BS/GT CRA Minutes 12/14/20224.A.3
Bayshore Gateway Triangle CRA .Bayshore Beautification MSTU
Haldeman Creek MSTU
Item 4a
December 14, 2022 Meeting Minutes
The meeting of the Bayshore Beautification MSTU Advisory Committee was called to order by
Maurice Gutierrez at 5:00 p.m. located at 4870 Bayshore Dr, Kapnick Center room K123.
I. Roll Call: Advisory Board Members Present: Joann Talano, George Douglas,
Maurice Gutierrez, Sandra Arafet and Bob Messmer. Frank McCutcheon had an
excused absence. Susan Crum was approved to attend virtually.
IL MSTU Staff Present: Tami Scott, Project Manager II and Debrah Forester, CRA
Director attended in person. Shirley Garcia, Operations Support I attended virtually
III. Pledge of Allegiance: Led by Maurice Gutierrez.
IV. Adoption of Agenda: Bob Messmer made a motion to accept the Agenda as written,
second by George Douglas. Motion passed unanimously.
V. Adoption of Minutes:
a. Minutes of the November 2nd meeting- George Douglas made a motion to approve
second by Sandra Arafet approved unanimously.
VI. Landscape Report:
a. Armando Yzaguirre provided the monthly landscaping maintenance and as soon as the
pumps electric has been repaired the bridge will start getting water again.
i. Hurricane Ian Plant Replacement — Armando Yzaguirre noted the damaged
plants and landscaping after the hurricane and he reported the cost for
replacement on all the plants he installed prior to Ian, the cost is $17,000
Armando added some dirt because what the hurricane left was a lot of shell,
dirt and other contaminants and his concern is he wants the plants to thrive so
he included some soil in the quote. Sandra Arafet made a motion to approve
the replacements, second by George Douglas passed unanimously. Ms. Scott
wanted to bring up the recommendation from Armando to get an appointment
to trim the Royal Palms since they are unsightly from the hurricane, they were
scheduled to do it in a couple of months but there is a need to complete it now
since the hurricane had created a mess with the bungy cords hanging now,
Maurice Gutierrez noted he isn't too crazy about the look when they did it
before the hurricane and does not see why they need to spend the money on
continuing to do it. He has drove around town and not all Royals are being
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Haldeman Creek MSTU
Item 4a
trimmed and does not want to spend tax payers money to do it. Sandra Arafet
agrees but right now they cords are hanging and something needs to be done so
if they spent the money this last time to clean up from the hurricane they can
revisit it later on next year. George Douglas agrees to leave the flags at the
roundabout and put banners on new poles and the bridge. Maurice Gutierrez
made a motion to do it this last time and they will revisit this again before they
spend any more money trimming, second by Sandra Arafet passed
ii. Median 23 Plant Installation — Ms. Scott updated the plantings for the
median across from the wine venue and what the MSTU approves the Wine
Venue will plant. Coastal Vista is working on the design and plantings even
though she lost her office when the Hurricane hit.
b. MSTU Project Managers Maintenance Report — Ms. Scott noted a few
projects and if anyone had any questions about any on her list let her know.
VII. Community / Business Presentations:
a. Naples Botanical Garden -Kara Laufer, Ms. Laufer wanted to update the
committee that the Botanical Garden was scheduled to do a control burn
sometime late January to early February and notices have been sent out to the
neighboring properties. The Fire Department will be on standby and working
with the Sherrif's office. The burn will be a one day only burn.
VIII. Old Business:
a. Arte Viva — Naples Botanical Garden — Kara Laufer attended to provide
additional information on the events planned at the Garden as well as some of
the banner ideas and asked if the Garden could place the banners on the flag
poles how many would be approved and the location would the committee
allow them to be paced. After a lot of discussion Ms. Arafet still wanted to
express her concern with installing the banners at the roundabout and still
agrees to have them placed on the bridge in the planter, and on the poles outside
of the roundabout would be fine around 4 or so. George Douglas made a motion
to approve the banners on the bridge and other poles as discussed, second by
Sandra Arafet passed unanimously. Susan Crum wanted to make a motion on
asking staff to work on having local artist provide art work for new banners for
the upcoming year, Sandra Arafet second, passed unanimously.
b. Organic Fertilizer Project Update — Ms. Scott noted that there has been quite
a few people working on this pilot program, found some locations. Ms. Scott
provided a map marked with the areas they thought would be the best to start
out on. The product is donated by the company to show how effective the
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Haldeman Creek MSTU
Item 4a
product is and maybe some other mstu's in the county would be interested in
using this also.
c. Bus Shelters - Ms. Scott provided the new bus shelter conceptuals with the
locations and costs for the MSTU, the Cat bus will maintain the trash and shelters
once the MSTU approves paying for the shelters. Maurice Gutierrez had asked if
this is something that could be a cost share with the CRA and Ms. Forester noted
that only one shelter is within the CRA boundary the one up by Gulf Gate Plaza.
Maurice Gutierrez made a motion to pay for the 2 shelters out of the boundary of
CRA and share cost of the one within the boundary, second by Sandra Arafet
approved unanimously. Ms. Crum requests that there not be any advertising on
the outside of the bus shelters but she is excited to get the shelters built and in
IX. New Business:
a. Public Art Donation- Ms. Forester noted an art donation for Jeanne Harvey at
the CRA parking lot, the CRA has agreed to pay for shipping and installation
and now staff is asking MSTU if they could pick up the maintenance long term
and support the CRA motion. Sandra Arafet made a motion to approve second
by Maurice Gutierrez approved unanimously.
X. Staff Reports:
a. Project Updates — Ms. Scott provided updates to the project starting with
Hamilton Ave which is getting closer to being completed, Ms. Arafet wanted to
bring up the speeding on Hamilton and Danford since they started construction it
has been going on and its worse now. Joann Talana has noticed on Becca the
speeding on that street as well even though they have speed bumps and speed
signs the speeding will end up causing an accident. Ms. Arafet asked about the
trash receptacles that were supposed to be installed on Hamilton. Ms. Scott will
put it on her list of items that was supposed to be done when they do their punch
list and find out whose responsibility it is to maintain it. Ms. Scott noted the
pavers that have been repaired as a quarterly maintenance check has been
b. Insurance Claims Report -Ms. Forester noted the insurance claims and the new
claim for the light pole at the roundabout is on there as well.
c. Financials — Ms. Forester noted the budget sheet is there if anyone had any
XI. Communications and Correspondence -
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Haldeman Creek MSTU
Item 4a
b. Collier County Centennial Celebration News Release- Ms. Forester noted the
Counties centennial and there is a link on the CPA webiste
c. Christmas Tree Lighting Article -- Ms. Forested provided the artlicle on
Bayshores' first Christmas tree lighting and what a great job Kellie, Cristina and
Tami did.
d. Community Survey- Ms. Forester noted the Shultz foundation community
survey and is encouraging everyone to take it to provide feedback because this
information is used to better assist our county and their facilities.
XII. Public Comments:
XIII. Staff Comments: Ms. Scott updated the Hamilton Ave Project, it was moved out due
to Hurricane IAN with a new final substantial completion date of January 30, 2023.
XIV. Advisory Committee Comments: Maurice Gutierrez asked the Director if the board
makes a motion and the vote is tied, what happens with that motion. Ms. Forester will
review Roberts Rules and let them know. He would like to know for future reference
and it has happened in the past and wanted to clarify what happens to the motion.
XV. Next Meeting Date:
a. January t 1, 2023 @ 5:00pm Naples Botanical Garden
XVI. Adiournment:6:35pm
Chairman Maurice Gutierrez
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