Agenda 03/28/2023 Item #16C5 (Resident concerns for Palm Springs Neighborhood Park and avaid potential litidation by providing communication tower)SEE REVERSE SIDE  Proposed Agenda Changes Board of County Commissioners Meeting March 28, 2023 Move Item 16K1 to 12A: Recommendation to approve and authorize the Chairman to execute a Settlement Agreement with Naples Golf Development, LLC, for settlement of a Bert Harris Claim filed pursuant to Florida Statutes §70.001, related to application of the County’s Golf Course Conversion Ordinance on the Links of Naples Golf Course. (All Districts) (Commissioner McDaniel’s Request) Item 3A2b to be continued to the April 11, 2023 BCC Meeting: 25 Years - Jeanne Marcella - Transportation Management Services - Administrative Support Specialist II (Staff’s Request) Item 16C5 to be continued to the April 11, 2023: Recommendation to 1) approve the attached Agreement and Access and Utility Easement to allow VB BTS, II, LLC, access to its proposed communications tower through Palm Springs Neighborhood Park and authorize the Chairman to execute same on behalf of the Board of County Commissioners; 2) Direct the County Manager or her designee, to record the Access and Utility Easement in the Public Records of Collier County, Florida; and 3) Direct staff to ensure that all proposed improvements discussed herein are part of and incorporated within the SDP (PL20210000655). (District 1) (Staff’s Request) Notes: Correction to the Index Title for 16C1: The ITB # should be 23-8088 rather than what was published in the agenda Index of 22-8088. TIME CERTAIN ITEMS: Item 10A to be heard at 10:00 AM: Advertise and bring back for a hearing for an ordinance for the Collier County Health Freedom Bill of Rights, and to adopt the Collier County Health Freedom Resolution. 3/31/2023 9:50 AM 03/28/2023 EXECUTIVE SUMMARY Recommendation to 1) approve the attached Agreement and Access and Utility Easement to allow VB BTS, II, LLC, access to its proposed communications tower through Palm Springs Neighborhood Park and authorize the Chairman to execute same on behalf of the Board of County Commissioners; 2) Direct the County Manager or her designee, to record the Access and Utility Easement in the Public Records of Collier County, Florida; and 3) Direct staff to ensure that all proposed improvements discussed herein are part of and incorporated within the SDP (PL20210000655). OBJECTIVE: To improve the quality of, and address resident concerns for, Palm Springs Neighborhood Park and avoid potential litigation by providing an access and utility easement to a proposed communications tower in exchange for park improvements. CONSIDERATIONS: Petitioner VB BTS, II, LLC applied for a Site Development Plan (PL20210000655) for a 145-foot Monopole Wireless Communications Tower with a 5-foot lightning rod to on a landlocked triangular parcel to the north of County-owned Palm Springs Neighborhood Park, which is located off Palm Lake Drive. The subject triangular parcel lacks legal access. The petitioner is proposing to construct needed park improvements in exchange for an access and utility easement through Palm Springs Neighborhood Park to the triangular parcel and communications tower. County Parks and Recreation staff believe the proposed improvements are in the best interests of the County and public and support this request. The proposed park improvements were negotiated by parks staff, identified as needed for the park, and are valued at $132,307.47, to include: x3 ADA compliant handicapped parking spaces that will provide access to the park’s playground and help prepare for future park expansion projects. These spaces also accommodate neighbors’ request that there be additional parking so that members of the public do not park on Palm Lake Drive and create disturbances to the neighbors. xA paved access drive from Palm Lake Drive to the parking spaces. xA statutorily compliant stormwater management system for the proposed driveway and parking spaces. xA stabilized grass driveway from a gate at the ADA spaces to the tower’s parent parcel, which will preserve the aesthetic and useable recreation space when the tower is not being accessed. xNew tri-split rail fencing and gates to isolate the vehicular movement areas from the park’s recreational space. xSecurity lighting to address existing park safety complaints from the park’s neighbors. These improvements are depicted on the SDP and will be constructed by petitioner VB BTS, II, LLC, as required by the Agreement. Notably, the legal access between the park’s proposed parking lot and the communications tower parcel, as a stabilized grass driveway, will not materially affect the public’s customary use of the park. The easement grants a utility easement so that, if needed, the petitioner may install underground fiber lines and related equipment and materials. Additionally, the communications tower will accommodate T-Mobile’s and AT&T’s antennas and up to one additional set of antennas. The communications tower will be designed to accommodate a total of up to three sets of antennas for co-location purposes. The access and utility easement will relieve the parcel’s landlocking, improve wireless service to Collier County’s citizens in the area, and improve the park’s useability for differently abled citizens of Collier County. The proposed communications tower meets all zoning requirements. Eco-Site, LLC, on behalf of T-Mobile, received variances from the minimum rear set back, minimum communication tower height setback, and minimum landscape buffer width through HEX Decision No. 2020-14. ADVISORY BOARD: On March 16, 2022, the Parks & Recreation Advisory Board voted by a 6-1 vote in favor 16.C.5 Packet Pg. 1397 03/28/2023 the proposed arrangement. The proposed documents were subsequently drafted consistent with the approved arrangement. FISCAL IMPACT: The total cost for recording the Access and Utility Easement is estimated not exceed $50. All recording costs are to be paid by the petitioner. GROWTH MANAGEMENT IMPACT: There are no Growth Management Impacts associated with this action. LEGAL CONSIDERATIONS: This item has been approved as to form and legality and requires a majority vote for Board approval. -DDP RECOMMENDATION: to 1) approve the attached Agreement and Access and Utility Easement to allow VB BTS, II, LLC, access to its proposed communications tower through Palm Springs Neighborhood Park and authorize the Chairman to execute same on behalf of the Board of County Commissioners; 2) Direct the County Manager or her designee, to record the Access and Utility Easement in the Public Records of Collier County, Florida; and 3) Direct staff to ensure that all proposed improvements discussed herein are part of and incorporated within the SDP (PL20210000655). Prepared by: Vivian Rodriguez, Property Acquisition Specialist, Facilities Management Division ATTACHMENT(S) 1. Agreement (PDF) 2. Location Map (PDF) 3. Access and Utility Easement (PDF) 4. HEX Final Decision 2020-14 (PDF) 5. PARAB 3-16-22-Minutes (PDF) 6. PL20210000655 - Site Development Plan (PDF) 16.C.5 Packet Pg. 1398 03/28/2023 COLLIER COUNTY Board of County Commissioners Item Number: 16.C.5 Doc ID: 24943 Item Summary: Recommendation to 1) approve the attached Agreement and Access and Utility Easement to allow VB BTS, II, LLC, access to its proposed communications tower through Palm Springs Neighborhood Park and authorize the Chairman to execute same on behalf of the Board of County Commissioners; 2) Direct the County Manager or her designee, to record the Access and Utility Easement in the