BS/GT CRA Minutes 12/06/2022Attachment 1 -
Bayshore Gateway Triangle CRA 9Bayshore Beautification MSTU
Haldeman Creek MSTU
December 6, 2022 Meeting Minutes
The meeting of the Bayshore/Gateway Triangle Community Redevelopment Advisory Board
was called to order by Chairwoman, Karen Beatty at 6:00 p.m.
I. Roll Call: Advisory Board Members Present: Maurice Gutierrez, Al Schantzen,
Steve Rigsbee, Karen Beatty, and Kathi Kilburn. Maurice Gutierrez made a
motion to allow members to participate remotely, second by Al Schantzen passed
unanimously. Mike Sherman and Camille Kielty joined virtually. Steve Main
had an excused absence.
CRA Staff Present: Debrah Forester, CRA Director, Tami Scott, Project
Manager, Cristina Perez, Program Manager, Kellie Cipperman, Special Events
Manager and Shirley Garcia, Support Staff I.
II. Pledge of Allegiance: Led by Karen Beatty.
III. Adoption of Agenda: Maurice Gutierrez made a motion to accept the agenda as
written, Al Schantzen second. Approved unanimously.
IV. Approval of Minutes:
a. July 12, 2022 — Al Schantzen made a motion to approve the minutes, second
by Maurice Gutierrez. Approved unanimously.
b. August 17, 2022 Joint Special Meeting Minutes- Al Schantzen made a
motion to approve the minutes, second by Maurice Gutierrez. Approved
V. Community / Business - Presentations
a. Collier County Sheriffs Office— Corporal Allyn Tuff gave a brief overview
of the statistics in the area. There were 2 crashes, no injuries, 2 narcotics arrest,
0 burglaries. The Sheriff's Office collaborated with East Naples Baptist
Church and did a community outreach event in which the distributed 150
Turkeys to families in need. Worked with property owner to trespass
individuals at a homeless camp located near Haldeman Creek on a vacant lot.
Additional squatters were vacated at 2479 Shadowlawn. After Hurricane Ian
the Army reached out to the Sheriff's Office and set up at Del's vacant lot to
provide cooked meals to everyone who attended. Several individuals with
truckloads of items to donate were dropped off for donation such as clothing
and other supplies. The Board thanked the Sheriff's office for handling the
devastation as well as they did and pulling everything together for the
VI. Reports:
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a. Development Report Update- Laura DeJohn, Johnson Engineering
provided current updates to the new and existing developments, if anyone
had any questions, she is available to answer. The old Pizza Hut property on
US 41 submitted a plan to do a mixed use project on the property, it is
currently in its preliminary stage. The Davis Plaza is requesting additional
parking for their project. Projects will be updated monthly if there are
anything new to report.
b. Special Events Manager _Kellie Cipperman noted the Christmas lighting
event with a broad view of the budget, the success of the event and other
events she is planning for the upcoming year and requested the board
members to volunteer. Ms. Cipperman noted for upcoming events, Kathi
Kilburn was creating a Bayshore map with some businesses highlighted and
marked on the map who wanted to participate in the events. Al Schantzen
asked if any of the events on a Saturday would impact the salaries of the
staff, Ms. Forester stated the staff would use comp time and flex out the
hours. Kellie would work out her hours to stay within the hours approved for
her position. Ms. Beatty requested a copy of the map for the board to review
and approve prior to it being put out there since it will represent their district.
c. 17 Acres Pedestrian Connection Plan Update — Kevin Mangan, Stantec- Mr.
Mangan provided some conceptual plans with additional options that the board
could include such as trash cans, bike racks as well as benches if this is
something, they wanted to spend additional money on. The options provided
in the conceptual plan for the type of materials to use for constructing the
boardwalk is something they would need to think about for longevity,
maintenance, and construction cost. He will provide for cost each material type
after the CRA Staff presents to the BCC and obtain the thumbs up to proceed
with the boardwalk as presented. Steve Rigsbee recommended Plastic or
Concrete pilings, so it lasts longer and is less continual on maintenance costs,
Karen Beatty agrees with the type of material and will need to make
considerations to that.
