Bayshore Gateway Minutes 03/08/2023Bayshore Gateway Triangle CRA .Bayshore Beautification MSTU Haldeman Creek MSTU March 8, 2023 Joint Meeting Minutes Item 4a - Attachment 1 BAYS H ORE/GATEWAY TRIANGLE LOCAL REDEVELOPMENT ADVISORY BOARD & BAYSHORE BEAUTIFICATION MSTU MINUTES OF THE MARCH 8, 2023, JOINT MEETING The Joint meeting of the Bayshore/Gateway Triangle Local Redevelopment Advisory Board & Bayshore Beautification MSTU was called to order by Karen Beatty (CRA Chairwoman) and Maurice Gutierrez (MSTU Chairman) at 5:30 p.m. I. CRA Roll Call: Advisory Board Members Present: Al Schantzen, Steve Rigsbee, Karen Beatty, Steve Main, Kathi Kilburn, Mike Sherman and Sam Saad, Jr. Camille Kielty had an excused absence. MSTU Roll Call: Maurice Gutierrez, Sandra Arafet, Joanne Talano, Susan Crum and Frank McCutcheon. Bob Messmer and George Douglas was approved to attend virtually. CRA Staff Present: Debrah Forester, CRA Director, Tami Scott, Project Manager, and Shirley Garcia, Support Staff I. II. Pledge of Allegiance: Led by Karen Beatty. III. Adoption of Agenda: a. CRA Advisory Board- Maurice Gutierrez added Public Comment under 12a. Steve Main made a motion to accept as amended, second by Maurice Gutierrez approved unanimously. b. Bayshore MSTU Committee- Sandra Arafet made a motion to approve Frank McCutcheon second, approved unanimously. IV. Approval of Minutes: a. February 9, 2023 —Al Schantzen made a motion to approve the minutes as written second by Steve Main. Approved unanimously. b. February 1, 2023 _Sandra Arafet made a motion to approve the minutes as written, second by Frank McCutcheon approved unanimously. V. Reports: a. Development Report Update- Ms. Forester provided current updates to the new and existing developments and asked if anyone had any questions, Ms. Scott is available to answer. b. MSTU Landscape Monthly Maintenance and Financial Report - Armando Yzaguirre reviewed his monthly maintenance report. He noted he has done some replanting from replacements from the hurricane, they started mulching, there were some issues from irrigation not turning off and on because they needed some updates, but the County is working on it. Ms. Scott noted their monthly walk through and invited everyone to attend because that is the opportunity to identify areas that need attention. The primary concern is the water and the inconsistency of water pressure, there is Packet Pg. 38 Bayshore Gateway Triangle CRA .Bayshore Beautification MSTU Haldeman Creek MSTU CO) N a need to have a water source that is consistent and the MSTU does not have N it at this time. This issue is an item later in the agenda. "_' •L VI. Community / Business - Presentations a Viage Marina, 3470 Bayshore Drive — Jessica Harrelson, Peninsula Engineering provided a presentation to review the requests for deviations and proposed conditions that the County requested and the extra steps the E property owners wanted to do in order to be a good neighbor with both sides ci of the residential streets abutting the existing Marina. The additional c landscaping above and beyond the County's requirements to buffer the 13 marina and to add parking on the side of the building to assist with the lack a of parking in the area. The residents that attended expressed they do not want parking added to the sides of the building because of the traffic issues it would cause on the residential streets. The owners of the marina said they would take that out of their SDP, the parking was not required, and it was an added cost. They had no issues with adding parking spots, they thought it would help the district but if the residents do not want parking, they would remove it from the plan. The board members expressed the residents' concerns with the owners of the Marina and asked if they would be willing to assist anytime if any other issues arrive in the future to ensure they stay in compliance with the SDP if they agreed to support the changes. Mr. Rich Yovanovitch represents the owner and the project assured if the owners were not in compliance Code Enforcement would step in and take measures to ensure compliance, but the owners have been very willing to help the neighbors any way they can as often as possible. After a lot of discussion and questions by the board, Steve Main made a motion to approve the project with stipulations as it pertains to the deviations, 1. The owner will not allow boats to dock that exceeds the edge of the dock and protrude into the back of their neighboring properties property 2. Landscaping that was removed will be replaced to buffer some of the noise issues and follow the conditions for approval 3. The owners will not use APZ parking for storage or for working on boats 4. Work with neighboring property owners when issues occur.5. No parking on the sides of the building. Steve Rigsbee seconded the motion. 