Public Records of Collier County, Florida; and 3) Direct staff to ensure that all proposed improvements discussed herein are part of and incorporated within the SDP (PL20210000655). Meeting Date: 03/28/2023 Prepared by: Title: – Facilities Management Name: Vivian Rodriguez 03/16/2023 8:05 AM Submitted by: Title: – Facilities Management Name: John McCormick 03/16/2023 8:05 AM Approved By: Review: Facilities Management John McCormick Director - Facilities Completed 03/16/2023 8:34 AM Facilities Management Jennifer Belpedio Manager - Real Property Completed 03/21/2023 9:35 AM Public Services Department Dayne Atkinson Additional Reviewer Completed 03/22/2023 8:26 AM Public Utilities Department Drew Cody Level 1 Division Reviewer Completed 03/22/2023 11:49 AM Public Utilities Department Drew Cody Level 2 Division Administrator Review Skipped 03/22/2023 11:49 AM County Attorney's Office Derek D. Perry Level 2 Attorney Review Completed 03/22/2023 11:59 AM Office of Management and Budget Debra Windsor Level 3 OMB Gatekeeper Review Completed 03/22/2023 12:05 PM County Attorney's Office Jeffrey A. Klatzkow Level 3 County Attorney's Office Review Completed 03/22/2023 2:03 PM Corporate Compliance and Continuous Improvement Megan Gaillard Additional Reviewer Completed 03/22/2023 2:11 PM Office of Management and Budget Laura Zautcke Additional Reviewer Completed 03/22/2023 2:21 PM County Manager's Office Amy Patterson Level 4 County Manager Review Completed 03/22/2023 2:36 PM Board of County Commissioners Geoffrey Willig Meeting Pending 03/28/2023 9:00 AM 16.C.5 Packet Pg. 1399 16.C.5.a Packet Pg. 1400 Attachment: Agreement (24943 : Palm Springs Park - VB BTS II, LLC - Eco-Site) 16.C.5.a Packet Pg. 1401 Attachment: Agreement (24943 : Palm Springs Park - VB BTS II, LLC - Eco-Site) 16.C.5.a Packet Pg. 1402 Attachment: Agreement (24943 : Palm Springs Park - VB BTS II, LLC - Eco-Site) 16.C.5.a Packet Pg. 1403 Attachment: Agreement (24943 : Palm Springs Park - VB BTS II, LLC - Eco-Site) 16.C.5.a Packet Pg. 1404 Attachment: Agreement (24943 : Palm Springs Park - VB BTS II, LLC - Eco-Site) LocationMap PalmSpringsPark–VBBTSII,LLC–EcoSite Folio00297320001   FOLIO00297320001 COLLIERCOUNTY FOLIO65670040008 NONͲEXCLUSIVE ACCESSANDUTILITYEASEMENT 16.C.5.b Packet Pg. 1405 Attachment: Location Map (24943 : Palm Springs Park - VB BTS II, LLC - Eco-Site) >535@ 3DJHRI 352-(&73DOP6SULQJV3DUN 9%%76,,//& (FR6LWH  6LWH1XPEHU86)/ )ROLR1R   $&&(66$1'87,/,7<($6(0(17   7+,6$&&(66$1'87,/,7<($6(0(17 ³$JUHHPHQW´ PDGHDQGHQWHUHGLQWR WKLV BBBB GD\ RI BBBBBBBBBBBBBBBB  WKH ³(IIHFWLYH 'DWH´  E\&2//,(5 &2817<DSROLWLFDOVXEGLYLVLRQRIWKHVWDWHRI)ORULGD ³*UDQWRU´ KDYLQJDPDLOLQJ DGGUHVVRI(DVW7DPLDPL7UDLO1DSOHV)ORULGDDV*UDQWRUWR9%%76,, //&D'HODZDUHOLPLWHGOLDELOLW\FRPSDQ\ ³*UDQWHH´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³(DVHPHQW´ RQRYHUDQGZLWKLQWKHIROORZLQJ GHVFULEHGODQGVORFDWHGLQ&ROOLHU&RXQW\)ORULGDWRZKLFKWKH*UDQWHH3DUWLHVVKDOOKDYH IUHHDQGXQIHWWHUHGDFFHVVVHYHQ  GD\VSHUZHHNWZHQW\IRXU  KRXUVSHUGD\WR ZLW  6HHDWWDFKHG([KLELW$ZKLFKLVLQFRUSRUDWHGKHUHLQE\UHIHUHQFH  6XEMHFWWRHDVHPHQWVUHVWULFWLRQVDQGUHVHUYDWLRQVRIUHFRUG  7+,6,6127+20(67($'3523(57<    *UDQWHHSUHVHQWO\KDV6LWH'HYHORSPHQW3ODQ 3/ XQGHUUHYLHZ ZLWKWKH&RXQW\¶V*URZWK0DQDJHPHQW5HYLHZ$VFRQVLGHUDWLRQIRUWKHJUDQWRIWKLV (DVHPHQW *UDQWHH VKDOO FRQVWUXFW DOO LPSURYHPHQWV GHSLFWHG RQWKH DSSURYHG 6LWH 'HYHORSPHQW3ODQLQFRUSRUDWHGKHUHLQE\UHIHUHQFH7KH(DVHPHQWVKDOOUHPDLQVXEMHFW WRWKHDSSURYHG6LWH'HYHORSPHQW3ODQDQGEHFRPHQXOODQGYRLGLI*UDQWHHIDLOVWR FRPSOHWHDOOLPSURYHPHQWVWRWKH6LWH'HYHORSPHQW3ODQ  CAO 16.C.5.c Packet Pg. 1406 Attachment: Access and Utility Easement (24943 : Palm Springs Park - VB BTS II, LLC - Eco-Site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c Packet Pg. 1407 Attachment: Access and Utility Easement (24943 : Palm Springs Park - VB BTS II, LLC - Eco-Site) >535@ 3DJHRI ([KLELW³$´ (;+,%,7³$´   CAO 16.C.5.c Packet Pg. 1408 Attachment: Access and Utility Easement (24943 : Palm Springs Park - VB BTS II, LLC - Eco-Site) >535@ 3DJHRI ([KLELW³$´  CAO 16.C.5.c Packet Pg. 1409 Attachment: Access and Utility Easement (24943 : Palm Springs Park - VB BTS II, LLC - Eco-Site) 16.C.5.d Packet Pg. 1410 Attachment: HEX Final Decision 2020-14 (24943 : Palm Springs Park - VB BTS II, LLC - Eco-Site) 16.C.5.d Packet Pg. 1411 Attachment: HEX Final Decision 2020-14 (24943 : Palm Springs Park - VB BTS II, LLC - Eco-Site) 16.C.5.d Packet Pg. 1412 Attachment: HEX Final Decision 2020-14 (24943 : Palm Springs Park - VB BTS II, LLC - Eco-Site) 16.C.5.d Packet Pg. 1413 Attachment: HEX Final Decision 2020-14 (24943 : Palm Springs Park - VB BTS II, LLC - Eco-Site) 16.C.5.d Packet Pg. 1414 Attachment: HEX Final Decision 2020-14 (24943 : Palm Springs Park - VB BTS II, LLC - Eco-Site) 16.C.5.d Packet Pg. 1415 Attachment: HEX Final Decision 2020-14 (24943 : Palm Springs Park - VB BTS II, LLC - Eco-Site) 16.C.5.d Packet Pg. 1416 Attachment: HEX Final Decision 2020-14 (24943 : Palm Springs Park - VB BTS II, LLC - Eco-Site) 16.C.5.d Packet Pg. 1417 Attachment: HEX Final Decision 2020-14 (24943 : Palm Springs Park - VB BTS II, LLC - Eco-Site) 16.C.5.d Packet Pg. 1418 Attachment: HEX Final Decision 2020-14 (24943 : Palm Springs Park - VB BTS II, LLC - Eco-Site) March 16, 2022 1 MINUTES OF THE MEETING OF THE PARKS & RECREATION ADVISORY BOARD Naples, Florida, March 16, 2022 LET IT BE REMEMBERED, the Collier County Parks and Recreation Advisory Board in and for the County of Collier, having conducted business herein, met on this date at 2 P.M. in REGULAR SESSION at the North Collier Regional Park Administration Building, 15000 Livington Road, Naples, Florida, with the following members present: CHAIRMAN: Edward “Ski” Olesky VICE CHAIR: Joshua Fruth (excused) Paul DeMarco Rebecca Gibson-Laemel Kristina Heuser Kenneth Lee Dixon Jessica Bergel Donna Fiala (excused) ALSO PRESENT: Miguel Rojas Jr., Administrative Assistant, Parks & Recreation Olema Edwards, Regional Manager, Parks & Recreation Dayne Atkinson, Principal Project Manager Melissa Hennig, Regional Manager, Parks & Recreation Aaron Hopkins, Regional Manager, Parks & Recreation Randy Hopkins, Interim Regional Manager, Parks & Recreation Said Gomez, Supervisor, Parks & Recreation Rick Garby, County Parks Superintendent Sally Ashkar, Assistant County Attorney 16.C.5.e Packet Pg. 1419 Attachment: PARAB 3-16-22-Minutes (24943 : Palm Springs Park - VB BTS II, LLC - Eco-Site) March 16, 2022 2 Any persons in need of a verbatim record of the meeting may request a copy of the Zoom recording from the Collier County Parks & Recreation Department. I. Call to Order Chairman Olesky called the meeting to order at 2:01 p.m. II. Pledge of Allegiance and Invocation The Pledge of Allegiance was recited, and an invocation/moment of silence was observed. III. Approval of Agenda Ms. Gibson-Laemel moved to approve the agenda. The motion was seconded by Ms. Heuser. The motion was carried unanimously, 7-0. IV. Previous Meeting Minutes Ms. Heuser moved to approve the Feb. 16, 2022, meeting minutes. The motion was seconded by Mr. DeMarco. The motion carried unanimously, 7-0. V. Public/Board Comments Jessica McIntosh, Rookery Bay Coastal Training Program Coordinator Ms. McIntosh reported that the Rookery Bay management plan for the Rookery Bay Estuary Research Preserve is being updated by FDEP. The public is invited to a meeting online at 5 p.m. on Tuesday, March 22 at www.FloridaDEP.gov/rbmanagementplan. Comments about the estuary and research reserve are due by April 8. Chairman Olesky asked for a clarification about the comments in March versus April. Ms. McIntosh said written comments are