CAC Agenda 05.11.23 (re-revised)5/9/23, 1:52 PM May 11, 2023 1 Collier County, FL May 11, 2023 English Meeting Agenda and Notice Coastal Advisory Committee (CAC) Thursday, May 11, 2023— 1:00 p.m. Collier County Board Chambers Collier County Government Center 3299 Tamiami Trail East, Third Floor, Naples, FL Sunshine Law on Agenda Questions 2023 CAC MEETING DATES I. Call to Order II. Pledge of Allegiance III. Roll Call W. Changes and Approval of Agenda V. Public Comments VI. Approval of CAC Minutes April 13, 2023 VII. Staff Reports Extended Revenue Report VIII. New Business 1. ES — CAC Vacancies o Applications 2. ES — Humiston & Moore Engineers — Collier County Beaches and Inlets Annual Monitoring for 2023 o Proposal 3. ES - Taylor Engineering, Inc. - Collier County Dune Restoration Planting, Construction Plans, Technical Specifications, and Bid Assistance Services o Proposal IX. Old Business 1. Update — Emergency Berm Project 2. Update — USACE Project https://www.coll iercountyfl.gov/govern ment/advisory-boards-and-authorities/coastal-advisory-committee/cac-agendas/2023-cac-agendas/may-11-2023 1 /2 5/9/23, 1:52 PM X. Announcements May 11, 2023 1 Collier County, FL XI. Committee Member Discussion XII. Next Meeting Date/Location June 8, 2023 at >_:oo p.m. XIII. Adjournment All interested parties are invited to attend, and to register to speak and to submit their objections, if any, in writing, to the board prior to the meeting if applicable. For more information, please contact Andrew Miller at (239) 252-2922. If you are a person with a disability who needs any accommodation in order to participate in this proceeding, you are entitled, at no cost to you, to the provision of certain assistance. Please contact the Collier County Facilities Management Department located at 3301 East Tamiami Trail, Naples, FL 3411.2, (239) 252-8380. Public comments will be limited to 3 minutes unless the Chairman grants permission for additional time. Collier County Ordinance No. 99-22 requires that all lobbyists shall, before engaging in any lobbying activities (including, but not limited to, addressing the Board of County Commissioners) before the Board of County Commissioners and its advisory boards, register with the Clerk to the Board at the Board Minutes and Records Department. https://www.colliercountyfl.gov/governmentladvisory-boards-and-authorities/coastal-advisory-committee/cac-agendas/2023-cac-agendas/may-11-2023 2/2 April 13, 2023 MINUTES OF THE COLLIER COUNTY COASTAL ADVISORY COMMITTEE MEETING Naples, Florida, April 13, 2023 LET IT BE REMEMBERED, the Collier County Coastal Advisory Committee, in and for the County of Collier, having conducted business herein, met on this date at 1:00 P.M. in REGULAR SESSION at Administrative Building "F," 3' Floor, Collier County Government Complex, Naples, Florida, with the following members present: ALSO PRESENT: CHAIRMAN VICE CHAIRMAN David Trecker Joseph Burke Steve Koziar Thomas McCann (excused) Jim Burke Robert Raymond Robert Roth Raymond Christman Erik Brechnitz (excused) Andy Miller, Coastal Zone Manager Colleen Greene, Assistant County Attorney Farron Turner, Management Analyst I, Coastal Zone April 13, 2023 Anyone in need of the verbatim record of the meeting may request a copy of the video recording from the Communications, Government & Public Affairs Division or view it online. I. Call to Order Chairman Trecker called the meeting to order at 1 p.m. II. Pledge of Allegiance The Pledge of Allegiance was recited. III. Roll Call Roll call was taken and a quorum of seven was established. IV. Changes and Approval of Agenda Mr. Raymond moved to approve the agenda. Second by Mr. Burke. The motion passed unanimously, 7-0. V. Public Comments VI. Approval of CAC Minutes February 9, 2023 Vice Chair Burke noted that his comment on the top of page 3 should say "sieve - criteria, " not SID-criteria. Mr. Raymond moved to approve the February 9, 2023, meeting minutes, as amended. Second by Mr. Koziar. The motion passed unanimously, 7-0. VII. Staff Reports Mr. Miller noted that two questions were raised at the last meeting. Bob Raymond asked where the money for the Paradise Coast Sports Complex money is. It's the last item on TDC capital. Chairman Trecker said Mr. Roth also asked for a direct comparison between last year and this year. Mr. Miller said the Revenue Report was published prior to yesterday but we got the March numbers last night and there's a faded line that shows last year's entire revenues, as well as the budgeted revenues. We were running a little short of last year but are nearly caught up. We're 1.65% short of what we were doing last year. Mr. Roth thanked him for putting the line in to show the comparison. Mr. Miller said Farron did it, so you can thank her. Extended Revenue Report "FY23 TDT Collections Revenue Report" dated March 31, 2023. Mr. Miller detailed a PowerPoint presentation and reported that: • Last year was a phenomenal year. He's uncertain if it was a record year because he hasn't verified that. March numbers are virtually tied with last year. • We're about 40% above budget. Mr. Raymond noted that one of the reasons we're a little bit down compared to last pil April 13, 2023 year is a lot of the hotels were really damaged by the hurricane. Mr. Miller noted that the Ritz is closed due to the hurricane. Mr. Raymond said the Naples Beach Club closed before that, so we're doing good. Mr. Miller said they're doing very well. Chairman Trecker noted that when you compare the numbers to the five-year running average, which was 34% above budget, 39% above budget looks pretty good, so we're really in very good shape. VIII. New Business 1. Executive Summary — APTIM Environmental & Infrastructure LLC Preparation of the 2024-2025 LGFR for Collier County's shore protection projects Proposal Recommendation to approve a proposal from APTIM Environmental & Infrastructure Inc. to provide professional engineering Services for 2024-2025 Local Government Funding Request under Contract No. 18-7432-CZ for time and material not to exceed $26,052 and make a finding that this item promotes tourism (Fund 195, Project No. 90065). Mr. Miller outlined the recommendation and reported that: • This is a yearly item. They help us put together the application packets to go to FDEP to request reimbursement for projects that we do with our beaches and inlets. They compete against the entire coastal state of Florida and they're ranked. APTIM does a great job and we typically get a roughly 42 percent reimbursement for beaches, while reimbursement for inlets varies from 50%- 75%, sometimes 100%. Chairman Trecker asked if this was requested by DEP. Mr. Miller said that's correct. The DEP requires that it must be finished by July 31 and we're competing with others around the state. Mr. Raymond moved to recommend approving a proposal from APTIM Environmental & Infrastructure Inc. to provide professional engineering service for 2024-2025 Local Government Funding Request under Contract No. 18- 7432-CZfor time and material not to exceed $26,052 and found that this item promotes tourism (Fund 195, Project No. 90065). Second by Mr. Burke. The motion passed unanimously, 7-0. 2. Executive Summary — Humiston & Moore Engineers - Collier County Beaches and Inlets Annual Monitoring for 2023 Proposal Recommendation to approve a proposal from Humiston & Moore Engineers to provide professional engineering service for state -required Annual Monitoring of Collier County Beaches and Inlets for 2023 under Contract No. 18-7432-CZ for time and material not to exceed $52,004 and make a finding that this item promotes tourism (Fund 195, Project No. 90536). Mr. Miller reported that. • This is an item we do yearly. It's our annual physical monitoring, a survey effort of beaches and a report based on the findings to recommend renourishment projects or inlet management projects. • Humiston & Moore does these for us every year and they do a great job. April 13, 2023 The big difference this year is that typically this item runs about $175,000 on up but it's reduced substantially mainly because we had an emergency survey effort done by APTIM right after the hurricane and we were told by FDEP that the survey effort from November -December would be sufficiently up to date without doing an entirely new effort. We're using the survey information to provide to Humiston & Moore to crunch the numbers and write the report. It's a much less involved physical effort, as far as surveying, but they'll still do the report. He outlined the recommendation. Chairman Trecker said it was his understanding that Humiston & Moore would sweep in the data the county received from APTIM and we'll have a good composite report to see the total numbers. Mr. Miller said that was correct. Mr. Christman asked when the work will be completed, including the integration of the data with Humiston & Moore. Mr. Miller said we're hoping to take this item to the 13CC's last meeting in April, but it may be pushed to the first meeting in May, which would mean work would probably start mid - May. If that happens, we're going to try to push them to get that out in a draft form and not a final report. We just want enough information to tell us what kind of projects we need to do next November, December, January, etc., so he's hoping to get some of that draft information within the first month after they start, maybe early to mid -June. Mr. Christman asked when the CAC would receive those recommendations from staff. Mr. Miller said he'll bring them to the next meeting after he receives them. He'll go to work with the County Manager's Office to make sure they're on board with the proposals and then bring it as an item for the CAC's approval. Mr. Christman asked if that would be around July or August. Mr. Miller said yes. Mr. Christman asked when the work was done by APTIM after the hurricane. Mr. Miller said November and December, with some in January, when they were finishing up in the Marco Island area. Mr. Christman asked if he was comfortable that our beach mouths were evaluated. Mr. Miller said all were, including those we don't worry about. Mr. Christman asked if he was confident the data was still valid. Mr. Miller said he's fairly confident. A good news item is that APTIM is doing the emergency -berm design and the construction monitoring. They've already done a pre - construction survey, so they're going to supply that survey information to Humiston & Moore, as well. They're also going to do a post -construction survey to give us an idea that the berms were built correctly and to provide additional information on how that's evolved since January and February, around that time frame. Mr. Christman said that makes sense, thank you. Mr. Christman moved to recommend approving a proposal from Humiston & Moore Engineers to provide professional engineering services for state -required Annual Monitoring of Collier County Beaches and Inlets for 2023 under Contract No. 18-7432-CZfor time and material not to exceed $52,004 and make a finding that this item promotes tourism (Fund 195, Project No. 90536). Second by Mr. Raymond. The motion passed unanimously, 7-0. C! April 13, 2023 VIII. Old Business 1. Update — Emergency Berm Project Mr. Miller told the CAC. • Both contracts were approved by the County Manager's Office. We'll be routing those for the Board of County Commissioners' ratification on April 25. • The contractors both started Naples Beach, as we had planned, and we started the hauling effort last Wednesday. We went into Easter weekend, so we took Friday and Saturday off because we weren't getting the production in the number of available truckers. We decided to wait and pull out all the stops this past Monday. • As of this morning's progress meeting, we have about 11,000-plus in tonnage placed on the beach. • We started at Naples Pier, worked to the north and as of about 11 a.m. this morning, they were getting close to 8th Avenue South, on what we call Reach B, which is the northern project— Vanderbilt Beach, Pelican Bay, Barefoot. The contractor has placed mats at the end of Vanderbilt Beach Road and plans to start his trucks hauling next Monday morning. Chairman Trecker said it's his understanding that FEMA granted us an extension until June 29. Mr. Miller said that was correct. Chairman Trecker asked if they'd finish by Memorial Day. Mr. Miller said that's the target date. Chairman Trecker said we're looking at 400,000 tons versus about 230,000 tons for the recent reimbursement, so it's a bigger project. Mr. Miller said that's correct. Chairman Trecker noted they'd be working around turtle -nesting season, which starts May 