5-3 motion passes. VII. Old Business: a. 2022 Annual Report- Ms. Forester noted the final draft, asked if there were any changes. Al Schantzen made a motion to accept the final draft second by Kathi Kilburn passed unanimously. b. Bus Stops- Ms. Scott provided the updated costs for the bus stops that had been previously approved by both boards to share costs. However, the previous amounts only included design and not construction. The new amounts are bus Packet Pg. 39 Bayshore Gateway Triangle CRA .Bayshore Beautification MSTU Haldeman Creek MSTU _ shelter #129 will be $34,900 by Gulf Gate Plaza and the others on Thomasson Drive will be shelter #135 is $54,400 and shelter #143 $56,500. After many questions and a lot of discussion. Steve Main made a motion for the CRA to pay for all of the shelter #129, Kathi Kilburn second. 6-2 motion passes. MSTU- Maurice Gutierrez made a motion for the MSTU to pay for the two shelters on Thomasson Drive, second by Sandra Arafet passed unanimously. c. Dells Property Rental Agreement -Ms. Forester provided the CRA rental agreement that was approved by the County Attorney's Office and Risk Management for anyone interested in utilizing the CRA Properties for events or farmers markets or other uses. Amanda Jaron made a request to use the site for an art market as noted in the attached. Ms. Forester did share with her the draft rental agreement but has not gotten any revisions. Ms. Forester noted that Ms. Jaron was not moving forward at this time with her request due to the timing with season ending in a few months. Ms. Forester requested that the Board review the agreement for future requests and asked for a motion to approve the template. Al Schantzen made a motion to approve, second by Kathi Kilburn approved unanimously. d. Gateway Triangle Master Plan -Ms. Forester noted the neighborhood will be holding a neighborhood watch meeting on March 15 at 6pm at 2664 Francis Ave and the neighborhood meeting will be held on the March 23rd 6pm at the church. Road Maintenance, Stormwater, 311 and the Sheriff's Office will be attending. The staff will set up a date for a neighborhood cleanup and let them know at their neighborhood meeting to see if that day works for them. Ms. Beatty asked if staff could invite someone from Tree of Life Church, St. Matthews House, and the other not for profit organizations. Ms. Forester recommended staff just focus on stormwater and maintenance and not have the other agencies at this time. Staff would like to sit down first with the agencies and discuss the format of the meeting since this is a contentious subject. e. Scattered Lots- Extension Request — Ms. Forester noted an update on the scattered lots, the developer has exhausted all of their administrative requests for extension. The County Attorney's Office has advised per the agreement that any further extensions would need Board of County Commissioners approval. Ms. Forester is requesting a motion to approve the extension request from the advisory board to route it to the next BCC Agenda. After some discussion and questions, Steve Main made a motion to approve the request for an extension for all properties to May 31, 2023, Kathi Kilburn second the motion passed unanimously. VIII. Joint Proiects/Priorities: 2023/2024 a. Speeding — i. Legal Response on setting speed limits — Ms. Forester noted the County Attorneys response about lowering the speed limits within a CRA District and their Authority. He determined the CRA does not have the authority to lower speed limits on county roads. They can 3 Packet Pg. 40 Bayshore Gateway Triangle CRA .Bayshore Beautification MSTU Haldeman Creek MSTU _ request the Board of County Commissioners to consider it. Jeff Burton, with the Florida Redevelopment Association agreed with the County Attorney. ii. Speeding Study —Ms. Scott introduced Dan Hall from the County Transportation Division to recap his speed study analysis completed in 2019 and how he determined Bayshore Drive did not meet the requirements to be lowered less than 35 miles per hour. However, he did offer to do another updated speed study if the board is asking since it was done a couple of years back. After some discussion the board requested an update at areas where they travel the fastest and not in the same areas as last time. Staff will find the appropriate locations to lay the speed strips down. b. Access Management — Ms. Forester noted the joint projects that the MSTU and CRA are both working on. The County staff is probably not going to support reducing the lanes because of the volume of the traffic. Final review and proposed conceptual plans will be brought back in May after County staff completes their review. c. North Bayshore Enhancement Project- Ms. Scott noted that this project is tied into access management to see if any medians were going to change or any other recommendation that may affect upgrading the landscaping and irrigation. Sam Saad, Jr. asked why there are issues with water on the street? Ms. Scott explained that we do not pay for the reuse water, we are last on the run to get water after Windstar Golf Course which uses the bulk of the water available. There is no water or pressure left by the time it is available for the MSTU to run all