due by April 8 and the March 22 Zoom meeting is to allow people to comment in person or to write comments online. VI. Capital Projects [Dayne Atkinson – Overview of Current Projects] Mr. Atkinson detailed a PowerPoint presentation and reported that: Big Corkscrew Island Regional Park Phase 1 is still ongoing. The South Phase is 85% complete. The Southeast section of the park (event lawn, playground, South Concession Stand and outdoor tennis, pickleball and basketball courts) was turned over to Parks & Recreation on Jan. 28. The Southeast portion is open to the public. Work continues on building finishes/equipment installation and power and water have been tied to the aquatic center/pools, community center and maintenance buildings. We are anticipating the park being officially open in the summer of 2022. The aquatic buildings will be last. There were some subcontractor problems. Big Corkscrew Island Regional Park Phase 2. The first road connecting the park to Oil Well Road is in the design stage now. It will be bid and then awarded in the fall for completion in spring. Phase 2 will be executed in four phases due to available permits, funding constraints and the developer agreement; Phase 2A will be awarded in summer 2022. Phase 2A involves the Oil Well access road and PUD utility corridor/wells. Phase 2B is the site civil/drainage, PUD utility corridor continuation, canal crossings, canal maintenance access roads, wells and weir; Phase 2C is the fitness center, parking lot and the dog park; Phase 2D involves four baseball fields, the concession stand and lake features/kayak launch (pending additional funding). The contract amendment to incorporate the Phase 2 phasing plan is being prepared and will go before the second BCC meeting in March. Wetland and construction permits have been submitted; the fitness center design costs are being negotiated with A/E and are pending approval of the amendment at the BCC meeting. 16.C.5.e Packet Pg. 1420 Attachment: PARAB 3-16-22-Minutes (24943 : Palm Springs Park - VB BTS II, LLC - Eco-Site) March 16, 2022 3 Ms. Gibson-Laemel asked about the design contract. Mr. Atkinson said he wouldn’t have more information until the design contracts are in place. Mr. Atkinson continued his PowerPoint presentation: East Naples Community Park Welcome Center: The 12,000-square-foot Welcome Center includes a pro shop, restrooms, offices, storage, locker rooms, electrical and mechanical rooms and a patio area. The electrical/mechanical/plumbing finishes have commenced, as well as the exterior stucco. IT/security requirements have been resolved and contractors are cleared to move forward; water and power have been tied in. Aquatics projects: Nothing has changed since last month’s report. VII. New Business a. Donation Drive: Lauren Smith and Judy Huntley, who work at The Nest at Domain Realty and also manage the local Naples Moms, Naples Moms Marketplace, and Naples Moms’ Closet Cleanout Facebook pages, asked to host a donation event at North Collier Regional Park. They often get asked about where someone can donate goods and where they can take them. They would like to bridge a gap and host a Mom’s Closet Cleanout and partner with St. Matthew’s House. They want to have teams of volunteers, a drive-through situation with bins and trucks. They also would offer a day at the park with coffee, donuts and playtime for moms and kids. St. Matthew’s House staff will bring trucks and help sort the trash from what can be sold. They had over 2,500 people come to a similar event at Baker Park. If you ask these moms to show up, they will. We just need space and help with traffic flow. They believe there are future ways they can encourage families to come out and use Parks & Rec facilities and show them what’s available. They can share what the moms are using and what’s being underutilized. Ms. Edwards said the women already have approached her and the park can accommodate the event. Ms. Gibson-Laemel made a motion to recommend the Moms’ Closet Cleanout donation drive with St. Matthew’s House be held on an as-yet-undetermined Saturday at North Collier Regional Park. Ms. Bergel seconded it. The motion passed unanimously, 7-0. b. Sea Horse Run (PowerPoint presentation): Beth Ann Auchi, of the Caloosa Saddle Club, a 40-year-old non-profit organization, wants to hold a charity equestrian event, Sea Horse Run, in April 2023 at Barefoot Beach Preserve after tourist season, but before turtle nesting season. She detailed her experience, which includes being a critical care nurse and volunteering, until she was diagnosed with MS and was unable to walk. She was forced to use a walker, but still fell, so she tried equestrian therapy. She was lifted onto a horse because she couldn’t walk. It was a last resort and she thought it was quackery. She started about four years ago and she can now walk again and is in better shape than most of her friends. Equestrian therapy gave her her life back and she was able to return to work and volunteering. She is one of many who have made strides through equestrian therapy at PATH International Centers, a program that’s made possible through volunteers, who feed, take care of horses, clean out stalls and help with the horses. She noted they provide many programs to blind kids, kids with cerebral palsy, veterans with PTSD, mental health programs and programs for health care workers who were stressed out over COVID. 16.C.5.e Packet Pg. 1421 Attachment: PARAB 3-16-22-Minutes (24943 : Palm Springs Park - VB BTS II, LLC - Eco-Site) March 16, 2022 4 She asked that horses be allowed at Barefoot Beach Preserve for this special event. The horses will be reined and there will be pooper scoopers. She noted that scientists say this won’t harm the environment and there won’t be impact due to manure. She spoke to park rangers and biologist, who agreed there would be no harm to wildlife or the beach. A national and local science expert agreed that horses and wildlife coexist in nature. This type of event was held in St. Lucie County and Manatee Key, where they allow horses on the beach with permits. Hundreds of thousands in funding has already been raised, and this event also will be insured. The horses are majestic and romantic and the event would be great for tourism. They will offer a side-saddle instructor and a mermaid, who also will be riding. She noted that the equine industry in Florida contributes $6.8 billion to the economy and has an $11.7 billion impact through jobs, skill training, volunteers, etc. She conducted a survey and found everyone rated the desire to ride a horse on the beach a 10 on a scale from 1-10. She noted that the Corkscrew Island Park Stantec survey results showed that horseback riding was a priority for 32% of respondents and ranked at No. 3, but that desire was given no consideration. Horses are a big part of this community and should be highly regarded. She noted that horseback riding came in higher than many other options on surveys, yet was not considered. She noted that the Stantec survey showed that people wanted horseback riding, trails and to be able to ride with friends. That ranked No. 3 after walking paths and a playground. An amphitheater, multipurpose fields, aquatic center and canoe/kayak launch all ranked below horseback riding, yet horseback riding was not considered. Marshals will be used for safety and there will be a press liaison, along with a mermaid competition and pooper scoopers, and cleanup. She noted that Collier County is the only county that doesn’t allow such an event. Cindy Dolmage, president of Friends of Barefoot Beach