VII. Old Business:
a. Branding update- Branding update- Chairwoman Beatty provided some
historical information of creating Bayshore into an arts district, with the
support of former Commissioner Donna Fiala. A lot of creative thinking went
into making the area an arts district with high hopes of the 17 acres becoming
a center of some sort that would ground the arts in the district. When the
downturn of the economy occurred, the idea of making this area an arts district
was put on the hold. There were no active artists, artist studios or art galleries
as previously hoped for. There were only a couple of business owners who
really engaged in advertising the area as an Arts District. With no art studios,
or art galleries it truly doesn't fit the definition of an arts district according to
some of the residents and business owners on Bayshore and artists elsewhere
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in Naples. Several years later, a group of business owners formed to ignite the
area and see if there was interest in bringing back the Arts District
concept. The group was called Bayshore Business and Arts Association,
B.A.B.A, which was a combination of business owners and some
Realtors. However, one member decided to use the name Bayshore Arts
District with the acronym "B.A.D." would be best. Most of the committee
members in the group did not like because of the stigma that Bayshore area
was bad and not a good part of town for people to come and live or visit as it
has been in the past because of the history of crime, drugs and prostitution
within the area. However, this member proceeded to work on branding the area
on her own through social media. There was a split between this member and
the other members. The remaining B.A.B.A group formed to see if there were
interest in that name for an Arts District, then that died down after a few
months. Then the CRA paid some consultants to brand the area because
tourism had used this contractor the CRA staff had contracted them to do a
study and brand the area as well as come up with a tag line. The CRA Advisory
Board met with the consultants as a group once as well as a few Bayshore
business owners. CRA Board were not particularly pleased with the outcome
and suggestions of the hired marketing company and a pause was made in the
process due to Advisory Board recess, then hurricane Ian. During this pause,
she spoke with Deputy County Manager Dan Rodriquez who stated any name
of Bayshore first needs to be approved by the BCC. In an effort to get a more
objective view on the subject as well as professional advice, Ms. Beatty
contacted John Melleky, Collier County's Arts and Culture Manager to hear
his advice. He stated that a broader name for the area would be better, so as to
not limit it to just arts. He suggested, as an idea, the name, "The Bayshore
District" with a tagline further describing it. He stated the acronym B.A.D
would be fine for a larger city, but not appropriate for Bayshore. Mr. Melleky
suggested Ms. Beatty speak to the business owners to determine what the
community and business owners felt their area should be called. She also
consulted with Laura Burns, who was then the Ex. Dir. of United Arts
Council. She stated she doesn't think the acronym, B.A.D is appropriate and
likes the word cultural to describe the district. Ms. Burns suggested a formal
survey be done of the businesses and residents. Ms. Beatty then contacted
various businesses to ask for their input, including the Director of Exhibitions
and Special Programs at Naples Botanical Gardens and the Director of
Communications and Marketing at NBG. They stated they thought a better
name for Bayshore would be Bayshore Cultural District, with a tagline further
describing it and liked the current tagline. A total of 7 business owners and 5
community members Ms. Beatty asked what they felt the area genuinely is
now and informed them of the suggestions made for naming. All agreed a
broader term would be more appropriate and some stated they absolutely didn't
like the B.A.D. acronym being used. Of the 12 canvased, 3 liked Bayshore
Cultural District, 4 liked Bayshore Cultural District and/or The Bayshore
District, 4 liked The Bayshore District. All were in favor of keeping the
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current tagline, "creativity in bloom". Bayshore is such an eclectic, unique,
diverse, one of a kind area and including a variety of restaurants, live music,
ethnicities, fishing, boating, sports, social clubs, history, arts, the Gardens, an
art gallery, an artist studio, coffee shop, yoga studios, wine venues, non -profits
and more, it seems appropriate to consider a broader description. The idea
with this exercise was to span into a larger overview and conversation in
consideration of the naming of Bayshore authentically to what is actually is in
this day and time rather than defaulting to what it has been called and wished
for it to become. Ms. Beatty stated she liked the name "Bayshore Cultural
District" with the current tagline, "creativity in bloom". She said she ran out
of time to contact everyone, due hurricane Ian, but wanted to report the results
she did have to the board.
