HAPB Minutes 07/15/202222.A.3 July 15, 2022 MINUTES OF THE MEETING OF THE COLLIER COUNTY HISTORIC/ARCHAEOLOGICAL PRESERVATION BOARD July 15, 2022 LET IT BE REMEMBERED, the Collier County Historic/Archaeological Preservation Board in and for the County of Collier, having conducted business herein, met on this date at 9:30 A.M. in REGULAR SESSION at the Collier County Growth Management Division — Planning and Regulation, Conference Room 9610, 2800 Horseshoe Drive North, Naples, Florida, with the following members present: CHAIRMAN: Eugene Erjavec VICE CHAIR: Austin Bell Elizabeth "Betsy" Perdichizzi Barry O'Brien Patricia Sherry (excused) George Thompson ALSO PRESENT: Andy Youngblood, Operations Analyst Sean Kingston, Senior Planner Ray Bellows, Zoning Manager Packet Pg. 506 22.A.3 July 15, 2022 Any persons in need of the verbatim record of the meeting may request a copy of the audio recording from the Collier County Growth Management Department. 1. Roll Call/Attendance: Chairman Erjavec called the meeting to order at 9:30 a.m. Roll call was taken and a quorum of five was established. 2. Additions to Agenda Mr. Bellows said the Board needs to select an interim chairperson. Today will be the last meeting for Chairman Erjavec. We're going to miss you. Chairman Erjavec said they could add it to the agenda under Old Business under vacancies. 3. Approval of Agenda Ms. Perdichizzi moved to approve the agenda, with the above change. Second by Mr. Thompson. The motion passed unanimously, 5-0. Approval of Minutes: June 17, 2022 Vice Chairman Bell moved to approve the June 17, 2022, minutes. Second by Chairman Erjavec. The motion passed unanimously, 5-0. 5. Old Business A. Interlocal Agreement with the City of Marco Island Mr. Bellows reported that and Tim Finn called Dan Smith, Marco Island's director of community affairs, and it doesn't appear that the City wants to move forward at this time. They've put a hold on further negotiations. Dan said that he hasn't really tried to do anything with it lately. Chairman Erjavec said it's good that he admitted that. They've been doing nothing and using the excuse of turnover and being short-staffed. Where do we go with this? Mr. Bellows said it's time to decide if it's worth pursuing if the City is not really interested We can take it off our spreadsheet. Chairman Erjavec agreed it shouldn't go on any further. There was always hope that they would get involved and they gave the excuse of lack of employees and are now finally admitting that they're not hiring anybody to get on it. Would somebody like to make a motion? We're going to drop the Interlocal Agreement with the City of Marco. We tried, were persistent and waited and there's no action to be taken. Ms. Perdichizzi asked what the repercussions would be if they dropped it from the spreadsheet. Are they under Collier County regulations? Mr. Bellows said there would be no real repercussions in taking it off the spreadsheet. He can always put it back on the agenda if City officials change their minds. He got the sense from Dan that the City isn't doing anything at this time. Ms. Perdichizzi asked if they were currently under County regulations that they have to abide by. Packet Pg. 507 22.A.3 July 15, 2022 Mr. Bellows said yes and there also are regulations in the City of Marco's ordinances. They have their own ordinances. There are certain State standards that they have to abide by, as well as Collier County ordinances, but they have their own zoning regulations, their own Comprehensive Plan and they are addressing historic and archaeological resources, but not to the level of having their own preservation board at this time. Dan said they are exploring that option, but there's nothing happening just yet. Mr. Kingston said the spreadsheet tracker that's included in the packet is a supplement to the agenda and can be tailored however you like it. It can be made into an inactive item because there's already an inactive item on the spreadsheet for the Indian Hill Site on Marco Island. It can be put beside that to keep it inactive for now. Ms. Perdichizzi moved to move the Marco Island Interlocal Agreement to the inactive list. Second by Mr. O'Brien. The motion passed unanimously, 5-0. B. Rosemary Cemetery (Plot W) historic designation Chairman Erjavec said this is a tough one. He doesn't recall the exact hurdles but it's in the legal phase now. Mr. Bellows said his understanding from discussing this with Museums Director Amanda Townsend is that they've found certain information, but there are legal impediments that prevent them from doing anything with the site until they reach all the affected property owners. They can't do anything on someone's property without getting their permission and contacting them. He hasn't heard from Amanda Townsend this month and believed she was on vacation. Mr. Kingston said the last he heard from Amanda was that there was nothing new. That was at