Preserve, a more than 30-year-old organization, said it’s important to note that Barefoot Beach is a preserve. It’s part of the Land Management Plan, with a primary objective of protecting natural resources. She said approving this would not fall under those qualifications. A group that large will prevent visitor access and cause parking problems. The parking lot already is closed when they run out of parking spots. She also cited concern for gopher tortoises being stepped on by horses. She is committed to preserving the preserve. The impact from the size of the horse would harm the very fragile flora and fauna there. Ms. Auchi asked why she feels there will be an impact if scientists say there won’t be. Ms. Dolmage said she can get scientists who will present an opposing view. Ms. Edwards noted that Ms. Auchi quoted a Collier County Ordinance, but said it was the wrong one. That ordinance involves parks. Beaches are governed by a different ordinance that says it is unlawful to allow animals on the beaches, except for guide dogs and dogs for the hearing impaired. She said this event would not be allowed under the County ordinance. Ms. Auchi said they could make a special exception for the event. Ms. Hennig said those are allowable uses for County parks, but not beaches. 16.C.5.e Packet Pg. 1422 Attachment: PARAB 3-16-22-Minutes (24943 : Palm Springs Park - VB BTS II, LLC - Eco-Site) March 16, 2022 5 Mr. DeMarco commended Ms. Auchi’s presentation. He noted that 32% of respondents were interested in horseback riding on beaches. If there were 12-20 people, he thought accommodations could be made. Ms. Auchi said they want to ride on the beach. Mr. DeMarco said he would like to take his dogs to the beach, but he has to drive to Bonita Springs for that. If they’re interested in holding it at a park, he’s on board. But if it’s a beach run, there are many people who are concerned that it’s a health impact. It’s not allowed. He doesn’t see the beach as a requirement. Mr. Dixon asked if they’d gotten an opinion from the County Attorney’s Office. Ms. Hennig said an assistant County attorney was present here. Attorney Ashkar said no animals are allowed on beaches, only parks. They can ask the Board of County Commissioners. They’d be the ones to direct staff to allow it. These regulations have been in place for a long time. Ms. Gibson-Laemel asked if they’d considered Lee County for the event because there are beaches there that allow dogs and it might be a better fit. Ms. Auchi said she chose this beach due to its access, bridges, etc. This is the only beach that could accommodate the horses. (Audience) how about Lover’s Key? Mr. DeMarco said Bonita Beach was just cleared. Ms. Auchi said this is the only one that’s safe for the horses. We checked around and everyone and scientists said there would be no problem, no impact. Mr. Denny Dolmage said if you want to make changes, you need to go to the Board of County Commissioners. Where would you park the horse trailers, Parking Lot 3? Ms. Auchi said most would park there, but they’d use shuttles. Chairman Olesky said right now, it’s against County ordinances and this Board cannot approve it for that reason. Mr. DeMarco asked if they could recommend sending it to the BCC. Ms. Heuser said she thought they needed more information. Ms. Dolmage said she’d like the opportunity to bring in experts. Mr. Dixon said he has no problem approving this if the County allowed it. The environmental impact is nil. He has an autistic son and he’s very familiar with equestrian therapy. He would vote to approve. 16.C.5.e Packet Pg. 1423 Attachment: PARAB 3-16-22-Minutes (24943 : Palm Springs Park - VB BTS II, LLC - Eco-Site) March 16, 2022 6 Ms. Heuser said they could petition the BCC and PARAB could make a recommendation. Mr. Dixon said even if they approve it, it’s against the ordinance. Mr. DeMarco said he didn’t think one day would hurt the beach. There would be 10-12 horses, no more disruption than 150 tourists. Rosemary Arway said she’s also an equestrian and found Ms. Auchi’s presentation to be extraordinary. She appreciates Ms. Dolmage’s work with the preserve, as well. Horses are a great natural resource, as is the beach. Equestrians are very much excellent stewards of the lands. It’s to our best interests to keep the land pristine. This could be an opportunity for Collier County to showcase the beach. If they require us to limit the number of riders, we could do that. She has a past legal background and is familiar with changing ordinances. There were probably horses there long before your ordinance was created. This is an opportunity for the County. Ms. Edwards said to follow Ms. Hennig’s advice and to petition the BCC to see what they can do. Mr. Olesky suggested voting to recommend they petition the BCC to see what commissioners can do. . Ms. Heuser said she didn’t want to recommend it. Mr. Dixon also didn’t want to recommend it. Ms. Hennig suggested they go before the Coastal Advisory Committee for a recommendation. c. Cell Towers at Palm Springs Park [Mattaniah Jahn] Ms. Jahn said she represents Eco-Site LLC, a communication tower company that’s coming before the Board to request a recommendation for approval to allow a driveway across Palm Springs Park to connect to a communication tower that has yet to be constructed, but was approved by the County Hearing Examiner in 2020. The tower would be located on Parcel No. 00297320001. [She showed an aerial photo of the area and where it would be located.] The tower would be located on the yellow parcel, which is private land, a driveway. She noted that it’s now a shell road with no fences that separate it from the park. Whether the tower is compatible with the requirements of your code, whether it’s compatible with the surrounding land uses is not before you today. The question before you today is whether this driveway is an allowable use and a benefit to the park. The plat for Palm Springs has an easement on the west side of Palm Springs Park. This was discussed rather extensively during the zoning hearing. When Eco-Site went to its title insurance company, it wasn’t willing to give title insurance unless the easement was clarified. In Florida, there is no such thing as a landlocked parcel. It would basically require a lawsuit against the private owners along here. To clarify, that is because in Florida there is no such thing as landlocked parcel. We actually have a statutory exemption that will allow you to establish access to your land if it’s become 16.C.5.e Packet Pg. 1424 Attachment: PARAB 3-16-22-Minutes (24943 : Palm Springs Park - VB BTS II, LLC - Eco-Site) March 16, 2022 7 landlocked. That’s a long process and it’s not a very neighborly process, so part of what Eco-Site is trying to do is to develop a solution that would get the tower up and running. Three carriers need this tower and it would be a win-win in a public-private partnership approach. [She displayed the plat and land to the northeast.] She said she was highlighting the easement that started this whole conversation. Again, going that route, while available to Eco-Site, would not be very neighborly. It also would be fine to come up with a solution that brings public benefit and allows wireless service to be provided. If approved, the park would enter into a license agreement to allow very limited access into the driveway for the cell tower. There would be one trip per carrier per month to check the towers. That would typically be in a pickup truck-type vehicle. That’s just technicians going out there checking to make sure that everything is