1, and you said you'd work around those nests. Mr. Miller said that's correct. We discussed this in our progress meeting. What we plan to do is invite the county's turtle monitor, who will go out every morning to look for the "crawl" from the beach to the nest. If she encounters one within or around the construction zone, she'll mark it and put a 10-foot radius circle around it. The contractor will push sand up to the circle and leave enough sand to fill the circle when the hatchlings emerge. They call it "avoidance." We'll be avoiding the nest. Chairman Trecker asked if they'd be receiving a 75% reimbursement by FEMA, possibly 87% with state contributions? Mr. Miller said that was correct. Chairman Trecker noted that. • People tend to lose sight of the fact that this is really a three-phase project. • The first is to clear the debris, flatten, reshape and get the beaches back so they're safe to occupy and you've done that. Twelve are open now, possibly more, and many are being used. • The second phase, the emergency berm, is what we've been talking about, the knee-high trapezoidal dunes, which give some protection against five- year storms. That was unanimously approved by county commissioners, which doesn't always happen, so we have strong support. • The third phase, which tends to get overlooked, is that this isn't the end of it. People have asked, "What about planning?" But you made plans. April 13, 2023 Mr. Miller told the CAC: • If we had 20-20 hindsight and knew the hurricane was coming, we may have started plantings last year, enough for our June projects, but the hurricane snuck up on us. The immediate threat is from flooding. The plants do a great job of trapping the wind-blown sand and creating the dunes. What we want to do immediately is get the berm built to provide a semblance of protection. While we're building the berm, we're making efforts toward putting a work order in place to get a designer to create plans in a bid package to do the planting project right before wet season starts next year. That gives us time. It typically takes three to four months just to get plants to the point where they're viable to put in the sand, and we're talking about a million or more, so we'll take that time to grow plants to the point where they're hardy enough to put in the sand. Hopefully, we'll be ready to pop them in next March or April, before the rain starts. Chairman Trecker said he'd indicated that he'd already been in contact with Naples Botanical Garden and that consultant is going to guide the choice of the plants, taking input from an ad -hoc group that we'll put together. Mr. Miller said Naples Botanical Garden is one and the Native Plant Society is another. The City of Naples' environmental staff is on board, so we're going to create a task force. We don't know whether we'll formalize that, but we want to involve the people who want to see the appropriate plants — No. 1, for the beach and No. 2, for Naples proper. A discussion ensued and the following points were made: • The CAC can get involved if it desires. • Phase 3 will require commission approval. • The County Manager has the authority to execute the contracts for construction of the berm. • It's doubtful that level of emergency effort is required for the June plants. • We'll have plenty of time to get the design bid to the CAC, TDC and BCC for approval. • We may be talking about future renourishment. • What Mr. Miller plans to take from the Humiston & Moore report is if they've got enough to do either one or two mid -sized projects, 50,000-60,000 yard projects, we want to get those projects started by next fall or winter. To do that, we're going to have to do a quick design, a quick bid and a quick award of construction. • If we do two smaller projects, they don't require a CCNA, the Consulting Competitive Negotiations Act. That process takes time, four to six months, and we don't have that time. If we do two smaller projects below the $4 million threshold, we can circumvent that process and use our library contract to do the design work. • If we have two beach sections in desperate need this November through March, we'll be able to do that construction then. After that, we'll probably return to our scheduled renourishment, typically a four- to five-year cycle. • The emergency berm project includes Marco Island. It goes from Eagles Nest (Beach Resort) all the way down to Cape Marco. That beach section had enough losses that were eligible for FEMA reimbursement. • The project includes Pelican Bay, but not Clam Pass because it's only for beaches or dunes that front developed property, with homes or structures behind them. It will probably go to the last building in Colony Bay. If there's a desire to go farther, that will have to be a separate project. • Mats were installed yesterday at Vanderbilt Beach, so the trucks can go from the road to the beach, dump sand and return. Fencing and barricades to keep the public away from the construction site also was installed. • Hauling will begin Monday. April 13, 2023 • The county just reached out to the consultant yesterday and doesn't have to go through a bid process to get the consultant because it's below the $4 million threshold. We have a library contract available and picked the next one in line, Taylor Engineering Inc., which did the dune planting design we finished last year. • We're hoping to get a final proposal in a day or two, then will put together a work order for signatures. We can bring that to the CAC's May meeting, then it would go to the TDC in May and then the BCC's first June meeting. • We need to ensure plants are growing within the time frame it takes to get them on the beach in March and April, so we'll have to get the designer on board to immediately work with stakeholders to get a consensus on what we want to plant. • We'll do a rough, quick estimate on the number of plants we want to grow and take that to the Procurement Division to get an invitation to bid out to the growers to get it started. In the meantime, the designer can fine tune the design plans and bid package for construction later. • The berm project isn't so temporary. It's a substantial amount of sand, 50 feet wide by 2 feet tall, like a renourishment. We'll be able to dovetail into the proper nourishment in the upcoming months and years. Although it's considered temporary work, it's considered Category B Emergency Work. • The best thing about Category B Emergency Work is you avoid many of the issues related to environmental compliance, but must get the work done quickly. That's why they call it temporary. It's intended to stabilize things for future upcoming storms. • Some of these will remain and be more a permanent five-year structure. If we get lucky, we'll ride the year out and get plants in the dunes next year and they'll do a great job of helping to fortify dunes, hold them together and accumulate sand. • The county Communications Division sent out press releases with diagrams showing the areas we're proposing to do. There are plans for Marco Island. • The invasive sea grape is known as non-native scaevola and the hurricane got rid of a lot of those on the beach. Last year's replanting project involved the removal of non-native scaevola that already were established and they replanted with native species. This effort will be much less involved as far as removal of scaevola and will just be a replanting project. Although there are some areas where the scaevola took a hard hit, it's a pretty hardy plant and is trying to get reestablished. • There's also a native scaevola. • If the trapezoidal berms that are going in now need reinforcement, we'll have an opportunity to do that in Phase 3. • The top of the berm elevation is 6.0 NAVD, a little higher than mean sea -level datum, about 1-1 %2 feet higher. NAVD 6.0 was the elevation of a typical dune along a Collier beach. Right now, the sand is at elevation 3 %2-4 at the high end of the beach. The extra 2-3 feet will bring them back to where they were. 2. Status — USACE Project Public Speaker Ashley Jenkins told the CAC • She has three requests, including one follow-up request. When you met in February, the CAC offered to let her and Shelley McKiernan participate in the Water Quality Subcommittee. She'd like to follow up on that after this meeting. • Her second request is that post -hurricane, the county did a great job removing all the debris, but we still have cars in the Venetian and Doctors bays. We don't necessarily know all the debris that we're encountering in various coastal areas. But we did not create a policy or procedure to look at remediating the waste that ended up in storm ponds and storm drains. • We had Category 3 downtown and she was elbow deep in it cleaning her home the day after. We have the ability to create a policy or recommendation to the Marco April 13, 2023 Island City Council, Naples City Council and the County Commission on what the community needs to do to deal with that pollution because it hasn't been dealt with. • She met with Councilman Christman this past week, and many people who have storm ponds with that intrusion said there's now algal leaching out into our coastal waterways, so that affects the impact of beaches that you oversee. • Can you come up with a sand policy, what we do after a hurricane for the sand besides just removing debris and something from the water? • She's committed to talking to the CAC about the Army Corps of Engineers' project. It came to her attention less than three days ago that there were really interesting proposed designs for the passes. We have not done anything to dredge those waterways or looked at them. We had a lot of sand that was displaced and are now looking at replacing it with the berms, but we haven't removed the sand. • She's spoken to Seagate residents who can't get their boats out of the canals to get to the Gulf of Mexico because there's so much sand in there. • She doesn't feel she's been informed enough about the Army Corps project and looks forward to hearing more. Chairman Trecker said they're getting the subcommittee back together and will contact her about a meeting. He suggested she listen to the presentation about the Army Corps project because there's a lot of new information. Ms. Jenkins thanked him for the information. Chairman Trecker told the CAC: • The BCC on Tuesday formally approved proceeding with the revised ACE feasibility study, which calls for a preliminary feasibility plan by October or the end of the year. • This will cost $3 million and is funded by the federal government. • If the feasibility plan is accepted, extensive Army Corps of Engineers work is going to be done and cost estimates will be made. • Congressional approval will be sought because we're competing with other areas for funding. This is many years away. • The Army Corps has scheduled scoping meetings. (He provided CAC members with a handout on the meetings.) • The first is a Zoom virtual meeting on April 18. • Another meeting will be held at the South Regional Library on April 26. • All stakeholders can participate and can also provide written comments by May 8. • Any comments submitted prior to this must be resubmitted to Kathy Perdue. • Commissioners will be taking a more active role than in the past, which is good. On Tuesday, the BCC created an ad -hoc committee to provide a forum for public participation. The CAC filled that role before. • CAC members should apply, if interested. Mr. Miller introduced Chris Mason, director of the new county Community Planning & Resiliency Division. He and the Coastal Zone Division will be involved with the Army Corps and will have a technical advisory role involving input on the project. I will be attending the design charettes and public meetings and taking information as it comes and, where appropriate, weigh in. But the administrative effort related to the three-year process is going to be taken over by Chris. He can tell you about the ad -hoc committee. Mr. Mason told the CAC. • His division was formed in October 2022 and he's the only person in the division at this time. • We're in the process of assembling about seven staff members. • Tomorrow, he officially will take over the county's administrative portion for April 13, 2023 this project. • A PE, a professional engineer, will join his staff in the next couple of weeks to work on the project. • He'll be more on the high-level, public -speaking phase, of it but we'll have staff with engineering backgrounds who will be involved. • He's only been involved for 2'/2-3 weeks. But he does have prior knowledge about the project. • Toward the end of this