of the medians on Bayshore Drive. We currently pay the City of Naples for irrigation water on Thomasson Drive. It is very expensive, but we do not have any issues with getting sufficient water. Kristin Hood asked about using plants that are very low maintenance and do not require a lot of water Ms. Scott agreed and noted her work with the Naples Botanical Garden. However, you still need water when you first plant to get them established. The water issue is something the boards need to look at when we do the enhancement project on Bayshore. d. South Bayshore Enhancement Project — On Hold e. Organic Product/Fertilizer Pilot Project- Ms. Scott noted the pilot project will be going before the BCC in April, more to come on that. f. Public Art Subcommittee-Banners/Christmas- Ms. Scott noted that she will have her first Public Art Subcommittee on April 6 5pm-6pm, and the intent behind the meeting will be to solicit artists to create a design for the holiday banners, work with the Public Art Committee to assist with the selection process and to determine what processes should be used before soliciting calling all artists. g. Christmas Decorations Scope- Ms. Scott attached the scope for the boards to review and provide input because this will be a 3 year, with 2 additional one year extension and since we are combining our solicitation with the Immokalee CRA and Pelican Bay staff thinks we would get a better price. The boards 4 Packet Pg. 41 Bayshore Gateway Triangle CRA .Bayshore Beautification MSTU Haldeman Creek MSTU discussed including language to decorate the Gateway Triangle area this year and split costs. Steve Rigsbee made a motion to share costs and include Gateway Triangle area, second by Karen Beatty passed unanimously. Sandra Arafet made a motion to share costs with the CRA within the MSTU Boundary area, second by Susan Crum passed unanimously. h. Continued Maintenance- Ms. Scott had noted some of the complaints from residents requesting additional trash cans on the street, some doggy bags stations added throughout the area, and additional maintenance to pick up all the trash and debris that is along the right of way areas. Ms. Scott has the landscaper working an additional day as it is and he can't keep up with all the trash being thrown on the ground. Steve Rigsbee noted the issues the City of Naples has on the beach with their cigarette butt stations and what a mess it causes when you add something like that so keep that in mind. Al Schantzen suggests working with the property owners to take responsibility. i. Additional Maintenance- Ms. Forester noted the CRA at their last meeting voted to hire an additional person to assist Ms. Scott with maintenance on the street. j. Security- Ms. Forester noted hiring an off -duty officer on the weekends for extra patrols and security on the street but right now staff will reach out to the sheriff's office to see how that would work. k. Parking Lot-MSTU pays for lighting and maintenance. 1. Public Art- Ms. Forester noted the art donation of the Macaw sculpture has been delayed again. The question has been raised regarding placing this on public vs. private property. The intent was for the County to accept the art piece and include it in the County -wide inventory that John Mellecky is working on. m. Other- Ms. Forester asked for any other items. No other items were identified. IX. Staff Report: a. Priority Project Report — Ms. Forester noted the attachment if anyone had any questions. b. Insurance Claims Report: Ms. Forester provided the current insurance claims report with the reimbursements to date. c. CRA Financial Report — Ms. Forester provided the current financials if anyone had any questions. d. MSTU Financial Report: Ms. Forester provided the current financials if anyone had any questions. X. Communications and Correspondence: a. Commissioner Kowal Town Hall Meeting- Ms. Forester noted the town hall meeting for tomorrow if anyone would like to attend contact Sarina Francis and let her know if they wanted to subscribe to their monthly newsletter. b. Bayshore Walking Tour Recap 2.17.23 - Ms. Forested noted the recap of the walking tour Ms. Scott put together and if they have any questions. Packet Pg. 42 4.A.3 c2 �/i/ t/l tij ?iJ 1r GD U low Bayshore Gateway Triangle CRA *Bayshore Beautification MSTU Haldeman Creek MSTU C. Bayshore Thomasson concerns -Blair White email - Ms. Forester noted the comment from a resident on Bayshore and was discussed under the maintenance item. d. Collier County Foundation Survey- Ms. Forester noted the survey will expire in March and if anyone hasn't taken it to take the opportunity to help the community. e. Adopt a Road Program Brochure- Ms. Forester attached the brochure for adopt a road program. Xt. Public Comments: XIII. Advisory Board General Communications: XIV. Next Meeting Date: a. April 5, 2023 @ 5pm Bayshore Beautification MSTU meeting Room K123 b. April 6, 2023 @ 6:00pm CRA meeting at the Botanical Garden FGCU Buehler Auditorium XV. Adiournment — The meeting adjourned at 9:25 