good. The facilities are highly automated, so they may not have to go out there if remote diagnostics are coming back good. Mr. Dixon asked if it would be an asphalt driveway. Ms. Jahn said it would be GeoGrid sod, which looks like grass but can actually hold firetrucks and other vehicles. You place the GeoGrid down and then you place topsoil over that and then grass is planted on that, so it physically looks like grass, but it’s actually able to support vehicles. What is proposed is a driveway from the gate to the cell tower and three handicapped parking spaces for the public. That would allow access to the park, which currently has no handicapped parking. It will still be gated. There will be a black vinyl-coated chain-link fence along the driveway and access gates to the park. Access to the communications tower will be secured by two gates. It would still be able to be closed off and sealed off by the parks when the park is closed. Any landscaping that is disturbed while installing the driveway would be replaced. The two Frisbee golf course holes also would be relocated to the west. The tower was first requested by T-Mobile two years ago and the need has increased. Coverage would be more reliable in the area, which can’t handle the capacity. Cell towers can only handle so much. [The PowerPoint presentation showed the saturation of cell towers and how the new tower would add coverage.] We have the same challenges that the County has with its roads and transportation systems. We’re always trying to make ourselves concurrent with ever-increasing demand. Cell towers are getting so much traffic, so adding a cell tower removes traffic from the neighboring towers and that way, the neighboring towers actually have more resources to serve the areas around them, and they do more. The other co-locators are AT&T, which is in the process of signing a lease, and DISH Network, which is in the application and publication process, so the need is great. She has three carriers that are waiting. The County Zoning Division is treating cell towers as essential services. Eighty percent of all 911 calls come via wireless numbers. Wireless cell service is no longer a luxury, it’s a necessity. She respectfully requested that the Board recommend approval of this driveway, associated parking facilities for the public and access to the communication tower. Mr. DeMarco asked why they were building a fence. Ms. Jahn said that County staff requested it. 16.C.5.e Packet Pg. 1425 Attachment: PARAB 3-16-22-Minutes (24943 : Palm Springs Park - VB BTS II, LLC - Eco-Site) March 16, 2022 8 Mr. Atkinson said it will separate it from the playground and prevent kids from running into the driveway and getting hit. Ms. Jahn said if handicapped parking is available, she could see the logic of the fence. Robert Buchan, a neighbor of the park, said this is a community park that was put there by the developers of the park for foot and bicycle traffic. We don’t advertise that there’s a park there. Now there’s a disc golf course there. That was put in by the County. It’s added some presence, but it’s kept some undesirables out of the park. Also contributing to this issue is they’ve built several thousand units next door and the park is now used by a lot more people. [He showed photos of the playground at Palm Springs Neighborhood Park.] Our concern is the use of this road. We’re going to lose some trees and land at the end. They’re going to reduce the size of the park and it may not seem like a big deal, but it is to us. The disc golf course will get compromised. It’s not a good thing. Part of the issue is there already is a lot of travel, a lot of people going there at night and the police are summoned. It will encourage more criminal activity if there’s a road that lets more people drive in there. It’s not a good thing. He heard it may be closed by gates at night, which would be great. He gathered a petition in his neighborhood and got overwhelming response. We were not asked for input on this, so we had no say. He noted that the easement is 50-60 feet long. He suggested they find another way, another road west of the easement to access the cell tower. There’s also Palm Springs and Pine Vale Drive, which has a cul de sac. As far as handicapped parking goes, the playground is all mulch and there’s not much access for people in wheelchairs. Tonia Spangler, a neighbor who lives across the street from the park, said her neighborhood wasn’t notified about this cell tower and driveway issue, just residents on Pine Vale Drive. It was approved with the proposed access. Because it was a site development plan, they didn’t have to notify residents. We’re concerned because we don’t get to have a say. This isn’t about the tower, it’s about the park. The park really can’t support it now. You can do a sidewalk. You don’t need a road. [Audience] We live directly across the street and you can put all the fences up that you want. We have crime in that park. A teen was stabbed. Renee Newman, who lives at 654 Palm Lake Drive, said it’s a neighborhood park, not a community park. Mr. Dixon asked if there was anyone in the audience who lives in the houses where the easement is. Ms. Newman said there was not. Mr. Dixon said the homeowner still owns the property, but there will just be an easement. Do they object to building a road behind their houses? They’re not going to be compensated. Jennifer Buehrer, who lives across from the park, said you’re taking away the trees and space from the park. What are you giving us in return? You’re giving us more crime. We live there. This is our home. 16.C.5.e Packet Pg. 1426 Attachment: PARAB 3-16-22-Minutes (24943 : Palm Springs Park - VB BTS II, LLC - Eco-Site) March 16, 2022 9 Mr. Atkinson said Public Services staff looked at the proposal and recognized they would lose a lot of trees, but they will be replanted. They would have an easement for a lift station. They got a release and there was no objection from PUD and no objection from Risk Management. The Frisbee golf developer has agreed that two holes will be impacted and will be relocated to maintain the nine-hole Palm Springs Park Disc Golf Course. Another reason they’re asking for handicapped spaces is because there’s a plan to put in a new playground, but they can’t now because the codes have changed. They need handicapped parking spaces, which this will provide and allow the County to make that improvement. They’re speaking with the Growth Management Division now about improvements and making it ADA accessible. Mr. DeMarco asked if Eco-Site would assist. Mr. Atkinson said Eco-Site would be doing it all. But he thought they were getting asphalt, which would have no maintenance. Ms. Newman noted that the County needed to get 50% of the neighbors to approve the disc golf course, but they didn’t hear anything about this project. Mr. Atkinson said he wasn’t able to address that. Ms. Newman said that when you have the Sheriff’s Office in the park, you notice. It’s a very tight neighborhood. We keep an eye out. Mr. Atkinson said he was familiar with the neighborhood. Ms. Heuser asked if staff was recommending approval of this. Mr. Atkinson said they’re working with Eco-Site. Staff had some concerns when they came to us, but they’ve addressed all the issues. Mr. Dixon asked what type and size of trees would be lost. Mr. Atkinson said seven to eight mature trees. Mr. Buchan contended they’d lose 17-18 slash pines. Supervisor Garby said they prefer to replace those with palm trees. Mr. Dixon asked why not replace them with slash pines. Supervisor Garby said palms are easier