month, we're going to have 2'/z days of charrettes, which will comprise presentations, brainstorming and tabletop exercises. That will involve the Army Corps of Engineers, county staff and other stakeholders. That's by invitation only and will be at the South Regional Library. It's not a public forum. • He started with the county six years ago and became the division director in October. He was previously the county's floodplain coordinator, which he still is, but he's also working on the Army Corps project. • He's working on many recovery efforts with FEMA and the Building Department, so he's multitasking. Chairman Trecker thanked him for the information and said they'll have an interesting time on the project because it raises a lot of heated feelings. Mr. Mason said he was correct, that there are very strong emotions around this project. This is just a study that will end in a recommendation. The BCC has to agree to anything before any structural or nature -based solution is decided upon Vice Chair Burke said he's heard the number $3'/2 billion. Mr. Mason said he's heard $7-$8 billion. Chairman Trecker noted that it was initially $2.1 billion. Vice Chair Burke said his second observation is that there seem to be camps being set up between nature -based and hard structures, and there's not necessarily a bifurcation between them. As long as we keep referring to things as nature -based versus hard structure, it greens up something that necessarily isn't that great. He cautioned against bifurcating this into one way or another. There should be a combination of the two. Whatever method is selected, the end goal is it must prevent coastal flooding. He's challenged to see how some of the proposed solutions meet that goal. Mr. Roth said there's nothing on the table so far. He saw an article this morning on WINK News and the implication is that this is what the Army Corps of Engineers is proposing. There's nothing on the table. We're at the very beginning of this process and these scoping meetings next week are so the Army Corps can develop a scope of work to prepare the environmental impact statement to study these concerns, such as sand, that still exist and have to be dealt with to move the project forward. There are things that everyone is probably not thinking about that will come out of the scoping sessions. Once they hold those, they will have a variety of things they need to ferret out for a complete study to present to us. Right now, there's nothing to react to. He was distraught by what he saw on TV this morning. Mr. Christman said he has a different point of view. He's heard two things from the Corps on the reboot of the study. He's heard, as Bob said, that we're starting from a clean slate and he's also heard that we're going to be taking into account what was done in the Phase 1 study. He heard those two at different times and context. Common sense tells him that it's very ambitious to believe they can carry out a process between now and October or even December and complete a new plan with appropriate community input. That concerns him and the fact that they're having hastily called meetings at the end of April, when residents are going home after season. That may not provide the ability to capture people's attention April 13, 2023 in April, let alone in the summer and early fall months, when most of the work is presumably going to be done. How is this going to be carried out at the county level and when will the ad -hoc committee members be named? Mr. Mason said he didn't know the answer, but he knows he will be a regular participant with that committee, so he'll need to get that that information. He'll reach out to Trinity Scott to get that. Chairman Trecker said one member per district will be selected by the BCC. Mr. Christman asked if it all comes back to the BCC for approval. Mr. Mason said yes. Chairman Trecker said five people can apply to be on the ad -hoc committee, one per commissioner, and two will be chosen for at -large seats. Mr. Christman asked about the dates for the charrettes, which seem to overlap with the scoping sessions. Mr. Mason said the charrettes will be from April 25-26, from 9 a.m. to 3 or 4 p.m., and April 27 will be a half -day. Mr. Christman asked if the charrettes were all separate meetings. Mr. Mason said it's 2'/z days and different topics will be discussed each day. Mr. Roth said it sounded like the scoping session was at the same time. Mr. Mason said it's two hours later. Mr. Christman noted that they're asking people to participate in a 2'h-day session with only two weeks' notice. Chairman Trecker noted that anyone could submit written comments by May 8. Vice Chair Burke said there were areas that weren't addressed in the original Army Corps proposal and it's important for us to understand what we're going to do about those now going forward. If there's a way to phase this, there's low hanging f- ut. Mr. Christman said he's been telling people we just had the worst storm event in Florida's history, and arguably the third worst in the history of the country, so if we needed a wake-up call, he doesn't know what more we could have been waiting for in terms of coastal -storm risk. The fact that the Corps is coming back and saying we want to do a study of coastal -storm risk and look at ways to mitigate this risk going forward is something everyone should say is wonderful and is important. The question is, once you get past that, how will all the legitimate stakeholders have a voice? How do we get to an outcome that, as Joe said earlier, addresses the goal we're all trying to achieve? Process is very important here in terms of timing and sequence. He doesn't want to see this get off on the wrong foot and end up having many people getting frustrated and trying to shoot holes in it. The process will help us as a county and a community. It's important. Chairman Trecker said he just spoke with a Pelican Bay group, the Mangrove Action Group, a very active group of environmentalists. One comment that's consistent is how in the world can we do this? How can we come to any sort of reasonable consensus, provide any sort of reasonable guidance in a short period of time? It's next to impossible, so it's interesting that you heard some of the some of the same concerns. Mr. Christman said that's the major thing he's been hearing. Vice Chair Burke asked if when they were providing comments, would it be as an individual or the CAC? Chairman Trecker said they'll talk about that and thanked Chris for speaking with them, noting that they will be in touch more frequently now. We can wait to see how it goes at the scoping meetings or we could jump in and provide input before that. His 10 April 13, 2023 inclination is to do the do the latter and doesn't sese a downside to putting it in writing. Provide the Army Corps with information about their thinking, maybe not collectively, but individually. Attorney Greene said that pursuant to the Advisory Board Ordinance, if this advisory board wants to take a collective position, you'd have to make a recommendation to the Board of County Commissioners before you send it to the Army Corps. If you want to comment as a county resident, it should be made individually, not as a representative of the Coastal Advisory Committee. Chairman Trecker said that was a good point. What about as individual members of the Coastal Advisory Committee? Attorney Greene said the Advisory Board Ordinance provides that you can't hold yourself out as a member of a Collier County advisory board without going to the BCC with your collective action or recommendation. Otherwise, you can act as individual county residents. Chairman Trecker said that's helpful, but that doesn't necessarily preclude his concern. Mr. Roth told the board. • He heard back from Kathy Perdue this morning after he submitted comments. He noted that Chairman Trecker submitted his six weeks ago. He did his this week and they were recorded and will be considered in the NAPA process and document, the scoping document. • Ms. Perdue wrote that the plans are being reformulated and that the Army Corps has not yet identified a new array of alternatives, so there's nothing on the table. We will soon have a letter available on the project website that explains more specifically where we are in the planning process. • She encouraged me to attend the upcoming public NAPA scoping meetings for further details on the status. • Some of our comments are premature. If we have initial comments, it's a good time to get them in because they're being recorded. • It's important that as many of us as possible attend these meetings and try to do what we can by the May 8 deadline. • We should refer to the letter on the project website: bit.ly/CollierACEInput Chairman Trecker said they can send in comments as individual stakeholders. He plans to. 3. Review — Water Quality Recommendations Chairman Trecker told the board. • He wanted to review what we said to the Board of County Commissioners two years ago, when the CAC provided a three-part recommendation, including advanced wastewater treatment. • The rationale is that the current treatment is minimal. It's all that's required now and the resulting recycled water is full of a huge number of nutrients, which stimulates the growth of algae, either freshwater in the bay or the red tide algae in saltwater. This is relevant. If we could treat wastewater in an effective way, cut down the phosphorus and nitrogen, this could have a real impact. • The first recommendation was to investigate the cost benefit of installing advanced -wastewater treatment to reduce nutrient levels in reclaimed water. The county's reclaimed irrigation water has high levels of nutrients, resulting in troublesome runoff. Even without added fertilizer, technology is available to significantly reduce nutrient levels and recycle water through advanced - wastewater treatment. However, installation of that equipment is costly. The 11 April 13, 2023 operation may add unwarranted expense, so the CAC recommends that a cost - benefit assessment be made. The CAC wasn't really recommending advanced wastewater treatment, but to conduct a cost -benefit assessment of that. It's a valid option to pursue. Less than a week ago, a new electric chemical procedure involving ruthenium, a copper catalyst, was shown to convert over 99% to ammonia. New technology is coming. We'll probably see more cost-effective technologies. Mr. Roth provided a Water Quality Subcommittee update: • Since we last met, some of this also was initiated with the Collier Citizens Council, another private group interested in the betterment of the county. • He and another person met a second time with Bob Middleton, who heads the City of Naples' Wastewater Division. He met with him last and was pleased to hear how the city handles wastewater. They have an advanced wastewater treatment facility. • The city has the option, but doesn't exercise it, to discharge wastewater into U.S. waters after it's treated. • The city also has the option of using it for reclaimed water for irrigation, which is what it does. • He met with Bob to get assurance that when they use it for reuse, they don't alter the process to make it less advanced wastewater because they don't have to. The FDEP permits for reclaimed water for land application have none of the criteria that you have to meet if you put it into waters of the United States. That means there's no concern for phosphorus or nitrogen when obviously there is, but as far as the state is concerned, it's free fertilizer, MiracleGro. • Naples does the right thing. They use the highest standard that they can achieve and they use that for re -use irrigation citywide. • The county doesn't have the same equipment in place for phosphorus removal. When he went to the county's North Plant a week ago, where 12 million gallons daily are treated, he found they do a good job. Even though they don't have to meet advanced standards, they come very close. • We talked about what it would take to bring the county to advanced standards. They estimated at least $120 million, so that's our cost -benefit analysis. • Considering the level of quality they meet, they're doing more than the best they can. It probably doesn't justify that expense on existing operations. • However, for anything going forward, they've been given orders that upgrades or expansions must meet advanced -treatment standards. • We're hoping the state changes its criteria. • Bob Middleton said every five years, city and county treatment permits have been renewed by the state. Naples hasn't received its information this year, so the state could