p.m. Chairman, Maurice Gutierrez 6 Packet Pg. 43 Bayshore Gateway Triangle CRA .Bayshore Beautification MSTU Haldeman Creek MSTU March 8, 2023 Joint Meeting Minutes Item 4a - Attachment 1 BAYS H ORE/GATEWAY TRIANGLE LOCAL REDEVELOPMENT ADVISORY BOARD & BAYSHORE BEAUTIFICATION MSTU MINUTES OF THE MARCH 8, 2023, JOINT MEETING The Joint meeting of the Bayshore/Gateway Triangle Local Redevelopment Advisory Board & Bayshore Beautification MSTU was called to order by Karen Beatty (CRA Chairwoman) and Maurice Gutierrez (MSTU Chairman) at 5:30 p.m. I. CRA Roll Call: Advisory Board Members Present: Al Schantzen, Steve Rigsbee, Karen Beatty, Steve Main, Kathi Kilburn, Mike Sherman and Sam Saad, Jr. Camille Kielty had an excused absence. MSTU Roll Call: Maurice Gutierrez, Sandra Arafet, Joanne Talano, Susan Crum and Frank McCutcheon. Bob Messmer and George Douglas was approved to attend virtually. CRA Staff Present: Debrah Forester, CRA Director, Tami Scott, Project Manager, and Shirley Garcia, Support Staff I. II. Pledge of Allegiance: Led by Karen Beatty. III. Adoption of Agenda: a. CRA Advisory Board- Maurice Gutierrez added Public Comment under 12a. Steve Main made a motion to accept as amended, second by Maurice Gutierrez approved unanimously. b. Bayshore MSTU Committee- Sandra Arafet made a motion to approve Frank McCutcheon second, approved unanimously. IV. Approval of Minutes: a. February 9, 2023 —Al Schantzen made a motion to approve the minutes as written second by Steve Main. Approved unanimously. b. February 1, 2023 _Sandra Arafet made a motion to approve the minutes as written, second by Frank McCutcheon approved unanimously. V. Reports: a. Development Report Update- Ms. Forester provided current updates to the new and existing developments and asked if anyone had any questions, Ms. Scott is available to answer. b. MSTU Landscape Monthly Maintenance and Financial Report - Armando Yzaguirre reviewed his monthly maintenance report. He noted he has done some replanting from replacements from the hurricane, they started mulching, there were some issues from irrigation not turning off and on because they needed some updates, but the County is working on it. Ms. Scott noted their monthly walk through and invited everyone to attend because that is the opportunity to identify areas that need attention. The primary concern is the water and the inconsistency of water pressure, there is Packet Pg. 155 Bayshore Gateway Triangle CRA .Bayshore Beautification MSTU Haldeman Creek MSTU W m a need to have a water source that is consistent and the MSTU does not have it at this time. This issue is an item later in the agenda. M 0 VI. Community / Business - Presentations 0° Viage Marina, 3470 Bayshore Drive — Jessica Harrelson, Peninsula 0 Engineering provided a presentation to review the requests for deviations and 13 proposed conditions that the County requested and the extra steps the a property owners wanted to do in order to be a good neighbor with both sides o of the residential streets abutting the existing Marina. The additional landscaping above and beyond the County's requirements to buffer the marina and to add parking on the side of the building to assist with the lack of parking in the area. The residents that attended expressed they do not want parking added to the sides of the building because of the traffic issues it would cause on the residential streets. The owners of the marina said they would take that out of their SDP, the parking was not required, and it was an added cost. They had no issues with adding parking spots, they thought it would help the district but if the residents do not want parking, they would remove it from the plan. The board members expressed the residents' concerns with the owners of the Marina and asked if they would be willing to assist anytime if any other issues arrive in the future to ensure they stay in compliance with the SDP if they agreed to support the changes. Mr. Rich Yovanovitch represents the owner and the project assured if the owners were not in compliance Code Enforcement would step in and take measures to ensure compliance, but the owners have been very willing to help the neighbors any way they can as often as possible. After a lot of discussion and questions by the board, Steve Main made a motion to approve the project with stipulations as it pertains to the deviations, 1. The owner will not allow boats to dock that exceeds the edge of the dock and protrude into the back of their neighboring properties property 2. Landscaping that was removed will be replaced to buffer some of the noise issues and follow the conditions for approval 3. The owners will not use APZ parking for storage or for working on boats 4. Work with neighboring property owners when issues occur.5. No parking on the sides of the building. Steve Rigsbee seconded the motion. 