to maintain. Ms. Jahn said Eco-Site followed the County process and could not believe that notices did not get sent to these neighbors. About 150 courtesy notices went out within a 1,000-foot radius, but the number may have changed since the time this was zoned. She noted that all improvements to the park will be paid for by Eco-Site, including the driveway, handicapped parking spaces, fencing and relocation of the disc golf holes. She took exception to the fact that this park could not accommodate Ms. Jahn said Eco-Site followed the County process and could not believe that notices did not getyp g sent to these neighbors. About 150 courtesy notices went out within a 1,000-foot radius, but the g y ,, number may have changed since the time this was zoned. She noted that all improvements to theygp park will be paid for by Eco-Site, including the driveway, handicapped parking spaces, fencing andppy, g y, pp p g p , g relocation of the disc golf holes. She took exception to the fact that this park could not accommodate 16.C.5.e Packet Pg. 1427 Attachment: PARAB 3-16-22-Minutes (24943 : Palm Springs Park - VB BTS II, LLC - Eco-Site) March 16, 2022 10 people with disabilities and directed them to www.hoveround.com, which features electronic wheelchairs and mobility scooters that would enable someone to use the driveway and park. She noted that CPTED (Crime Prevention Through Environmental Design) recommends a chain-link fence, which would enable neighbors to view what was going on within the park. It also adds a secondary barrier between the access point to the east and the park. And if someone wanted to call 911, they need cellphone towers. She said they can’t just build a sidewalk all the way back because fire code requires a driveway to get an emergency vehicle to the gate. Otherwise, they would build a sidewalk. It would be a lot less expensive than the driveway, fencing and parking spaces. If staff is looking for an asphalt driveway leading to the parking spaces, they would agree to that condition. She said she’s available if anyone has any questions. Her tree survey data shows that eight trees would be removed. Ms. Heuser asked if she could address the easement on the west side. Ms. Jahn said that is an access point. It’s just an easement that’s being talked about. It’s the exact same width as the easement on the driveway. During zoning, that’s sufficient to establish access for purposes of zoning approval. The problem is that since we’re getting ready to put in a facility that is a sizable investment and is part of a communications grid that has to be there and be online, the carriers require Eco-Site to provide title insurance on both the tower site itself and the access because they’re not going to locate on a site that could somehow lose its access. The title insurance company isn’t willing to insure this as it stands, just in case. [Audience] asked about another street in a neighboring subdivision to the west. Ms. Jahn noted that the road over to the cul de sac immediately to the west of the park cannot be used. She said the public should be careful about what they wish for because if they opened up another area that’s landlocked, it would open it up to all uses, not just the limited uses it’s seeking for the driveway it’s asking for approval of. [Audience]said it would be a nightmare. Mr. Dixon asked if there was anyone who lived on that side who objected to the easement. He noted that there would be a driveway on either side to gain access. He pointed out that he has a right-of- way easement by his house and the city can do what it wants with it. Ms. Jahn said they’re projecting to reach 11,000 people with this cell tower. Mr. Dixon said the cell tower is approved. That’s a moot point. The only thing we have to approve is access. Ms. Gibson-Laemel said she likes to look for a win-win and there would be some definite improvements to this park under this proposal, a driveway, fence, handicapped parking. She also noted that it would improve safety. Ms. Heuser said it sounds like the neighborhood still would not like it. Ms. Newman said there’s a chain-link fence there now. They call 911 because people don’t pay Ms. Heuser asked if she could address the easement on the west side. Ms. Jahn said that is an access point. It’s just an easement that’s being talked about. It’s the exact p j g same width as the easement on the driveway. During zoning,that’s sufficient to establish access for y g g, purposes of zoning approval. The problem is that since we’re getting ready to put in a facility that ispp gpp p ggyp y a sizable investment and is part of a communications grid that has to be there and be online, thepg , carriers require Eco-Site to provide title insurance on both the tower site itself and the access because q p they’re not going to locate on a site that could somehow lose its access. The title insurance company y gg isn’t willing to insure this as it stands, just in case. people with disabilities and directed them to www.hoveround.com, which features electronic pp , wheelchairs and mobility scooters that would enable someone to use the driveway and park. Sheyyp noted that CPTED (Crime Prevention Through Environmental Design) recommends a chain-link (gg) fence, which would enable neighbors to view what was going on within the park.It also adds a ,gggp secondary barrier between the access point to the east and the park. And if someone wanted to cally 911, they need cellphone towers. She said they can’t just build a sidewalk all the way back because fire code requires a driveway toyj y q y get an emergency vehicle to the gate. Otherwise, they would build a sidewalk. It would be a lot lessggy g ,y expensive than the driveway, fencing and parking spaces.If staff is looking for an asphalt drivewaypy,gpgpg py leading to the parking spaces, they would agree to that condition. She said she’s available if anyonegpgp,y g has any questions. Her tree survey data shows that eight trees would be removed. 16.C.5.e Packet Pg. 1428 Attachment: PARAB 3-16-22-Minutes (24943 : Palm Springs Park - VB BTS II, LLC - Eco-Site) March 16, 2022 11 attention to laws. They watch the apps and know when police are coming. Ms. Edwards asked to stop the discussion. Mr. Atkinson said there is a possibility of adding lighting on that driveway. Mr. DeMarco said he didn’t see how a 75-foot road has anything to do with crime rates or lights helping or hurting. Chairman Olesky asked the Board to come to a decision. Mr. DeMarco voted to recommend approving Eco-Site’s application. Mr. Dixon asked to amend it to add an access road, with improvements, including lighting and a gate. Mr. Demarco voted to recommend approving Eco-Site’s application for a cell tower access road, with improvements to the park, including lighting on the road and a gate. Mr. Dixon seconded it. The motion carried 6-1; Ms. Heuser opposed it. d.U.S. Open Pickleball Championships Update [Aaron Hopkins, Regional Manager] Mr. Hopkins said he oversees East Naples Community Park and that Naples is now considered the Pickleball Capital of the U.S. The U.S. Pickleball Championships will be held here from April 23-30 at the pickleball park. Park sponsors are Minto Communities and it’s powered by Margaritaville. More information can be found at www.usopenpickleballchampionship.com He outlined the daily events, which include a Kids Day, a Margaritaville Party, and para-pickleball and other tournaments. Parks & Rec has upgraded the Community Center, Welcome Center and the grounds. A discussion ensued and the following points were made: x They expect a record