PBSD MSTBU Agenda 03/08/202331.A.3
MARCH 8, 2023
The Pelican Bay Services Division Board met on Wednesday, March 8, 2023, at 1:00 p.m. at the
Community Center at Pelican Bay, 8960 Hammock Oak Drive, Naples, Florida 34108.
In attendance were:
Pelican Bay Services Division Board
Michael Fogg, Chairman
Joe Chicurel, Vice -Chairman
Jack Cullen
Jacob Damouni
Mark Ferland
Pelican Bay Services Division Staff
Neil Dorrill, Administrator (by telephone)
Chad Coleman, Ops. Manager
Darren Duprey, Supervisor - Field I
Also Present
Mohamed Dabees, Humiston & Moore
Peter Griffith
Susan Hamilton (absent)
Denise McLaughlin
Michael Rodburg
Rick Swider
Michael Weir
Dave Greenfield, Supervisor - Field 1I
Karin Herrmann, Ops. Support Spec. 11
Lisa Jacob, Project Manager 11
Barbara Shea, Admin. Support Spec. I1
1. Pledge of Allegiance
2. Roll Call
3. Agenda approval
4. Approval of 2/08/23 Regular Session meeting minutes
5. Audience comments
6. Administrator's report
a. Capital Projects updates
i. Sidewalk Phase 11
ii. Beaches and dune restoration
b. February 28 Financial Report
7. Chairman's report
8. Old Business
9. New Business/Miscellaneous Correspondence
10. Adj ournxnent
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Pelican Bay Services Division Board Regular Session
March 8, 2023
Ms. Hamilton was absent and a quorum was established.
Mr. Rodburg motioned, Mr. Damouni seconded to approve the agenda as
presented. The motion carried unanimously.
Ms. McLaughlin motioned, Mr. Rodburg seconded to approve the 2/08/2023'
regular session meetine minutes as amended. The motion carried unanimously.
Mr. Dorrill provided the following updates on our Sidewalk Phase II Project. LO
• Our sidewalk contractor, Quality Enterprises (QE), has installed approximately one mile of
sidewalk so far, averaging 180 feet per day. The project is now at 30% of the total time o
schedule. N
• We have established an agreement with QE for them to limit the exposed construction area, CL:
from demolition until new concrete is poured, to less than two weeks. 2
• As noted in the February Administrator's Report, there was a small portion of sidewalk (on
Ridgewood Dr.) which did not meet the slope and pitch specifications due to a QE surveying
error. These sections are scheduled to be removed and replaced.
• QE is making every effort to pour concrete in the early morning to prevent vandalism to the
newly poured sidewalk sections. Defaced concrete sections were identified in Fluid to late
February. It is the responsibility of the contractor to control and protect the construction site.
Mr. Coleman commented that there has recently been additional defacing of new concrete
sections. The Sheriff's Dept. has been notified and they have been providing additional patrols.
• QE has begun pouring concrete on Gulf Park Drive.
• QE has increased their crew sizes.
• The total drawdown during FY23 of our line of credit is $1.495 million. We are incurring
about $3,000/month in interest; year-to-date interest expense is approximately $11,000.
Mr. Coleman commented that test results of the quality of core concrete samples, after 58 days,
has met the 4,000 psi threshold. He also noted that we should not have to do another drawdown of
our line of credit during this fiscal year.
Mr. Doi -rill reported that the project for 560 tons of sand for emergency beach fill adjacent and
under the Marker 36 beach facility is at substantial completion. He noted that the quality of sand is
outstanding. Mr. Coleman reported that he is working with the contractor, TSI Disaster Recovery, to
deliver an additional 50 tons of sand, considered necessary for this area.
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Pelican Bay Services Division Board Regular Session
March 8, 2023 M
Mr. Dorrill reported that the County's beach dune restoration project is out to bid; bid opening Cq
will be within the next two weeks. The project is divided into two segments with segment "A" a
covering the urban Naples and Park Shore beaches and segment "B" covering the Vanderbilt and a
Pelican Bay beaches. Work on the two segments will run concurrently. Work on segment "B,"
covering Pelican Bay will begin in mid to late April and continue for two months through June. Mr. o
Dorrill commented that berm restoration will include the area from the Ritz Hotel south to Marker 00
36.5. There will be no restoration work further south (South Beach Facility or Clam Pass areas). g
Dr. Mohamed Dabees, Coastal Engineer with Humiston and Moore, provided the following
updates. o
• The County's dune restoration project is a post -Zan FEMA reimbursable emergency °;
restoration project.
• The dune restoration project will include those areas which are in front of upland y
infrastructure, which would be susceptible to flooding (FEMA Category B), including the PBF m
Marker 36 facility, Bay Colony condominiums, and the Strand homes. The area from Marker
36 southward to Clam Pass will not be covered by this project.
• A permit modification application has been submitted to the state to allow sand from a future a
Clam Pass dredging project to be used to restore the dune adjacent to Clam Pass and upland M
of the South Beach facility.
• Currently the inlet flow in Clam Pass appears to be acceptable. Turtle season is upon us and
we have no plans for a dredging project this Spring. We will continue to monitor the inlet N
flow, and will do a bathymetric survey later this year. N
Mr. Ferland requested a copy of the County's plans for the berm replacement project. Mr.