be looking at it very closely. That would be good, in his opinion. • The Naples plant operator says they already have a project in the pipeline to build a new headworks for the new plant, like a pre-treatment process. It costs several million dollars but is already budgeted. It's something the county is going to do. • That doesn't mean we should lose sight of this issue because there's a lot of re -use irrigation in the county and all those numbers are good. They're not perfect. • The concentrations and nutrients are based on current Florida legislation. The technology you just mentioned goes way beyond. • In Florida, nitrogen is allowed to be 3 ppm in the water discharged into U.S. waters. That's not the 99% removal you just mentioned. Technology is out there. • He didn't have an opportunity to reschedule the subcommittee meeting. We were thinking of May or even April. • At the last subcommittee meeting, Janette and Rhonda from Collier County Pollution Control suggested they provide water quality updates or presentations. • They'd assume that role if our subcommittee didn't exist, but that's not the case, so 12 April 13, 2023 he's not certain how to request their information. Maybe we can discuss getting an update from Collier County Pollution Control at our next meeting. Chairman Trecker said even if this can't be brought up to speed quickly, it's important to pursue it. He offered to help with that. Mr. Roth said the county's annual water quality report is coming soon. It usually comes out in April, so he expects the 2022 year-end report on the overall surface water quality of Collier County soon. Can you see if that's available to give us as a presentation, maybe a dry run before us before they bring it to other organizations? Chairman Trecker said it's important that we don't get distracted from the big priorities, the hurricane recovery work. We don't want to lose sight of this, but we can't do it immediately. We could do it in the future. Mr. Roth said we still have ongoing water quality, red tide and other issues. Chairman Trecker asked if there were any further comments. Mr. Roth asked if Farron can send an e-mail to the committee so we can look at our calendars in May for a subcommittee meeting. He asked that Ashley also be contacted. Attorney Greene said Ashley Jenkins and any other members of the public can be invited to the subcommittee meetings and participate, but they will not be subcommittee members because you must be a member of the main CAC committee to be a member. X. Announcements XI. Committee Member Discussion XII. Next Meeting May 11, 2023, 1 p.m. XIII. Adjournment There being no further business for the good of the County, the meeting was adjourned by order of the Chairman at 2:25 p.m. Collier County Coastal Advisory Committee David Trecker, Chairman These minutes were approved by the Committee on , (check one) as presented, , or as amended 13 Collier County Tourist Development Tax Revenue FY 23 TDT Collections Report 30-Apr-2023 Fund Reporting Fund Adopted Budget Updated Annual Forecast Budgeted YTD YTD Actual Variance to Budgeted YTD Beach Park Facilities 183 184 193 194 195 196 198 758 1,175,500 1,441,855 728,361 994,868 266,507 TDC Promotion 11,544,400 14,613,412 7,153,117 9,461,572 2,308,455 Non -County Museums 627,100 769,194 388,562 529,793 141,230 TDCAdmin - - 0 - Beach Renourishment 12,799,000 15,699,112 7,930,490 10,829,909 2,899,420 Disaster Recovery - - 0 - - County Museums 2,000,000 2,000,000 1,239,236 2,000,000 760,764 TDC Capital 4,688,800 5,751,230 2,905,264 3,968,891 1,063,627 Gross Budget 32,834,800 40,274,803 20,345,030 27,785,033 7,440,003 Less 5% Rev Res (1,641,700)1 22.66% % over/(Under) Bud Net Budget 31,193,100 Collections Month Reported Actual I Cum YTD % Budget Collected to Date % Variance FY22 Collections % Variance FY21 Collections % Variance FY20 Collections Nov Dec Jan 2,354,075 2,646,668 3,711,512 2,354,075 7.17% 4.59% 98.49% 68.44% 5,000,743 15.23% -9.02% 66.79% 27.96% 8,712,255 26.53% -17.450/6 29.231/6 15.73% Feb 5,410,959 14,123,214 43.01% -9.39% 52.991/6 19.16% Mar 6,364,259 20,487,473 62.40% -1.65% 54.119/6 27.780/. Apr 7,297,560 27,785,033 84.62% -12.661/6 9.520/. 80.84% May - 27,785,033 84.62'/e We n/a We June 27,785,033 84.62'/u We n/a We July 27,785,033 84.62'/u We n/a We Aug 27,785,033 84.62'/u We n/a We Sept 27,785,033 84.62'/e We n/a n/a Oct 27,785,033 84.62% n/a n/a n/a Total 27,785,033 27,785,033 YTD -8.76% 39.10% 37.35°/ 40.274,803 Budget Comparison 5 Yr History- Cum 5 Yr History- Monthly Budgeted Collections Actual Collections Budget to Actual Variance Updated Forecast Nov 4.2% 4.2% 1,365,982 2,354,075 988,093 2,354,075 Dec 9.7% 5.5% 1,821,219 2,646,668 825,448 2,646,668 Jan 18.6% 8.9% 2,919,311 3,711,512 792,201 3,711,512 Feb 30.9% 12.3% 4,026,494 5,410,959 1,384,464 5,410,959 Mar 44.7% 13.9% 4,555,896 6,364,259 1,808,363 6,364,259 Apr 62.0% 17.291 5,656,127 7,297,560 1,641,433 7,297,560 May 72.7% 10.79,. 3,509,645 - - 3,509,645 June 79.1% 6.51Y. 2,119,755 2,119,755 July 94.8% 5.7% 1,867,801 1,867,801 Aug 90.5% 5.7% 1,869,836 1,869,836 Sept 95.1% 4.6% 1,517,914 - 1,517,914 Oct 100.0% 4.9% 1,604,819 1,604,819 Total 1 100.0% 100.0%1 32,834,800 1 27,785,033 1 7,440,003 1 40,274,803 % aver/(under) budget 36.6 % 22.66% $9,000,000 Tourist Development Tax Collection Curve $8,()0(),000 $7,000,000 $6,000,000 $5,000,000��""` $4,000,000 $3,000,000 $2,000,000 $1,000,000 OZ G � LL � ¢ � � � Q N Month Reported MARevenue Report\TDC Revenue\TDC Update Report\2023\TDT Tax Collector Reports\06-TDC Updates April.xlsx Collier County Tourist Development Tax Revenue FY 23 TDT Collections Report 30-Apr-2023 Fund Reporting Fund Adopted Budget Updated Annual Forecast Budgeted YTD YTD Actual Variance to Budgeted YTD Beach Park Facilities 183 184 193 194 195 196 198 758 1,175,500 1,441,855 728,361 994,868 266,507 TDC Promotion 11,544,400 14,613,412 7,153,117 9,461,572 2,308,455 Non -County Museums 627,100 769,194 388,562 529,793 141,230 TDCAdmin - - 0 - - Beach Renourishment 12,799,000 15,699,112 7,930,490 10,829,909 2,899,420 Disaster Recovery - - 0 - - County Museums 2,000,000 2,000,000 1,239,236 2,000,000 760,764 TDC Capital 4,688,800 5,751,230 2,905,264 3,968,891 1,063,627 Gross Budget 1 32,834,800 40,274,8013 20,345,030 27,785,033 1 7,440,003 Less 5% Rev Res (1,641,700) 22.66% 1 % Over/(Under) Bud 36.6% Net Budget 31,193,100 Collections Month Reported Actual Cum YTD % Budget Collected to Date % Variance FY22 Collections % Variance FY21 Collections % Variance FY20 Collections Nov 2,354,075 2,354,075 7.17% 4.59% 98.49% 68.44% Dec 2,646,668 5,000,743 15.23% -9.02% 66.79% 27.96% Jan 3,711,512 8,712,255 26.53% -17.45% 29.23% 15.73% Feb 5,410,959 14,123,214 43.01% -9.39% 52.99% 19.16% Mar 6,364,259 20,487,473 62.40% -1.65% 54.11 % 27.78% Apr 7,297,560 27,785,033 84.62% -12.66% 9.52% 80.84% May - 27,785,033 84.62% n/a n/a n/a June - 27,785,033 84.62% n/a n/a n/a July - 27,785,033 84.62% n/a n/a n/a Aug - 27,785,033 84.62% n/a n/a n/a Sept - 27,785,033 84.62% n/a n/a n/a Oct - 27,785,033 84.62% n/a n/a n/a Total 27,785,033 27,785,033 YTD -8.76% 39.10% 37.35% 40,274,803 M:\Revenue Report\TDC Revenue\TDC Update Report\2023\TDT Tax Collector Reports\06-TDC Updates April.xlsx Collier County Tourist Development Tax Revenue Budget Comparison 5 Yr History- 5 Yr History- Budgeted Actual Budget to Updated Cum Monthly Collections Collections Actual Variance Forecast Nov 4.2% 4.2% 1,365,982 2,354,075 988,093 2,354,075 Dec 9.7% 5.5% 1,821,219 2,646,668 825,448 2,646,668 Jan 18.6% 8.9% 2,919,311 3,711,512 792,201 3,711,512 Feb 30.9% 12.3% 4,026,494 5,410,959 1,384,464 5,410,959 Mar 44.7% 13.9% 4,555,896 6,364,259 1,808,363 6,364,259 Apr 62.0% 17.2% 5,656,127 7,297,560 1,641,433 7,297,560 May 72.7% 10.7% 3,509,645 - - 3,509,645 June 79.1% 6.5% 2,119,755 - - 2,119,755 July 84.8% 5.7% 1,867,801 - - 1,867,801 Aug 90.5% 5.7% 1,869,836 - - 1,869,836 Sept 95.1% 4.6% 1,517,914 - - 1,517,914 Oct 100.0% 4.9% 1,604,819 - I - 1,604,819 Total 100.0% 100.0%j 32,834,800 1 27,785,033 1 71440,003 40,274,803 % over/(under) budget 36.6% 22.66% Tourist Development Tax Collection Curve $9,000,000 $8,000,000 $7,000,000 $6,000,000 $5,000,000 —Budgeted Collections Actual Collections $4,000,000 $3,000,000 $2,000,000 $1,000,000 > Z — ti Q Q N O n Month Reported M:\Revenue Report\TDC Revenue\TDC Update Report\2023\TDT Tax Collector Reports\06-TDC Updates April.xlsx EXECUTIVE SUMMARY Review of CAC Applicants OBJECTIVE: To make recommendation to the BCC for appointment to the Coastal Advisory Committee. CONSIDERATIONS: Four CAC members terms will expire on May 22, 2023, with two representing the unincorporated area of Collier County, one representing the City of Marco Island, and one representing the City of Naples. County Ordinance indicates that Advisory Boards and Councils are encouraged to make recommendation on vacancies on their Board or Council. Attached is a recap of the applicants for this vacancy. Please review these applicants with the goal to make recommendations for appointment to these CAC vacancies. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: County Ordinance indicates that staff is not to make recommendations for County Commission appointments. RECOMMENDATION: To review applicants and make recommendations for appointment to the CAC vacancy. PREPARED BY: Andrew Miller, P.E., Coastal Zone Management, Capital Project Planning, Impact Fees, and Program Management Division Advisory Board Application Form Collier County Government 3299 Tamiami Trail East, Suite 800 Naples, FL 34112 (239) 252-8400 Application was received on: 3/16/2023 10:57:14 AM. Name: Erik Brechnitz Home Phone: 217-412-1762 Home Address: ISOOO Royal Marco Way #931 City: Marco Island Zip Code: 34145 Phone Numbers Business: E-Mail Address:1-brechnitz@aol.com Board or Committee: Coastal Advisory Committee Category: municipal - Marco Island Place of Employment: Raymond James Financial How long have you lived in Collier County: more than 15 How many months out of the year do you reside in Collier County: I am a year-round resident Have you been convicted or found guiltv of a criminal offense (anv level felonv or first degree misdemeanor only)? Nol Not Indicated Do you or your employer do business with the County? No Not Indicated NOTE: All advisory board members must update their profile and notify the Board of County Commissioners in the event that their relationship changes relating to memberships of organizations that may benefit them in the outcome of advisory board recommendations or they enter into contracts with the County. Would you and/or any organizations with which you are affiliated benefit from decisions or recommendations made by this advisory board? No Not Indicated Are you a registered voter in Collier County? Yes Do you currently hold an elected office? Yes Do you now serve, or have you ever served on a Collier County board or committee? Yes Coastal Advisory Commission Metropolitan Planning Organization Please list your community activities and positions held: Marco Island City Council, Chairman , member Marco Island Planning Board, Chairman] Education: BA Economics, University of Missouri ence / Background Considerable municipal experience both in Marco Island and Decatur, Illinois) q�t�rc`t�'����� E marl address � regit�d to titre � copy+ bfyout application: t G ICM E RRScrn Not indicated https://apps5.col!iercountyff.gov/adv,isor2 yboard! 