year, more than 2,500 players x The Welcome Center has a temporary CO, allowing limited use; furniture has been ordered and people can watch matches from there, but the main Pro Shop won’t be open. x The Pickleball Pro Shop in East Naples will not be open because it competes with this event. x Parking will be at the park and by the soccer field; there’s an interlocal agreement with Avalon Elementary School for parking on the shared soccer field; Sugden Regional Park will handle overflow parking. x They expect 25,000-20,000 people during the week, but not at the same time. x Shuttles will be provided using golf carts and shuttle buses. x This is the sixth year and they’ve learned from trial and error. e.Accreditation (This item was moved to the April meeting agenda due to time constraints) VIII.Old Business a. Immokalee Master Plan Ms. Edwards introduced Ms. Randy Hopkins, an interim Parks Regional Manager who is taking the place of Annie Alvarez, who has been moved to an operations analyst position. gate. Mr. Demarco voted to recommend approving Eco-Site’s application for a cell tower access road,pp g pp f , with improvements to the park, including lighting on the road and a gate. Mr. Dixon seconded it.pp,gg The motion carried 6-1; Ms. Heuser opposed it. 16.C.5.e Packet Pg. 1429 Attachment: PARAB 3-16-22-Minutes (24943 : Palm Springs Park - VB BTS II, LLC - Eco-Site) March 16, 2022 12 Ms. Edwards said they want to make sure everyone is involved in the Immokalee Master Plan and will offer focus groups to get input over the next few months. They want to start the actual plan in June, after the focus groups meet. This Master Plan came from staff, but we want the community involved so they’re getting a true master plan. Ms. Gibson-Laemel asked what staff she meant. Ms. Edwards said it would be Immokalee staff. We want to take it a step further and hear from the community, to get them involved. Mr. Gomez said they also want to work with neighborhood partners in the community. He said they were asked to break it down to short term, intermediate and long-term projects. Mr. Gomez detailed a PowerPoint presentation on the Immokalee Master Plan, which was revised to include changes recommended by the PARAB: Airport Park. Short-Term Plan – 0-12 Months: Half the playground was removed due to hazardous parts. They are planning to replace that with another play structure in FY 22. The playground rendering, cost estimate and purchase order to buy playground equipment are complete. Airport Park - Intermediate Plan 1-3 years: Installing two new pavilions, at a cost of $400,000; replacing pavilion and grills, $350,000. Airport Park - Long-Term Plan 3-5 years: Due to the high usage of the park for special events, the County would like to enhance the park by adding more amenities – an event lawn amphitheater for special events; an upgrade of existing restrooms, and building additional outdoor restrooms. Estimated cost: $750,000. They want to make this a special events park like it used to be to bring the community back to the area. Ms. Gibson-Laemel said people have no idea what these things cost. Mr. Atkinson said they don’t have a full cost yet. Ms. Gibson-Laemel said people will be shocked. Community Park Short-Term - 0-12 Months: Repaint partitions; spot paint around the bathroom; change mirrors; switch from plastic to metal toilet paper dispensers; outdoor restroom are frequently clogged due to aged plumbing; security cameras will be installed outside bathrooms due to recent incidents of vandalism. Ms. Gibson-Laemel said she visited the facility and was appalled at the status. Mr. Said attributed the vandalism to the TikTok craze, which encourages criminal mischief. Mr. Atkinson said the skate park will be fixed by spring. It’s one of the most used skate parks anywhere and there’s just too much wear and tear. Ms. Gibson Laemel asked if it will be larger. 16.C.5.e Packet Pg. 1430 Attachment: PARAB 3-16-22-Minutes (24943 : Palm Springs Park - VB BTS II, LLC - Eco-Site) March 16, 2022 13 Mr. Atkinson said they will add new features and upgrades now and they will expand it in three to five years. Ms. Gibson-Laemel asked about the upgrades. Mr. Atkinson said there will be new features within the same footpring. Community Park (Intermediate Plan - 1-3 Years): Expansion and renovation of existing Skate Park, including athletic lighting, fencing, new concrete slab, replacing damaged and rotted wood and adding additional ramps at an estimated cost of $850,000; a new Hoover booster pump and school site irrigation separation, $55,000; irrigation renovation in-between fields parking lots to include new piping and controllers, $60,0000; install new irrigation at the main entrance in front by the court and large field, $60,000; install a parking lot beside the softball field’s current dirt parking, $100,000; install three concrete bins for field sand, clay and soil for fields, $75,000; regrade and re-sod the softball field and renovate the clay track which is used by cross-country runners, and the infield, $175,000; renovate the fencing around the park, $55,000; purchase new park furniture, outdoor benches, tables and athletic benches, $30,000; renovate softball dugouts, $60,000. Community Park (Long-Term Plan - 3-5 Years): Complete the walking path, $150,000; path Lights, $50,000, path-light poles every 75 feet, which will require 13 light poles for about 1,000 feet of additional pavement. The poles and lights will be paid for by the Immokalee CRA. The estimated cost is $200,000. South Park (Short-Term Plan - 0-12 Months): Add an exit door in the kindergarten and preschool classrooms. There currently are no exterior exit doors in either classroom, which causes a safety issue, with only one way in and one way out. The estimated cost is $300,000. South Park (Intermediate Plan - 1-3 years): Add a new well and Hoover booster pump-potable now, $60,000; new irrigation field and site, which is not irrigated now, $75,000; install Bermuda sod on field area and commons, $175,000; landscaping upgrades, including new sod, trees and plants on the entire site, $45,000; purchase new park furniture, outdoor benches, tables and athletic benches, $20,000. Total estimated cost is $375,000. Add Irrigation to green space so the area can be used for the soccer program and childcare activities (the soccer program now plays offsite at a school field); soccer participants numbered 214 in fall 2021 and 220 in spring 2021. South Park (Long-Term Plan - 3-5 Years): Installing a shade for the playground and adding a pavilion. Estimated cost is $400,000. They want to hold tournaments there and tournaments are booked now. Ms. Gibson-Laemel asked if the casino donates money to the parks. Ms. Edwards said the casino is a generous donor. Mr. Said said they’re trying to work out a maintenance schedule to accommodate the community’s needs at the Sports Complex. Stormwater is the big issue. They want to add irrigation to the parking lot, where trees have been protruding through the asphalt and the handicapped spot. Sports Complex (Short-Term Plan - 0-12 Months): Fields 1, 2 and 3 will be closed for regular maintenance; Fields 1 and 2 will reopen August 31; Field 3 will reopen in late September; Maintenance closures will be enforced from December through February and May through August; Dreamland’s open space will be renovated to support local and neighborhood play; they’ll explore a partnership with the CRA to cost-share this project; add 30 new concrete garbage and recycling bins. Estimated cost is 16.C.5.e Packet Pg. 1431 Attachment: PARAB 3-16-22-Minutes (24943 : Palm Springs Park - VB BTS II, LLC - Eco-Site) March 16, 2022 14 $15,000. Add a Hoover booster irrigation pump and new controller, $45,000; parking lot renovation, new curbing, milling, reinstallation asphalt and lining for safety, $175,000; install new irrigation in the parking lot and front building area, $65,000; remove trees and add new trees in the parking lot area, $30,000; fencing upgrades to the field and parking lot perimeter, remove old black-vinyl coated fence and install a new one, $200,000; landscaping upgrades, including new sod, trees and plants on the entire site, $45,000; purchase of new park furniture, outdoor benches, tables and athletic benches, $30,000. Total estimated cost is $590,000. Sports Complex (Intermediate Plan - 1-3 Years): Renovate the pumphouse restrooms and lifeguard room to meet current ADA codes; replace all features, which have all deteriorated and exceeded their useful life; restore and regrade the swale and backwash area; install stormwater pipe for backwash overflow. Estimated cost is $6 million. Convert Fields 2 and 3 to turf fields and address the drainage issues. Estimated Cost is $3 million. Sports Complex (Long-Term Plan - 3-5 Years): Fitness Center Expansion. With the opening of the renovated fitness center, we’ve seen a substantial increase in memberships and have outgrown the current building. We run a monopoly because it’s the only fitness center within 30 miles, except for one at Ave Maria, which is only accessible to residents. Estimated Cost: $600,000. Hardening Project: We received a second grant for hardening the gymnasium and awning and to repair roofing and secure the foundation. Grant awarded is $2,123,100. Ms. Gibson Laemel asked if there would be room for expansion of the building. Mr. Atkinson said there is room for expansion.. Oil Well Park (Intermediate Plan - 1-3 Years): New Parking and Lane to Park, $140,000; purchase new park furniture, outdoor benches tables and garbage cans, $25,000. Total Estimated Cost: $165,000. Dreamland (Short-Term Plan - 0-12 Months): Amenities needed are a pavilion, playground equipment, bike racks, tables and benches and lighting. Estimated Cost: $200,000. Upgrade the multipurpose field, a design plan is in place for the multipurpose field and playground and will be funded by the Blue Zones project. The parks’ contribution is to install irrigation, $250,000; install new sod, $150,000; install lighting for the playground and field, $300,000; install restrooms, $150,000; add 10 new concrete garbage and recycling bins, $5,000. Total Estimated cost: $855,000. Ann Olesky Park (Short-Term Plan - 0-12 Months): Seawall project is funded by the TDC. Estimated cost is $500,000. Ann Olesky Park (Intermediate Plan - 1-3 Years): Replace amenities. Parking and curbing redo, $60,000; purchase of new park furniture, outdoor benches, tables, grills, $20,000; new fencing entry gates, $25,000; new pavilion, $60,000; landscaping and irrigation, $30,000. Estimated cost is $195,000. Tony Rosbough Park (Short-Term Plan – 0-12 Months): New, deeper irrigation well and Hoover booster pump with filter due to shallow well and sand issues, $60,000; irrigation renovation, $25,000; renovate fencing and installation, $30,000; ballfield renovations on Little League field, including sod and clay, $175,000; bathroom and concession area renovation, $45,000; concrete dugout renovation to bring up to code due to not enough head clearance, $60,000; sidewalk renovation work, $40,000; purchase of new park furniture, outdoor benches, tables and athletic benches, $25,000; landscaping upgrades, including new sod, trees and plants on the entire site, $20,000. Estimated cost is $480,000. 16.C.5.e Packet Pg. 1432 Attachment: PARAB 3-16-22-Minutes (24943 : Palm Springs Park - VB BTS II, LLC - Eco-Site) March 16, 2022 15 Ms. Gibson-Laemel asked about girls softball fields. Mr. Said said those fields are new and don’t need upgrades. No one is advocating for baseball fields, just multipurpose fields. The Master Plan’s total estimated cost is $17 million, which is $19 million subtracting the $2 million grant. Mr. Edward German, a resident, said there’s a huge need for fields out here. There was some talk about RCMA purchasing land and he asked for an update on that. Ms. Edwards said the RCMA project is separate from the Master Plan. Parks & Rec Director Barry Williams is on vacation this week, but they decided to take that out of the Master Plan. Mr. Atkinson said the fitness center has grown. He’s a member and there will be more increases and equipment. He said it will grow exponentially if it expands. Manny Touron, coach of the Immokalee Soccer Pit Cobras, urged staff to come to the game on Friday night and they will see 400-500 parents attending the game, which also will offer music before it starts. He said he gets asked every Friday what’s happening with the fields and he can’t provide a timeline. The bathroom is too far for children to go and they often pee before they get there. He’s also seen kids peeing by the fence. They had to get Port-A-Potties for that reason, but most parents don’t want their kids to use Port-A-Potties. Give us something for the community. Mr. Atkinson said construction will start by Jan. 23 and it will take nine months. If they have to sequence it, it will take longer and cost more money. Design and permitting will be done by the end of the year. Mr. Touron said he had to turn away 50 families this year due to the lack of fields. He hopes the Board and County are really looking at this. This was his fifth try in 14 years to get this program running. Ms. Hopkins said the County will try to be as creative as possible. They could use Corkscrew Island Regional Park if it’s not too far, or use baseball fields in the short-term. Ms. Gibson-Laemel asked if the County could provide transportation. Ms. Hopkins said they’d have to speak to the school district. Ms. Edwards said they can contact the district’s transportation director. They won’t know unless they ask. IX. Director’s Highlights Mr. Atkinson said he wanted to highlight some of the smaller projects they’re doing. x Pelican Bay Park’s seawall was failing and it’s fixed. x Vineyards Community Park – Roots were causing a tripping hazard, so the pathways were improved and made safer to walk on. It’s a heavily used park. They cut new asphalt, added root barriers and an overlay. The cost was $131,348.90. X. 311 16.C.5.e Packet Pg. 1433 Attachment: PARAB 3-16-22-Minutes (24943 : Palm Springs Park - VB BTS II, LLC - Eco-Site) March 16, 2022 16 Ms. Edwards detailed the Feb. 9 report, noting that as soon as they get an alert about issues, they immediately get on them and resolve them, usually in-house. A total of 80-85% are done in-house. XI. Adjournment Future Meeting Dates April 20, 2022, 2 p.m. May 18, 2022, 2 p.m. June 15, 2022, 2 p.m. There being no further business for the good of the County, the meeting was adjourned by order of the Chairman at 4:57 p.m. Parks & Recreation Advisory Board Edward “Ski” Olesky, Chairman These minutes were approved by the board on , (check one) as presented, _____ or as amended _____. 16.C.5.e Packet Pg. 1434 Attachment: PARAB 3-16-22-Minutes (24943 : Palm Springs Park - VB BTS II, LLC - Eco-Site) ‹ 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‹6859(<25 :,//,$03$<1( :63&2168/7$176,1& $11(/,6'5,9( /87=)/25,'$    1R  1R   'LJLWDOO\VLJQHGE\*HUDOG10LOOHU,,,'1FQ *HUDOG10LOOHU,,,F 86R )ORULGDHPDLO QLFNPLOOHU#NLPOH\KRUQFRP'DWH  *HUDOG10LOOHU ,,, 16.C.5.f Attachment: PL20210000655 - 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