Camille Kielty commended Karen Beatty for taking her time to reach out to
these business owners and thanked her for all her hard work, she also like
Bayshore Cultural District and agrees this is not an arts district. Mike Sherman
felt if there is no decision soon they will be kicking the can down the road 5
more years, and also thinks that it has already been called Bayshore Arts
District and there are items merchandised and sold it should remain Bayshore
Arts District and the stigma that Kelly Road had Bayshore Drive has changed
that by the types of businesses and restaurants opening up here. Al Schantzen
thought it should just be simple like calling it Bayshore nothing else because
that is how he refers to his area when someone asks. Steve Rigsbee agreed
simple is better. Maurice Gutierrez said either Bayshore or Bayshore Drive for
simplicity would work. Kathi Kilburn agreed that this area is not an arts district
either she liked cultural district or just simply Bayshore Drive like Rodeo Dr
as a name. She said she remembers when the B.A.D. acronym originated and
doesn't like it or agree with it being used. There were a few community
members who also stated they don't think Bayshore is an arts district and feels
visitors who come down expecting an arts district will leave very disappointed
and will never come back or tell everyone not to visit because there is no art
district. Ms. Beatty asked if the board would like for her to go back out and
speak with the business and property owners again with the boards suggestions
and Kathi Kilburn made a motion for Karen to go back out, Camille Kielty
second. 6-1 passed. Kathi Kilburn and Camille Kielty offered to help Ms.
Beatty in contacting the various business owners and residents.
b. CRA Parking Lot EV Charger- Ms. Scott provided the update on the EV
Charging station and the MSTU will partner with the cost of electric if the
CRA pays for the initial install. After some discussion by the board, Maurice
Gutierrez made a motion to approve, Kathi Kilburn second the motion,
approved unanimously.
c. Organic Fertilizer Project Update- Ms. Scott provided the update on the
organic fertilizer project and when it is to begin. She also noted that there are
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no upfront costs for this product to be used. A map of the pilot project was
provided for their review and the project is moving along.
d. Del's Corner Visioning and & Public Engagement - Ms. Forester noted the
visioning and public engagement process that staff would like to get started on
to take to the Board of County Commissioners and to move forward on.
Maurice made a motion to get this started second by Karen Beatty, approved
e. Gateway Triangle Master Plan Update - Ms. Forester noted Ms. Perez was
working on a direct select for the Gateway Triangle Master Plan with Johnson
Engineering and would provide the update at the next meeting on the status
after procurement has reviewed and approved the selection. Ms. Beatty had
some concerns there was no neighborhood meeting to include any comments
before selecting a contractor to see if that was what the residents in the
Gateway Triangle wanted for their neighborhood. Perhaps revisiting after a
neighborhood meeting to see what the residents need before choosing a design
professional and make the best choice for their area. Ms. Forester would have
staff make some changes and provide different options for selection of a
consultant for the board to review at the January meeting.