Coleman commented that he will provide a copy of the plans to Mr. Ferland.
Mr. Dorrill reported that our double -wide trailer was delivered and assembled at the end of
February and is ready for occupancy. Utilities have been connected to the trailer, and it is ready for
our maintenance crews to use over the next two years, during the Operations Building Replacement
Mr. Dorrill reviewed the February 28 financial statements and discussed highlights including
a current PBSD cash balance of approximately $15 million, and interest earned for the first five months
of FY2023 of approximately $26,000. Mr. Coleman commented that we have sufficient reserves to
cover our Hurricane Ian expenses. He also noted that although we are seeing price inflation across the
board, we have some protection against price increases through the County contracts in place which
are available for us to use. Mr. Coleman reported that aeration equipment, damaged from Hurricane
Ian, is eligible for FEMA reimbursement. He noted that we are running a bit over budget on irrigation
equipment expenses.
Mr. Dorrill commented that he will follow up on our Hurricane Ian insurance claims. Our
Operations Building's insurance claim may have implications for our FY2024 budget. Mr. Coleman
reported that the Procurement Dept, continues to work on our Operations Building Replacement
Project bid package and that he will follow up on the status of the bid package with Deputy County
Manager Dan Rodriguez. Mr. Coleman commented that he hopes the bid package will be out on the
street by next month.
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Pelican Bay Services Division Board Regular Session
March 8, 2023
Mr. Fogg commented on the significant drop-offs along the Oakmont Lake pathway. He noted
that the PBF is responsible for the pathway replacement while the PBSD is responsible for grading the
slope up to the pathway. Mr. Dorrill commented that he has asked for an engineering sketch to be
prepared of those areas with drop-offs adjacent to the pathway. Mr. Coleman commented that the
PBSD will work with our contractor to regrade/readjust the slope along the pathway.
Ms. McLaughlin requested an update on our tide gauges. Mr. Coleman commented that we
have received our replacement tide gauges, and are waiting on Earth Tech to schedule installation. He
also stated that at least gauge # 14 will be installed within the next few weeks.
Mr. Griffith commented on the progress and work product by our sidewalk contractor on
Ridgewood Drive, and noted that QE is now in the "remediation phase," which includes repairs to
irrigation pipes, and landscape and sod replacement. He noted that Johnson Engineering, our Quality
Assurance specialist, has done a great job. He expressed concern over whether it is the board's
responsibility to protect the homeowners' property. Mr. Coleman commented that it is the
responsibility of the contractor to complete all aspects of remediation and that we must give the
contractor the opportunity to complete the remediation. He noted that we have told the contractor to
limit sidewalk demolition to areas which can be replaced within two weeks. Mr. Coleman commented
that Johnson Engineering is carefully checking all of QE's work, and we are also asking residents to
report any issues directly to PBSD staff. He noted that in some cases PBSD staff is involved in
remediation (generally in those areas where we have easements).
Mr. Dorrill emphasized that the sidewalk project has three levels of supervision including (1)
QE supervisors, (2) Johnson Engineering, and (3) PBSD staff. He noted that the project includes
$250,000 for landscape restoration and includes 10% in retainage for each payment application. Mr.
Dorrill commented that QE must replace any sidewalk segment that has been vandalized, or QE may
repair/patch a vandalized segment only with the approval of the PBSD. Mr. Griffith suggested that
defaced concrete segments be replaced prior to re -landscaping remediation.
Mr. Weir commented on a resident report of QE workers cleaning equipment in a Georgetown
lake (per a resident email sent to staff and board members). Mr. Coleman commented that QE has
been scolded and that this will never happen again. A water truck is now on the construction site.
Ms. McLaughlin proposed "Sept. 2023 Expiration. of DMG contract — next steps" be included
as an agenda item on the April PBSD Board meeting agenda. Mr. Dorrill commented that he spoke
with Deputy County Manager Rodriguez on Monday, who informed him that he should expect a
schedule and finished RFP (for a contracted Administrator) within two weeks. Ms. McLaughlin
commented that a "finished RFP" would be ahead of board discussion on this issue. She noted that
the board has not made a decision on whether to go forward with a part-time management process
(contracted Administrator) or a full-time management process (full-time County employee). Mr. Fogg
commented that we need to be in a position to go forward with either scenario, and that this was
expressed to the County Manager's Office in December. He noted that the "finished RFP" could be
used if we choose to go out for bid. In conclusion, Mr. Fogg commented that this item will be placed
on the April board agenda for board discussion. Ms. McLaughlin asked whether a job description for
a full-time "County employee Administrator" has been developed. Mr. Fogg responded that the job
description has not been developed, but that it is his understanding that this job description could be
developed fairly quickly.
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Pelican Bay Services Division Board Regular Session
March 8, 2023
Mr. Fogg commented that this is Mr. Weir's last board meeting (his term expires on March
31). On behalf of the PBSD, he thanked Mr. Weir for his service. He noted that the new board will
be seated at the April board meeting, where a Chair and Vice Chair will be elected. He directed board
members to contact Mr. Dorrill to express any interest in the positions of Chair, Vice Chair, or any of
the Committee Chairs.
Minutes approved L] as presented OR [ ] as amended ON [ date
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