97 dwellings permitted by current PUD
Developer is using ICP open spaces to achieve 30% threshold for the Fleischmann parcel
Developer is using ICP roadways to reduce traffic effects on Bayshore Drive
Developer is using ICP amenities to permit maximum dwellings on the Fleischmann parcel
Developer is avoiding turning lane off of Bayshore by inclusion of ‘throat‐way’ and traffic assumptions
Developer commits to NO fair‐share contributions to Bayshore Drive roadway capacity and safety