the last meeting. Chairman Erjavec said Amanda did speak with the property owners and this came up with Plot N, when one citizen came in to stress some concerns. There was some activity on that resolved, so Plot W got recognized during that time. It's uncertain what the property owners are thinking right now. Let that one go for a little bit? Mr. Bellows said he'll work with Tim and Sean to see if they can get together with Amanda Townsend prior to the next meeting to see how we can proceed with the Board. It's been a lot of work for Amanda, so maybe we can provide some assistance for whatever she needs. We can see if we can get a meeting with her to help create a plan to proceed forward and get a historic designation on this site. It does seem like a natural thing for this Board that we should be pushing. Chairman Erjavec said it was unfortunate that a road was put in and divided the cemetery, but there are still markers, so it still exists. Mr. Bellows said he'd get together with Tim Finn next week to see if they could schedule a meeting with Amanda. Packet Pg. 508 22.A.3 July 15, 2022 Chairman Erjavec noted that Amanda will have a better feel for the property owners' position. C. Vacancy status Mr. Bellows said we did have a candidate show up at the last meeting. She seemed very interested in attending and we showed her the proper way to submit an application - resume. She did. Unfortunately, she's not a Collier County resident, so she can't participate. We're still advertising the position and no one has applied, so if you know anybody who might want to apply ... Chairman Erjavec said this will be his last meeting, so there'll be another vacancy. We can discuss a temporary chair or who's going to run the meeting in his absence. He won't be living in Collier County after the first of next month. Mr. Bellows said the Vice Chair usually takes over in the Chairman's absence until there's a vote, so you would be running the meetings. Is that acceptable? Vice Chair Austin said it was. Ms. Perdichizzi told the Chairman that we don't want to lose you. It's been a pleasure to have you on the Board. She'd encouraged him to get on the Board and he's done an excellent job and carried a load. Mr. Bellows said he kept this Board moving. Chairman Erjavec said he appreciated that. That's just his nature and the Board made him Chairman at the first meeting, so he ran with it. His concern is being involved with preservation and history. He could have done better, he just wanted to ensure it was done right. Some people's standards are higher than others, but he did the best he could. Feel free to call anytime if you have any questions or concerns. [Applause] Mr. Bellows asked how many years he'd served. Chairman Erjavec said he hasn't missed a meeting. It's been several, six or seven, maybe eight years. Feel free to call if you need help or don't understand something. 6. New Business Mr. Bellows said we have two very large projects that have submitted an archaeological assessment. We're getting ready to put those packets together, so in the next couple of weeks you should be getting a look ahead on what those are, so we can vote on them at the next meeting. Chairman Erjavec asked if they pertain to the Rural -Fringe Area. Mr. Bellows said one is in the Rural Fringe (Mixed -Use District) and the other is in Fiddler's Creek. Chairman Erjavec said both are already pretty well -developed areas. Of course, there's demand in Collier County and he doesn't know the exact numbers, but you all do your job very well. It's overwhelming at times. There aren't any other Counties or state where the activity is this dense and keeps coming. 4 Packet Pg. 509 22.A.3 July 15, 2022 Mr. Bellows said the prime real estate has been accounted for from a permitting standpoint, or they have their zoning in place, so now the properties that have been bypassed due to environmentally sensitive issues or those that have a higher potential of having archaeological or historic significance are becoming more attractive as real estate prices are increasing. They're worth the hassle to deal with those environmental issues or archaeological issues, so it's probably certain that we're going to see an uptick on these assessments or surveys for historic resources. You can review those at your will. Chairman Erjavec said property owners hire a firm, no matter their reputation or standards. They do the report, but that doesn't mean you have to accept it. You can review it and use your best judgment. There are always conditions when you approve a report. You could take it to the next level and say, "That's great that you did all this, but we're concerned about this." And if it gets to that, include a condition with it, if it's necessary. When the first settlers came here, they looked at an area and they stuck out their thumb and they said, "Take that high ground and fill in that hole over there and make it flat and