VIII. New Business:
a. Advisory Board Application, Sam Saad, Jr. -US41/Tamiami Trailto
Business Owner - Ms. Forester introduced the new board applicant Mr. Saad L
who applied to represent the US41/Tamiami Trail Business Owner position, y
Mr. Saad attended in person and provided a brief description of his experience >
and willingness to contribute his time to volunteer on the board and was happy 00
to be a part of the Advisory Board if they would have him. After some N
questions were answered and further discussion from the board; Maurice N
Gutierrez made a motion to forward the application to the BCC for approval,
second by Al Schantzen, approved unanimously. c
b. Public Art Donation — Jeanne Harvey Ms. Forester presented the art o
donation from Siobhan Cleveland of the Real Macaw for her mom, Jeanne N
Harvey and asked if the CRA would like to contribute to the shipping costs
and do a shared cost with the MSTU for them to maintain the art. After some
discussion, Al Schantzen made a motion to approve splitting the cost with the
MSTU, Kathi Kilburn second, approved unanimously.
c. December 13 BCC Meeting — Quality Place Presentation Ms. Forester
noted the Quality of Place award from the APA for Bayshore Drive and invited a
everyone to attend the BCC meeting to receive the award. Requested the Chair
of the CRA and Chair of the MSTU be present to accept award for the whole W
d. Hurricane Ian — Appreciation Recognition Options- Ms. Forester noted the m
appreciation recognition list to some of the 5016, community members and c
agencies who staff recognized for their outstanding contributions after
Hurricane Ian. They assisted the district in the clean up efforts and providing
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food and necessary items. Ms. Beatty made a recommendation to have an artist
paint something but would need to have a list of names provided as soon as
possible. Al Schantzen asked to add one more name on the list and staff would
contact him tomorrow for the name. Kathi Kilburn made a motion to have an
artist do the art work for recognition and appreciation, second by Maurice
Gutierrez, approved unanimously.
e. 2022 Annual Report Preparation- Ms. Forester noted staff is working with
a vendor to create the annual report and will bring a preliminary draft in
January or February for their input.
f. 2023 Advisory Board Meeting Calendar -Ms. Forester noted the meeting
calendar if they approve or if they would like to make any changes. Maurice
Gutierrez made a motion to accept the meeting dates as presented, second by
Kathi Kilburn, approved unanimously.
IX. Staff Report:
a. CRA Directors Report- Ms. Forester provided the report and asked if anyone
had any questions.
b. Insurance Claims Report: Ms. Forester provided the current insurance
claims report with the reimbursements to date.
c. Financial Report: Ms. Forester provided the current financials if anyone had
any questions.
X. Other Agency's:
a. Collier County Code Enforcement: Ms. Forester noted the Code
Enforcement report was attached to the agenda packet and noted no one could
attend the meeting but if they had any questions staff would refer it to Code
XI. Communications and Correspondence:
a. Local Redevelopment By-laws- Ms. Forester attached the resolutions for the
advisory boards by laws as requested by the chair for their review.
b. Real Macaw Article - Ms. Forester noted the article about how quickly the
owners of real macaw recovered after the hurricane with all the damage that
C. Christmas Tree Lighting Article - Ms. Forested provided the article on
Bayshores' first Christmas tree lighting and what a great job was done by
CRA Staff.
d. Email from Karen Beatty- Ms. Forester noted the attachment from the Chair
for everyone's review and comments.
e. Update on Metropolitan Naples- Ms. Forester provided the update on
Metropolitan Naples.
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f. Community Survey- Ms. Forester noted the Shultz foundation community
survey and encouraged everyone to take it and provide feedback, this
information is used to better assist our County and their facilities.
g. Justin Village Rezone NIM Meeting Notice — Attached the Neighborhood
Information Meeting letter for Justin's Place if anyone was interested in
h. Collier County Centennial Celebration - Ms, Forester noted the County's
centennial celebration and that there is a link on the CRA website for
additional information.
XII. Public Comments:
XIII. Staff Comments:
XIV. Advisory Board General Communications: Maurice Gutierrez noted
he asked the CRA Advisory Board Trainer if the speed limit can be
reduced in CRA districts, was told it could within the district according
to the statute. He requested staff look into the process to get the speed
limit changed on Bayshore Drive.
XV. Next Meeting Date:
a. January 12, 2023 @ 6:00pm Botanical Garden FGCU Buehler Auditorium
XIII. Adjournment — The meeting adjourned at 9:45 p.m.
Chairwoman, Karen Beatty
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