3/ig(23, 1 2 Page of 3 thttps:/japps6.colliercour,tyfl.govjadviscryboard; 3/19J23, 1 of f 3 Page 3 3 Advisory Board Application Form Collier County Government 3299 Tamiami Trail East, Suite 800 Naples, FL 34112 (239) 252-8400 Application was received on: 5/4/2023 9:47:14 PM. Name: Kevin Johnson Home Phone: 609-351-2753 Home Address: 18057 Tiger Lily Drive City: Naples Zip Code: 34113 Phone Numbers Business: E-Mail Address: keve'ohnson123 mail.com Board or Committee: Coastal Advisory Committee Category: Place of Employment: McCollister's Global Services How long have you lived in Collier County: 5-10 How many months out of the year do you reside in Collier County: 9-12 Have you been convicted or found guilty of a criminal offense (any level felony or first degre misdemeanor onlv)? No Not Indicated IDo you or your employer do business with the County? Nol Not Indicated NOTE: All advisory board members must update their profile and notify the Board of County Commissioners in the event that their relationship changes relating to memberships of organizations that may benefit them in the outcome of advisory board recommendations or they enter into contracts with the County. Would you and/or any organizations with which you are affiliated benefit from decisions or recommendations made by this advisory board? No Not Indicated Are you a registered voter in Collier County? Yes Do you currently hold an elected office? No Do you now serve, or have you ever served on a Collier County board or committee? Yes Collier County Sur -Tax committee Please list your community activities and positions held: Former volunteer fireman and EMT. Education: College Degree from Saint Joseph's University Experience / Background SVP of a Global Logistics company Advisory Board Application Form Collier County Government 3299 Tamiami Trail East, Suite 800 Naples, FL 34112 (239) 252-8400 Application was received on: 4/18/2023 3:43:29 PM. Name: Gayle Repetto Home Phone: 573-216-4051 Home Address: 17531 Trento Cir City: Naples Zip Code: 34114 Phone Numbers Business: E-Mail Address: I)atriotgaVle@outlook.com Board or Committee: Coastal Advisory Committee Category: County resident Place of Employment: Retired IBM Client and Business Developer Executive How long have you lived in Collier County: 3-4 How many months out of the year do you reside in Collier County: I am a year-round resident Have you been convicted or found guilty of a criminal offense (any level felony or first degree misdemeanor onlv)? No Not Indicated IDo you or your employer do business with the County? Nol Not Indicated NOTE: All advisory board members must update their profile and notify the Board of County Commissioners in the event that their relationship changes relating to memberships of organizations that may benefit them in the outcome of advisory board recommendations or they enter into contracts with the County. Would you and/or any organizations with which you are affiliated benefit from decisions or recommendations made by this advisory board? No Not Indicated Are you a registered voter in Collier County? Yes Do you currently hold an elected office? No Do you now serve, or have you ever served on a Collier County board or committee? No Not Indicated Please list your community activities and positions held: VP Republican Women of SWFL federated, precinct committee person for Collier County Republican executive committee, Bonita Bay Club Membership committee, Make -A -Wish southern Florida volunteer, Florida Citizens Alliance Kids First volunteer, Youth Haven Ambassadors Circle volunteer, Big Britger Big Sister Supporter, Golfer, election poll worker for Supervisor of elections Lee and Collier county since 2016, Monitor information And attend meetings/presentations of South Florida Water (Management District. Avid beach lover and fisherman ( woman).( Education: Bachelor of Science- Engineering Management, along with various business, technology and project management training through IBM. Experience / Background I served on the Camden County MO public water and sewer board in Four;Seasons Missouri for years. II have engineering training with project management emphasis along with working for years with clients defining planning and completing implementation for very complex projects. I've served on many (fundraising committees and work well with others. I have lived in Southwest Florida for years and been la Florida residence since 2012. 1 lived in Lee County for many years and was active volunteering for the (supervisor of elections. Enjoy the outdoors and concerned about water quality and storm water mitigation Advisory Board Application Form Collier County Government 3299 Tamiami Trail East, Suite 800 Naples, FL 34112 (239) 252-8400 Application was received on: 3/21/2023 12:18:08 PM. Name: David John Trecker Home Phone: 239-597-5675 Home Address: 1709 Turkey Oak Lane City: Naples Zip Code: 34108 Phone Numbers Business: E-Mail Address: I Imtrecker ahoo.com Board or Committee: Coastal Advisory Committee Category: Collier County Place of Employment: Retired How long have you lived in Collier County: more than 15 How many months out of the year do you reside in Collier County: I am a year-round resident Have you been convicted or found guilty of a criminal offense (any level felony or first degree misdemeanor onlv)? No Not Indicated IDo you or your employer do business with the County? Nol Not Indicated NOTE: All advisory board members must update their profile and notify the Board of County Commissioners in the event that their relationship changes relating to memberships of organizations that may benefit them in the outcome of advisory board recommendations or they enter into contracts with the County. Would you and/or any organizations with which you are affiliated benefit from decisions or recommendations made by this advisory board? No Not Indicated Are you a registered voter in Collier County? Yes Do you currently hold an elected office? No Do you now serve, or have you ever served on a Collier County board or committee? Yes Pelican Bay Services Division Coastal Advisory Committee Please list your community activities and positions held: Pelican Bay Foundation board (2002-04),chairman 2003-04. Pelican Bay Property Owners Association(2006-10), chairman 2008-10. Pelican Bay Services Division (2011-17), chairman 2014. Pa president of Greater Naples Better Government Committee, Collier Citizens Council, Collier County Presidents Council. Coastal Advisory Committee (2017-present). chairman 2019-Dresent. Education: AB in chemistry (Ripon College). MS and PhD in organic chemistry (University of Chicago). Experience / Background Research Scientist and Product Manager (Union Carbide). VP and Senior VP of Research (Pfizer). Coasta protection activities (Pfizer). EXECUTIVE SUMMARY Recommendation to approve a proposal from Humiston & Moore Engineers to provide professional engineering services for State required Annual Monitoring of Collier County Beaches and Inlets for 2023 under Contract No. 18-7432-CZ for time and material not to exceed $78,532.00 and make a finding that this item promotes tourism (Fund 195, Project No. 90536). OBJECTIVE: To move forward with the annual required beach and inlet monitoring surveys and reports for Collier County Beaches and Inlets for 2023. CONSIDERATIONS: The Coastal Zone Management (CZM) Section is tasked with the maintenance and monitoring of over thirty (30) miles of coastline, beaches, estuaries, channels, and bays. CZM has specific goals, objectives, and criteria to meet as identified within the Collier County Growth Management Plan Land Development Code, and the Codes of Laws and Ordinances regarding the county's coastal aquatic resources. In order to meet these goals and objectives, CZM has been charged with a variety of programs including the implementation of beach re -nourishment and dredging projects, the artificial reef program, derelict vessel program, waterways marker program, as well as any related operations that are required to maintain the health, aesthetics, and safety of the county's coastal waterways and communities. Yearly physical monitoring of the beaches and inlets is required by FDEP permit. Results of this report are used to evaluate, recommend, and prioritize annual beach segment renourishment. The 2023 Annual Monitoring proposal is $91,928.00 less than last year due to the majority of surveying having been completed by Aptim Environmental & Infrastructure, LLC as part of their Hurricane Ian Post -Storm Survey (PO 4500221699). Humiston & Moore Engineers will obtain the survey information from Aptim Environmental & Infrastructure, LLC and create their reports utilizing the finalized surveys. FISCAL IMPACT: Funding in the amount of $78,532.00 is available within Tourist Development Tax Beach Renourishment Fund (195), Project 90536 (County/Naples Beach Monitoring). FDEP cost -share funding will be requested if eligible at a fixture date to reimburse Collier County for a portion of the completed work. GROWTH MANAGEMENT IMPACT: There is no impact to the Growth Management Plan related to this action. ADVISORY COMMITTEE RECOMMENDATIONS: This item will be presented to the Coastal Advisory Committee (CAC) on May 11, 2023, and the Tourist Development Council (TDC) on May 15, 2023. LEGAL CONSIDERATIONS: This item is approved as to form and legality and requires majority vote for approval. — CMG RECOMMENDATION: To approve a proposal from Humiston & Moore Engineers to provide professional engineering services for State required Annual Monitoring of Collier County Beaches and Inlets for 2023 under Contract No. 18-7432-CZ for time and material not to exceed $78,532.00 and make a finding that this item promotes tourism (Fund 195, Project No. 90536). Prepared By: Andrew Miller, P.E., Coastal Zone Management, Capital Project Planning, Impact Fees and Program Management Division HUMISTON & MOORE „µ ENGINEERS ENOGINEERING DESIGN AND PERMITTING April 17, 2023 (Proposal valid for 120 days.) Andrew Miller, Principal Project Manager Coastal Zone Management (CZM) Collier County Government 2685 South Horseshoe Drive Unit 103 Naples, FL 34104 5679 STRAND COURT NAPLES, FLORIDA 34110 FAX:239 594 2025 PHONE: 239 594 2021 Re: Proposal for Collier County Beaches and Inlets Annual Monitoring for 2023 Collier County Contract 18-7432-CZ; HM File No 29-018.2023Beach-Monitor Dear Andy: Enclosed is a proposal for the Collier County Beaches, Wiggins Pass Inlet, Doctors Pass Inlet, South Marco Beach, and Doctors Pass Erosion Control Structures (includes survey) monitoring reports for 2023. The completion date for all work is estimated to be 365 days from the date of the Notice to Proceed. Rectified aerial images acquired for 2023, provided by the Collier County Property Appraiser's Office, are to be submitted to the Department of Environmental Protection (DEP) by Humiston and Moore Engineers (HM) as part of the work described below for all projects and an aerial image book provided to CZM in pdf format for online posting. The monitoring report and survey for Central Marco, conducted biennially, is not required for 2023, and the borrow area for South Marco is also not required. These items are not included in the scope of work for the 2023 monitoring. The monitoring summary report for the Collier Beach survey will be prepared based on the post - construction survey for the Collier County Emergency Berm project, and the Post -Ian survey conducted by APTIM. The berm project survey will be used to represent the upland portion of the beach profile (above MHW), and the Post -Ian survey for the offshore portion of the profile (below MHW). The monitoring summary reports for Wiggins, Doctors and South Marco will be prepared based on the solely on the Post -Ian survey conducted by APTIM. This survey does not include the half monuments from R-10 to R-22, the MHWL east of R-17, R-60+518, R-61+408, R-61+816, G-1, K-1 and K-2. The associated reports will be modified accordingly and alternative analysis provided as applicable. The Doctors Pass Erosion Control Structures Report will be based on a survey conducted by Sea Diversified Inc. (SDI). Page 1 of 4 Task 1 Wiaains Pass — Final Monitorina Report Prepare and submit the annual monitoring summary report for the Wiggins Pass Navigation Channel Expansion and Maintenance Dredging Project based on the Post -Ian survey conducted by APTIM. The monitoring summary includes inlet/beach profiles, inlet volume change from previous monitoring surveys, information relative to the 2022 dredging, other information in compliance with the DEP monitoring requirements, comments from CZM staff after review of draft summary, and applicable recommendations. Task 1 Wiggins Pass Monitoring Report (H&M)....................................$ 12,688 TM Deliverable: One electronic copy of the Final Monitoring Report. Task 2 Doctors Pass - Final Monitoring Report Prepare and submit the annual monitoring summary report for Doctors Pass Maintenance Dredging Project based on the Post -Ian survey conducted by APTIM. The monitoring summary includes inlet/beach profiles, inlet volume change from previous monitoring surveys, information relative to the 2022 dredging, other information in compliance with the DEP monitoring requirements, comments from CZM staff after review of draft summary, and applicable recommendations. Task 2. Doctors Pass Final Monitoring Report (H&M)..................................$ 9,318 TM Deliverable: One electronic copy of the Final Monitoring Report. Task 3 South Marco Beach- Final Monitoring Report Prepare and submit the annual monitoring summary report for South Marco Beach Nourishment Project based on the Post -Ian survey conducted by APTIM. The monitoring summary includes beach profiles, volume change from previous monitoring surveys, other information in compliance with the DEP monitoring requirements, comments from CZM staff after review of draft summary, and applicable recommendations. This survey scope does not include the Caxambas Pass borrow area, not required by DEP in 2023. Task 3 South Marco Beach Final Monitoring Report (H&M)..........................