BS/GT CRA Minutes 08/17/20225.A.4
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Bayshore Gateway Triangle CRA *Bayshore Beautification MSTU
Haldeman Creek MSTU
Auuust 17, 2022 Special Meeting Minutes Item 4b Attachment 2
The special meeting of the Bayshore/Gateway Triangle Community Redevelopment Advisory
Board & the Bayshore Beautification MSTU was called to order by Chairwoman, Karen
Beatty at 5:35 p.m.
I. CRA Roll Call: Advisory Board Members Present: Maurice Gutierrez, Steve
Main, Al Schantzen, Steve Rigsbee, Kathi Kilburn, Mike Sherman and Karen
Beatty. Camille Kielty was approved to attend virtually.
Steve Main made a motion to allow for virtual participation by board members,
seconded by Al Schantzen. Passed unanimously.
MSTU Roll Call: Chairman Maurice Gutierrez, Susan Crum, Bob Messmer,
George Douglas. Sandra Arafet, Frank McCutcheon and Joann Talano had
excused absences. No Attendance virtually.
CRA Staff Present: Debrah Forester, CRA Director, Cristina Perez, Operations
Manager, Tami Scott, Project Manager and Shirley Garcia, Operations
II. Pledge of Allegiance
III. Old Business:
a. Access Management Plan- Stantec Presentation- Frank Domingo gave a
presentation on the, analysis of Bayshore Drive including traffic counts and
draft conceptual plans showing 4 roadway design options to review. Based on
analysis, repurposing of the lanes could be accommodated after the bridge.
The plan also is looking at options that would improve safety north of the
bridge from the Bayshore/US41 intersection and Weeks. His next step is to
provide the Transporation Department to review the operational analysis and
to review the previous plans prepared by Norm Trebilock regarding
roundabouts at strategic intersections south of the bridge. Mr. Domingo
reassured the boards that Florida Department of Transportation (FDOT) has
software that is designed to set the radius of the skirt on the roundabouts to
accommodate the vehicle types and what they are transporting and what
vehicle types that would most likely be using the road, including Fire, EMS,
Tractor Trailers, etc. The roundabouts that are placed are designed to slow
traffic and keep. the traffic moving.
i. Advisory Board Discussion- There were questions about roundabouts, how
many were needed on Bayshore Drive and best locations. Concerns were
expressed regarding the capability of trucks with large boat trailers being able
to make it through a single lane road. Maurice Gutierrez is concerned about
Bayshore Gateway Triangle CRA. +Bayshore Beautification MSTU
Haldeman Creek MSTU
all the left turn lane requirements when a new Commercial Development
comes in and the loss of the medians and newly installed landscaping. He
asked if this is truly a requirement for safety or can a roadway be designed to
not have so many turn lanes. Frank Domingo said there may be a requirement
for the areas that do not have parking or a roundabout but they can put one in
if that is required, there will be more precise descriptions of what is needed as
the concept plans are further developed. Mr. Gutierrez expressed concerns for
spending a million dollars and then redoing the roadway in the future and
spend another million dollars to remove it because of FDOT requirements. Mr.
Domingo clarified that it is the land use with the intensity of the development
that dictates what the turn lane requirements are, however, you cannot
disconnect mobility from the land use. Everything is factoredin when a
development comes in adjacent to the roadway. Al Schantzen asked if the
design from Mike McGee that was previously completed will be incorporated
with the access management plan and not be tossed away, Ms. Forester noted
that this design would be done first, then afterwards work with a landscape
architect, Al Schantzen made a motion to support moving forward to repurpose
the roadway as the next step and work with County Transportation to see if the
numbers support changes, Steve Rigsbee second the motion. There were 2
nays. Motion passed
6 to 2.