5-3 motion passes. VII. Old Business: a. 2022 Annual Report- Ms. Forester noted the final draft, asked if there were any changes. Al Schantzen made a motion to accept the final draft second by Kathi Kilburn passed unanimously. b. Bus Stops- Ms. Scott provided the updated costs for the bus stops that had been previously approved by both boards to share costs. However, the previous amounts only included design and not construction. The new amounts are bus Packet Pg. 156 Bayshore Gateway Triangle CRA .Bayshore Beautification MSTU Haldeman Creek MSTU shelter #129 will be $34,900 by Gulf Gate Plaza and the others on Thomasson Drive will be shelter #135 is $54,400 and shelter #143 $56,500. After many questions and a lot of discussion. Steve Main made a motion for the CRA to pay for all of the shelter #129, Kathi Kilburn second. 6-2 motion passes. MSTU- Maurice Gutierrez made a motion for the MSTU to pay for the two shelters on Thomasson Drive, second by Sandra Arafet passed unanimously. c. Dells Property Rental Agreement -Ms. Forester provided the CRA rental agreement that was approved by the County Attorney's Office and Risk Management for anyone interested in utilizing the CRA Properties for events or farmers markets or other uses. Amanda Jaron made a request to use the site for an art market as noted in the attached. Ms. Forester did share with her the draft rental agreement but has not gotten any revisions. Ms. Forester noted that Ms. Jaron was not moving forward at this time with her request due to the timing with season ending in a few months. Ms. Forester requested that the Board review the agreement for future requests and asked for a motion to approve the template. Al Schantzen made a motion to approve, second by Kathi Kilburn approved unanimously. d. Gateway Triangle Master Plan -Ms. Forester noted the neighborhood will be holding a neighborhood watch meeting on March 15 at 6pm at 2664 Francis Ave and the neighborhood meeting will be held on the March 23rd 6pm at the church. Road Maintenance, Stormwater, 311 and the Sheriff's Office will be attending. The staff will set up a date for a neighborhood cleanup and let them know at their neighborhood meeting to see if that day works for them. Ms. Beatty asked if staff could invite someone from Tree of Life Church, St. Matthews House, and the other not for profit organizations. Ms. Forester recommended staff just focus on stormwater and maintenance and not have the other agencies at this time. Staff would like to sit down first with the agencies and discuss the format of the meeting since this is a contentious subject. e. Scattered Lots- Extension Request — Ms. Forester noted an update on the scattered lots, the developer has exhausted all of their administrative requests for extension. The County Attorney's Office has advised per the agreement that any further extensions would need Board of County Commissioners approval. Ms. Forester is requesting a motion to approve the extension request from the advisory board to route it to the next BCC Agenda. After some discussion and questions, Steve Main made a motion to approve the request for an extension for all properties to May 31, 2023, Kathi Kilburn second the motion passed unanimously. VIII. Joint Proiects/Priorities: 2023/2024 a. Speeding — i. Legal Response on setting speed limits — Ms. Forester noted the County Attorneys response about lowering the speed limits within a CRA District and their Authority. He determined the CRA does not have the authority to lower speed limits on county roads. They can 3 Packet Pg. 157 Bayshore Gateway Triangle CRA .Bayshore Beautification MSTU Haldeman Creek MSTU request the Board of County Commissioners to consider it. Jeff Burton, with the Florida Redevelopment Association agreed with the County Attorney. ii. Speeding Study —Ms. Scott introduced Dan Hall from the County Transportation Division to recap his speed study analysis completed in 2019 and how he determined Bayshore Drive did not meet the requirements to be lowered less than 35 miles per hour. However, he did offer to do another updated speed study if the board is asking since it was done a couple of years back. After some discussion the board requested an update at areas where they travel the fastest and not in the same areas as last time. Staff will find the appropriate locations to lay the speed strips down. b. Access Management — Ms. Forester noted the joint projects that the MSTU and CRA are both working on. The County staff is probably not going to support reducing the lanes because of the volume of the traffic. Final review and proposed conceptual plans will be brought back in May after County staff completes their review. c. North Bayshore Enhancement Project- Ms. Scott noted that this project is tied into access management to see if any medians were going to change or any other recommendation that may affect upgrading the landscaping and irrigation. Sam Saad, Jr. asked why there are issues with water on the street? Ms. Scott explained that we do not pay for the reuse water, we are last on the run to get water after Windstar Golf Course which uses the bulk of the water available. There is no water or pressure left by the time it is available for the MSTU to run all of the