$ 7,601 TM Deliverable: One electronic copy of the Final Monitoring Report. Task 4 Doctors Pass Structures Survey and Final Monitoring Report Provide the annual monitoring report for the Doctors Pass Erosion Control Structures (ECS) Project consistent with the monitoring plan approved by the DEP. This scope of work is based on the survey of DEP monuments R58A-400 south to R-64 (17 profiles)*. • Survey is scheduled to be completed by October 2023 pending unforeseen conditions such as poor weather conditions. • A Final Monitoring Report will be submitted to CZM and DEP within 90 days after the completion of the survey. Task 4a. Doctors Pass ECS Survey (SDI) .....................................................$ 9,900 LS Task 4b Doctors Pass ECS Initial and Final Monitoring Report (H&M).................$ 8,894 TM Page 2 of 4 Total Task 4 Subtotal (SDI + H&M)....................................................................$ 18,794 The final monitoring summary includes beach profiles, shoreline/volume change from the previous monitoring surveys, other information in compliance with the DEP monitoring requirements, comments from CZM staff after review of the draft summary, and applicable recommendations. Deliverable: One electronic copy of the Final Monitoring Report. *Includes beach profiles R58A-400, R58A-300, R58A-150, R58A, R58A+150, R58A+300, R58A+425, R58, R58+150, R58+300, R58+600, and R59 to R64. Task 5 2023 Aerial Image Book Prepare an updated aerial image book for the Collier County Beaches ranging from DEP reference monument R-1 south to R-89 and from Hideaway Beach reference monument H-16 including the entrance to Collier Bay south to DEP reference monument R-148 including Caxambas Pass. The monument locations will be overlaid along with the names of existing structures as noted in the 2022 book. The rectified images will be the latest available from the County Appraiser's Office. The ECL, latest MHWL, and vegetation line will be shown along with the distance from each to the 2003 Baseline. Task 5. Aerial Image Book(H&M)..................................................... $ 3,603 TM Deliverable: One electronic copy of the final Aerial Image Book. Task 6 Collier Beach- Final Monitoring Report Prepare and submit the annual monitoring summary for Collier Beach Nourishment Project consistent with the monitoring plan approved by the DEP. The scope of work consists of DEP monuments R-17 to R-84 or portion thereof as determined by CZM. Collier County post - construction Emergency Berm Project survey data to be provided by CZM. • An initial shoreline/volume change summary will be submitted to CZM 30 days after receipt of the post -construction survey data for the Collier County Emergency Berm Project.. • A Final Monitoring Report will be submitted to DEP & CZM 90 days after the receipt of the aforementioned survey. The initial summary will include beach profiles, and shoreline/volume change from the previous monitoring surveys. The final monitoring analysis and report includes CZM staff comments after review of initial summary, beach profiles, shoreline/volume change from the previous monitoring survey, as well as from the most recent nourishment project (Vanderbilt 2021, Park Shore 2019, North Naples 2020 and 2022, and Naples 2021), beach width and comparison to the Design Standard, the historical beach width charts, and applicable recommendations. Task 6. Collier Beach Initial and Final Monitoring Report (H&M)........ $ 26,528 TM Deliverable: One electronic copy of the Initial Monitoring summary; one electronic and two hardcopies of the Final Monitoring Report. Total (SDI + H&M)........................................................ $ 78,532 Tasks 1 thru 6 Page 3 of 4 CAS Tasks will be billed on a time and materials basis, unless otherwise noted. The budgets for these tasks may therefore be considered as not -to -exceed amounts with the understanding that in the event regulatory requirements or requests from County staff result in Additional Services exceeding the estimated budget amounts, a budget amendment will be requested. Please call if you have any questions. Sincerely yours, HUMISTON & MOORE ENGINEERS Brett D. Moore, P.E. President Page 4 of 4 CS Collier County Beaches and Inlets Annual Monitoring 2023 Contract 18-7432-CZ Estimated Summary SUMMARY BREAKDOWN BY TASK Task 1 Wiggins Pass Final Monitoring Report $12,688.00 Task 2 Doctors Pass Final Monitoring Report $9,318.00 Task 3 South Marco Final Monitoring Report $7,601.00 Task 4 Doctors Pass - Structures Survey and Final Monitoring Report $18,794.00 Task 5 2022 Aerial Image Book $3,603.00 Task 6 Collier Beach Final Monitoring Report $26,528.00 $78,532.00 SUMMARY BREAKDOWN BY SUB -TASK Task 1 Wiggins Pass Final Monitoring Report $12,688.00 TM $12,688 Task 2 Doctors Pass Final Monitoring Report $9,318.00 TM $9,318 Task 3 South Marco Final Monitoring Report $7,601.00 TM $7,601 Task 4a Doctors Pass Structures Survey $9,900.00 LS Task 4b Doctors Pass Structures Final Monitoring Report $8,894.00 TM $18,794 Task 5 2023 Aerial Image Book $3,603.00 TM $3,603 Task 6 Collier Beach Final Monitoring Report $26,528.00 TM $26,528 SUMMARY $78, 532 Sea Diversified Survey 9,900.00 (LS) Title Rate Hours PRN2 Principle $231 49 $11,319 SIDS Engineer $130 242.5 $31,525 SIN Scientist/Geologist $115 110 $12,650 SRT Senior Technician $103 71 $7,313 TEC Technician $83 56 $4,648 CAD Cadd Technician $107 11 $1,177 Humiston & Moore Engineers Sea Diversified, Inc. TOTAL $68,632.00 $9,900.00 $78,532.00 CRC Date: April 17, 2023 Task 1 Wiggins Pass Final Monitoring Report HIM (T&M) $12,688.00 _ RATE/UNIT HOURS/QT COST MARKUP AMOUNT PRN2 Principle 231 8 1,848.00 SDS Engineer 130 40 5,200.00 SIN Scientist/Geologist 115 20 2,300,00 SRT Senior Technician 103 21 2,163.00 CAD Cadd Technician 107 11 1,177.00 $12,688.00 (TM) Task 2 Doctors Pass Final Monitoring Report HIM (T&M) $9,318.00 _ RATE/UNIT HOURS/QT COST MARKUP AMOUNT PRN2 Principle 231 8 1,648.00 SDS Engineer 130 53.5 6,955.00 SRT Senior Technician 103 5 515,00 $9,318.00 (TM) Task 3 South Marco Final Monitoring Report HIM (T&M) $7,601.00 RATE/UNIT HOURS/QT COST MARKUP AMOUNT PRN2 Principle 231 4 924.00 SIN Scientist/Geologist 115 50 5,750.00 SRT Senior Technician 103 9 927.00 7$ ,601.00 (TM) Task 4 Doctors Pass Structures Survey and Final Monitoring Report Survey SDI(LS) 9,900.00 $9,900.00(LS) HIM (T&M) 8,894.00 RATE/UNIT HOURS/QT COST MARKUP AMOUNT PRN2 Principle 231 6 1,386.00 SDS Engineer I 130 531 6,890.00 SRT Senior Technician 103 61 618.00 8 894.00 (TM) Total: $18,794.00 Task 5 2023 Aerial Image Book HIM (T&M) $3,603.00 RATE/UNIT HOURS/QT COST MARKUP AMOUNT PRN2 Principle 231 3 693.00 SDS Engineer 130 161 2,080.00 TEC Technician 83 101 830,00 Total: 3603.00 (TM) Task 6 Collier Beach Final Monitoring Report HM (T&M) $26,528.00 RATE/UNIT HOURS/QT1 COST MARKUP AMOUNT PRN2 Pnnciple 231 20 4,620.00 SDS Engineer 130 80 10,400.00 SIN Scientist/Geologist 115 40 $4,600.00 SRT Senior Technician 103 30 $3,090.00 TEC Technician 83 46 3,818.00 (TM) Total: $26,528.00 Title Rate Hours PRN2 Principle $231 49 $11,319,00 SDS Engineer $130 242.5 $31,525.00 SIN Scientist/Geologist $115 110 $12,650.00 SRT Senior Technician $103 71 $7,313.00 TEC Technician $83 56 $4,648.00 CAD Cadd Technician $107 11 $1,177.00 tIM/ Humiston & Moore Engineers $68,632.00 TOTAL H&M $68,632.00 SDI Only $9,900.00 Grand Total $78,532.00 Do( uSign Envelope ID: 48AA2CF9-7EBA-4898-A562-21BE50C5C49A SCHEDULE B-ATTACHMENT 1 RATE SCHEDULE Title Hourly Rate Principal $231 Senior Project Manager $203 Project Manager $160 Senior Engineer $177 _ Engineer $130 Senior Inspector $126 Inspector $93 Senior Planner $150 Planner 5120 Senior Designer _ $140 Designer S105 Environmental Specialist S120 Senior Environmental Specialist $167 Scientist/Geologist $115 _ Senior Scientist/Geologist $153 Marine Biolo ist/liydro eolo gist 5120 Senior Marine Biologist/Iiydrogeologist $$145 Senior GIS Specialist $155 _GIS Specialist _ $115 „ Clerical/Administrative S73 _ _ Senior Technician $103 Technician S83 Surveyor and Mapper $125 CADD Technician _ $107 Survey Crew - 2 man S145 Survev Crew - 3 man S180 Survey Crew - 4 man 5215 Senior Architect S160 Architect $125 The above hourly rates are applicable to Time and Materials task(s) only. The above list may not be all inclusive. Hourly rates for additional categories required to provide particular project services shall be mutually agreed upon by the County and firm, in writing, on a project by project basis, as needed, and will be set forth in the Work Order agreed upon by the parties. ® Grant Funded. The above rates are for purposes of providing estimate(s), as required by the grantor agency. x � • x x Page 2 of 3 First Amendment to Agreement k 18-7432-CZ Humiston K Moore Engineers, P.A. CAU 6 WE CS.EA_ L3I VLRSIPIL• D February 23, 2023 Mr. Steve Foge, P.E. Humiston & Moore Engineers 5679 Strand Court, Suite 110 Naples, Florida 34110 Re: Proposal / Agreement for Professional Services Collier County 2023 Physical Monitoring Survey Doctors Pass Structures Collier County, Florida Sea Diversified P.N. 23-3022 Dear Mr. Foge: Sea Diversified, Inc. 160 Congress Park Drive, Suite114 Delray Beach, Florida 33445 Phone: 561-243-4920 www.SeaDiversified.com Sent via electronic mail 0212312023 SMHumistonandMoore.com (Original February 16, 2023) In accordance with your request, Sea Diversified, Inc. (SDI) is pleased to submit the following proposal for professional services. The scope of work shall include onshore/offshore beach profile surveys of Doctors Pass Structures, Collier County Florida. In accordance with your summary of scope (Attachment A) provided on February 13, 2023, the 2023 monitoring survey effort shall encompass the following: Doctors Pass Structures Beach & Offshore Profiles Beach profiles at R58A-400, R58A-300, R58A-150, R58A, R58A+150, R58A+300, R58A+425, R-58, R58+150, R58+300, R58+600, and R-59 to R-64, totaling 17 profiles General: SDI shall provide supervision, field / office support staff and equipment to perform the scope of work described, herewith. All work shall be conducted to the highest level of industry standards and under the responsible charge of a Professional Surveyor and Mapper registered in the State of Florida. All work shall meet or exceed the Standards of Practice (Standards) set forth by the Florida Board of Professional Surveyors and Mappers in Chapter 5J-17, Florida Administrative Code, pursuant to Section 472.027, Florida Statutes, and in compliance with the Florida Department of Environmental Protection (FDEP) Bureau of Beaches and Coastal Systems Monitoring Standards for Beach Erosion Control Projects, Sections 01000 and 01100 (Updated October 2014). If time permits, deviations from the scope of work shall be addressed via formal approved addendum to the executed Agreement for Professional Services. Horizontal and Vertical Data: Horizontal Datum: Feet, relative to the Florida State Plane Coordinate System, East Zone, North American Datum of 1983 (NAD83) Vertical Datum: Feet, relative to the North American Vertical Datum of 1988 (NAVD88) Horizontal / Vertical Control Verification SDI will verify the horizontal and vertical position of all found and used monuments for the survey. Horizontal and vertical positions will be verified via Real -Time Kinematic GPS procedures. In the event vertical obstructions prohibit the use of GPS, conventional methodologies will be employed. Temporary control points (IBM's) will be set in the event a monument cannot be readily found. As practical, the TBM will be set at the reference monument location. If the specified location is not practical, the TBM will be set at a more suitable location either landward or seaward along the specified profile azimuth. H&M shall be notified of any missing monuments and shall be provided with the horizontal and vertical position of all TBM's. GPO CA Proposal for Professional Services Collier County 2023 Physical Monitoring Survey Doctors Pass Structures Collier County, Florida February 23, 2023 Page 2 of 4 Onshore Profile Data Collection - Topographic Onshore profile data collection shall extend from the FDEP profile control monument seaward to approximate wading depth or as required to overlap the offshore profile data a minimum distance of fifty (50) feet. Profile data collection shall extend landward to the seawalls or fifty (50) feet