Bob Messmer made the same motion as above, George Douglas second the
motion. 2 nays and 2 for. There was more discussion because of the
committee's confusion of removing the 2 lanes. Ms. Forester clarified the
concepts presented are strictly conceptual and not all the designs were
removing the lanes, there was a concept that leaves the existing roadway as it
is today. After some discussion the Committee's consensus was to continue
with approved motions. This item will be brought back to the CRA & MSTU
Committees after more design concepts are completed and County
Transportation reviews and supports the operational analysis. Ms. Forester
noted the item will be brought back in October. Ms. Forester noted that the
Board of County Commissioners will review and need to support any changes
to the roadway as well.
Ms. Forester noted the survey that staff prepared to gather further input on the
conceptual plans and requested everyone complete and submit to staff. The
presentation and survey will also be posted on the website
and we will distribute it to through our distribution list.
ii. Public Comments- There was a question about the concept that shows parallel
parking next to the bike lane and if a passenger opens the door how can they
prevent the bicyclist from getting hit? Mr. Domingo noted there are certain
buffers that can be installed between the parking space and the bike lane that
will prevent the door from extending into the bike path, Safety will always be
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Bay -Shore Gateway Triangle CRA.Bayshore Beautification MSTU
Haldeman Creek MSTU
the first criteria in any design presented. There were some concerns if the lanes
get reduced what happens when delivery trucks parked in the lane like they do
now where can the cars go to get through or emergency vehicles? Same with
busses, school and transit. Can they move the sidewalk closer to the street and
the bike lane further to the right?
b. 17 Acres Pedestrian Connection Update- Stantec Presentation- Kevin
Mangan, from Stantec presented the design concept for the pedestrian
boardwalk connection into Sugden Regional Park. He mentioned water
management plan onsite, native vegetation and littoral landscape and
explained the design as it relates to moving people through the site. Mr.
Mangan and his team wanted to create opportunities for the community to
different experiences as they move through the site. The concept example
presented had some nature land features, ideas for display of art features, and
natural opportunities to visibly see while enjoying the meandering boardwalk
through the preserve areas over the water to Sugden Park. He acknowledge
that budget will also govern what can be completed. Phase 1 is the connection
to Sugden Park.
Advisory Board Discussion- Steve Main asked if the boardwalk was wide
enough for both golf carts and pedestrians. Mr. Mangan noted there needs to
be a decision on whether a golf cart be allowed on the boardwalk or if it's
allowed in Sugden Park. Karen Beatty asked if there was a plan to install
benches, Mr. Mangan said yes there are places for benches, trash receptacles,
bike racks, etc. Al Schantzen asked how does emergency vehicles get in? Mr.
Mangan noted there will be considerations for EMS to get them in as close as
possible for any emergencies. Mike Sherman noted he liked the presentation
and asked after connecting to Sugden Park where does it lead to in Sugden?
Mr. Mangan advised they will look at the Park to see if there are benches or
that it Ieads into in case someone needs to sit down and rest. Steve Main
made a motion to approve the conceptual design concepts and to continue on,
second by Karen Beatty, approved unanimously.
ii. Public Comment- A comment from the community was to see if there are
golf cart parking spaces because that would be ideal for going into the park.
c. Holiday Decorations- Tami Scott presented the lowest bid for the tropical
holiday banners which cost $1853 for 35 banners. Bob Messmer asked to leave
the American Flag since there are so many other holiday decorations and not
buy any of those banners. Susan Crum does not like any of the banner choices
provided. George Douglas agrees with Bob Messmer leave the flag banners
up. Bob Messmer made a motion not to purchase any of the banners, second
by George Douglas, approved unanimously.
Bayshore Gateway Triangle CItA •Bayshore Beautification MSTU
Haldeman Creek MSTU
XV, Adviso Boarcl Comments:
V• Staff Comments:
XIII, Adviso BoardGeneral Communications:
XIV, Next Meetin Date:
It- CRA Training- August 19, 2022 Stn Floor Training Room, 3299 T'amiami
Trail E @ 1pm
b. CRA Regular Meeting — October 4
C. Bayshore MSTU Meeting — October 5
XV. Ad'ourn _ The meeting adjourned at 9:50 p.m.
Chairwom Kare eatry