medians on Bayshore Drive. We currently pay the City of Naples for irrigation water on Thomasson Drive. It is very expensive, but we do not have any issues with getting sufficient water. Kristin Hood asked about using plants that are very low maintenance and do not require a lot of water Ms. Scott agreed and noted her work with the Naples Botanical Garden. However, you still need water when you first plant to get them established. The water issue is something the boards need to look at when we do the enhancement project on Bayshore. d. South Bayshore Enhancement Project — On Hold e. Organic Product/Fertilizer Pilot Project- Ms. Scott noted the pilot project will be going before the BCC in April, more to come on that. f. Public Art Subcommittee-Banners/Christmas- Ms. Scott noted that she will have her first Public Art Subcommittee on April 6 5pm-6pm, and the intent behind the meeting will be to solicit artists to create a design for the holiday banners, work with the Public Art Committee to assist with the selection process and to determine what processes should be used before soliciting calling all artists. g. Christmas Decorations Scope- Ms. Scott attached the scope for the boards to review and provide input because this will be a 3 year, with 2 additional one year extension and since we are combining our solicitation with the Immokalee CRA and Pelican Bay staff thinks we would get a better price. The boards 4 Packet Pg. 158 Bayshore Gateway Triangle CRA .Bayshore Beautification MSTU Haldeman Creek MSTU discussed including language to decorate the Gateway Triangle area this year and split costs. Steve Rigsbee made a motion to share costs and include Gateway Triangle area, second by Karen Beatty passed unanimously. Sandra Arafet made a motion to share costs with the CRA within the MSTU Boundary area, second by Susan Crum passed unanimously. h. Continued Maintenance- Ms. Scott had noted some of the complaints from residents requesting additional trash cans on the street, some doggy bags stations added throughout the area, and additional maintenance to pick up all the trash and debris that is along the right of way areas. Ms. Scott has the landscaper working an additional day as it is and he can't keep up with all the trash being thrown on the ground. Steve Rigsbee noted the issues the City of Naples has on the beach with their cigarette butt stations and what a mess it causes when you add something like that so keep that in mind. Al Schantzen suggests working with the property owners to take responsibility. i. Additional Maintenance- Ms. Forester noted the CRA at their last meeting voted to hire an additional person to assist Ms. Scott with maintenance on the street. j. Security- Ms. Forester noted hiring an off -duty officer on the weekends for extra patrols and security on the street but right now staff will reach out to the sheriff's office to see how that would work. k. Parking Lot-MSTU pays for lighting and maintenance. 1. Public Art- Ms. Forester noted the art donation of the Macaw sculpture has been delayed again. The question has been raised regarding placing this on public vs. private property. The intent was for the County to accept the art piece and include it in the County -wide inventory that John Mellecky is working on. m. Other- Ms. Forester asked for any other items. No other items were identified. IX. Staff Report: a. Priority Project Report — Ms. Forester noted the attachment if anyone had any questions. b. Insurance Claims Report: Ms. Forester provided the current insurance claims report with the reimbursements to date. c. CRA Financial Report — Ms. Forester provided the current financials if anyone had any questions. d. MSTU Financial Report: Ms. Forester provided the current financials if anyone had any questions. X. Communications and Correspondence: a. Commissioner Kowal Town Hall Meeting- Ms. Forester noted the town hall meeting for tomorrow if anyone would like to attend contact Sarina Francis and let her know if they wanted to subscribe to their monthly newsletter. b. Bayshore Walking Tour Recap 2.17.23 - Ms. Forested noted the recap of the walking tour Ms. Scott put together and if they have any questions. Packet Pg. 159 Bayshore Gateway Triangle CRA .Bayshore Beautification MSTU Haldeman Creek MSTU c. Bayshore Thomasson concerns -Blair White email - Ms. Forester noted the comment from a resident on Bayshore and was discussed under the maintenance item. d. Collier County Foundation Survey- Ms. Forester noted the survey will expire in March and if anyone hasn't taken it to take the opportunity to help the community. e. Adopt a Road Program Brochure- Ms. Forester attached the brochure for adopt a road program. XL Public Comments: XIII. Advisory Board General Communications: XIV. Next Meeting Date: a. April 5, 2023 @ 5pm Bayshore Beautification MSTU meeting Room K123 b. April 6, 2023 @ 6:00pm CRA meeting at the Botanical Garden FGCU Buehler Auditorium XV. Adiournment — The meeting adjourned at 9:25 p.m. Chairwoman, Karen Beatty L 5.A.3 Packet Pg. 160