landward of the five-foot (+5.0') NAVD88 contour line and shall include location of the seaward vegetation line. In the event there is a physical barrier on line between the beach and the monument, every reasonable attempt shall be made to extend the survey beyond the barrier to the reference monument position. It is understood that certain physical barriers may be considered impassible such as large buildings, private residences with difficult access, waterbodies, mangroves or other heavy vegetation requiring line clearing. At the discretion of the surveyor, data collection will be terminated at the first physical barrier if deemed impassible using practical means of extending the survey landward. Profiles terminated due to impassible barriers will be noted in the field books. Profile data will be collected using either conventional differential leveling or Real-time Kinematic Differential Global Positioning techniques. Data points will be collected at a maximum interval of twenty-five (25) feet and at all grade breaks (exceeding one foot) and material changes along the profile. In the event the profile control monument is located more than three hundred (300) feet landward of the vegetation line, data points shall be extended to intervals of one hundred (100) feet from two hundred (200) feet landward of the approximate vegetation line to the monument location. The reference monument shall be recorded as range 0.0 along the profile with positive ranges extending seaward of the monument and negative ranges extending landward of the monument. Offshore Profile Data Collection - Bathymetric Bathymetric profile data shall be collected as close to high tide as practical and shall extend landward to a depth that overlaps the onshore portion of the survey a minimum distance of fifty (50) feet. Bathymetric profile data collection shall extend seaward to negative fifteen (-15) feet NGVD29 contour (approximately -16.3' NAVD88) at Doctors Pass Structures, or two thousand (2,000) feet from the shoreline, whichever is the greater distance. Bathymetric data collection shall occur as close to the time of the onshore topographic survey as practical, which shall not exceed seven (7) days of time difference between the two (2) survey events. Maximum wave height during the bathymetric data collection shall be three (3) feet. Bathymetric data shall be collected using an automated hydrographic system comprised of a survey launch equipped with a marine grade sounder, differential global positioning system and computer -based navigation / data collection system, and when deemed necessary may be interfaced with a DMS-05 Motion Sensor System. The motion sensor will be employed as necessary to reduce the effects of vessel heave, pitch and roll during data collection. The sounder shall be calibrated via bar checks prior to the start of the survey. Prior to the start of the survey a tide staff or gauge will be established in proximity to the project for recording water levels. The tide staff or gauge will be set relative to published control in the vicinity of the project. Digital Ground Photography Digital photographs shall be taken at approximate mid -beach along each profile line. Three (3) photographs shall be captured, one each shore -parallel north and south of the profile and one towards the monument location. An additional photograph of the monument or TBM shall be taken with sufficient clarity to read the monument stamping. Digital images shall be provided to H&M in .jpg format at a minimum 640 x 480 resolution. Surveying • Engineering • Applications S ./� CDIVERE-A. S, .SIFIEI) Proposal for Professional Services Collier County 2023 Physical Monitoring Survey Doctors Pass Structures Collier County, Florida February 23, 2023 Page 3 of 4 Data Processing and Final Deliverables Upon completion of field survey activities, data will be edited and reduced to the project datum and translated to an x,y,z, ASCII format for submittal to H&M. H&M will be provided the following deliverables: 1. Survey report certified by a Professional Surveyor and Mapper 2. Description of all monuments and TBM's used for the survey, including identification, stamping, coordinates, elevations and profile azimuths. Control description shall be provided in both hardcopy and digital formats (ASCII and Excel), as applicable 3. Bathymetric data and / or profile data in ASCII x,y,z format 4. Digital photographs in jpg format with appropriate labeling 5. Metadata files Cost: 17 Beach Profiles: $ 9,900.00 Lump Sum Survey Schedule: • Doctors Pass Control Structures - Due Oct. 2023. Should you have questions or require additional information please do not hesitate to contact us at your convenience. We appreciate this opportunity to assist you with this project and look forward to hearing from you soon. Best Regards VilliamT.dler Jr., P.E., P.S.M. President, Sea Diversified, Inc. Approved this day of , 2023 Mr. Steve Foge, P.E. or Authorized Humiston & Moore Engineers Representative Surveying 0 Engineering 0 Applications cP°r CEA W VERSIFIFI ) Attachment "A" MONITORING BEACH PROFILES CONTROL INFORMATION -BEACH SOUTH OF DOCTORS PAS MONUMENT FASTING NORTHING AZIMUTH R-68A-300 389205.3 669482.2 270 R58A450 389259.4 669342.3 270 R-58A 389353.6 669202.4 270 R-58A+150 389367.5 569062+5 270 R 58A+300 389421+6 668922.6 270 R58A+425 389466.7 668806.0 270 R58 389668.6 668693.6 270 R58+150 389555.8 668550.9 270 R58+300 389602.0 668408.2 270 R58+600 389694.6 668122.9 270 R59 389847.3 667728.9 270 RLO 3901452 666685.1 270 R-61 390438.0 665648.5 270 T-62 390431.8 664628.1 270 R-63 390641.5 663641.5 270 JETTY SPUR R-58A-4Q0 R-58A-300 `K R-5BA-150 R-56A'�' ' GROIN t R-58A+150`; BREAKWATER R-58A+300 2003 R-58A+425 BASELINE R-58 GROIN REHABILITATION R-58+I50 R-58+500 R-58+600fs� �• ' < a. R-59` 1- it 1 Q, COASTAL FNGiNEE111NG DESIGN A- /E "T..G Proposal for Professional Services Collier County 2023 Physical Monitoring Survey Doctors Pass Structures Collier County, Florida February 23, 2023 Page 4 of 4 REV. SEPTEMBER 11. 2015 1 1 � R-60 1 a K 1 a .A 1 :1` t R-61 R-63 1 2003 BASELINE 1 1 1 1 1 1 R-84 1 Surveying 0 Engineering 0 Applications e coY C;Ounty Procurement Services Division Direct Select Form Request Date Contract No. Proposal Cost Estimate Construction Cost Estimate 03.21.2023 18-7432-CZ $52,004 N/A Requested By (Use name as it appears in Outlook): Division / Department: Andrew Miller Capital Project Planning, Impact Fees, & Program Management Administrative Agent (If different from Requestor): Library Category: Coastal Engineering vendor Name: Humiston & Moore Engineers, P.A. Work Assignment Title: 2023 Collier County Beaches and Inlets Annual Monitoring Description of Requested Services: Permit -required annual beach and inlet monitoring and report. Justification: ❑p Past experience with project (Select all that apply and explain ❑ Continuation of previous work assignment below) ❑ Unique qualifications ❑ Other Comments I Explanation of Direct Select: Humiston and Moore performs this work annually, see PO # 4500215649 and is best suited to continue based on their experience and their knowledge of the County's requirements. Miller Digitally signed by MillerAndrewRequestor:Andrew Signature: MillerAndrewDa[e:2023.032207:50:09 Date: -04 00' Division Director: Beth Johnsisen Digitally signed by Date: 2023.03.22 09:58:23 Signature: Date: 2023. Date: -04'00' Procurement Director Sarah Hamilton Sarah Hamilto Digitally signed by Sarah Hamilton Signature: n Date: 2023.03.2410:35:27 Date: 04'00' Return this completed form to: ProcurementSrvcsReq@colliercountyfl.gov. Please be sure to attach the fully approved form to the requisition in SAP. Rev, December 2022 Cq0 EXECUTIVE SUMMARY Recommendation to approve a proposal from Taylor Engineering, Inc., to provide professional engineering services for the 2024 dune planting and exotic vegetation removal project at Barefoot, Vanderbilt, Park Shore, Naples, and South Marco Island beaches for Time and Materials not to exceed $57,007.00 under Contract No. 18-7432-CZ and make a finding that this item promotes tourism. OBJECTIVE: To perform the dune planting and exotic vegetation removal project at Barefoot, Vanderbilt, Park Shore, Naples, and South Marco Island beaches. CONSIDERATIONS: The existing dunes in these areas were severely damaged by Hurricane Ian, removing much of the existing vegetation. Collier's 2023 Emergency Berm Project replaced a large amount of sand in the areas where the pre -storm dunes were located. Planting these areas will help stabilize the new berm, enhancing the protection of upland properties. Additionally, protection of the newly planted dunes will be provided with the installation of rope and posts with signage directing beachgoers to stay off the dunes. Contract No. 18-7432-CZ was approved by the BCC on March 10, 2020, item 16.E.4 (Attachment 1), to provide engineering services to the County's Coastal Zone Management for projects requiring professional services of less than $500,000, and for projects with construction costs below $4,000,000. This contract has a five-year duration with an option to renew for one additional year. Taylor Engineering, Inc. is located in Sarasota, Florida and was founded in 1983. Taylor Engineering, Inc. was selected as one of three firms on the County's 18-7432-CZ Coastal Engineering Services Library contract and have provided engineering services to the County for over eighteen years. GROWTH MANAGEMENT IMPACT: There is no impact to the Growth Management Plan related to this action. ADVISORY COMMITTEE RECOMMENDATIONS: This item will be presented to Coastal Advisory Committee (CAC) on May 11, 2023, and the Tourist Development Council (TDC) on May 15, 2023. FISCAL IMPACT: Funding for this work order is available in the Tourist Development Council (TDC) Beach Renourishment Fund (195), Hurricane Ian Project (50280). The County will seek reimbursement from the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA). Source of funding is tourist development tax. LEGAL CONSIDERATIONS: This item is approved as to form and legality and requires majority vote for approval. — CMG RECOMMENDATION: To approve a Work Order with Taylor Engineering, Inc., to provide professional engineering services for the 2024 dune planting and exotic vegetation removal project at Barefoot, Vanderbilt, Park Shore, Naples, and South Marco Island beaches for Time and Materials not to exceed $57,007.00 under Contract No. 18-7432-CZ and make a finding that this item promotes tourism. Prepared By: Andrew Miller, P.E., Coastal Zone Management, Capital Project Planning, Impact Fees and Program Management Division T A Y L 0 R E N G I N E E R I N G I N C Delivering Leading -Edge Solutions April 20, 2023 Andy Miller, P.E. Manager Collier County Coastal Zone Management 2685 South Horseshoe Drive, Unit 103 Naples, Florida 34104 EMAILED Re: Collier County Dune Restoration Planting Construction Plans, Technical Specifications, and Bid Assistance Services (P2023-063) Dear Mr. Miller: On behalf of Taylor Engineering, I am pleased to submit this proposal for professional engineering and environmental services to provide planting design, construction plans and technical specifications, and bid administration assistance in support of the Collier County Dune Restoration Project. Exhibit A describes our proposed scope of work, proposed total fee, and proposed schedule. Exhibit B provides a detailed breakdown of our proposed fees. Exhibit C lists Taylor Engineering's negotiated rates under Agreement No. 18-7432-CZ. We greatly appreciate the opportunity to continue our service to Collier County. If you have any questions or require additional information, please contact me at (904) 731-7040 or cellis@taylorengineering.com. Best regards, Christopher B. Ellis Vice President, Environmental Services Attachments 10199 SOUTHSIDE BLVD, SUITE 310 1 JACKSONVILLE, FL 32256 1 TEL 904.731.7040 WWW.TAYLORENGINEERING.COM OCAO TAYLOR ENGINEERING, INC. SCOPE OF WORK FOR COLLIER COUNTY PROFESSIONAL SERVICES LIBRARY — COASTAL ENGINEERING CATEGORY 18-7432-CZ COLLIER COUNTY DUNE RESTORATION PLANTING CONSTRUCTION PLANS, TECHNICAL SPECIFICATIONS, AND BID ASSISTANCE SERVICES Introduction EXHIBIT A Collier County (County) is currently constructing a Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA)- funded emergency berm project along County beaches. The project aims to restore dunes lost to Hurricane Ian in late September 2022. The project area includes Reach A (Park Shore to Naples Beach; FDEP Reference Monument R-44.3 to R-89), Reach B (Barefoot Beach, Vanderbilt Beach, and Pelican Bay; R-1 to R-36.3), and Marco