we're going to put in some homes." It still happens today. A lot of the desirable properties or the historic and archaeological properties that remain are even more desired today, so it's probably more important to review them. Use your best judgement and do the best you can. Mr. Bellows said one of the planners did some research on Golden Gate Estates and found the advertising that was done in the `40s and `50s to attract people to Florida and what it looked like back then. I'll forward that information to the Board. It's hysterical. Chairman Erjavec agreed. He noted that a lot of things have changed very fast since it was just endangered species. Back in the day, they just hunted, slaughtered, took a picture and did whatever. Mr. Bellows said we were talking about the housing cost of a house in Golden Gate Estates. What year was that? Mr. Kingston said 1978. Mr. Bellows said it was $30,000 for a house and now it's $600,000. Chairman Erjavec said the County has just barely kept ahead of the game on their infrastructure with the roads, sewers and water, so you handle it as it comes. It's a big undertaking and he credits County staff and everybody involved. It's quite a job, in Collier County, in particular. You could get a job anywhere because you're actually working here. Other counties and states don't have this type of activity and a well-groomed system. Any other comments, questions? Ms. Perdichizzi said in the summer time they always have to worry about a quorum. Is it four then? Mr. Bellows said it's always four. Ms. Perdichizzi said we don't need to worry about a quorum then if we're all here. Mr. Bellows said people often take time off in the summer. They can decide if they want to take August off. Packet Pg. 510 22.A.3 July 15, 2022 Ms. Perdichizzi said maybe each Board member could make a special effort in their own circles and find someone who is interested in joining the Board. Mr. Bellows said it's been a couple of months now. Ms. Perdichizzi agreed. Chairman Erjavec said we haven't had a month off in a while. Mr. Bellows said they hadn't since COVID. Ms. Perdichizzi asked if it needs a motion. Mr. Bellows said it does. Chairman Erjavec said he knows they have two projects coming up and maybe by that time they'll fill the vacancies. Anybody want to make that motion? Vice Chairman Bell moved to cancel the August meeting and schedule the next meeting for Sept. 16. Second by Ms. Perdichizzi. The motion passed unanimously, 5-0. Vice Chairman Bell said he has a wedding in Massachusetts to attend on the weekend of September 17, so he may not be at the September meeting. Mr. Bellows said they can reach out to poll Board members on the first week and see if everyone can attend, or they can push up the meeting or push it back. Chairman Erjavec said the September meeting date hasn't been set yet. Ms. Perdichizzi said she also has plans to be traveling for two weeks in September. Mr. Bellows said if they get an email from him, please respond as soon as they can because they need to determine if they have a quorum and reserve a room. Chairman Erjavec said if you miss two meetings, you'll have a lot to do with two new projects coming up. Mr. Bellows said hopefully, we will have some people filling the vacancies and then you'll have more time to look at those cultural assessments. Chairman Erjavec said he hopes his name will be on a few and he can come visit. Mr. Bell asked if they were going to get an email on the assessments. Mr. Bellows said they are digital documents and were both prepared by AHC (Archaeological and Historical Conservancy), by Robert Carr. Chairman Erjavec said that might take more time. Mr. Bellows agreed, saying there's a lot of information. 7. Review of Project and Activity Log The Board reviewed the "Collier County Historic and Archaeologic Preservation Board Project & Activity Tracking Log (Revised on 712022) " Interlocal Agreement Chairman Erjavec noted that it's been temporarily shelved. He's sure they'll be relieved Rosemary Cemetery Chairman Erjavec said Ms. Townsend does an amazing, overwhelming job and makes it happen when it comes to getting things done. He commends her on that. Packet Pg. 511 22.A.3 July 15, 2022 Indian Hill Site Chairman Erjavec noted he drove by yesterday and the "For Sale" sign is still up and they're asking $1.8 million for it. 8. Public Comments: None 9. HAPB Comments None 10. Adjournment The next HAPB meeting will tentatively be held on Sept. 16, 2022, at 9:30 a.m. Mr. O'Brien made a motion to adjourn the meeting. Second by Mr. Thompson. The motion passed unanimously, 5-0. There being no further business for the good of the County, the meeting was adjourned by order of the Chairman at 9:53 a.m. HISTORIGARCHALEOLOGICAL PRESERVATION BOARD (I # A"-* &-/ f Interim Chairman, Austin Bell These meeting notes were approved by the Board on I -�-// & 9,;- , as presented (check one) �, or as amended Packet Pg. 512