Island (R-142.3 to G-2). Aptim Environmental & Infrastructure, LLC developed the engineering design for the project. Following construction, the County intends to vegetate the dune with native species to stabilize the berm and enhance the dune ecosystem. To support this effort, the County selected Taylor Engineering (Taylor) to develop construction plans and technical specifications and provide bid assistance services for the dune planting effort. Taylor presents the following scope of work for the requested services. Assumptions Taylor made several assumptions in developing this scope of work and associated fees for the project. The assumptions listed below, and throughout this scope of work, affect the proposed level of effort and associated costs. If any of the assumptions prove incorrect, Taylor will submit a proposal to modify our scope of work and fees accordingly. Taylor developed this scope of work under the following assumptions and background information: • The project area extends from R-1 to R-36.3, R-44.3 to R-89, and R-142.3 to G-2 in Collier County. • The constructed dune will follow the construction plans developed by Aptim Environmental & Infrastructure, LLC dated February 10, 2023 and provided to Taylor by the County. The County will provide Taylor with the construction plans in AutoCAD format. • The County has secured the necessary regulatory authorizations for this work. • The County will advertise the project. • The County will conduct inspections during planting operations. • Taylor is not responsible for regulatory compliance and/or completion of permit compliance documentation. • The County will be responsible for construction observation, inspection, and project certification. • The County will secure all necessary easements from property owners. OCAO EXHIBIT A Task 1 Construction Plans and Technical Specifications Taylor environmental scientists and engineers will develop draft construction plans and technical specifications for the dune restoration planting, post and rope fencing, educational signage, and exotic vegetation removal (if necessary). Taylor will work with County staff and stakeholders (as identified and directed by the County) to develop the dune planting plan. Taylor will participate in two stakeholder meetings to discuss the planting concept plan with the goal of developing a consensus among participants. Taylor will record meeting minutes and distribute the draft meeting minutes to meeting participants for review and comment. Following receipts of comments, Taylor will revise the draft minutes as necessary and prepare final minutes for distribution. We anticipate the planting design will generally consist of sea oats (Uniola paniculata) with lesser quantities of other dune grasses and flowering species intermixed or grouped among the sea oats. The draft construction plans will depict the dune restoration design plan provided by the County, limits of the proposed vegetation planting zones (dune foreslope, dune crest, dune backslope, etc.), typical cross sections, planting details (species, size, quantities, and spacing), post and rope locations and details, and educational signage locations and details. The construction plans will include general notes regarding exotic vegetation species removal and will depict specific locations if those areas are provided by the County. This scope of work does not include fieldwork to identify and map exotic vegetation removal locations within the project area. Taylor will submit the draft construction plans and specifications to the County for review and comment. Following County review, Taylor will schedule and participate in virtual meetings as necessary to discuss the draft construction plans and specifications and requested revisions. Taylor will revise the construction plans and specifications as necessary based on County comments. Taylor will prepare an opinion of probable construction cost for submittal with the final plans and specifications. Taylor will provide final deliverables in digital (.pdf, .dwg, and .doc) and hardcopy (if requested) formats to support project bidding and construction. Task 2 Bid Administration Assistance Taylor Engineering will develop the final construction bid package (contract documents) and support the County during the bid solicitation and award phase of the project. We assume the County will prepare and provide its standard "front-end" contract documents for incorporation into the project bid package. We will review these documents for consistency with the construction plans and specifications. Under this scope of work, Taylor's bid administration assistance services include the following activities: • Compile the contract documents to include the County's standard front-end contracting and purchasing documents, construction plans, technical specifications, and other pertinent documents. • Assist the County with the distribution of construction contract documents to prospective contractors, if required. • Attend and provide technical support for a pre -bid conference if the County organizes such a meeting for this project. • Assist with the development of contract document addenda in response to technical questions from potential bidders. • Attend the bid opening meeting, if required. • Review bids, check contractor's technical references, and prepare a written recommendation for contractor selection. nCAO EXHIBIT A Taylor's review and recommendations will be limited to engineering and technical issues. The County will be responsible for review and evaluation of contractors' financial condition, business licenses or authorizations, bonding, contractual requirements, and any other non -engineering or non -technical information. We will review the bid recommendations with the County and assist it in verifying that all the necessary bid components are in order. Task 3 Miscellaneous Grant Assistance (Optional Task) Taylor will provide miscellaneous FEMA grant assistance services as directed by the County. This task may include assistance with grant progress report submittals, compliance documentation, and general coordination related to the FEMA grant. This work would likely occur during and after dune construction and planting is complete. We have allocated a maximum budget of 5,000 for this task. If the labor required to complete this task exceeds this limited budget, Taylor will consult with the County and request a contract amendment for the additional work, if necessary. Schedule Taylor Engineering will complete the above -described scope of work within 150 calendar days from receipt of the of the County's written notice to proceed. Fee Taylor Engineering will complete the work described herein on a time and materials basis for a total cost not to exceed $57,007. Exhibit B provides a detailed breakdown of the proposed fees on a task -by -task basis. Taylor will invoice for completed work with labor billed based on the negotiated rates as documented in Agreement No. 18-7432-CZ and included here as Exhibit C. CAO EXHIBIT B TAYLOR ENGINEERING, INC. COST SUMMARY BY TASK (ESTIMATE) P2022-063: COLLIER CO. DUNE PLANTING DESIGN, SPECIFICATIONS, AND BID ASSISTANCE TASK 1: Construction Plans and Technical Specifications ate Principal 12.0 231.00 2,772.00 Project Manager 28.0 160.00 4,480.00 Senior Engineer 38.0 177.00 6,726.00 Engineer 48.0 130.00 6,240.00 Senior Environmental Specialist 56.0 167.00 9,352.00 Environmental Specialist 20.0 120.00 2,400.00 CADD Technician 68.0 107.00 7,276.00 Clerical/Administrative 8.0 73.00 584.00 Total Man -Hours 278.0 Labor Cost 39,830.00 Total Task 1 39,830.00 TASK 2: Bid Administration Assistance Labor Hours Hourly Rate Cost Task Totals Project Manager 12.0 160.00 1,920.00 Senior Engineer 22.0 177.00 3,894.00 Senior Environmental Specialist 36.0 167.00 6,012.00 Clerical/Administrative 4.0 73.00 292.00 Total Man -Hours 74.0 Labor Cost 12,118.00 Total Task 2 12,118.00 TASK 3: Miscellaneous Grant Assistance (Optional Task) Labor Hours Hourly Rate Cost Task Totals Project Manager 6.0 160.00 960.00 Senior Engineer 6.0 177.00 1,062.00 Engineer 6.0 130.00 780.00 Senior Environmental Specialist 6.0 167.00 1,002.00 Environmental Specialist 6.0 120.00 720.00 CADD Technician 5.0 107.00 535.00 Total Man -Hours 35.0 Labor Cost 5,059.00 Total Task 3 $ 5,059.00 Total $ 57,007.00 O EXHIBIT C Rate Schedule (Agreement No. 18-7432-CZ) .... -.._ _._........ _._ Title ____ m__.. . Hourly Rate I'rincpal...... $�31 __...... ....... ,...-___._„ ........ ___.__....._.__.__..-__.....____............. Senior Project Manager _......... ..-_....... $203 I Project Manager $160 m5errior Enineer.. -_., w.,..,.....__.........._w__.........._W-_,.._._......._.....__.._.-$177...,.... $130 $126 Inspector $93 _. Senior Planner $150 Planner $120 __._......._.......___.........._..k._.._........._.___..___..._.___.._.......... __...__._.__......_-_.__..-...-.___...__... Senicir Des' e:r ....__.__. _ _ �.... �_w_,.___._........_.._.._._.._..__......__ $140 _ ___......._ .._$105 Environmental Socialist _ $120 _ _-- Senior Environmental_ Specialist _ $167 ____.___._......_._..... _........ .___._..._.._ Scientist/Geologist Senior Scientist/Geologist $153 .._.._....._.......Marine Bioio�ist�Hydrp1gcrlo�ist ___u..._.- _..-__.__...___ _____—.___.._........_ .12U _._. �_.............__. Senior Marine Biologist/H.ydrogeologist $145 Senior GIS Specialist GlS Specialist _ __$155 $115 Clerical/Administrative ..__..._........_._.._._..........__-.._..........._._.-_.._..........-..,_..._._...._...__.-....._.._____..._.___.__...._.._.___.... _____.._-__.-___.......__._.. $73 _...... __...._......__.............__. Senior Technician $103 Technician _....._.. __. _ __..___.._..... ..__._._.......-__ . $83 ..__..____._- ..._... I _—._-_._...._ Surveyor and Mapper $125 CARD Technician $107 Survey Crer.•..'..2 mr►n_..._. ' $145 ...... _ SurveyCrew - 3 man _ ....... .... ...$18t) .... Survey Crew - 4 man $215 Senior Architect $1.60 Architect1Z5__. The above hourly rates are applicable to Time and Materials task(s) only. The above list may not be all inclusive. Hourly rates for additional categories required to provide particular project services shall be mutually agreed upon by the County and firm, in writing, on a project by project basis, as needed, and will be set forth in the Work Order agreed upon by the parties. Z Grant Funded: The above rates are for purposes of providing estimate(s), as required by the grantor agency. CAO TAYLOR ENGINEERING, INC. ESTIMATED SCHEDULE FOR COLLIER COUNTY PROFESSIONAL SERVICES LIBRARY — COASTAL ENGINEERING CATEGORY 18-7432-CZ COLLIER COUNTY DUNE RESTORATION PLANTING CONSTRUCTION PLANS, TECHNICAL SPECIFICATIONS, AND BID ASSISTANCE SERVICES Estimated Project Schedule Note: Please note this is an estimated schedule. Actual project schedule may vary depending on County - controlled timeframes for project elements including stakeholder coordination, bidding, and construction. S Co le-r County Procurement Services Division Rotation Request Form Request Date Contract No. Proposal Cost Estimate Construction Cost Estimate 3/13/2023 1 s-7432 CZ $401000.00 $210001000. 00 Requested By (Use name as it appears in Outlook): Division / Department: LarryHumphries Capital Project Planning, Impact Fees, & Program Management / Transportation Management Services Library Category: Coastal Engineering Work Assignment Title: Hurricane Ian - Dune Replanting Brief Description of Requested Services: In September 2022, Hurricane Ian destroyed our dune system along the Gulf side of Collier County. Emergency Dune replacement is scheduled to begin April 2023 and will require new vegetation to be planted on newly completed dunes. Engineering firm to provide a design, technical specifications and bid administration for Barefoot, Vanderbilt, Park Shore, Naples and Marco Island Beach Dune Vegetation Planting Project. Re uestor: q Larry Humphries H umphriesLa °�9m`p„ ie9 a ,ybY Signature: 0313 D, Date:3/13/2023 rry 05092 Procurement Use Only Vendor on Rotation: Taylor Engineering Inc. Y Engineering, McCannaC D'9'anraCyetl°y Approved by: Date 20230313 ynthia 141839-04'00' Date: 3/13/2023 Return this completed form to: ProcurementSrvcsReq@colliercountyfl.gov Please be sure to attach the fully approved form to the requisition in SAP. Also note that Rotations are valid for 90 days. If you do not need these services within this time frame please let us know so we can put the vendor back into rotation. Firms wishing to reject an assignment must complete a Work Rejection Form. The completed form must be provided to both the Procurement Division and Project Manager. Rev. December 20 CAQ